Exemple #1
 * Changes the buffering setting of the default release logger.
 * This can be used for optimizing longish logging sequences.
 * @returns The old state.
 * @param   fBuffered       The new state.
RTDECL(bool) RTLogRelSetBuffering(bool fBuffered)
    PRTLOGGER pLogger = RTLogRelDefaultInstance();
    if (pLogger)
        return RTLogSetBuffering(pLogger, fBuffered);
    return false;
/** log and dbg_log parameter getter. */
static int vboxguestLinuxParamLogGrpGet(char *pszBuf, struct kernel_param *pParam)
    PRTLOGGER pLogger = pParam->name[0] == 'd' ? RTLogDefaultInstance() : RTLogRelDefaultInstance();
    *pszBuf = '\0';
    if (pLogger)
        RTLogGetGroupSettings(pLogger, pszBuf, _4K);
    return strlen(pszBuf);
STDMETHODIMP MachineDebugger::COMGETTER(LogRelDestinations)(BSTR *a_pbstrSettings)

    AutoCaller autoCaller(this);
    HRESULT hrc = autoCaller.rc();
    if (SUCCEEDED(hrc))
        hrc = logStringProps(RTLogRelDefaultInstance(), RTLogGetDestinations, "RTLogGetDestinations", a_pbstrSettings);

    return hrc;
/** log and dbg_log_dest parameter setter. */
static int vboxguestLinuxParamLogDstSet(const char *pszValue, struct kernel_param *pParam)
    if (g_fLoggerCreated)
        PRTLOGGER pLogger = pParam->name[0] == 'd' ? RTLogDefaultInstance() : RTLogRelDefaultInstance();
        if (pLogger)
            RTLogDestinations(pLogger, pszValue);
    else if (pParam->name[0] != 'd')
        strlcpy(&g_szLogDst[0], pszValue, sizeof(g_szLogDst));
    return 0;
Exemple #5
 * Write to a logger instance, defaulting to the release one.
 * This function will check whether the instance, group and flags makes up a
 * logging kind which is currently enabled before writing anything to the log.
 * @param   pLogger     Pointer to logger instance. If NULL the default release instance is attempted.
 * @param   fFlags      The logging flags.
 * @param   iGroup      The group.
 *                      The value ~0U is reserved for compatibility with RTLogLogger[V] and is
 *                      only for internal usage!
 * @param   pszFormat   Format string.
 * @param   args        Format arguments.
RTDECL(void) RTLogRelLoggerV(PRTLOGGER pLogger, unsigned fFlags, unsigned iGroup, const char *pszFormat, va_list args)
     * A NULL logger means default instance.
    if (!pLogger)
        pLogger = RTLogRelDefaultInstance();
        if (!pLogger)
    RTLogLoggerExV(pLogger, fFlags, iGroup, pszFormat, args);
HRESULT SystemProperties::setLoggingLevel(const Utf8Str &aLoggingLevel)
    Utf8Str useLoggingLevel(aLoggingLevel);
    int rc = RTLogGroupSettings(RTLogRelDefaultInstance(), useLoggingLevel.c_str());
    //  If failed and not the default logging level - try to use the default logging level.
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        // If failed write message to the release log.
        LogRel(("Cannot set passed logging level=%s Error=%Rrc \n", useLoggingLevel.c_str(), rc));
        //  If attempted logging level not the default one then try the default one.
        if (!useLoggingLevel.equals(VBOXSVC_LOG_DEFAULT))
            rc = RTLogGroupSettings(RTLogRelDefaultInstance(), VBOXSVC_LOG_DEFAULT);
            // If failed report this to the release log.
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                LogRel(("Cannot set default logging level Error=%Rrc \n", rc));
        // On any failure - set default level as the one to be stored.
        useLoggingLevel = VBOXSVC_LOG_DEFAULT;
    //  Set to passed value or if default used/attempted (even if error condition) use empty string.
    m->strLoggingLevel = (useLoggingLevel.equals(VBOXSVC_LOG_DEFAULT) ? "" : useLoggingLevel);
    return RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
Exemple #7
 * atexit callback.
 * This makes sure any loggers are flushed and will later also work the
 * termination callback chain.
static void rtR3ExitCallback(void)
    ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_frtAtExitCalled, true);

    if (g_cUsers > 0)
        PRTLOGGER pLogger = RTLogGetDefaultInstance();
        if (pLogger)

        pLogger = RTLogRelDefaultInstance();
        if (pLogger)
Exemple #8
 * Performs a testcase.
 * @returns return value from the test.
 * @param   pVM         Pointer to the VM.
 * @param   enmTestcase The testcase operation to perform.
 * @param   uVariation  The testcase variation id.
static int vmmR3DoGCTest(PVM pVM, VMMGCOPERATION enmTestcase, unsigned uVariation)
    PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[0];

    int rc = PDMR3LdrGetSymbolRC(pVM, VMMGC_MAIN_MODULE_NAME, "VMMGCEntry", &RCPtrEP);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;

    Log(("vmmR3DoGCTest: %d %#x\n", enmTestcase, uVariation));
    CPUMSetHyperState(pVCpu, pVM->vmm.s.pfnCallTrampolineRC, pVCpu->vmm.s.pbEMTStackBottomRC, 0, 0);
    CPUMPushHyper(pVCpu, uVariation);
    CPUMPushHyper(pVCpu, enmTestcase);
    CPUMPushHyper(pVCpu, pVM->pVMRC);
    CPUMPushHyper(pVCpu, 3 * sizeof(RTRCPTR));    /* stack frame size */
    CPUMPushHyper(pVCpu, RCPtrEP);                /* what to call */
    Assert(CPUMGetHyperCR3(pVCpu) && CPUMGetHyperCR3(pVCpu) == PGMGetHyperCR3(pVCpu));
    rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Fast(pVM->pVMR0, VMMR0_DO_RAW_RUN, 0);

#if 1
    /* flush the raw-mode logs. */
    PRTLOGGERRC pLogger = pVM->vmm.s.pRCLoggerR3;
    if (   pLogger
        && pLogger->offScratch > 0)
        RTLogFlushRC(NULL, pLogger);
# endif
    PRTLOGGERRC pRelLogger = pVM->vmm.s.pRCRelLoggerR3;
    if (RT_UNLIKELY(pRelLogger && pRelLogger->offScratch > 0))
        RTLogFlushRC(RTLogRelDefaultInstance(), pRelLogger);
# endif

    Log(("vmmR3DoGCTest: rc=%Rrc iLastGZRc=%Rrc\n", rc, pVCpu->vmm.s.iLastGZRc));
    if (RT_LIKELY(rc == VINF_SUCCESS))
        rc = pVCpu->vmm.s.iLastGZRc;
    return rc;
 * The main loop for the VBoxClient daemon.
 * @todo Clean up for readability.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    bool fDaemonise = true, fRespawn = true;
    int rc;
    const char *pcszFileName, *pcszStage;

    /* Initialise our runtime before all else. */
    rc = RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return RTMsgInitFailure(rc);
    /* This should never be called twice in one process - in fact one Display
     * object should probably never be used from multiple threads anyway. */
    if (!XInitThreads())
        VBClFatalError(("Failed to initialize X11 threads\n"));
    /* Get our file name for error output. */
    pcszFileName = RTPathFilename(argv[0]);
    if (!pcszFileName)
        pcszFileName = "VBoxClient";

    /* Parse our option(s) */
    /** @todo Use RTGetOpt() if the arguments become more complex. */
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
        if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--nodaemon"))
            /* If the user is running in "no daemon" mode anyway, send critical
             * logging to stdout as well. */
            PRTLOGGER pReleaseLog = RTLogRelDefaultInstance();

            if (pReleaseLog)
                rc = RTLogDestinations(pReleaseLog, "stdout");
            if (pReleaseLog && RT_FAILURE(rc))
                RTPrintf("%s: failed to redivert error output, rc=%Rrc\n",
                         pcszFileName, rc);
            fDaemonise = false;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--no-respawn"))
            fRespawn = false;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--clipboard"))
            if (g_pService)
            g_pService = VBClGetClipboardService();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--display"))
            if (g_pService)
            g_pService = VBClGetDisplayService();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--seamless"))
            if (g_pService)
            g_pService = VBClGetSeamlessService();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--checkhostversion"))
            if (g_pService)
            g_pService = VBClGetHostVersionService();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--draganddrop"))
            if (g_pService)
            g_pService = VBClGetDragAndDropService();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help"))
            return 0;
            RTPrintf("%s: unrecognized option `%s'\n", pcszFileName, argv[i]);
            RTPrintf("Try `%s --help' for more information\n", pcszFileName);
            return 1;
        rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc) || !g_pService)
        return 1;

    rc = RTCritSectInit(&g_critSect);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        VBClFatalError(("Initialising critical section: %Rrc\n", rc));
    rc = RTPathUserHome(g_szPidFile, sizeof(g_szPidFile));
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        VBClFatalError(("Getting home directory for pid-file: %Rrc\n", rc));
    rc = RTPathAppend(g_szPidFile, sizeof(g_szPidFile),
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        VBClFatalError(("Creating pid-file path: %Rrc\n", rc));
    if (fDaemonise)
        rc = VbglR3Daemonize(false /* fNoChDir */, false /* fNoClose */, fRespawn, &cRespawn);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        VBClFatalError(("Daemonizing: %Rrc\n", rc));
    if (g_szPidFile[0])
        rc = VbglR3PidFile(g_szPidFile, &g_hPidFile);
    if (rc == VERR_FILE_LOCK_VIOLATION)  /* Already running. */
        return 0;
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        VBClFatalError(("Creating pid-file: %Rrc\n", rc));
    /* Set signal handlers to clean up on exit. */
    /* Set an X11 error handler, so that we don't die when we get unavoidable
     * errors. */
    /* Set an X11 I/O error handler, so that we can shutdown properly on
     * fatal errors. */
    rc = (*g_pService)->init(g_pService);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        VBClFatalError(("Initialising service: %Rrc\n", rc));
    rc = (*g_pService)->run(g_pService, fDaemonise);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        VBClFatalError(("Service main loop failed: %Rrc\n", rc));
    return 0;
Exemple #10
 * Worker for RTAssertMsg2V and RTAssertMsg2AddV
 * @param   fInitial            True if it's RTAssertMsg2V, otherwise false.
 * @param   pszFormat           The message format string.
 * @param   va                  The format arguments.
static void rtAssertMsg2Worker(bool fInitial, const char *pszFormat, va_list va)
    va_list vaCopy;
    size_t  cch;

     * The global first.
    if (fInitial)
        va_copy(vaCopy, va);
        cch = RTStrPrintfV(g_szRTAssertMsg2, sizeof(g_szRTAssertMsg2), pszFormat, vaCopy);
        ASMAtomicWriteU32(&g_cchRTAssertMsg2, (uint32_t)cch);
        cch = ASMAtomicReadU32(&g_cchRTAssertMsg2);
        if (cch < sizeof(g_szRTAssertMsg2) - 4)
            va_copy(vaCopy, va);
            cch += RTStrPrintfV(&g_szRTAssertMsg2[cch], sizeof(g_szRTAssertMsg2) - cch, pszFormat, vaCopy);
            ASMAtomicWriteU32(&g_cchRTAssertMsg2, (uint32_t)cch);

     * If not quiet, make some noise.
    if (!RTAssertAreQuiet())
#ifdef IN_RING0
# ifdef IN_GUEST_R0
        va_copy(vaCopy, va);
        RTLogBackdoorPrintfV(pszFormat, vaCopy);
# endif
        /** @todo fully integrate this with the logger... play safe a bit for now.  */
        rtR0AssertNativeMsg2V(fInitial, pszFormat, va);

#else  /* !IN_RING0 */
# if !defined(IN_RING3) && !defined(LOG_NO_COM)
        va_copy(vaCopy, va);
        RTLogComPrintfV(pszFormat, vaCopy);
# endif

        PRTLOGGER pLog = RTLogRelDefaultInstance();
        if (pLog)
            va_copy(vaCopy, va);
            RTLogRelPrintfV(pszFormat, vaCopy);
# ifndef IN_RC /* flushing is done automatically in RC */
# endif

        pLog = RTLogDefaultInstance();
        if (pLog)
            va_copy(vaCopy, va);
            RTLogPrintfV(pszFormat, vaCopy);
# ifndef IN_RC /* flushing is done automatically in RC */

# ifdef IN_RING3
        /* print to stderr, helps user and gdb debugging. */
        char szMsg[1024];
        va_copy(vaCopy, va);
        RTStrPrintfV(szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), pszFormat, vaCopy);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s", szMsg);
# endif
#endif /* !IN_RING0 */

Exemple #11
RTDECL(void) RTAssertMsg1(const char *pszExpr, unsigned uLine, const char *pszFile, const char *pszFunction)
     * Fill in the globals.
    ASMAtomicUoWritePtr((void * volatile *)&g_pszRTAssertExpr, (void *)pszExpr);
    ASMAtomicUoWritePtr((void * volatile *)&g_pszRTAssertFile, (void *)pszFile);
    ASMAtomicUoWritePtr((void * volatile *)&g_pszRTAssertFunction, (void *)pszFunction);
    ASMAtomicUoWriteU32(&g_u32RTAssertLine, uLine);
    RTStrPrintf(g_szRTAssertMsg1, sizeof(g_szRTAssertMsg1),
                "\n!!Assertion Failed!!\n"
                "Expression: %s\n"
                "Location  : %s(%d) %s\n",
                pszExpr, pszFile, uLine, pszFunction);

     * If not quiet, make noise.
    if (!RTAssertAreQuiet())
#ifdef IN_RING0
# ifdef IN_GUEST_R0
        RTLogBackdoorPrintf("\n!!Assertion Failed!!\n"
                            "Expression: %s\n"
                            "Location  : %s(%d) %s\n",
                            pszExpr, pszFile, uLine, pszFunction);
# endif
        /** @todo fully integrate this with the logger... play safe a bit for now.  */
        rtR0AssertNativeMsg1(pszExpr, uLine, pszFile, pszFunction);

#else  /* !IN_RING0 */
# if !defined(IN_RING3) && !defined(LOG_NO_COM)
        RTLogComPrintf("\n!!Assertion Failed!!\n"
                       "Expression: %s\n"
                       "Location  : %s(%d) %s\n",
                       pszExpr, pszFile, uLine, pszFunction);
# endif

        PRTLOGGER pLog = RTLogRelDefaultInstance();
        if (pLog)
            RTLogRelPrintf("\n!!Assertion Failed!!\n"
                           "Expression: %s\n"
                           "Location  : %s(%d) %s\n",
                           pszExpr, pszFile, uLine, pszFunction);
# ifndef IN_RC /* flushing is done automatically in RC */
# endif

# ifndef LOG_ENABLED
        if (!pLog)
# endif
            pLog = RTLogDefaultInstance();
            if (pLog)
                RTLogPrintf("\n!!Assertion Failed!!\n"
                            "Expression: %s\n"
                            "Location  : %s(%d) %s\n",
                            pszExpr, pszFile, uLine, pszFunction);
# ifndef IN_RC /* flushing is done automatically in RC */
# endif

# ifdef IN_RING3
        /* print to stderr, helps user and gdb debugging. */
                "\n!!Assertion Failed!!\n"
                "Expression: %s\n"
                "Location  : %s(%d) %s\n",
                VALID_PTR(pszExpr) ? pszExpr : "<none>",
                VALID_PTR(pszFile) ? pszFile : "<none>",
                VALID_PTR(pszFunction) ? pszFunction : "");
# endif
#endif /* !IN_RING0 */