void R_WorldEffect_f(void)
	char		temp[2048];

	ri.ArgsBuffer(temp, sizeof(temp));
Exemple #2
void R_RMGInit(void)
	char			newSky[MAX_QPATH];
	char			newFog[MAX_QPATH];
	shader_t		*sky;
	shader_t		*fog;
	fog_t			*gfog;
	mgrid_t			*grid;
	char			temp[MAX_QPATH];
	int				i;
	unsigned short	*pos;

	Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("RMG_sky", newSky, MAX_QPATH);
	// Get sunlight - this should set up all the sunlight data
	sky = R_FindShader( newSky, lightmapsNone, stylesDefault, qfalse );

	// Remap sky
//	R_RemapShader("textures/tools/_sky", newSky, NULL);

	// Fill in the lightgrid with sunlight
#ifdef _XBOX
		byte *memory = (byte *)tr.world->lightGridData;

		byte *array;
		array = memory;
		memory += 3;

		array[0] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunAmbient[0] * 255.0f);
		array[1] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunAmbient[1] * 255.0f);
		array[2] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunAmbient[2] * 255.0f);
		array[3] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunLight[0]);
		array[4] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunLight[1]);
		array[5] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunLight[2]);
		NormalToLatLong(tr.sunDirection, grid->latLong);
#else // _XBOX
		grid = tr.world->lightGridData;
		grid->ambientLight[0][0] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunAmbient[0] * 255.0f);
		grid->ambientLight[0][1] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunAmbient[1] * 255.0f);
		grid->ambientLight[0][2] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunAmbient[2] * 255.0f);
		R_ColorShiftLightingBytes(grid->ambientLight[0], grid->ambientLight[0]);

		grid->directLight[0][0] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunLight[0]);
		grid->directLight[0][1] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunLight[1]);
		grid->directLight[0][2] = (byte)Com_Clamp(0, 255, tr.sunLight[2]);
		R_ColorShiftLightingBytes(grid->directLight[0], grid->directLight[0]);

		NormalToLatLong(tr.sunDirection, grid->latLong);
#endif // _XBOX

		pos = tr.world->lightGridArray;
			*pos = 0;

	// Override the global fog with the defined one
	if(tr.world->globalFog != -1)
		Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("RMG_fog", newFog, MAX_QPATH);
		fog = R_FindShader( newFog, lightmapsNone, stylesDefault, qfalse);
		if (fog != tr.defaultShader)
			gfog = tr.world->fogs + tr.world->globalFog;
			gfog->parms = *fog->fogParms;
			if (gfog->parms.depthForOpaque)
				gfog->tcScale = 1.0f / ( gfog->parms.depthForOpaque * 8.0f );
				tr.distanceCull = gfog->parms.depthForOpaque;
				Cvar_Set("RMG_distancecull", va("%f", tr.distanceCull));
				gfog->tcScale = 1.0f;
			gfog->colorInt = ColorBytes4 ( gfog->parms.color[0], 
										  gfog->parms.color[2], 1.0f );

	Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("RMG_weather", temp, MAX_QPATH);

	// Set up any weather effects
	case 0:
	case 1:
		R_WorldEffectCommand("rain init 1000");
		R_WorldEffectCommand("rain outside");
	case 2:
		R_WorldEffectCommand("snow init 1000 outside");
		R_WorldEffectCommand("snow outside");
void R_WorldEffectCommand(const char *command)
	const char	*token, *origCommand;

	token = COM_ParseExt(&command, false);

	if (strcmpi(token, "snow") == 0)
		origCommand = command;

		token = COM_ParseExt(&command, false);
		if (strcmpi(token, "init") == 0)
		{	//	snow init <particles>
			token = COM_ParseExt(&command, false);
			if (snowSystem)
				delete snowSystem;
			snowSystem = new CSnowSystem(atoi(token));
		else if (strcmpi(token, "remove") == 0)
		{	//	snow remove
			if (snowSystem)
				delete snowSystem;
				snowSystem = 0;
		else if (snowSystem)
	else if (strcmpi(token, "rain") == 0)
		origCommand = command;

		token = COM_ParseExt(&command, false);
		if (strcmpi(token, "init") == 0)
		{	//	rain init <particles>
			token = COM_ParseExt(&command, false);
			if (rainSystem)
				delete rainSystem;
			rainSystem = new CRainSystem(atoi(token));
		else if (strcmpi(token, "remove") == 0)
		{	//	rain remove
			if (rainSystem)
				delete rainSystem;
				rainSystem = 0;
		else if (rainSystem)
	else if (strcmpi(token, "debug") == 0)
		token = COM_ParseExt(&command, false);
		if (strcmpi(token, "wind") == 0)
			debugShowWind = !debugShowWind;
		else if (strcmpi(token, "blah") == 0)
			R_WorldEffectCommand("snow init 1000");
			R_WorldEffectCommand("snow alpha 1");
			R_WorldEffectCommand("snow fog");