Exemple #1
static void file_panel_operator_header(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	SpaceFile *sfile = CTX_wm_space_file(C);
	wmOperator *op = sfile->op;

	BLI_strncpy(pa->drawname, RNA_struct_ui_name(op->type->srna), sizeof(pa->drawname));
static void view3d_panel_operator_redo_header(const bContext *C, Panel *pa)
	wmOperator *op = WM_operator_last_redo(C);

	if (op)
		BLI_strncpy(pa->drawname, RNA_struct_ui_name(op->type->srna), sizeof(pa->drawname));
		BLI_strncpy(pa->drawname, IFACE_("Operator"), sizeof(pa->drawname));
static void view3d_panel_operator_redo_operator(const bContext *C, Panel *pa, wmOperator *op)
	if (op->type->flag & OPTYPE_MACRO) {
		for (op = op->macro.first; op; op = op->next) {
			uiItemL(pa->layout, RNA_struct_ui_name(op->type->srna), ICON_NONE);
			view3d_panel_operator_redo_operator(C, pa, op);
	else {
		view3d_panel_operator_redo_buts(C, pa, op);
static const char *dropbox_active(bContext *C, ListBase *handlers, wmDrag *drag, wmEvent *event)
	wmEventHandler *handler = handlers->first;
	for (; handler; handler = handler->next) {
		if (handler->dropboxes) {
			wmDropBox *drop = handler->dropboxes->first;
			for (; drop; drop = drop->next) {
				if (drop->poll(C, drag, event))
					/* XXX Doing translation here might not be ideal, but later we have no more
					 *     access to ot (and hence op context)... */
					return RNA_struct_ui_name(drop->ot->srna);
	return NULL;
Exemple #5
static int undo_history_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event))
	int undosys, totitem = 0;
	undosys = get_undo_system(C);
	if (undosys) {
		EnumPropertyItem *item = rna_undo_itemf(C, undosys, &totitem);
		if (totitem > 0) {
			uiPopupMenu *pup = uiPupMenuBegin(C, RNA_struct_ui_name(op->type->srna), ICON_NONE);
			uiLayout *layout = uiPupMenuLayout(pup);
			uiLayout *split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0.0f, false);
			uiLayout *column = NULL;
			const int col_size = 20 + totitem / 12;
			int i, c;
			bool add_col = true;
			for (c = 0, i = totitem; i--;) {
				if (add_col && !(c % col_size)) {
					column = uiLayoutColumn(split, false);
					add_col = false;
				if (item[i].identifier) {
					uiItemIntO(column, item[i].name, item[i].icon, op->type->idname, "item", item[i].value);
					add_col = true;
			uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup);
Exemple #6
 * \note RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex is used here because we want
 *       the previously used settings to be used here rather then overriding them */
short ED_fileselect_set_params(SpaceFile *sfile)
	FileSelectParams *params;
	wmOperator *op = sfile->op;

	/* create new parameters if necessary */
	if (!sfile->params) {
		sfile->params = MEM_callocN(sizeof(FileSelectParams), "fileselparams");
		/* set path to most recently opened .blend */
		BLI_split_dirfile(G.main->name, sfile->params->dir, sfile->params->file, sizeof(sfile->params->dir), sizeof(sfile->params->file));
		sfile->params->filter_glob[0] = '\0';
		/* set the default thumbnails size */
		sfile->params->thumbnail_size = 128;

	params = sfile->params;

	/* set the parameters from the operator, if it exists */
	if (op) {
		PropertyRNA *prop;
		const bool is_files = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "files") != NULL);
		const bool is_filepath = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filepath") != NULL);
		const bool is_filename = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filename") != NULL);
		const bool is_directory = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "directory") != NULL);
		const bool is_relative_path = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "relative_path") != NULL);

		BLI_strncpy_utf8(params->title, RNA_struct_ui_name(op->type->srna), sizeof(params->title));

		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filemode"))) {
			params->type = RNA_property_int_get(op->ptr, prop);
		else {
			params->type = FILE_SPECIAL;

		if (is_filepath && RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, "filepath", false)) {
			char name[FILE_MAX];
			RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "filepath", name);
			if (params->type == FILE_LOADLIB) {
				BLI_strncpy(params->dir, name, sizeof(params->dir));
				sfile->params->file[0] = '\0';
			else {
				BLI_split_dirfile(name, sfile->params->dir, sfile->params->file, sizeof(sfile->params->dir), sizeof(sfile->params->file));
		else {
			if (is_directory && RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, "directory", false)) {
				RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "directory", params->dir);
				sfile->params->file[0] = '\0';

			if (is_filename && RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, "filename", false)) {
				RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "filename", params->file);

		if (params->dir[0]) {
			BLI_cleanup_dir(G.main->name, params->dir);
			BLI_path_abs(params->dir, G.main->name);

		if (is_directory == true && is_filename == false && is_filepath == false && is_files == false) {
			params->flag |= FILE_DIRSEL_ONLY;
		else {
			params->flag &= ~FILE_DIRSEL_ONLY;

		params->filter = 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_blender")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_BLENDER : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_backup")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_BLENDER_BACKUP : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_image")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_IMAGE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_movie")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_MOVIE : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_python")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_PYSCRIPT : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_font")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_FTFONT : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_sound")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_SOUND : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_text")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_TEXT : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_folder")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_FOLDER : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_btx")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_BTX : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_collada")))
			params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_COLLADA : 0;
		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_glob"))) {
			RNA_property_string_get(op->ptr, prop, params->filter_glob);
			params->filter |= (FILE_TYPE_OPERATOR | FILE_TYPE_FOLDER);
		else {
			params->filter_glob[0] = '\0';

		if (params->filter != 0) {
			if (U.uiflag & USER_FILTERFILEEXTS) {
				params->flag |= FILE_FILTER;
			else {
				params->flag &= ~FILE_FILTER;

		if (U.uiflag & USER_HIDE_DOT) {
			params->flag |= FILE_HIDE_DOT;
		else {
			params->flag &= ~FILE_HIDE_DOT;

		if (params->type == FILE_LOADLIB) {
			params->flag |= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "link") ? FILE_LINK : 0;
			params->flag |= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "autoselect") ? FILE_AUTOSELECT : 0;
			params->flag |= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "active_layer") ? FILE_ACTIVELAY : 0;

		if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "display_type"))) {
			params->display = RNA_property_enum_get(op->ptr, prop);

		if (params->display == FILE_DEFAULTDISPLAY) {
			if (U.uiflag & USER_SHOW_THUMBNAILS) {
				if (params->filter & (FILE_TYPE_IMAGE | FILE_TYPE_MOVIE))
					params->display = FILE_IMGDISPLAY;
					params->display = FILE_SHORTDISPLAY;
			else {
				params->display = FILE_SHORTDISPLAY;

		if (is_relative_path) {
			if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "relative_path"))) {
				if (!RNA_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, prop, false)) {
					RNA_property_boolean_set(op->ptr, prop, (U.flag & USER_RELPATHS) != 0);
	else {
		/* default values, if no operator */
		params->type = FILE_UNIX;
		params->flag |= FILE_HIDE_DOT;
		params->flag &= ~FILE_DIRSEL_ONLY;
		params->display = FILE_SHORTDISPLAY;
		params->filter = 0;
		params->filter_glob[0] = '\0';

	/* operator has no setting for this */
	params->sort = FILE_SORT_ALPHA;
	params->active_file = -1;

	/* initialize the list with previous folders */
	if (!sfile->folders_prev)
		sfile->folders_prev = folderlist_new();

	if (!sfile->params->dir[0]) {
		if (G.main->name[0]) {
			BLI_split_dir_part(G.main->name, sfile->params->dir, sizeof(sfile->params->dir));
		else {
			const char *doc_path = BKE_appdir_folder_default();
			if (doc_path) {
				BLI_strncpy(sfile->params->dir, doc_path, sizeof(sfile->params->dir));

	folderlist_pushdir(sfile->folders_prev, sfile->params->dir);

	/* switching thumbnails needs to recalc layout [#28809] */
	if (sfile->layout) {
		sfile->layout->dirty = true;

	return 1;
Exemple #7
/* Write into "name" buffer, the name of the property (retrieved using RNA from the curve's settings),
 * and return the icon used for the struct that this property refers to 
 * WARNING: name buffer we're writing to cannot exceed 256 chars (check anim_channels_defines.c for details)
int getname_anim_fcurve(char *name, ID *id, FCurve *fcu)
	int icon = 0;
	/* sanity checks */
	if (name == NULL)
		return icon;
	else if (ELEM3(NULL, id, fcu, fcu->rna_path)) {
		if (fcu == NULL)
			strcpy(name, "<invalid>");
		else if (fcu->rna_path == NULL)
			strcpy(name, "<no path>");
		else /* id == NULL */
			BLI_snprintf(name, 256, "%s[%d]", fcu->rna_path, fcu->array_index);
	else {
		PointerRNA id_ptr, ptr;
		PropertyRNA *prop;
		/* get RNA pointer, and resolve the path */
		RNA_id_pointer_create(id, &id_ptr);
		/* try to resolve the path */
		if (RNA_path_resolve(&id_ptr, fcu->rna_path, &ptr, &prop)) {
			const char *structname = NULL, *propname = NULL;
			char arrayindbuf[16];
			const char *arrayname = NULL;
			short free_structname = 0;
			/* For now, name will consist of 3 parts: struct-name, property name, array index
			 * There are several options possible:
			 *	1) <struct-name>.<property-name>.<array-index>
			 *		i.e. Bone1.Location.X, or Object.Location.X
			 *	2) <array-index> <property-name> (<struct name>)
			 *		i.e. X Location (Bone1), or X Location (Object)
			 * Currently, option 2 is in use, to try and make it easier to quickly identify F-Curves (it does have
			 * problems with looking rather odd though). Option 1 is better in terms of revealing a consistent sense of 
			 * hierarchy though, which isn't so clear with option 2.
			/* for structname
			 *	- as base, we use a custom name from the structs if one is available 
			 *	- however, if we're showing subdata of bones (probably there will be other exceptions later)
			 *	  need to include that info too since it gets confusing otherwise
			 *	- if a pointer just refers to the ID-block, then don't repeat this info
			 *	  since this just introduces clutter
			if (strstr(fcu->rna_path, "bones") && strstr(fcu->rna_path, "constraints")) {
				/* perform string 'chopping' to get "Bone Name : Constraint Name" */
				char *pchanName = BLI_getQuotedStr(fcu->rna_path, "bones[");
				char *constName = BLI_getQuotedStr(fcu->rna_path, "constraints[");
				/* assemble the string to display in the UI... */
				structname = BLI_sprintfN("%s : %s", pchanName, constName);
				free_structname = 1;
				/* free the temp names */
				if (pchanName) MEM_freeN(pchanName);
				if (constName) MEM_freeN(constName);
			else if (ptr.data != ptr.id.data) {
				PropertyRNA *nameprop = RNA_struct_name_property(ptr.type);
				if (nameprop) {
					/* this gets a string which will need to be freed */
					structname = RNA_property_string_get_alloc(&ptr, nameprop, NULL, 0, NULL);
					free_structname = 1;
					structname = RNA_struct_ui_name(ptr.type);
			/* Property Name is straightforward */
			propname = RNA_property_ui_name(prop);
			/* Array Index - only if applicable */
			if (RNA_property_array_length(&ptr, prop)) {
				char c = RNA_property_array_item_char(prop, fcu->array_index);
				/* we need to write the index to a temp buffer (in py syntax) */
				if (c) BLI_snprintf(arrayindbuf, sizeof(arrayindbuf), "%c ", c);
				else BLI_snprintf(arrayindbuf, sizeof(arrayindbuf), "[%d]", fcu->array_index);
				arrayname = &arrayindbuf[0];
			else {
				/* no array index */
				arrayname = "";
			/* putting this all together into the buffer */
			// XXX we need to check for invalid names...
			// XXX the name length limit needs to be passed in or as some define
			if (structname)
				BLI_snprintf(name, 256, "%s%s (%s)", arrayname, propname, structname); 
				BLI_snprintf(name, 256, "%s%s", arrayname, propname); 
			/* free temp name if nameprop is set */
			if (free_structname)
				MEM_freeN((void *)structname);
			/* Icon for this property's owner:
			 *	use the struct's icon if it is set
			icon = RNA_struct_ui_icon(ptr.type);
			/* valid path - remove the invalid tag since we now know how to use it saving
			 * users manual effort to reenable using "Revive Disabled FCurves" [#29629]
			fcu->flag &= ~FCURVE_DISABLED;
		else {
			/* invalid path */
			BLI_snprintf(name, 256, "\"%s[%d]\"", fcu->rna_path, fcu->array_index);
			/* icon for this should be the icon for the base ID */
			// TODO: or should we just use the error icon?
			icon = RNA_struct_ui_icon(id_ptr.type);
			/* tag F-Curve as disabled - as not usable path */
			fcu->flag |= FCURVE_DISABLED;
	/* return the icon that the active data had */
	return icon;