int Ebml_SerializeFloat(EbmlGlobal *glob, uint32_t class_id, double d)
    int rc = ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = ebml_WriteU8(glob, 0x80 | 8);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = ebml_WriteU64(glob, RT_H2BE_U64(*(uint64_t*)&d));
    return rc;
int Ebml_SerializeUnsigned64(EbmlGlobal *glob, uint32_t class_id, uint64_t ui)
    int rc = ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = ebml_WriteU8(glob, 8 | 0x80);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = ebml_WriteU64(glob, RT_H2BE_U64(ui));
    return rc;
static int ebml_StartSubElement(EbmlGlobal *glob, uint64_t *ebmlLoc, uint32_t class_id)
    // todo this is always taking 8 bytes, this may need later optimization
    // this is a key that says lenght unknown
    uint64_t unknownLen =  UINT64_C(0x01FFFFFFFFFFFFFF);

    ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
    *ebmlLoc = RTFileTell(glob->file);
    return ebml_WriteU64(glob, RT_H2BE_U64(unknownLen));
RTDECL(void) RTSha1Final(PRTSHA1CONTEXT pCtx, uint8_t pabDigest[RTSHA1_HASH_SIZE])
    Assert(pCtx->AltPrivate.cbMessage < UINT64_MAX / 2);

     * Complete the message by adding a single bit (0x80), padding till
     * the next 448-bit boundrary, the add the message length.
    uint64_t const cMessageBits = pCtx->AltPrivate.cbMessage * 8;

    unsigned cbMissing = RTSHA1_BLOCK_SIZE - ((unsigned)pCtx->AltPrivate.cbMessage & (RTSHA1_BLOCK_SIZE - 1U));
    static uint8_t const s_abSingleBitAndSomePadding[12] =  { 0x80, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0, };
    if (cbMissing < 1U + 8U)
        /* Less than 64+8 bits left in the current block, force a new block. */
        RTSha1Update(pCtx, &s_abSingleBitAndSomePadding, sizeof(s_abSingleBitAndSomePadding));
        RTSha1Update(pCtx, &s_abSingleBitAndSomePadding, 1);

    unsigned cbBuffered = (unsigned)pCtx->AltPrivate.cbMessage & (RTSHA1_BLOCK_SIZE - 1U);
    cbMissing = RTSHA1_BLOCK_SIZE - cbBuffered;
    Assert(cbMissing >= 8);
    memset((uint8_t *)&pCtx->AltPrivate.auW[0] + cbBuffered, 0, cbMissing - 8);

    *(uint64_t *)&pCtx->AltPrivate.auW[14] = RT_H2BE_U64(cMessageBits);

     * Process the last buffered block constructed/completed above.

     * Convert the byte order of the hash words and we're done.
    pCtx->AltPrivate.auH[0] = RT_H2BE_U32(pCtx->AltPrivate.auH[0]);
    pCtx->AltPrivate.auH[1] = RT_H2BE_U32(pCtx->AltPrivate.auH[1]);
    pCtx->AltPrivate.auH[2] = RT_H2BE_U32(pCtx->AltPrivate.auH[2]);
    pCtx->AltPrivate.auH[3] = RT_H2BE_U32(pCtx->AltPrivate.auH[3]);
    pCtx->AltPrivate.auH[4] = RT_H2BE_U32(pCtx->AltPrivate.auH[4]);

    memcpy(pabDigest, &pCtx->AltPrivate.auH[0], RTSHA1_HASH_SIZE);

    pCtx->AltPrivate.cbMessage = UINT64_MAX;
static int ebml_EndSubElement(EbmlGlobal *glob, uint64_t ebmlLoc)
    /* Save the current file pointer */
    uint64_t pos = RTFileTell(glob->file);

    /* Calculate the size of this element */
    uint64_t size  = pos - ebmlLoc - 8;
    size |= UINT64_C(0x0100000000000000);

    /* Seek back to the beginning of the element and write the new size */
    RTFileSeek(glob->file, ebmlLoc, RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN, NULL);
    int rc = ebml_WriteU64(glob, RT_H2BE_U64(size));

    /* Reset the file pointer */
    RTFileSeek(glob->file, pos, RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN, NULL);

    return rc;