Exemple #1
	void DoPaint()
		RECT rcClient = { 0 };
		::GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &rcClient);
		DWORD dwWidth = rcClient.right - rcClient.left;
		DWORD dwHeight = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top;

		HDC hDcPaint = ::GetDC(m_hWnd);
		HDC hDcBackground = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hDcPaint);
		COLORREF* pBackgroundBits;
		HBITMAP hbmpBackground = CreateMyBitmap(hDcPaint, dwWidth, dwHeight, &pBackgroundBits);
		::ZeroMemory(pBackgroundBits, dwWidth * dwHeight * 4);
		HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(hDcBackground, hbmpBackground);
		SetBkMode(hDcBackground, OPAQUE);
		m_pm.GetRoot()->DoPaint(hDcBackground, rcClient);
		PaintArrow(hDcBackground, rcClient);
		ResetAlpha((BYTE*)pBackgroundBits, dwWidth, dwHeight);

		RECT rcWnd = { 0 };
		::GetWindowRect(m_hWnd, &rcWnd);

		POINT ptPos = { rcWnd.left, rcWnd.top };
		SIZE sizeWnd = { dwWidth, dwHeight };
		POINT ptSrc = { 0, 0 };
		UpdateLayeredWindow(m_hWnd, hDcPaint, &ptPos, &sizeWnd, hDcBackground, &ptSrc, 0, &bf, ULW_ALPHA);

		::SelectObject(hDcBackground, hOldBitmap);
		if (hDcBackground != NULL) ::DeleteDC(hDcBackground);
		if (hbmpBackground != NULL) ::DeleteObject(hbmpBackground);
		::ReleaseDC(m_hWnd, hDcPaint);
	void Compute(ImageF& image) {
		const int nx = image.GetWidth();
		const int ny = image.GetHeight();
		const int len = *gvRoiSize;

		// Compute gradients
		MatF& magsqr = gradients.magnitude_sqr;
		magsqr /= magsqr.MaxValue();

		// Create the histogram
		votes.Resize(ny, nx, *gvThetaBins);

		// Compute the (theta,rho,phi) histogram
		for (int y = roi.Top(); y < roi.Bottom(); y++) {
			const float* orientrow = orient[y];
			const float* magrow = magsqr[y];
			for (int x = roi.Left(); x < roi.Right(); x++) {
				if (mask[y-roi.Top()][x-roi.Left()]) {
					const float theta = OpenUpAngle(orientrow[x]);
					const float rho = (x-cx) * cos(theta)	+ (y-cy) * sin(theta);
					const int theta_bin = ThetaToBin(theta);
					const int rho_bin = RhoToBin(rho);
					const float mag = sqrtf(magrow[x]);
					hist[theta_bin][rho_bin] += mag;

		// Find edgels
		int nn = 0;
		for (int y = 0; y < hist.Rows(); y++) {
			for (int x = 0; x < hist.Cols(); x++) {
				if (hist[y][x] >= *gvThresh) {
					const float theta = BinToTheta(y);
					const float rho = BinToRho(x);
					const float costh = cos(theta);
					const float sinth = sin(theta);
					const Vec3F line(costh, sinth, -cx*costh - cy*sinth - rho);
					Edgel cur(theta, rho, hist[y][x], line);
					ClipLineToROI(cur.line, roi, cur.start, cur.end);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	InitVars(argc, argv, "edgels.cfg");

	ImageF image;
	ImageRGB<byte> imagergb;
	ReadImage(argv[1], imagergb);
	ImageCopy(imagergb, image);
	const int nx = image.GetWidth();
	const int ny = image.GetHeight();

	Edgels edgels(image);

	ImageRGB<byte> canvas;
	ImageCopy(imagergb, canvas);
	BrightColors colors;
	BOOST_FOREACH(const Edgel& e, edgels.edgels) {
		e.Draw(canvas, colors.Next());
	WriteImage("out/all_edgels.png", canvas);

	return 0;