Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	if (argc < 2) {
		printf("specify filename\n");
		return 1;
	FILE* f = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
	if (!f) {
		printf("failed to open file : %s\n", argv[1]);
		return 1;
	File fo(f);
	ImageInfo imageInfo;
	ReadImageInfo(fo, imageInfo);
	size_t width = imageInfo.width;
	size_t height = imageInfo.height;
	assert(imageInfo.bitsPerSample == 8 && imageInfo.samplesPerPixel == 1);
	const size_t size = width * height;
	unsigned char* pSrc = (unsigned char*) _aligned_malloc(size, 64);
	unsigned char palettes[256 * 4];
	ReadImageData(fo, pSrc, width, palettes);
	for (size_t i=0; i<size; ++i) {
		pSrc[i] = palettes[4 * pSrc[i]];

	int radius = 1.1 * 256;
//	typedef void (*BoxBlurFunc)(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst, size_t count, uint8_t radius);
//	BoxBlurFunc pBlurFunc = &BoxBlur_1stOrder;
//	BoxBlurFunc pBlurFunc = &BoxBlur_2ndOrder;
//	BoxBlurFunc pBlurFunc = &BoxBlur_3rdOrder;

	typedef void (*BoxBlurFunc)(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst, size_t count, uint16_t radius);
	BoxBlurFunc pBlurFunc = &SubPixel_BoxBlur_1stOrder;

	size_t longSideLen = max(width, height);
	unsigned char* pWork = (unsigned char*) _aligned_malloc(longSideLen*longSideLen, 64);
	unsigned char* pWork2 = (unsigned char*) _aligned_malloc(longSideLen*longSideLen, 64);
	const unsigned char* pSrcLine = pSrc;
	unsigned char* pDstLine = pWork;
	for (size_t i=0; i<height; ++i) {
		pBlurFunc(pSrcLine, pDstLine, width, radius);
		OffsetPtr(pSrcLine, width);
		OffsetPtr(pDstLine, longSideLen);
	transpose(pWork, pWork2, width, height, longSideLen, longSideLen);
	pSrcLine = pWork2;
	pDstLine = pWork;
	for (size_t i=0; i<width; ++i) {
		pBlurFunc(pSrcLine, pDstLine, height, radius);
		OffsetPtr(pSrcLine, longSideLen);
		OffsetPtr(pDstLine, longSideLen);
	transpose(pWork, pWork2, height, width, longSideLen, longSideLen);
	return 0;
vector<cv::Mat> *ImageDataFloat2ndStageCombined::getLabelIntegralImages(unsigned int iImg)
    CImageCacheElement *pImgElem;
    vector<cv::Mat> *pLabelIntegrals = NULL;

    pImgElem = &(vectImageData[iImg]);
    if (pImgElem->bLoaded==true)
        pLabelIntegrals = &(pImgElem->vectFeaturesIntegral);
    else {
        cout<<"Loading integrals (one,x,y,xx,yy,xy) of image "<<iImg<<endl;
        if (ReadImageData(iImg)==true)
            pImgElem->bLoaded = true;

            pLabelIntegrals = &(pImgElem->vectFeaturesIntegral);

            while (listIndicesImagesLastLoaded.size()>iNbMaxImagesLoaded)

    return pLabelIntegrals;
FIBITMAP* psdParser::Load(FreeImageIO *io, fi_handle handle, int s_format_id, int flags) {
	_fi_flags = flags;
	_fi_format_id = s_format_id;
	try {
		if (NULL == handle) {
			throw("Cannot open file");
		if (!_headerInfo.Read(io, handle)) {
			throw("Error in header");

		if (!_colourModeData.Read(io, handle)) {
			throw("Error in ColourMode Data");
		if (!ReadImageResource(io, handle)) {
			throw("Error in Image Resource");
		if (!ReadLayerAndMaskInfoSection(io, handle)) {
			throw("Error in Mask Info");
		Bitmap = ReadImageData(io, handle);
		if (NULL == Bitmap) {
			throw("Error in Image Data");

		// set resolution info
		if(NULL != Bitmap) {
			unsigned res_x = 2835;	// 72 dpi
			unsigned res_y = 2835;	// 72 dpi
			if (_bResolutionInfoFilled) {
				_resolutionInfo.GetResolutionInfo(res_x, res_y);
			FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterX(Bitmap, res_x);
			FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterY(Bitmap, res_y);	

		// set ICC profile
		if(NULL != _iccProfile._ProfileData) {
			FreeImage_CreateICCProfile(Bitmap, _iccProfile._ProfileData, _iccProfile._ProfileSize);
			if ((flags & PSD_CMYK) == PSD_CMYK) {
				FreeImage_GetICCProfile(Bitmap)->flags |= FIICC_COLOR_IS_CMYK;
	} catch(const char *text) {
		FreeImage_OutputMessageProc(s_format_id, text);
	catch(const std::exception& e) {
		FreeImage_OutputMessageProc(s_format_id, "%s", e.what());

	return Bitmap;
Exemple #4

>	BOOL AIBitmapProcessor::DecodeXI( AI5EPSFilter& filter )

	Author:		Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	23/03/00
	Returns:	TRUE if the definition was processed, 
				FALSE if not used by this filter..
	Purpose:	Decodes the EPS XI, bitmap definition in an Illustrator 5 file

	The format of the operator is:

	[ a b c d tx ty ] llx lly urx ury h w bits ImageType AlphaChannelCount reserved bin-ascii ImageMask XI

BOOL AIBitmapProcessor::DecodeXI( AI5EPSFilter& filter )
	// Graeme (18/4/00) - This code isn't very pretty, but it's necessary because of the way
	// in which the bitmap is stored. If I try a GetCoordPair () to get the bitmap positions,
	// the image will be misrendered because the transformation should take place due to the
	// tx and ty components of the matrix. Note also that the bitmap's position in Adobe
	// Illustrator is taken from the top left corner, whilst we use the bottom left.

	// Get the page origin.

	// Graeme (18/4/00) - Declare variables to get the origin of the page within Camelot's
	// co-ordinate space.
	Document	*pDocument	= filter.GetDocument ();
	Spread		*pSpread	= pDocument->FindFirstSpread ();
	Page		*pPage		= pSpread->FindFirstPageInSpread ();
	DocCoord	Origin		= pPage->GetPageRect ().lo;

	// decode the bitmap parameters

	Matrix ImageMatrix;
	DocCoord Translation;

	INT32 h, w, bits, ImageType, AlphaChannelCount, reserved, bin_ascii, ImageMask;
	INT32 llx, lly, urx, ury;

	INT32 nLength = 0;
	INT32 nLineLength = 0;
	INT32 nMaxLineOffset = 0;

	INT32 nChannels = 0;

	NodeBitmap* pNodeBitmap = NULL;
	DocCoord p;

	// Graeme (18/4/00) - I've replaced the Pop with PopCoordPair for extracting the
	// bounding co-ordinates of the bitmap. This means that they will be scaled up
	// into the Xara co-ordinate space. I've also reversed the popping of h and w
	// from the stack - their order is incorrect in the AI documentation.
	if (	!filter.GetStack().Pop(&ImageMask) 	  || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&bin_ascii) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&reserved) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&AlphaChannelCount) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&ImageType) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&bits) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&h) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop(&w) || 
			!filter.GetStack().PopCoord(&ury) || 
			!filter.GetStack().PopCoord(&urx) || 
			!filter.GetStack().PopCoord(&lly) || 
			!filter.GetStack().PopCoord(&llx) || 
			!filter.GetStack().Pop( &ImageMatrix, TRUE )
		goto EPSError;

	// create space for the tentative bitmap

	//	ImageType gives the number of channels per pixel
	//	bits is the bits per channel
	//	However we will convert CMYK bitmaps to RGB

	switch ( ImageType )
		case 1:	// greyscale
			nChannels = 1;
		case 3:	// rgb
			nChannels = 3;
		case 4:	// CMYK
			nChannels = 3;
		default: // unknown
			goto EPSError;

	mpNewBitmap = new KernelBitmap( w, h, bits * nChannels, 96 );
	if ( !mpNewBitmap )
		goto EPSError;

	//	We can import greyscale bitmaps as well

	if ( ImageType == 1 )

	// get the binary data

	nLength = mpNewBitmap->GetActualBitmap()->GetBitmapSize();
	nLineLength = mpNewBitmap->GetActualBitmap()->GetScanlineSize();
	nMaxLineOffset = (( w * mpNewBitmap->GetActualBitmap()->GetBPP() ) / 8) - 1;

	if ( !ReadImageData( filter, ImageType, mpNewBitmap->GetBitmapBits(), nLength, nLineLength, nMaxLineOffset ) )
		goto EPSError;

	//	insert the image into the document

	// Get a new NodeBitmap object to import into. Don't know what the 12,12 bit does
	pNodeBitmap = new NodeBitmap;

	if ( !pNodeBitmap || !pNodeBitmap->SetUpPath(12,12) )
		goto EPSError;

	pNodeBitmap->GetBitmapRef()->Attach( mpNewBitmap, filter.GetDocument() );

	//	set up the bounds of the shape containing the bitmap

	// Graeme (18/4/00) - Adjust the values of lly and ury before they're transformed.
	lly -= h * EPSScaleFactor;
	ury -= h * EPSScaleFactor;

	// Graeme (18/4/00) - Modify the matrix to place the bitmap in the correct place.
	ImageMatrix.GetTranslation ( Translation );		// Extract the translation component.
	Translation += Origin;							// Add the page origin to it.
	ImageMatrix.SetTranslation ( Translation );		// And reset the value in the matrix.

	// Graeme (17/4/00) - Colin overlooked setting up the bounding parallelogram when he
	// wrote this code, and I've just added this.
	p.x = llx;
	p.y = ury;
	ImageMatrix.transform( &p );
	pNodeBitmap->InkPath.InsertMoveTo( p );
	pNodeBitmap->Parallel [0] = p;

	p.x = urx;
	p.y = ury;
	ImageMatrix.transform( &p );
	pNodeBitmap->InkPath.InsertLineTo( p );
	pNodeBitmap->Parallel [1] = p;

	p.x = urx;
	p.y = lly;
	ImageMatrix.transform( &p );
	pNodeBitmap->InkPath.InsertLineTo( p );
	pNodeBitmap->Parallel [2] = p;

	p.x = llx;
	p.y = lly;
	ImageMatrix.transform( &p );
	pNodeBitmap->InkPath.InsertLineTo( p );
	pNodeBitmap->Parallel [3] = p;

	p.x = llx;
	p.y = ury;
	ImageMatrix.transform( &p );
	pNodeBitmap->InkPath.InsertLineTo( p );


	// Graeme (18/4/00) - It is necessary to set the default attributes up for a
	// new node bitmap before inserting it into the tree. Otherwise it's rendered
	// as a greyscale image, even if it is colour, because there's a start colour
	// value set.
	pNodeBitmap->ApplyDefaultBitmapAttrs ( NULL );

	filter.AddNewNode( pNodeBitmap );

	return TRUE;

	if ( mpNewBitmap )
		delete mpNewBitmap;
		mpNewBitmap = 0;

	return FALSE;