Exemple #1
fbGlyphIn (RegionPtr	pRegion,
	   int		x,
	   int		y,
	   int		width,
	   int		height)
    BoxRec  box;
    BoxPtr  pExtents = REGION_EXTENTS (dummyScreen, pRegion);

     * Check extents by hand to avoid 16 bit overflows
    if (x < (int) pExtents->x1) 
	return FALSE;
    if ((int) pExtents->x2 < x + width) 
	return FALSE;
    if (y < (int) pExtents->y1)
	return FALSE;
    if ((int) pExtents->y2 < y + height)
	return FALSE;
    box.x1 = x;
    box.x2 = x + width;
    box.y1 = y;
    box.y2 = y + height;
    return RECT_IN_REGION (dummyScreen, pRegion, &box) == rgnIN;
CreatorPolyFillArcSolid (DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int narcs, xArc *parcs)
	RegionPtr cclip;
	xArc *arc;
	BoxRec box;
	int i, x2, y2;

	FFBLOG(("CreatorPolyFillArcSolid: narcs(%d)\n", narcs));
	cclip = cfbGetCompositeClip(pGC);
	for(arc = parcs, i = narcs; --i >= 0; arc++) {
		if(miCanFillArc(arc)) {
			box.x1 = arc->x + pDrawable->x;
			box.y1 = arc->y + pDrawable->y;
			box.x2 = x2 = box.x1 + (int)arc->width + 1;
			box.y2 = y2 = box.y1 + (int)arc->height + 1;
			if((x2 & ~0x7ff) == 0 &&
			   (y2 & ~0x7ff) == 0 &&
			   (RECT_IN_REGION(pDrawable->pScreen, cclip, &box) == rgnIN)) {
				if(arc->angle2 >= FULLCIRCLE ||
				   arc->angle2 <= -FULLCIRCLE)
					CreatorFillEllipseSolid(pDrawable, pGC, arc);
					CreatorFillArcSliceSolid(pDrawable, pGC, arc);
		/* Use slow mi code if we can't handle it simply. */
		miPolyFillArc(pDrawable, pGC, 1, arc);
Exemple #3
static void
update_screen(struct omap_screen_info *omaps)
    BoxPtr tmp;
    int i;

    if (region_is_null(omaps))

    if (!omaps->block_updates) {
        /* Remove the video region from our active area. */
        if (omaps->video_region &&
            REGION_NOTEMPTY(omaps->screen->pScreen, omaps->video_region) &&
            RECT_IN_REGION(omaps->screen->pScreen, omaps->video_region,
                           &omaps->dirty_area)) {
            REGION_INIT(omaps->screen->pScreen, omaps->tmp_region,
                        &omaps->dirty_area, 1);
            REGION_SUBTRACT(omaps->screen->pScreen, omaps->tmp_region,
                            omaps->tmp_region, omaps->video_region);
            tmp = REGION_RECTS(omaps->tmp_region);
            for (i = 0; i < REGION_NUM_RECTS(omaps->tmp_region); i++, tmp++)
                push_box(omaps, tmp);
            REGION_EMPTY(omaps->screen->pScreen, omaps->tmp_region);
        else {
            push_box(omaps, &omaps->dirty_area);


Exemple #4
 * Compute the visibility of a shaped window
RootlessShapedWindowIn (ScreenPtr pScreen, RegionPtr universe,
			RegionPtr bounding, BoxPtr rect, int x, int y)
    BoxRec  box;
    register BoxPtr  boundBox;
    int	    nbox;
    Bool    someIn, someOut;
    register int t, x1, y1, x2, y2;

    nbox = REGION_NUM_RECTS (bounding);
    boundBox = REGION_RECTS (bounding);
    someIn = someOut = FALSE;
    x1 = rect->x1;
    y1 = rect->y1;
    x2 = rect->x2;
    y2 = rect->y2;
    while (nbox--)
	if ((t = boundBox->x1 + x) < x1)
	    t = x1;
	box.x1 = t;
	if ((t = boundBox->y1 + y) < y1)
	    t = y1;
	box.y1 = t;
	if ((t = boundBox->x2 + x) > x2)
	    t = x2;
	box.x2 = t;
	if ((t = boundBox->y2 + y) > y2)
	    t = y2;
	box.y2 = t;
	if (box.x1 > box.x2)
	    box.x2 = box.x1;
	if (box.y1 > box.y2)
	    box.y2 = box.y1;
	switch (RECT_IN_REGION(pScreen, universe, &box))
	case rgnIN:
	    if (someOut)
		return rgnPART;
	    someIn = TRUE;
	case rgnOUT:
	    if (someIn)
		return rgnPART;
	    someOut = TRUE;
	    return rgnPART;
    if (someIn)
	return rgnIN;
    return rgnOUT;
Exemple #5
static void
miSpriteReportDamage (DamagePtr pDamage, RegionPtr pRegion, void *closure)
    ScreenPtr		    pScreen = closure;
    miSpriteScreenPtr	    pScreenPriv;
    pScreenPriv = (miSpriteScreenPtr) pScreen->devPrivates[miSpriteScreenIndex].ptr;
    if (pScreenPriv->isUp &&
	RECT_IN_REGION (pScreen, pRegion, &pScreenPriv->saved) != rgnOUT)
	SPRITE_DEBUG(("Damage remove\n"));
	miSpriteRemoveCursor (pScreen);
Exemple #6
miMarkOverlappedWindows(WindowPtr pWin, WindowPtr pFirst, WindowPtr *ppLayerWin)
    BoxPtr box;
    WindowPtr pChild, pLast;
    Bool anyMarked = FALSE;
    MarkWindowProcPtr MarkWindow = pWin->drawable.pScreen->MarkWindow;
    ScreenPtr pScreen;

    pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;

    /* single layered systems are easy */
    if (ppLayerWin) *ppLayerWin = pWin;

    if (pWin == pFirst)
	/* Blindly mark pWin and all of its inferiors.	 This is a slight
	 * overkill if there are mapped windows that outside pWin's border,
	 * but it's better than wasting time on RectIn checks.
	pChild = pWin;
	while (1)
	    if (pChild->viewable)
		if (REGION_BROKEN (pScreen, &pChild->winSize))
		    SetWinSize (pChild);
		if (REGION_BROKEN (pScreen, &pChild->borderSize))
		    SetBorderSize (pChild);
		(* MarkWindow)(pChild);
		if (pChild->firstChild)
		    pChild = pChild->firstChild;
	    while (!pChild->nextSib && (pChild != pWin))
		pChild = pChild->parent;
	    if (pChild == pWin)
	    pChild = pChild->nextSib;
	anyMarked = TRUE;
	pFirst = pFirst->nextSib;
    if ( (pChild = pFirst) )
	box = REGION_EXTENTS(pChild->drawable.pScreen, &pWin->borderSize);
	pLast = pChild->parent->lastChild;
	while (1)
	    if (pChild->viewable)
		if (REGION_BROKEN (pScreen, &pChild->winSize))
		    SetWinSize (pChild);
		if (REGION_BROKEN (pScreen, &pChild->borderSize))
		    SetBorderSize (pChild);
		if (RECT_IN_REGION(pScreen, &pChild->borderSize, box))
		    (* MarkWindow)(pChild);
		    anyMarked = TRUE;
		    if (pChild->firstChild)
			pChild = pChild->firstChild;
	    while (!pChild->nextSib && (pChild != pLast))
		pChild = pChild->parent;
	    if (pChild == pLast)
	    pChild = pChild->nextSib;
    if (anyMarked)
	(* MarkWindow)(pWin->parent);
    return anyMarked;
CreatorFillPolygon (DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int shape, int mode, int count, DDXPointPtr ppt)
	WindowPtr pWin = (WindowPtr) pDrawable;
	CreatorPrivGCPtr gcPriv = CreatorGetGCPrivate (pGC);
	FFBPtr pFfb = GET_FFB_FROM_SCREEN (pGC->pScreen);
	ffb_fbcPtr ffb = pFfb->regs;
	BoxRec box;
	int lx, rx, ty, by;
	int t, b, i, j, k, l, tt;
	int xy[12] FFB_ALIGN64;
	int xOrg, yOrg;

	FFBLOG(("CreatorFillPolygon: ALU(%x) PMSK(%08x) shape(%d) mode(%d) count(%d)\n",
		pGC->alu, pGC->planemask, shape, mode, count));
	if (count < 3)
	if (shape != Convex && count > 3) {
		miFillPolygon (pDrawable, pGC, shape, mode, count, ppt);
	xOrg = pDrawable->x;
	yOrg = pDrawable->y;

	ppt->x += xOrg;
	ppt->y += yOrg;	
	lx = ppt->x;
	rx = ppt->x;
	ty = ppt->y;
	by = ppt->y;
	t = b = 0;
	tt = 1;
	for (i = 1; i < count; i++) {
		if (mode == CoordModeOrigin) {
			ppt[i].x += xOrg;
			ppt[i].y += yOrg;
		} else {
			ppt[i].x += ppt[i-1].x;
			ppt[i].y += ppt[i-1].y;
		if (ppt[i].x < lx)
			lx = ppt[i].x;
		if (ppt[i].x > rx)
			rx = ppt[i].x;
		if (ppt[i].y < ty) {
			ty = ppt[i].y;
			t = i;
			tt = 1;
		} else if (ppt[i].y == ty)
		if (ppt[i].y > by) {
			by = ppt[i].y;
			b = i;
	if (tt > 2) {
		miFillConvexPoly(pDrawable, pGC, count, ppt);
	} else if (tt == 2) {
		i = t - 1;
		if (i < 0)
			i = count - 1;
		if (ppt[i].y == ppt[t].y)
			t = i;
	box.x1 = lx;
	box.x2 = rx + 1;
	box.y1 = ty;
	box.y2 = by + 1;
	switch (RECT_IN_REGION(pGC->pScreen, cfbGetCompositeClip(pGC), &box)) {
	case rgnPART:
		miFillConvexPoly(pDrawable, pGC, count, ppt);
	case rgnOUT:
	if(gcPriv->stipple == NULL) {
		FFB_ATTR_GC(pFfb, pGC, pWin,
	} else {
		unsigned int fbc;

		FFBSetStipple(pFfb, ffb, gcPriv->stipple,
		FFB_WRITE_PMASK(pFfb, ffb, pGC->planemask);
		fbc = FFB_FBC_WIN(pWin);
		fbc = (fbc & ~FFB_FBC_XE_MASK) | FFB_FBC_XE_OFF;
		FFB_WRITE_FBC(pFfb, ffb, fbc);
	xy[0] = ppt[t].y;
	xy[1] = ppt[t].x;
	j = t + 1;
	if (j == count) j = 0;
	xy[2] = ppt[j].y;
	xy[3] = ppt[j].x;
	j = t + 2;
	if (j >= count)
		j -= count;
	for (i = 2 * count - 4; i; i -= k) {
		b = 2;
		for (k = 0; k < i && k < 8; k+=2) {
			xy[4 + k] = ppt[j].y;
			xy[4 + k + 1] = ppt[j].x;
			if (xy[4 + k] > xy[b])
				b = 4 + k;
			j++; if (j == count) j = 0;
		FFBFifo(pFfb, 4 + k);
		for (l = 0; l < b - 2; l+=2)
			FFB_WRITE64P(&ffb->by, &xy[l]);
		FFB_WRITE64P(&ffb->bh, &xy[l]);
		for (l+=2; l <= k; l+=2)
			FFB_WRITE64P(&ffb->by, &xy[l]);
		FFB_WRITE64P(&ffb->ebyi, &xy[l]);
		xy[2] = xy[l];
		xy[3] = xy[l+1];
	pFfb->rp_active = 1;
	FFBSync(pFfb, ffb);
Exemple #8
fbPolyArc (DrawablePtr	pDrawable,
	   GCPtr	pGC,
	   int		narcs,
	   xArc		*parcs)
    FbArc	arc;
    if (pGC->lineWidth == 0)
	arc = 0;
	if (pGC->lineStyle == LineSolid && pGC->fillStyle == FillSolid)
	    switch (pDrawable->bitsPerPixel)
	    case 8:	arc = fbArc8; break;
	    case 16:    arc = fbArc16; break;
#ifdef FB_24BIT
	    case 24:	arc = fbArc24; break;
	    case 32:    arc = fbArc32; break;
	if (arc)
	    FbGCPrivPtr	pPriv = fbGetGCPrivate (pGC);
	    FbBits	*dst;
	    FbStride	dstStride;
	    int		dstBpp;
	    int		dstXoff, dstYoff;
	    BoxRec	box;
	    int		x2, y2;
	    RegionPtr	cclip;
	    cclip = fbGetCompositeClip (pGC);
	    fbGetDrawable (pDrawable, dst, dstStride, dstBpp, dstXoff, dstYoff);
	    while (narcs--)
		if (miCanZeroArc (parcs))
		    box.x1 = parcs->x + pDrawable->x;
		    box.y1 = parcs->y + pDrawable->y;
		     * Because box.x2 and box.y2 get truncated to 16 bits, and the
		     * RECT_IN_REGION test treats the resulting number as a signed
		     * integer, the RECT_IN_REGION test alone can go the wrong way.
		     * This can result in a server crash because the rendering
		     * routines in this file deal directly with cpu addresses
		     * of pixels to be stored, and do not clip or otherwise check
		     * that all such addresses are within their respective pixmaps.
		     * So we only allow the RECT_IN_REGION test to be used for
		     * values that can be expressed correctly in a signed short.
		    x2 = box.x1 + (int)parcs->width + 1;
		    box.x2 = x2;
		    y2 = box.y1 + (int)parcs->height + 1;
		    box.y2 = y2;
		    if ( (x2 <= SHRT_MAX) && (y2 <= SHRT_MAX) &&
			(RECT_IN_REGION(pDrawable->pScreen, cclip, &box) == rgnIN) )
			(*arc) (dst, dstStride, dstBpp, 
				parcs, pDrawable->x + dstXoff, pDrawable->y + dstYoff, 
				pPriv->and, pPriv->xor);
			miZeroPolyArc(pDrawable, pGC, 1, parcs);
		    miPolyArc(pDrawable, pGC, 1, parcs);
	    miZeroPolyArc (pDrawable, pGC, narcs, parcs);
	miPolyArc (pDrawable, pGC, narcs, parcs);
Exemple #9
xglSyncBits (DrawablePtr pDrawable,
	     BoxPtr	 pExtents)
    RegionRec region;
    BoxRec    box;

    XGL_DRAWABLE_PIXMAP (pDrawable);
    XGL_PIXMAP_PRIV (pPixmap);

    if (pPixmapPriv->allBits)
	return xglMapPixmapBits (pPixmap);

    if (pPixmapPriv->target == xglPixmapTargetIn && pExtents)
	box.x1 = 0;
	box.y1 = 0;
	box.x2 = pPixmap->drawable.width;
	box.y2 = pPixmap->drawable.height;
	if (pExtents->x1 > box.x1)
	    box.x1 = pExtents->x1;
	if (pExtents->y1 > box.y1)
	    box.y1 = pExtents->y1;
	if (pExtents->x2 < box.x2)
	    box.x2 = pExtents->x2;
	if (pExtents->y2 < box.y2)
	    box.y2 = pExtents->y2;

	if (box.x2 <= box.x1 || box.y2 <= box.y1)
	    return xglMapPixmapBits (pPixmap);

	if (REGION_NOTEMPTY (pDrawable->pScreen, &pPixmapPriv->bitRegion))
	    switch (RECT_IN_REGION (pDrawable->pScreen,
				    &box)) {
	    case rgnIN:
		REGION_INIT (pDrawable->pScreen, &region, NullBox, 0);
	    case rgnOUT:
		REGION_INIT (pDrawable->pScreen, &region, &box, 1);
		REGION_UNION (pDrawable->pScreen,
			      &pPixmapPriv->bitRegion, &pPixmapPriv->bitRegion,
	    case rgnPART:
		REGION_INIT (pDrawable->pScreen, &region, &box, 1);
		REGION_SUBTRACT (pDrawable->pScreen, &region, &region,
		REGION_UNION (pDrawable->pScreen,
			      &pPixmapPriv->bitRegion, &pPixmapPriv->bitRegion,
	    REGION_INIT (pDrawable->pScreen, &region, &box, 1);
	    REGION_SUBTRACT (pDrawable->pScreen, &pPixmapPriv->bitRegion,
			     &region, &pPixmapPriv->bitRegion);

	if (REGION_NUM_RECTS (&pPixmapPriv->bitRegion) == 1)
	    BoxPtr pBox;

	    pBox = REGION_RECTS (&pPixmapPriv->bitRegion);

	    if (pBox->x1 <= 0			    &&
		pBox->y1 <= 0			    &&
		pBox->x2 >= pPixmap->drawable.width &&
		pBox->y2 >= pPixmap->drawable.height)
		pPixmapPriv->allBits = TRUE;
	box.x1 = 0;
	box.y1 = 0;
	box.x2 = pPixmap->drawable.width;
	box.y2 = pPixmap->drawable.height;

	REGION_INIT (pDrawable->pScreen, &region, &box, 1);
	REGION_SUBTRACT (pDrawable->pScreen, &region, &region,

	pPixmapPriv->allBits = TRUE;

    if (!pPixmapPriv->buffer)
	if (!xglAllocatePixmapBits (pPixmap, XGL_PIXMAP_USAGE_HINT_DEFAULT))
	    return FALSE;

    if (REGION_NOTEMPTY (pDrawable->pScreen, &region) && pPixmapPriv->surface)
	glitz_pixel_format_t format;
	BoxPtr		     pBox;
	BoxPtr		     pExt;
	int		     nBox;

	if (!xglSyncSurface (pDrawable))
	    FatalError (XGL_SW_FAILURE_STRING);

	xglUnmapPixmapBits (pPixmap);

	pBox = REGION_RECTS (&region);
	nBox = REGION_NUM_RECTS (&region);
	pExt = REGION_EXTENTS (pDrawable->pScreen, &region);

	format.fourcc  = GLITZ_FOURCC_RGB;
	format.masks   = pPixmapPriv->pVisual->pPixel->masks;
	format.xoffset = pExt->x1;

	if (pPixmapPriv->stride < 0)
	    format.skip_lines	  = pPixmap->drawable.height - pExt->y2;
	    format.bytes_per_line = -pPixmapPriv->stride;
	    format.scanline_order = GLITZ_PIXEL_SCANLINE_ORDER_BOTTOM_UP;
	    format.skip_lines	  = pExt->y1;
	    format.bytes_per_line = pPixmapPriv->stride;
	    format.scanline_order = GLITZ_PIXEL_SCANLINE_ORDER_TOP_DOWN;

	glitz_surface_set_clip_region (pPixmapPriv->surface,
				       0, 0, (glitz_box_t *) pBox, nBox);

	glitz_get_pixels (pPixmapPriv->surface,
			  pExt->x2 - pExt->x1,
			  pExt->y2 - pExt->y1,

	glitz_surface_set_clip_region (pPixmapPriv->surface, 0, 0, NULL, 0);

    REGION_UNINIT (pDrawable->pScreen, &region);

    if (pPixmapPriv->allBits)
	box.x1 = 0;
	box.y1 = 0;
	box.x2 = pPixmap->drawable.width;
	box.y2 = pPixmap->drawable.height;

	REGION_UNINIT (pDrawable->pScreen, &pPixmapPriv->bitRegion);
	REGION_INIT (pDrawable->pScreen, &pPixmapPriv->bitRegion, &box, 1);

    return xglMapPixmapBits (pPixmap);
LeoPolyGlyphBlt (DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
		     unsigned int nglyph, CharInfoPtr *ppci, pointer pGlyphBase)
	LeoPtr pLeo = LeoGetScreenPrivate (pGC->pScreen);
	LeoCommand0 *lc0 = pLeo->lc0;
	LeoDraw *ld0 = pLeo->ld0;
	RegionPtr clip;
	CharInfoPtr pci;
	int w, h, x0, y0, i;
	unsigned int *bits;
	BoxRec box;
	int curw = -1;
	unsigned int *fbf;
	unsigned char *fb;
	int height, width;

	clip = cfbGetCompositeClip(pGC);
	/* compute an approximate (but covering) bounding box */
	box.x1 = 0;
	if (ppci[0]->metrics.leftSideBearing < 0)
		box.x1 = ppci[0]->metrics.leftSideBearing;
	h = nglyph - 1;
	w = ppci[h]->metrics.rightSideBearing;
	while (--h >= 0)
		w += ppci[h]->metrics.characterWidth;
	box.x2 = w;
	box.y1 = -FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font,ascent);
	box.y2 = FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font,descent);
	box.x1 += pDrawable->x + x;
	box.x2 += pDrawable->x + x;
	box.y1 += pDrawable->y + y;
	box.y2 += pDrawable->y + y;
	switch (RECT_IN_REGION(pGC->pScreen, clip, &box)) {
	case rgnPART:
		if (REGION_NUM_RECTS(clip) == 1) {
			ld0->vclipmin = (clip->extents.y1 << 16) | clip->extents.x1;
			ld0->vclipmax = ((clip->extents.y2 - 1) << 16) | (clip->extents.x2 - 1);
		cfbPolyGlyphBlt8 (pDrawable, pGC, x, y, nglyph, ppci, pGlyphBase);
	case rgnOUT:
		clip = NULL;
	x += pDrawable->x;
	y += pDrawable->y;
	lc0->fontt = 1;
	lc0->addrspace = LEO_ADDRSPC_FONT_OBGR;
	ld0->fg = pGC->fgPixel;
	if (pGC->alu != GXcopy)
		ld0->rop = leoRopTable[pGC->alu];
	if (pGC->planemask != 0xffffff)
		ld0->planemask = pGC->planemask;
	height = pLeo->height;
	width = pLeo->width;
	fb = (unsigned char *)pLeo->fb;

	while (nglyph--) {
		pci = *ppci++;

		if (!w || !h)
			goto next_glyph;

		x0 = x + pci->metrics.leftSideBearing;
		y0 = y - pci->metrics.ascent;

		/* We're off the screen to the left, making our way
		 * back onto the screen.
		if((x0 >> 31) == -1)
			goto next_glyph;

		/* We walked off the screen (to the right or downwards)
		 * or we started there, we're never going to work our
		 * way back so stop now.
		if(x0 >= width || y0 >= height)
		bits = (unsigned int *) pci->bits;

		if (w != curw) {
			curw = w;
			if (w)
				lc0->fontmsk = 0xffffffff << (32 - w);
				lc0->fontmsk = 0;

		fbf = (unsigned *)(fb + (y0 << 13) + (x0 << 2));
		if (y0 + h <= height)
			for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
				*fbf = *bits++;
				fbf += 2048;
			for (i = 0; i < h && y0 + i < height; i++) {
				*fbf = *bits++;
				fbf += 2048;
		x += pci->metrics.characterWidth;
	lc0->addrspace = LEO_ADDRSPC_OBGR;
	if (pGC->alu != GXcopy)
	if (pGC->planemask != 0xffffff)
		ld0->planemask = 0xffffff;
	if (clip) {
		ld0->vclipmin = 0;
		ld0->vclipmax = pLeo->vclipmax;
LeoTEGlyphBlt (DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
		   unsigned int nglyph, CharInfoPtr *ppci, pointer pGlyphBase)
	LeoPtr pLeo = LeoGetScreenPrivate (pGC->pScreen);
	LeoCommand0 *lc0 = pLeo->lc0;
	LeoDraw *ld0 = pLeo->ld0;
	RegionPtr clip;
	int h, hTmp;
	int widthGlyph, widthGlyphs;
	BoxRec bbox;
	FontPtr pfont = pGC->font;
	int curw = -1;
	unsigned int *fbf;
	unsigned char *fb;
	int height, width;

	widthGlyph = FONTMAXBOUNDS(pfont,characterWidth);
	h = FONTASCENT(pfont) + FONTDESCENT(pfont);
	clip = cfbGetCompositeClip(pGC);
	bbox.x1 = x + pDrawable->x;
	bbox.x2 = bbox.x1 + (widthGlyph * nglyph);
	bbox.y1 = y + pDrawable->y - FONTASCENT(pfont);
	bbox.y2 = bbox.y1 + h;

	/* If fully out of range, and we have no chance of getting back
	 * in range, no work to do.
	y = y + pDrawable->y - FONTASCENT(pfont);
	x += pDrawable->x;
	height = pLeo->height;
	width = pLeo->width;
	if (x >= width)

	switch (RECT_IN_REGION(pGC->pScreen, clip, &bbox)) {
	case rgnPART: 
		if (REGION_NUM_RECTS(clip) == 1) {
			ld0->vclipmin = (clip->extents.y1 << 16) | clip->extents.x1;
			ld0->vclipmax = ((clip->extents.y2 - 1) << 16) | (clip->extents.x2 - 1);
		x -= pDrawable->x;
		y = y - pDrawable->y + FONTASCENT(pfont);
		if (pGlyphBase)
			cfbPolyGlyphBlt8 (pDrawable, pGC, x, y, nglyph, ppci, NULL);
			miImageGlyphBlt(pDrawable, pGC, x, y, nglyph, ppci, pGlyphBase);
	case rgnOUT:
		clip = NULL;
	lc0->addrspace = LEO_ADDRSPC_FONT_OBGR;
	ld0->fg = pGC->fgPixel;
	if (pGC->alu != GXcopy)
		ld0->rop = leoRopTable[pGC->alu];
	if (pGC->planemask != 0xffffff)
		ld0->planemask = pGC->planemask;
	fb = (unsigned char *)pLeo->fb;

		lc0->fontt = 1;
	else {
		lc0->fontt = 0;
		ld0->bg = pGC->bgPixel;

#define LoopIt(count, w, loadup, fetch) \
	if (w != curw) { \
		curw = w; \
		lc0->fontmsk = 0xffffffff << (32 - w); \
	} \
	while (nglyph >= count) { \
		loadup \
		nglyph -= count; \
		fbf = (unsigned *)(fb + (y << 13) + (x << 2)); \
		hTmp = h; \
		if (y + h <= height) \
			while (hTmp--) { \
				*fbf = fetch; \
				fbf += 2048; \
			} \
		else \
			for (hTmp = 0; hTmp < h && y + hTmp < height; hTmp++) { \
				*fbf = fetch; \
				fbf += 2048; \
			} \
		x += w; \
		if(x >= width) \
			goto out; \

	if (widthGlyph <= 8) {
		widthGlyphs = widthGlyph << 2;
		LoopIt(4, widthGlyphs,
		       unsigned int *char1 = (unsigned int *) (*ppci++)->bits;
		       unsigned int *char2 = (unsigned int *) (*ppci++)->bits;
		       unsigned int *char3 = (unsigned int *) (*ppci++)->bits;
		       unsigned int *char4 = (unsigned int *) (*ppci++)->bits;,
Exemple #12
 * RootlessComputeClips --
 *	Recompute the clipList, borderClip, exposed and borderExposed
 *	regions for pParent and its children. Only viewable windows are
 *	taken into account.
 * Results:
 *	None.
 * Side Effects:
 *	clipList, borderClip, exposed and borderExposed are altered.
 *	A VisibilityNotify event may be generated on the parent window.
static void
RootlessComputeClips (WindowPtr pParent, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
		      RegionPtr universe, VTKind kind, RegionPtr exposed)
    int			dx,
    RegionRec		childUniverse;
    register WindowPtr	pChild;
    int     	  	oldVis, newVis;
    BoxRec		borderSize;
    RegionRec		childUnion;
    Bool		overlap;
    RegionPtr		borderVisible;
    Bool		resized;
     * Figure out the new visibility of this window.
     * The extent of the universe should be the same as the extent of
     * the borderSize region. If the window is unobscured, this rectangle
     * will be completely inside the universe (the universe will cover it
     * completely). If the window is completely obscured, none of the
     * universe will cover the rectangle.
    borderSize.x1 = pParent->drawable.x - wBorderWidth(pParent);
    borderSize.y1 = pParent->drawable.y - wBorderWidth(pParent);
    dx = (int) pParent->drawable.x + (int) pParent->drawable.width + wBorderWidth(pParent);
    if (dx > 32767)
	dx = 32767;
    borderSize.x2 = dx;
    dy = (int) pParent->drawable.y + (int) pParent->drawable.height + wBorderWidth(pParent);
    if (dy > 32767)
	dy = 32767;
    borderSize.y2 = dy;

    oldVis = pParent->visibility;
    switch (RECT_IN_REGION( pScreen, universe, &borderSize)) 
    case rgnIN:
	    newVis = VisibilityUnobscured;
	case rgnPART:
	    newVis = VisibilityPartiallyObscured;
		RegionPtr   pBounding;

		if ((pBounding = wBoundingShape (pParent)))
		    switch (RootlessShapedWindowIn (pScreen, universe, 
						    pBounding, &borderSize,
		    case rgnIN:
			newVis = VisibilityUnobscured;
		    case rgnOUT:
			newVis = VisibilityFullyObscured;
	    newVis = VisibilityFullyObscured;

    pParent->visibility = newVis;
    if (oldVis != newVis &&
	((pParent->eventMask | wOtherEventMasks(pParent)) & VisibilityChangeMask))

    dx = pParent->drawable.x - pParent->valdata->before.oldAbsCorner.x;
    dy = pParent->drawable.y - pParent->valdata->before.oldAbsCorner.y;

     * avoid computations when dealing with simple operations

    switch (kind) {
    case VTMap:
    case VTStack:
    case VTUnmap:
    case VTMove:
	if ((oldVis == newVis) &&
	    ((oldVis == VisibilityFullyObscured) ||
	     (oldVis == VisibilityUnobscured)))
	    pChild = pParent;
	    while (1)
		if (pChild->viewable)
		    if (pChild->visibility != VisibilityFullyObscured)
			REGION_TRANSLATE( pScreen, &pChild->borderClip,
						      dx, dy);
			REGION_TRANSLATE( pScreen, &pChild->clipList,
						      dx, dy);
			pChild->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER;
			if (pScreen->ClipNotify)
			    (* pScreen->ClipNotify) (pChild, dx, dy);

		    if (pChild->valdata)
			if (HasParentRelativeBorder(pChild))
			REGION_NULL(pScreen, &pChild->valdata->after.exposed);
		    if (pChild->firstChild)
			pChild = pChild->firstChild;
		while (!pChild->nextSib && (pChild != pParent))
		    pChild = pChild->parent;
		if (pChild == pParent)
		pChild = pChild->nextSib;
	/* fall through */
     	 * To calculate exposures correctly, we have to translate the old
     	 * borderClip and clipList regions to the window's new location so there
     	 * is a correspondence between pieces of the new and old clipping regions.
    	if (dx || dy) 
	     * We translate the old clipList because that will be exposed or copied
	     * if gravity is right.
	    REGION_TRANSLATE( pScreen, &pParent->borderClip, dx, dy);
	    REGION_TRANSLATE( pScreen, &pParent->clipList, dx, dy);
    case VTBroken:
	REGION_EMPTY (pScreen, &pParent->borderClip);
	REGION_EMPTY (pScreen, &pParent->clipList);

    borderVisible = pParent->valdata->before.borderVisible;
    resized = pParent->valdata->before.resized;
    REGION_NULL(pScreen, &pParent->valdata->after.borderExposed);
    REGION_NULL(pScreen, &pParent->valdata->after.exposed);

     * Since the borderClip must not be clipped by the children, we do
     * the border exposure first...
     * 'universe' is the window's borderClip. To figure the exposures, remove
     * the area that used to be exposed from the new.
     * This leaves a region of pieces that weren't exposed before.

    if (HasBorder (pParent))
    	if (borderVisible)
	     * when the border changes shape, the old visible portions
	     * of the border will be saved by DIX in borderVisible --
	     * use that region and destroy it
	    REGION_SUBTRACT( pScreen, exposed, universe, borderVisible);
	    REGION_DESTROY( pScreen, borderVisible);
	    REGION_SUBTRACT( pScreen, exposed, universe, &pParent->borderClip);
	if (HasParentRelativeBorder(pParent) && (dx || dy)) {
	    REGION_SUBTRACT( pScreen, &pParent->valdata->after.borderExposed,
	} else {
	    REGION_SUBTRACT( pScreen, &pParent->valdata->after.borderExposed,
			       exposed, &pParent->winSize);

    	REGION_COPY( pScreen, &pParent->borderClip, universe);
     	 * To get the right clipList for the parent, and to make doubly sure
     	 * that no child overlaps the parent's border, we remove the parent's
     	 * border from the universe before proceeding.
    	REGION_INTERSECT( pScreen, universe, universe, &pParent->winSize);
    	REGION_COPY( pScreen, &pParent->borderClip, universe);
    if ((pChild = pParent->firstChild) && pParent->mapped)
	REGION_NULL(pScreen, &childUniverse);
	REGION_NULL(pScreen, &childUnion);
	if ((pChild->drawable.y < pParent->lastChild->drawable.y) ||
	    ((pChild->drawable.y == pParent->lastChild->drawable.y) &&
	     (pChild->drawable.x < pParent->lastChild->drawable.x)))
	    for (; pChild; pChild = pChild->nextSib)
		if (pChild->viewable)
		    REGION_APPEND( pScreen, &childUnion, &pChild->borderSize);
	    for (pChild = pParent->lastChild; pChild; pChild = pChild->prevSib)
		if (pChild->viewable)
		    REGION_APPEND( pScreen, &childUnion, &pChild->borderSize);
	REGION_VALIDATE( pScreen, &childUnion, &overlap);

	for (pChild = pParent->firstChild;
	     pChild = pChild->nextSib)
	    if (pChild->viewable) {
		 * If the child is viewable, we want to remove its extents
		 * from the current universe, but we only re-clip it if
		 * it's been marked.
		if (pChild->valdata) {
		     * Figure out the new universe from the child's
		     * perspective and recurse.
		    REGION_INTERSECT( pScreen, &childUniverse,
		    RootlessComputeClips (pChild, pScreen, &childUniverse, 
					  kind, exposed);
		 * Once the child has been processed, we remove its extents
		 * from the current universe, thus denying its space to any
		 * other sibling.
		if (overlap)
		    REGION_SUBTRACT( pScreen, universe, universe,
	if (!overlap)
	    REGION_SUBTRACT( pScreen, universe, universe, &childUnion);
	REGION_UNINIT( pScreen, &childUnion);
	REGION_UNINIT( pScreen, &childUniverse);
    } /* if any children */

     * 'universe' now contains the new clipList for the parent window.
     * To figure the exposure of the window we subtract the old clip from the
     * new, just as for the border.

    if (oldVis == VisibilityFullyObscured ||
	oldVis == VisibilityNotViewable)
	REGION_COPY( pScreen, &pParent->valdata->after.exposed, universe);
    else if (newVis != VisibilityFullyObscured &&
	     newVis != VisibilityNotViewable)
    	REGION_SUBTRACT( pScreen, &pParent->valdata->after.exposed,
			       universe, &pParent->clipList);

     * One last thing: backing storage. We have to try to save what parts of
     * the window are about to be obscured. We can just subtract the universe
     * from the old clipList and get the areas that were in the old but aren't
     * in the new and, hence, are about to be obscured.
    if (pParent->backStorage && !resized)
	REGION_SUBTRACT( pScreen, exposed, &pParent->clipList, universe);
	(* pScreen->SaveDoomedAreas)(pParent, exposed, dx, dy);
    /* HACK ALERT - copying contents of regions, instead of regions */
	RegionRec   tmp;

	tmp = pParent->clipList;
	pParent->clipList = *universe;
	*universe = tmp;

#ifdef NOTDEF
    REGION_COPY( pScreen, &pParent->clipList, universe);

    pParent->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER;

    if (pScreen->ClipNotify)
	(* pScreen->ClipNotify) (pParent, dx, dy);