Exemple #1
double RealTier_getStandardDeviation_curve (RealTier me, double tmin, double tmax) {
	long n = my points.size, imin, imax;
	double mean, integral = 0.0;
	if (tmax <= tmin) { tmin = my xmin; tmax = my xmax; }   // autowindow
	if (n == 0) return NUMundefined;
	if (n == 1) return 0.0;
	imin = AnyTier_timeToLowIndex (me->asAnyTier(), tmin);
	if (imin == n) return 0.0;
	imax = AnyTier_timeToHighIndex (me->asAnyTier(), tmax);
	if (imax == 1) return 0.0;
	Melder_assert (imin < n);
	Melder_assert (imax > 1);
	 * Add the areas between the points.
	 * This works even if imin is 0 (offleft) and/or imax is n + 1 (offright).
	mean = RealTier_getMean_curve (me, tmin, tmax);
	for (long i = imin; i < imax; i ++) {
		double tleft, fleft, tright, fright, sum, diff;
		if (i == imin) {
			tleft = tmin;
			fleft = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmin);
		} else {
			tleft = my points.at [i] -> number;
			fleft = my points.at [i] -> value - mean;
		if (i + 1 == imax) {
			tright = tmax;
			fright = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmax);
		} else {
			tright = my points.at [i + 1] -> number;
			fright = my points.at [i + 1] -> value - mean;
		 * The area is integral dt f^2
		 *   = integral dt [f1 + (f2-f1)/(t2-t1) (t-t1)]^2
		 *   = int dt f1^2 + int dt 2 f1 (f2-f1)/(t2-t1) (t-t1) + int dt [(f2-f1)/(t2-t1)]^2 (t-t1)^2
		 *   = f1^2 (t2-t1) + f1 (f2-f1)/(t2-t1) (t2-t1)^2 + 1/3 [(f2-f1)/(t2-t1)]^2 (t2-t1)^3
		 *   = (t2-t1) [f1 f2 + 1/3 (f2-f1)^2]
		 *   = (t2-t1) (f1^2 + f2^2 + 1/3 f1 f2)
		 *   = (t2-t1) [1/4 (f1+f2)^2 + 1/12 (f1-f2)^2]
		 * In the last expression, we have a sum of squares, which is computationally best.
		sum = fleft + fright;
		diff = fleft - fright;
		integral += (sum * sum + (1.0/3.0) * diff * diff) * (tright - tleft);
	return sqrt (0.25 * integral / (tmax - tmin));
autoPitchTier PitchTier_AnyTier_to_PitchTier (PitchTier pitch, AnyTier tier) {
	try {
		SortedSetOfDouble points = tier -> points;
		if (pitch -> points -> size == 0) Melder_throw (U"No pitch points.");

		 * Result's domain is a union of both domains.
		autoPitchTier thee = PitchTier_create (
			pitch -> xmin < tier -> xmin ? pitch -> xmin : tier -> xmin,
			pitch -> xmax > tier -> xmax ? pitch -> xmax : tier -> xmax);

		 * Copy pitch's frequencies at tier's points to the resulting PitchTier.
		for (long ipoint = 1; ipoint <= points -> size; ipoint ++) {
			AnyPoint point = (AnyPoint) points -> item [ipoint];
			double time = point -> number;
			double frequency = RealTier_getValueAtTime (pitch, time);
			RealTier_addPoint (thee.peek(), time, frequency);

		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (pitch, U" & ", tier, U": not converted to PitchTier.");
Exemple #3
Pitch PitchTier_to_Pitch (PitchTier me, double dt, double pitchFloor, double pitchCeiling) {
	try {
		if (my points -> size < 1) {
			Melder_throw ("The PitchTier is empty.");
		if (dt <= 0) {
			Melder_throw ("The time step should be a positive number.");
		if (pitchFloor >= pitchCeiling) {
			Melder_throw ("The pitch ceiling must be a higher number than the pitch floor.");
		double tmin = my xmin, tmax = my xmax, t1 = my xmin + dt / 2;
		long nt = (tmax - tmin - t1) / dt;
		if (t1 + nt * dt < tmax) {
		if (nt < 1) {
			Melder_throw ("Duration is too short.");
		autoPitch thee = Pitch_create (tmin, tmax, nt, dt, t1, pitchCeiling, 1);
		for (long i = 1; i <= nt; i++) {
			Pitch_Frame frame = (Pitch_Frame) & thy frame [i];
			Pitch_Candidate candidate = (Pitch_Candidate) & frame -> candidate [1];
			double t = t1 + (i - 1) * dt;
			double f = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, t);
			if (f < pitchFloor || f > pitchCeiling) {
				f = 0;
			candidate -> frequency = f;
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no Pitch created.");
Exemple #4
Pitch PitchTier_to_Pitch (PitchTier me, double dt, double pitchFloor, double pitchCeiling)
	Pitch thee = NULL;
	long i, nt;
	double tmin = my xmin, tmax = my xmax, t1 = my xmin + dt / 2;
	if (my points -> size < 1) return Melder_errorp1 (L"The PitchTier is empty.");
	if (dt <= 0) return Melder_errorp1 (L"The time step should be a positive number.");
	if (pitchFloor >= pitchCeiling) return Melder_errorp1 (L"The pitch ceiling must be a higher number than the pitch floor.");
	nt = (tmax - tmin - t1) / dt;
	if (t1 + nt * dt < tmax) nt++;
	if (nt < 1) return Melder_errorp1 (L"Duration is too short.");
	thee = Pitch_create (tmin, tmax, nt, dt, t1, pitchCeiling, 1);
	if (thee == NULL) return NULL;
	for (i = 1; i <= nt; i++)
		Pitch_Frame frame = & thy frame [i];
		Pitch_Candidate candidate = & frame -> candidate [1];
		double t = t1 + (i - 1) * dt;
		double f = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, t);
		if (f < pitchFloor || f > pitchCeiling) f = 0;
		candidate -> frequency = f;
	return thee;
void PitchTier_Pitch_draw (PitchTier me, Pitch uv, Graphics g,
	double tmin, double tmax, double fmin, double fmax, int nonPeriodicLineType, int garnish, const char32 *method)
	long n = my points.size, imin, imax, i;
	if (nonPeriodicLineType == 0) {
		PitchTier_draw (me, g, tmin, tmax, fmin, fmax, garnish, method);
	if (tmax <= tmin) { tmin = my xmin; tmax = my xmax; }
	Graphics_setWindow (g, tmin, tmax, fmin, fmax);
	Graphics_setInner (g);
	imin = AnyTier_timeToHighIndex (me->asAnyTier(), tmin);
	imax = AnyTier_timeToLowIndex (me->asAnyTier(), tmax);
	if (n == 0) {
	} else if (imax < imin) {
		double fleft = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmin);
		double fright = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmax);
		Pitch_line (uv, g, tmin, fleft, tmax, fright, nonPeriodicLineType);
	} else for (i = imin; i <= imax; i ++) {
		RealPoint point = my points.at [i];
		double t = point -> number, f = point -> value;
		Graphics_speckle (g, t, f);
		if (i == 1)
			Pitch_line (uv, g, tmin, f, t, f, nonPeriodicLineType);
		else if (i == imin)
			Pitch_line (uv, g, t, f, tmin, RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmin), nonPeriodicLineType);
		if (i == n)
			Pitch_line (uv, g, t, f, tmax, f, nonPeriodicLineType);
		else if (i == imax)
			Pitch_line (uv, g, t, f, tmax, RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmax), nonPeriodicLineType);
		else {
			RealPoint pointRight = my points.at [i + 1];
			Pitch_line (uv, g, t, f, pointRight -> number, pointRight -> value, nonPeriodicLineType);
	Graphics_unsetInner (g);
	if (garnish) {
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		Graphics_textBottom (g, true, U"Time (s)");
		Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, true, true, false);
		Graphics_marksLeft (g, 2, true, true, false);
		Graphics_textLeft (g, true, U"Frequency (Hz)");
Exemple #6
void RealTier_draw (RealTier me, Graphics g, double tmin, double tmax, double fmin, double fmax,
	int garnish, const char32 *method, const char32 *quantity)
	bool drawLines = str32str (method, U"lines") || str32str (method, U"Lines");
	bool drawSpeckles = str32str (method, U"speckles") || str32str (method, U"Speckles");
	long n = my points.size, imin, imax, i;
	if (tmax <= tmin) { tmin = my xmin; tmax = my xmax; }
	Graphics_setWindow (g, tmin, tmax, fmin, fmax);
	Graphics_setInner (g);
	imin = AnyTier_timeToHighIndex (me->asAnyTier(), tmin);
	imax = AnyTier_timeToLowIndex (me->asAnyTier(), tmax);
	if (n == 0) {
	} else if (imax < imin) {
		double fleft = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmin);
		double fright = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmax);
		if (drawLines) Graphics_line (g, tmin, fleft, tmax, fright);
	} else for (i = imin; i <= imax; i ++) {
		RealPoint point = my points.at [i];
		double t = point -> number, f = point -> value;
		if (drawSpeckles) Graphics_speckle (g, t, f);
		if (drawLines) {
			if (i == 1)
				Graphics_line (g, tmin, f, t, f);
			else if (i == imin)
				Graphics_line (g, t, f, tmin, RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmin));
			if (i == n)
				Graphics_line (g, t, f, tmax, f);
			else if (i == imax)
				Graphics_line (g, t, f, tmax, RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmax));
			else {
				RealPoint pointRight = my points.at [i + 1];
				Graphics_line (g, t, f, pointRight -> number, pointRight -> value);
	Graphics_unsetInner (g);
	if (garnish) {
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		Graphics_textBottom (g, true, my v_getUnitText (0, 0, 0));
		Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, true, true, false);
		Graphics_marksLeft (g, 2, true, true, false);
		if (quantity) Graphics_textLeft (g, true, quantity);
void Sound_IntensityTier_multiply_inline (Sound me, IntensityTier intensity) {
	if (intensity -> points -> size == 0) return;
	for (long isamp = 1; isamp <= my nx; isamp ++) {
		double t = my x1 + (isamp - 1) * my dx;
		double factor = pow (10, RealTier_getValueAtTime (intensity, t) / 20);
		for (long channel = 1; channel <= my ny; channel ++) {
			my z [channel] [isamp] *= factor;
void Sound_AmplitudeTier_multiply_inline (Sound me, AmplitudeTier amplitude) {
	if (amplitude -> numberOfPoints() == 0) return;
	for (long isamp = 1; isamp <= my nx; isamp ++) {
		double t = my x1 + (isamp - 1) * my dx;
		double factor = RealTier_getValueAtTime (amplitude, t);
		for (long channel = 1; channel <= my ny; channel ++) {
			my z [channel] [isamp] *= factor;
Exemple #9
Formant FormantGrid_to_Formant (FormantGrid me, double dt, double intensity) {
	Melder_assert (dt > 0.0);
	Melder_assert (intensity >= 0.0);
	long nt = (long) floor ((my xmax - my xmin) / dt) + 1;
	double t1 = 0.5 * (my xmin + my xmax - (nt - 1) * dt);
	Formant thee = Formant_create (my xmin, my xmax, nt, dt, t1, my formants -> size);
	for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= nt; iframe ++) {
		Formant_Frame frame = & thy frame [iframe];
		frame -> intensity = intensity;
		frame -> nFormants = my formants -> size;
		frame -> formant = NUMstructvector (Formant_Formant, 1, my formants -> size);
		double t = t1 + (iframe - 1) * dt;
		for (long iformant = 1; iformant <= my formants -> size; iformant ++) {
			Formant_Formant formant = & frame -> formant [iformant];
			formant -> frequency = RealTier_getValueAtTime (my formants -> item [iformant], t);
			formant -> bandwidth = RealTier_getValueAtTime (my bandwidths -> item [iformant], t);
	iferror forget (thee);
	return thee;
PitchTier PitchTier_PointProcess_to_PitchTier (PitchTier me, PointProcess pp) {
	try {
		if (my points -> size == 0) Melder_throw ("No pitch points.");
		autoPitchTier thee = PitchTier_create (pp -> xmin, pp -> xmax);
		for (long i = 1; i <= pp -> nt; i ++) {
			double time = pp -> t [i];
			double value = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, time);
			RealTier_addPoint (thee.peek(), time, value);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, " & ", pp, ": not converted to PitchTier.");
autoIntensityTier IntensityTier_PointProcess_to_IntensityTier (IntensityTier me, PointProcess pp) {
	try {
		if (my points -> size == 0) Melder_throw (U"No intensity points.");
		autoIntensityTier thee = IntensityTier_create (pp -> xmin, pp -> xmax);
		for (long i = 1; i <= pp -> nt; i ++) {
			double time = pp -> t [i];
			double value = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, time);
			RealTier_addPoint (thee.peek(), time, value);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U" & ", pp, U": not converted to IntensityTier.");
Exemple #12
Intensity IntensityTier_to_Intensity (IntensityTier me, double dt) {
	try {
		long nt = (long) floor ((my xmax - my xmin) / dt);
		double t1 = 0.5 * dt;
		autoIntensity thee = Intensity_create (my xmin, my xmax, nt, dt, t1);
		for (long i = 1; i <= nt; i++) {
			double time = t1 + (i - 1) * dt;
			thy z[1][i] = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, time);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U" no Intensity created.");
Exemple #13
Formant FormantGrid_to_Formant (FormantGrid me, double dt, double intensity) {
	try {
		Melder_assert (dt > 0.0);
		Melder_assert (intensity >= 0.0);
		long nt = (long) floor ((my xmax - my xmin) / dt) + 1;
		double t1 = 0.5 * (my xmin + my xmax - (nt - 1) * dt);
		autoFormant thee = Formant_create (my xmin, my xmax, nt, dt, t1, my formants -> size);
		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= nt; iframe ++) {
			Formant_Frame frame = & thy d_frames [iframe];
			frame -> intensity = intensity;
			frame -> nFormants = my formants -> size;
			frame -> formant = NUMvector <structFormant_Formant> (1, my formants -> size);
			double t = t1 + (iframe - 1) * dt;
			for (long iformant = 1; iformant <= my formants -> size; iformant ++) {
				Formant_Formant formant = & frame -> formant [iformant];
				formant -> frequency = RealTier_getValueAtTime ((RealTier) my formants -> item [iformant], t);
				formant -> bandwidth = RealTier_getValueAtTime ((RealTier) my bandwidths -> item [iformant], t);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": not converted to Formant.");
Exemple #14
void Sound_FormantGrid_filter_inline (Sound me, FormantGrid formantGrid) {
	double dt = my dx;
	if (formantGrid -> formants -> size && formantGrid -> bandwidths -> size)
	for (long iformant = 1; iformant <= formantGrid -> formants -> size; iformant ++) {
		RealTier formantTier = (RealTier) formantGrid -> formants -> item [iformant];
		RealTier bandwidthTier = (RealTier) formantGrid -> bandwidths -> item [iformant];
		for (long isamp = 1; isamp <= my nx; isamp ++) {
			double t = my x1 + (isamp - 1) * my dx;
			 * Compute LP coefficients.
			double formant, bandwidth;
			formant = RealTier_getValueAtTime (formantTier, t);
			bandwidth = RealTier_getValueAtTime (bandwidthTier, t);
			if (NUMdefined (formant) && NUMdefined (bandwidth)) {
				double cosomdt = cos (2 * NUMpi * formant * dt);
				double r = exp (- NUMpi * bandwidth * dt);
				/* Formants at 0 Hz or the Nyquist are single poles, others are double poles. */
				if (fabs (cosomdt) > 0.999999) {   /* Allow for round-off errors. */
					/* single pole: D(z) = 1 - r z^-1 */
					for (long channel = 1; channel <= my ny; channel ++) {
						if (isamp > 1) my z [channel] [isamp] += r * my z [channel] [isamp - 1];
				} else {
					/* double pole: D(z) = 1 + p z^-1 + q z^-2 */
					double p = - 2 * r * cosomdt;
					double q = r * r;
					for (long channel = 1; channel <= my ny; channel ++) {
						if (isamp > 1) my z [channel] [isamp] -= p * my z [channel] [isamp - 1];
						if (isamp > 2) my z [channel] [isamp] -= q * my z [channel] [isamp - 2];
Exemple #15
double RealTier_getArea (RealTier me, double tmin, double tmax) {
	long n = my points.size, imin, imax;
	//RealPoint *points = & my points [0];
	if (n == 0) return NUMundefined;
	if (n == 1) return (tmax - tmin) * my points.at [1] -> value;
	imin = AnyTier_timeToLowIndex (me->asAnyTier(), tmin);
	if (imin == n) return (tmax - tmin) * my points.at [n] -> value;
	imax = AnyTier_timeToHighIndex (me->asAnyTier(), tmax);
	if (imax == 1) return (tmax - tmin) * my points.at [1] -> value;
	Melder_assert (imin < n);
	Melder_assert (imax > 1);
	 * Sum the areas between the points.
	 * This works even if imin is 0 (offleft) and/or imax is n + 1 (offright).
	double area = 0.0;
	for (long i = imin; i < imax; i ++) {
		double tleft, fleft, tright, fright;
		if (i == imin) {
			tleft = tmin;
			fleft = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmin);
		} else {
			tleft = my points.at [i] -> number;
			fleft = my points.at [i] -> value;
		if (i + 1 == imax) {
			tright = tmax;
			fright = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tmax);
		} else {
			tright = my points.at [i + 1] -> number;
			fright = my points.at [i + 1] -> value;
		area += 0.5 * (fleft + fright) * (tright - tleft);
	return area;
autoPitch Pitch_PitchTier_to_Pitch (Pitch me, PitchTier tier) {
	try {
		if (tier -> points.size == 0) Melder_throw (U"No pitch points.");
		autoPitch thee = Data_copy (me);
		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= my nx; iframe ++) {
			Pitch_Frame frame = & thy frame [iframe];
			Pitch_Candidate cand = & frame -> candidate [1];
			if (cand -> frequency > 0.0 && cand -> frequency <= my ceiling)
				cand -> frequency = RealTier_getValueAtTime (tier, Sampled_indexToX (me, iframe));
			cand -> strength = 0.9;
			frame -> nCandidates = 1;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U" & ", tier, U": not converted to Pitch.");
autoVocalTract VocalTractTier_to_VocalTract (VocalTractTier me, double time) {
	try {
		VocalTractPoint vtp = (VocalTractPoint) my d_vocalTracts -> item[1];
		long numberOfSections = vtp -> d_vocalTract -> nx;
		autoVocalTract thee = VocalTract_create (numberOfSections, vtp -> d_vocalTract -> dx);
		for (long isection = 1; isection <= numberOfSections; isection++) {
			autoRealTier section = RealTier_create (my xmin, my xmax);
			for (long i = 1; i <= my d_vocalTracts -> size; i++) {
				VocalTractPoint vtpi = (VocalTractPoint) my d_vocalTracts -> item[i];
				double areai = vtpi -> d_vocalTract -> z[1][isection];
				RealTier_addPoint (section.peek(), vtpi -> number, areai);
			thy z[1][isection] = RealTier_getValueAtTime (section.peek(), time);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": no VocalTract created.");
autoSound PitchTier_to_Sound_sine (PitchTier me, double tmin, double tmax, double samplingFrequency) {
	try {
		if (tmax <= tmin) tmin = my xmin, tmax = my xmax;
		long numberOfSamples = 1 + (long) floor ((my xmax - my xmin) * samplingFrequency);   // >= 1
		double samplingPeriod = 1.0 / samplingFrequency;
		double tmid = (tmin + tmax) / 2.0;
		double t1 = tmid - 0.5 * (numberOfSamples - 1) * samplingPeriod;
		autoSound thee = Sound_create (1, tmin, tmax, numberOfSamples, samplingPeriod, t1);
		double phase = 0.0;
		for (long isamp = 2; isamp <= numberOfSamples; isamp ++) {
			double tleft = t1 + (isamp - 1.5) * samplingPeriod;
			double fleft = RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, tleft);
			phase += fleft * thy dx;
			thy z [1] [isamp] = 0.5 * sin (2.0 * NUMpi * phase);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Sound (sine).");
autoLPC VocalTractTier_to_LPC (VocalTractTier me, double timeStep) {
	try {
		if (my d_vocalTracts -> size == 0) {
			Melder_throw (U"Empty VocalTractTier");
		long numberOfFrames = (long) floor ((my xmax - my xmin) / timeStep);
		VocalTractPoint vtp = (VocalTractPoint) my d_vocalTracts -> item[1];
		long numberOfSections = vtp -> d_vocalTract -> nx;
		double samplingPeriod = 1.0 / (1000.0 * numberOfSections);
		autoNUMmatrix<double> area (1, numberOfFrames, 1, numberOfSections + 1);
		autoNUMvector<double> areavec (1, numberOfSections + 1);
		autoLPC thee = LPC_create (my xmin, my xmax, numberOfFrames, timeStep, timeStep / 2, numberOfSections, samplingPeriod);
		// interpolate each section
		for (long isection = 1; isection <= numberOfSections; isection++) {
			autoRealTier sectioni = RealTier_create (my xmin, my xmax);
			for (long i = 1; i <= my d_vocalTracts -> size; i++) {
				VocalTractPoint vtpi = (VocalTractPoint) my d_vocalTracts -> item[i];
				double areai = vtpi -> d_vocalTract -> z[1][isection];
				RealTier_addPoint (sectioni.peek(), vtpi -> number, areai);
			for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= numberOfFrames; iframe++) {
				double time = thy x1 + (iframe - 1) * thy dx;
				area[iframe][isection] = RealTier_getValueAtTime (sectioni.peek(), time);
				area[iframe][numberOfSections + 1] = 0.0001; // normalisation is area[n+1] = 0.0001
		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= numberOfFrames; iframe++) {
			LPC_Frame frame = &thy d_frames[iframe];
			LPC_Frame_init (frame, numberOfSections);
			for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfSections + 1; i++) {
				areavec[i] = area[iframe][numberOfSections + 1 - i];
			NUMlpc_area_to_lpc (areavec.peek(), numberOfSections + 1, frame -> a);
			frame -> gain = 1e-6; // something
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (U": not converted to LPC.");
Exemple #20
static double getFunction1 (I, long irow, double x) {
	iam (FormantGrid);
	RealTier tier = (structRealTier *)my formants -> item [irow];
	return RealTier_getValueAtTime (tier, x);
Exemple #21
void structFormantGridEditor :: v_draw () {
	FormantGrid grid = (FormantGrid) our data;
	Ordered tiers = our editingBandwidths ? grid -> bandwidths : grid -> formants;
	RealTier selectedTier = (RealTier) tiers -> item [selectedFormant];
	double ymin = our editingBandwidths ? our p_bandwidthFloor   : our p_formantFloor;
	double ymax = our editingBandwidths ? our p_bandwidthCeiling : our p_formantCeiling;
	Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics, Graphics_WHITE);
	Graphics_setWindow (our d_graphics, 0, 1, 0, 1);
	Graphics_fillRectangle (our d_graphics, 0, 1, 0, 1);
	Graphics_setWindow (our d_graphics, our d_startWindow, our d_endWindow, ymin, ymax);
	Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics, Graphics_RED);
	Graphics_line (our d_graphics, our d_startWindow, our ycursor, our d_endWindow, our ycursor);
	Graphics_setTextAlignment (our d_graphics, Graphics_RIGHT, Graphics_HALF);
	Graphics_text (our d_graphics, our d_startWindow, our ycursor, Melder_float (Melder_half (our ycursor)));
	Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics, Graphics_BLUE);
	Graphics_setTextAlignment (our d_graphics, Graphics_LEFT, Graphics_TOP);
	Graphics_text (our d_graphics, our d_endWindow, ymax, Melder_float (Melder_half (ymax)), U" Hz");
	Graphics_setTextAlignment (our d_graphics, Graphics_LEFT, Graphics_HALF);
	Graphics_text (our d_graphics, our d_endWindow, ymin, Melder_float (Melder_half (ymin)), U" Hz");
	Graphics_setLineWidth (our d_graphics, 1);
	Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics, Graphics_GREY);
	for (long iformant = 1; iformant <= grid -> formants -> size; iformant ++) if (iformant != our selectedFormant) {
		RealTier tier = (RealTier) tiers -> item [iformant];
		long imin = AnyTier_timeToHighIndex (tier, our d_startWindow);
		long imax = AnyTier_timeToLowIndex (tier, our d_endWindow);
		long n = tier -> points -> size;
		if (n == 0) {
		} else if (imax < imin) {
			double yleft = RealTier_getValueAtTime (tier, our d_startWindow);
			double yright = RealTier_getValueAtTime (tier, our d_endWindow);
			Graphics_line (our d_graphics, our d_startWindow, yleft, our d_endWindow, yright);
		} else for (long i = imin; i <= imax; i ++) {
			RealPoint point = (RealPoint) tier -> points -> item [i];
			double t = point -> number, y = point -> value;
			Graphics_fillCircle_mm (our d_graphics, t, y, 2);
			if (i == 1)
				Graphics_line (our d_graphics, our d_startWindow, y, t, y);
			else if (i == imin)
				Graphics_line (our d_graphics, t, y, our d_startWindow, RealTier_getValueAtTime (tier, our d_startWindow));
			if (i == n)
				Graphics_line (our d_graphics, t, y, our d_endWindow, y);
			else if (i == imax)
				Graphics_line (our d_graphics, t, y, our d_endWindow, RealTier_getValueAtTime (tier, our d_endWindow));
			else {
				RealPoint pointRight = (RealPoint) tier -> points -> item [i + 1];
				Graphics_line (our d_graphics, t, y, pointRight -> number, pointRight -> value);
	Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics, Graphics_BLUE);
	long ifirstSelected = AnyTier_timeToHighIndex (selectedTier, our d_startSelection);
	long ilastSelected = AnyTier_timeToLowIndex (selectedTier, our d_endSelection);
	long n = selectedTier -> points -> size;
	long imin = AnyTier_timeToHighIndex (selectedTier, our d_startWindow);
	long imax = AnyTier_timeToLowIndex (selectedTier, our d_endWindow);
	Graphics_setLineWidth (our d_graphics, 2);
	if (n == 0) {
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (our d_graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		Graphics_text (our d_graphics, 0.5 * (our d_startWindow + our d_endWindow),
			0.5 * (ymin + ymax), U"(no points in selected formant tier)");
	} else if (imax < imin) {
		double yleft = RealTier_getValueAtTime (selectedTier, our d_startWindow);
		double yright = RealTier_getValueAtTime (selectedTier, our d_endWindow);
		Graphics_line (our d_graphics, our d_startWindow, yleft, our d_endWindow, yright);
	} else for (long i = imin; i <= imax; i ++) {
		RealPoint point = (RealPoint) selectedTier -> points -> item [i];
		double t = point -> number, y = point -> value;
		if (i >= ifirstSelected && i <= ilastSelected)
			Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics, Graphics_RED);
		Graphics_fillCircle_mm (our d_graphics, t, y, 3);
		Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics, Graphics_BLUE);
		if (i == 1)
			Graphics_line (our d_graphics, our d_startWindow, y, t, y);
		else if (i == imin)
			Graphics_line (our d_graphics, t, y, our d_startWindow, RealTier_getValueAtTime (selectedTier, our d_startWindow));
		if (i == n)
			Graphics_line (our d_graphics, t, y, our d_endWindow, y);
		else if (i == imax)
			Graphics_line (our d_graphics, t, y, our d_endWindow, RealTier_getValueAtTime (selectedTier, our d_endWindow));
		else {
			RealPoint pointRight = (RealPoint) selectedTier -> points -> item [i + 1];
			Graphics_line (our d_graphics, t, y, pointRight -> number, pointRight -> value);
	Graphics_setLineWidth (our d_graphics, 1);
	Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics, Graphics_BLACK);
Exemple #22
double structFormantGrid :: v_getFunction1 (long irow, double x) {
	RealTier tier = (RealTier) formants -> item [irow];
	return RealTier_getValueAtTime (tier, x);
Exemple #23
double FormantGrid_getBandwidthAtTime (FormantGrid me, long iformant, double t) {
	if (iformant < 1 || iformant > my bandwidths -> size) return NUMundefined;
	return RealTier_getValueAtTime ((RealTier) my bandwidths -> item [iformant], t);
Exemple #24
static double getFunction1 (I, long irow, double x) { iam (RealTier); (void) irow; return RealTier_getValueAtTime (me, x); }
Exemple #25
double structRealTier :: v_getFunction1 (long irow, double x) {
	(void) irow;
	return RealTier_getValueAtTime (this, x);
Exemple #26
autoSound Sound_Point_Pitch_Duration_to_Sound (Sound me, PointProcess pulses,
	PitchTier pitch, DurationTier duration, double maxT)
	try {
		long ipointleft, ipointright;
		double deltat = 0, handledTime = my xmin;
		double startOfSourceNoise, endOfSourceNoise, startOfTargetNoise, endOfTargetNoise;
		double durationOfSourceNoise, durationOfTargetNoise;
		double startOfSourceVoice, endOfSourceVoice, startOfTargetVoice, endOfTargetVoice;
		double durationOfSourceVoice, durationOfTargetVoice;
		double startingPeriod, finishingPeriod, ttarget, voicelessPeriod;
		if (duration -> points.size == 0)
			Melder_throw (U"No duration points.");

		 * Create a Sound long enough to hold the longest possible duration-manipulated sound.
		autoSound thee = Sound_create (1, my xmin, my xmin + 3 * (my xmax - my xmin), 3 * my nx, my dx, my x1);

		 * Below, I'll abbreviate the voiced interval as "voice" and the voiceless interval as "noise".
		if (pitch && pitch -> points.size) for (ipointleft = 1; ipointleft <= pulses -> nt; ipointleft = ipointright + 1) {
			 * Find the beginning of the voice.
			startOfSourceVoice = pulses -> t [ipointleft];   // the first pulse of the voice
			startingPeriod = 1.0 / RealTier_getValueAtTime (pitch, startOfSourceVoice);
			startOfSourceVoice -= 0.5 * startingPeriod;   // the first pulse is in the middle of a period

			 * Measure one noise.
			startOfSourceNoise = handledTime;
			endOfSourceNoise = startOfSourceVoice;
			durationOfSourceNoise = endOfSourceNoise - startOfSourceNoise;
			startOfTargetNoise = startOfSourceNoise + deltat;
			endOfTargetNoise = startOfTargetNoise + RealTier_getArea (duration, startOfSourceNoise, endOfSourceNoise);
			durationOfTargetNoise = endOfTargetNoise - startOfTargetNoise;

			 * Copy the noise.
			voicelessPeriod = NUMrandomUniform (0.008, 0.012);
			ttarget = startOfTargetNoise + 0.5 * voicelessPeriod;
			while (ttarget < endOfTargetNoise) {
				double tsource;
				double tleft = startOfSourceNoise, tright = endOfSourceNoise;
				int i;
				for (i = 1; i <= 15; i ++) {
					double tsourcemid = 0.5 * (tleft + tright);
					double ttargetmid = startOfTargetNoise + RealTier_getArea (duration,
						startOfSourceNoise, tsourcemid);
					if (ttargetmid < ttarget) tleft = tsourcemid; else tright = tsourcemid;
				tsource = 0.5 * (tleft + tright);
				copyBell (me, tsource, voicelessPeriod, voicelessPeriod, thee.get(), ttarget);
				voicelessPeriod = NUMrandomUniform (0.008, 0.012);
				ttarget += voicelessPeriod;
			deltat += durationOfTargetNoise - durationOfSourceNoise;

			 * Find the end of the voice.
			for (ipointright = ipointleft + 1; ipointright <= pulses -> nt; ipointright ++)
				if (pulses -> t [ipointright] - pulses -> t [ipointright - 1] > maxT)
			ipointright --;
			endOfSourceVoice = pulses -> t [ipointright];   // the last pulse of the voice
			finishingPeriod = 1.0 / RealTier_getValueAtTime (pitch, endOfSourceVoice);
			endOfSourceVoice += 0.5 * finishingPeriod;   // the last pulse is in the middle of a period
			 * Measure one voice.
			durationOfSourceVoice = endOfSourceVoice - startOfSourceVoice;

			 * This will be copied to an interval with a different location and duration.
			startOfTargetVoice = startOfSourceVoice + deltat;
			endOfTargetVoice = startOfTargetVoice +
				RealTier_getArea (duration, startOfSourceVoice, endOfSourceVoice);
			durationOfTargetVoice = endOfTargetVoice - startOfTargetVoice;

			 * Copy the voiced part.
			ttarget = startOfTargetVoice + 0.5 * startingPeriod;
			while (ttarget < endOfTargetVoice) {
				double tsource, period;
				long isourcepulse;
				double tleft = startOfSourceVoice, tright = endOfSourceVoice;
				int i;
				for (i = 1; i <= 15; i ++) {
					double tsourcemid = 0.5 * (tleft + tright);
					double ttargetmid = startOfTargetVoice + RealTier_getArea (duration,
						startOfSourceVoice, tsourcemid);
					if (ttargetmid < ttarget) tleft = tsourcemid; else tright = tsourcemid;
				tsource = 0.5 * (tleft + tright);
				period = 1.0 / RealTier_getValueAtTime (pitch, tsource);
				isourcepulse = PointProcess_getNearestIndex (pulses, tsource);
				copyBell2 (me, pulses, isourcepulse, period, period, thee.get(), ttarget, maxT);
				ttarget += period;
			deltat += durationOfTargetVoice - durationOfSourceVoice;
			handledTime = endOfSourceVoice;

		 * Copy the remaining unvoiced part, if we are at the end.
		startOfSourceNoise = handledTime;
		endOfSourceNoise = my xmax;
		durationOfSourceNoise = endOfSourceNoise - startOfSourceNoise;
		startOfTargetNoise = startOfSourceNoise + deltat;
		endOfTargetNoise = startOfTargetNoise + RealTier_getArea (duration, startOfSourceNoise, endOfSourceNoise);
		durationOfTargetNoise = endOfTargetNoise - startOfTargetNoise;
		voicelessPeriod = NUMrandomUniform (0.008, 0.012);
		ttarget = startOfTargetNoise + 0.5 * voicelessPeriod;
		while (ttarget < endOfTargetNoise) {
			double tsource;
			double tleft = startOfSourceNoise, tright = endOfSourceNoise;
			for (int i = 1; i <= 15; i ++) {
				double tsourcemid = 0.5 * (tleft + tright);
				double ttargetmid = startOfTargetNoise + RealTier_getArea (duration,
					startOfSourceNoise, tsourcemid);
				if (ttargetmid < ttarget) tleft = tsourcemid; else tright = tsourcemid;
			tsource = 0.5 * (tleft + tright);
			copyBell (me, tsource, voicelessPeriod, voicelessPeriod, thee.get(), ttarget);
			voicelessPeriod = NUMrandomUniform (0.008, 0.012);
			ttarget += voicelessPeriod;

		 * Find the number of trailing zeroes and hack the sound's time domain.
		thy xmax = thy xmin + RealTier_getArea (duration, my xmin, my xmax);
		if (fabs (thy xmax - my xmax) < 1e-12) thy xmax = my xmax;   // common situation
		thy nx = Sampled_xToLowIndex (thee.get(), thy xmax);
		if (thy nx > 3 * my nx) thy nx = 3 * my nx;

		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not manipulated.");
Exemple #27
double FormantGrid_getFormantAtTime (FormantGrid me, long iformant, double t) {
	if (iformant < 1 || iformant > my formants -> size) return NUMundefined;
	return RealTier_getValueAtTime (my formants -> item [iformant], t);