 * Matrix exponential - based on the _corrected_ code for Octave's expm function.
 * @param x real square matrix to exponentiate
 * @return matrix exponential of x
SEXP dgeMatrix_exp(SEXP x)
    const double one = 1.0, zero = 0.0;
    const int i1 = 1;
    int *Dims = INTEGER(GET_SLOT(x, Matrix_DimSym));
    const int n = Dims[1], nsqr = n * n, np1 = n + 1;

    SEXP val = PROTECT(duplicate(x));
    int i, ilo, ilos, ihi, ihis, j, sqpow;
    int *pivot = Calloc(n, int);
    double *dpp = Calloc(nsqr, double), /* denominator power Pade' */
	*npp = Calloc(nsqr, double), /* numerator power Pade' */
	*perm = Calloc(n, double),
	*scale = Calloc(n, double),
	*v = REAL(GET_SLOT(val, Matrix_xSym)),
	*work = Calloc(nsqr, double), inf_norm, m1_j/*= (-1)^j */, trshift;

    if (n < 1 || Dims[0] != n)
	error(_("Matrix exponential requires square, non-null matrix"));
    if(n == 1) {
	v[0] = exp(v[0]);
	return val;

    /* Preconditioning 1.  Shift diagonal by average diagonal if positive. */
    trshift = 0;		/* determine average diagonal element */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) trshift += v[i * np1];
    trshift /= n;
    if (trshift > 0.) {		/* shift diagonal by -trshift */
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) v[i * np1] -= trshift;

    /* Preconditioning 2. Balancing with dgebal. */
    F77_CALL(dgebal)("P", &n, v, &n, &ilo, &ihi, perm, &j);
    if (j) error(_("dgeMatrix_exp: LAPACK routine dgebal returned %d"), j);
    F77_CALL(dgebal)("S", &n, v, &n, &ilos, &ihis, scale, &j);
    if (j) error(_("dgeMatrix_exp: LAPACK routine dgebal returned %d"), j);

    /* Preconditioning 3. Scaling according to infinity norm */
    inf_norm = F77_CALL(dlange)("I", &n, &n, v, &n, work);
    sqpow = (inf_norm > 0) ? (int) (1 + log(inf_norm)/log(2.)) : 0;
    if (sqpow < 0) sqpow = 0;
    if (sqpow > 0) {
	double scale_factor = 1.0;
	for (i = 0; i < sqpow; i++) scale_factor *= 2.;
	for (i = 0; i < nsqr; i++) v[i] /= scale_factor;

    /* Pade' approximation. Powers v^8, v^7, ..., v^1 */
    AZERO(npp, nsqr);
    AZERO(dpp, nsqr);
    m1_j = -1;
    for (j = 7; j >=0; j--) {
	double mult = padec[j];
	/* npp = m * npp + padec[j] *m */
	F77_CALL(dgemm)("N", "N", &n, &n, &n, &one, v, &n, npp, &n,
			&zero, work, &n);
	for (i = 0; i < nsqr; i++) npp[i] = work[i] + mult * v[i];
	/* dpp = m * dpp + (m1_j * padec[j]) * m */
	mult *= m1_j;
	F77_CALL(dgemm)("N", "N", &n, &n, &n, &one, v, &n, dpp, &n,
			&zero, work, &n);
	for (i = 0; i < nsqr; i++) dpp[i] = work[i] + mult * v[i];
	m1_j *= -1;
    /* Zero power */
    for (i = 0; i < nsqr; i++) dpp[i] *= -1.;
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
	npp[j * np1] += 1.;
	dpp[j * np1] += 1.;

    /* Pade' approximation is solve(dpp, npp) */
    F77_CALL(dgetrf)(&n, &n, dpp, &n, pivot, &j);
    if (j) error(_("dgeMatrix_exp: dgetrf returned error code %d"), j);
    F77_CALL(dgetrs)("N", &n, &n, dpp, &n, pivot, npp, &n, &j);
    if (j) error(_("dgeMatrix_exp: dgetrs returned error code %d"), j);
    Memcpy(v, npp, nsqr);

    /* Now undo all of the preconditioning */
    /* Preconditioning 3: square the result for every power of 2 */
    while (sqpow--) {
	F77_CALL(dgemm)("N", "N", &n, &n, &n, &one, v, &n, v, &n,
			&zero, work, &n);
	Memcpy(v, work, nsqr);
    /* Preconditioning 2: apply inverse scaling */
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
	    v[i + j * n] *= scale[i]/scale[j];

    /* 2 b) Inverse permutation  (if not the identity permutation) */
    if (ilo != 1 || ihi != n) {
	/* Martin Maechler's code */

#define SWAP_ROW(I,J) F77_CALL(dswap)(&n, &v[(I)], &n, &v[(J)], &n)

#define SWAP_COL(I,J) F77_CALL(dswap)(&n, &v[(I)*n], &i1, &v[(J)*n], &i1)

#define RE_PERMUTE(I)				\
	int p_I = (int) (perm[I]) - 1;		\
	SWAP_COL(I, p_I);			\

	/* reversion of "leading permutations" : in reverse order */
	for (i = (ilo - 1) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

	/* reversion of "trailing permutations" : applied in forward order */
	for (i = (ihi + 1) - 1; i < n; i++) {

    /* Preconditioning 1: Trace normalization */
    if (trshift > 0.) {
	double mult = exp(trshift);
	for (i = 0; i < nsqr; i++) v[i] *= mult;

    /* Clean up */
    Free(work); Free(scale); Free(perm); Free(npp); Free(dpp); Free(pivot);
    return val;
Exemple #2
/* Matrix exponential exp(x), where x is an (n x n) matrix. Result z
 * is an (n x n) matrix. Mostly lifted from the core of fonction
 * expm() of package Matrix, which is itself based on the function of
 * the same name in Octave.
void expm(double *x, int n, double *z, precond_type precond_kind)
    if (n == 1)
	z[0] = exp(x[0]);		/* scalar exponential */
	/* Constants */
	const double one = 1.0, zero = 0.0;
	const int i1 = 1, nsqr = n * n, np1 = n + 1;
	/* Variables */
	int i, j, is_uppertri = TRUE;;
	int ilo, ihi, iloscal, ihiscal, info, sqrpowscal;
	double infnorm, trshift, m1pj = -1;

	/* Arrays */
	int *pivot    = (int *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(int)); /* pivot vector */
	double *scale; /* scale array */
	double *perm  = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));/* permutation/sc array */

	double *work  = (double *) R_alloc(nsqr, sizeof(double)); /* workspace array */
	double *npp   = (double *) R_alloc(nsqr, sizeof(double)); /* num. power Pade */
	double *dpp   = (double *) R_alloc(nsqr, sizeof(double)); /* denom. power Pade */

	Memcpy(z, x, nsqr);

	/* Check if matrix x is upper triangular; stop checking as
	 * soon as a non-zero value is found below the diagonal. */
	for (i = 0; i < n - 1 && is_uppertri; i++)
	    for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
		if (!(is_uppertri = x[i * n + j] == 0.0))

	/* Step 1 of preconditioning: shift diagonal by average diagonal. */
	trshift = 0.0;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
	    trshift += x[i * np1];
	trshift /= n;		/* average diagonal element */
	if (trshift > 0.0)
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		z[i * np1] -= trshift;

	/* Step 2 of preconditioning: balancing with dgebal. */
	if(precond_kind == Ward_2 || precond_kind == Ward_buggy_octave) {
	    if (is_uppertri) {
		/* no need to permute if x is upper triangular */
		ilo = 1;
		ihi = n;
	    else {
		F77_CALL(dgebal)("P", &n, z, &n, &ilo, &ihi, perm, &info);
		if (info)
		    error(_("LAPACK routine dgebal returned info code %d when permuting"), info);
	    scale = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
	    F77_CALL(dgebal)("S", &n, z, &n, &iloscal, &ihiscal, scale, &info);
	    if (info)
		error(_("LAPACK routine dgebal returned info code %d when scaling"), info);
	else if(precond_kind == Ward_1) {

	    F77_CALL(dgebal)("B", &n, z, &n, &ilo, &ihi, perm, &info);
	    if (info)
		error(_("LAPACK' dgebal(\"B\",.) returned info code %d"), info);

	else {
	    error(_("invalid 'precond_kind: %d"), precond_kind);

	/* Step 3 of preconditioning: Scaling according to infinity
	 * norm (a priori always needed). */
	infnorm = F77_CALL(dlange)("I", &n, &n, z, &n, work);
	sqrpowscal = (infnorm > 0) ? imax2((int) 1 + log(infnorm)/M_LN2, 0) : 0;
	if (sqrpowscal > 0) {
	    double scalefactor = R_pow_di(2, sqrpowscal);
	    for (i = 0; i < nsqr; i++)
		z[i] /= scalefactor;

	/* Pade approximation (p = q = 8): compute x^8, x^7, x^6,
	 * ..., x^1 */
	for (i = 0; i < nsqr; i++)
	    npp[i] = 0.0;
	    dpp[i] = 0.0;
	for (j = 7; j >= 0; j--)
	    /* npp = z * npp + padec88[j] * z */
	    F77_CALL(dgemm) ("N", "N", &n, &n, &n, &one, z, &n, npp,
			     &n, &zero, work, &n);
	    /* npp <- work + padec88[j] * z */
	    for (i = 0; i < nsqr; i++)
		npp[i] = work[i] + padec88[j] * z[i];
	    /* dpp = z * dpp + (-1)^j * padec88[j] * z */
	    F77_CALL(dgemm) ("N", "N", &n, &n, &n, &one, z, &n, dpp,
			     &n, &zero, work, &n);
	    for (i = 0; i < nsqr; i++)
		dpp[i] = work[i] + m1pj * padec88[j] * z[i];
	    m1pj *= -1; /* (-1)^j */
	/* power 0 */
	for (i = 0; i < nsqr; i++)
	    dpp[i] *= -1.0;
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
	    npp[j * np1] += 1.0;
	    dpp[j * np1] += 1.0;

	/* Pade approximation is (dpp)^-1 * npp. */
	F77_CALL(dgetrf) (&n, &n, dpp, &n, pivot, &info);
	if (info)
	    error(_("LAPACK routine dgetrf returned info code %d"), info);
	F77_CALL(dgetrs) ("N", &n, &n, dpp, &n, pivot, npp, &n, &info);
	if (info)
	    error(_("LAPACK routine dgetrs returned info code %d"), info);

	Memcpy(z, npp, nsqr);

	/* Now undo all of the preconditioning */
	/* Preconditioning 3: square the result for every power of 2 */
	while (sqrpowscal--)
	    F77_CALL(dgemm)("N", "N", &n, &n, &n, &one, z, &n,
			    z, &n, &zero, work, &n);
	    Memcpy(z, work, nsqr);

	/* Preconditioning 2: Inversion of 'dgebal()' :
	 * ------------------ Note that dgebak() seems *not* applicable */

	/* Step 2 a)  apply inverse scaling */
	if(precond_kind == Ward_2 || precond_kind == Ward_buggy_octave) {
	    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		    z[i + j * n] *= scale[i]/scale[j];
	else if(precond_kind == Ward_1) { /* here, perm[ilo:ihi] contains scale[] */
	    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
		double sj = ((ilo-1 <= j && j < ihi)? perm[j] : 1.);
		for (i = 0; i < ilo-1; i++)	z[i + j * n] /= sj;
		for (i = ilo-1; i < ihi; i++)	z[i + j * n] *= perm[i]/sj;
		for (i = ihi+1; i < n; i++)	z[i + j * n] /= sj;

	/* 2 b) Inverse permutation  (if not the identity permutation) */

	if (ilo != 1 || ihi != n) {

	    if(precond_kind == Ward_buggy_octave) {

		/* inverse permutation vector */
		int *invP  = (int *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(int));

		/* balancing permutation vector */
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		    invP[i] = i;	/* identity permutation */

		/* leading permutations applied in forward order */
		for (i = 0; i < (ilo - 1); i++)
		    int p_i = (int) (perm[i]) - 1;
		    int tmp = invP[i]; invP[i] = invP[p_i]; invP[p_i] = tmp;

		/* trailing permutations applied in reverse order */
		for (i = n - 1; i >= ihi; i--)
		    int p_i = (int) (perm[i]) - 1;
		    int tmp = invP[i]; invP[i] = invP[p_i]; invP[p_i] = tmp;

		/* construct inverse balancing permutation vector */
		Memcpy(pivot, invP, n);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		    invP[pivot[i]] = i;

		/* apply inverse permutation */
		Memcpy(work, z, nsqr);
		for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
		    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			z[i + j * n] = work[invP[i] + invP[j] * n];

	    else if(precond_kind == Ward_2 || precond_kind == Ward_1) {

		/* ---- new code by Martin Maechler ----- */

#define SWAP_ROW(I,J) F77_CALL(dswap)(&n, &z[(I)], &n, &z[(J)], &n)

#define SWAP_COL(I,J) F77_CALL(dswap)(&n, &z[(I)*n], &i1, &z[(J)*n], &i1)

#define RE_PERMUTE(I)				\
		int p_I = (int) (perm[I]) - 1;	\
		SWAP_COL(I, p_I);		\
		SWAP_ROW(I, p_I)

		/* reversion of "leading permutations" : in reverse order */
		for (i = (ilo - 1) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

		/* reversion of "trailing permutations" : applied in forward order */
		for (i = (ihi + 1) - 1; i < n; i++) {

/* 	    else if(precond_kind == Ward_1) { */

/* 	    } */

	/* Preconditioning 1: Trace normalization */
	if (trshift > 0)
	    double mult = exp(trshift);
	    for (i = 0; i < nsqr; i++)
		z[i] *= mult;
