Exemple #1
BOOL CDecompressTrack::ReadUMX(const BYTE* lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
	if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < 0x800))
		return FALSE;
	// Rip Mods from UMX
	if ((bswapLE32(*((DWORD *) (lpStream + 0x20))) < dwMemLength) &&
		(bswapLE32(*((DWORD *) (lpStream + 0x18))) <= dwMemLength - 0x10) &&
		(bswapLE32(*((DWORD *) (lpStream + 0x18))) >= dwMemLength - 0x200)) {
		for (UINT uscan = 0x40; uscan < 0x500; uscan++) {
			DWORD dwScan = bswapLE32(*((DWORD*) (lpStream + uscan)));
			// IT
			if (dwScan == 0x4D504D49) {
				DWORD dwRipOfs = uscan;
				return ReadIT(lpStream + dwRipOfs, dwMemLength - dwRipOfs);
			// S3M
			if (dwScan == 0x4D524353) {
				DWORD dwRipOfs = uscan - 44;
				return ReadS3M(lpStream + dwRipOfs, dwMemLength - dwRipOfs);
			// XM
			if (!_strnicmp((LPCSTR) (lpStream + uscan), "Extended Module", 15)) {
				DWORD dwRipOfs = uscan;
				return ReadXM(lpStream + dwRipOfs, dwMemLength - dwRipOfs);
			// MOD
			if ((uscan > MODMAGIC_OFFSET) && (dwScan == 0x2e4b2e4d)) {
				DWORD dwRipOfs = uscan - MODMAGIC_OFFSET;
				return ReadMod(lpStream + dwRipOfs, dwMemLength - dwRipOfs);
	return FALSE;
Exemple #2
BOOL CSoundFile::Create(LPCBYTE lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
	int i;

	m_nType = MOD_TYPE_NONE;
	m_dwSongFlags = 0;
	m_nChannels = 0;
	m_nMixChannels = 0;
	m_nSamples = 0;
	m_nInstruments = 0;
	m_nFreqFactor = m_nTempoFactor = 128;
	m_nMasterVolume = 128;
	m_nDefaultGlobalVolume = 256;
	m_nGlobalVolume = 256;
	m_nOldGlbVolSlide = 0;
	m_nDefaultSpeed = 6;
	m_nDefaultTempo = 125;
	m_nPatternDelay = 0;
	m_nFrameDelay = 0;
	m_nNextRow = 0;
	m_nRow = 0;
	m_nPattern = 0;
	m_nCurrentPattern = 0;
	m_nNextPattern = 0;
	m_nRestartPos = 0;
	m_nMinPeriod = 16;
	m_nMaxPeriod = 32767;
	m_nSongPreAmp = 0x30;
	m_nPatternNames = 0;
	m_nMaxOrderPosition = 0;
	m_lpszPatternNames = NULL;
	m_lpszSongComments = NULL;
	memset(Ins, 0, sizeof(Ins));
	memset(ChnMix, 0, sizeof(ChnMix));
	memset(Chn, 0, sizeof(Chn));
	memset(Headers, 0, sizeof(Headers));
	memset(Order, 0xFF, sizeof(Order));
	memset(Patterns, 0, sizeof(Patterns));
	memset(m_szNames, 0, sizeof(m_szNames));
	memset(m_MixPlugins, 0, sizeof(m_MixPlugins));
	for (UINT npt=0; npt<MAX_PATTERNS; npt++) PatternSize[npt] = 64;
	for (UINT nch=0; nch<MAX_BASECHANNELS; nch++)
		ChnSettings[nch].nPan = 128;
		ChnSettings[nch].nVolume = 64;
		ChnSettings[nch].dwFlags = 0;
		ChnSettings[nch].szName[0] = 0;
	if (lpStream)
		BOOL bMMCmp = MMCMP_Unpack(&lpStream, &dwMemLength);
		if ((!ReadXM(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadS3M(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadIT(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadWav(lpStream, dwMemLength))
/* Sequencer File Format Support */
		 && (!ReadABC(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadMID(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadPAT(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadSTM(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadMed(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadMTM(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadMDL(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadDBM(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!Read669(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadFAR(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadAMS(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadOKT(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadPTM(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadUlt(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadDMF(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadDSM(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadUMX(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadAMF(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadPSM(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadMT2(lpStream, dwMemLength))
		 && (!ReadMod(lpStream, dwMemLength))) m_nType = MOD_TYPE_NONE;
		if (bMMCmp)
			lpStream = NULL;
	// Adjust song names
	for (i=0; i<MAX_SAMPLES; i++)
		LPSTR p = m_szNames[i];
		int j = 31;
		p[j] = 0;
		while ((j>=0) && (p[j]<=' ')) p[j--] = 0;
		while (j>=0)
			if (((BYTE)p[j]) < ' ') p[j] = ' ';
	// Adjust channels
	for (i=0; i<MAX_BASECHANNELS; i++)
		if (ChnSettings[i].nVolume > 64) ChnSettings[i].nVolume = 64;
		if (ChnSettings[i].nPan > 256) ChnSettings[i].nPan = 128;
		Chn[i].nPan = ChnSettings[i].nPan;
		Chn[i].nGlobalVol = ChnSettings[i].nVolume;
		Chn[i].dwFlags = ChnSettings[i].dwFlags;
		Chn[i].nVolume = 256;
		Chn[i].nCutOff = 0x7F;
	// Checking instruments

	for (i=0; i<MAX_INSTRUMENTS; i++, pins++)
		if (pins->pSample)
			if (pins->nLoopEnd > pins->nLength) pins->nLoopEnd = pins->nLength;
			if (pins->nLoopStart + 3 >= pins->nLoopEnd)
				pins->nLoopStart = 0;
				pins->nLoopEnd = 0;
			if (pins->nSustainEnd > pins->nLength) pins->nSustainEnd = pins->nLength;
			if (pins->nSustainStart + 3 >= pins->nSustainEnd)
				pins->nSustainStart = 0;
				pins->nSustainEnd = 0;
		} else
			pins->nLength = 0;
			pins->nLoopStart = 0;
			pins->nLoopEnd = 0;
			pins->nSustainStart = 0;
			pins->nSustainEnd = 0;
		if (!pins->nLoopEnd) pins->uFlags &= ~CHN_LOOP;
		if (!pins->nSustainEnd) pins->uFlags &= ~CHN_SUSTAINLOOP;
		if (pins->nGlobalVol > 64) pins->nGlobalVol = 64;
	// Check invalid instruments
	while ((m_nInstruments > 0) && (!Headers[m_nInstruments])) 
	// Set default values
	if (m_nSongPreAmp < 0x20) m_nSongPreAmp = 0x20;
	if (m_nDefaultTempo < 32) m_nDefaultTempo = 125;
	if (!m_nDefaultSpeed) m_nDefaultSpeed = 6;
	m_nMusicSpeed = m_nDefaultSpeed;
	m_nMusicTempo = m_nDefaultTempo;
	m_nGlobalVolume = m_nDefaultGlobalVolume;
	m_nNextPattern = 0;
	m_nCurrentPattern = 0;
	m_nPattern = 0;
	m_nBufferCount = 0;
	m_nTickCount = m_nMusicSpeed;
	m_nNextRow = 0;
	m_nRow = 0;
	if ((m_nRestartPos >= MAX_ORDERS) || (Order[m_nRestartPos] >= MAX_PATTERNS)) m_nRestartPos = 0;
	// Load plugins
	if (gpMixPluginCreateProc)
		for (UINT iPlug=0; iPlug<MAX_MIXPLUGINS; iPlug++)
			if ((m_MixPlugins[iPlug].Info.dwPluginId1)
			 || (m_MixPlugins[iPlug].Info.dwPluginId2))
				if (m_MixPlugins[iPlug].pMixPlugin)
	if (m_nType)
		UINT maxpreamp = 0x10+(m_nChannels*8);
		if (maxpreamp > 100) maxpreamp = 100;
		if (m_nSongPreAmp > maxpreamp) m_nSongPreAmp = maxpreamp;
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Exemple #3
bool module_renderer::ReadMO3(const uint8_t * lpStream, const uint32_t dwMemLength)
    // no valid MO3 file (magic bytes: "MO3")
    if(dwMemLength < 4 || lpStream[0] != 'M' || lpStream[1] != 'O' || lpStream[2] != '3')
            return false;

    /* As of August 2010, the format revision is 5; Versions > 31 are unlikely to exist in the next few years,
    so we will just ignore those if there's no UNMO3 library to tell us if the file is valid or not
    (avoid log entry with .MOD files that have a song name starting with "MO3" */
    if(lpStream[3] > 31) return false;

    if(m_pModDoc != nullptr) m_pModDoc->AddToLog(GetStrI18N(_TEXT("The file appears to be a MO3 file, but this OpenMPT build does not support loading MO3 files.")));
    return false;

    bool bResult = false; // result of trying to load the module, false == fail.

    int iLen = static_cast<int>(dwMemLength);
    void **mo3Stream = (void **)&lpStream;

    // try to load unmo3.dll dynamically.
    CHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
    strcpy(szPath, theApp.GetAppDirPath());
    _tcsncat(szPath, _TEXT("unmo3.dll"), MAX_PATH - (_tcslen(szPath) + 1));
    HMODULE unmo3 = LoadLibrary(szPath);
    HMODULE unmo3 = LoadLibrary(_TEXT("unmo3.dll"));
    if(unmo3 == NULL) // Didn't succeed.
            if(m_pModDoc != nullptr) m_pModDoc->AddToLog(GetStrI18N(_TEXT("Loading MO3 file failed because unmo3.dll could not be loaded.")));
    else //case: dll loaded succesfully.
            UNMO3_DECODE UNMO3_Decode = (UNMO3_DECODE)GetProcAddress(unmo3, "UNMO3_Decode");
            UNMO3_FREE UNMO3_Free = (UNMO3_FREE)GetProcAddress(unmo3, "UNMO3_Free");

            if(UNMO3_Decode != NULL && UNMO3_Free != NULL)
                    if(UNMO3_Decode(mo3Stream, &iLen) == 0)
                            /* if decoding was successful, mo3Stream and iLen will keep the new
                               pointers now. */

                            if(iLen > 0)
                                    bResult = true;
                                    if ((!ReadXM((const uint8_t *)*mo3Stream, (uint32_t)iLen))
                                    && (!ReadIT((const uint8_t *)*mo3Stream, (uint32_t)iLen))
                                    && (!ReadS3M((const uint8_t *)*mo3Stream, (uint32_t)iLen))
                                    #ifndef FASTSOUNDLIB
                                    && (!ReadMTM((const uint8_t *)*mo3Stream, (uint32_t)iLen))
                                    #endif // FASTSOUNDLIB
                                    && (!ReadMod((const uint8_t *)*mo3Stream, (uint32_t)iLen))) bResult = false;

    return bResult;
#endif // NO_MO3_SUPPORT
Exemple #4

bool CSoundFile::ReadMO3(FileReader &file, ModLoadingFlags loadFlags)

	// No valid MO3 file (magic bytes: "MO3")
	if(!file.CanRead(8) || !file.ReadMagic("MO3"))
		return false;
	} else if(loadFlags == onlyVerifyHeader)
		return true;

#ifdef NO_MO3
	// As of November 2013, the format revision is 5; Versions > 31 are unlikely to exist in the next few years,
	// so we will just ignore those if there's no UNMO3 library to tell us if the file is valid or not
	// (avoid log entry with .MOD files that have a song name starting with "MO3".
	if(file.ReadUint8() > 31)
		return false;

	AddToLog(GetStrI18N("The file appears to be a MO3 file, but this OpenMPT build does not support loading MO3 files."));
	return false;


	bool result = false;	// Result of trying to load the module, false == fail.

	// Try to load unmo3 dynamically.
	mpt::Library unmo3 = mpt::Library(mpt::LibraryPath::App(MPT_PATHSTRING("unmo3")));

		// Didn't succeed.
		AddToLog(GetStrI18N("Loading MO3 file failed because unmo3.dll could not be loaded."));
	} else
		// Library loaded successfully.
			#define UNMO3_API __stdcall
			#define UNMO3_API 
		typedef uint32 (UNMO3_API * UNMO3_GETVERSION)();
		// Decode a MO3 file (returns the same "exit codes" as UNMO3.EXE, eg. 0=success)
		// IN: data/len = MO3 data/len
		// OUT: data/len = decoded data/len (if successful)
		// flags & 1: Don't load samples
		typedef int32 (UNMO3_API * UNMO3_DECODE_OLD)(const void **data, uint32 *len);
		typedef int32 (UNMO3_API * UNMO3_DECODE)(const void **data, uint32 *len, uint32 flags);
		// Free the data returned by UNMO3_Decode
		typedef void (UNMO3_API * UNMO3_FREE)(const void *data);
		#undef UNMO3_API

		UNMO3_GETVERSION UNMO3_GetVersion = nullptr;
		UNMO3_DECODE_OLD UNMO3_Decode_Old = nullptr;
		UNMO3_DECODE UNMO3_Decode = nullptr;
		UNMO3_FREE UNMO3_Free = nullptr;
		unmo3.Bind(UNMO3_GetVersion, "UNMO3_GetVersion");
		if(UNMO3_GetVersion == nullptr)
			// Old API version: No "flags" parameter.
			unmo3.Bind(UNMO3_Decode_Old, "UNMO3_Decode");
		} else
			unmo3.Bind(UNMO3_Decode, "UNMO3_Decode");
		unmo3.Bind(UNMO3_Free, "UNMO3_Free");
		if((UNMO3_Decode != nullptr || UNMO3_Decode_Old != nullptr) && UNMO3_Free != nullptr)
			const void *stream = file.GetRawData();
			uint32 length = mpt::saturate_cast<uint32>(file.GetLength());

			int32 unmo3result;
			if(UNMO3_Decode != nullptr)
				unmo3result = UNMO3_Decode(&stream, &length, (loadFlags & loadSampleData) ? 0 : 1);
			} else
				// Old API version: No "flags" parameter.
				unmo3result = UNMO3_Decode_Old(&stream, &length);

			if(unmo3result == 0)
				// If decoding was successful, stream and length will keep the new pointers now.
				FileReader unpackedFile(stream, length);

				result = ReadXM(unpackedFile, loadFlags)
					|| ReadIT(unpackedFile, loadFlags)
					|| ReadS3M(unpackedFile, loadFlags)
					|| ReadMTM(unpackedFile, loadFlags)
					|| ReadMod(unpackedFile, loadFlags)
					|| ReadM15(unpackedFile, loadFlags);
					m_ContainerType = MOD_CONTAINERTYPE_MO3;

	return result;
#endif // NO_MO3