Exemple #1
void Mod_LoadTextures (lump_t *l)
    int		i, j, pixels, num, max, altmax;
    miptex_t	*mt;
    texture_t	*tx, *tx2;
    texture_t	*anims[10];
    texture_t	*altanims[10];
    dmiptexlump_t *m;

    if (!l->filelen)
        loadmodel->textures = NULL;
    m = (dmiptexlump_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);

    m->nummiptex = LittleLong (m->nummiptex);

    loadmodel->numtextures = m->nummiptex;
    loadmodel->textures = Hunk_AllocName (m->nummiptex * sizeof(*loadmodel->textures) , loadname);

    for (i=0 ; i<m->nummiptex ; i++)
        m->dataofs[i] = LittleLong(m->dataofs[i]);
        if (m->dataofs[i] == -1)
        mt = (miptex_t *)((byte *)m + m->dataofs[i]);
        mt->width = LittleLong (mt->width);
        mt->height = LittleLong (mt->height);
        for (j=0 ; j<MIPLEVELS ; j++)
            mt->offsets[j] = LittleLong (mt->offsets[j]);

        if ( (mt->width & 15) || (mt->height & 15) )
            Sys_Error ("Texture %s is not 16 aligned", mt->name);
        pixels = mt->width*mt->height/64*85;
        tx = Hunk_AllocName (sizeof(texture_t) +pixels, loadname );
        loadmodel->textures[i] = tx;

        memcpy (tx->name, mt->name, sizeof(tx->name));
        tx->width = mt->width;
        tx->height = mt->height;
        for (j=0 ; j<MIPLEVELS ; j++)
            tx->offsets[j] = mt->offsets[j] + sizeof(texture_t) - sizeof(miptex_t);
        // the pixels immediately follow the structures
        memcpy ( tx+1, mt+1, pixels);

        if (!Q_strncmp(mt->name,"sky",3))
            R_InitSky (tx);
            texture_mode = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; //_LINEAR;
            tx->gl_texturenum = GL_LoadTexture (mt->name, tx->width, tx->height, (byte *)(tx+1), true, false);
            texture_mode = GL_LINEAR;

// sequence the animations
    for (i=0 ; i<m->nummiptex ; i++)
        tx = loadmodel->textures[i];
        if (!tx || tx->name[0] != '+')
        if (tx->anim_next)
            continue;	// allready sequenced

        // find the number of frames in the animation
        memset (anims, 0, sizeof(anims));
        memset (altanims, 0, sizeof(altanims));

        max = tx->name[1];
        altmax = 0;
        if (max >= 'a' && max <= 'z')
            max -= 'a' - 'A';
        if (max >= '0' && max <= '9')
            max -= '0';
            altmax = 0;
            anims[max] = tx;
        else if (max >= 'A' && max <= 'J')
            altmax = max - 'A';
            max = 0;
            altanims[altmax] = tx;
            Sys_Error ("Bad animating texture %s", tx->name);

        for (j=i+1 ; j<m->nummiptex ; j++)
            tx2 = loadmodel->textures[j];
            if (!tx2 || tx2->name[0] != '+')
            if (strcmp (tx2->name+2, tx->name+2))

            num = tx2->name[1];
            if (num >= 'a' && num <= 'z')
                num -= 'a' - 'A';
            if (num >= '0' && num <= '9')
                num -= '0';
                anims[num] = tx2;
                if (num+1 > max)
                    max = num + 1;
            else if (num >= 'A' && num <= 'J')
                num = num - 'A';
                altanims[num] = tx2;
                if (num+1 > altmax)
                    altmax = num+1;
                Sys_Error ("Bad animating texture %s", tx->name);

#define	ANIM_CYCLE	2
        // link them all together
        for (j=0 ; j<max ; j++)
            tx2 = anims[j];
            if (!tx2)
                Sys_Error ("Missing frame %i of %s",j, tx->name);
            tx2->anim_total = max * ANIM_CYCLE;
            tx2->anim_min = j * ANIM_CYCLE;
            tx2->anim_max = (j+1) * ANIM_CYCLE;
            tx2->anim_next = anims[ (j+1)%max ];
            if (altmax)
                tx2->alternate_anims = altanims[0];
        for (j=0 ; j<altmax ; j++)
            tx2 = altanims[j];
            if (!tx2)
                Sys_Error ("Missing frame %i of %s",j, tx->name);
            tx2->anim_total = altmax * ANIM_CYCLE;
            tx2->anim_min = j * ANIM_CYCLE;
            tx2->anim_max = (j+1) * ANIM_CYCLE;
            tx2->anim_next = altanims[ (j+1)%altmax ];
            if (max)
                tx2->alternate_anims = anims[0];
Exemple #2
void Mod_LoadTextures (lump_t *l)
// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  start
	// Neal White III - 12-28-1999 - OpenGL fullbright bugfix
	// [email protected]
	// http://home.telefragged.com/wally/
	// Problem:
	// There was a problem in the original glquake with fullbright texels.
	// In the software renderer, fullbrights glow brightly in the dark.
	// Essentially, the fullbrights were ignored.  I've fixed it by
	// adding another rendering pass and creating a new glowmap texture.
	// Fix:
	// When a texture with fullbright (FB) texels is loaded, a copy is made,
	// then the FB pixels are cleared to black in the original texture.  In
	// the copy, all normal colors are cleared and only the FBs remain.  When
	// it comes time to render the polygons, I do an additional pass and ADD
	// the glowmap on top of the current polygon.

	byte		*ptexel;
	qboolean	hasfullbrights;
//	qboolean	noglow = COM_CheckParm("-noglow");

//	int		i, j, pixels, num, max, altmax;
	int		i, num, max, altmax;
	unsigned long	j, pixels;
// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  end

	miptex_t	*mt;
	texture_t	*tx, *tx2;
	texture_t	*anims[10];
	texture_t	*altanims[10];
	dmiptexlump_t *m;

	if (!l->filelen)
		loadmodel->textures = NULL;
	m = (dmiptexlump_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);

	m->nummiptex = LittleLong (m->nummiptex);

	loadmodel->numtextures = m->nummiptex;
	loadmodel->textures = Hunk_AllocName (m->nummiptex * sizeof(*loadmodel->textures) , loadname);

	for (i=0 ; i<m->nummiptex ; i++)
		m->dataofs[i] = LittleLong(m->dataofs[i]);
		if (m->dataofs[i] == -1)
		mt = (miptex_t *)((byte *)m + m->dataofs[i]);
		mt->width = LittleLong (mt->width);
		mt->height = LittleLong (mt->height);
		for (j=0 ; j<MIPLEVELS ; j++)
			mt->offsets[j] = LittleLong (mt->offsets[j]);

		if ( (mt->width & 15) || (mt->height & 15) )
			Sys_Error ("Texture %s is not 16 aligned", mt->name);
		pixels = mt->width*mt->height/64*85;

// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  start
		hasfullbrights = false;

		if ((!strncmp(mt->name,"sky",3)) ||
				(!strncmp(mt->name,"*",1)) || 	// turbulent (liquid)
				(!gl_glowmap->value) || (! gl_mtexable) )
			// sky has no lightmap, nor do liquids (so never needs a glowmap),
			// -noglow command line parameter, or no multi-texture support
			// hasfullbrights is already false
		else					// check this texture for fullbright texels
			ptexel = (byte *)(mt+1);

			for (j=0 ; j<pixels ; j++)
				if (ptexel[j] >= 256-32)	// 32 fullbright colors
					hasfullbrights = true;

		if (hasfullbrights)
			tx = Hunk_AllocName (sizeof(texture_t) +pixels*2, loadname );
// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  end
			tx = Hunk_AllocName (sizeof(texture_t) +pixels, loadname );
		}	// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III

		loadmodel->textures[i] = tx;

		memcpy (tx->name, mt->name, sizeof(tx->name));
		tx->width = mt->width;
		tx->height = mt->height;
		for (j=0 ; j<MIPLEVELS ; j++)
		{	// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III
			tx->offsets[j] = mt->offsets[j] + sizeof(texture_t) - sizeof(miptex_t);
// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  start
			if (hasfullbrights)
				tx->glowoffsets[j] = mt->offsets[j] + sizeof(texture_t) - sizeof(miptex_t) + pixels;
				tx->glowoffsets[j] = 0;
// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  end

		// the pixels immediately follow the structures
		memcpy ( tx+1, mt+1, pixels);

// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  start
		if (hasfullbrights)
			ptexel = (byte *)(tx+1);
			memcpy ( ptexel+pixels, mt+1, pixels);

		tx->flags = 0;
// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  end

		if (!strncmp(mt->name,"sky",3))
// 2000-07-09 Dedicated server bug in GLQuake fix by Nathan Cline  start
			if (cls.state != ca_dedicated)
// 2000-07-09 Dedicated server bug in GLQuake fix by Nathan Cline  end
				R_InitSky (tx);
// 2000-07-09 Dedicated server bug in GLQuake fix by Nathan Cline  start
// 2000-07-09 Dedicated server bug in GLQuake fix by Nathan Cline  end
			texture_mode = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; //_LINEAR;
// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  start
			// remove glowing fullbright colors from base texture (make black)
			if (hasfullbrights)
#ifdef _DEBUG
				qboolean	bColorUsed[256];
				Con_DPrintf ("*** Fullbright Texture: \"%s\", %dx%d, %d pixels\n", mt->name, mt->width, mt->height, pixels);
				for (j=0 ; j<256 ; j++) bColorUsed[j] = false;

				ptexel = (byte *)(tx+1);

				for (j=0 ; j<pixels ; j++)
#ifdef _DEBUG
					bColorUsed[ptexel[j]] = true;

					if (ptexel[j] >= 256-32)	// 32 fullbright colors
						ptexel[j] = 0;		// make fullbrights black

#ifdef _DEBUG
				Con_DPrintf ("*** Normal colors: ");
				for (j=0 ; j<256-32 ; j++)
					if (bColorUsed[j])
						Con_DPrintf ("%d ", j);
				Con_DPrintf ("\n");

				Con_DPrintf ("*** Fullbrights: ");
				for (j=256-32 ; j<256 ; j++)
					if (bColorUsed[j])
						Con_DPrintf ("%d ", j);
				Con_DPrintf ("\n");
#ifdef _DEBUG
				Con_DPrintf ("*** Normal Texture: \"%s\", %dx%d\n", mt->name, mt->width, mt->height);
// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  end
			tx->gl_texturenum = GL_LoadTexture (mt->name, tx->width, tx->height, (byte *)(tx+1), true, false);
// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  start
			// create glowmap texture (all black except for glowing fullbright colors)
			if (hasfullbrights)
#ifdef _DEBUG
				qboolean bGlowDoubleCheck = false;
				char glowname[32];
				memcpy (glowname, mt->name, sizeof(mt->name));

				glowname[16] = '\0';
				for (j=0 ; glowname[j] != '\0'; j++)
				glowname[j++] = '<';
				glowname[j++] = 'G';
				glowname[j++] = 'L';
				glowname[j++] = 'O';
				glowname[j++] = 'W';
				glowname[j++] = '>';
				glowname[j++] = '\0';

				ptexel = (byte *)(tx+1) + pixels;

				for (j=0 ; j<pixels ; j++)
					if (ptexel[j] < 256-32)		// build glowmap
						ptexel[j] = 0;			// make non-fullbrights black
#ifdef _DEBUG
						bGlowDoubleCheck = true;
				tx->gl_glowtexnum = GL_LoadTexture (glowname, tx->width, tx->height, ptexel, true, false);
				tx->flags |= FLAG_HAS_GLOWMAP;

#ifdef _DEBUG
				if (! bGlowDoubleCheck)
					Con_DPrintf ("INTERNAL ERROR: Mod_LoadTextures - FullBright texture \"%s\" has no FullBright colors!\n", glowname);
// 1999-12-28 OpenGL fullbright fix by Neal White III  end
			texture_mode = GL_LINEAR;

// sequence the animations
	for (i=0 ; i<m->nummiptex ; i++)
		tx = loadmodel->textures[i];
		if (!tx || tx->name[0] != '+')
		if (tx->anim_next)
			continue;	// already sequenced

	// find the number of frames in the animation
		memset (anims, 0, sizeof(anims));
		memset (altanims, 0, sizeof(altanims));

		max = tx->name[1];
		altmax = 0;
		if (max >= 'a' && max <= 'z')
			max -= 'a' - 'A';
		if (max >= '0' && max <= '9')
			max -= '0';
			altmax = 0;
			anims[max] = tx;
		else if (max >= 'A' && max <= 'J')
			altmax = max - 'A';
			max = 0;
			altanims[altmax] = tx;
			Sys_Error ("Bad animating texture %s", tx->name);

		for (j=i+1 ; j<m->nummiptex ; j++)
			tx2 = loadmodel->textures[j];
			if (!tx2 || tx2->name[0] != '+')
			if (strcmp (tx2->name+2, tx->name+2))

			num = tx2->name[1];
			if (num >= 'a' && num <= 'z')
				num -= 'a' - 'A';
			if (num >= '0' && num <= '9')
				num -= '0';
				anims[num] = tx2;
				if (num+1 > max)
					max = num + 1;
			else if (num >= 'A' && num <= 'J')
				num = num - 'A';
				altanims[num] = tx2;
				if (num+1 > altmax)
					altmax = num+1;
				Sys_Error ("Bad animating texture %s", tx->name);

#define	ANIM_CYCLE	2
	// link them all together
		for (j=0 ; j<max ; j++)
			tx2 = anims[j];
			if (!tx2)
				Sys_Error ("Missing frame %i of %s",j, tx->name);
			tx2->anim_total = max * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_min = j * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_max = (j+1) * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_next = anims[ (j+1)%max ];
			if (altmax)
				tx2->alternate_anims = altanims[0];
		for (j=0 ; j<altmax ; j++)
			tx2 = altanims[j];
			if (!tx2)
				Sys_Error ("Missing frame %i of %s",j, tx->name);
			tx2->anim_total = altmax * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_min = j * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_max = (j+1) * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_next = altanims[ (j+1)%altmax ];
			if (max)
				tx2->alternate_anims = anims[0];
Exemple #3
void R_ReloadSky() {
    if (current_sky_mt) {
Exemple #4
void Mod_LoadTextures (lump_t *l)
	int				i, j, num, max, altmax, texture_flag, brighten_flag;
	miptex_t		*mt;
	texture_t		*tx, *tx2, *txblock, *anims[10], *altanims[10];
	dmiptexlump_t	*m;
#ifndef RQM_SV_ONLY
	byte			*data;

	if (!l->filelen)
		loadmodel->textures = NULL;

	m = (dmiptexlump_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
	m->nummiptex = LittleLong (m->nummiptex);
	loadmodel->numtextures = m->nummiptex;
	loadmodel->textures = Hunk_AllocName (m->nummiptex * sizeof(*loadmodel->textures), mod_loadname);

	txblock = Hunk_AllocName (m->nummiptex * sizeof(**loadmodel->textures), mod_loadname);

#ifndef RQM_SV_ONLY
	if (hexen2)
		brighten_flag = 0;
//	brighten_flag = (gl_lightmode.value == 1) ? TEX_BRIGHTEN : 0;
	brighten_flag = 0;

	texture_flag = (gl_picmip_all.value || loadmodel->isworldmodel) ? TEX_MIPMAP : 0;
	brighten_flag = texture_flag = 0;

	for (i = 0 ; i < m->nummiptex ; i++)
		m->dataofs[i] = LittleLong (m->dataofs[i]);
		if (m->dataofs[i] == -1)

		mt = (miptex_t *)((byte *)m + m->dataofs[i]);
		loadmodel->textures[i] = tx = txblock + i;

		memcpy (tx->name, mt->name, sizeof(tx->name));
		if (!tx->name[0])
			Q_snprintfz (tx->name, sizeof(tx->name), "unnamed%d", i);
			Con_DPrintf ("Warning: unnamed texture in %s, renaming to %s\n", loadmodel->name, tx->name);

		tx->width = mt->width = LittleLong (mt->width);
		tx->height = mt->height = LittleLong (mt->height);
//		if ((mt->width & 15) || (mt->height & 15))
//			Host_Error ("Mod_LoadTextures: Texture %s is not 16 aligned", mt->name);	// was Sys_Error

		for (j=0 ; j<MIPLEVELS ; j++)
			mt->offsets[j] = LittleLong (mt->offsets[j]);

		if (!strcmp(mt->name, "shot1sid") && mt->width == 32 && mt->height == 32
			&& CRC_Block((byte*)(mt+1), mt->width*mt->height) == 65393)
		{	// This texture in b_shell1.bsp has some of the first 32 pixels painted white.
			// They are invisible in software, but look really ugly in GL. So we just copy
			// 32 pixels from the bottom to make it look nice.
			memcpy (mt+1, (byte *)(mt+1) + 32*31, 32);

#ifndef RQM_SV_ONLY
		if (loadmodel->isworldmodel && ISSKYTEX(tx->name))
			R_InitSky (mt);

		if (Mod_LoadBrushModelTexture(tx, texture_flag))

		if (mt->offsets[0])
			data = (byte *)mt + mt->offsets[0];
			tx2 = tx;
			data = (byte *)tx2 + tx2->offsets[0];		// JDH: what is tx2 equal to at this point ???
			tx2 = r_notexture_mip;

#ifdef _DEBUG
//		for (j = tx2->width*tx2->height; j >= 0; j--)
//			if (data[j] == 255)
//				break;

//		tx->gl_texturenum = GL_LoadTexture (tx2->name, tx2->width, tx2->height, data, texture_flag | brighten_flag, 1);
		tx->gl_texturenum = GL_LoadTexture (tx2->name, tx2->width, tx2->height, data, texture_flag | TEX_BMODEL, 1);
		if (!ISTURBTEX(tx->name) && Img_HasFullbrights(data, tx2->width * tx2->height))
			tx->fb_texturenum = GL_LoadTexture (va("@fb_%s", tx2->name), tx2->width, tx2->height, data, texture_flag | TEX_FULLBRIGHT, 1);
	/************** JDH ***************/
		else tx->fb_texturenum = 0;
	/************** JDH ***************/

// sequence the animations
	for (i=0 ; i<m->nummiptex ; i++)
		tx = loadmodel->textures[i];
		if (!tx || tx->name[0] != '+')
		if (tx->anim_next)
			continue;	// already sequenced

	// find the number of frames in the animation
		memset (anims, 0, sizeof(anims));
		memset (altanims, 0, sizeof(altanims));

		max = tx->name[1];
		altmax = 0;
		if (max >= 'a' && max <= 'z')
			max -= 'a' - 'A';
		if (max >= '0' && max <= '9')
			max -= '0';
			altmax = 0;
			anims[max] = tx;
		else if (max >= 'A' && max <= 'J')
			altmax = max - 'A';
			max = 0;
			altanims[altmax] = tx;
			Host_Error ("Bad animating texture %s", tx->name);	// was Sys_Error

		for (j=i+1 ; j<m->nummiptex ; j++)
			tx2 = loadmodel->textures[j];
			if (!tx2 || tx2->name[0] != '+')
			if (strcmp(tx2->name+2, tx->name+2))

			num = tx2->name[1];
			if (num >= 'a' && num <= 'z')
				num -= 'a' - 'A';
			if (num >= '0' && num <= '9')
				num -= '0';
				anims[num] = tx2;
				if (num+1 > max)
					max = num + 1;
			else if (num >= 'A' && num <= 'J')
				num = num - 'A';
				altanims[num] = tx2;
				if (num+1 > altmax)
					altmax = num+1;
				Host_Error ("Bad animating texture %s", tx->name);	// was Sys_Error

#define	ANIM_CYCLE	2
	// link them all together
		for (j=0 ; j<max ; j++)
			tx2 = anims[j];
			if (!tx2)
				Host_Error ("Mod_LoadTextures: Missing frame %i of %s", j, tx->name);	// was Sys_Error
			tx2->anim_total = max * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_min = j * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_max = (j+1) * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_next = anims[(j+1)%max];
			if (altmax)
				tx2->alternate_anims = altanims[0];
		for (j=0 ; j<altmax ; j++)
			tx2 = altanims[j];
			if (!tx2)
				Host_Error ("Mod_LoadTextures: Missing frame %i of %s", j, tx->name);	// was Sys_Error
			tx2->anim_total = altmax * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_min = j * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_max = (j+1) * ANIM_CYCLE;
			tx2->anim_next = altanims[(j+1)%altmax];
			if (max)
				tx2->alternate_anims = anims[0];