void SplineFitting::readJointTrajFromFile(const std::string& filename, std::size_t num_joints)
    num_joints_ = num_joints;

    // Open file
    std::ifstream input_file;

    // Settings
    std::string line;
    std::string cell;

    // Store data by joints, THEN waypoints

    // Skip header
    std::getline(input_file, line);

    bool first_row_read_file = true;
    double first_timestamp;

    // For each row/trajectory waypoint
    while (std::getline(input_file, line))
      std::stringstream lineStream(line);

      if (!std::getline(lineStream, cell, ','))
        ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("csv_to_controller", "no time value");
      double timestamp = atof(cell.c_str());
      // Make first timestamp zero
      if (first_row_read_file)
        first_timestamp = timestamp;
        first_row_read_file = false;
      timestamps_.push_back(timestamp - first_timestamp);

      // For each joint
      for (std::size_t joint_id = 0; joint_id < num_joints_; ++joint_id)
        // POSITION
        if (!std::getline(lineStream, cell, ','))
          ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("csv_to_controller", "no joint value");

        // VELOCITY
        if (!std::getline(lineStream, cell, ','))
          ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("csv_to_controller", "no joint value");
        // UNUSED

        if (!std::getline(lineStream, cell, ','))
          ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("csv_to_controller", "no joint value");
        // UNUSED
    }  // while
bool TransmissionInterfaceLoader::load(const TransmissionInfo& transmission_info)
  // Create transmission instance
  TransmissionPtr transmission;
    TransmissionLoaderPtr transmission_loader = transmission_class_loader_->createInstance(transmission_info.type_);
    transmission = transmission_loader->load(transmission_info);
    if (!transmission) {return false;}
  catch(pluginlib::LibraryLoadException &ex)
    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("parser", "Failed to load transmission '" << transmission_info.name_ <<
                           "'. Unsupported type '" << transmission_info.type_ << "'.\n" << ex.what());
    return false;

  // We currently only deal with transmissions specifying a single hardware interface in the joints
  assert(!transmission_info.joints_.empty() && !transmission_info.joints_.front().hardware_interfaces_.empty());
  const std::vector<std::string>& hw_ifaces_ref = transmission_info.joints_.front().hardware_interfaces_; // First joint
  BOOST_FOREACH(const JointInfo& jnt_info, transmission_info.joints_)
    // Error out if at least one joint has a different set of hardware interfaces
    if (hw_ifaces_ref.size() != jnt_info.hardware_interfaces_.size() ||
        !internal::is_permutation(hw_ifaces_ref.begin(), hw_ifaces_ref.end(),
                             "Failed to load transmission '" << transmission_info.name_ <<
                             "'. It has joints with different hardware interfaces. This is currently unsupported.");
      return false;

  // Load transmission for all specified hardware interfaces
  bool has_at_least_one_hw_iface = false;
  BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string& hw_iface, hw_ifaces_ref)
    RequisiteProviderPtr req_provider;
      req_provider = req_provider_loader_->createInstance(hw_iface);
      if (!req_provider) {continue;}
    catch(pluginlib::LibraryLoadException &ex)
      ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("parser", "Failed to process the '" << hw_iface <<
                             "' hardware interface for transmission '" << transmission_info.name_ <<
                             "'.\n" << ex.what());

    const bool load_ok = req_provider->loadTransmissionMaps(transmission_info, loader_data_, transmission);
    if (load_ok) {has_at_least_one_hw_iface = true;}
    else {continue;}
  bool DiffDriveController::getWheelNames(ros::NodeHandle& controller_nh,
                              const std::string& wheel_param,
                              std::vector<std::string>& wheel_names)
      XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue wheel_list;
      if (!controller_nh.getParam(wheel_param, wheel_list))
            "Couldn't retrieve wheel param '" << wheel_param << "'.");
        return false;

      if (wheel_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray)
        if (wheel_list.size() == 0)
              "Wheel param '" << wheel_param << "' is an empty list");
          return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < wheel_list.size(); ++i)
          if (wheel_list[i].getType() != XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString)
                "Wheel param '" << wheel_param << "' #" << i <<
                " isn't a string.");
            return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < wheel_list.size(); ++i)
          wheel_names[i] = static_cast<std::string>(wheel_list[i]);
      else if (wheel_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString)
            "Wheel param '" << wheel_param <<
            "' is neither a list of strings nor a string.");
        return false;

      return true;
 bool endEffectorResponding()
   if( ee_status_.header.stamp < ros::Time::now() - ros::Duration(1.0) )
     ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Unable to control end effector: servo status is expired");
     return false;
   if( !ee_status_.alive )
     ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Unable to control end effector: servo not responding");
     return false;
   return true;
void BaxterEffortController::commandCB(const baxter_core_msgs::JointCommandConstPtr& msg)
//Check if the number of joints and effort values are equal
if( msg->command.size() != msg->names.size() )
    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("update","List of names does not match list of efforts size, "
      << msg->command.size() << " != " << msg->names.size() );

std::map<std::string,std::size_t>::iterator name_it;
  // Map incoming joint names and effort values to the correct internal ordering
  for(size_t i=0; i<msg->names.size(); i++)
    // Check if the joint name is in our map
    name_it = joint_to_index_map_.find(msg->names[i]);

    if( name_it != joint_to_index_map_.end() )
      // Joint is in the map, so we'll update the joint effort
      // Publish the joint effort to the corresponding joint controller
      effort_command_pub_[name_it->second].publish( m );
// Update that new effort values are waiting to be sent to the joints
  new_command_ = true;
     * Sent STATUSTEXT message to rosout
     * @param[in] severity  Levels defined in common.xml
    void process_statustext_normal(uint8_t severity, std::string &text) {
        switch (severity) {
        case MAV_SEVERITY_ALERT:
        case MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR:
            ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("fcu", "FCU: " << text);

            ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("fcu", "FCU: " << text);

        case MAV_SEVERITY_INFO:
            ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("fcu", "FCU: " << text);

        case MAV_SEVERITY_DEBUG:
            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("fcu", "FCU: " << text);

            ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("fcu", "FCU: UNK(" <<
                                  int(severity) << "): " << text);
Exemple #7
  bool computePlan(moveit_msgs::GetMotionPlan::Request& req, moveit_msgs::GetMotionPlan::Response& res)
    ROS_INFO("Received new planning request...");
    if (debug_)
    planning_interface::MotionPlanResponse response;

    ompl_interface::ModelBasedPlanningContextPtr context =
        ompl_interface_.getPlanningContext(psm_.getPlanningScene(), req.motion_plan_request);
    if (!context)
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("computePlan", "No planning context found");
      return false;

    bool result = context->solve(response);

    if (debug_)
      if (result)
      std::stringstream ss;
      ROS_INFO("%s", ss.str().c_str());
    return result;
void GenericHWInterface::loadURDF(ros::NodeHandle &nh, std::string param_name)
  std::string urdf_string;
  urdf_model_ = new urdf::Model();

  // search and wait for robot_description on param server
  while (urdf_string.empty() && ros::ok())
    std::string search_param_name;
    if (nh.searchParam(param_name, search_param_name))
      ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("generic_hw_interface", "Waiting for model URDF on the ROS param server at location: " <<
                            nh.getNamespace() << search_param_name);
      nh.getParam(search_param_name, urdf_string);
      ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("generic_hw_interface", "Waiting for model URDF on the ROS param server at location: " <<
                            nh.getNamespace() << param_name);
      nh.getParam(param_name, urdf_string);


  if (!urdf_model_->initString(urdf_string))
    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("generic_hw_interface", "Unable to load URDF model");
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("generic_hw_interface", "Received URDF from param server");
  void processGoal(const geometry_msgs::Pose& start_block_pose, const geometry_msgs::Pose& end_block_pose )
    // Change the goal constraints on the servos to be less strict, so that the controllers don't die. this is a hack
    nh_.setParam("/clam_trajectory_controller/joint_trajectory_action_node/constraints/elbow_pitch_joint/goal", 2); // originally it was 0.45
    nh_.setParam("/clam_trajectory_controller/joint_trajectory_action_node/constraints/shoulder_pan_joint/goal", 2); // originally it was 0.45
    nh_.setParam("/clam_trajectory_controller/joint_trajectory_action_node/constraints/wrist_pitch_joint/goal", 2); // originally it was 0.45
    nh_.setParam("/clam_trajectory_controller/joint_trajectory_action_node/constraints/gripper_roll_joint/goal", 2); // originally it was 0.45
    nh_.setParam("/clam_trajectory_controller/joint_trajectory_action_node/constraints/wrist_pitch_joint/goal", 2); // originally it was 0.45

    if( !pickAndPlace(start_block_pose, end_block_pose) )
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("pick_place_moveit","Pick and place failed");

      if(action_server_.isActive()) // Make sure we haven't sent a fake goal
        // Report failure
        result_.success = false;
      if(action_server_.isActive()) // Make sure we haven't sent a fake goal
        // Report success
        result_.success = true;

    // TODO: remove
*	Implements a synchronous call to the mvn_pln node to move the robot a specified distance and angle
*	Receives:
*		bearing : the angle the robot must turn
*		distance : the distance the robot must move
*		traveledBearing : the angle the robot actually turn after perform the command (reference)
*		traveledDistance : the distance the robot actually moves after perform the command (reference)
*	Returns:
*		true : if the robot performs correctly the move action
*		false : otherwise
bool ServiceManager::mpMove(std_msgs::Float32 bearing, std_msgs::Float32 distance, std_msgs::Float32 &traveledBearing, std_msgs::Float32 &traveledDistance)
	std::string service_name ("/mp_move_dist_angle");
	ros::NodeHandle n;
	ros::ServiceClient client = n.serviceClient<mvn_pln::mp_move_dist_angle>(service_name);	//create the service caller

	mvn_pln::mp_move_dist_angle srv;	//create the service and fill it with the parameters
	srv.request.bearing = bearing;
	srv.request.distance = distance;

	if(client.call(srv))	//call the service with the parameters contained in srv
		ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("action_planner", service_name << " service called successfully with parameters (bearing, distance) = (" << bearing << ", " << distance << ")");
		traveledBearing = srv.response.traveledBearing;
		traveledDistance = srv.response.traveledDistance;
		return true;
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("action_planner", "an error acurred when trying to call the " << service_name << " service with parameters (bearing, distance) = (" << bearing << ", " << distance << ")");
		traveledBearing = srv.response.traveledBearing;
		traveledDistance = srv.response.traveledDistance;
	return false;
  // Close end effector to setpoint
  bool setEndEffector(double setpoint)
    // Error check - servos are alive and we've been recieving messages
    if( !endEffectorResponding() )
      return false;

    // Check that there is a valid end effector setpoint set
    if( setpoint >= END_EFFECTOR_CLOSE_VALUE_MAX &&
        setpoint <= END_EFFECTOR_OPEN_VALUE_MAX )
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Unable to set end effector: out of range setpoint of " <<
                             setpoint << ". Valid range is " << END_EFFECTOR_CLOSE_VALUE_MAX << " to "
                             << END_EFFECTOR_OPEN_VALUE_MAX );
      return false;

    // Check if end effector is already close and arm is still
    if( ee_status_.target_position == setpoint &&
        ee_status_.moving == false &&
        ee_status_.position > setpoint + END_EFFECTOR_POSITION_TOLERANCE &&
        ee_status_.position < setpoint - END_EFFECTOR_POSITION_TOLERANCE )
      // Consider the ee to already be in the corret position
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","End effector close: already in position");

      return true;

    // Publish command to servos
    std_msgs::Float64 joint_value;
    joint_value.data = setpoint;

    // Wait until end effector is done moving
    int timeout = 0;
    while( ee_status_.moving == true &&
           ee_status_.position > setpoint + END_EFFECTOR_POSITION_TOLERANCE &&
           ee_status_.position < setpoint - END_EFFECTOR_POSITION_TOLERANCE &&
           ros::ok() )
      // Feedback
      feedback_.position = ee_status_.position;
      //TODO: fill in more of the feedback

      if( timeout > 16 )  // wait 4 seconds
        ROS_ERROR_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Unable to close end effector: timeout on goal position");

        return false;

    return true;
RigidTransformationPtr BodyTrajectory::getRigidTransformation(int frame) const
  if (frame < this->_time_start || frame > this->getTimeEnd())
    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED ("BodyTrajectory.getRigidTransformation",
        "Frame " << frame << " is either under " << this->_time_start << " or over " <<this->getTimeEnd());

  return this->_transformations.at(frame - this->_time_start);
bool IMarkerRobotState::setFromPoses(const EigenSTL::vector_Isometry3d poses,
                                     const moveit::core::JointModelGroup* group)
  std::vector<std::string> tips;
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < arm_datas_.size(); ++i)

  // ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "First pose should be for joint model group: " << arm_datas_[0].ee_link_->getName());

  const double timeout = 1.0 / 30.0;  // 30 fps

  // Optionally collision check
  moveit::core::GroupStateValidityCallbackFn constraint_fn;
  if (true)
    bool collision_checking_verbose_ = false;
    bool only_check_self_collision_ = false;

    // TODO(davetcoleman): this is currently not working, the locking seems to cause segfaults
    // TODO(davetcoleman): change to std shared_ptr
    boost::scoped_ptr<planning_scene_monitor::LockedPlanningSceneRO> ls;
    ls.reset(new planning_scene_monitor::LockedPlanningSceneRO(psm_));
    constraint_fn = boost::bind(&isIKStateValid, static_cast<const planning_scene::PlanningSceneConstPtr&>(*ls).get(),
                                collision_checking_verbose_, only_check_self_collision_, visual_tools_, _1, _2, _3);

  // Solve
  std::size_t outer_attempts = 20;
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < outer_attempts; ++i)
    if (!imarker_state_->setFromIK(group, poses, tips, timeout, constraint_fn))
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Failed to find dual arm pose, trying again");

      // Re-seed
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Found IK solution");

      // Visualize robot

      // Update the imarkers
      for (IMarkerEndEffectorPtr ee : end_effectors_)

      return true;

  ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Failed to find dual arm pose");
  return false;
  void SplineFitting::setJointPositions(const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& joint_positions,
                                        const std::vector<double>& timetamps)
    // Error check
    if (joint_positions.empty())
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "No waypoints passed in");
    if (joint_positions.front().empty())
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "No joint values passed in");
    // Copy in num joints
    num_joints_ = joint_positions.size();

    // Save joint positions
    joint_positions_ = joint_positions;
    timestamps_ = timetamps;
*	Implements a synchronous call to the mvn_pln node to move the robot to a specified string location
*	Receives:
*		location : the name of the map location (goalpoint)
*	Returns:
*		true : if the robot reach the location
*		false : otherwise
bool ServiceManager::mpGetClose(std_msgs::String location)
	std::string service_name ("/mp_getclose");
	ros::NodeHandle n;
	ros::ServiceClient client = n.serviceClient<mvn_pln::mp_getclose>(service_name);	//create the service caller

	mvn_pln::mp_getclose srv;	//create the service and fill it with the parameters
	srv.request.location = location;

	if(client.call(srv))	//call the service with the parameters contained in srv
		ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("action_planner", service_name << " service called successfully with parameters: " << location);
		return true;
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("action_planner", "an error acurred when trying to call the " << service_name << " service with parameters: " << location);
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("action_planner", "Error message received from " << service_name << " : " << srv.response.error);
	return false;
bool IMarkerRobotState::setToRandomState(double clearance)
  static const std::size_t MAX_ATTEMPTS = 1000;
  for (std::size_t attempt = 0; attempt < MAX_ATTEMPTS; ++attempt)
    // Set each planning group to random
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < arm_datas_.size(); ++i)

    // Update transforms
    planning_scene_monitor::LockedPlanningSceneRO planning_scene(psm_);  // Read only lock

    // Collision check
    // which planning group to collision check, "" is everything
    static const bool verbose = false;
    if (planning_scene->isStateValid(*imarker_state_, "", verbose))
      // Check clearance
      if (clearance > 0)
        // which planning group to collision check, "" is everything
        if (planning_scene->distanceToCollision(*imarker_state_) < clearance)
          continue;  // clearance is not enough

      ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Found valid random robot state after " << attempt << " attempts");

      // Set updated pose from robot state
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < arm_datas_.size(); ++i)

      // Send to imarker
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < arm_datas_.size(); ++i)

      return true;

    if (attempt == 100)
      ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Taking long time to find valid random state");

  ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Unable to find valid random robot state for imarker after " << MAX_ATTEMPTS << " attem"

  return false;
bool OmniDriveController::getWheelNames(ros::NodeHandle& controller_nh,
		const std::string& wheel_param,
		std::string& wheel_name)
	XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue wheel_list;
	if (!controller_nh.getParam(wheel_param, wheel_list))
				"Couldn't retrieve wheel param '" << wheel_param << "'.");
		return false;

	if (wheel_list.getType() != XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString)
				"Wheel param '" << wheel_param << "' #" <<
				" isn't a string.");
		return false;

	wheel_name = static_cast<std::string>(wheel_list);
	return true;
bool TransmissionInterfaceLoader::load(const std::string& urdf)
  TransmissionParser parser;
  std::vector<TransmissionInfo> infos;
  if (!parser.parse(urdf, infos)) {return false;}

  if (infos.empty())
    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("parser", "No transmissions were found in the robot description.");
    return false;

  return load(infos);
  // Recieve Action Goal Function
  void processGripperAction(const clam_msgs::ClamGripperCommandGoalConstPtr& goal)
    goal_ = goal;

    if( doGripperAction(goal) )
      result_.reached_goal = true;
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Failed to complete gripper action");
      result_.reached_goal = false;
  bool doGripperAction(const clam_msgs::ClamGripperCommandGoalConstPtr& goal)
    if( goal_->position == clam_msgs::ClamGripperCommandGoal::GRIPPER_OPEN )
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Received open end effector goal");

      if( simulation_mode_ )
        // Publish command to servos
        std_msgs::Float64 joint_value;
        joint_value.data = END_EFFECTOR_OPEN_VALUE_MAX;
        return true;
        return openEndEffector();
    else if( goal_->position == clam_msgs::ClamGripperCommandGoal::GRIPPER_CLOSE )
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Received close end effector goal");

      if( simulation_mode_ )
        // Publish command to servos
        std_msgs::Float64 joint_value;
        joint_value.data = END_EFFECTOR_OPEN_VALUE_MAX * 0.80;
        return true;
        return closeEndEffector();
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Unrecognized command " << goal_->position);

      case clam_msgs::ClamGripperCommandGoal::END_EFFECTOR_SET:
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Received close end effector to setpoint goal");
 void rosNamed(const std::vector<std::string> &msgs) {
   if (msgs.size()==0) return;
   if (msgs.size()==1) { ROS_INFO_STREAM("Kobuki : " << msgs[0]); }
   if (msgs.size()==2) {
     if      (msgs[0] == "debug") { ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Kobuki : " << msgs[1]); }
     else if (msgs[0] == "info" ) { ROS_INFO_STREAM ("Kobuki : " << msgs[1]); }
     else if (msgs[0] == "warn" ) { ROS_WARN_STREAM ("Kobuki : " << msgs[1]); }
     else if (msgs[0] == "error") { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Kobuki : " << msgs[1]); }
     else if (msgs[0] == "fatal") { ROS_FATAL_STREAM("Kobuki : " << msgs[1]); }
   if (msgs.size()==3) {
     if      (msgs[0] == "debug") { ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(msgs[1], "Kobuki : " << msgs[2]); }
     else if (msgs[0] == "info" ) { ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED (msgs[1], "Kobuki : " << msgs[2]); }
     else if (msgs[0] == "warn" ) { ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED (msgs[1], "Kobuki : " << msgs[2]); }
     else if (msgs[0] == "error") { ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(msgs[1], "Kobuki : " << msgs[2]); }
     else if (msgs[0] == "fatal") { ROS_FATAL_STREAM_NAMED(msgs[1], "Kobuki : " << msgs[2]); }
* Implements a call to the prsfnd BB module to perform the pf_find (find a human) command
* Receives:
*	personToFind	:	a string containing the name of the human to find
*	timeout	:	timeout for the bb command
bool ServiceManager::prsfndFind(std::string personToFind, int timeout)
	std::string service_name ("/pf_find");
	ros::NodeHandle n;
	ros::ServiceClient client = n.serviceClient<bbros_bridge::Default_ROS_BB_Bridge>(service_name);	//create the service caller

	bbros_bridge::Default_ROS_BB_Bridge srv;	//create the service and fill it with the parameters
	srv.request.parameters = personToFind;
	srv.request.timeout = timeout;

	if(client.call(srv))	//call the service with the parameters contained in srv
		ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("action_planner", service_name << " service called successfully with parameters " << srv.request);
		return srv.response.success;
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("action_planner", "an error acurred when trying to call the " << service_name << " service with parameters" << srv.request);
	return false;
bool SrvKinematicsPlugin::getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
  const std::vector<double> &joint_angles,
  std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const
  ros::WallTime n1 = ros::WallTime::now();
    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("srv","kinematics not active");
    return false;
  if(joint_angles.size() != dimension_)
    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("srv","Joint angles vector must have size: %d",dimension_);
    return false;

  ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("srv","Forward kinematics not implemented");

  return false;
     * Send STATUSTEXT messate to rosout with APM severity levels
     * @param[in] severity  APM levels.
    void process_statustext_apm_quirk(uint8_t severity, std::string &text) {
        switch (severity) {
        case 1:	// SEVERITY_LOW
            ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("fcu", "FCU: " << text);

        case 2:	// SEVERITY_MEDIUM
            ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("fcu", "FCU: " << text);

        case 3:	// SEVERITY_HIGH
        case 4:	// SEVERITY_CRITICAL
        case 5:	// SEVERITY_USER_RESPONSE
            ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("fcu", "FCU: " << text);

            ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("fcu", "FCU: UNK(" <<
                                  int(severity) << "): " << text);
bool IMarkerRobotState::loadFromFile(const std::string& file_name)
  if (!boost::filesystem::exists(file_name))
    ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "File not found: " << file_name);
    return false;
  std::ifstream input_file(file_name);

  std::string line;

  if (!std::getline(input_file, line))
    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Unable to read line");
    return false;

  // Get robot state from file
  moveit::core::streamToRobotState(*imarker_state_, line);

  return true;
   * \brief Helper function to decide which, and how many, tip frames a planning group has
   * \param jmg - joint model group pointer
   * \return tips - list of valid links in a planning group to plan for
  std::vector<std::string> chooseTipFrames(const robot_model::JointModelGroup *jmg)
    std::vector<std::string> tips;
    std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::const_iterator ik_it = iksolver_to_tip_links_.find(jmg->getName());

    // Check if tips were loaded onto the rosparam server previously
    if (ik_it != iksolver_to_tip_links_.end())
      // the tip is being chosen based on a corresponding rosparam ik link
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("kinematics_plugin_loader","Chooing tip frame of kinematic solver for group "
        << jmg->getName() << " based on values in rosparam server.");
      tips = ik_it->second;
      // get the last link in the chain
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("kinematics_plugin_loader","Chooing tip frame of kinematic solver for group "
        << jmg->getName() << " based on last link in chain");


    // Error check
    if (tips.empty())
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("kinematics_plugin_loader","Error choosing kinematic solver tip frame(s).");

    // Debug tip choices
    std::stringstream tip_debug;
    tip_debug << "Planning group '" << jmg->getName() << "' has tip(s): ";
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < tips.size(); ++i)
      tip_debug << tips[i] << ", ";
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("kinematics_plugin_loader", tip_debug.str());

    return tips;
bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
                                           const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
                                           double timeout,
                                           std::vector<double> &solution,
                                           const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
                                           moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
                                           const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
                                           const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
  ros::WallTime n1 = ros::WallTime::now();
    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","kinematics not active");
    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
    return false;

  if(ik_seed_state.size() != dimension_)
    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","Seed state must have size " << dimension_ << " instead of size " << ik_seed_state.size());
    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
    return false;

  if(!consistency_limits.empty() && consistency_limits.size() != dimension_)
    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","Consistency limits be empty or must have size " << dimension_ << " instead of size " << consistency_limits.size());
    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
    return false;

  KDL::JntArray jnt_seed_state(dimension_);
  KDL::JntArray jnt_pos_in(dimension_);
  KDL::JntArray jnt_pos_out(dimension_);

  KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive fk_solver(kdl_chain_);
  KDL::ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_mimic ik_solver_vel(kdl_chain_, joint_model_group_->getMimicJointModels().size(), redundant_joint_indices_.size(), position_ik_);
  KDL::ChainIkSolverPos_NR_JL_Mimic ik_solver_pos(kdl_chain_, joint_min_, joint_max_, fk_solver, ik_solver_vel, max_solver_iterations_, epsilon_, position_ik_);

  if ((redundant_joint_indices_.size() > 0) && !ik_solver_vel.setRedundantJointsMapIndex(redundant_joints_map_index_))
    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Could not set redundant joints");
    return false;



  KDL::Frame pose_desired;
  tf::poseMsgToKDL(ik_pose, pose_desired);

  ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","searchPositionIK2: Position request pose is " <<
                   ik_pose.position.x << " " <<
                   ik_pose.position.y << " " <<
                   ik_pose.position.z << " " <<
                   ik_pose.orientation.x << " " <<
                   ik_pose.orientation.y << " " <<
                   ik_pose.orientation.z << " " <<
  //Do the IK
  for(unsigned int i=0; i < dimension_; i++)
    jnt_seed_state(i) = ik_seed_state[i];
  jnt_pos_in = jnt_seed_state;

  unsigned int counter(0);
    //    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Iteration: %d, time: %f, Timeout: %f",counter,(ros::WallTime::now()-n1).toSec(),timeout);
      ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","IK timed out");
      error_code.val = error_code.TIMED_OUT;
      return false;
    int ik_valid = ik_solver_pos.CartToJnt(jnt_pos_in, pose_desired, jnt_pos_out);
    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","IK valid: %d", ik_valid);
      getRandomConfiguration(jnt_seed_state, consistency_limits, jnt_pos_in, options.lock_redundant_joints);
      if( (ik_valid < 0 && !options.return_approximate_solution) || !checkConsistency(jnt_seed_state, consistency_limits, jnt_pos_out))
        ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Could not find IK solution: does not match consistency limits");
      getRandomConfiguration(jnt_pos_in, options.lock_redundant_joints);
      ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","New random configuration");
      for(unsigned int j=0; j < dimension_; j++)
        ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","%d %f", j, jnt_pos_in(j));

      if(ik_valid < 0 && !options.return_approximate_solution)
        ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Could not find IK solution");
    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Found IK solution");
    for(unsigned int j=0; j < dimension_; j++)
      solution[j] = jnt_pos_out(j);
      error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;

    if(error_code.val == error_code.SUCCESS)
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","Solved after " << counter << " iterations");
      return true;
  ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","An IK that satisifes the constraints and is collision free could not be found");
  error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
  return false;
  // Open end effector
  bool openEndEffector()
    // Error check - servos are alive and we've been recieving messages
    if( !endEffectorResponding() )
      return false;

    // Check if end effector is already open and arm is still
    if( ee_status_.target_position == END_EFFECTOR_OPEN_VALUE_MAX &&
        ee_status_.moving == false &&
      // Consider the ee to already be in the corret position
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","End effector open: already in position");
      return true;

    // Set the velocity for the end effector servo
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Setting end effector servo velocity");
    velocity_client_ = nh_.serviceClient< dynamixel_hardware_interface::SetVelocity >(EE_VELOCITY_SRV_NAME);
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Failed to set the end effector servo velocity via service call");
      return false;
    dynamixel_hardware_interface::SetVelocity set_velocity_srv;
    set_velocity_srv.request.velocity = END_EFFECTOR_VELOCITY;
    if( !velocity_client_.call(set_velocity_srv) )
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Failed to set the end effector servo velocity via service call");
      return false;

    // Publish command to servos
    std_msgs::Float64 joint_value;
    joint_value.data = END_EFFECTOR_OPEN_VALUE_MAX;

    // Wait until end effector is done moving
    int timeout = 0;
    while( ee_status_.moving == true &&
           ros::ok() )
      // Feedback
      feedback_.position = ee_status_.position;
      //TODO: fill in more of the feedback

      // Looping
      if( timeout > 16 )  // wait 4 seconds
        ROS_ERROR_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Unable to open end effector: timeout on goal position");
        return false;

    // It worked!
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Finished end effector action");
    return true;
 // Cancel the action
 void preemptCB()
   ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("clam_gripper_controller","Action prempted - NOT IMPLEMENTED");
   // set the action state to preempted
  bool DiffDriveController::setOdomParamsFromUrdf(ros::NodeHandle& root_nh,
                             const std::string& left_wheel_name,
                             const std::string& right_wheel_name,
                             bool lookup_wheel_separation,
                             bool lookup_wheel_radius)
    if (!(lookup_wheel_separation || lookup_wheel_radius))
      // Short-circuit in case we don't need to look up anything, so we don't have to parse the URDF
      return true;

    // Parse robot description
    const std::string model_param_name = "robot_description";
    bool res = root_nh.hasParam(model_param_name);
    std::string robot_model_str="";
    if (!res || !root_nh.getParam(model_param_name,robot_model_str))
      ROS_ERROR_NAMED(name_, "Robot descripion couldn't be retrieved from param server.");
      return false;

    boost::shared_ptr<urdf::ModelInterface> model(urdf::parseURDF(robot_model_str));

    boost::shared_ptr<const urdf::Joint> left_wheel_joint(model->getJoint(left_wheel_name));
    boost::shared_ptr<const urdf::Joint> right_wheel_joint(model->getJoint(right_wheel_name));

    if (lookup_wheel_separation)
      // Get wheel separation
      if (!left_wheel_joint)
        ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_, left_wheel_name
                               << " couldn't be retrieved from model description");
        return false;

      if (!right_wheel_joint)
        ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_, right_wheel_name
                               << " couldn't be retrieved from model description");
        return false;

      ROS_INFO_STREAM("left wheel to origin: " << left_wheel_joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform.position.x << ","
                      << left_wheel_joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform.position.y << ", "
                      << left_wheel_joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform.position.z);
      ROS_INFO_STREAM("right wheel to origin: " << right_wheel_joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform.position.x << ","
                      << right_wheel_joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform.position.y << ", "
                      << right_wheel_joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform.position.z);

      wheel_separation_ = euclideanOfVectors(left_wheel_joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform.position,


    if (lookup_wheel_radius)
      // Get wheel radius
      if (!getWheelRadius(model->getLink(left_wheel_joint->child_link_name), wheel_radius_))
        ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Couldn't retrieve " << left_wheel_name << " wheel radius");
        return false;

    return true;