Exemple #1
 *	_bt_relandgetbuf() -- release a locked buffer and get another one.
 * This is equivalent to _bt_relbuf followed by _bt_getbuf, with the
 * exception that blkno may not be P_NEW.  Also, if obuf is InvalidBuffer
 * then it reduces to just _bt_getbuf; allowing this case simplifies some
 * callers.
 * The original motivation for using this was to avoid two entries to the
 * bufmgr when one would do.  However, now it's mainly just a notational
 * convenience.  The only case where it saves work over _bt_relbuf/_bt_getbuf
 * is when the target page is the same one already in the buffer.
_bt_relandgetbuf(Relation rel, Buffer obuf, BlockNumber blkno, int access)
	Buffer		buf;

	Assert(blkno != P_NEW);
	if (BufferIsValid(obuf))
		LockBuffer(obuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
	buf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(obuf, rel, blkno);
	LockBuffer(buf, access);
	_bt_checkpage(rel, buf);
	return buf;
Exemple #2
 * Locates leaf page contained tuple
RumBtreeStack *
rumReFindLeafPage(RumBtree btree, RumBtreeStack * stack)
	 * Traverse the tree upwards until we sure that requested leaf page is in
	 * this subtree. Or we can stop at root page.
	while (stack->parent)
		RumBtreeStack *ptr;
		Page		page;
		OffsetNumber maxoff;

		LockBuffer(stack->buffer, RUM_UNLOCK);
		stack->parent->buffer =
			ReleaseAndReadBuffer(stack->buffer, btree->index, stack->parent->blkno);
		LockBuffer(stack->parent->buffer, RUM_SHARE);

		ptr = stack;
		stack = stack->parent;

		page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);
		maxoff = RumPageGetOpaque(page)->maxoff;

		 * We don't know right bound of rightmost pointer. So, we can be sure
		 * that requested leaf page is in this subtree only when requested
		 * item pointer is less than item pointer previous to rightmost.
		if (compareRumItem(btree->rumstate, btree->entryAttnum,
			  &(((PostingItem *) RumDataPageGetItem(page, maxoff - 1))->item),
								   &btree->items[btree->curitem]) >= 0)

	/* Traverse tree downwards. */
	stack = rumFindLeafPage(btree, stack);
	return stack;
Exemple #3
 * Descend the tree to the leaf page that contains or would contain the key
 * we're searching for. The key should already be filled in 'btree', in
 * tree-type specific manner. If btree->fullScan is true, descends to the
 * leftmost leaf page.
 * If 'searchmode' is false, on return stack->buffer is exclusively locked,
 * and the stack represents the full path to the root. Otherwise stack->buffer
 * is share-locked, and stack->parent is NULL.
GinBtreeStack *
ginFindLeafPage(GinBtree btree, bool searchMode)
	GinBtreeStack *stack;

	stack = (GinBtreeStack *) palloc(sizeof(GinBtreeStack));
	stack->blkno = btree->rootBlkno;
	stack->buffer = ReadBuffer(btree->index, btree->rootBlkno);
	stack->parent = NULL;
	stack->predictNumber = 1;

	for (;;)
		Page		page;
		BlockNumber child;
		int			access;

		stack->off = InvalidOffsetNumber;

		page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);

		access = ginTraverseLock(stack->buffer, searchMode);

		 * If we're going to modify the tree, finish any incomplete splits we
		 * encounter on the way.
		if (!searchMode && GinPageIsIncompleteSplit(page))
			ginFinishSplit(btree, stack, false, NULL);

		 * ok, page is correctly locked, we should check to move right ..,
		 * root never has a right link, so small optimization
		while (btree->fullScan == FALSE && stack->blkno != btree->rootBlkno &&
			   btree->isMoveRight(btree, page))
			BlockNumber rightlink = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;

			if (rightlink == InvalidBlockNumber)
				/* rightmost page */

			stack->buffer = ginStepRight(stack->buffer, btree->index, access);
			stack->blkno = rightlink;
			page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);

			if (!searchMode && GinPageIsIncompleteSplit(page))
				ginFinishSplit(btree, stack, false, NULL);

		if (GinPageIsLeaf(page))	/* we found, return locked page */
			return stack;

		/* now we have correct buffer, try to find child */
		child = btree->findChildPage(btree, stack);

		LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
		Assert(child != InvalidBlockNumber);
		Assert(stack->blkno != child);

		if (searchMode)
			/* in search mode we may forget path to leaf */
			stack->blkno = child;
			stack->buffer = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(stack->buffer, btree->index, stack->blkno);
			GinBtreeStack *ptr = (GinBtreeStack *) palloc(sizeof(GinBtreeStack));

			ptr->parent = stack;
			stack = ptr;
			stack->blkno = child;
			stack->buffer = ReadBuffer(btree->index, stack->blkno);
			stack->predictNumber = 1;
Exemple #4
 * bitgetpage - subroutine for BitmapHeapNext()
 * This routine reads and pins the specified page of the relation, then
 * builds an array indicating which tuples on the page are both potentially
 * interesting according to the bitmap, and visible according to the snapshot.
static void
bitgetpage(HeapScanDesc scan, TBMIterateResult *tbmres)
	BlockNumber page = tbmres->blockno;
	Buffer		buffer;
	Snapshot	snapshot;
	int			ntup;

	 * Acquire pin on the target heap page, trading in any pin we held before.
	Assert(page < scan->rs_nblocks);

	scan->rs_cbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(scan->rs_cbuf,
	buffer = scan->rs_cbuf;
	snapshot = scan->rs_snapshot;

	ntup = 0;

	 * Prune and repair fragmentation for the whole page, if possible.
	heap_page_prune_opt(scan->rs_rd, buffer, RecentGlobalXmin);

	 * We must hold share lock on the buffer content while examining tuple
	 * visibility.	Afterwards, however, the tuples we have found to be
	 * visible are guaranteed good as long as we hold the buffer pin.
	LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);

	 * We need two separate strategies for lossy and non-lossy cases.
	if (tbmres->ntuples >= 0)
		 * Bitmap is non-lossy, so we just look through the offsets listed in
		 * tbmres; but we have to follow any HOT chain starting at each such
		 * offset.
		int			curslot;

		for (curslot = 0; curslot < tbmres->ntuples; curslot++)
			OffsetNumber offnum = tbmres->offsets[curslot];
			ItemPointerData tid;

			ItemPointerSet(&tid, page, offnum);
			if (heap_hot_search_buffer(&tid, scan->rs_rd, buffer, snapshot, NULL))
				scan->rs_vistuples[ntup++] = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&tid);
		 * Bitmap is lossy, so we must examine each item pointer on the page.
		 * But we can ignore HOT chains, since we'll check each tuple anyway.
		Page		dp = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);
		OffsetNumber maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(dp);
		OffsetNumber offnum;

		for (offnum = FirstOffsetNumber; offnum <= maxoff; offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
			ItemId		lp;
			HeapTupleData loctup;
			bool		valid;

			lp = PageGetItemId(dp, offnum);
			if (!ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
			loctup.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem((Page) dp, lp);
			loctup.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
			loctup.t_tableOid = scan->rs_rd->rd_id;
			ItemPointerSet(&loctup.t_self, page, offnum);
			valid = HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(&loctup, snapshot, buffer);
			if (valid)
				scan->rs_vistuples[ntup++] = offnum;
				PredicateLockTuple(scan->rs_rd, &loctup, snapshot);
			CheckForSerializableConflictOut(valid, scan->rs_rd, &loctup,
											buffer, snapshot);

	LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	Assert(ntup <= MaxHeapTuplesPerPage);
	scan->rs_ntuples = ntup;
Exemple #5
static void
rtdoinsert(Relation r, IndexTuple itup, RTSTATE *rtstate)
	Page		page;
	Buffer		buffer;
	BlockNumber blk;
	IndexTuple	which;
	OffsetNumber l;
	RTSTACK    *stack;
	RTreePageOpaque opaque;
	Datum		datum;

	blk = P_ROOT;
	buffer = InvalidBuffer;
	stack = NULL;

		/* release the current buffer, read in the next one */
		buffer = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(buffer, r, blk);
		page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);

		opaque = (RTreePageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
		if (!(opaque->flags & F_LEAF))
			RTSTACK    *n;
			ItemId		iid;

			n = (RTSTACK *) palloc(sizeof(RTSTACK));
			n->rts_parent = stack;
			n->rts_blk = blk;
			n->rts_child = choose(r, page, itup, rtstate);
			stack = n;

			iid = PageGetItemId(page, n->rts_child);
			which = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, iid);
			blk = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(which->t_tid));
	} while (!(opaque->flags & F_LEAF));

	if (nospace(page, itup))
		/* need to do a split */
		rtdosplit(r, buffer, stack, itup, rtstate);
		WriteBuffer(buffer);	/* don't forget to release buffer! */

	/* add the item and write the buffer */
	if (PageIsEmpty(page))
		l = PageAddItem(page, (Item) itup, IndexTupleSize(itup),
		l = PageAddItem(page, (Item) itup, IndexTupleSize(itup),
	if (l == InvalidOffsetNumber)
		elog(ERROR, "failed to add index item to \"%s\"",


	datum = IndexTupleGetDatum(itup);

	/* now expand the page boundary in the parent to include the new child */
	rttighten(r, stack, datum, IndexTupleAttSize(itup), rtstate);
Exemple #6

	IndexVacuumInfo *info = (IndexVacuumInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
	IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats = (IndexBulkDeleteResult *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
	IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback = (IndexBulkDeleteCallback) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
	void	   *callback_state = (void *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(3);
	Relation	index = info->index;
	BlockNumber blkno = GIN_ROOT_BLKNO;
	GinVacuumState gvs;
	Buffer		buffer;
	BlockNumber rootOfPostingTree[BLCKSZ / (sizeof(IndexTupleData) + sizeof(ItemId))];
	uint32		nRoot;

	/* first time through? */
	if (stats == NULL)
		stats = (IndexBulkDeleteResult *) palloc0(sizeof(IndexBulkDeleteResult));
	/* we'll re-count the tuples each time */
	stats->num_index_tuples = 0;

	gvs.index = index;
	gvs.result = stats;
	gvs.callback = callback;
	gvs.callback_state = callback_state;
	initGinState(&gvs.ginstate, index);
	// -------- MirroredLock ----------
	buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno);

	/* find leaf page */
	for (;;)
		Page		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
		IndexTuple	itup;

		LockBuffer(buffer, GIN_SHARE);


		if (GinPageIsLeaf(page))
			LockBuffer(buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
			LockBuffer(buffer, GIN_EXCLUSIVE);

			if (blkno == GIN_ROOT_BLKNO && !GinPageIsLeaf(page))
				LockBuffer(buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
				continue;		/* check it one more */

		Assert(PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) >= FirstOffsetNumber);

		itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, FirstOffsetNumber));
		blkno = GinItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(itup)->t_tid);
		Assert(blkno != InvalidBlockNumber);

		LockBuffer(buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
		buffer = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(buffer, index, blkno);

	/* right now we found leftmost page in entry's BTree */

	for (;;)
		Page		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
		Page		resPage;
		uint32		i;


		resPage = ginVacuumEntryPage(&gvs, buffer, rootOfPostingTree, &nRoot);

		blkno = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;

		if (resPage)
			PageRestoreTempPage(resPage, page);
			xlogVacuumPage(gvs.index, buffer);


		for (i = 0; i < nRoot; i++)
			ginVacuumPostingTree(&gvs, rootOfPostingTree[i]);

		if (blkno == InvalidBlockNumber)		/* rightmost page */

		buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno);
		LockBuffer(buffer, GIN_EXCLUSIVE);
	// -------- MirroredLock ----------
Exemple #7
/* ----------------
 *		index_fetch_heap - get the scan's next heap tuple
 * The result is a visible heap tuple associated with the index TID most
 * recently fetched by index_getnext_tid, or NULL if no more matching tuples
 * exist.  (There can be more than one matching tuple because of HOT chains,
 * although when using an MVCC snapshot it should be impossible for more than
 * one such tuple to exist.)
 * On success, the buffer containing the heap tup is pinned (the pin will be
 * dropped in a future index_getnext_tid, index_fetch_heap or index_endscan
 * call).
 * Note: caller must check scan->xs_recheck, and perform rechecking of the
 * scan keys if required.  We do not do that here because we don't have
 * enough information to do it efficiently in the general case.
 * ----------------
index_fetch_heap(IndexScanDesc scan)
	ItemPointer tid = &scan->xs_ctup.t_self;
	bool		all_dead = false;
	bool		got_heap_tuple;

	/* We can skip the buffer-switching logic if we're in mid-HOT chain. */
	if (!scan->xs_continue_hot)
		/* Switch to correct buffer if we don't have it already */
		Buffer		prev_buf = scan->xs_cbuf;

		scan->xs_cbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf,

		 * Prune page, but only if we weren't already on this page
		if (prev_buf != scan->xs_cbuf)
			heap_page_prune_opt(scan->heapRelation, scan->xs_cbuf,

	/* Obtain share-lock on the buffer so we can examine visibility */
	LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
	got_heap_tuple = heap_hot_search_buffer(tid, scan->heapRelation,
	LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	if (got_heap_tuple)
		 * Only in a non-MVCC snapshot can more than one member of the HOT
		 * chain be visible.
		scan->xs_continue_hot = !IsMVCCSnapshot(scan->xs_snapshot);
		return &scan->xs_ctup;

	/* We've reached the end of the HOT chain. */
	scan->xs_continue_hot = false;

	 * If we scanned a whole HOT chain and found only dead tuples, tell index
	 * AM to kill its entry for that TID (this will take effect in the next
	 * amgettuple call, in index_getnext_tid).	We do not do this when in
	 * recovery because it may violate MVCC to do so.  See comments in
	 * RelationGetIndexScan().
	if (!scan->xactStartedInRecovery)
		scan->kill_prior_tuple = all_dead;

	return NULL;
 * bitgetpage - subroutine for BitmapHeapNext()
 * This routine reads and pins the specified page of the relation, then
 * builds an array indicating which tuples on the page are both potentially
 * interesting according to the bitmap, and visible according to the snapshot.
static void
bitgetpage(HeapScanDesc scan, TBMIterateResult *tbmres)
	BlockNumber page = tbmres->blockno;
	Buffer		buffer;
	Snapshot	snapshot;
	Page		dp;
	int			ntup;
	int			curslot;
	int			minslot;
	int			maxslot;
	int			maxoff;

	 * Acquire pin on the target heap page, trading in any pin we held before.
	Assert(page < scan->rs_nblocks);

	scan->rs_cbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(scan->rs_cbuf,
	buffer = scan->rs_cbuf;
	snapshot = scan->rs_snapshot;

	 * We must hold share lock on the buffer content while examining tuple
	 * visibility.	Afterwards, however, the tuples we have found to be
	 * visible are guaranteed good as long as we hold the buffer pin.
	LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);

	dp = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);
	maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(dp);

	 * Determine how many entries we need to look at on this page. If the
	 * bitmap is lossy then we need to look at each physical item pointer;
	 * otherwise we just look through the offsets listed in tbmres.
	if (tbmres->ntuples >= 0)
		/* non-lossy case */
		minslot = 0;
		maxslot = tbmres->ntuples - 1;
		/* lossy case */
		minslot = FirstOffsetNumber;
		maxslot = maxoff;

	ntup = 0;
	for (curslot = minslot; curslot <= maxslot; curslot++)
		OffsetNumber targoffset;
		ItemId		lp;
		HeapTupleData loctup;
		bool		valid;

		if (tbmres->ntuples >= 0)
			/* non-lossy case */
			targoffset = tbmres->offsets[curslot];
			/* lossy case */
			targoffset = (OffsetNumber) curslot;

		 * We'd better check for out-of-range offnum in case of VACUUM since
		 * the TID was obtained.
		if (targoffset < FirstOffsetNumber || targoffset > maxoff)

		lp = PageGetItemId(dp, targoffset);

		 * Must check for deleted tuple.
		if (!ItemIdIsUsed(lp))

		 * check time qualification of tuple, remember it if valid
		loctup.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem((Page) dp, lp);
		loctup.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
		ItemPointerSet(&(loctup.t_self), page, targoffset);

		valid = HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(&loctup, snapshot, buffer);
		if (valid)
			scan->rs_vistuples[ntup++] = targoffset;

	LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	Assert(ntup <= MaxHeapTuplesPerPage);
	scan->rs_ntuples = ntup;
Exemple #9
/* ----------------
 *		index_getnext - get the next heap tuple from a scan
 * The result is the next heap tuple satisfying the scan keys and the
 * snapshot, or NULL if no more matching tuples exist.	On success,
 * the buffer containing the heap tuple is pinned (the pin will be dropped
 * at the next index_getnext or index_endscan).
 * Note: caller must check scan->xs_recheck, and perform rechecking of the
 * scan keys if required.  We do not do that here because we don't have
 * enough information to do it efficiently in the general case.
 * ----------------
index_getnext(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection direction)
	HeapTuple	heapTuple = &scan->xs_ctup;
	ItemPointer tid = &heapTuple->t_self;
	FmgrInfo   *procedure;



	 * We always reset xs_hot_dead; if we are here then either we are just
	 * starting the scan, or we previously returned a visible tuple, and in
	 * either case it's inappropriate to kill the prior index entry.
	scan->xs_hot_dead = false;

	for (;;)
		OffsetNumber offnum;
		bool		at_chain_start;
		Page		dp;

		if (scan->xs_next_hot != InvalidOffsetNumber)
			 * We are resuming scan of a HOT chain after having returned an
			 * earlier member.	Must still hold pin on current heap page.
			Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid) ==
			offnum = scan->xs_next_hot;
			at_chain_start = false;
			scan->xs_next_hot = InvalidOffsetNumber;
			bool		found;
			Buffer		prev_buf;

			 * If we scanned a whole HOT chain and found only dead tuples,
			 * tell index AM to kill its entry for that TID. We do not do this
			 * when in recovery because it may violate MVCC to do so. see
			 * comments in RelationGetIndexScan().
			if (!scan->xactStartedInRecovery)
				scan->kill_prior_tuple = scan->xs_hot_dead;

			 * The AM's gettuple proc finds the next index entry matching the
			 * scan keys, and puts the TID in xs_ctup.t_self (ie, *tid). It
			 * should also set scan->xs_recheck, though we pay no attention to
			 * that here.
			found = DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2(procedure,

			/* Reset kill flag immediately for safety */
			scan->kill_prior_tuple = false;

			/* If we're out of index entries, break out of outer loop */
			if (!found)

			pgstat_count_index_tuples(scan->indexRelation, 1);

			/* Switch to correct buffer if we don't have it already */
			prev_buf = scan->xs_cbuf;
			scan->xs_cbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf,

			 * Prune page, but only if we weren't already on this page
			if (prev_buf != scan->xs_cbuf)
				heap_page_prune_opt(scan->heapRelation, scan->xs_cbuf,

			/* Prepare to scan HOT chain starting at index-referenced offnum */
			offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid);
			at_chain_start = true;

			/* We don't know what the first tuple's xmin should be */
			scan->xs_prev_xmax = InvalidTransactionId;

			/* Initialize flag to detect if all entries are dead */
			scan->xs_hot_dead = true;

		/* Obtain share-lock on the buffer so we can examine visibility */
		LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);

		dp = (Page) BufferGetPage(scan->xs_cbuf);

		/* Scan through possible multiple members of HOT-chain */
		for (;;)
			ItemId		lp;
			ItemPointer ctid;
			bool		valid;

			/* check for bogus TID */
			if (offnum < FirstOffsetNumber ||
				offnum > PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(dp))

			lp = PageGetItemId(dp, offnum);

			/* check for unused, dead, or redirected items */
			if (!ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
				/* We should only see a redirect at start of chain */
				if (ItemIdIsRedirected(lp) && at_chain_start)
					/* Follow the redirect */
					offnum = ItemIdGetRedirect(lp);
					at_chain_start = false;
				/* else must be end of chain */

			 * We must initialize all of *heapTuple (ie, scan->xs_ctup) since
			 * it is returned to the executor on success.
			heapTuple->t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(dp, lp);
			heapTuple->t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
			ItemPointerSetOffsetNumber(tid, offnum);
			heapTuple->t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(scan->heapRelation);
			ctid = &heapTuple->t_data->t_ctid;

			 * Shouldn't see a HEAP_ONLY tuple at chain start.  (This test
			 * should be unnecessary, since the chain root can't be removed
			 * while we have pin on the index entry, but let's make it
			 * anyway.)
			if (at_chain_start && HeapTupleIsHeapOnly(heapTuple))

			 * The xmin should match the previous xmax value, else chain is
			 * broken.	(Note: this test is not optional because it protects
			 * us against the case where the prior chain member's xmax aborted
			 * since we looked at it.)
			if (TransactionIdIsValid(scan->xs_prev_xmax) &&

			/* If it's visible per the snapshot, we must return it */
			valid = HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(heapTuple, scan->xs_snapshot,

			CheckForSerializableConflictOut(valid, scan->heapRelation,
											heapTuple, scan->xs_cbuf);

			if (valid)
				 * If the snapshot is MVCC, we know that it could accept at
				 * most one member of the HOT chain, so we can skip examining
				 * any more members.  Otherwise, check for continuation of the
				 * HOT-chain, and set state for next time.
				if (IsMVCCSnapshot(scan->xs_snapshot)
					&& !IsolationIsSerializable())
					scan->xs_next_hot = InvalidOffsetNumber;
				else if (HeapTupleIsHotUpdated(heapTuple))
					Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(ctid) ==
					scan->xs_next_hot = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(ctid);
					scan->xs_prev_xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(heapTuple->t_data);
					scan->xs_next_hot = InvalidOffsetNumber;

				PredicateLockTuple(scan->heapRelation, heapTuple);

				LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);


				return heapTuple;

			 * If we can't see it, maybe no one else can either.  Check to see
			 * if the tuple is dead to all transactions.  If we find that all
			 * the tuples in the HOT chain are dead, we'll signal the index AM
			 * to not return that TID on future indexscans.
			if (scan->xs_hot_dead &&
				HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum(heapTuple->t_data, RecentGlobalXmin,
										 scan->xs_cbuf) != HEAPTUPLE_DEAD)
				scan->xs_hot_dead = false;

			 * Check to see if HOT chain continues past this tuple; if so
			 * fetch the next offnum (we don't bother storing it into
			 * xs_next_hot, but must store xs_prev_xmax), and loop around.
			if (HeapTupleIsHotUpdated(heapTuple))
				Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(ctid) ==
				offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(ctid);
				at_chain_start = false;
				scan->xs_prev_xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(heapTuple->t_data);
				break;			/* end of chain */
		}						/* loop over a single HOT chain */

		LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		/* Loop around to ask index AM for another TID */
		scan->xs_next_hot = InvalidOffsetNumber;

	/* Release any held pin on a heap page */
	if (BufferIsValid(scan->xs_cbuf))
		scan->xs_cbuf = InvalidBuffer;

	return NULL;				/* failure exit */
Exemple #10
static bool
rtnext(IndexScanDesc s, ScanDirection dir)
	Page		p;
	OffsetNumber n;
	RTreePageOpaque po;
	RTreeScanOpaque so;

	so = (RTreeScanOpaque) s->opaque;

	if (!ItemPointerIsValid(&(s->currentItemData)))
		/* first call: start at the root */
		Assert(BufferIsValid(so->curbuf) == false);
		so->curbuf = ReadBuffer(s->indexRelation, P_ROOT);

	p = BufferGetPage(so->curbuf);
	po = (RTreePageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(p);

	if (!ItemPointerIsValid(&(s->currentItemData)))
		/* first call: start at first/last offset */
		if (ScanDirectionIsForward(dir))
			n = FirstOffsetNumber;
			n = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(p);
		/* go on to the next offset */
		n = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&(s->currentItemData));
		if (ScanDirectionIsForward(dir))
			n = OffsetNumberNext(n);
			n = OffsetNumberPrev(n);

	for (;;)
		IndexTuple	it;
		RTSTACK    *stk;

		n = findnext(s, n, dir);

		/* no match on this page, so read in the next stack entry */
		if (n == InvalidOffsetNumber)
			/* if out of stack entries, we're done */
			if (so->s_stack == NULL)
				so->curbuf = InvalidBuffer;
				return false;

			stk = so->s_stack;
			so->curbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(so->curbuf, s->indexRelation,
			p = BufferGetPage(so->curbuf);
			po = (RTreePageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(p);

			if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir))
				n = OffsetNumberPrev(stk->rts_child);
				n = OffsetNumberNext(stk->rts_child);
			so->s_stack = stk->rts_parent;


		if (po->flags & F_LEAF)
			it = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(p, PageGetItemId(p, n));
			s->xs_ctup.t_self = it->t_tid;
			return true;
			BlockNumber blk;

			stk = (RTSTACK *) palloc(sizeof(RTSTACK));
			stk->rts_child = n;
			stk->rts_blk = BufferGetBlockNumber(so->curbuf);
			stk->rts_parent = so->s_stack;
			so->s_stack = stk;

			it = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(p, PageGetItemId(p, n));
			blk = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(it->t_tid));

			 * Note that we release the pin on the page as we descend down the
			 * tree, even though there's a good chance we'll eventually need
			 * to re-read the buffer later in this scan. This may or may not
			 * be optimal, but it doesn't seem likely to make a huge
			 * performance difference either way.
			so->curbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(so->curbuf, s->indexRelation, blk);
			p = BufferGetPage(so->curbuf);
			po = (RTreePageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(p);

			if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir))
				n = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(p);
				n = FirstOffsetNumber;
Exemple #11
 * Fetch a tuples that matchs the search key; this can be invoked
 * either to fetch the first such tuple or subsequent matching
 * tuples. Returns true iff a matching tuple was found.
static int
gistnext(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir, ItemPointer tids,
		 int maxtids, bool ignore_killed_tuples)

	Page		p;
	OffsetNumber n;
	GISTScanOpaque so;
	GISTSearchStack *stk;
	IndexTuple	it;
	GISTPageOpaque opaque;
	int			ntids = 0;

	so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;

	// -------- MirroredLock ----------

	if ( so->qual_ok == false )
		return 0;

	if (ItemPointerIsValid(&so->curpos) == false)
		/* Being asked to fetch the first entry, so start at the root */
		Assert(so->curbuf == InvalidBuffer);
		Assert(so->stack == NULL);

		so->curbuf = ReadBuffer(scan->indexRelation, GIST_ROOT_BLKNO);

		stk = so->stack = (GISTSearchStack *) palloc0(sizeof(GISTSearchStack));

		stk->next = NULL;
		stk->block = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;

	else if (so->curbuf == InvalidBuffer)
		// -------- MirroredLock ----------

		return 0;

	 * check stored pointers from last visit 
	if ( so->nPageData > 0 ) 
		while( ntids < maxtids && so->curPageData < so->nPageData )
			tids[ ntids ] = scan->xs_ctup.t_self = so->pageData[ so->curPageData ].heapPtr;
							   so->pageData[ so->curPageData ].pageOffset);

			so->curPageData ++;

		if ( ntids == maxtids )
			// -------- MirroredLock ----------

			return ntids;
		 * Go to the next page
		stk = so->stack->next;
		so->stack = stk;

		/* If we're out of stack entries, we're done */
		if (so->stack == NULL)
			so->curbuf = InvalidBuffer;

			// -------- MirroredLock ----------

			return ntids;

		so->curbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(so->curbuf,

	for (;;)
		/* First of all, we need lock buffer */
		Assert(so->curbuf != InvalidBuffer);
		LockBuffer(so->curbuf, GIST_SHARE);
		gistcheckpage(scan->indexRelation, so->curbuf);
		p = BufferGetPage(so->curbuf);
		opaque = GistPageGetOpaque(p);

		/* remember lsn to identify page changed for tuple's killing */
		so->stack->lsn = PageGetLSN(p);

		/* check page split, occured from last visit or visit to parent */
		if (!XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(so->stack->parentlsn) &&
			XLByteLT(so->stack->parentlsn, opaque->nsn) &&
			opaque->rightlink != InvalidBlockNumber /* sanity check */ &&
			(so->stack->next == NULL || so->stack->next->block != opaque->rightlink)		/* check if already
					added */ )
			/* detect page split, follow right link to add pages */

			stk = (GISTSearchStack *) palloc(sizeof(GISTSearchStack));
			stk->next = so->stack->next;
			stk->block = opaque->rightlink;
			stk->parentlsn = so->stack->parentlsn;
			memset(&(stk->lsn), 0, sizeof(GistNSN));
			so->stack->next = stk;

		/* if page is empty, then just skip it */
		if (PageIsEmpty(p))
			LockBuffer(so->curbuf, GIST_UNLOCK);
			stk = so->stack->next;
			so->stack = stk;

			if (so->stack == NULL)
				so->curbuf = InvalidBuffer;

				// -------- MirroredLock ----------

				return ntids;

			so->curbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(so->curbuf, scan->indexRelation,

		if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir))
			n = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(p);
			n = FirstOffsetNumber;

		/* wonderful, we can look at page */
		so->nPageData = so->curPageData = 0;

		for (;;)
			n = gistfindnext(scan, n, dir);

			if (!OffsetNumberIsValid(n))
				while( ntids < maxtids && so->curPageData < so->nPageData )
					tids[ ntids ] = scan->xs_ctup.t_self = 
						so->pageData[ so->curPageData ].heapPtr;
								   so->pageData[ so->curPageData ].pageOffset);

					so->curPageData ++;

				if ( ntids == maxtids )
					LockBuffer(so->curbuf, GIST_UNLOCK);
					// -------- MirroredLock ----------
					return ntids;

				 * We ran out of matching index entries on the current page,
				 * so pop the top stack entry and use it to continue the
				 * search.
				LockBuffer(so->curbuf, GIST_UNLOCK);
				stk = so->stack->next;
				so->stack = stk;

				/* If we're out of stack entries, we're done */

				if (so->stack == NULL)
					so->curbuf = InvalidBuffer;
					// -------- MirroredLock ----------
					return ntids;

				so->curbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(so->curbuf,
				/* XXX	go up */

			if (GistPageIsLeaf(p))
				 * We've found a matching index entry in a leaf page, so
				 * return success. Note that we keep "curbuf" pinned so that
				 * we can efficiently resume the index scan later.

				if (!(ignore_killed_tuples && ItemIdIsDead(PageGetItemId(p, n))))
					it = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(p, PageGetItemId(p, n));
					so->pageData[ so->nPageData ].heapPtr = it->t_tid;
					so->pageData[ so->nPageData ].pageOffset = n;
					so->nPageData ++;
				 * We've found an entry in an internal node whose key is
				 * consistent with the search key, so push it to stack

				stk = (GISTSearchStack *) palloc(sizeof(GISTSearchStack));

				it = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(p, PageGetItemId(p, n));
				stk->block = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(it->t_tid));
				memset(&(stk->lsn), 0, sizeof(GistNSN));
				stk->parentlsn = so->stack->lsn;

				stk->next = so->stack->next;
				so->stack->next = stk;


			if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir))
				n = OffsetNumberPrev(n);
				n = OffsetNumberNext(n);

	// -------- MirroredLock ----------

	return ntids;
Exemple #12
/* ----------------
 *		index_getnext - get the next heap tuple from a scan
 * The result is the next heap tuple satisfying the scan keys and the
 * snapshot, or NULL if no more matching tuples exist.	On success,
 * the buffer containing the heap tuple is pinned (the pin will be dropped
 * at the next index_getnext or index_endscan).
 * Note: caller must check scan->xs_recheck, and perform rechecking of the
 * scan keys if required.  We do not do that here because we don't have
 * enough information to do it efficiently in the general case.
 * ----------------
index_getnext(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection direction)
	HeapTuple	heapTuple = &scan->xs_ctup;
	ItemPointer tid = &heapTuple->t_self;
	FmgrInfo   *procedure;
	bool		all_dead = false;



	for (;;)
		bool	got_heap_tuple;

		if (scan->xs_continue_hot)
			 * We are resuming scan of a HOT chain after having returned an
			 * earlier member.	Must still hold pin on current heap page.
			Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid) ==
			bool		found;
			Buffer		prev_buf;

			 * If we scanned a whole HOT chain and found only dead tuples,
			 * tell index AM to kill its entry for that TID. We do not do this
			 * when in recovery because it may violate MVCC to do so. see
			 * comments in RelationGetIndexScan().
			if (!scan->xactStartedInRecovery)
				scan->kill_prior_tuple = all_dead;

			 * The AM's gettuple proc finds the next index entry matching the
			 * scan keys, and puts the TID in xs_ctup.t_self (ie, *tid). It
			 * should also set scan->xs_recheck, though we pay no attention to
			 * that here.
			found = DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2(procedure,

			/* Reset kill flag immediately for safety */
			scan->kill_prior_tuple = false;

			/* If we're out of index entries, break out of outer loop */
			if (!found)

			pgstat_count_index_tuples(scan->indexRelation, 1);

			/* Switch to correct buffer if we don't have it already */
			prev_buf = scan->xs_cbuf;
			scan->xs_cbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf,

			 * Prune page, but only if we weren't already on this page
			if (prev_buf != scan->xs_cbuf)
				heap_page_prune_opt(scan->heapRelation, scan->xs_cbuf,

		/* Obtain share-lock on the buffer so we can examine visibility */
		LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
		got_heap_tuple = heap_hot_search_buffer(tid, scan->heapRelation,
		LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		if (got_heap_tuple)
			 * Only in a non-MVCC snapshot can more than one member of the
			 * HOT chain be visible.
			scan->xs_continue_hot = !IsMVCCSnapshot(scan->xs_snapshot);
			return heapTuple;

		/* Loop around to ask index AM for another TID */
		scan->xs_continue_hot = false;

	/* Release any held pin on a heap page */
	if (BufferIsValid(scan->xs_cbuf))
		scan->xs_cbuf = InvalidBuffer;

	return NULL;				/* failure exit */
 * Gets next ItemPointer from PostingTree. Note, that we copy
 * page into GinScanEntry->list array and unlock page, but keep it pinned
 * to prevent interference with vacuum
static void
entryGetNextItem(Relation index, GinScanEntry entry)
	Page		page;
	BlockNumber blkno;


		if (entry->offset <= entry->nlist)
			entry->curItem = entry->list[entry->offset - 1];

		LockBuffer(entry->buffer, GIN_SHARE);
		page = BufferGetPage(entry->buffer);
			 * It's needed to go by right link. During that we should refind
			 * first ItemPointer greater that stored

			blkno = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;

			LockBuffer(entry->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
			if (blkno == InvalidBlockNumber)
				ItemPointerSet(&entry->curItem, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber);
				entry->buffer = InvalidBuffer;
				entry->isFinished = TRUE;

			entry->buffer = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(entry->buffer, index, blkno);
			LockBuffer(entry->buffer, GIN_SHARE);
			page = BufferGetPage(entry->buffer);

			entry->offset = InvalidOffsetNumber;
			if (!ItemPointerIsValid(&entry->curItem) || findItemInPage(page, &entry->curItem, &entry->offset))
				 * Found position equal to or greater than stored
				entry->nlist = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->maxoff;
				memcpy( entry->list, GinDataPageGetItem(page, FirstOffsetNumber), 
							GinPageGetOpaque(page)->maxoff * sizeof(ItemPointerData) );

				LockBuffer(entry->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);

				if ( !ItemPointerIsValid(&entry->curItem) || 
					 compareItemPointers( &entry->curItem, entry->list + entry->offset - 1 ) == 0 )
					 * First pages are deleted or empty, or we found exact position,
					 * so break inner loop and continue outer one.

				 * Find greater than entry->curItem position, store it.
				entry->curItem = entry->list[entry->offset - 1];

Exemple #14
 * Insert value (stored in GinBtree) to tree described by stack
 * During an index build, buildStats is non-null and the counters
 * it contains should be incremented as needed.
 * NB: the passed-in stack is freed, as though by freeGinBtreeStack.
ginInsertValue(GinBtree btree, GinBtreeStack *stack, GinStatsData *buildStats)
	GinBtreeStack *parent = stack;
	BlockNumber rootBlkno = InvalidBuffer;
	Page		page,

	/* remember root BlockNumber */
	while (parent)
		rootBlkno = parent->blkno;
		parent = parent->parent;

	while (stack)
		XLogRecData *rdata;
		BlockNumber savedRightLink;

		page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);
		savedRightLink = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;

		if (btree->isEnoughSpace(btree, stack->buffer, stack->off))
			btree->placeToPage(btree, stack->buffer, stack->off, &rdata);


			if (RelationNeedsWAL(btree->index))
				XLogRecPtr	recptr;

				recptr = XLogInsert(RM_GIN_ID, XLOG_GIN_INSERT, rdata);
				PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
				PageSetTLI(page, ThisTimeLineID);

			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);


			Buffer		rbuffer = GinNewBuffer(btree->index);
			Page		newlpage;

			 * newlpage is a pointer to memory page, it doesn't associate with
			 * buffer, stack->buffer should be untouched
			newlpage = btree->splitPage(btree, stack->buffer, rbuffer, stack->off, &rdata);

			((ginxlogSplit *) (rdata->data))->rootBlkno = rootBlkno;

			/* During index build, count the newly-split page */
			if (buildStats)
				if (btree->isData)

			parent = stack->parent;

			if (parent == NULL)
				 * split root, so we need to allocate new left page and place
				 * pointer on root to left and right page
				Buffer		lbuffer = GinNewBuffer(btree->index);

				((ginxlogSplit *) (rdata->data))->isRootSplit = TRUE;
				((ginxlogSplit *) (rdata->data))->rrlink = InvalidBlockNumber;

				page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);
				lpage = BufferGetPage(lbuffer);
				rpage = BufferGetPage(rbuffer);

				GinPageGetOpaque(rpage)->rightlink = InvalidBlockNumber;
				GinPageGetOpaque(newlpage)->rightlink = BufferGetBlockNumber(rbuffer);
				((ginxlogSplit *) (rdata->data))->lblkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(lbuffer);


				GinInitBuffer(stack->buffer, GinPageGetOpaque(newlpage)->flags & ~GIN_LEAF);
				PageRestoreTempPage(newlpage, lpage);
				btree->fillRoot(btree, stack->buffer, lbuffer, rbuffer);


				if (RelationNeedsWAL(btree->index))
					XLogRecPtr	recptr;

					recptr = XLogInsert(RM_GIN_ID, XLOG_GIN_SPLIT, rdata);
					PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
					PageSetTLI(page, ThisTimeLineID);
					PageSetLSN(lpage, recptr);
					PageSetTLI(lpage, ThisTimeLineID);
					PageSetLSN(rpage, recptr);
					PageSetTLI(rpage, ThisTimeLineID);

				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);


				/* During index build, count the newly-added root page */
				if (buildStats)
					if (btree->isData)

				/* split non-root page */
				((ginxlogSplit *) (rdata->data))->isRootSplit = FALSE;
				((ginxlogSplit *) (rdata->data))->rrlink = savedRightLink;

				lpage = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);
				rpage = BufferGetPage(rbuffer);

				GinPageGetOpaque(rpage)->rightlink = savedRightLink;
				GinPageGetOpaque(newlpage)->rightlink = BufferGetBlockNumber(rbuffer);

				PageRestoreTempPage(newlpage, lpage);


				if (RelationNeedsWAL(btree->index))
					XLogRecPtr	recptr;

					recptr = XLogInsert(RM_GIN_ID, XLOG_GIN_SPLIT, rdata);
					PageSetLSN(lpage, recptr);
					PageSetTLI(lpage, ThisTimeLineID);
					PageSetLSN(rpage, recptr);
					PageSetTLI(rpage, ThisTimeLineID);

		btree->isDelete = FALSE;

		/* search parent to lock */
		LockBuffer(parent->buffer, GIN_EXCLUSIVE);

		/* move right if it's needed */
		page = BufferGetPage(parent->buffer);
		while ((parent->off = btree->findChildPtr(btree, page, stack->blkno, parent->off)) == InvalidOffsetNumber)
			BlockNumber rightlink = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;

			LockBuffer(parent->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);

			if (rightlink == InvalidBlockNumber)
				 * rightmost page, but we don't find parent, we should use
				 * plain search...
				ginFindParents(btree, stack, rootBlkno);
				parent = stack->parent;
				page = BufferGetPage(parent->buffer);

			parent->blkno = rightlink;
			parent->buffer = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(parent->buffer, btree->index, parent->blkno);
			LockBuffer(parent->buffer, GIN_EXCLUSIVE);
			page = BufferGetPage(parent->buffer);

		stack = parent;
Exemple #15
 * Locates leaf page contained tuple
RumBtreeStack *
rumFindLeafPage(RumBtree btree, RumBtreeStack * stack)
	bool		isfirst = true;
	BlockNumber rootBlkno;

	if (!stack)
		stack = rumPrepareFindLeafPage(btree, RUM_ROOT_BLKNO);
	rootBlkno = stack->blkno;

	for (;;)
		Page		page;
		BlockNumber child;
		int			access = RUM_SHARE;

		stack->off = InvalidOffsetNumber;

		page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);

		if (isfirst)
			if (RumPageIsLeaf(page) && !btree->searchMode)
				access = RUM_EXCLUSIVE;
			isfirst = false;
			access = rumTraverseLock(stack->buffer, btree->searchMode);

		 * ok, page is correctly locked, we should check to move right ..,
		 * root never has a right link, so small optimization
		while (btree->fullScan == false && stack->blkno != rootBlkno &&
			   btree->isMoveRight(btree, page))
			BlockNumber rightlink = RumPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;

			if (rightlink == InvalidBlockNumber)
				/* rightmost page */

			stack->buffer = rumStep(stack->buffer, btree->index, access,
			stack->blkno = rightlink;
			page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);

		if (RumPageIsLeaf(page))	/* we found, return locked page */
			return stack;

		/* now we have correct buffer, try to find child */
		child = btree->findChildPage(btree, stack);

		LockBuffer(stack->buffer, RUM_UNLOCK);
		Assert(child != InvalidBlockNumber);
		Assert(stack->blkno != child);

		if (btree->searchMode)
			/* in search mode we may forget path to leaf */
			RumBtreeStack *ptr = (RumBtreeStack *) palloc(sizeof(RumBtreeStack));
			Buffer		buffer = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(stack->buffer, btree->index, child);

			ptr->parent = stack;
			ptr->predictNumber = stack->predictNumber;
			stack->buffer = InvalidBuffer;

			stack = ptr;
			stack->blkno = child;
			stack->buffer = buffer;
			RumBtreeStack *ptr = (RumBtreeStack *) palloc(sizeof(RumBtreeStack));

			ptr->parent = stack;
			stack = ptr;
			stack->blkno = child;
			stack->buffer = ReadBuffer(btree->index, stack->blkno);
			stack->predictNumber = 1;
Exemple #16
 * Locates leaf page contained tuple
GinBtreeStack *
ginFindLeafPage(GinBtree btree, GinBtreeStack *stack)
	bool		isfirst = TRUE;
	BlockNumber rootBlkno;

	if (!stack)
		stack = ginPrepareFindLeafPage(btree, GIN_ROOT_BLKNO);
	rootBlkno = stack->blkno;

	for (;;)
		Page		page;
		BlockNumber child;
		int			access = GIN_SHARE;

		stack->off = InvalidOffsetNumber;

		page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);

		if (isfirst)
			if (GinPageIsLeaf(page) && !btree->searchMode)
				access = GIN_EXCLUSIVE;
			isfirst = FALSE;
			access = ginTraverseLock(stack->buffer, btree->searchMode);

		 * ok, page is correctly locked, we should check to move right ..,
		 * root never has a right link, so small optimization
		while (btree->fullScan == FALSE && stack->blkno != rootBlkno &&
			   btree->isMoveRight(btree, page))
			BlockNumber rightlink = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;

			if (rightlink == InvalidBlockNumber)
				/* rightmost page */

			stack->blkno = rightlink;
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
			stack->buffer = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(stack->buffer, btree->index, stack->blkno);
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, access);
			page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);

		if (GinPageIsLeaf(page))	/* we found, return locked page */
			return stack;

		/* now we have correct buffer, try to find child */
		child = btree->findChildPage(btree, stack);

		LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
		Assert(child != InvalidBlockNumber);
		Assert(stack->blkno != child);

		if (btree->searchMode)
			/* in search mode we may forget path to leaf */
			stack->blkno = child;
			stack->buffer = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(stack->buffer, btree->index, stack->blkno);
			GinBtreeStack *ptr = (GinBtreeStack *) palloc(sizeof(GinBtreeStack));

			ptr->parent = stack;
			stack = ptr;
			stack->blkno = child;
			stack->buffer = ReadBuffer(btree->index, stack->blkno);
			stack->predictNumber = 1;

	/* keep compiler happy */
	return NULL;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		BitmapHeapNext
 *		Retrieve next tuple from the BitmapHeapScan node's currentRelation
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
BitmapHeapNext(BitmapHeapScanState *node)
	EState	   *estate;
	ExprContext *econtext;
	HeapScanDesc scandesc;
	Index		scanrelid;
	TIDBitmap  *tbm;
	TBMIterateResult *tbmres;
	OffsetNumber targoffset;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;

	OnDiskBitmapWords *odbm;
	ODBMIterateResult *odbmres;
	bool inmem = false;

	 * extract necessary information from index scan node
	estate = node->ss.ps.state;
	econtext = node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext;
	slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
	scandesc = node->ss.ss_currentScanDesc;
	scanrelid = ((BitmapHeapScan *) node->ss.ps.plan)->scan.scanrelid;
	tbm = node->tbm;
	tbmres = node->tbmres;
	odbm = node->odbm;
	odbmres = node->odbmres;

	 * Clear any reference to the previously returned tuple.  The idea here is
	 * to not have the tuple slot be the last holder of a pin on that tuple's
	 * buffer; if it is, we'll need a separate visit to the bufmgr to release
	 * the buffer.	By clearing here, we get to have the release done by
	 * ReleaseAndReadBuffer, below.

	 * Check if we are evaluating PlanQual for tuple of this relation.
	 * Additional checking is not good, but no other way for now. We could
	 * introduce new nodes for this case and handle IndexScan --> NewNode
	 * switching in Init/ReScan plan...
	if (estate->es_evTuple != NULL &&
		estate->es_evTuple[scanrelid - 1] != NULL)
		if (estate->es_evTupleNull[scanrelid - 1])
			return slot;		/* return empty slot */

		ExecStoreTuple(estate->es_evTuple[scanrelid - 1],
					   slot, InvalidBuffer, false);

		/* Does the tuple meet the original qual conditions? */
		econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;


		if (!ExecQual(node->bitmapqualorig, econtext, false))
			ExecClearTuple(slot);		/* would not be returned by scan */

		/* Flag for the next call that no more tuples */
		estate->es_evTupleNull[scanrelid - 1] = true;

		return slot;

	/* check if this requires in-mem bitmap scan or on-disk bitmap index. */
	inmem = ((BitmapHeapScan*)(((PlanState*)node)->plan))->inmem;

	 * If the underline indexes are on disk bitmap indexes
	if (!inmem) {
		uint64	nextTid = 0;

		if (odbm == NULL)
			odbm = odbm_create(ODBM_MAX_WORDS);
			node->odbm = odbm;

		if (odbmres == NULL)
			odbmres = odbm_res_create(odbm);
			node->odbmres = odbmres;

		for (;;)
			/* If we have used up the words from previous scan, or 
				we haven't scan the underlying index scan for wrods yet,
				then do it.
			if (odbm->numOfWords == 0 &&
				odbmres->nextTidLoc >= odbmres->numOfTids)

				Plan* outerPlan = (((PlanState*)node)->lefttree)->plan;
				odbm_set_bitmaptype(outerPlan, false);

				odbm->firstTid = odbmres->nextTid;
				odbm->startNo = 0;
				odbm = (OnDiskBitmapWords *)

				if (!odbm || !IsA(odbm, OnDiskBitmapWords))
					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized result from subplan");

				odbm_begin_iterate(node->odbm, node->odbmres);

			/* If we can not find more words, then this scan is over. */
			if (odbm == NULL ||
				(odbm->numOfWords == 0 && 
				 odbmres->nextTidLoc >= odbmres->numOfTids))
				return ExecClearTuple(slot);

			nextTid = odbm_findnexttid(odbm, odbmres);

			if (nextTid == 0)

			/* fetch the heap tuple and see if it matches the snapshot. */
			if (heap_release_fetch(scandesc->rs_rd,
			 	* Set up the result slot to point to this tuple.
				 * Note that the slot acquires a pin on the buffer.

				/* return this tuple */
				return slot;

	 * If we haven't yet performed the underlying index scan, do it, and
	 * prepare the bitmap to be iterated over.
	if (tbm == NULL)
		tbm = (TIDBitmap *) MultiExecProcNode(outerPlanState(node));

		if (!tbm || !IsA(tbm, TIDBitmap))
			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized result from subplan");

		node->tbm = tbm;
		node->tbmres = tbmres = NULL;


	for (;;)
		 * Get next page of results if needed
		if (tbmres == NULL)
			node->tbmres = tbmres = tbm_iterate(tbm);
			if (tbmres == NULL)
				/* no more entries in the bitmap */

			 * Ignore any claimed entries past what we think is the end of the
			 * relation.  (This is probably not necessary given that we got
			 * AccessShareLock before performing any of the indexscans, but
			 * let's be safe.)
			if (tbmres->blockno >= scandesc->rs_nblocks)
				node->tbmres = tbmres = NULL;

			 * Acquire pin on the current heap page.  We'll hold the pin until
			 * done looking at the page.  We trade in any pin we held before.
			scandesc->rs_cbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(scandesc->rs_cbuf,

			 * Determine how many entries we need to look at on this page. If
			 * the bitmap is lossy then we need to look at each physical item
			 * pointer; otherwise we just look through the offsets listed in
			 * tbmres.
			if (tbmres->ntuples >= 0)
				/* non-lossy case */
				node->minslot = 0;
				node->maxslot = tbmres->ntuples - 1;
				/* lossy case */
				Page		dp;

				LockBuffer(scandesc->rs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
				dp = (Page) BufferGetPage(scandesc->rs_cbuf);

				node->minslot = FirstOffsetNumber;
				node->maxslot = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(dp);

				LockBuffer(scandesc->rs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

			 * Set curslot to first slot to examine
			node->curslot = node->minslot;
			 * Continuing in previously obtained page; advance curslot

		 * Out of range?  If so, nothing more to look at on this page
		if (node->curslot < node->minslot || node->curslot > node->maxslot)
			node->tbmres = tbmres = NULL;

		 * Okay to try to fetch the tuple
		if (tbmres->ntuples >= 0)
			/* non-lossy case */
			targoffset = tbmres->offsets[node->curslot];
			/* lossy case */
			targoffset = (OffsetNumber) node->curslot;

		ItemPointerSet(&scandesc->rs_ctup.t_self, tbmres->blockno, targoffset);

		 * Fetch the heap tuple and see if it matches the snapshot. We use
		 * heap_release_fetch to avoid useless bufmgr traffic.
		if (heap_release_fetch(scandesc->rs_rd,
			 * Set up the result slot to point to this tuple. Note that the
			 * slot acquires a pin on the buffer.

			 * If we are using lossy info, we have to recheck the qual
			 * conditions at every tuple.
			if (tbmres->ntuples < 0)
				econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;

				if (!ExecQual(node->bitmapqualorig, econtext, false))
					/* Fails recheck, so drop it and loop back for another */

			/* OK to return this tuple */
			return slot;

		 * Failed the snap, so loop back and try again.

	 * if we get here it means we are at the end of the scan..
	return ExecClearTuple(slot);