main(){ unsigned char *pem_key_str = "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"; RSA *pub_rsa,*priv_rsa; unsigned char de_buf[2048],*p,*start; int de_len; p=de_buf; base64_decode(pem_key_str,strlen(pem_key_str),de_buf,&de_len); p = (unsigned char*)malloc(de_len); memcpy(p,de_buf,de_len); start = p; pub_rsa=d2i_RSAPublicKey(NULL,(const unsigned char**)&p,(long)de_len); de_len-=(p-start); priv_rsa=d2i_RSAPrivateKey(NULL,(const unsigned char**)&p,(long)de_len); if ((pub_rsa == NULL) || (priv_rsa == NULL)) ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); RSA_print_fp(stdout,pub_rsa,11); RSA_print_fp(stdout,priv_rsa,11); RSA_free(pub_rsa); RSA_free(priv_rsa); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc > 2) { printf("usage: %s [passwd]\n", argv[0]); return -1; } BIO* bio_err; X509_REQ* req = NULL; EVP_PKEY* pkey = NULL; CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_ON); bio_err = BIO_new_fp(stderr, BIO_NOCLOSE); mkreq(&req, &pkey, 1024, 0, 365); if (argc == 1) { mkcert(req, "rootkey.pem", "rootcert.pem", NULL); } else if (argc == 2) { mkcert(req, "rootkey.pem", "rootcert.pem", argv[1]); } RSA_print_fp(stdout, pkey->pkey.rsa, 0); X509_REQ_print_fp(stdout, req); PEM_write_X509_REQ(stdout, req); X509_REQ_free(req); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(); CRYPTO_mem_leaks(bio_err); BIO_free(bio_err); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { BIO *bio_err; X509 *x509=NULL; EVP_PKEY *pkey=NULL; CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_ON); bio_err=BIO_new_fp(stderr, BIO_NOCLOSE); mkcert(&x509,&pkey,512,0,365); RSA_print_fp(stdout,pkey->pkey.rsa,0); X509_print_fp(stdout,x509); PEM_write_PrivateKey(stdout,pkey,NULL,NULL,0,NULL, NULL); PEM_write_X509(stdout,x509); X509_free(x509); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE ENGINE_cleanup(); #endif CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(); CRYPTO_mem_leaks(bio_err); BIO_free(bio_err); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { BIO *bio_err; X509_REQ *req=NULL; EVP_PKEY *pkey=NULL; CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_ON); bio_err=BIO_new_fp(stderr, BIO_NOCLOSE); mkreq(&req,&pkey,512,0,365); RSA_print_fp(stdout,pkey->pkey.rsa,0); X509_REQ_print_fp(stdout,req); PEM_write_X509_REQ(stdout,req); X509_REQ_free(req); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE ENGINE_cleanup(); #endif CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(); CRYPTO_mem_leaks(bio_err); BIO_free(bio_err); return(0); }
int main() { BIO *bio_err; X509 *x509 = NULL; EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_ON); bio_err = BIO_new_fp(stderr, BIO_NOCLOSE); mkit(&x509, &pkey, 512, 0, 365); RSA_print_fp(stdout, pkey->pkey.rsa, 0); X509_print_fp(stdout, x509); PEM_write_PrivateKey(stdout, pkey, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); PEM_write_X509(stdout, x509); X509_free(x509); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); #ifdef CUSTOM_EXT /* Only needed if we add objects or custom extensions */ X509V3_EXT_cleanup(); OBJ_cleanup(); #endif CRYPTO_mem_leaks(bio_err); BIO_free(bio_err); return (0); }
Key * key_load_private_pem(int fd, int type, const char *passphrase, char **commentp) { FILE *fp; EVP_PKEY *pk = NULL; Key *prv = NULL; char *name = "<no key>"; fp = fdopen(fd, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { error("fdopen failed: %s", strerror(errno)); close(fd); return NULL; } pk = PEM_read_PrivateKey(fp, NULL, NULL, (char *)passphrase); if (pk == NULL) { debug("PEM_read_PrivateKey failed"); (void)ERR_get_error(); } else if (pk->type == EVP_PKEY_RSA && (type == KEY_UNSPEC||type==KEY_RSA)) { prv = key_new(KEY_UNSPEC); prv->rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pk); prv->type = KEY_RSA; name = "rsa w/o comment"; #ifdef DEBUG_PK RSA_print_fp(stderr, prv->rsa, 8); #endif if (RSA_blinding_on(prv->rsa, NULL) != 1) { error("key_load_private_pem: RSA_blinding_on failed"); key_free(prv); prv = NULL; } } else if (pk->type == EVP_PKEY_DSA && (type == KEY_UNSPEC||type==KEY_DSA)) { prv = key_new(KEY_UNSPEC); prv->dsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(pk); prv->type = KEY_DSA; name = "dsa w/o comment"; #ifdef DEBUG_PK DSA_print_fp(stderr, prv->dsa, 8); #endif } else { error("PEM_read_PrivateKey: mismatch or " "unknown EVP_PKEY save_type %d", pk->save_type); } fclose(fp); if (pk != NULL) EVP_PKEY_free(pk); if (prv != NULL && commentp) *commentp = xstrdup(name); debug("read PEM private key done: type %s", prv ? key_type(prv) : "<unknown>"); return prv; }
main(){ char *source_filename = "/etc/shopex/"; char *file_content = NULL; int file_content_len = 0; FILE *fp; char *output; int output_len; int de_len; int i = 0; RSA *priv_rsa; char *b64_decode; int b64_decode_len = 0; char *input = NULL; if((fp=fopen(source_filename,"rb"))==NULL) { printf("cant open the file"); exit(0); } fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); file_content_len = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET); file_content = (char *)malloc(file_content_len); fread(file_content, 1, file_content_len, fp ); file_content[file_content_len] = '\0'; //fclose(fp); shopex_conf_rsa_decrypt(file_content,file_content_len,&output,&output_len); output_len = output_len > strlen(output) ? strlen(output) : output_len; b64_decode = (char *)malloc(output_len); input = (char *)malloc(output_len); memcpy(input,output,output_len); base64_decode(input,output_len,b64_decode,&b64_decode_len); printf("%d\n",b64_decode_len); for(i=0;i<b64_decode_len;i++){ printf("%2x",b64_decode[i]); } priv_rsa=d2i_RSAPrivateKey(NULL,(const unsigned char**)&b64_decode,(long)b64_decode_len); RSA_print_fp(stdout,priv_rsa,11); RSA_free(priv_rsa); }
static void * rsa_key_dump_one(void *entry, void *arg) { struct rsa_key *key = entry; plog(LLV_DEBUG, LOCATION, NULL, "Entry %s\n", naddrwop2str_fromto("%s -> %s", key->src, key->dst)); if (loglevel > LLV_DEBUG) RSA_print_fp(stdout, key->rsa, 4); return NULL; }
main(int argc,char *argv[]){ char *filename; RSA *key; if(!argv[1]){ filename = "/etc/shopex/"; }else{ filename = argv[1]; } key = get_user_private_key_en(filename); RSA_print_fp(stdout,key,11); RSA_free(key); }
static DWORD VecsCliPrintKey( PCSTR pszKey ) { DWORD dwError = 0; RSA *rsa = NULL; BIO *kbio = NULL; kbio = BIO_new_mem_buf((void*)pszKey, -1); rsa = PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(kbio, NULL, 0, NULL); if (rsa) { RSA_print_fp(stdout,rsa,0); } RSA_free(rsa); BIO_free_all(kbio); return dwError; }
void testRSAGen(){ RSA *r; int bits=512,ret; unsigned long e=RSA_3; BIGNUM *bne; r=RSA_generate_key(bits,e,NULL,NULL); RSA_print_fp(stdout,r,11); JCG("--------------------------------\n"); RSA_free(r); bne=BN_new(); ret=BN_set_word(bne,e); r=RSA_new(); ret=RSA_generate_key_ex(r,bits,bne,NULL); if(ret!=1) { JCG("RSA_generate_key_ex err!\n"); return; } /*RSA_print_fp(stdout,r,11); */ RSA_free(r); }
/* cr_load_certs : loads private key and certificates from files * if cert_file and key_file are NULL , the function will generate * a dynamic certificate and private key */ void cr_load_certs(SSL_CTX *ssl,u_char *cert_file,u_char *key_file) { X509 *cert = NULL; EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; if(cert_file == NULL || key_file == NULL) { /* generate a public certificate and a private key */ cr_make_cert(&cert,&pkey,2048,0,365); SSL_CTX_use_certificate(ssl, cert); SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(ssl, pkey); #ifdef CR_MK_CERT RSA_print_fp(stdout,pkey->pkey.rsa,0); X509_print_fp(stdout,cert); PEM_write_PrivateKey(stdout,pkey,NULL,NULL,0,NULL, NULL); PEM_write_X509(stdout,cert); #endif } else { if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ssl, (const char*)cert_file, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0) { ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); exit(3); } if (SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(ssl, (const char*)key_file, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0) { ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); exit(4); } } if (!SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ssl)) { perrx("Private key does not match the certificate public key\n"); exit(5); } }
EAPI void eet_identity_print(Eet_Key *key, FILE *out) { #ifdef HAVE_SIGNATURE # ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS const char *names[6] = { "Modulus", "Public exponent", "Private exponent", "First prime", "Second prime", "Coefficient" }; int err = 0; gnutls_datum_t data = { NULL, 0 }; gnutls_datum_t rsa_raw[6]; size_t size = 128; char *res = NULL; char buf[33]; unsigned int i, j; if (!key) return; if (!emile_cipher_init()) return ; if (key->private_key) { if (gnutls_x509_privkey_export_rsa_raw(key->private_key, rsa_raw + 0, /* Modulus */ rsa_raw + 1, /* Public exponent */ rsa_raw + 2, /* Private exponent */ rsa_raw + 3, /* First prime */ rsa_raw + 4, /* Second prime */ rsa_raw + 5)) /* Coefficient */ goto on_error; if (!(res = malloc(size))) goto on_error; fprintf(out, "Private Key:\n"); buf[32] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { while ((err = gnutls_hex_encode(rsa_raw + i, res, &size)) == GNUTLS_E_SHORT_MEMORY_BUFFER) { char *temp; size += 128; if (!(temp = realloc(res, size))) goto on_error; res = temp; } if (err) goto on_error; fprintf(out, "\t%s:\n", names[i]); for (j = 0; strlen(res) > j; j += 32) { snprintf(buf, 32, "%s", res + j); fprintf(out, "\t\t%s\n", buf); } } free(res); res = NULL; } if (key->certificate) { fprintf(out, "Public certificate:\n"); if (gnutls_x509_crt_print(key->certificate, GNUTLS_X509_CRT_FULL, &data)) goto on_error; fprintf(out, "%s\n",; gnutls_free(; = NULL; } on_error: if (res) free(res); if ( gnutls_free(; return; # else /* ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS */ RSA *rsa; DSA *dsa; DH *dh; if (!key) return; if (!emile_cipher_init()) return ; rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(key->private_key); if (rsa) { fprintf(out, "Private key (RSA):\n"); RSA_print_fp(out, rsa, 0); } dsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(key->private_key); if (dsa) { fprintf(out, "Private key (DSA):\n"); DSA_print_fp(out, dsa, 0); } dh = EVP_PKEY_get1_DH(key->private_key); if (dh) { fprintf(out, "Private key (DH):\n"); DHparams_print_fp(out, dh); } fprintf(out, "Public certificate:\n"); X509_print_fp(out, key->certificate); # endif /* ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS */ #else /* ifdef HAVE_SIGNATURE */ key = NULL; out = NULL; ERR("You need to compile signature support in EET."); #endif /* ifdef HAVE_SIGNATURE */ }
int AuthenticateAgent(AgentConnection *conn, Attributes attr, Promise *pp) { char sendbuffer[CF_EXPANDSIZE], in[CF_BUFSIZE], *out, *decrypted_cchall; BIGNUM *nonce_challenge, *bn = NULL; unsigned long err; unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; int encrypted_len, nonce_len = 0, len, session_size; char dont_implicitly_trust_server, enterprise_field = 'c'; RSA *server_pubkey = NULL; if (PUBKEY == NULL || PRIVKEY == NULL) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "No public/private key pair found\n"); return false; } enterprise_field = CfEnterpriseOptions(); session_size = CfSessionKeySize(enterprise_field); /* Generate a random challenge to authenticate the server */ nonce_challenge = BN_new(); BN_rand(nonce_challenge, CF_NONCELEN, 0, 0); nonce_len = BN_bn2mpi(nonce_challenge, in); if (FIPS_MODE) { HashString(in, nonce_len, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); } else { HashString(in, nonce_len, digest, cf_md5); } /* We assume that the server bound to the remote socket is the official one i.e. = root's */ if ((server_pubkey = HavePublicKeyByIP(conn->username, conn->remoteip))) { dont_implicitly_trust_server = 'y'; encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); } else { dont_implicitly_trust_server = 'n'; /* have to trust server, since we can't verify id */ encrypted_len = nonce_len; } // Server pubkey is what we want to has as a unique ID snprintf(sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), "SAUTH %c %d %d %c", dont_implicitly_trust_server, encrypted_len, nonce_len, enterprise_field); out = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (server_pubkey != NULL) { if (RSA_public_encrypt(nonce_len, in, out, server_pubkey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); cfPS(cf_error, CF_FAIL, "", pp, attr, "Public encryption failed = %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); free(out); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } memcpy(sendbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, out, encrypted_len); } else { memcpy(sendbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, in, nonce_len); } /* proposition C1 - Send challenge / nonce */ SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET + encrypted_len, CF_DONE); BN_free(bn); BN_free(nonce_challenge); free(out); if (DEBUG) { RSA_print_fp(stdout, PUBKEY, 0); } /*Send the public key - we don't know if server has it */ /* proposition C2 */ memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->n, sendbuffer); SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, len, CF_DONE); /* No need to encrypt the public key ... */ /* proposition C3 */ memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->e, sendbuffer); SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, len, CF_DONE); /* check reply about public key - server can break connection here */ /* proposition S1 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL) == -1) { cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "recv", pp, attr, "Protocol transaction broken off (1)"); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } if (BadProtoReply(in)) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "%s", in); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } /* Get challenge response - should be CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST of challenge */ /* proposition S2 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL) == -1) { cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "recv", pp, attr, "Protocol transaction broken off (2)"); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } if (HashesMatch(digest, in, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST) || HashesMatch(digest, in, cf_md5)) // Legacy { if (dont_implicitly_trust_server == 'y') /* challenge reply was correct */ { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", ".....................[.h.a.i.l.].................................\n"); CfOut(cf_verbose, "", "Strong authentication of server=%s connection confirmed\n", pp->this_server); } else { if (attr.copy.trustkey) { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Trusting server identity, promise to accept key from %s=%s", pp->this_server, conn->remoteip); } else { CfOut(cf_error, "", " !! Not authorized to trust the server=%s's public key (trustkey=false)\n", pp->this_server); PromiseRef(cf_verbose, pp); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } } } else { cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Challenge response from server %s/%s was incorrect!", pp->this_server, conn->remoteip); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } /* Receive counter challenge from server */ CfDebug("Receive counter challenge from server\n"); /* proposition S3 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); encrypted_len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL); if (encrypted_len <= 0) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "Protocol transaction sent illegal cipher length"); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } decrypted_cchall = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (RSA_private_decrypt(encrypted_len, in, decrypted_cchall, PRIVKEY, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Private decrypt failed = %s, abandoning\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } /* proposition C4 */ if (FIPS_MODE) { HashString(decrypted_cchall, nonce_len, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); } else { HashString(decrypted_cchall, nonce_len, digest, cf_md5); } CfDebug("Replying to counter challenge with hash\n"); if (FIPS_MODE) { SendTransaction(conn->sd, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN, CF_DONE); } else { SendTransaction(conn->sd, digest, CF_MD5_LEN, CF_DONE); } free(decrypted_cchall); /* If we don't have the server's public key, it will be sent */ if (server_pubkey == NULL) { RSA *newkey = RSA_new(); CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Collecting public key from server!\n"); /* proposition S4 - conditional */ if ((len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL)) <= 0) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP %s\n", pp->this_server); return false; } if ((newkey->n = BN_mpi2bn(in, len, NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Private key decrypt failed = %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); FreeRSAKey(newkey); return false; } /* proposition S5 - conditional */ if ((len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL)) <= 0) { cfPS(cf_inform, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP %s\n", pp->this_server); FreeRSAKey(newkey); return false; } if ((newkey->e = BN_mpi2bn(in, len, NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Public key decrypt failed = %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); FreeRSAKey(newkey); return false; } server_pubkey = RSAPublicKey_dup(newkey); FreeRSAKey(newkey); } /* proposition C5 */ SetSessionKey(conn); if (conn->session_key == NULL) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "A random session key could not be established"); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); CfDebug("Encrypt %d bytes of session key into %d RSA bytes\n", session_size, encrypted_len); out = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (RSA_public_encrypt(session_size, conn->session_key, out, server_pubkey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Public encryption failed = %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); free(out); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } SendTransaction(conn->sd, out, encrypted_len, CF_DONE); if (server_pubkey != NULL) { HashPubKey(server_pubkey, conn->digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Public key identity of host \"%s\" is \"%s\"", conn->remoteip, HashPrint(CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST, conn->digest)); SavePublicKey(conn->username, conn->remoteip, HashPrint(CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST, conn->digest), server_pubkey); // FIXME: username is local LastSaw(conn->remoteip, conn->digest, cf_connect); } free(out); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return true; }
void openssl_rsa_crypt() { RSA *r; BIO *b; BIGNUM *bne; unsigned int len; int size, elen, dlen; unsigned char inputs[COMM_LEN] = "rsa crypt"; unsigned char tmps[MAX1_LEN], outputs[MAX1_LEN]; memset(tmps, 0, sizeof(tmps)); memset(outputs, 0, sizeof(outputs)); printf("\nRSA generate key:\n"); bne = BN_new(); BN_set_word(bne, RSA_3); r = RSA_new(); RSA_generate_key_ex(r, MAX1_LEN, bne, NULL); RSA_print_fp(stdout, r, 11); b = BIO_new_file("/tmp/rsa.key", "w"); i2d_RSAPrivateKey_bio(b, r); BIO_free(b); elen = RSA_private_encrypt(RSA_size(r) - 11, inputs, outputs, r, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); dlen = RSA_public_decrypt(elen, outputs, tmps, r, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (elen <= 0 || dlen <= 0 || memcmp(inputs, tmps, RSA_size(r) - 11)) { printf("RSA_private_encrypt error!\n"); RSA_free(r); return; } printf("RSA_private_encrypt(%s) = ", inputs); for (size = 0; size < elen; size++) printf("%02x", outputs[size]); printf("\n"); memset(outputs, 0, sizeof(outputs)); elen = RSA_public_encrypt(RSA_size(r) - 11, inputs, outputs, r, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); dlen = RSA_private_decrypt(elen, outputs, tmps, r, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (elen <= 0 || dlen <= 0 || memcmp(inputs, tmps, RSA_size(r) - 11)) { printf("RSA_public_encrypt error!\n"); RSA_free(r); return; } printf("RSA_public_encrypt(%s) = ", inputs); for (size = 0; size < elen; size++) printf("%02x", outputs[size]); printf("\n"); memset(outputs, 0, sizeof(outputs)); RSA_sign(NID_md5_sha1, inputs, 36, outputs, &len, r); printf("RSA_sign(%s) = ", inputs); for (size = 0; size < len; size++) printf("%02x", outputs[size]); printf("\n"); memset(tmps, 0, sizeof(tmps)); RSA_verify(NID_md5_sha1, inputs, 36, outputs, len, r); printf("RSA_verify("); for (size = 0; size < len; size++) printf("%02x", outputs[size]); printf(") = %s\n", inputs); RSA_free(r); }
static gchar* generate_response(const gchar *nouce, const gchar *userid, const gchar *password, const gchar *publickey, const gchar *aeskey_raw) { gchar *psdhex = hash_password_v4(userid, password); gchar modulus[257]; gchar exponent[7]; gint ret, flen; BIGNUM *bnn, *bne; guchar *out; guchar *nonce, *aeskey, *psd, *res; gint nonce_len, aeskey_len, psd_len; RSA *r = RSA_new(); memset(modulus, 0, sizeof(modulus)); memset(exponent, 0, sizeof(exponent)); memcpy(modulus, publickey, 256); memcpy(exponent, publickey + 256, 6); nonce = (guchar*)g_malloc0(strlen(nouce) + 1); memcpy(nonce, (guchar*)nouce, strlen(nouce)); nonce_len = strlen(nouce); psd = strtohex(psdhex, &psd_len); aeskey = strtohex(aeskey_raw, &aeskey_len); res = (guchar*)g_malloc0(nonce_len + aeskey_len + psd_len + 1); memcpy(res, nonce, nonce_len); memcpy(res + nonce_len, psd, psd_len); memcpy(res + nonce_len + psd_len, aeskey, aeskey_len); bnn = BN_new(); bne = BN_new(); BN_hex2bn(&bnn, modulus); BN_hex2bn(&bne, exponent); r->n = bnn; r->e = bne; r->d = NULL; RSA_print_fp(stdout, r, 5); flen = RSA_size(r); out = (guchar*)g_malloc0(flen); hybrid_debug_info("fetion", "start encrypting response"); ret = RSA_public_encrypt(nonce_len + aeskey_len + psd_len, res, out, r, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (ret < 0) { hybrid_debug_info("fetion", "encrypt response failed!"); g_free(res); g_free(aeskey); g_free(psd); g_free(nonce); return NULL; } RSA_free(r); hybrid_debug_info("fetion", "encrypting reponse success"); g_free(res); g_free(aeskey); g_free(psd); g_free(nonce); return hextostr(out , ret); }
static void KeepKeyPromises(void) { unsigned long err; RSA *pair; FILE *fp; struct stat statbuf; int fd; static char *passphrase = "Cfengine passphrase"; const EVP_CIPHER *cipher; char vbuff[CF_BUFSIZE]; NewScope("common"); cipher = EVP_des_ede3_cbc(); if (cfstat(CFPUBKEYFILE, &statbuf) != -1) { CfOut(cf_cmdout, "", "A key file already exists at %s\n", CFPUBKEYFILE); return; } if (cfstat(CFPRIVKEYFILE, &statbuf) != -1) { CfOut(cf_cmdout, "", "A key file already exists at %s\n", CFPRIVKEYFILE); return; } printf("Making a key pair for cfengine, please wait, this could take a minute...\n"); pair = RSA_generate_key(2048, 35, NULL, NULL); if (pair == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); CfOut(cf_error, "", "Unable to generate key: %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); return; } if (DEBUG) { RSA_print_fp(stdout, pair, 0); } fd = open(CFPRIVKEYFILE, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600); if (fd < 0) { CfOut(cf_error, "open", "Open %s failed: %s.", CFPRIVKEYFILE, strerror(errno)); return; } if ((fp = fdopen(fd, "w")) == NULL) { CfOut(cf_error, "fdopen", "Couldn't open private key %s.", CFPRIVKEYFILE); close(fd); return; } CfOut(cf_verbose, "", "Writing private key to %s\n", CFPRIVKEYFILE); if (!PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey(fp, pair, cipher, passphrase, strlen(passphrase), NULL, NULL)) { err = ERR_get_error(); CfOut(cf_error, "", "Couldn't write private key: %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); return; } fclose(fp); fd = open(CFPUBKEYFILE, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600); if (fd < 0) { CfOut(cf_error, "open", "Unable to open public key %s.", CFPUBKEYFILE); return; } if ((fp = fdopen(fd, "w")) == NULL) { CfOut(cf_error, "fdopen", "Open %s failed.", CFPUBKEYFILE); close(fd); return; } CfOut(cf_verbose, "", "Writing public key to %s\n", CFPUBKEYFILE); if (!PEM_write_RSAPublicKey(fp, pair)) { err = ERR_get_error(); CfOut(cf_error, "", "Unable to write public key: %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); return; } fclose(fp); snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s/randseed", CFWORKDIR); RAND_write_file(vbuff); cf_chmod(vbuff, 0644); }
int AuthenticateAgent(AgentConnection *conn, bool trust_key) { char sendbuffer[CF_EXPANDSIZE], in[CF_BUFSIZE], *out, *decrypted_cchall; BIGNUM *nonce_challenge, *bn = NULL; unsigned long err; unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; int encrypted_len, nonce_len = 0, len, session_size; bool implicitly_trust_server; char enterprise_field = 'c'; RSA *server_pubkey = NULL; if ((PUBKEY == NULL) || (PRIVKEY == NULL)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "No public/private key pair found at %s", PublicKeyFile(GetWorkDir())); return false; } enterprise_field = CfEnterpriseOptions(); session_size = CfSessionKeySize(enterprise_field); /* Generate a random challenge to authenticate the server */ nonce_challenge = BN_new(); if (nonce_challenge == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Cannot allocate BIGNUM structure for server challenge"); return false; } BN_rand(nonce_challenge, CF_NONCELEN, 0, 0); nonce_len = BN_bn2mpi(nonce_challenge, in); if (FIPS_MODE) { HashString(in, nonce_len, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); } else { HashString(in, nonce_len, digest, HASH_METHOD_MD5); } /* We assume that the server bound to the remote socket is the official one i.e. = root's */ if ((server_pubkey = HavePublicKeyByIP(conn->username, conn->remoteip))) { implicitly_trust_server = false; encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); } else { implicitly_trust_server = true; encrypted_len = nonce_len; } // Server pubkey is what we want to has as a unique ID snprintf(sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), "SAUTH %c %d %d %c", implicitly_trust_server ? 'n': 'y', encrypted_len, nonce_len, enterprise_field); out = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (server_pubkey != NULL) { if (RSA_public_encrypt(nonce_len, in, out, server_pubkey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Public encryption failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); free(out); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } memcpy(sendbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, out, encrypted_len); } else { memcpy(sendbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, in, nonce_len); } /* proposition C1 - Send challenge / nonce */ SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET + encrypted_len, CF_DONE); BN_free(bn); BN_free(nonce_challenge); free(out); if (DEBUG) { RSA_print_fp(stdout, PUBKEY, 0); } /*Send the public key - we don't know if server has it */ /* proposition C2 */ memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->n, sendbuffer); SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, len, CF_DONE); /* No need to encrypt the public key ... */ /* proposition C3 */ memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->e, sendbuffer); SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, len, CF_DONE); /* check reply about public key - server can break connection here */ /* proposition S1 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol transaction broken off (1): %s", GetErrorStr()); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } if (BadProtoReply(in)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "%s", in); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } /* Get challenge response - should be CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST of challenge */ /* proposition S2 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol transaction broken off (2): %s", GetErrorStr()); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } if ((HashesMatch(digest, in, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST)) || (HashesMatch(digest, in, HASH_METHOD_MD5))) // Legacy { if (implicitly_trust_server == false) /* challenge reply was correct */ { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".....................[.h.a.i.l.]................................."); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Strong authentication of server=%s connection confirmed", conn->this_server); } else { if (trust_key) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, " -> Trusting server identity, promise to accept key from %s=%s", conn->this_server, conn->remoteip); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, " !! Not authorized to trust the server=%s's public key (trustkey=false)", conn->this_server); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } } } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Challenge response from server %s/%s was incorrect!", conn->this_server, conn->remoteip); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } /* Receive counter challenge from server */ /* proposition S3 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); encrypted_len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL); if (encrypted_len <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol transaction sent illegal cipher length"); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } decrypted_cchall = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (RSA_private_decrypt(encrypted_len, in, decrypted_cchall, PRIVKEY, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Private decrypt failed = %s, abandoning", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } /* proposition C4 */ if (FIPS_MODE) { HashString(decrypted_cchall, nonce_len, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); } else { HashString(decrypted_cchall, nonce_len, digest, HASH_METHOD_MD5); } if (FIPS_MODE) { SendTransaction(conn->sd, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN, CF_DONE); } else { SendTransaction(conn->sd, digest, CF_MD5_LEN, CF_DONE); } free(decrypted_cchall); /* If we don't have the server's public key, it will be sent */ if (server_pubkey == NULL) { RSA *newkey = RSA_new(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, " -> Collecting public key from server!"); /* proposition S4 - conditional */ if ((len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL)) <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP %s", conn->this_server); return false; } if ((newkey->n = BN_mpi2bn(in, len, NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Private key decrypt failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } /* proposition S5 - conditional */ if ((len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL)) <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP %s", conn->this_server); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } if ((newkey->e = BN_mpi2bn(in, len, NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Public key decrypt failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } server_pubkey = RSAPublicKey_dup(newkey); RSA_free(newkey); } /* proposition C5 */ if (!SetSessionKey(conn)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unable to set session key"); return false; } if (conn->session_key == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "A random session key could not be established"); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); out = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (RSA_public_encrypt(session_size, conn->session_key, out, server_pubkey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Public encryption failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); free(out); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } SendTransaction(conn->sd, out, encrypted_len, CF_DONE); if (server_pubkey != NULL) { char buffer[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE * 4]; HashPubKey(server_pubkey, conn->digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, " -> Public key identity of host \"%s\" is \"%s\"", conn->remoteip, HashPrintSafe(CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST, conn->digest, buffer)); SavePublicKey(conn->username, conn->remoteip, buffer, server_pubkey); // FIXME: username is local LastSaw(conn->remoteip, conn->digest, LAST_SEEN_ROLE_CONNECT); } free(out); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return true; }
static int sshkey_parse_private_pem(struct sshbuf *blob, int type, const char *passphrase, struct sshkey **keyp, char **commentp) { EVP_PKEY *pk = NULL; struct sshkey *prv = NULL; char *name = "<no key>"; BIO *bio = NULL; int r; *keyp = NULL; if (commentp != NULL) *commentp = NULL; if ((bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem())) == NULL || sshbuf_len(blob) > INT_MAX) return SSH_ERR_ALLOC_FAIL; if (BIO_write(bio, sshbuf_ptr(blob), sshbuf_len(blob)) != (int)sshbuf_len(blob)) { r = SSH_ERR_ALLOC_FAIL; goto out; } if ((pk = PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(bio, NULL, NULL, (char *)passphrase)) == NULL) { r = SSH_ERR_KEY_WRONG_PASSPHRASE; goto out; } if (pk->type == EVP_PKEY_RSA && (type == KEY_UNSPEC || type == KEY_RSA)) { if ((prv = sshkey_new(KEY_UNSPEC)) == NULL) { r = SSH_ERR_ALLOC_FAIL; goto out; } prv->rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pk); prv->type = KEY_RSA; name = "rsa w/o comment"; #ifdef DEBUG_PK RSA_print_fp(stderr, prv->rsa, 8); #endif if (RSA_blinding_on(prv->rsa, NULL) != 1) { r = SSH_ERR_LIBCRYPTO_ERROR; goto out; } } else if (pk->type == EVP_PKEY_DSA && (type == KEY_UNSPEC || type == KEY_DSA)) { if ((prv = sshkey_new(KEY_UNSPEC)) == NULL) { r = SSH_ERR_ALLOC_FAIL; goto out; } prv->dsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(pk); prv->type = KEY_DSA; name = "dsa w/o comment"; #ifdef DEBUG_PK DSA_print_fp(stderr, prv->dsa, 8); #endif } else if (pk->type == EVP_PKEY_EC && (type == KEY_UNSPEC || type == KEY_ECDSA)) { if ((prv = sshkey_new(KEY_UNSPEC)) == NULL) { r = SSH_ERR_ALLOC_FAIL; goto out; } prv->ecdsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(pk); prv->type = KEY_ECDSA; prv->ecdsa_nid = sshkey_ecdsa_key_to_nid(prv->ecdsa); if (prv->ecdsa_nid == -1 || sshkey_curve_nid_to_name(prv->ecdsa_nid) == NULL || sshkey_ec_validate_public(EC_KEY_get0_group(prv->ecdsa), EC_KEY_get0_public_key(prv->ecdsa)) != 0 || sshkey_ec_validate_private(prv->ecdsa) != 0) { r = SSH_ERR_INVALID_FORMAT; goto out; } name = "ecdsa w/o comment"; #ifdef DEBUG_PK if (prv != NULL && prv->ecdsa != NULL) sshkey_dump_ec_key(prv->ecdsa); #endif } else { r = SSH_ERR_INVALID_FORMAT; goto out; } if (commentp != NULL && (*commentp = strdup(name)) == NULL) { r = SSH_ERR_ALLOC_FAIL; goto out; } r = 0; *keyp = prv; prv = NULL; out: BIO_free(bio); if (pk != NULL) EVP_PKEY_free(pk); if (prv != NULL) sshkey_free(prv); return r; }
int KeyAuthentication(struct Image *ip) { char sendbuffer[CF_EXPANDSIZE],in[CF_BUFSIZE],*out,*decrypted_cchall; BIGNUM *nonce_challenge, *bn = NULL; unsigned long err; unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; int encrypted_len,nonce_len = 0,len; char cant_trust_server, keyname[CF_BUFSIZE]; RSA *server_pubkey = NULL; if (COMPATIBILITY_MODE) { return true; } if (PUBKEY == NULL || PRIVKEY == NULL) { CfLog(cferror,"No public/private key pair found\n",""); return false; } /* Generate a random challenge to authenticate the server */ nonce_challenge = BN_new(); BN_rand(nonce_challenge,CF_NONCELEN,0,0); nonce_len = BN_bn2mpi(nonce_challenge,in); ChecksumString(in,nonce_len,digest,'m'); /* We assume that the server bound to the remote socket is the official one i.e. = root's */ if (OptionIs(CONTEXTID,"HostnameKeys",true)) { snprintf(keyname,CF_BUFSIZE,"root-%s",ip->server); Debug("KeyAuthentication(with hostname key %s)\n",keyname); } else { snprintf(keyname,CF_BUFSIZE,"root-%s",CONN->remoteip); Debug("KeyAuthentication(with IP keyname %s)\n",keyname); } if (server_pubkey = HavePublicKey(keyname)) { cant_trust_server = 'y'; /* encrypted_len = BN_num_bytes(server_pubkey->n);*/ encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); } else { cant_trust_server = 'n'; /* have to trust server, since we can't verify id */ encrypted_len = nonce_len; } snprintf(sendbuffer,CF_BUFSIZE,"SAUTH %c %d %d",cant_trust_server,encrypted_len,nonce_len); if ((out = malloc(encrypted_len)) == NULL) { FatalError("memory failure"); } if (server_pubkey != NULL) { if (RSA_public_encrypt(nonce_len,in,out,server_pubkey,RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); snprintf(OUTPUT,CF_BUFSIZE,"Public encryption failed = %s\n",ERR_reason_error_string(err)); CfLog(cferror,OUTPUT,""); free(out); return false; } memcpy(sendbuffer+CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET,out,encrypted_len); } else { memcpy(sendbuffer+CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET,in,nonce_len); } /* proposition C1 - Send challenge / nonce */ SendTransaction(CONN->sd,sendbuffer,CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET+encrypted_len,CF_DONE); BN_free(bn); BN_free(nonce_challenge); free(out); if (DEBUG||D2) { RSA_print_fp(stdout,PUBKEY,0); } /*Send the public key - we don't know if server has it */ /* proposition C2 */ memset(sendbuffer,0,CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->n,sendbuffer); SendTransaction(CONN->sd,sendbuffer,len,CF_DONE); /* No need to encrypt the public key ... */ /* proposition C3 */ memset(sendbuffer,0,CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->e,sendbuffer); SendTransaction(CONN->sd,sendbuffer,len,CF_DONE); /* check reply about public key - server can break connection here */ /* proposition S1 */ memset(in,0,CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(CONN->sd,in,NULL) == -1) { CfLog(cferror,"Protocol transaction broken off",NULL); return false; } if (BadProtoReply(in)) { CfLog(cferror,in,""); return false; } /* Get challenge response - should be md5 of challenge */ /* proposition S2 */ memset(in,0,CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(CONN->sd,in,NULL) == -1) { CfLog(cferror,"Protocol transaction broken off",NULL); return false; } if (!ChecksumsMatch(digest,in,'m')) { snprintf(OUTPUT,CF_BUFSIZE,"Challenge response from server %s/%s was incorrect!",ip->server,CONN->remoteip); CfLog(cferror,OUTPUT,""); return false; } else { char server[CF_EXPANDSIZE]; ExpandVarstring(ip->server,server,NULL); if (cant_trust_server == 'y') /* challenge reply was correct */ { Verbose("\n...............................................................\n"); snprintf(OUTPUT,CF_BUFSIZE,"Strong authentication of server=%s connection confirmed\n",server); CfLog(cfverbose,OUTPUT,""); } else { if (ip->trustkey == 'y') { snprintf(OUTPUT,CF_BUFSIZE,"Trusting server identity and willing to accept key from %s=%s",server,CONN->remoteip); CfLog(cferror,OUTPUT,""); } else { snprintf(OUTPUT,CF_BUFSIZE,"Not authorized to trust the server=%s's public key (trustkey=false)\n",server); CfLog(cferror,OUTPUT,""); return false; } } } /* Receive counter challenge from server */ Debug("Receive counter challenge from server\n"); /* proposition S3 */ memset(in,0,CF_BUFSIZE); encrypted_len = ReceiveTransaction(CONN->sd,in,NULL); if (encrypted_len < 0) { CfLog(cferror,"Protocol transaction sent illegal cipher length",NULL); return false; } if ((decrypted_cchall = malloc(encrypted_len)) == NULL) { FatalError("memory failure"); } if (RSA_private_decrypt(encrypted_len,in,decrypted_cchall,PRIVKEY,RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); snprintf(OUTPUT,CF_BUFSIZE,"Private decrypt failed = %s, abandoning\n",ERR_reason_error_string(err)); CfLog(cferror,OUTPUT,""); return false; } /* proposition C4 */ ChecksumString(decrypted_cchall,nonce_len,digest,'m'); Debug("Replying to counter challenge with md5\n"); SendTransaction(CONN->sd,digest,16,CF_DONE); free(decrypted_cchall); /* If we don't have the server's public key, it will be sent */ if (server_pubkey == NULL) { RSA *newkey = RSA_new(); Debug("Collecting public key from server!\n"); /* proposition S4 - conditional */ if ((len = ReceiveTransaction(CONN->sd,in,NULL)) <= 0) { CfLog(cferror,"Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP %s\n",ip->server); return false; } if ((newkey->n = BN_mpi2bn(in,len,NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); snprintf(OUTPUT,CF_BUFSIZE,"Private decrypt failed = %s\n",ERR_reason_error_string(err)); CfLog(cferror,OUTPUT,""); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } /* proposition S5 - conditional */ if ((len=ReceiveTransaction(CONN->sd,in,NULL)) == 0) { CfLog(cfinform,"Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP %s\n",ip->server); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } if ((newkey->e = BN_mpi2bn(in,len,NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); snprintf(OUTPUT,CF_BUFSIZE,"Private decrypt failed = %s\n",ERR_reason_error_string(err)); CfLog(cferror,OUTPUT,""); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } SavePublicKey(keyname,newkey); server_pubkey = RSAPublicKey_dup(newkey); RSA_free(newkey); } /* proposition C5 */ GenerateRandomSessionKey(); DebugBinOut(CONN->session_key,CF_BLOWFISHSIZE); if (CONN->session_key == NULL) { CfLog(cferror,"A random session key could not be established",""); return false; } else { Debug("Generated session key\n"); DebugBinOut(CONN->session_key,CF_BLOWFISHSIZE); } /* blowfishmpisize = BN_bn2mpi((BIGNUM *)CONN->session_key,in); */ DebugBinOut(CONN->session_key,CF_BLOWFISHSIZE); encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); Debug("Encrypt %d to %d\n",CF_BLOWFISHSIZE,encrypted_len); if ((out = malloc(encrypted_len)) == NULL) { FatalError("memory failure"); } if (RSA_public_encrypt(CF_BLOWFISHSIZE,CONN->session_key,out,server_pubkey,RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); snprintf(OUTPUT,CF_BUFSIZE,"Public encryption failed = %s\n",ERR_reason_error_string(err)); CfLog(cferror,OUTPUT,""); free(out); return false; } Debug("Encryption succeeded\n"); SendTransaction(CONN->sd,out,encrypted_len,CF_DONE); DebugBinOut(out,encrypted_len); if (server_pubkey != NULL) { RSA_free(server_pubkey); } free(out); return true; }
void __fastcall util_printcert_pk(struct util_cert cert) { if (cert.pkey == NULL) return; RSA_print_fp(stdout,cert.pkey->pkey.rsa,0); }
inline void rsa_key::print(file _file, int offset) const { error::throw_error_if_not(RSA_print_fp(_file.raw(), ptr().get(), offset) != 0); }