/** * Initialize module. * * @returns appropriate status code. */ static int __init VBoxDrvLinuxInit(void) { int rc; /* * Check for synchronous/asynchronous TSC mode. */ printk(KERN_DEBUG DEVICE_NAME ": Found %u processor cores.\n", (unsigned)RTMpGetOnlineCount()); #ifdef CONFIG_VBOXDRV_AS_MISC rc = misc_register(&gMiscDevice); if (rc) { printk(KERN_ERR DEVICE_NAME ": Can't register misc device! rc=%d\n", rc); return rc; } #else /* !CONFIG_VBOXDRV_AS_MISC */ /* * Register character device. */ g_iModuleMajor = DEVICE_MAJOR; rc = register_chrdev((dev_t)g_iModuleMajor, DEVICE_NAME, &gFileOpsVBoxDrv); if (rc < 0) { Log(("register_chrdev() failed with rc=%#x!\n", rc)); return rc; } /* * Save returned module major number */ if (DEVICE_MAJOR != 0) g_iModuleMajor = DEVICE_MAJOR; else g_iModuleMajor = rc; rc = 0; # ifdef CONFIG_DEVFS_FS /* * Register a device entry */ if (devfs_mk_cdev(MKDEV(DEVICE_MAJOR, 0), S_IFCHR | VBOX_DEV_FMASK, DEVICE_NAME) != 0) { Log(("devfs_register failed!\n")); rc = -EINVAL; } # endif #endif /* !CONFIG_VBOXDRV_AS_MISC */ if (!rc) { /* * Initialize the runtime. * On AMD64 we'll have to donate the high rwx memory block to the exec allocator. */ rc = RTR0Init(0); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { #if defined(RT_ARCH_AMD64) && LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 23) rc = RTR0MemExecDonate(&g_abExecMemory[0], sizeof(g_abExecMemory)); printk(KERN_DEBUG "VBoxDrv: dbg - g_abExecMemory=%p\n", (void *)&g_abExecMemory[0]); #endif Log(("VBoxDrv::ModuleInit\n")); /* * Initialize the device extension. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = supdrvInitDevExt(&g_DevExt, sizeof(SUPDRVSESSION)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SUSPEND_NOTIFICATION rc = platform_driver_register(&gPlatformDriver); if (rc == 0) { rc = platform_device_register(&gPlatformDevice); if (rc == 0) #endif { printk(KERN_INFO DEVICE_NAME ": TSC mode is %s, kernel timer mode is 'normal'.\n", g_DevExt.pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_SYNC_TSC ? "'synchronous'" : "'asynchronous'"); LogFlow(("VBoxDrv::ModuleInit returning %#x\n", rc)); printk(KERN_DEBUG DEVICE_NAME ": Successfully loaded version " VBOX_VERSION_STRING " (interface " RT_XSTR(SUPDRV_IOC_VERSION) ").\n"); return rc; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SUSPEND_NOTIFICATION else platform_driver_unregister(&gPlatformDriver); } #endif } rc = -EINVAL; RTR0TermForced(); } else rc = -EINVAL; /* * Failed, cleanup and return the error code. */ #if defined(CONFIG_DEVFS_FS) && !defined(CONFIG_VBOXDRV_AS_MISC) devfs_remove(DEVICE_NAME); #endif } #ifdef CONFIG_VBOXDRV_AS_MISC misc_deregister(&gMiscDevice); Log(("VBoxDrv::ModuleInit returning %#x (minor:%d)\n", rc, gMiscDevice.minor)); #else unregister_chrdev(g_iModuleMajor, DEVICE_NAME); Log(("VBoxDrv::ModuleInit returning %#x (major:%d)\n", rc, g_iModuleMajor)); #endif return rc; }
RTDECL(RTCPUID) RTMpGetCount(void) { /** @todo online/present cpu stuff must be corrected for proper W2K8 support * (KeQueryMaximumProcessorCount). */ return RTMpGetOnlineCount(); }
RTDECL(int) RTMpOnSpecific(RTCPUID idCpu, PFNRTMPWORKER pfnWorker, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2) { /* * Don't try mess with an offline CPU. */ if (!RTMpIsCpuOnline(idCpu)) return !RTMpIsCpuPossible(idCpu) ? VERR_CPU_NOT_FOUND : VERR_CPU_OFFLINE; /* * Use the broadcast IPI routine if there are no more than two CPUs online, * or if the current IRQL is unsuitable for KeWaitForSingleObject. */ if ( g_pfnrtKeIpiGenericCall && ( RTMpGetOnlineCount() <= 2 || KeGetCurrentIrql() > APC_LEVEL) ) return rtMpCallUsingBroadcastIpi(pfnWorker, pvUser1, pvUser2, rtmpNtOnSpecificBroadcastIpiWrapper, 0); #if 0 /** @todo untested code. needs some tuning. */ /* * Initialize the argument package and the objects within it. * The package is referenced counted to avoid unnecessary spinning to * synchronize cleanup and prevent stack corruption. */ PRTMPNTONSPECIFICARGS pArgs = (PRTMPNTONSPECIFICARGS)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(*pArgs), (ULONG)'RTMp'); if (!pArgs) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pArgs->cRefs = 2; pArgs->fExecuting = false; pArgs->fDone = false; pArgs->CallbackArgs.pfnWorker = pfnWorker; pArgs->CallbackArgs.pvUser1 = pvUser1; pArgs->CallbackArgs.pvUser2 = pvUser2; pArgs->CallbackArgs.idCpu = idCpu; pArgs->CallbackArgs.cHits = 0; pArgs->CallbackArgs.cRefs = 2; KeInitializeEvent(&pArgs->DoneEvt, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE /* not signalled */); KeInitializeDpc(&pArgs->Dpc, rtMpNtOnSpecificDpcWrapper, pArgs); KeSetImportanceDpc(&pArgs->Dpc, HighImportance); KeSetTargetProcessorDpc(&pArgs->Dpc, (int)idCpu); /* * Disable preemption while we check the current processor and inserts the DPC. */ KIRQL bOldIrql; KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &bOldIrql); ASMCompilerBarrier(); /* paranoia */ if (RTMpCpuId() == idCpu) { /* Just execute the callback on the current CPU. */ pfnWorker(idCpu, pvUser1, pvUser2); KeLowerIrql(bOldIrql); ExFreePool(pArgs); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* Different CPU, so queue it if the CPU is still online. */ int rc; if (RTMpIsCpuOnline(idCpu)) { BOOLEAN fRc = KeInsertQueueDpc(&pArgs->Dpc, 0, 0); Assert(fRc); KeLowerIrql(bOldIrql); uint64_t const nsRealWaitTS = RTTimeNanoTS(); /* * Wait actively for a while in case the CPU/thread responds quickly. */ uint32_t cLoopsLeft = 0x20000; while (cLoopsLeft-- > 0) { if (pArgs->fDone) { rtMpNtOnSpecificRelease(pArgs); return VINF_SUCCESS; } ASMNopPause(); } /* * It didn't respond, so wait on the event object, poking the CPU if it's slow. */ LARGE_INTEGER Timeout; Timeout.QuadPart = -10000; /* 1ms */ NTSTATUS rcNt = KeWaitForSingleObject(&pArgs->DoneEvt, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE /* Alertable */, &Timeout); if (rcNt == STATUS_SUCCESS) { rtMpNtOnSpecificRelease(pArgs); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* If it hasn't respondend yet, maybe poke it and wait some more. */ if (rcNt == STATUS_TIMEOUT) { if ( !pArgs->fExecuting && ( g_pfnrtMpPokeCpuWorker == rtMpPokeCpuUsingHalSendSoftwareInterrupt || g_pfnrtMpPokeCpuWorker == rtMpPokeCpuUsingHalReqestIpiW7Plus || g_pfnrtMpPokeCpuWorker == rtMpPokeCpuUsingHalReqestIpiPreW7)) RTMpPokeCpu(idCpu); Timeout.QuadPart = -1280000; /* 128ms */ rcNt = KeWaitForSingleObject(&pArgs->DoneEvt, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE /* Alertable */, &Timeout); if (rcNt == STATUS_SUCCESS) { rtMpNtOnSpecificRelease(pArgs); return VINF_SUCCESS; } } /* * Something weird is happening, try bail out. */ if (KeRemoveQueueDpc(&pArgs->Dpc)) { ExFreePool(pArgs); /* DPC was still queued, so we can return without further ado. */ LogRel(("RTMpOnSpecific(%#x): Not processed after %llu ns: rcNt=%#x\n", idCpu, RTTimeNanoTS() - nsRealWaitTS, rcNt)); } else { /* DPC is running, wait a good while for it to complete. */ LogRel(("RTMpOnSpecific(%#x): Still running after %llu ns: rcNt=%#x\n", idCpu, RTTimeNanoTS() - nsRealWaitTS, rcNt)); Timeout.QuadPart = -30*1000*1000*10; /* 30 seconds */ rcNt = KeWaitForSingleObject(&pArgs->DoneEvt, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE /* Alertable */, &Timeout); if (rcNt != STATUS_SUCCESS) LogRel(("RTMpOnSpecific(%#x): Giving up on running worker after %llu ns: rcNt=%#x\n", idCpu, RTTimeNanoTS() - nsRealWaitTS, rcNt)); } rc = RTErrConvertFromNtStatus(rcNt); } else { /* CPU is offline.*/ KeLowerIrql(bOldIrql); rc = !RTMpIsCpuPossible(idCpu) ? VERR_CPU_NOT_FOUND : VERR_CPU_OFFLINE; } rtMpNtOnSpecificRelease(pArgs); return rc; #else return rtMpCallUsingDpcs(pfnWorker, pvUser1, pvUser2, RT_NT_CPUID_SPECIFIC, idCpu); #endif }