Exemple #1
void Oscilloscope::paint(Graphics& g) {
  static const DropShadow shadow(Colour(0xbb000000), 5, Point<int>(0, 0));
                    0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), RectanglePlacement());

  shadow.drawForPath(g, wave_path_);

  g.strokePath(wave_path_, PathStrokeType(1.0f, PathStrokeType::beveled, PathStrokeType::rounded));
void VideoComponent::resized()
    Rectangle<int> r = getLocalBounds();

    if (isVideoOpen() && ! r.isEmpty())
        Rectangle<int> nativeSize = getVideoNativeSize();

        if (nativeSize.isEmpty())
            // if we've just opened the file and are still waiting for it to
            // figure out the size, start our timer..
            if (! isTimerRunning())
                startTimer (50);
            r = RectanglePlacement (RectanglePlacement::centred).appliedTo (nativeSize, r);

    pimpl->setBounds (r);
Exemple #3
    void drawTickBox (Graphics& g, Component& component,
                      float x, float y, float w, float h,
                      bool ticked,
                      bool isEnabled,
                      bool /*isMouseOverButton*/,
                      bool /*isButtonDown*/) override
        const float boxSize = w * 0.7f;

        bool isDownOrDragging = component.isEnabled() && (component.isMouseOverOrDragging() || component.isMouseButtonDown());
        const Colour colour (component.findColour (TextButton::buttonOnColourId).withMultipliedSaturation ((component.hasKeyboardFocus (false) || isDownOrDragging) ? 1.3f : 0.9f)
                             .withMultipliedAlpha (component.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.7f));
        g.setColour (colour);

        Rectangle<float> r (x, y + (h - boxSize) * 0.5f, boxSize, boxSize);
        g.fillRect (r);

        if (ticked)
            const Path tick (LookAndFeel_V4::getTickShape (6.0f));
            g.setColour (isEnabled ? findColour (TextButton::buttonColourId) : Colours::grey);

            const AffineTransform trans (RectanglePlacement (RectanglePlacement::centred)
                                         .getTransformToFit (tick.getBounds(), r.reduced (r.getHeight() * 0.05f)));
            g.fillPath (tick, trans);
Exemple #4
void CtrlrGroup::paint (Graphics& g)
    //[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here..

    //[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
	Rectangle<int> r = getUsableRect();

	gradientFromProperty(g, getBounds(), getObjectTree(), Ids::uiGroupOutlineGradientType, Ids::uiGroupOutlineColour1, Ids::uiGroupOutlineColour2);
	g.drawRoundedRectangle (r.toFloat().reduced((float)getProperty(Ids::uiGroupOutlineThickness)/2.0f), getProperty(Ids::uiGroupOutlineRoundAngle), getProperty(Ids::uiGroupOutlineThickness));

	gradientFromProperty(g, getBounds(), getObjectTree(), Ids::uiGroupBackgroundGradientType, Ids::uiGroupBackgroundColour1, Ids::uiGroupBackgroundColour2);
	g.fillRoundedRectangle (r.toFloat().reduced((float)getProperty(Ids::uiGroupOutlineThickness)/2.0f), getProperty(Ids::uiGroupOutlineRoundAngle));

	if (groupBackgroundImage.isValid())
		if ((int)getProperty (Ids::uiGroupBackgroundImageLayout) == 8192)
			g.setTiledImageFill (groupBackgroundImage, 0, 0, (float)getProperty (Ids::uiGroupBackgroundImageAlpha)/255.0f);
			g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha ((float)getProperty (Ids::uiGroupBackgroundImageAlpha)/255.0f));
			g.drawImageWithin (groupBackgroundImage,
								RectanglePlacement(getProperty (Ids::uiGroupBackgroundImageLayout)));
    void paint (Graphics& g)
        g.setColour (findColour (mainBackgroundColourId).contrasting (0.3f));

        Rectangle<int> r (getLocalBounds());

        g.setFont (15.0f);
        g.drawFittedText (getVersionInfo(), r.removeFromBottom (50), Justification::centredBottom, 3);

        logo->drawWithin (g, r.withTrimmedBottom (r.getHeight() / 4).toFloat(),
                          RectanglePlacement (RectanglePlacement::centred), 1.0f);
void CtrlrValueTreeEditorItem::paintItem (Graphics &g, int width, int height)
	Image icon = provider.getIconForItem (treeToEdit);
	if (isSelected())
		drawSelectionRectangle (g,width,height);

	g.setColour (Colours::black);

	AttributedString as = provider.getDisplayString(treeToEdit);
	as.setJustification (Justification (Justification::centredLeft));
	as.draw (g, Rectangle <float> (24.0, 0.0, width - 24.0, height));
	g.drawImageWithin (icon, 4, 0, 16, height, RectanglePlacement (RectanglePlacement::centred));
Exemple #7
    PathsDemo (ControllersComponent& cc, bool linear, bool radial)
        : GraphicsDemoBase (cc, String ("Paths") + (radial ? ": Radial Gradients"
                                                           : (linear ? ": Linear Gradients"
                                                                     : ": Solid"))),
          useLinearGradient (linear), useRadialGradient (radial)
        logoPath = MainAppWindow::getJUCELogoPath();

        // rescale the logo path so that it's centred about the origin and has the right size.
        logoPath.applyTransform (RectanglePlacement (RectanglePlacement::centred)
                                 .getTransformToFit (logoPath.getBounds(),
                                                     Rectangle<float> (-200.0f, -200.0f, 400.0f, 400.0f)));

        // Surround it with some other shapes..
        logoPath.addStar (Point<float> (-300.0f, -50.0f), 7, 30.0f, 70.0f, 0.1f);
        logoPath.addStar (Point<float> (300.0f, 50.0f), 6, 40.0f, 70.0f, 0.1f);
        logoPath.addEllipse (-100.0f, 150.0f, 200.0f, 140.0f);
        logoPath.addRectangle (-100.0f, -280.0f, 200.0f, 140.0f);
    void drawCurrentImage (Graphics& g, Rectangle<int> area)
        if (imageNeedsFlipping)
            const ScopedLock sl (imageSwapLock);
            std::swap (loadingImage, activeImage);
            imageNeedsFlipping = false;

        Rectangle<int> centred (RectanglePlacement (RectanglePlacement::centred)
                                    .appliedTo (Rectangle<int> (width, height), area));

        RectangleList<int> borders (area);
        borders.subtract (centred);
        g.setColour (Colours::black);
        g.fillRectList (borders);

        g.drawImage (activeImage, centred.getX(), centred.getY(),
                     centred.getWidth(), centred.getHeight(), 0, 0, width, height);
void MainContentComponent::selectionChanged()
    const File selectedFile(mFileTree.getSelectedFile());

    //> open selected file
    if (selectedFile.existsAsFile())
        //> the image cahce is a handly way to load images from files or directly from memory and
        //> will keep them hanging around for a few seconds in case they are requested elsewhere
        //> RectanglePlacement() default is centred
        mImgViewer.setImage(ImageCache::getFromFile(selectedFile), RectanglePlacement());

        //> change title bar of window
        MainWindow *pMainWindow = MainWindow::getMainWindow();
        if (pMainWindow != nullptr)
            pMainWindow->setName(selectedFile.getFileName() + " - " + ProjectInfo::projectName);
Exemple #10
void WaveViewer::paint(juce::Graphics &g) {
                    0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), RectanglePlacement());

  if (wave_phase_) {
    if (phase_ >= 0.0 && phase_ < 1.0) {
      float x = phaseToX(phase_);
      g.fillRect(x - 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f, (float)getHeight());

      float y = PADDING + (getHeight() - 2 * PADDING) * (1.0f - amp_) / 2.0f;

      if (is_control_rate_)
      g.fillEllipse(x - MARKER_WIDTH / 2.0f, y - MARKER_WIDTH / 2.0f,
                    MARKER_WIDTH, MARKER_WIDTH);
      g.fillEllipse(x - MARKER_WIDTH / 4.0f, y - MARKER_WIDTH / 4.0f,
                    MARKER_WIDTH / 2.0f, MARKER_WIDTH / 2.0f);
    Drawable* parseSVGElement (const XmlPath& xml)
        if (! xml->hasTagNameIgnoringNamespace ("svg"))
            return nullptr;

        DrawableComposite* const drawable = new DrawableComposite();

        setDrawableID (*drawable, xml);

        SVGState newState (*this);

        if (xml->hasAttribute ("transform"))
            newState.addTransform (xml);

        newState.elementX = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("x",      String (newState.elementX)), viewBoxW);
        newState.elementY = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("y",      String (newState.elementY)), viewBoxH);
        newState.width    = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("width",  String (newState.width)),    viewBoxW);
        newState.height   = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("height", String (newState.height)),   viewBoxH);

        if (newState.width  <= 0) newState.width  = 100;
        if (newState.height <= 0) newState.height = 100;

        Point<float> viewboxXY;

        if (xml->hasAttribute ("viewBox"))
            const String viewBoxAtt (xml->getStringAttribute ("viewBox"));
            String::CharPointerType viewParams (viewBoxAtt.getCharPointer());
            Point<float> vwh;

            if (parseCoords (viewParams, viewboxXY, true)
                 && parseCoords (viewParams, vwh, true)
                 && vwh.x > 0
                 && vwh.y > 0)
                newState.viewBoxW = vwh.x;
                newState.viewBoxH = vwh.y;

                int placementFlags = 0;

                const String aspect (xml->getStringAttribute ("preserveAspectRatio"));

                if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("none"))
                    placementFlags = RectanglePlacement::stretchToFit;
                    if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("slice"))        placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::fillDestination;

                    if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("xMin"))         placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::xLeft;
                    else if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("xMax"))    placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::xRight;
                    else                                            placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::xMid;

                    if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("yMin"))         placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::yTop;
                    else if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("yMax"))    placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::yBottom;
                    else                                            placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::yMid;

                newState.transform = RectanglePlacement (placementFlags)
                                        .getTransformToFit (Rectangle<float> (viewboxXY.x, viewboxXY.y, vwh.x, vwh.y),
                                                            Rectangle<float> (newState.width, newState.height))
                                        .followedBy (newState.transform);
            if (viewBoxW == 0)  newState.viewBoxW = newState.width;
            if (viewBoxH == 0)  newState.viewBoxH = newState.height;

        newState.parseSubElements (xml, *drawable);

        drawable->setContentArea (RelativeRectangle (RelativeCoordinate (viewboxXY.x),
                                                     RelativeCoordinate (viewboxXY.x + newState.viewBoxW),
                                                     RelativeCoordinate (viewboxXY.y),
                                                     RelativeCoordinate (viewboxXY.y + newState.viewBoxH)));

        return drawable;
void SplashScreen::paint (Graphics& g)
    g.setOpacity (1.0f);
    g.drawImage (backgroundImage, getLocalBounds().toFloat(), RectanglePlacement (RectanglePlacement::fillDestination));
void ScoreImage::drawNote(Graphics* g, Note note)
		int pitch = note.pitch;
		pitch += note.octave * 14;
		pitch = (pitch / 2);
		int move = pitch - 7;
		int ellipseY = scoreHeight / 2 - noteHeight / 2 * move - noteHeight / 2;
		if (note.duration / metrumBase >= 0.5)
			g->drawEllipse(actualPoint, ellipseY, 2 * noteHeight, noteHeight, 3);
			g->fillEllipse(actualPoint, ellipseY, 2 * noteHeight, noteHeight);
		if ( move < -5 || move > 5)
			g->drawHorizontalLine(ellipseY + noteHeight / 2, actualPoint - noteHeight / 4, actualPoint + 2 * noteHeight + noteHeight / 4);
			g->drawHorizontalLine(ellipseY + noteHeight / 2 - 1, actualPoint - noteHeight / 4, actualPoint + 2 * noteHeight + noteHeight / 4);
			g->drawHorizontalLine(ellipseY + noteHeight / 2 + 1, actualPoint - noteHeight / 4, actualPoint + 2 * noteHeight + noteHeight / 4);

		// stem
		if (note.duration / metrumBase != 1)
			if (move < 0)
				g->fillRect(actualPoint + 2 * noteHeight, ellipseY + noteHeight / 2 - 4 * noteHeight, 4, 4 * noteHeight);
				g->fillRect(actualPoint, ellipseY + noteHeight / 2, 4, 4 * noteHeight);
			actualPoint += 4;
		// flags
		if (note.duration / metrumBase < 0.25)
			// 8
			if (move >= 0)
				g->drawImageTransformed(flagImage, AffineTransform::verticalFlip(flagImage.getHeight()).followedBy(
					AffineTransform::scale((float)flagImage.getWidth() / (noteHeight / 2) / 8, 
					(float)flagImage.getHeight() / (noteHeight / 2) / 8).followedBy(
					AffineTransform::translation(actualPoint, ellipseY + 2 * noteHeight - noteHeight / 2))));
				g->drawImageWithin(flagImage, actualPoint + 2 * noteHeight, ellipseY - 4 * noteHeight + noteHeight / 2, 
				noteHeight / 2, 3 * noteHeight, RectanglePlacement(1 + 8 + 64 + 128));

			// 16
			if (note.duration / metrumBase < 0.125)
				if (move >= 0)
					g->drawImageTransformed(flagImage, AffineTransform::verticalFlip(flagImage.getHeight()).followedBy(
						AffineTransform::scale((float)flagImage.getWidth() / (noteHeight / 2) / 8, 
						(float)flagImage.getHeight() / (noteHeight / 2) / 8).followedBy(
						AffineTransform::translation(actualPoint, ellipseY + noteHeight / 2))));
					g->drawImageWithin(flagImage, actualPoint + 2 * noteHeight, ellipseY - 3 * noteHeight + noteHeight / 2, 
					noteHeight / 2, 3 * noteHeight, RectanglePlacement(1 + 8 + 64 + 128));

		actualPoint += 2 * noteHeight;
		actualPoint += 4 * 2 * noteHeight * note.duration;
ScoreImage::ScoreImage(Array<ScorePart> scoreParts_)
	: score(scoreParts_),
	noteHeight = scoreHeight / 24;
	// key
	File violinImageFile = File(File::getSpecialLocation(File::currentExecutableFile).getParentDirectory().getChildFile("images").getChildFile("klucz-wiolinowy.png"));
	Image violinImage = ImageCache::getFromFile(violinImageFile);
	keyImage = Image(Image::PixelFormat::RGB,200,1000,true);
	Graphics keyGraphics (keyImage);
	keyGraphics.fillRect(0,scoreHeight / 2 - 1, 200, 3);
	keyGraphics.fillRect(0,scoreHeight / 2 - noteHeight - 1, 200, 3);
	keyGraphics.fillRect(0,scoreHeight / 2 + noteHeight - 1, 200, 3);
	keyGraphics.fillRect(0,scoreHeight / 2 - 2 * noteHeight - 1, 200, 3);
	keyGraphics.fillRect(0,scoreHeight / 2 + 2 * noteHeight - 1, 200, 3);
	keyGraphics.drawImageWithin(violinImage, 0, scoreHeight / 2 - 3.5 * noteHeight, 200, 7 * noteHeight, RectanglePlacement(4 + 32 + 128));

	scoreWidth = 10000;
	scoreImage = Image(Image::PixelFormat::RGB,10000,1000,true);
	Graphics graphics (scoreImage);
	// staff
	graphics.fillRect(0,scoreHeight / 2 - 1, scoreWidth, 3);
	graphics.fillRect(0,scoreHeight / 2 - noteHeight - 1, scoreWidth, 3);
	graphics.fillRect(0,scoreHeight / 2 + noteHeight - 1, scoreWidth, 3);
	graphics.fillRect(0,scoreHeight / 2 - 2 * noteHeight - 1, scoreWidth, 3);
	graphics.fillRect(0,scoreHeight / 2 + 2 * noteHeight - 1, scoreWidth, 3);

	actualPoint = 10;
	// metrum
	metrumValue = score[0].time.count;
	metrumBase= score[0].time.base;

	// notes
	File flagImageFile = File(File::getSpecialLocation(File::currentExecutableFile).getParentDirectory().getChildFile("images").getChildFile("ogonek.png"));
	flagImage = ImageCache::getFromFile(flagImageFile);

	float count = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < score[0].notes.size(); i++)
		drawNote(&graphics, score[0].notes[i]);
		count += score[0].notes[i].duration;
		if (count >= metrumValue)
			count = 0;
	startTimer (25); 
void CtrlrXYSurface::paint (Graphics& g)
    //[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here..

    //[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
	gradientFromProperty (g, usableRectangle.getSmallestIntegerContainer(), getObjectTree(), Ids::uiXYSurfaceBgGradientType, Ids::uiXYSurfaceBackgroundColour1, Ids::uiXYSurfaceBackgroundColour2);
	g.fillRoundedRectangle ((float)usableRectangle.getTopLeft().getX(), (float)usableRectangle.getTopLeft().getY(), (float)usableRectangle.getWidth(), (float)usableRectangle.getHeight(), getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceCornerSize));

	gradientFromProperty (g, usableRectangle.getSmallestIntegerContainer(), getObjectTree(), Ids::uiXYSurfaceOutlineGradientType, Ids::uiXYSurfaceOutlineColour1, Ids::uiXYSurfaceOutlineColour2);
    g.drawRoundedRectangle ((float)usableRectangle.getX(), (float)usableRectangle.getY(), (float)usableRectangle.getWidth(), (float)usableRectangle.getHeight(), getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceCornerSize), getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceOutlineThickness));

	const int snapSize	= (int)getProperty (Ids::uiXYSurfaceGradientGrain, 8);
	Colour colour		= VAR2COLOUR(getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceGradientColour));

	if (snapSize > 0)
		Image backgroundFill(Image::ARGB, snapSize, snapSize, true);
		Graphics g1(backgroundFill);

		if (snapSize > 2)
			g1.setColour (colour);
			g1.drawRect (0, 0, snapSize + 1, snapSize + 1);

		g.setTiledImageFill (backgroundFill, 0, 0, 1.0f);
		g.fillRoundedRectangle ((float)usableRectangle.getX(), (float)usableRectangle.getY(), (float)usableRectangle.getWidth(), (float)usableRectangle.getHeight(), getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceCornerSize));

	if (backgroundImage.isValid())
		if ((int)getProperty (Ids::uiXYSurfaceBgImageLayout) == 8192)
			g.setTiledImageFill (backgroundImage, 0, 0, (float)getProperty (Ids::uiXYSurfaceBgImageAlpha)/255.0f);
			g.fillRect ((float)usableRectangle.getX(), (float)usableRectangle.getY(), (float)usableRectangle.getWidth(), (float)usableRectangle.getHeight());
			g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha ((float)getProperty (Ids::uiXYSurfaceBgImageAlpha)/255.0f));
			g.drawImageWithin (backgroundImage,
								RectanglePlacement(getProperty (Ids::uiXYSurfaceBgImageLayout)));

	if (getProperty (Ids::uiXYSurfaceXTrackEnabled))
		const Point<int> c = surfaceModulator->getBounds().getCentre();

		g.setColour (VAR2COLOUR(getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceYTrackColour)));
		g.drawLine ((float)c.getX(), (float)usableRectangle.getY(), (float)c.getX(), (float)usableRectangle.getBottom(), getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceYTrackThickness));

		g.setColour (VAR2COLOUR(getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceXTrackColour)));
		g.drawLine ((float)usableRectangle.getX(), (float)c.getY(), (float)usableRectangle.getWidth(), (float)c.getY(), getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceXTrackThickness));

	if ((bool)getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceInfoLabelVisible))
		// const int xScale = (int)getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceMaxX);
		// const int yScale = (int)getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceMaxY);

		const Point<int> c = surfaceModulator->getBounds().getCentre();
		g.setColour (VAR2COLOUR(getProperty (Ids::uiXYSurfaceInfoLabelColour)));
		g.setFont (STR2FONT(getProperty(Ids::uiXYSurfaceInfoLabelFont)));
		g.drawText ("X="+String(getValueForPosition(c.getX(), true))+" Y="+String(getValueForPosition(c.getY(), false)),
					usableRectangle.getX() + 8,
					usableRectangle.getY() + 8,
					justificationFromProperty(getProperty (Ids::uiXYSurfaceInfoLabelLocation)),

void Oscilloscope::paint(juce::Graphics &g)
    g.fillAll (Colours::white);
    Path path;
    float xOffset = 21.f;
    float yOffset = 120.f;
    Rectangle<float> rect = logoPath.getBounds();
    Rectangle<int> rect2 = getLocalBounds();
    g.setColour (Colours::black);
    g.fillPath (logoPath, RectanglePlacement (RectanglePlacement::stretchToFit)
                .getTransformToFit (logoPath.getBounds(),

    // Horizontal zero line.
    path.addLineSegment(Line<float> (xOffset, yOffset, getLocalBounds().getWidth() - xOffset, yOffset), 1.);
    g.setColour (Colours::lightgrey);
    g.fillPath (path);
    float xIncrement = (getLocalBounds().getWidth() - 2 * xOffset) / (UIConstants::NUMBER_SCOPE_POINTS - 1);
    // Now iterate over points.
    int count = 0;
    float alpha = 0;
    for (auto& points : allPoints)
        if ((currentPointsIndex - count + UIConstants::NUMBER_SCOPE_BUFFERS) % UIConstants::NUMBER_SCOPE_BUFFERS == 0)
            // Current array is 'brightest'
            alpha = 1;
        } else
            // Set older immediately to less than 0.5 alpha.
            alpha = 0.3 - ((currentPointsIndex - count + UIConstants::NUMBER_SCOPE_BUFFERS) % UIConstants::NUMBER_SCOPE_BUFFERS) * 0.03 ;
//        g.setColour(Colour::fromFloatRGBA(0, 255 , 0, alpha)) ;

        float x = 0;
        path.startNewSubPath(xOffset, yOffset);
        for (auto& point : points)
//            g.setPixel(x + xOffset, yOffset - 30 * point.x); // point.x in this case is the right value of the stereo pair.
            path.lineTo(x + xOffset, yOffset - 30 * point.x);
            x += xIncrement;
//        path.closeSubPath();
        g.strokePath (path, PathStrokeType (1.0f));
