void AES25::processCanRxEvent(const fmMsgs::can::ConstPtr& can_rx_msg)
  if (can_rx_msg->id == 0x180)
    motorSpeed.byte[0] = can_rx_msg->data[0];
    motorSpeed.byte[1] = can_rx_msg->data[1];
    motorTorque.byte[0] = can_rx_msg->data[2];
    motorTorque.byte[1] = can_rx_msg->data[3];
    motorAngle.byte[0] = can_rx_msg->data[4];
    motorAngle.byte[1] = can_rx_msg->data[5];
    controllerInfo_[INDEX_MOTOR_FLAGS] = can_rx_msg->data[6];

    ROS_DEBUG_THROTTLE_NAMED(1, "AES25 0x180", "Motorspeed: %d MotorTorque: %d Motorangle: %d MotorFlags: %x", motorSpeed.sInt, motorTorque.sInt,motorAngle.sInt,controllerInfo_[INDEX_MOTOR_FLAGS]);

  else if (can_rx_msg->id == 0x280)
    controllerInfo_[INDEX_MOTOR_ALARM] = can_rx_msg->data[0];
    controllerInfo_[INDEX_MOTOR_TEMP] = can_rx_msg->data[1];
    controllerInfo_[INDEX_INVERTER_TEMP] = can_rx_msg->data[2];
    controllerInfo_[INDEX_INVERTER_VOLTAGE] = can_rx_msg->data[3];
    controllerInfo_[INDEX_MOTOR_PROTOCOL_LO] = can_rx_msg->data[4];
    controllerInfo_[INDEX_MOTOR_PROTOCOL_HI] = can_rx_msg->data[5];

    ROS_DEBUG_COND_NAMED(controllerInfo_[INDEX_MOTOR_ALARM], "AES25 0x280", "MotorAlarm: %d MotorTemp: %d InverterTemp: %d InverterVoltage: %d MotorProtocolVersionLo: %d MotorProtocolVersionHi: %d", controllerInfo_[INDEX_MOTOR_ALARM], controllerInfo_[INDEX_MOTOR_TEMP], controllerInfo_[INDEX_INVERTER_TEMP], controllerInfo_[INDEX_INVERTER_VOLTAGE], controllerInfo_[INDEX_MOTOR_PROTOCOL_LO], controllerInfo_[INDEX_MOTOR_PROTOCOL_HI]);

  else if (can_rx_msg->id == 0x700)
    ROS_DEBUG_THROTTLE_NAMED(1, "AES25 0x700","Undescribed CANbus msg!");
	 * @brief Send vision estimate transform to FCU position controller
	void send_vision_estimate(const ros::Time &stamp, const Eigen::Affine3d &tr)
		 * @warning Issue #60.
		 * This now affects pose callbacks too.
		if (last_transform_stamp == stamp) {
			ROS_DEBUG_THROTTLE_NAMED(10, "vision_pose", "Vision: Same transform as last one, dropped.");
		last_transform_stamp = stamp;

		auto position = ftf::transform_frame_enu_ned(Eigen::Vector3d(tr.translation()));
		auto rpy = ftf::quaternion_to_rpy(

		vision_position_estimate(stamp.toNSec() / 1000, position, rpy);
	 * Send vision estimate transform to FCU position controller
	void send_vision_transform(const tf::Transform &transform, const ros::Time &stamp) {
		// origin and RPY in ENU frame
		tf::Vector3 position = transform.getOrigin();
		double roll, pitch, yaw;
		tf::Matrix3x3 orientation(transform.getBasis());
		orientation.getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);

		/* Issue #60.
		 * Note: this now affects pose callbacks too, but i think its not big deal.
		if (last_transform_stamp == stamp) {
			ROS_DEBUG_THROTTLE_NAMED(10, "position", "Vision: Same transform as last one, dropped.");
		last_transform_stamp = stamp;

		// TODO: check conversion. Issue #49.
		vision_position_estimate(stamp.toNSec() / 1000,
				position.y(), position.x(), -position.z(),
				roll, -pitch, -yaw); // ??? please check!
Exemple #4
    void sendCommad(){
      ros::Duration sleep_time(0.1);
      bool error = false;
      unsigned int num_req;
      while(nh_.ok() && ros::ok() && !error){
        num_req = getRequestNum();
        if (num_req > 0){
          KukaRequest req = getRequest();
          pop(); // TODO
          // Check option
          switch (req.opt_){
            case STOP:
              // Send Stop
              error = kuka_.stop();
              ROS_WARN_NAMED(name_, "Sending stop request to KUKA robot.");
            case PTP:
              // Send PTP command
              ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(name_, "Sending PTP request to KUKA robot.");
            case VEL:
              // Send PTP command
              ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(name_, "Sending velocity override request to KUKA robot.");
            // case HOME:
            //   // Send Home 
            //   for(unsigned int i=0; i<6; i++) req.data_.ptp_goal[i]=0.0*rad2deg+offset_[i];
            //   kuka_.setJointPosition(req.data_.ptp_goal); 
            //   ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(name_, "Sending HOME request to KUKA robot.");
            //   break;            
              ROS_ERROR_NAMED(name_, "Undefined option type.");
          sleep_time = ros::Duration(0.1);
        // Update joint state
        else if (num_req == 0) {
          ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(name_, "Update request to KUKA robot.");
          // Call KUKA update
          // Reset delta position and norm values
          double norm = 0.0;
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) position_d_[i] = joint_state_.position[i];
          // Get joint position
          // Offset and rad convertion
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
            joint_state_.position[i] = (joint_state_.position[i] - offset_[i])*deg2rad;
            position_d_[i] -= joint_state_.position[i];
            norm += position_d_[i]*position_d_[i];
          //norm = sqrt(norm);
          if ( norm < 0.01 ) sleep_time = ros::Duration(1);
          ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(name_, "Norma: %.2f", norm);

          // Publish joint state
          joint_state_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

        ROS_DEBUG_THROTTLE_NAMED(0.2, name_, "Current number of req %i", getRequestNum());
bool BaseController::update(const ros::Time now, const ros::Duration dt)
  if (!initialized_)
    return false;  // should never really hit this

  /* See if we have timed out and need to stop */
  if (now - last_command_ >= timeout_)
    ROS_DEBUG_THROTTLE_NAMED(5, "BaseController", "Command timed out.");
    desired_x_ = desired_r_ = 0.0;

  /* Do velocity acceleration/limiting */
  if (desired_x_ > last_sent_x_)
    last_sent_x_ += max_acceleration_x_ * (now - last_update_).toSec();
    if (last_sent_x_ > desired_x_)
      last_sent_x_ = desired_x_;
    last_sent_x_ -= max_acceleration_x_ * (now - last_update_).toSec();
    if (last_sent_x_ < desired_x_)
      last_sent_x_ = desired_x_;
  if (desired_r_ > last_sent_r_)
    last_sent_r_ += max_acceleration_r_ * (now - last_update_).toSec();
    if (last_sent_r_ > desired_r_)
      last_sent_r_ = desired_r_;
    last_sent_r_ -= max_acceleration_r_ * (now - last_update_).toSec();
    if (last_sent_r_ < desired_r_)
      last_sent_r_ = desired_r_;

  double dx = 0.0;
  double dr = 0.0;

  double left_dx = static_cast<double>((left_->getPosition() - left_last_position_)/radians_per_meter_);
  double right_dx = static_cast<double>((right_->getPosition() - right_last_position_)/radians_per_meter_);
  double left_vel = static_cast<double>(left_->getVelocity()/radians_per_meter_);
  double right_vel = static_cast<double>(right_->getVelocity()/radians_per_meter_);
  left_last_position_ = left_->getPosition();
  right_last_position_ = right_->getPosition();

  /* Calculate forward and angular differences */
  double d = (left_dx+right_dx)/2.0;
  double th = (right_dx-left_dx)/track_width_;

  /* Calculate forward and angular velocities */
  dx = (left_vel + right_vel)/2.0;
  dr = (right_vel - left_vel)/track_width_;

  /* Update store odometry */
  odom_.pose.pose.position.x += d*cos(theta_);
  odom_.pose.pose.position.y += d*sin(theta_);
  theta_ += th;

  /* Actually set command */
  if ((last_sent_x_ != 0.0) || (last_sent_r_ != 0.0) ||
      (fabs(dx) > 0.05) || (fabs(dr) > 0.05))
    setCommand(last_sent_x_ - (last_sent_r_/2.0 * track_width_),
              last_sent_x_ + (last_sent_r_/2.0 * track_width_));

  /* Update odometry information. */
  odom_.pose.pose.orientation.z = sin(theta_/2.0);
  odom_.pose.pose.orientation.w = cos(theta_/2.0);
  odom_.twist.twist.linear.x = dx;
  odom_.twist.twist.angular.z = dr;

  last_update_ = now;
  return true;