Exemple #1
void SidePanel::Create()
    int x = 26;
    int y = 50;

	m_fontsize = 48 / 1.2f / 4.0f;

    UnitPlacementButton *radar = new UnitPlacementButton(WorldObject::TypeRadarStation);
    radar->SetProperties( "Radar", x, y, 48, 48, "", "tooltip_place_radar", false, true );
    RegisterButton( radar );

    UnitPlacementButton *silo = new UnitPlacementButton(WorldObject::TypeSilo);
    silo->SetProperties( "Silo", x, y+75, 48, 48, "", "tooltip_place_silo", false, true );
    RegisterButton( silo );

    UnitPlacementButton *airbase = new UnitPlacementButton(WorldObject::TypeAirBase);
    airbase->SetProperties( "AirBase", x, y+150, 48, 48, "", "tooltip_place_airbase", false, true );
    RegisterButton( airbase );

    PanelModeButton *fmb = new PanelModeButton( ModeFleetPlacement, true );
    fmb->SetProperties( "FleetMode", x, y+220, 48, 48, "dialog_fleets", "tooltip_fleet_button", true, true );
    strcpy( fmb->bmpImageFilename, "graphics/fleet.bmp" );
    RegisterButton( fmb );
void VotingWindow::Create()

    InvertedBox *box = new InvertedBox();
    box->SetProperties( "invert", 20, 80, m_w-40, 100, " ", " ", false, false );
    RegisterButton( box );

    VoteButton *voteYes = new VoteButton();
    voteYes->SetProperties( "yes", 40, 90, 30, 20, " ", "tooltip_vote_yes", false, true );
    voteYes->m_vote = Vote::VoteYes;
    voteYes->m_voteId = m_voteId;
    RegisterButton( voteYes );

    VoteButton *voteNo = new VoteButton();
    voteNo->SetProperties( "no", 40, 120, 30, 20, " ", "tooltip_vote_no", false, true );
    voteNo->m_vote = Vote::VoteNo;
    voteNo->m_voteId = m_voteId;
    RegisterButton( voteNo );

    VoteButton *voteAbstain = new VoteButton();
    voteAbstain->SetProperties( "abstain", 40, 150, 30, 20, " ", "tooltip_vote_abstain", false, true );
    voteAbstain->m_vote = Vote::VoteAbstain;
    voteAbstain->m_voteId = m_voteId;
    RegisterButton( voteAbstain );

    CloseButton *close = new CloseButton();
    close->SetProperties( "Close", m_w/2 - 50, m_h - 25, 100, 20, "dialog_close", " ", true, false );
    RegisterButton( close );
void BuildingsCreateWindow::Create()

	int y = 25;
	int ySpacing = 18;

    DropDownMenu *menu = new DropDownMenu(true);
    menu->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_buildingtype"), 10, 25, m_w - 20 );
    menu->RegisterInt( &m_buildingType );
    RegisterButton( menu );
    for (int i = Building::TypeInvalid + 1; i < Building::NumBuildingTypes; ++i)
        menu->AddOption( Building::GetTypeNameTranslated(i), i );

    NewBuildingButton *b = new NewBuildingButton();
    b->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_createbuilding"), 10, 45, m_w - 20 );
    RegisterButton( b );

//	for (int i = Building::TypeInvalid + 1; i < Building::NumBuildingTypes; ++i)
//	{
//	    NewBuildingButton *n = new NewBuildingButton(i);
//        char *name = Building::GetTypeName( i );
//        n->SetShortProperties( name, 10, y, m_w - 20 );
//		RegisterButton( n );
//		y += ySpacing;
//	}
Exemple #4
void BadKeyWindow::Create()

    InvertedBox *box = new InvertedBox();
    box->SetProperties( "invert", 10, 30, m_w-20, m_h-70, " ", " ", false, false );
    RegisterButton( box );

#if !defined(RETAIL_DEMO)
    if( m_offerDemo )
        PlayDemoButton *demo = new PlayDemoButton();
        demo->SetProperties( "Play Demo", m_w - 330, m_h - 30, 100, 20, "dialog_play_demo", " ", true, false );
        demo->m_forceVisible = true;
        RegisterButton( demo );

#if !defined(RETAIL)
   // BuyNowButton *buyNow = new BuyNowButton();
  //  buyNow->SetProperties( "Buy Now", m_w - 220, m_h - 30, 100, 20, "dialog_buy_now", " ", true, false );    
   // buyNow->m_closeOnClick = false;
   // RegisterButton( buyNow );

    CloseButton *close = new CloseButton();
    close->SetProperties( "Close", m_w - 110, m_h - 30, 100, 20, "dialog_close", " ", true, false );
    RegisterButton( close );
void CeaseFireWindow::Create()
    ConfirmCeaseFireButton *yes = new ConfirmCeaseFireButton();
    yes->SetProperties( "CeaseFireYes", 20, m_h-30, 80, 20, "dialog_yes", "", true, false );
    RegisterButton( yes );

    CloseButton *no = new CloseButton();
    no->SetProperties( "CeaseFireNo", m_w-100, m_h-30, 80, 20, "dialog_no", "", true, false );
    RegisterButton( no );
void ShareRadarWindow::Create()
    ConfirmShareRadarButton *yes = new ConfirmShareRadarButton();
    yes->SetProperties( "ShareRadarWindowYes", 20, m_h-30, 80, 20, "dialog_yes", "", true, false );
    RegisterButton( yes );

    CloseButton *no = new CloseButton();
    no->SetProperties( "ShareRadarWindowNo", m_w-100, m_h-30, 80, 20, "dialog_no", "", true, false );
    RegisterButton( no );
void ConnectingWindow::Create()
    InvertedBox *box = new InvertedBox();
    box->SetProperties( "invert", 10, 30, m_w-20, m_h-70, " ", " ", false, false );
    RegisterButton( box );

    AbortButton *abort = new AbortButton();
    abort->SetProperties( "Abort", m_w/2-50, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_abort", "dialog_abort_current_connection", true, true );
    RegisterButton( abort );
void LandscapeGuideGridWindow::Create()
	m_tileDef = g_app->m_location->m_levelFile->m_landscape.m_tiles.GetData(m_tileId);
    m_guideGridPower = m_tileDef->GuideGridGetPower();

    int gridW = m_w - 80;
    int gridH = m_h - 80;

    int biggerSize = min( gridW, gridH );
    if( m_guideGridPower > 0 )
        m_pixelSizePerSample = biggerSize / m_tileDef->m_guideGrid->GetNumColumns();
        m_pixelSizePerSample = 0;

    GuideGridButton *generate = new GuideGridButton();
    generate->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_generate"), 10, 25, 75 );
    RegisterButton( generate );

    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_resolution"), InputField::TypeInt, &m_guideGridPower,	25, 1, 0, 5, generate, 100, 150  );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_toolsize"), InputField::TypeFloat, &m_toolSize,			45, 1, 1.0f, 40.0f, NULL, 100, 150 );

    // Create guide grid and paint controls

    GuideGrid *guideGrid = new GuideGrid();
    guideGrid->SetProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_guidegrid"), 10, 70, gridW, gridH );
    RegisterButton( guideGrid );

    int controlsX = gridW + 15;
    int controlsY = 70;
    int controlsW = 60;
    int controlsH = 17;

    GuideGridTool *freehand = new GuideGridTool( GuideGridToolFreehand );
    freehand->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_freehand"), controlsX, controlsY, controlsW );
    RegisterButton( freehand );

    GuideGridTool *flatten = new GuideGridTool( GuideGridToolFlatten );
    flatten->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_flatten"), controlsX, controlsY += controlsH, controlsW );
    RegisterButton( flatten );

    GuideGridTool *binary = new GuideGridTool( GuideGridToolBinary );
    binary->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_binary"), controlsX, controlsY += controlsH, controlsW );
    RegisterButton( binary );

void LandscapeTileEditWindow::Create()

	m_tileDef = g_app->m_location->m_levelFile->m_landscape.m_tiles.GetData(m_tileId);
	Landscape *land = &g_app->m_location->m_landscape;

	int height = 5;
	int pitch = 17;
	int buttonWidth = m_w - 50;

	LandscapeTileButton *gen = new LandscapeTileButton(m_tileDef);
	gen->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_generate"), 10, height += pitch, m_w - 20 );

	LandscapeTileButton *randomise = new LandscapeTileButton(m_tileDef);
	randomise->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_randomise"), 10, height += pitch, m_w - 20 );

    LandscapeTileButton *deleteTile = new LandscapeTileButton(m_tileDef);
    deleteTile->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_delete"), 10, height += pitch, m_w - 20 );

    LandscapeTileButton *clone = new LandscapeTileButton(m_tileDef);
    clone->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_clone"), 10, height += pitch, m_w - 20 );

    LandscapeTileButton *guideGrid = new LandscapeTileButton(m_tileDef);
    guideGrid->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_guidegrid"), 10, height += pitch, m_w - 20 );

    height += 6;

#define FLOAT InputField::TypeFloat
#define INTGR InputField::TypeInt
#define Y height += pitch
    int celSz = floorf(land->m_heightMap->m_cellSizeX);
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_noiseperiod"),       FLOAT, &m_tileDef->m_fractalDimension,		Y, 0.01f,	0.0f,	10.0f,	gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_noisescale"),		FLOAT, &m_tileDef->m_heightScale,			Y, 0.02f,	0.0f,	10.0f,	gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_height"),            FLOAT, &m_tileDef->m_desiredHeight,			Y, 5.0f,	0.0f,	1000.0f,gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_method"),            INTGR, &m_tileDef->m_generationMethod,		Y, 1,		0,		2,		gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_lowlandsmooth"),     FLOAT, &m_tileDef->m_lowlandSmoothingFactor,Y, 0.02f,	0.0f,	3.0f,	gen );
	CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_posX"),              INTGR, &m_tileDef->m_posX,					Y, celSz,	-10000,	10000,	gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_posY"),              FLOAT, &m_tileDef->m_posY,					Y, 0.5f,	-1000,	1000,	gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_posZ"),              INTGR, &m_tileDef->m_posZ,					Y, celSz,	-10000,	10000,	gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_size"),	            INTGR, &m_tileDef->m_size,					Y, 10,		0,		10000,	gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_seed"),              INTGR, &m_tileDef->m_randomSeed,			Y, 1,		0,		1e10,	gen );
#undef FLOAT
#undef INTGR
#undef Y
void LandscapeEditWindow::Create()

	int height = 5;
	int pitch = 17;
	int buttonWidth = m_w - 20;

	LandscapeTileButton *gen = new LandscapeTileButton(NULL);
	gen->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_generate"), 10, height += pitch, m_w - 20);

    NewTileButton *newTile = new NewTileButton();
    newTile->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_newtile"), 10, height += pitch, m_w - 20);

    NewFlattenAreaButton *newFlat = new NewFlattenAreaButton();
    newFlat->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_newflattenarea"), 10, height += pitch, m_w - 20);

    height += 8;

    ScaleLandscapeButton *scaleDown = new ScaleLandscapeButton();
    scaleDown->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_scaledown"), 10, height += pitch, m_w - 20 );
    scaleDown->m_scaleFactor = 0.95f;
    RegisterButton( scaleDown );

    ScaleLandscapeButton *scaleUp = new ScaleLandscapeButton();
    scaleUp->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_scaleup"), 10, height += pitch, m_w - 20 );
    scaleUp->m_scaleFactor = 1.05f;
    RegisterButton( scaleUp );

    height += 8;

#define FLOAT InputField::TypeFloat
#define INTGR InputField::TypeInt
#define Y height += pitch

	LandscapeDef *landDef = &g_app->m_location->m_levelFile->m_landscape;
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_outsideheight"), FLOAT, &landDef->m_outsideHeight,	Y, 1.0f,	-100,	100,	gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_cellsize"),		FLOAT, &landDef->m_cellSize,		Y, 1,		1.0f,	100.0f,	gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_worldsizex"),	INTGR, &landDef->m_worldSizeX,		Y, 10,		1,		1e6,	gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_worldsizez"),    INTGR, &landDef->m_worldSizeZ,		Y, 10,		1,		1e6,	gen );

#undef FLOAT
#undef INTGR
#undef Y

    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_movebuildings"), InputField::TypeInt, &g_app->m_locationEditor->m_moveBuildingsWithLandscape,
                        height+=pitch, 1, 0, 1 );
void SoundProfileWindow::Create()

	ResetHistoryButton *mainResetButton = new ResetHistoryButton(
	mainResetButton->SetShortProperties("Reset", 10, 27);
	strcpy(mainResetButton->m_name, "Main Reset");

	ResetHistoryButton *eventResetButton = new ResetHistoryButton(
	eventResetButton->SetShortProperties("Reset", 10, 283);
	strcpy(eventResetButton->m_name, "Event Reset");
void InterfaceWindow::CreateValueControl( char *name, int x, int y, int w, int h,
                                          int dataType, void *value, float change, float _lowBound, float _highBound,
                                          InterfaceButton *callback, char *tooltip, bool tooltipIsLanguagePhrase )
    InputField *input = new InputField();
    if( dataType == InputField::TypeString )
        input->SetProperties( name, x, y, w, h, name, tooltip, false, tooltipIsLanguagePhrase );
        input->SetProperties( name, x+h+2, y, w-h*2-4, h, name, tooltip, false, tooltipIsLanguagePhrase );

	input->m_lowBound = _lowBound;
	input->m_highBound = _highBound;
    input->SetCallback( callback );
    switch( dataType )
        case InputField::TypeChar:      input->RegisterChar     ( (unsigned char *) value );    break;
        case InputField::TypeInt:       input->RegisterInt      ( (int *) value );              break;
        case InputField::TypeFloat:     input->RegisterFloat    ( (float *) value );            break;
        case InputField::TypeString:    input->RegisterString   ( (char *) value );             break;
    RegisterButton( input );

    if( dataType != InputField::TypeString )
        char nameLeft[64];
        sprintf( nameLeft, "%s left", name );
        InputScroller *left = new InputScroller();
        left->SetProperties( nameLeft, input->m_x - h-2, y, h, h, " ", "dialog_decrease", false, true );
        left->m_inputField = input;
        left->m_change = -change;
        RegisterButton( left );

        char nameRight[64];
        sprintf( nameRight, "%s right", name );
        InputScroller *right = new InputScroller();
        right->SetProperties( nameRight, input->m_x + input->m_w+2, y, h, h, " ", "dialog_increase", false, true );
        right->m_inputField = input;
        right->m_change = change;
        RegisterButton( right );
void GameMenuWindow::SetupMainPage()
    int x, y, gap;
    GetDefaultPositions( &x, &y, &gap );
    int h = 60;
    int w = 300;

    //DarwiniaModeButton *dmb = new DarwiniaModeButton( "icons/menu_darwinia.bmp" );
    DarwiniaModeButton *dmb = new DarwiniaModeButton( "Darwinia" );
    dmb->SetShortProperties("darwinia", x, y, w, h );
    RegisterButton( dmb );
    m_buttonOrder.PutData( dmb );

    QuitButton *quit = new QuitButton();
    quit->SetShortProperties( "quit", x, y+=gap, w, h );
    RegisterButton( quit );
    m_buttonOrder.PutData( quit );
void ReallyQuitWindow::Create()

	int y = 0, h = 30;

    DarwiniaButton *exit = new GameExitButton();
    exit->SetShortProperties( "Leave Darwinia", 10, y+=h, m_w-20, 20 );
    exit->m_fontSize = 13;
    exit->m_centered = true;
    RegisterButton( exit );

    DarwiniaButton *close = new CloseButton();
    close->SetShortProperties( "No. Play On!", 10, y+=h, m_w-20, 20 );
    close->m_fontSize = 13;
    close->m_centered = true;
    RegisterButton( close );
void BuyNowWindow::Create()
	int y = m_h;
	int h = 30;
    DarwiniaButton *close = new CloseButton();
    close->SetShortProperties( "Later", 10, y-=h, m_w-20, 20, "", "" );
    close->m_fontSize = 13;
    close->m_centered = true;
    RegisterButton( close );
    DarwiniaButton *buy = new BuyNowButton();
    buy->SetShortProperties( "Register Now", 10, y-=h, m_w-20, 20, "", "" );
    buy->m_fontSize = 13;
    buy->m_centered = true;
    RegisterButton( buy );
void MessageDialog::Create()
	int const buttonWidth = GetMenuSize(40);
	int const buttonHeight = GetMenuSize(18);
	OKButton *button = new OKButton(this);

    char *caption = "Close";
    if( g_app->m_langTable ) caption = LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_close");

    button->SetShortProperties( caption, (m_w - buttonWidth)/2, m_h - GetMenuSize(30), buttonWidth, buttonHeight );
    button->m_fontSize = GetMenuSize(11);
    RegisterButton( button );
void LandscapeFlattenAreaEditWindow::Create()

	m_areaDef = g_app->m_location->m_levelFile->m_landscape.m_flattenAreas.GetData(m_areaId);

	int height = 5;
	int pitch = 17;
	int buttonWidth = m_w - 20;

	LandscapeTileButton *gen = new LandscapeTileButton(NULL);
	gen->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_generate"), 10, height += pitch, m_w - 20);

    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_size"), InputField::TypeFloat, &m_areaDef->m_size, height += pitch, 1, 0, 1000, gen );
    CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_height"), InputField::TypeFloat, &m_areaDef->m_centre.y, height += pitch, 1, -1000, 1000, gen );

	LandscapeFlattenAreaDeleteButton *del = new LandscapeFlattenAreaDeleteButton(m_areaId);
	del->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_delete"), 10, height += pitch, buttonWidth);

void GameMenuWindow::SetupDarwiniaPage()
    int x, y, gap;
    GetDefaultPositions( &x, &y, &gap );
    int h = 60;
    int w = 300;

//    PrologueButton *pb = new PrologueButton( "icons/menu_prologue.bmp" );
    PrologueButton *pb = new PrologueButton( "Prologue" );
    pb->SetShortProperties("prologue", x, y, w, h );
    RegisterButton( pb );
    m_buttonOrder.PutData( pb );

//    CampaignButton *cb = new CampaignButton( "icons/menu_campaign.bmp" );
    CampaignButton *cb = new CampaignButton( "Campaign" );
    cb->SetShortProperties( "campaign", x, y+=gap, w, h );
    RegisterButton( cb );
    m_buttonOrder.PutData( cb);

    QuitButton *quit = new QuitButton();
    quit->SetShortProperties( "quit", x, y+=gap, w, h );
    RegisterButton( quit );
    m_buttonOrder.PutData( quit );
Exemple #19
void NetworkWindow::Create()

    if( g_app->GetServer() )
        int maxClients = g_app->GetGame()->GetOptionValue("MaxTeams") +

        int boxH = maxClients * 20 + 15;
        SetSize( m_w, 170 + boxH );
        InvertedBox *box = new InvertedBox();
        box->SetProperties( "invert", 10, 110, m_w-20, boxH, " ", " ", false, false );
        RegisterButton( box );
Exemple #20
void AuthKeyWindow::Create()

    InvertedBox *invert = new InvertedBox();
    invert->SetProperties( "invert", 10, 30, m_w-20, m_h - 70, " ", " ", false, false );
    RegisterButton( invert );
    AuthInputField *input = new AuthInputField();
    input->SetProperties( "Key", 40, 50, 620, 30, " ", " ", false, false );
    input->RegisterString( m_key );
    RegisterButton( input );

	// Only show the paste button on platforms with a paste implementation
#if defined(TARGET_MSVC) || defined(TARGET_OS_MACOSX)
    PasteKeyButton *paste = new PasteKeyButton();
    paste->SetProperties( "Paste", 10, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_paste", "dialog_paste_tooltip", true, true );
    RegisterButton( paste );
    ApplyKeyButton *apply = new ApplyKeyButton();
    apply->SetProperties( "Apply", m_w-220, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_apply", " ", true, false );
    RegisterButton( apply );

    PlayDemoButton *demo = new PlayDemoButton();
    demo->SetProperties( "Play Demo", m_w/2-50, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_play_demo", " ", true, false );
    demo->m_forceVisible = false;
    RegisterButton( demo );

    CloseButton *close = new CloseButton();
    close->SetProperties( "Close", m_w-110, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_close", " ", true, false );

    // Auto-select the chat box if the key is empty

    char authKey[256];
    Authentication_GetKey( authKey );
    if( stricmp(authKey, "authkey not found") == 0 ||
        strlen(authKey) < 3 )
void MainEditWindow::Create()
	int y = 3;
	int buttonYPitch = 18;

	MainEditWindowButton *button;
	button = new MainEditWindowButton(LocationEditor::ModeLandTile);
	button->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_editlandtiles"), 7, y += buttonYPitch, m_w - 15 );

	button = new MainEditWindowButton(LocationEditor::ModeLandFlat);
	button->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_editflattenareas"), 7, y += buttonYPitch, m_w - 15 );

    button = new MainEditWindowButton(LocationEditor::ModeLight);
	button->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_editlights"), 7, y += buttonYPitch, m_w - 15 );

    button = new MainEditWindowButton(LocationEditor::ModeBuilding);
    button->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_editbuildings"), 7, y += buttonYPitch, m_w - 15 );

    button = new MainEditWindowButton(LocationEditor::ModeInstantUnit);
    button->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_editinstantunits"), 7, y += buttonYPitch, m_w - 15 );

    button = new MainEditWindowButton(LocationEditor::ModeCameraMount);
    button->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_editcameramounts"), 7, y += buttonYPitch, m_w - 15 );

	y += 6;

	button = new MainEditWindowButton(MainEditWindowButton::TypeSave);
	button->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_save"), 7, y += buttonYPitch, m_w - 15);
Exemple #22
void AlliancesWindow::Create()

    float xPos = 20;
    float yPos = 60;
    float width = m_w - 270;
    float height = 30;
    float gap = 7;

    int permitDefection = g_app->GetGame()->GetOptionValue( "PermitDefection" );
    int sharingRadar = g_app->GetGame()->GetOptionValue("RadarSharing");

    // Invert box

    InvertedBox *box = new InvertedBox();
    box->SetProperties( "box", xPos-10, yPos-10, width+20, (height+gap) * g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size() + 15, " ", " ", false, false );
    RegisterButton( box );

    // Buttons for each team

    for( int i = 0; i < g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size(); ++i )
        char name[256];
        sprintf( name, "Team %d", i );

        AllianceTeamButton *team = new AllianceTeamButton();
        team->SetProperties( name, xPos, yPos, width, height, " ", " ", false, false );
        team->m_teamIndex = i;
        RegisterButton( team );

        if( permitDefection )
            sprintf( name, "ceasfire %d", i );
            RequestCeasefireButton *ceasefire = new RequestCeasefireButton();
            ceasefire->SetProperties( name, xPos + 295, yPos+5, 18, 18, " ", " ", false, false );
            ceasefire->m_teamIndex = i;
            RegisterButton( ceasefire );

        if( sharingRadar == 2 )
            sprintf( name, "shareradar %d", i );
            RequestShareRadarButton *shareRadar = new RequestShareRadarButton();
            shareRadar->SetProperties( name, xPos + 235, yPos+5, 18, 18, " ", " ", false, false );
            shareRadar->m_teamIndex = i;
            RegisterButton( shareRadar );
        yPos += height;
        yPos += gap;

    yPos += gap * 2;

    // Join / Leave / Kick button
    if( permitDefection )
        JoinLeaveButton *joinLeave = new JoinLeaveButton();
        joinLeave->SetProperties( "JoinLeave", xPos+width/2 - 120, yPos, 240, 23, " ", " ", false, false );
        RegisterButton( joinLeave );

    yPos += 25;
    yPos += gap;
    height = 40;

    // Close button

    CloseButton *close = new CloseButton();
    close->SetProperties( "Close", m_w - 110, m_y - 25, 100, 18, "dialog_close", " ", true, false );
    RegisterButton( close );

    // Once button for each vote

    for( int i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMS; ++i )
        char name[256];
        sprintf( name, "Vote %d", i );

        AllianceVoteButton *vote = new AllianceVoteButton();
        vote->SetProperties( name, xPos, yPos, width, height, " ", " ", false, false );
        vote->m_voteIndex = i;
        RegisterButton( vote );

        yPos += height;
        yPos += gap;
void InterfaceWindow::Create()
    CloseButton *cb = new CloseButton();
    cb->SetProperties( "Close", m_w - 17, 4, 13, 13, " ", "tooltip_close_window", false, true );
    RegisterButton( cb );
void SoundParameterEditor::Create()

    // Parameter type

    DropDownMenu *paramType = new DropDownMenu(false);
    paramType->SetShortProperties( "ParameterType", 10, 30, 150, -1, UnicodeString("ParameterType") );
    for( int i = 0; i < SoundParameter::NumParameterTypes; ++i )
        paramType->AddOption( SoundParameter::GetParameterTypeName(i) );
    paramType->RegisterInt( &m_parameter->m_type );
    RegisterButton( paramType );

    // Link type

    LinkTypeMenu *linkType = new LinkTypeMenu();
    linkType->SetShortProperties( "LinkType", 10, 50, 150, -1, UnicodeString("LinkType") );
    for( int i = 0; i < SoundParameter::NumLinkTypes; ++i )
        linkType->AddOption( SoundParameter::GetLinkName(i) );
    linkType->RegisterInt( &m_parameter->m_link );
    RegisterButton( linkType );

    // Smoothing factor

    CreateValueControl( "SmoothFactor", &m_parameter->m_smooth, 30, 0.05, 0.0, 0.99, NULL, 170, m_w - 180 );

    // Update type

    UpdateTypeMenu *updateType = new UpdateTypeMenu();
    updateType->SetShortProperties( "UpdateType", 170, 50, m_w - 180, -1, UnicodeString("UpdateType") );
    for( int i = 0; i < SoundParameter::NumUpdateTypes; ++i )
        updateType->AddOption( SoundParameter::GetUpdateTypeName(i) );
    updateType->RegisterInt( &m_parameter->m_updateType );
    RegisterButton( updateType );

    // Graph 
    SoundParameterGraph *graph = new SoundParameterGraph();
    graph->SetShortProperties( "graph", 10, 70, m_w - 20, m_h - 80, UnicodeString("  ") );
	//strcpy(graph->m_name, "graph");
    graph->SetParameter( m_parameter, m_minOutput, m_maxOutput );
    RegisterButton( graph );

//	SoundParameterGraphScaleToggle *scaleToggle = new SoundParameterGraphScaleToggle();
//	scaleToggle->SetShortProperties("Toggle Scale", 10, 50, 150);
//	RegisterButton(scaleToggle);
void BuildingEditWindow::Create()

	Building *building = g_app->m_location->GetBuilding(g_app->m_locationEditor->m_selectionId);

	int buttonPitch = 18;
	int y = 6;

    ToolButton *mb = new ToolButton(LocationEditor::ToolMove);
	mb->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_move"), 10, y += buttonPitch, m_w-20);

    ToolButton *rb = new ToolButton(LocationEditor::ToolRotate);
	rb->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_rotate"), 10, y += buttonPitch, m_w-20);

    CloneBuildingButton *clone = new CloneBuildingButton();
    clone->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_clone"), 10, y+=buttonPitch, m_w-20);

    DeleteBuildingButton *db = new DeleteBuildingButton();
    db->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_delete"), 10, y += buttonPitch, m_w-20);

    ToolButton *lb = new ToolButton(LocationEditor::ToolLink);
    lb->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_link"), 10, y += buttonPitch, m_w-20);

	y += buttonPitch;

    for( int i = -1; i < 3; ++i )
        char name[256];
        int w = m_w/4 - 5;
        sprintf( name, "T%d",i);
        TeamButton *tb = new TeamButton(i);
        tb->SetShortProperties(name, 61 + (float)i*((float)w + 1.0f), y, w - 2);

	CreateValueControl(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_dynamic"), InputField::TypeChar, &building->m_dynamic, y += buttonPitch,
					   1.0f, 0, 1);

	CreateValueControl(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_isglobal"), InputField::TypeChar, &building->m_isGlobal, y += buttonPitch,
					   1.0f, 0, 1);

    if (building->m_type == Building::TypeFactory)
		InputField *intExtra = new InputField();
		intExtra->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_spirits"), 10, y += buttonPitch, m_w-20);
		Factory *factory = (Factory*)building;
    else if (building->m_type == Building::TypeTrunkPort)
        InputField *inExtra = new InputField();
        inExtra->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_targetlocation"), 10, y += buttonPitch, m_w-20);
        TrunkPort *port = (TrunkPort *) building;
        inExtra->RegisterInt( &port->m_targetLocationId );
    else if (building->m_type == Building::TypeLaserFence)
        LaserFence *fence = (LaserFence *) building;
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_scale"), InputField::TypeFloat, &fence->m_scale, y+=buttonPitch, 0.01f, 0.0f, 100.0f );

       DropDownMenu *menu = new DropDownMenu(true);
        menu->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_mode"), 10, y+=buttonPitch, m_w-20 );
        menu->AddOption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_disabled") );
        menu->AddOption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_enabling") );
        menu->AddOption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_enabled") );
        menu->AddOption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_disabling") );
		menu->AddOption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_neveron") );
        menu->RegisterInt( &fence->m_mode );
        RegisterButton( menu );
    else if(building->m_type == Building::TypeAntHill)
        AntHill *antHill = (AntHill *) building;
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_numants"), InputField::TypeInt, &antHill->m_numAntsInside, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 1000 );
    else if(building->m_type == Building::TypeSafeArea)
        SafeArea *safeArea = (SafeArea *) building;
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_size"), InputField::TypeFloat, &safeArea->m_size, y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_capacity"), InputField::TypeInt, &safeArea->m_entitiesRequired, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 10000 );

        DropDownMenu *menu = new DropDownMenu(true);
        menu->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_entitytype"), 10, y+=buttonPitch, m_w-20 );
        for( int i = 0; i < Entity::NumEntityTypes; ++i)
            menu->AddOption( Entity::GetTypeNameTranslated(i), i );
        menu->RegisterInt( &safeArea->m_entityTypeRequired );
        RegisterButton( menu );
    else if(building->m_type == Building::TypeTrackStart)
        TrackStart *trackStart = (TrackStart *) building;
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_toggledby"), InputField::TypeInt, &trackStart->m_reqBuildingId, y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1000.0f );
    else if(building->m_type == Building::TypeTrackEnd)
        TrackEnd *trackEnd = (TrackEnd *) building;
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_toggledby"), InputField::TypeInt, &trackEnd->m_reqBuildingId, y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1000.0f );
    else if(building->m_type == Building::TypePylonStart)
        PylonStart *pylonStart = (PylonStart *) building;
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_toggledby"), InputField::TypeInt, &pylonStart->m_reqBuildingId, y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1000.0f );
    else if(building->m_type == Building::TypeResearchItem )
        DropDownMenu *menu = new DropDownMenu(true);
        menu->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_research"), 10, y+=buttonPitch, m_w-20 );
        for( int i = 0; i < GlobalResearch::NumResearchItems; ++i )
            menu->AddOption( GlobalResearch::GetTypeNameTranslated( i ), i );
        menu->RegisterInt( &((ResearchItem *)building)->m_researchType );
        RegisterButton( menu );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_level"), InputField::TypeInt, &((ResearchItem *)building)->m_level, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 4 );
    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeTriffid )
        Triffid *triffid = (Triffid *) building;
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_size"), InputField::TypeFloat, &triffid->m_size, y+=buttonPitch, 0.1f, 0.0f, 50.0f );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_pitch"), InputField::TypeFloat, &triffid->m_pitch, y+=buttonPitch, 0.1f, -M_PI, M_PI );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_force"), InputField::TypeFloat, &triffid->m_force, y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_variance"), InputField::TypeFloat, &triffid->m_variance, y+=buttonPitch, 0.01f, 0.0f, M_PI );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_reload"), InputField::TypeFloat, &triffid->m_reloadTime, y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f );

        for( int i = 0; i < Triffid::NumSpawnTypes; ++i )
            CreateValueControl( Triffid::GetSpawnNameTranslated(i), InputField::TypeChar, &triffid->m_spawn[i], y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );

        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_usetrigger"), InputField::TypeChar, &triffid->m_useTrigger, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 1 );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_triggerX"), InputField::TypeFloat, &triffid->m_triggerLocation.x, y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, -10000.0f, 10000.0f );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_triggerZ"), InputField::TypeFloat, &triffid->m_triggerLocation.z, y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, -10000.0f, 10000.0f );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_triggerrad"), InputField::TypeFloat, &triffid->m_triggerRadius, y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f );

    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeBlueprintRelay )
        BlueprintRelay *relay = (BlueprintRelay *) building;
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_altitude"), InputField::TypeFloat, &relay->m_altitude, y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f );
    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeBlueprintConsole )
        BlueprintConsole *console = (BlueprintConsole *) building;
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_segment"), InputField::TypeInt, &console->m_segment, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 3 );
    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeAISpawnPoint )
        AISpawnPoint *spawn = (AISpawnPoint *) building;
        DropDownMenu *menu = new DropDownMenu();
        menu->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_entitytype"), 10, y+=buttonPitch, m_w-20 );
        for( int i = 0; i < Entity::NumEntityTypes; ++i )
            menu->AddOption( Entity::GetTypeNameTranslated(i), i );
        menu->RegisterInt( &spawn->m_entityType );

        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_count"), InputField::TypeInt, &spawn->m_count, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 1000 );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_period"), InputField::TypeInt, &spawn->m_period, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 1000 );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_spawnlimit"), InputField::TypeInt, &spawn->m_spawnLimit, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 1000 );
    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeSpawnPopulationLock )
        SpawnPopulationLock *lock = (SpawnPopulationLock *) building;

        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_searchradius"), InputField::TypeFloat, &lock->m_searchRadius, y+=buttonPitch, 1.0f, 0.0f, 10000.0f );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_maxpopulation"), InputField::TypeInt, &lock->m_maxPopulation, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 10000 );
    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeSpawnLink ||
             building->m_type == Building::TypeSpawnPointMaster ||
             building->m_type == Building::TypeSpawnPoint )
        class ClearLinksButton: public DarwiniaButton
            int m_buildingId;
            void MouseUp()
                SpawnBuilding *building = (SpawnBuilding *) g_app->m_location->GetBuilding( m_buildingId );

        ClearLinksButton *button = new ClearLinksButton();
        button->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_clearlinks"), 10, y+=buttonPitch, m_w-20 );
        button->m_buildingId = building->m_id.GetUniqueId();
        RegisterButton( button );
    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeScriptTrigger )
        ScriptTrigger *trigger = (ScriptTrigger *) building;

        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_range"), InputField::TypeFloat, &trigger->m_range, y+=buttonPitch, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1000.0f );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_script"), InputField::TypeString, trigger->m_scriptFilename, y+=buttonPitch, 0,0,0 );

        DropDownMenu *menu = new DropDownMenu(true);
        menu->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_entitytype"), 10, y+=buttonPitch, m_w-20 );
        menu->AddOption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_always"), SCRIPTRIGGER_RUNALWAYS );
        menu->AddOption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_never"), SCRIPTRIGGER_RUNNEVER );
        menu->AddOption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_cameraenter"), SCRIPTRIGGER_RUNCAMENTER );
        menu->AddOption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_cameraview"), SCRIPTRIGGER_RUNCAMVIEW );
        for( int i = 0; i < Entity::NumEntityTypes; ++i)
            menu->AddOption( Entity::GetTypeNameTranslated(i), i );
        menu->RegisterInt( &trigger->m_entityType);
        RegisterButton( menu );
    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeStaticShape )
        StaticShape *staticShape = (StaticShape *) building;

        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_scale"), InputField::TypeFloat, &staticShape->m_scale, y+=buttonPitch, 0.1f, 0.0f, 100.0f );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_shape"), InputField::TypeString, &staticShape->m_shapeName, y+=buttonPitch, 0,0,0 );
    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeIncubator )
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_spirits"), InputField::TypeInt, &((Incubator *) building)->m_numStartingSpirits, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 1000 );
    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeEscapeRocket )
        EscapeRocket *rocket = (EscapeRocket *) building;

        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_fuel"), InputField::TypeFloat, &rocket->m_fuel, y+=buttonPitch, 0.1f, 0.0f, 100.0f );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_passengers"), InputField::TypeInt, &rocket->m_passengers, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 100 );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_spawnport"), InputField::TypeInt, &rocket->m_spawnBuildingId, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 9999 );
    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeDynamicHub )
        DynamicHub *hub = (DynamicHub *)building;

        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_shape"), InputField::TypeString, &hub->m_shapeName, y+=buttonPitch, 0,0,0 );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_requiredscore"), InputField::TypeInt, &hub->m_requiredScore, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 100000 );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_minlinks"), InputField::TypeInt, &hub->m_minActiveLinks, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 100 );
    else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeDynamicNode )
        DynamicNode *node = (DynamicNode *)building;

        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_shape"), InputField::TypeString, &node->m_shapeName, y+=buttonPitch, 0,0,0 );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_pointspersec"), InputField::TypeInt, &node->m_scoreValue, y+=buttonPitch, 1, 0, 1000 );
	else if( building->m_type == Building::TypeFenceSwitch )
		FenceSwitch *fs = (FenceSwitch *)building;

		CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_switchonce"), InputField::TypeInt, &fs->m_lockable, y+=buttonPitch, 0, 1, 0 );
        CreateValueControl( LANGUAGEPHRASE("editor_script"), InputField::TypeString, &fs->m_script, y+=buttonPitch, 0, 0, 0 );

void CheatWindow::Create()
    int y = 25;

    bool show = true;

    if( show )
        KillAllEnemiesButton *killAllEnemies = new KillAllEnemiesButton();
        killAllEnemies->SetShortProperties( "Kill All Enemies", 10, y, m_w - 20, -1, UnicodeString("Kill All Enemies") );
        RegisterButton( killAllEnemies );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( killAllEnemies );

        SpawnDarwiniansButton *spawnDarwiniansGreen = new SpawnDarwiniansButton();
        spawnDarwiniansGreen->SetShortProperties( "Spawn Green", 10, y += 20, (m_w - 25)/2, -1, UnicodeString("Spawn Green") );
        spawnDarwiniansGreen->m_teamId = 0;
        RegisterButton( spawnDarwiniansGreen );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( spawnDarwiniansGreen );

        SpawnDarwiniansButton *spawnDarwiniansRed = new SpawnDarwiniansButton();
        spawnDarwiniansRed->SetShortProperties( "Spawn Red", spawnDarwiniansGreen->m_x+spawnDarwiniansGreen->m_w+5, y, (m_w - 25)/2,  -1, UnicodeString("Spawn Red") );
        if( g_app->m_location )
            spawnDarwiniansRed->m_teamId = 1;
        RegisterButton( spawnDarwiniansRed );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( spawnDarwiniansRed );

        SpawnDarwiniansButton *spawnDarwiniansYellow = new SpawnDarwiniansButton();
        spawnDarwiniansYellow->SetShortProperties( "Spawn Yellow", 10, y += 20, (m_w - 25)/2,  -1, UnicodeString("Spawn Yellow") );
        spawnDarwiniansYellow->m_teamId = 2;
        RegisterButton( spawnDarwiniansYellow );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( spawnDarwiniansYellow );

        SpawnDarwiniansButton *spawnDarwiniansblue = new SpawnDarwiniansButton();
        spawnDarwiniansblue->SetShortProperties( "Spawn Blue", spawnDarwiniansGreen->m_x+spawnDarwiniansGreen->m_w+5, y, (m_w - 25)/2,  -1, UnicodeString("Spawn Blue") );
        spawnDarwiniansblue->m_teamId = 3;
        RegisterButton( spawnDarwiniansblue );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( spawnDarwiniansblue );

        SpawnDarwiniansButton *spawnDarwiniansmonster = new SpawnDarwiniansButton();
        spawnDarwiniansmonster->SetShortProperties( "Spawn Virus", 10, y += 20, (m_w - 25)/2, -1, UnicodeString("Spawn Virus") );
        if( g_app->m_location )
            spawnDarwiniansmonster->m_teamId = g_app->m_location->GetMonsterTeamId();
        RegisterButton( spawnDarwiniansmonster );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( spawnDarwiniansmonster );

        SpawnDarwiniansButton *spawnDarwiniansfuture = new SpawnDarwiniansButton();
        spawnDarwiniansfuture->SetShortProperties( "Spawn Future", spawnDarwiniansGreen->m_x+spawnDarwiniansGreen->m_w+5, y, (m_w - 25)/2, -1, UnicodeString("Spawn Future") );
        if( g_app->m_location )
            spawnDarwiniansfuture->m_teamId = g_app->m_location->GetFuturewinianTeamId();
        RegisterButton( spawnDarwiniansfuture );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( spawnDarwiniansfuture );

        SpawnTankButton *spawnTankButton = new SpawnTankButton();
        spawnTankButton->SetShortProperties( "Spawn Armour", 10, y += 20, m_w - 20, -1, UnicodeString("Spawn Armour") );
        RegisterButton( spawnTankButton );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( spawnTankButton );

        SpawnViriiButton *spawnVirii = new SpawnViriiButton();
        spawnVirii->SetShortProperties( "Spawn Virii", 10, y += 20, m_w - 20, -1, UnicodeString("Spawn Virii") );
        RegisterButton( spawnVirii );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( spawnVirii );

        SpawnSpiritButton *spawnSpirits = new SpawnSpiritButton();
        spawnSpirits->SetShortProperties( "Spawn Spirits", 10, y += 20, m_w - 20, -1, UnicodeString("Spawn Spirits") );
        RegisterButton( spawnSpirits );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( spawnSpirits );
        AllowArbitraryPlacementButton *allowPlacement = new AllowArbitraryPlacementButton();
        allowPlacement->SetShortProperties( "Allow Arbitrary Placement", 10, y += 20, m_w - 20, -1, UnicodeString("Allow Arbitrary Placement") );
        RegisterButton( allowPlacement );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( allowPlacement );
        EnableGeneratorAndMineButton *enable = new EnableGeneratorAndMineButton();
        enable->SetShortProperties( "Enable Generator and Mine", 10, y += 20, m_w - 20, -1, UnicodeString("Enable Generator and Mine") );
        RegisterButton( enable );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( enable );

        EnableReceiverAndBufferButton *receiver = new EnableReceiverAndBufferButton();
        receiver->SetShortProperties( "Enable Receiver and Buffer", 10, y += 20, m_w - 20, -1, UnicodeString("Enable Receiver and Buffer") );
        RegisterButton( receiver );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( receiver );

        OpenAllLocationsButton *openAllLocations = new OpenAllLocationsButton();
        openAllLocations->SetShortProperties( "Open All Locations", 10, y += 20, m_w - 20, -1, UnicodeString("Open All Locations") );
        RegisterButton( openAllLocations );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( openAllLocations );

        GiveAllResearchButton *allResearch = new GiveAllResearchButton();
        allResearch->SetShortProperties( "Give all research", 10, y += 20, m_w - 20, -1, UnicodeString("Give all research") );
        RegisterButton( allResearch );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( allResearch );

        ClearResourcesButton *clearResources = new ClearResourcesButton();
        clearResources->SetShortProperties( "Clear Resources", 10, y += 20, m_w - 20, -1, UnicodeString("Clear Resources") );
        RegisterButton( clearResources );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( clearResources );

        SpawnPortsButton *spawnPorts = new SpawnPortsButton();
        spawnPorts->SetShortProperties( "Spawn Ports", 10, y+=20, m_w - 20,  -1, UnicodeString("Spawn Ports") );
        RegisterButton( spawnPorts );
	    m_buttonOrder.PutData( spawnPorts );

        if( g_app->Multiplayer() )
            CrateCreateButton *ccb = new CrateCreateButton();
            ccb->m_good = true;
            ccb->SetShortProperties( "GoodCrate", 10, y+=20, (m_w / 2) - 20, -1, UnicodeString("GoodCrate") );
            RegisterButton( ccb );
	        m_buttonOrder.PutData( ccb );

            DropDownMenu *crates = new DropDownMenu();
            crates->SetShortProperties( "Crates", m_w / 2, y, (m_w/2) - 10,  -1, UnicodeString("Crates"));
            for( int p = 0; p < Crate::NumCrateRewards; ++p )
                crates->AddOption( Crate::GetName(p), p );
            RegisterButton( crates );
	        m_buttonOrder.PutData( crates );
            crates->RegisterInt( &ccb->m_reward );

    ProfilerCreateButton *profiler = new ProfilerCreateButton();
    profiler->SetShortProperties( "Profiler", 10, y+=20, m_w-20,  -1, UnicodeString("Profiler"));
    RegisterButton( profiler );
	m_buttonOrder.PutData( profiler );
    SoundEditorCreateButton *soundEditor = new SoundEditorCreateButton();
    soundEditor->SetShortProperties( "Sound Editor", 10, y+=20, m_w-20,  -1, UnicodeString("Sound Editor"));
    RegisterButton( soundEditor );
	m_buttonOrder.PutData( soundEditor );

    SoundStatsCreateButton *soundStats = new SoundStatsCreateButton();
    soundStats->SetShortProperties( "Sound Stats", 10, y+=20, m_w-20, -1, UnicodeString("Sound Stats") );
    RegisterButton( soundStats );
	m_buttonOrder.PutData( soundStats );
#endif // SOUND_EDITOR

    NetworkStatsCreateButton *networkStats = new NetworkStatsCreateButton();
    networkStats->SetShortProperties( "Network Stats", 10, y+=20, m_w-20, -1, UnicodeString("Network Stats") );
    RegisterButton( networkStats );
	m_buttonOrder.PutData( networkStats );

	ShowDrSepulvedaFaceButton *faceButton = new ShowDrSepulvedaFaceButton();
    faceButton->SetShortProperties( "Network Stats", 10, y+=20, m_w-20, -1, UnicodeString("Show Dr S Face") );
    RegisterButton( faceButton );
	m_buttonOrder.PutData( faceButton );
Exemple #27
void SidePanel::ChangeMode( int mode )
    m_mode = mode;

    int x = 26;
    int y = 50;
    m_w = 100;

//    CreateExpandButton();

    if( m_mode == ModeUnitPlacement )
        UnitPlacementButton *radar = new UnitPlacementButton(WorldObject::TypeRadarStation);
        radar->SetProperties( "Radar", x, y, 48, 48, "", "tooltip_place_radar", false, true );
        RegisterButton( radar );

        UnitPlacementButton *silo = new UnitPlacementButton(WorldObject::TypeSilo);
        silo->SetProperties( "Silo", x, y+75, 48, 48, "", "tooltip_place_silo", false, true );
        RegisterButton( silo );

        UnitPlacementButton *airbase = new UnitPlacementButton(WorldObject::TypeAirBase);
        airbase->SetProperties( "AirBase", x, y+150, 48, 48, "", "tooltip_place_airbase", false, true );
        RegisterButton( airbase );

        Team *myTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( g_app->GetWorld()->m_myTeamId );
        int shipsRemaining = 0;
        shipsRemaining += myTeam->m_unitsAvailable[WorldObject::TypeBattleShip];
        shipsRemaining += myTeam->m_unitsAvailable[WorldObject::TypeCarrier];
        shipsRemaining += myTeam->m_unitsAvailable[WorldObject::TypeSub];

        PanelModeButton *fmb = new PanelModeButton( ModeFleetPlacement, true );
        fmb->SetProperties( "FleetMode", x, y+220, 48, 48, "dialog_fleets", "tooltip_fleet_button", true, true );
        strcpy( fmb->bmpImageFilename, "graphics/fleet.bmp" );
        if( shipsRemaining == 0 )
            fmb->m_disabled = true;
        RegisterButton( fmb );
    else if( m_mode == ModeFleetPlacement )
        m_w = 160;

        AddToFleetButton *battleship = new AddToFleetButton(WorldObject::TypeBattleShip);
        battleship->SetProperties( "BattleShip", x, y, 48, 48, "", "tooltip_place_battleship", false, true );
        RegisterButton( battleship );

        AddToFleetButton *sub = new AddToFleetButton(WorldObject::TypeSub);
        sub->SetProperties( "Sub", x, y+75, 48, 48, "", "tooltip_place_sub", false, true );
        RegisterButton( sub );

        AddToFleetButton *carrier = new AddToFleetButton(WorldObject::TypeCarrier);
        carrier->SetProperties( "Carrier", x, y+150, 48, 48, "", "tooltip_place_carrier", false, true );
        RegisterButton( carrier );

        PanelModeButton *umb = new PanelModeButton( ModeUnitPlacement, true );
        umb->SetProperties( "UnitMode", x, y+220, 48, 48, "dialog_units", "", true, false );
        strcpy( umb->bmpImageFilename, "graphics/units.bmp" );
        RegisterButton( umb );

        x = 120;
        y = 20;
        for( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
            char name[128];
            sprintf( name, "Remove Unit %d", i );
            RemoveUnitButton *rb = new RemoveUnitButton();
            rb->SetProperties( name, x, y, 40, 40, "", "tooltip_fleet_remove", false, true );
            rb->m_memberId = i;
            RegisterButton( rb );
            y += 50;   

        FleetPlacementButton *fpb = new FleetPlacementButton();
        fpb->SetProperties( "PlaceFleet", x, y, 40, 40, "dialog_place_fleet", "tooltip_fleet_place", true, true );
        RegisterButton( fpb );

        Team *myTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( g_app->GetWorld()->m_myTeamId );
        if( m_currentFleetId == -1 ||
            myTeam->m_fleets[myTeam->m_fleets.Size()-1]->m_active == true )
            int shipsRemaining = 0;
            shipsRemaining += myTeam->m_unitsAvailable[WorldObject::TypeBattleShip];
            shipsRemaining += myTeam->m_unitsAvailable[WorldObject::TypeCarrier];
            shipsRemaining += myTeam->m_unitsAvailable[WorldObject::TypeSub];
            if( shipsRemaining > 0 )
                m_currentFleetId = myTeam->m_fleets.Size();
                g_app->GetClientToServer()->RequestFleet( myTeam->m_teamId );