Exemple #1
 * Function Name : RTC_DRV_SetDatetime
 * Description   : sets the RTC date and time according to the given time struct.
 * This function will set the RTC date and time according to the given time
 * struct, if start_after_set is true, the RTC oscillator will be enabled and
 * the counter will start.
bool RTC_DRV_SetDatetime(uint32_t instance, rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
    uint32_t rtcBaseAddr = g_rtcBaseAddr[instance];
    uint32_t srcClock = 0;
    uint32_t seconds = 0;

    /* Return error if the time provided is not valid */
    if (!(RTC_HAL_IsDatetimeCorrectFormat(datetime)))
        return false;

    RTC_HAL_ConvertDatetimeToSecs(datetime, &seconds);

    if ((srcClock = CLOCK_SYS_GetExternalRefClock32kFreq()) != 32768U)
        /* As the seconds register will not increment every second, we need to adjust the value
         * programmed to the seconds register */
        seconds = seconds / (32768U / srcClock);
    /* Set time in seconds */
    RTC_HAL_SetDatetimeInsecs(rtcBaseAddr, seconds);

    return true;
Exemple #2
 * Function Name : RTC_DRV_SetDatetime
 * Description   : Sets the RTC date and time according to the given time struct.
 * This function will set the RTC date and time according to the given time
 * struct, if start_after_set is true, the RTC oscillator will be enabled and
 * the counter will start.
bool RTC_DRV_SetDatetime(uint32_t instance, rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
    RTC_Type *rtcBase = g_rtcBase[instance];
    uint32_t srcClock = 0;
    uint32_t seconds = 0;
    uint16_t preScaler = 0;
    uint64_t tmp = 0;

    /* Return error if the time provided is not valid */
    if (!(RTC_HAL_IsDatetimeCorrectFormat(datetime)))
        return false;

    RTC_HAL_ConvertDatetimeToSecs(datetime, &seconds);

    if ((srcClock = CLOCK_SYS_GetRtcFreq(0U)) != 32768U)
        /* As the seconds register will not increment every second, we need to adjust the value
         * programmed to the seconds register */
        tmp = (uint64_t)seconds * (uint64_t)srcClock;
        preScaler = (uint32_t)(tmp & 0x7FFFU);
        seconds = (uint32_t)(tmp >> 15U);
 * @brief RTC setting up alarm.
 * @param uint32_t instance     : RTC instance
 * @param uint8_t offsetSec     : offset in seconds to call interrupt.
void rtcSetAlarm(uint32_t instance, uint8_t offsetSec)
    uint32_t seconds;
    rtc_datetime_t date;

    if ((offsetSec < 1) || (offsetSec > 60))
        offsetSec = 5;
    // get date time and convert to seconds
    RTC_DRV_GetDatetime(instance, &date);
    // convert to sec and add offset
    RTC_HAL_ConvertDatetimeToSecs(&date, &seconds);
    seconds += offsetSec;
    RTC_HAL_ConvertSecsToDatetime(&seconds, &date);

    // set the date time for alarm
    if (RTC_DRV_SetAlarm(instance, &date, true))
        printf("Failed to set alarm. Alarm time is not in the future\r\n");
Exemple #4
 * Function Name : RTC_DRV_SetAlarm
 * Description   : sets the RTC alarm.
 * This function will first check if the date time has correct format. If yes,
 * convert the date time to seconds, and set the alarm in seconds.
bool RTC_DRV_SetAlarm(uint32_t instance, rtc_datetime_t *alarmTime, bool enableAlarmInterrupt)

    uint32_t rtcBaseAddr = g_rtcBaseAddr[instance];
    uint32_t srcClock = 0;
    uint32_t alrmSeconds = 0;
    uint32_t currSeconds = 0;

    /* Return error if the alarm time provided is not valid */
    if (!(RTC_HAL_IsDatetimeCorrectFormat(alarmTime)))
        return false;

    RTC_HAL_ConvertDatetimeToSecs(alarmTime, &alrmSeconds);

    /* Get the current time */
    currSeconds = RTC_HAL_GetSecsReg(rtcBaseAddr);

    if ((srcClock = CLOCK_SYS_GetExternalRefClock32kFreq()) != 32768U)
        /* As the seconds register will not increment every second, we need to adjust the value
         * programmed to the alarm register */
        alrmSeconds = alrmSeconds / (32768U / srcClock);

    /* Make sure the alarm is for a future time */
    if (alrmSeconds < currSeconds)
        return false;

    /* set alarm in seconds*/
    RTC_HAL_SetAlarmReg(rtcBaseAddr, alrmSeconds);

    /* Activate or deactivate the Alarm interrupt based on user choice */
    RTC_HAL_SetAlarmIntCmd(rtcBaseAddr, enableAlarmInterrupt);

    return true;
void RtcInit( void )
    if ( RtcInitalized == false ) {
        rtc_datetime_t datetime;
        uint32_t srcClock = 0;
        uint32_t seconds = 0;
        uint16_t preScaler = 0;
        uint64_t tmp = 0;

        /* Enable clock gate to RTC module */

        /* Initialize the general configuration for RTC module.*/
        RTC_HAL_Init (RTC_BASE_PTR);

        /* Clear pending interrupts before enabling them */
        NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ (RTC_IRQn);

        /* Configure RTC external clock */
        CLOCK_SYS_RtcOscInit(0U, &rtcOscConfig);

        // Set a start date time and start RT.
        datetime.year = 2014U;
        datetime.month = 12U;
        datetime.day = 25U;
        datetime.hour = 19U;
        datetime.minute = 0;
        datetime.second = 0;

        RTC_HAL_ConvertDatetimeToSecs(&datetime, &seconds);

        if ( (srcClock = CLOCK_SYS_GetRtcFreq(0U)) != 32768U ) {
            /* As the seconds register will not increment every second, we need to adjust the value
             * programmed to the seconds register */
            tmp = (uint64_t) seconds * (uint64_t) srcClock;
            preScaler = (uint32_t)(tmp & 0x7FFFU);
            seconds = (uint32_t)(tmp >> 15U);
* @brief RTC in alarm mode.
* This function demostrates how to use RTC as an alarm clock.
int main(void)
    uint32_t sec;
    uint32_t currSeconds;
    rtc_datetime_t date;

    // Init hardware.

    PRINTF("RTC example: set up time to wake up an alarm\r\n");

    // Init RTC

    /* Need to check this here as the RTC_DRV_Init() may have issued a software reset on the
     * module clearing all prior RTC OSC related setup */

    // Set a start date time and start RT.
    date.year   = 2014U;
    date.month  = 12U;
    date.day    = 25U;
    date.hour   = 19U;
    date.minute = 0;
    date.second = 0;

    // Set RTC time to default
    RTC_DRV_SetDatetime(RTC_INSTANCE, &date);

    while (1)
        busyWait = true;
        // Get date time.
        RTC_DRV_GetDatetime(RTC_INSTANCE, &date);

        // print default time
        PRINTF("Current datetime: %04hd-%02hd-%02hd %02hd:%02hd:%02hd\r\n",
                        date.year, date.month, date.day,
                        date.hour, date.minute, date.second);

        // Get alarm time from user
        sec = 0;
        PRINTF("Please input the number of second to wait for alarm \r\n");
        PRINTF("The second must be positive value\r\n");
        while (sec < 1)

        // Get current date time.
        RTC_DRV_GetDatetime(RTC_INSTANCE, &date);
        // Convert current date time to seconds
        RTC_HAL_ConvertDatetimeToSecs(&date, &currSeconds);

        // Add sec to currSeconds
        currSeconds += sec;
        // Convert sec to date type
        RTC_HAL_ConvertSecsToDatetime(&currSeconds, &date);

        // Set alarm time
        if(!RTC_DRV_SetAlarm(RTC_INSTANCE, &date, true))
            PRINTF("Failed to set alarm. \r\n");
        // Print alarm time
        PRINTF("Alarm will be occured at: %04hd-%02hd-%02hd %02hd:%02hd:%02hd\r\n",
                        date.year, date.month, date.day,
                        date.hour, date.minute, date.second);

        // Wait until alarm occures

        PRINTF("\r\n Alarm occured !!!! ");

Exemple #7
* @brief RTC in alarm mode.
* This function demostrates how to use RTC as an alarm clock.
void main(void)
    uint32_t sec;
    uint32_t currSeconds;
    rtc_datetime_t date;

    // Init hardware.

    // Call this function to initialize the console UART.  This function
    // enables the use of STDIO functions (printf, scanf, etc.)

    printf("RTC example: set up time to wake up an alarm\r\n");

    // Init RTC
    // Set a start date time and start RT.
    date.year   = 2014U;
    date.month  = 12U;
    date.day    = 25U;
    date.hour   = 19U;
    date.minute = 0;
    date.second = 0;

    // Set RTC time to default
    RTC_DRV_SetDatetime(RTC_INSTANCE, &date);

    while (1)
        // Get date time.
        RTC_DRV_GetDatetime(RTC_INSTANCE, &date);

        // print default time
        printf("Current datetime: %04hd-%02hd-%02hd %02hd:%02hd:%02hd\r\n",
                        date.year, date.month, date.day,
                        date.hour, date.minute, date.second);

        // Convert current date time to seconds
        RTC_HAL_ConvertDatetimeToSecs(&date, &currSeconds);

        // Get alarm time from user
        sec = 0;
        printf("Please input the number of second to wait for alarm \r\n");
        printf("The second must be positive value\r\n");
        while (sec < 1)

        // Add curr_seconds
        sec += currSeconds;
        // Convert sec to date type
        RTC_HAL_ConvertSecsToDatetime(&sec, &date);

        // Set alarm time
        if(!RTC_DRV_SetAlarm(RTC_INSTANCE, &date, true))
            printf("Failed to set alarm. \r\n");

        // Print alarm time
        printf("Alarm will be occured at: %04hd-%02hd-%02hd %02hd:%02hd:%02hd\r\n",
                        date.year, date.month, date.day,
                        date.hour, date.minute, date.second);

        // Wait until alarm occures

        printf("\r\n Alarm occured !!!! ");
