void SDockingTabWell::BringTabToFront( int32 TabIndexToActivate )
	const bool bActiveIndexChanging = TabIndexToActivate != ForegroundTabIndex;
	if ( bActiveIndexChanging )
		const int32 LastForegroundTabIndex = FMath::Min(ForegroundTabIndex, Tabs.Num()-1);

		// For positive indexes, don't go out of bounds on the array.
		ForegroundTabIndex = FMath::Min(TabIndexToActivate, Tabs.Num()-1);

		TSharedPtr<SDockingArea> MyDockArea = GetDockArea();
		if ( Tabs.Num() > 0 && MyDockArea.IsValid() )
			const TSharedPtr<SDockTab> PreviousForegroundTab = (LastForegroundTabIndex == INDEX_NONE)
				? TSharedPtr<SDockTab>()
				: Tabs[LastForegroundTabIndex];

			const TSharedPtr<SDockTab> NewForegroundTab = (ForegroundTabIndex == INDEX_NONE)
				? TSharedPtr<SDockTab>()
				: Tabs[ForegroundTabIndex];
			MyDockArea->GetTabManager()->GetPrivateApi().OnTabForegrounded(NewForegroundTab, PreviousForegroundTab);

	// Always force a refresh, even if we don't think the active index changed.
void SDockingTabWell::RemoveAndDestroyTab(const TSharedRef<SDockTab>& TabToRemove, SDockingNode::ELayoutModification RemovalMethod)
	int32 TabIndex = Tabs.Find(TabToRemove);

	if (TabIndex != INDEX_NONE)
		const TSharedPtr<SDockingTabStack> ParentTabStack = ParentTabStackPtr.Pin();

		// Remove the old tab from the list of tabs and activate the new tab.
			// We no longer have a tab in the foreground.
			// This is important because BringTabToFront triggers notifications based on the difference in active tab indexes.
			ForegroundTabIndex = INDEX_NONE;

			// Now bring the last tab that we were on to the foreground
			BringTabToFront(FMath::Max(TabIndex-1, 0));
		if ( ensure(ParentTabStack.IsValid()) )
			TSharedPtr<SDockingArea> DockAreaPtr = ParentTabStack->GetDockArea();

			ParentTabStack->OnTabClosed( TabToRemove );
			// We might be closing down an entire dock area, if this is a major tab.
			// Use this opportunity to save its layout
			if (RemovalMethod == SDockingNode::TabRemoval_Closed)
				if (DockAreaPtr.IsValid())
					DockAreaPtr->GetTabManager()->GetPrivateApi().OnTabClosing( TabToRemove );

			if (Tabs.Num() == 0)

			if (DockAreaPtr.IsValid())
				DockAreaPtr->CleanUp( RemovalMethod );
void SDockingTabWell::BringTabToFront( int32 TabIndexToActivate )
	const bool bActiveIndexChanging = TabIndexToActivate != ForegroundTabIndex;
	if ( bActiveIndexChanging )
		const int32 LastForegroundTabIndex = FMath::Min(ForegroundTabIndex, Tabs.Num()-1);

		// For positive indexes, don't go out of bounds on the array.
		ForegroundTabIndex = FMath::Min(TabIndexToActivate, Tabs.Num()-1);

		TSharedPtr<SDockingArea> MyDockArea = GetDockArea();
		if ( Tabs.Num() > 0 && MyDockArea.IsValid() )
			const TSharedPtr<SDockTab> PreviousForegroundTab = (LastForegroundTabIndex == INDEX_NONE)
				? TSharedPtr<SDockTab>()
				: Tabs[LastForegroundTabIndex];

			const TSharedPtr<SDockTab> NewForegroundTab = (ForegroundTabIndex == INDEX_NONE)
				? TSharedPtr<SDockTab>()
				: Tabs[ForegroundTabIndex];
			MyDockArea->GetTabManager()->GetPrivateApi().OnTabForegrounded(NewForegroundTab, PreviousForegroundTab);

			FGlobalTabmanager::Get()->GetPrivateApi().OnTabForegrounded(NewForegroundTab, PreviousForegroundTab);

	// Always force a refresh, even if we don't think the active index changed.

	// Update the native, global menu bar if a tab is in the foreground.
	if( ForegroundTabIndex != INDEX_NONE )
		TSharedPtr<FTabManager> TabManager = Tabs[ForegroundTabIndex]->GetTabManager();
		if(TabManager == FGlobalTabmanager::Get())
			FGlobalTabmanager::Get()->UpdateMainMenu(Tabs[ForegroundTabIndex], false);