Exemple #1
TEST_F(RegionUtilTestFixture, GetHighQulitySubreadsIntervals) {
    vector<ReadInterval> intervals;
    intervals.push_back(ReadInterval(0, 712));
    intervals.push_back(ReadInterval(760, 2040));
    intervals.push_back(ReadInterval(2098, 3452));

    vector<int> directions;

    int indx = GetHighQualitySubreadsIntervals(intervals, directions, hqStart, hqEnd);
    EXPECT_EQ(intervals.size(), 3);
    EXPECT_EQ(indx, 2);
    int starts [3] = {0, 760, 2098};
    int ends   [3] = {712, 2040, 3424};
    int ds     [3] = {0, 1, 0};
    for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
        EXPECT_EQ(intervals[i].start, starts[i]);
        EXPECT_EQ(intervals[i].end  , ends[i]  );
        EXPECT_EQ(directions[i]     , ds[i]    );

    indx = GetHighQualitySubreadsIntervals(intervals, directions, hqStart, hqEnd, 800);
    EXPECT_EQ(intervals.size(), 2);
    // The first interval and its direction has been removed as the length is less
    // than 800.
    for(int i=0; i < 2; i++) {
        EXPECT_EQ(intervals[i].start, starts[i+1]);
        EXPECT_EQ(intervals[i].end  , ends[i+1]  );

Exemple #2
void handleVector(std::vector < libmaus2::dazzler::align::Overlap > & VOVL, libmaus2::dazzler::align::AlignmentWriter & AW)
	uint64_t maxaepos = 0;
	for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < VOVL.size(); ++i )
		maxaepos = std::max(maxaepos,static_cast<uint64_t>(VOVL[i].path.aepos));

	libmaus2::util::SimpleQueue< libmaus2::geometry::RangeSet<ReadInterval>::search_q_element > SQ;

	libmaus2::geometry::RangeSet<ReadInterval> RS(maxaepos);

	for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < VOVL.size(); ++i )
		uint64_t const abpos = VOVL[i].path.abpos;
		uint64_t const aepos = VOVL[i].path.aepos;
		uint64_t const nf = RS.search(ReadInterval(abpos,aepos,i),SQ);
		bool const primary = (! nf);

		if ( primary )
			//std::cerr << "primary " << VOVL[i] << std::endl;
			//std::cerr << "secondary " << VOVL[i] << std::endl;

	for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < VOVL.size(); ++i )
RegionAnnotations::SubreadIntervals(const DNALength wholeLength,
                                    const bool byAdapter,
                                    const bool byHQRegion) const {
    std::vector<RegionAnnotation> inserts;
    if (not byAdapter) {
        inserts = Inserts();
    } else {
        if (Adapters().size() != 0) {
            // Must have at least one adapter in order find inserts by adapter.
            std::vector<DNALength> starts, ends;
            for(auto adapter: Adapters()) {
                assert(wholeLength >= static_cast<DNALength>(adapter.GetStart()) and
                       wholeLength >= static_cast<DNALength>(adapter.GetEnd())); // bug if fail assert

            for (size_t i = 0; i < starts.size(); i++) {
                // Use adapter to infer subreads, read score considered unknown.
                if (ends[i] > starts[i]) {
                    inserts.push_back(RegionAnnotation(holeNumber_, Insert, starts[i], ends[i], 0));
        } // else no inserts can be found

    std::vector<ReadInterval> ret;
    for (auto insert: inserts) {
        if (byHQRegion) {
            if (HasHQRegion()) {
                DNALength s = std::max(static_cast<UInt>(insert.GetStart()), HQStart());
                DNALength e = std::min(static_cast<UInt>(insert.GetEnd()), HQEnd());
                if (s < e) {
                    // subreads' read score = HQRegion score.
                    ret.push_back(ReadInterval(s, e, HQScore()));
            } // else ret = {}
        } else {
    return ret;
RegionAnnotations::AdapterIntervals() const {
    std::vector<ReadInterval> ret;
    for (auto adapter: Adapters()) {
    return ret;
Exemple #5
void MakeSubreadIntervals(vector<SMRTSequence> & subreads,
                          vector<ReadInterval> & subreadIntervals)
    for (auto subread: subreads) {
            subread.SubreadEnd(), subread.highQualityRegionScore));
void CSoundParametersInternal::SoundLevelFromString( const char *sz )
	if ( !Q_strncasecmp( sz, "SNDLVL_", strlen( "SNDLVL_" ) ) )
		soundlevel.start = TextToSoundLevel( sz );
		soundlevel.range = 0;
		soundlevel.FromInterval( ReadInterval( sz ) );
void CSoundParametersInternal::VolumeFromString( const char *sz )
	if ( !Q_strcasecmp( sz, "VOL_NORM" ) )
		volume.start = VOL_NORM;
		volume.range = 0.0f;
		volume.FromInterval( ReadInterval( sz ) );
void CSoundEmitterSystemBase::CSoundParametersInternal::SoundLevelFromString( const char *sz )
	if ( !Q_strncasecmp( sz, "SNDLVL_", strlen( "SNDLVL_" ) ) )
		soundlevel.start = TextToSoundLevel( sz );
		soundlevel.range = 0.0f;
		soundlevel = ReadInterval( sz );

	Q_strncpy( m_szSoundLevel, sz, sizeof( m_szSoundLevel ) );
void CSoundEmitterSystemBase::CSoundParametersInternal::VolumeFromString( const char *sz )
	if ( !Q_strcasecmp( sz, "VOL_NORM" ) )
		volume.start = VOL_NORM;
		volume.range = 0.0f;
		volume = ReadInterval( sz );

	Q_strncpy( m_szVolume, sz, sizeof( m_szVolume ) );
void CSoundParametersInternal::PitchFromString( const char *sz )
	if ( !Q_strcasecmp( sz, "PITCH_NORM" ) )
		pitch.start	= PITCH_NORM;
		pitch.range = 0;
	else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( sz, "PITCH_LOW" ) )
		pitch.start	= PITCH_LOW;
		pitch.range = 0;
	else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( sz, "PITCH_HIGH" ) )
		pitch.start	= PITCH_HIGH;
		pitch.range = 0;
		pitch.FromInterval( ReadInterval( sz ) );
void CSoundEmitterSystemBase::CSoundParametersInternal::PitchFromString( const char *sz )
	if ( !Q_strcasecmp( sz, "PITCH_NORM" ) )
		pitch.start	= PITCH_NORM;
		pitch.range = 0.0f;
	else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( sz, "PITCH_LOW" ) )
		pitch.start	= PITCH_LOW;
		pitch.range = 0.0f;
	else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( sz, "PITCH_HIGH" ) )
		pitch.start	= PITCH_HIGH;
		pitch.range = 0.0f;
		pitch= ReadInterval( sz ) ;

	Q_strncpy( m_szPitch, sz, sizeof( m_szPitch ) );
    void SetUp() {
        /* The region table for hole number 14798 is as follows.
         * type start end  score
         *   1   0    712   -1
         *   1   760  2040  -1
         *   1   2098 3452  -1
         *   0   712  760   937
         *   0   2040 2098  741
         *   2   0    3424  819
         *   where type 1 = insertion, 0 = adapter, 2 = HQRegion
         * */
        hqStart = 0;
        hqEnd   = 3424;
        hqScore = 819;
        holeNumber = 14798;

        int srs[29][2] = {{95, 353},
            {404, 955},
            {998, 1243},
            {1289, 1529},
            {1576, 1824},
            {1869, 2132},
            {2178, 2444},
            {2486, 2727},
            {2767, 3004},
            {3047, 3286},
            {3329, 3537},
            {3583, 3818},
            {3862, 4096},
            {4139, 4404},
            {4447, 4673},
            {4717, 4956},
            {5004, 5228},
            {5275, 5508},
            {5552, 5790},
            {5835, 6072},
            {6113, 6338},
            {6389, 6604},
            {6647, 7145},
            {7189, 7421},
            {7468, 7693},
            {7733, 7951},
            {7989, 8197},
            {8243, 8482},
            {8522, 9244}

        int rgn[59][5] = {{9, 1, 95, 353, -1},
            {9, 1, 404, 955, -1},
            {9, 1, 998, 1243, -1},
            {9, 1, 1289, 1529, -1},
            {9, 1, 1576, 1824, -1},
            {9, 1, 1869, 2132, -1},
            {9, 1, 2178, 2444, -1},
            {9, 1, 2486, 2727, -1},
            {9, 1, 2767, 3004, -1},
            {9, 1, 3047, 3286, -1},
            {9, 1, 3329, 3537, -1},
            {9, 1, 3583, 3818, -1},
            {9, 1, 3862, 4096, -1},
            {9, 1, 4139, 4404, -1},
            {9, 1, 4447, 4673, -1},
            {9, 1, 4717, 4956, -1},
            {9, 1, 5004, 5228, -1},
            {9, 1, 5275, 5508, -1},
            {9, 1, 5552, 5790, -1},
            {9, 1, 5835, 6072, -1},
            {9, 1, 6113, 6338, -1},
            {9, 1, 6389, 6604, -1},
            {9, 1, 6647, 7145, -1},
            {9, 1, 7189, 7421, -1},
            {9, 1, 7468, 7693, -1},
            {9, 1, 7733, 7951, -1},
            {9, 1, 7989, 8197, -1},
            {9, 1, 8243, 8482, -1},
            {9, 1, 8522, 9244, -1},
            {9, 0, 41, 95, 722},
            {9, 0, 353, 404, 784},
            {9, 0, 955, 998, 697},
            {9, 0, 1243, 1289, 804},
            {9, 0, 1529, 1576, 744},
            {9, 0, 1824, 1869, 844},
            {9, 0, 2132, 2178, 847},
            {9, 0, 2444, 2486, 666},
            {9, 0, 2727, 2767, 824},
            {9, 0, 3004, 3047, 883},
            {9, 0, 3286, 3329, 860},
            {9, 0, 3537, 3583, 891},
            {9, 0, 3818, 3862, 795},
            {9, 0, 4096, 4139, 906},
            {9, 0, 4404, 4447, 906},
            {9, 0, 4673, 4717, 886},
            {9, 0, 4956, 5004, 708},
            {9, 0, 5228, 5275, 957},
            {9, 0, 5508, 5552, 886},
            {9, 0, 5790, 5835, 733},
            {9, 0, 6072, 6113, 804},
            {9, 0, 6338, 6389, 666},
            {9, 0, 6604, 6647, 813},
            {9, 0, 7145, 7189, 795},
            {9, 0, 7421, 7468, 829},
            {9, 0, 7693, 7733, 774},
            {9, 0, 7951, 7989, 657},
            {9, 0, 8197, 8243, 760},
            {9, 0, 8482, 8522, 675},
            {9, 2, 0, 9244, 834}

        for (int i = 0; i < 29; i++) {
            subreadIntervals.push_back(ReadInterval(srs[i][0], srs[i][1]));

        for (int i = 0; i < 59; i++) {
            adapterIntervals.push_back(ReadInterval(rgn[i][2], rgn[i][3], rgn[i][4]));
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *soundname - 
//			params - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CSoundEmitterSystemBase::InitSoundInternalParameters( const char *soundname, KeyValues *kv, CSoundParametersInternal& params )
	KeyValues *pKey = kv->GetFirstSubKey();
	while ( pKey )
		if ( !Q_strcasecmp( pKey->GetName(), "channel" ) )
			params.ChannelFromString( pKey->GetString() );
		else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( pKey->GetName(), "volume" ) )
			params.VolumeFromString( pKey->GetString() );
		else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( pKey->GetName(), "pitch" ) )
			params.PitchFromString( pKey->GetString() );
		else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( pKey->GetName(), "wave" ) )
			CUtlSymbol sym = m_Waves.AddString( pKey->GetString() );
			params.soundnames.AddToTail( sym );
		else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( pKey->GetName(), "rndwave" ) )
			KeyValues *pWaves = pKey->GetFirstSubKey();
			while ( pWaves )
				CUtlSymbol sym = m_Waves.AddString( pWaves->GetString() );
				params.soundnames.AddToTail( sym );

				pWaves = pWaves->GetNextKey();
		else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( pKey->GetName(), "attenuation" ) )
			if ( !Q_strncasecmp( pKey->GetString(), "SNDLVL_", strlen( "SNDLVL_" ) ) )
				DevMsg( "CSoundEmitterSystemBase::GetParametersForSound:  sound %s has \"attenuation\" with %s value!\n",
					soundname, pKey->GetString() );

			if ( !Q_strncasecmp( pKey->GetString(), "ATTN_", strlen( "ATTN_" ) ) )
				params.soundlevel.start = ATTN_TO_SNDLVL( TranslateAttenuation( pKey->GetString() ) );
				params.soundlevel.range = 0.0f;
				interval_t interval;
				interval = ReadInterval( pKey->GetString() );

				// Translate from attenuation to soundlevel
				float start = interval.start;
				float end	= interval.start + interval.range;

				params.soundlevel.start = ATTN_TO_SNDLVL( start );
				params.soundlevel.range = ATTN_TO_SNDLVL( end ) - ATTN_TO_SNDLVL( start );
		else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( pKey->GetName(), "soundlevel" ) )
			if ( !Q_strncasecmp( pKey->GetString(), "ATTN_", strlen( "ATTN_" ) ) )
				DevMsg( "CSoundEmitterSystemBase::GetParametersForSound:  sound %s has \"soundlevel\" with %s value!\n",
					soundname, pKey->GetString() );

			params.SoundLevelFromString( pKey->GetString() );
		else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( pKey->GetName(), "play_to_owner_only" ) )
			params.play_to_owner_only = pKey->GetInt() ? true : false;
		else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( pKey->GetName(), "precache" ) )
			params.precache = pKey->GetInt() ? true : false;

		pKey = pKey->GetNextKey();

	return true;