Exemple #1
// Add a command to DevStudio
// Creates a toolbar button for the command also.
// 'MethodName' is the name of the method specified in the .odl file
// 'StrResId' the resource id of the descriptive string
// 'GlyphIndex' the image index into the command buttons bitmap
// Return true on success
bool CDSAddIn::AddCommand (IApplication* pApp, char* MethodName, char* CmdName,
			   UINT StrResId, UINT GlyphIndex, VARIANT_BOOL bFirstTime)
	CString CmdString;
	CString CmdText;

	CmdText.LoadString (StrResId);
	CmdString = CmdName;
	CmdString += CmdText;

	CComBSTR bszCmdString (CmdString);
	CComBSTR bszMethod (MethodName);
	CComBSTR bszCmdName (CmdName);

	// (see stdafx.h for the definition of VERIFY_OK)

	VERIFY_OK (pApp->AddCommand (bszCmdString, bszMethod, GlyphIndex,
				     m_dwCookie, &bRet));
	if (bRet == VARIANT_FALSE)
		// AddCommand failed because a command with this name already exists.
		ReportInternalError ("IApplication::AddCommand");
		return FALSE;

	// Add toolbar buttons only if this is the first time the add-in
	// is being loaded.  Toolbar buttons are automatically remembered
	// by Developer Studio from session to session, so we should only
	// add the toolbar buttons once.
	if (bFirstTime == VARIANT_TRUE)
		VERIFY_OK (pApp->AddCommandBarButton (dsGlyph, bszCmdName, m_dwCookie));

	return TRUE;
Exemple #2
void CCommands::SetApplicationObject (IApplication * pApplication)
	// This function assumes pApplication has already been AddRef'd
	// for us, which CDSAddIn did in it's QueryInterface call
	// just before it called us.
	m_pApplication = pApplication;
	if (! m_pApplication)

	// Create Application event handlers
	XApplicationEventsObj::CreateInstance (&m_pApplicationEventsObj);
	if (! m_pApplicationEventsObj)
		ReportInternalError ("XApplicationEventsObj::CreateInstance");
	m_pApplicationEventsObj->AddRef ();
	m_pApplicationEventsObj->Connect (m_pApplication);
	m_pApplicationEventsObj->m_pCommands = this;

#ifdef NEVER
	// Create Debugger event handler
	CComPtr < IDispatch > pDebugger;
	if (SUCCEEDED (m_pApplication->get_Debugger (&pDebugger))
	    && pDebugger != NULL)
		XDebuggerEventsObj::CreateInstance (&m_pDebuggerEventsObj);
		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->AddRef ();
		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->Connect (pDebugger);
		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->m_pCommands = this;

	// Get settings from registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Vim\VisVim
	HKEY hAppKey = GetAppKey ("Vim");
	if (hAppKey)
		HKEY hSectionKey = GetSectionKey (hAppKey, "VisVim");
		if (hSectionKey)
			g_bEnableVim = GetRegistryInt (hSectionKey, "EnableVim",
			g_bDevStudioEditor = GetRegistryInt(hSectionKey,"DevStudioEditor",
			g_ChangeDir = GetRegistryInt (hSectionKey, "ChangeDir",
			RegCloseKey (hSectionKey);
		RegCloseKey (hAppKey);
Exemple #3
// This is called when the user first loads the add-in, and on start-up
//  of each subsequent Developer Studio session
STDMETHODIMP CDSAddIn::OnConnection (IApplication * pApp, VARIANT_BOOL bFirstTime,
				     long dwCookie, VARIANT_BOOL * OnConnection)
	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
	*OnConnection = VARIANT_FALSE;

	// Store info passed to us
	IApplication *pApplication = NULL;

	hr = pApp->QueryInterface (IID_IApplication, (void **) &pApplication);
	if (FAILED (hr))
		ReportLastError (hr);
		return E_UNEXPECTED;
	if (pApplication == NULL)
		ReportInternalError ("IApplication::QueryInterface");
		return E_UNEXPECTED;

	m_dwCookie = dwCookie;

	// Create command dispatch, send info back to DevStudio
	CCommandsObj::CreateInstance (&m_pCommands);
	if (! m_pCommands)
		ReportInternalError ("CCommandsObj::CreateInstance");
		return E_UNEXPECTED;
	m_pCommands->AddRef ();

	// The QueryInterface above AddRef'd the Application object.  It will
	// be Release'd in CCommand's destructor.
	m_pCommands->SetApplicationObject (pApplication);

	hr = pApplication->SetAddInInfo ((long) AfxGetInstanceHandle (),
	if (FAILED (hr))
		ReportLastError (hr);
		return E_UNEXPECTED;

	// Inform DevStudio of the commands we implement
	if (! AddCommand (pApplication, "VisVimDialog", "VisVimDialogCmd",
			  IDS_CMD_DIALOG, 0, bFirstTime))
		return E_UNEXPECTED;
	if (! AddCommand (pApplication, "VisVimEnable", "VisVimEnableCmd",
			  IDS_CMD_ENABLE, 1, bFirstTime))
		return E_UNEXPECTED;
	if (! AddCommand (pApplication, "VisVimDisable", "VisVimDisableCmd",
			  IDS_CMD_DISABLE, 2, bFirstTime))
		return E_UNEXPECTED;
	if (! AddCommand (pApplication, "VisVimToggle", "VisVimToggleCmd",
			  IDS_CMD_TOGGLE, 3, bFirstTime))
		return E_UNEXPECTED;
	if (! AddCommand (pApplication, "VisVimLoad", "VisVimLoadCmd",
			  IDS_CMD_LOAD, 4, bFirstTime))
		return E_UNEXPECTED;

	*OnConnection = VARIANT_TRUE;
	return S_OK;