Exemple #1
int R_MME_MultiPassNext( ) {
	mmeBlurControl_t* control = &passData.control;
	byte* outAlloc;
	__m64 *outAlign;
	int index;
	if ( !shotData.take || tr.finishStereo ) {
		shotData.take = qfalse;
		return 0;
	if ( !control->totalFrames )
		return 0;

	index = control->totalIndex;
	outAlloc = (byte *)ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory( mainData.pixelCount * 3 + 16);
	outAlign = (__m64 *)((((intptr_t)(outAlloc)) + 15) & ~15);

	R_MME_GetShot( outAlign );
	R_MME_BlurAccumAdd( &passData.dof, outAlign );
	tr.capturingDofOrStereo = qtrue;

	ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory( outAlloc );
	if ( ++(control->totalIndex) < control->totalFrames ) {
		int nextIndex = control->totalIndex;
		if ( ++(nextIndex) >= control->totalFrames && r_stereoSeparation->value == 0.0f )
			tr.latestDofOrStereoFrame = qtrue;
		return 1;
	control->totalIndex = 0;
	R_MME_BlurAccumShift( &passData.dof );
	return 0;
Exemple #2
int R_MME_MultiPassNext (qboolean useMain)
	mmeBlurControl_t *control;
	shotData_t *shotData;
	passData_t *passData;
	byte* outAlloc;
	__m64 *outAlign;
	//int i;

	if (useMain) {
		control = &passDataMain.control;
		shotData = &shotDataMain;
		passData = &passDataMain;
	} else {
		control = &passDataLeft.control;
		shotData = &shotDataLeft;
		passData = &passDataLeft;

	if ( !control->totalFrames )
		return 0;

	if (shotData->allocFailed) {
		return 0;

	outAlloc = ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory( shotData->pixelCount * 3 + 16);
	outAlign = (__m64 *)((((int)(outAlloc)) + 15) & ~15);

	// don't call GLimp_EndFrame()

	//qglReadPixels(0, 0, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, outAlign);
	qglReadPixels(0, 0, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, outAlign);

	// testing
#if 0
	for (i = 0;  i < glConfig.vidWidth * glConfig.vidHeight * 3;  i++) {
		((byte *)outAlign)[i] += i;

	R_MME_BlurAccumAdd( &passData->dof, outAlign );

	ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory( outAlloc );
	if ( ++(control->totalIndex) < control->totalFrames ) {
		int nextIndex = control->totalIndex;

		if ( ++(nextIndex) >= control->totalFrames ) {
			// pass
		return 1;
	control->totalIndex = 0;
	R_MME_BlurAccumShift( &passData->dof );
	return 0;
Exemple #3
qboolean R_MME_TakeShot( void ) {
	int pixelCount;
	byte inSound[MME_SAMPLERATE] = {0};
	int sizeSound = 0;
	qboolean audio = qfalse, audioTaken = qfalse;
	qboolean doGamma;
	mmeBlurControl_t* blurControl = &blurData.control;

	if ( !shotData.take || allocFailed || tr.finishStereo )
		return qfalse;
	shotData.take = qfalse;

	pixelCount = glConfig.vidHeight * glConfig.vidWidth;

	doGamma = (qboolean)(( mme_screenShotGamma->integer || (tr.overbrightBits > 0) ) && (glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma ));

	//Special early version using the framebuffer
	if ( mme_saveShot->integer && blurControl->totalFrames > 0 &&
		R_FrameBuffer_Blur( blurControl->Float[ blurControl->totalIndex ], blurControl->totalIndex, blurControl->totalFrames ) ) {
		byte *shotBuf;
		float fps;
		if ( ++(blurControl->totalIndex) < blurControl->totalFrames ) 
			return qtrue;
		blurControl->totalIndex = 0;
		shotBuf = (byte *)ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory( pixelCount * 3 );
		R_MME_MultiShot( shotBuf );
		if ( doGamma ) 
			R_GammaCorrect( shotBuf, pixelCount * 3 );

		fps = shotData.fps / ( blurControl->totalFrames );
		audio = ri.S_MMEAviImport(inSound, &sizeSound);
		R_MME_SaveShot( &shotData.main, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight, fps, shotBuf, audio, sizeSound, inSound );
		ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory( shotBuf );
		return qtrue;

	/* Test if we need to do blurred shots */
	if ( blurControl->totalFrames > 0 ) {
		mmeBlurBlock_t *blurShot = &blurData.shot;
		mmeBlurBlock_t *blurDepth = &blurData.depth;
//		mmeBlurBlock_t *blurStencil = &blurData.stencil;

		/* Test if we blur with overlapping frames */
		if ( blurControl->overlapFrames ) {
			/* First frame in a sequence, fill the buffer with the last frames */
			if (blurControl->totalIndex == 0) {
				int i;
				for ( i = 0; i < blurControl->overlapFrames; i++ ) {
					if ( mme_saveShot->integer ) {
						R_MME_BlurOverlapAdd( blurShot, i );
					if ( mme_saveDepth->integer ) {
						R_MME_BlurOverlapAdd( blurDepth, i );
//					if ( mme_saveStencil->integer ) {
//						R_MME_BlurOverlapAdd( blurStencil, i );
//					}
			if ( mme_saveShot->integer == 1 ) {
				byte* shotBuf = R_MME_BlurOverlapBuf( blurShot );
				R_MME_MultiShot( shotBuf ); 
				if ( doGamma && mme_blurGamma->integer ) {
					R_GammaCorrect( shotBuf, glConfig.vidWidth * glConfig.vidHeight * 3 );
				R_MME_BlurOverlapAdd( blurShot, 0 );
			if ( mme_saveDepth->integer == 1 ) {
				R_MME_GetDepth( R_MME_BlurOverlapBuf( blurDepth ) ); 
				R_MME_BlurOverlapAdd( blurDepth, 0 );
//			if ( mme_saveStencil->integer == 1 ) {
//				R_MME_GetStencil( R_MME_BlurOverlapBuf( blurStencil ) ); 
//				R_MME_BlurOverlapAdd( blurStencil, 0 );
//			}
		} else {
			byte *outAlloc;
			__m64 *outAlign;
			outAlloc = (byte *)ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory( pixelCount * 3 + 16);
			outAlign = (__m64 *)((((intptr_t)(outAlloc)) + 15) & ~15);

			if ( mme_saveShot->integer == 1 ) {
				R_MME_MultiShot( (byte*)outAlign );
				if ( doGamma && mme_blurGamma->integer ) {
					R_GammaCorrect( (byte *) outAlign, pixelCount * 3 );
				R_MME_BlurAccumAdd( blurShot, outAlign );

			if ( mme_saveDepth->integer == 1 ) {
				R_MME_GetDepth( (byte *)outAlign );
				R_MME_BlurAccumAdd( blurDepth, outAlign );

//			if ( mme_saveStencil->integer == 1 ) {
//				R_MME_GetStencil( (byte *)outAlign );
//				R_MME_BlurAccumAdd( blurStencil, outAlign );
//			}
			ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory( outAlloc );

		if ( blurControl->totalIndex >= blurControl->totalFrames ) {
			float fps;
			blurControl->totalIndex = 0;

			fps = shotData.fps / ( blurControl->totalFrames );
			if ( mme_saveShot->integer == 1 ) {
				R_MME_BlurAccumShift( blurShot );
				if (doGamma && !mme_blurGamma->integer)
					R_GammaCorrect( (byte *)blurShot->accum, pixelCount * 3);
			if ( mme_saveDepth->integer == 1 )
				R_MME_BlurAccumShift( blurDepth );
//			if ( mme_saveStencil->integer == 1 )
//				R_MME_BlurAccumShift( blurStencil );
			audio = ri.S_MMEAviImport(inSound, &sizeSound);
			audioTaken = qtrue;
			// Big test for an rgba shot
			if ( mme_saveShot->integer == 1 && shotData.main.type == mmeShotTypeRGBA ) {
				int i;
				byte *alphaShot = (byte *)ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory( pixelCount * 4);
				byte *rgbData = (byte *)(blurShot->accum );
				if ( mme_saveDepth->integer == 1 ) {
					byte *depthData = (byte *)( blurDepth->accum );
					for ( i = 0;i < pixelCount; i++ ) {
						alphaShot[i*4+0] = rgbData[i*3+0];
						alphaShot[i*4+1] = rgbData[i*3+1];
						alphaShot[i*4+2] = rgbData[i*3+2];
						alphaShot[i*4+3] = depthData[i];
/*				} else if ( mme_saveStencil->integer == 1) {
					byte *stencilData = (byte *)( blurStencil->accum );
					for ( i = 0;i < pixelCount; i++ ) {
						alphaShot[i*4+0] = rgbData[i*3+0];
						alphaShot[i*4+1] = rgbData[i*3+1];
						alphaShot[i*4+2] = rgbData[i*3+2];
						alphaShot[i*4+3] = stencilData[i];
*/				}
				R_MME_SaveShot( &shotData.main, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight, fps, alphaShot, audio, sizeSound, inSound );
				ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory( alphaShot );
			} else {
				if ( mme_saveShot->integer == 1 )
					R_MME_SaveShot( &shotData.main, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight, fps, (byte *)( blurShot->accum ), audio, sizeSound, inSound );
				if ( mme_saveDepth->integer == 1 )
					R_MME_SaveShot( &shotData.depth, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight, fps, (byte *)( blurDepth->accum ), audio, sizeSound, inSound );
//				if ( mme_saveStencil->integer == 1 )
//					R_MME_SaveShot( &shotData.stencil, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight, fps, (byte *)( blurStencil->accum), audio, sizeSound, inSound );
	if ( mme_saveShot->integer > 1 || (!blurControl->totalFrames && mme_saveShot->integer )) {
		byte *shotBuf = (byte *)ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory( pixelCount * 5 );
		R_MME_MultiShot( shotBuf );
		if ( doGamma ) 
			R_GammaCorrect( shotBuf, pixelCount * 3 );

		if ( shotData.main.type == mmeShotTypeRGBA ) {
			int i;
			byte *alphaBuf = shotBuf + pixelCount * 4;
			if ( mme_saveDepth->integer > 1 || (!blurControl->totalFrames && mme_saveDepth->integer )) {
				R_MME_GetDepth( alphaBuf );
//			} else if ( mme_saveStencil->integer > 1 || (!blurControl->totalFrames && mme_saveStencil->integer )) {
//				R_MME_GetStencil( alphaBuf );
			for ( i = pixelCount - 1 ; i >= 0; i-- ) {
				shotBuf[i * 4 + 0] = shotBuf[i*3 + 0];
				shotBuf[i * 4 + 1] = shotBuf[i*3 + 1];
				shotBuf[i * 4 + 2] = shotBuf[i*3 + 2];
				shotBuf[i * 4 + 3] = alphaBuf[i];
		if (!audioTaken)
			audio = ri.S_MMEAviImport(inSound, &sizeSound);
		audioTaken = qtrue;
		R_MME_SaveShot( &shotData.main, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight, shotData.fps, shotBuf, audio, sizeSound, inSound );
		ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory( shotBuf );

	if ( shotData.main.type == mmeShotTypeRGB ) {
/*		if ( mme_saveStencil->integer > 1 || ( !blurControl->totalFrames && mme_saveStencil->integer) ) {
			byte *stencilShot = (byte *)ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory( pixelCount * 1);
			R_MME_GetStencil( stencilShot );
			if (!audioTaken && ((mme_saveStencil->integer > 1 && mme_saveShot->integer > 1)
				|| (mme_saveStencil->integer == 1 && mme_saveShot->integer == 1)))
				audio = ri.S_MMEAviImport(inSound, &sizeSound);
			R_MME_SaveShot( &shotData.stencil, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight, shotData.fps, stencilShot, audio, sizeSound, inSound );
			ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory( stencilShot );
*/		if ( mme_saveDepth->integer > 1 || ( !blurControl->totalFrames && mme_saveDepth->integer) ) {
			byte *depthShot = (byte *)ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory( pixelCount * 1);
			R_MME_GetDepth( depthShot );
			if (!audioTaken && ((mme_saveDepth->integer > 1 && mme_saveShot->integer > 1)
				|| (mme_saveDepth->integer == 1 && mme_saveShot->integer == 1)))
				audio = ri.S_MMEAviImport(inSound, &sizeSound);
			R_MME_SaveShot( &shotData.depth, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight, shotData.fps, depthShot, audio, sizeSound, inSound );
			ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory( depthShot );
	return qtrue;