Exemple #1
void Player::HyperSpaceButtonPressed(void)
	if (m_Active && !m_Hit)
Exemple #2
void GBWorld::AddInitialManna() {
	GBEnergy amount = size.x * size.y / (kForegroundTileSize * kForegroundTileSize) * mannaDensity;
	GBEnergy placed;
	for ( ; amount > 0; amount -= placed ) {
		placed = amount > mannaSize ? Randoms().InRange(mannaSize / 10, mannaSize) : amount;
		AddObjectDirectly(new GBManna(RandomLocation(), placed));
Exemple #3
void GBWorld::AddManna() {
	try {
		for ( mannaLeft += size.x * size.y * mannaRate / (kForegroundTileSize * kForegroundTileSize);
				mannaLeft > mannaSize; mannaLeft -= mannaSize )
			AddObjectDirectly(new GBManna(RandomLocation(), mannaSize));
	} catch ( GBError & err ) {
		NonfatalError(string("Error adding manna: ") + err.ToString());
Exemple #4
void GBWorld::PickSeedPositions(GBPosition * positions, long numSeeds) {
	if ( ! positions) throw GBNilPointerError();
	if ( numSeeds < 1 ) return;
	try {
		GBDistance wallDist = kSeedRadius + min(size.x, size.y) / 20;
		GBDistance separation = sqrt((size.x - wallDist * 2) * (size.y - wallDist * 2) / numSeeds);
		int iterations = 0;
		int iterLimit = 100 + 30 * numSeeds + numSeeds * numSeeds;
		bool inRange;
	// pick positions
		for ( int i = 0; i < numSeeds; i++ ) {
			do {
				inRange = false;
				positions[i] = RandomLocation(wallDist);
				//TODO in small worlds, this leaves too much space in center
				if ( positions[i].InRange(Size() / 2, separation - separation * iterations * 2 / iterLimit) )
					inRange = true;
					for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
						if ( positions[i].InRange(positions[j], separation - separation * iterations / iterLimit) ) {
							inRange = true;
				if ( ++ iterations > iterLimit ) throw GBTooManyIterationsError();
			} while ( inRange ) ;
		if ( reportErrors && iterations > iterLimit / 2 )
			NonfatalError("Warning: seed placement took " + ToString(iterations) + " iterations");
	// shuffle positions
		//the above algorithm is not uniform, in that the first element may have different typical location than the last
		//to fix this, permute randomly (Knuth Vol 2 page 125)
		for ( long j = numSeeds - 1; j > 0; j-- ) {  //iteration with j==0 is nop, so skip it
			long i = Randoms().LongInRange(0, j);
			GBPosition temp = positions[i];
			positions[i] = positions[j];
			positions[j] = temp;
	} catch ( GBTooManyIterationsError & ) {
		if ( reportErrors ) NonfatalError("Warning: GBWorld::PickSeedPositions failsafe used.");
		for ( int i = 0; i < numSeeds; ++ i )
			positions[i] = RandomLocation();