static int reset_default_button_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { PointerRNA ptr; PropertyRNA *prop; int index, all = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "all"); /* try to reset the nominated setting to its default value */ uiContextActiveProperty(C, &ptr, &prop, &index); /* if there is a valid property that is editable... */ if ( && prop && RNA_property_editable(&ptr, prop)) { if (RNA_property_reset(&ptr, prop, (all) ? -1 : index)) return operator_button_property_finish(C, &ptr, prop); } return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int reset_default_button_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { PointerRNA ptr; PropertyRNA *prop; int success= 0; int index, all = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "all"); /* try to reset the nominated setting to its default value */ uiContextActiveProperty(C, &ptr, &prop, &index); /* if there is a valid property that is editable... */ if ( && prop && RNA_property_editable(&ptr, prop)) { if(RNA_property_reset(&ptr, prop, (all)? -1: index)) { /* perform updates required for this property */ RNA_property_update(C, &ptr, prop); success= 1; } } return (success)? OPERATOR_FINISHED: OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
static int reset_default_button_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { PointerRNA ptr; PropertyRNA *prop; int success= 0; int index, all = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "all"); /* try to reset the nominated setting to its default value */ uiContextActiveProperty(C, &ptr, &prop, &index); /* if there is a valid property that is editable... */ if ( && prop && RNA_property_editable(&ptr, prop)) { if(RNA_property_reset(&ptr, prop, (all)? -1: index)) { /* perform updates required for this property */ RNA_property_update(C, &ptr, prop); /* as if we pressed the button */ uiContextActivePropertyHandle(C); success= 1; } } /* Since we dont want to undo _all_ edits to settings, eg window * edits on the screen or on operator settings. * it might be better to move undo's inline - campbell */ if(success) { ID *id=; if(id && ID_CHECK_UNDO(id)) { /* do nothing, go ahead with undo */ } else { return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } } /* end hack */ return (success)? OPERATOR_FINISHED: OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }