static void rna_CurveMap_remove_point(CurveMap *cuma, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *point_ptr) { CurveMapPoint *point = point_ptr->data; if (curvemap_remove_point(cuma, point) == false) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Unable to remove curve point"); return; } RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(point_ptr); }
static void rna_KeyMap_remove(wmKeyConfig *keyconfig, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *keymap_ptr) { wmKeyMap *keymap = keymap_ptr->data; if (WM_keymap_remove(keyconfig, keymap) == false) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "KeyConfig '%s' cannot be removed", keymap->idname); return; } RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(keymap_ptr); }
static void rna_KeyConfig_remove(wmWindowManager *wm, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *keyconf_ptr) { wmKeyConfig *keyconf = keyconf_ptr->data; if (WM_keyconfig_remove(wm, keyconf) == false) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "KeyConfig '%s' cannot be removed", keyconf->idname); return; } RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(keyconf_ptr); }
static void rna_ColorRampElement_remove(struct ColorBand *coba, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *element_ptr) { CBData *element = element_ptr->data; int index = (int)(element - coba->data); if (colorband_element_remove(coba, index) == false) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Element not found in element collection or last element"); return; } RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(element_ptr); }
static void rna_KeyMap_item_remove(wmKeyMap *km, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *kmi_ptr) { wmKeyMapItem *kmi = kmi_ptr->data; if (WM_keymap_remove_item(km, kmi) == false) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "KeyMapItem '%s' cannot be removed from '%s'", kmi->idname, km->idname); return; } RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(kmi_ptr); }
static void rna_Action_pose_markers_remove(bAction *act, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *marker_ptr) { TimeMarker *marker = marker_ptr->data; if (!BLI_remlink_safe(&act->markers, marker)) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Timeline marker '%s' not found in action '%s'", marker->name, act-> + 2); return; } MEM_freeN(marker); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(marker_ptr); }
static void rna_GPencil_frame_remove(bGPDlayer *layer, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *frame_ptr) { bGPDframe *frame = frame_ptr->data; if (BLI_findindex(&layer->frames, frame) == -1) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Frame not found in grease pencil layer"); return; } gpencil_layer_delframe(layer, frame); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(frame_ptr); WM_main_add_notifier(NC_GPENCIL | NA_EDITED, NULL); }
static void rna_Mask_layers_remove(Mask *mask, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *masklay_ptr) { MaskLayer *masklay = masklay_ptr->data; if (BLI_findindex(&mask->masklayers, masklay) == -1) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Mask layer '%s' not found in mask '%s'", masklay->name, mask-> + 2); return; } BKE_mask_layer_remove(mask, masklay); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(masklay_ptr); WM_main_add_notifier(NC_MASK | NA_EDITED, mask); }
static void rna_GPencil_layer_remove(bGPdata *gpd, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *layer_ptr) { bGPDlayer *layer = layer_ptr->data; if (BLI_findindex(&gpd->layers, layer) == -1) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Layer not found in grease pencil data"); return; } gpencil_layer_delete(gpd, layer); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(layer_ptr); WM_main_add_notifier(NC_GPENCIL | ND_DATA | NA_EDITED, NULL); }
static void rna_NlaStrip_remove(NlaTrack *track, bContext *C, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *strip_ptr) { NlaStrip *strip = strip_ptr->data; if (BLI_findindex(&track->strips, strip) == -1) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "NLA strip '%s' not found in track '%s'", strip->name, track->name); return; } BKE_nlastrip_free(&track->strips, strip); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(strip_ptr); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION | ND_NLA | NA_REMOVED, NULL); }
static void rna_GPencil_stroke_remove(bGPDframe *frame, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *stroke_ptr) { bGPDstroke *stroke = stroke_ptr->data; if (BLI_findindex(&frame->strokes, stroke) == -1) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Stroke not found in grease pencil frame"); return; } BLI_freelinkN(&frame->strokes, stroke); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(stroke_ptr); WM_main_add_notifier(NC_GPENCIL | NA_EDITED, NULL); }
static void rna_MaskLayer_spline_remove(ID *id, MaskLayer *mask_layer, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *spline_ptr) { Mask *mask = (Mask *) id; MaskSpline *spline = spline_ptr->data; if (BKE_mask_spline_remove(mask_layer, spline) == FALSE) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Mask layer '%s' does not contain spline given", mask_layer->name); return; } RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(spline_ptr); DAG_id_tag_update(&mask->id, OB_RECALC_DATA); }
static void rna_NlaTrack_remove(AnimData *adt, bContext *C, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *track_ptr) { NlaTrack *track = track_ptr->data; if (BLI_findindex(&adt->nla_tracks, track) == -1) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "NlaTrack '%s' cannot be removed", track->name); return; } free_nlatrack(&adt->nla_tracks, track); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(track_ptr); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION | ND_NLA | NA_REMOVED, NULL); }
static void rna_Sequences_remove(ID *id, Editing *ed, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *seq_ptr) { Sequence *seq = seq_ptr->data; Scene *scene = (Scene *)id; if (BLI_remlink_safe(&ed->seqbase, seq) == false) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Sequence '%s' not in scene '%s'", seq->name + 2, scene-> + 2); return; } BKE_sequence_free(scene, seq); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(seq_ptr); WM_main_add_notifier(NC_SCENE | ND_SEQUENCER, scene); }
static void rna_Armature_edit_bone_remove(bArmature *arm, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *ebone_ptr) { EditBone *ebone = ebone_ptr->data; if (arm->edbo == NULL) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Armature '%s' not in edit mode, cannot remove an editbone", arm-> + 2); return; } if (BLI_findindex(arm->edbo, ebone) == -1) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Armature '%s' does not contain bone '%s'", arm-> + 2, ebone->name); return; } ED_armature_edit_bone_remove(arm, ebone); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(ebone_ptr); }
static void rna_MetaBall_elements_remove(MetaBall *mb, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *ml_ptr) { MetaElem *ml = ml_ptr->data; if (BLI_remlink_safe(&mb->elems, ml) == FALSE) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Metaball '%s' does not contain spline given", mb-> + 2); return; } MEM_freeN(ml); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(ml_ptr); /* cheating way for importers to avoid slow updates */ if (mb-> > 0) { DAG_id_tag_update(&mb->id, 0); WM_main_add_notifier(NC_GEOM | ND_DATA, &mb->id); } }
static void rna_KeyingSet_paths_remove(KeyingSet *keyingset, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *ksp_ptr) { KS_Path *ksp = ksp_ptr->data; /* if data is valid, call the API function for this */ if ((keyingset && ksp) == FALSE) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Keying set path could not be removed"); return; } /* remove the active path from the KeyingSet */ BKE_keyingset_free_path(keyingset, ksp); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(ksp_ptr); /* the active path number will most likely have changed */ /* TODO: we should get more fancy and actually check if it was removed, but this will do for now */ keyingset->active_path = 0; }
static void rna_Object_shape_key_remove( Object *ob, Main *bmain, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *kb_ptr) { KeyBlock *kb = kb_ptr->data; Key *key = BKE_key_from_object(ob); if ((key == NULL) || BLI_findindex(&key->block, kb) == -1) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "ShapeKey not found"); return; } if (!BKE_object_shapekey_remove(bmain, ob, kb)) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Could not remove ShapeKey"); return; } DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_DATA); WM_main_add_notifier(NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, ob); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(kb_ptr); }
static void rna_MaskSpline_point_remove(ID *id, MaskSpline *spline, ReportList *reports, PointerRNA *point_ptr) { Mask *mask = (Mask *) id; MaskSplinePoint *point = point_ptr->data; MaskSplinePoint *new_point_array; MaskLayer *layer; int active_point_index = -1; int point_index; for (layer = mask->masklayers.first; layer; layer = layer->next) { if (BLI_findindex(&layer->splines, spline) != -1) { break; } } if (!layer) { /* Shall not happen actually */ BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Mask layer not found for given spline"); return; } if (point < spline->points || point >= spline->points + spline->tot_point) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Point is not found in given spline"); return; } if (layer->act_spline == spline) { active_point_index = layer->act_point - spline->points; } point_index = point - spline->points; new_point_array = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MaskSplinePoint) * (spline->tot_point - 1), "remove mask point"); memcpy(new_point_array, spline->points, sizeof(MaskSplinePoint) * point_index); memcpy(new_point_array + point_index, spline->points + point_index + 1, sizeof(MaskSplinePoint) * (spline->tot_point - point_index - 1)); MEM_freeN(spline->points); spline->points = new_point_array; spline->tot_point--; if (active_point_index >= 0) { if (active_point_index == point_index) { layer->act_point = NULL; } else if (active_point_index < point_index) { layer->act_point = spline->points + active_point_index; } else { layer->act_point = spline->points + active_point_index - 1; } } BKE_mask_layer_shape_changed_remove(layer, BKE_mask_layer_shape_spline_to_index(layer, spline) + point_index, 1); WM_main_add_notifier(NC_MASK | ND_DATA, mask); DAG_id_tag_update(&mask->id, 0); RNA_POINTER_INVALIDATE(point_ptr); }