Exemple #1
color shade_reflection(ray * incident, vector * hit, vector * N, flt specular) {
  ray specray;
  color col;
  vector R;
  VAddS(-2.0 * (incident->d.x * N->x + 
                incident->d.y * N->y + 
                incident->d.z * N->z), N, &incident->d, &R);

  specray.intstruct=incident->intstruct; /* what thread are we   */
  specray.depth=incident->depth - 1;   /* go up a level in recursion depth */
  specray.flags = RT_RAY_REGULAR;      /* infinite ray, to start with */
  specray.serial = incident->serial + 1; /* next serial number */
  specray.mbox = incident->mbox; 
  specray.d=R;			       /* reflect incident ray about normal */
  specray.o=Raypnt(&specray, EPSILON); /* avoid numerical precision bugs */
  specray.maxdist = FHUGE;             /* take any intersection */
  specray.scene=incident->scene;       /* global scenedef info */
  col=trace(&specray);                 /* trace specular reflection ray */ 

  incident->serial = specray.serial;    /* update the serial number */

  ColorScale(&col, specular);

  return col;
Exemple #2
ray camray(scenedef *scene, int x, int y) {
  ray ray1, newray;
  vector projcent;
  vector projpixel;
  flt px, py, sx, sy;

  sx = (flt) scene->hres; 
  sy = (flt) scene->vres;

  /* calculate the width and height of the image plane given the */
  /* aspect ratio, image resolution, and zoom factor */

  px=((sx / sy) / scene->aspectratio) / scene->camzoom;
  py=1.0 / scene->camzoom;    

  /* assuming viewvec is a unit vector, then the center of the */
  /* image plane is the camera center + vievec                 */
  projcent.x = scene->camcent.x + scene->camviewvec.x;
  projcent.y = scene->camcent.y + scene->camviewvec.y;
  projcent.z = scene->camcent.z + scene->camviewvec.z;

  /* starting from the center of the image plane, we move the   */
  /* center of the pel we're calculating, to                    */ 
  /* projcent + (rightvec * x distance)                         */
  projpixel=Raypnt(&ray1, ((x*px/sx) - (px / 2.0))); 

  /* starting from the horizontally translated pel, we move the */
  /* center of the pel we're calculating, to                    */ 
  /* projcent + (upvec * y distance)                            */
  projpixel=Raypnt(&ray1, ((y*py/sy) - (py / 2.0)));

  /* now that we have the exact pel center in the image plane */
  /* we create the real primary ray that will be used by the  */
  /* rest of the system.                                      */
  /* The ray is expected to be re-normalized elsewhere, we're */
  /* only really concerned about getting its direction right. */
  VSub(&projpixel, &scene->camcent, &newray.d);
  newray.depth = scene->raydepth;
  newray.flags = RT_RAY_REGULAR;  /* camera only generates primary rays */

  return newray;
Exemple #3
static void ring_intersect(ring * rng, ray * ry) {
  flt d;
  flt t,td;
  vector hit, pnt;
  d = -VDot(&(rng->ctr), &(rng->norm));
  t=-(d+VDot(&(rng->norm), &(ry->o)));
  if (td != 0.0) {
    t= t / td;
    if (t>=0.0) {
      hit=Raypnt(ry, t);
      VSUB(hit, rng->ctr, pnt);
      VDOT(td, pnt, pnt);
      if ((td > rng->inrad) && (td < rng->outrad)) 
        add_intersection(t,(object *) rng, ry);
Exemple #4
color shade_transmission(ray * incident, vector * hit, flt trans) {
  ray transray;
  color col;

  transray.intstruct=incident->intstruct; /* what thread are we   */
  transray.depth=incident->depth - 1;    /* go up a level in recursion depth */
  transray.flags = RT_RAY_REGULAR;       /* infinite ray, to start with */
  transray.serial = incident->serial + 1; /* update serial number */
  transray.mbox = incident->mbox;
  transray.d=incident->d;                /* ray continues along incident path */
  transray.o=Raypnt(&transray, EPSILON); /* avoid numerical precision bugs */
  transray.maxdist = FHUGE;              /* take any intersection */
  transray.scene=incident->scene;        /* global scenedef info */
  col=trace(&transray);                  /* trace transmission ray */  

  incident->serial = transray.serial;

  ColorScale(&col, trans);

  return col;
Exemple #5
/* the real thing */
static void grid_intersect(grid * g, ray * ry) {
  flt tnear, tfar, offset;
  vector curpos, tmax, tdelta, pdeltaX, pdeltaY, pdeltaZ, nXp, nYp, nZp;
  gridindex curvox, step, out; 
  int voxindex;
  objectlist * cur;

  if (ry->flags & RT_RAY_FINISHED)

  if (!grid_bounds_intersect(g, ry, &tnear, &tfar))
  if (ry->maxdist < tnear)
  curpos = Raypnt(ry, tnear); 
  pos2grid(g, &curpos, &curvox);
  offset = tnear;

  /* Setup X iterator stuff */
  if (fabs(ry->d.x) < EPSILON) {
    tmax.x = FHUGE;
    tdelta.x = 0.0;
    step.x = 0;
    out.x = 0; /* never goes out of bounds on this axis */
  else if (ry->d.x < 0.0) {
    tmax.x = offset + ((voxel2x(g, curvox.x) - curpos.x) / ry->d.x); 
    tdelta.x = g->voxsize.x / - ry->d.x;
    step.x = out.x = -1;
  else {
    tmax.x = offset + ((voxel2x(g, curvox.x + 1) - curpos.x) / ry->d.x);
    tdelta.x = g->voxsize.x / ry->d.x;
    step.x = 1;
    out.x = g->xsize;

  /* Setup Y iterator stuff */
  if (fabs(ry->d.y) < EPSILON) {
    tmax.y = FHUGE;
    tdelta.y = 0.0; 
    step.y = 0;
    out.y = 0; /* never goes out of bounds on this axis */
  else if (ry->d.y < 0.0) {
    tmax.y = offset + ((voxel2y(g, curvox.y) - curpos.y) / ry->d.y);
    tdelta.y = g->voxsize.y / - ry->d.y;
    step.y = out.y = -1;
  else {
    tmax.y = offset + ((voxel2y(g, curvox.y + 1) - curpos.y) / ry->d.y);
    tdelta.y = g->voxsize.y / ry->d.y;
    step.y = 1;
    out.y = g->ysize;

  /* Setup Z iterator stuff */
  if (fabs(ry->d.z) < EPSILON) {
    tmax.z = FHUGE;
    tdelta.z = 0.0; 
    step.z = 0;
    out.z = 0; /* never goes out of bounds on this axis */
  else if (ry->d.z < 0.0) {
    tmax.z = offset + ((voxel2z(g, curvox.z) - curpos.z) / ry->d.z);
    tdelta.z = g->voxsize.z / - ry->d.z;
    step.z = out.z = -1;
  else {
    tmax.z = offset + ((voxel2z(g, curvox.z + 1) - curpos.z) / ry->d.z);
    tdelta.z = g->voxsize.z / ry->d.z;
    step.z = 1;
    out.z = g->zsize;

  pdeltaX = ry->d;
  VScale(&pdeltaX, tdelta.x);
  pdeltaY = ry->d;
  VScale(&pdeltaY, tdelta.y);
  pdeltaZ = ry->d;
  VScale(&pdeltaZ, tdelta.z);

  nXp = Raypnt(ry, tmax.x);
  nYp = Raypnt(ry, tmax.y);
  nZp = Raypnt(ry, tmax.z);

  voxindex = curvox.z*g->xsize*g->ysize + curvox.y*g->xsize + curvox.x; 
  while (1) {
    if (tmax.x < tmax.y && tmax.x < tmax.z) {
      cur = g->cells[voxindex];
      while (cur != NULL) {
        if (ry->mbox[cur->obj->id] != ry->serial) {
          ry->mbox[cur->obj->id] = ry->serial; 
          cur->obj->methods->intersect(cur->obj, ry);
        cur = cur->next;
      curvox.x += step.x;
      if (ry->maxdist < tmax.x || curvox.x == out.x) 
      voxindex += step.x;
      tmax.x += tdelta.x;
      curpos = nXp;
      nXp.x += pdeltaX.x;
      nXp.y += pdeltaX.y;
      nXp.z += pdeltaX.z;
    else if (tmax.z < tmax.y) {
      cur = g->cells[voxindex];
      while (cur != NULL) {
        if (ry->mbox[cur->obj->id] != ry->serial) {
          ry->mbox[cur->obj->id] = ry->serial; 
          cur->obj->methods->intersect(cur->obj, ry);
        cur = cur->next;
      curvox.z += step.z;
      if (ry->maxdist < tmax.z || curvox.z == out.z) 
      voxindex += step.z*g->xsize*g->ysize;
      tmax.z += tdelta.z;
      curpos = nZp;
      nZp.x += pdeltaZ.x;
      nZp.y += pdeltaZ.y;
      nZp.z += pdeltaZ.z;
    else {
      cur = g->cells[voxindex];
      while (cur != NULL) {
        if (ry->mbox[cur->obj->id] != ry->serial) {
          ry->mbox[cur->obj->id] = ry->serial; 
          cur->obj->methods->intersect(cur->obj, ry);
        cur = cur->next;
      curvox.y += step.y;
      if (ry->maxdist < tmax.y || curvox.y == out.y) 
      voxindex += step.y*g->xsize;
      tmax.y += tdelta.y;
      curpos = nYp;
      nYp.x += pdeltaY.x;
      nYp.y += pdeltaY.y;
      nYp.z += pdeltaY.z;

    if (ry->flags & RT_RAY_FINISHED)