Exemple #1
void EraseWalls( UINT32 iMapIndex )
	AddToUndoList( iMapIndex );
	RemoveAllStructsOfTypeRange( iMapIndex, FIRSTTEXTURE, LASTITEM );
	RemoveAllShadowsOfTypeRange( iMapIndex, FIRSTWALL, LASTWALL );
	RemoveAllShadowsOfTypeRange( iMapIndex, FIRSTDOORSHADOW, LASTDOORSHADOW );
	RemoveAllObjectsOfTypeRange( iMapIndex, DEBRISROCKS, LASTDEBRIS );
	RemoveAllTopmostsOfTypeRange( iMapIndex, WIREFRAMES, WIREFRAMES );
	RemoveAllObjectsOfTypeRange( iMapIndex, DEBRIS2MISC, DEBRIS2MISC );
	RemoveAllObjectsOfTypeRange( iMapIndex, ANOTHERDEBRIS, ANOTHERDEBRIS );
void ExtractAndUpdateDoorInfo()
	INT32 num;
	DOOR door;
	BOOLEAN fCursorExists = FALSE;

	memset( &door, 0, sizeof( DOOR ) );

	door.sGridNo = (INT16)iDoorMapIndex;

	num = min( GetNumericStrictValueFromField( 0 ), NUM_LOCKS-1 );
	door.ubLockID = (UINT8)num;
	SetInputFieldStringWithNumericStrictValue( 0, num );
	if( num >= 0 )
		fCursor = TRUE;

	num = min( max( GetNumericStrictValueFromField( 1 ), 0 ), 10 );
	door.ubTrapID = (UINT8)num;
	SetInputFieldStringWithNumericStrictValue( 1, num );
	if( num )
		fCursor = TRUE;

	num = min( max( GetNumericStrictValueFromField( 2 ), 0 ), 20 );
	if( door.ubTrapID && !num )
		num = 1;  //Can't have a trap without a traplevel!
	door.ubTrapLevel = (UINT8)num;
	SetInputFieldStringWithNumericStrictValue( 2, num );
	if( num )
		fCursor = TRUE;

	if( ButtonList[ iDoorButton[ DOOR_LOCKED ] ]->uiFlags & BUTTON_CLICKED_ON )
		door.fLocked = TRUE;
		door.fLocked = FALSE;

	//Find out if we have a rotating key cursor (we will either add one or remove one)
	pNode = gpWorldLevelData[ iDoorMapIndex ].pTopmostHead;
	while( pNode )
		if( pNode->usIndex == ROTATINGKEY1 )
			fCursorExists = TRUE;
		pNode = pNode->pNext;
	if( fCursor )
	{ //we have a valid door, so add it (or replace existing)
		if( !fCursorExists )
			AddTopmostToHead( iDoorMapIndex, ROTATINGKEY1 );
		//If the door already exists, the new information will replace it.
		AddDoorInfoToTable( &door );
	{ //if a door exists here, remove it.
		if( fCursorExists )
			RemoveAllTopmostsOfTypeRange( iDoorMapIndex, ROTATINGKEY, ROTATINGKEY );
		RemoveDoorInfoFromTable( iDoorMapIndex );
