WinEDA_PrjFrame::WinEDA_PrjFrame(WinEDA_MainFrame * parent,
				const wxPoint & pos,
				const wxSize & size ) :
			 wxSashLayoutWindow(parent, ID_LEFT_FRAME, pos, size,
	m_Parent = parent;
	m_TreeProject = NULL;
Exemple #2
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnImportEagleFiles( wxCommandEvent& event )
    // Close other windows.
    if( !Kiway().PlayersClose( false ) )

    wxString title = _( "Import Eagle Project Files" );
    int style = wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST;
    wxString default_dir = GetMruPath();


    wxFileDialog schdlg( this, title, default_dir, wxEmptyString,
                         EagleFilesWildcard(), style );

    if( schdlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    wxFileName sch( schdlg.GetPath() );

    sch.SetExt( SchematicFileExtension );

    wxFileName pro = sch;

    pro.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension );

    wxString protitle = _( "KiCad Project Destination" );

    // Don't use wxFileDialog here.  On GTK builds, the default path is returned unless a
    // file is actually selected.
    wxDirDialog prodlg( this, protitle, pro.GetPath(), wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST );

    if( prodlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    pro.SetPath( prodlg.GetPath() );

    // Check if the project directory is empty
    wxDir directory( pro.GetPath() );

    if( directory.HasFiles() )
        wxString msg = _( "The selected directory is not empty.  We recommend you "
                          "create projects in their own clean directory.\n\nDo you "
                          "want to create a new empty directory for the project?" );

        KIDIALOG dlg( this, msg, _( "Confirmation" ), wxYES_NO | wxICON_WARNING );
        dlg.DoNotShowCheckbox( __FILE__, __LINE__ );

        if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES )
            // Append a new directory with the same name of the project file
            // and try to create it
            pro.AppendDir( pro.GetName() );

            if( !wxMkdir( pro.GetPath() ) )
                // There was a problem, undo

    wxFileName pcb( sch );
    pro.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension );         // enforce extension
    pcb.SetExt( LegacyPcbFileExtension );       // enforce extension

    if( !pro.IsAbsolute() )

    SetProjectFileName( pro.GetFullPath() );
    wxString prj_filename = GetProjectFileName();

    if( sch.FileExists() )
        KIWAY_PLAYER* schframe = Kiway().Player( FRAME_SCH, false );

        if( !schframe )
            try     // SCH frame was not available, try to start it
                schframe = Kiway().Player( FRAME_SCH, true );
            catch( const IO_ERROR& err )
                wxMessageBox( _( "Eeschema failed to load:\n" ) + err.What(),
                        _( "KiCad Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );

        std::string packet = StrPrintf( "%d\n%s", SCH_IO_MGR::SCH_EAGLE,
                                                  TO_UTF8( sch.GetFullPath() ) );
        schframe->Kiway().ExpressMail( FRAME_SCH, MAIL_IMPORT_FILE, packet, this );

        if( !schframe->IsShown() )      // the frame exists, (created by the dialog field editor)
                                        // but no project loaded.
            schframe->Show( true );

        if( schframe->IsIconized() )
            schframe->Iconize( false );


    if( pcb.FileExists() )
        KIWAY_PLAYER* pcbframe = Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB, false );

        if( !pcbframe )
            try     // PCB frame was not available, try to start it
                pcbframe = Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB, true );
            catch( const IO_ERROR& err )
                wxMessageBox( _( "Pcbnew failed to load:\n" ) + err.What(), _( "KiCad Error" ),
                        wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );

        // a pcb frame can be already existing, but not yet used.
        // this is the case when running the footprint editor, or the footprint viewer first
        // if the frame is not visible, the board is not yet loaded
        if( !pcbframe->IsVisible() )
            pcbframe->Show( true );

        std::string packet = StrPrintf( "%d\n%s", IO_MGR::EAGLE,
                                                  TO_UTF8( pcb.GetFullPath() ) );
        pcbframe->Kiway().ExpressMail( FRAME_PCB, MAIL_IMPORT_FILE, packet, this );

        // On Windows, Raise() does not bring the window on screen, when iconized
        if( pcbframe->IsIconized() )
            pcbframe->Iconize( false );


    m_active_project = true;