void CUser::Warp(uint16 sPosX, uint16 sPosZ) { ASSERT(GetMap() != nullptr); if (m_bWarp) return; float real_x = sPosX / 10.0f, real_z = sPosZ / 10.0f; if (!GetMap()->IsValidPosition(real_x, real_z, 0.0f)) { TRACE("Invalid position %f,%f\n", real_x, real_z); return; } Packet result(WIZ_WARP); result << sPosX << sPosZ; Send(&result); UserInOut(INOUT_OUT); m_curx = real_x; m_curz = real_z; SetRegion(GetNewRegionX(), GetNewRegionZ()); UserInOut(INOUT_WARP); g_pMain->UserInOutForMe(this); g_pMain->NpcInOutForMe(this); g_pMain->MerchantUserInOutForMe(this); ResetWindows(); }
void CUser::Warp(char *pBuf) { ASSERT(GetMap() != NULL); if( m_bWarp ) return; int index = 0, send_index = 0; WORD warp_x, warp_z; float real_x, real_z; char send_buff[128]; warp_x = GetShort( pBuf, index ); warp_z = GetShort( pBuf, index ); real_x = warp_x/10.0f; real_z = warp_z/10.0f; if (!GetMap()->IsValidPosition(real_x, real_z, 0.0f)) { TRACE("Invalid position %f,%f\n", real_x, real_z); return; } SetByte(send_buff, WIZ_WARP, send_index); SetShort(send_buff, warp_x, send_index); SetShort(send_buff, warp_z, send_index); Send(send_buff, send_index); UserInOut(USER_OUT); m_pUserData->m_curx = m_fWill_x = real_x; m_pUserData->m_curz = m_fWill_z = real_z; m_RegionX = (int)(m_pUserData->m_curx / VIEW_DISTANCE); m_RegionZ = (int)(m_pUserData->m_curz / VIEW_DISTANCE); //TRACE(" Warp ,, name=%s, x=%.2f, z=%.2f\n", m_pUserData->m_id, m_pUserData->m_curx, m_pUserData->m_curz); UserInOut(USER_WARP); m_pMain->UserInOutForMe(this); m_pMain->NpcInOutForMe(this); m_pMain->MerchantUserInOutForMe(this); ResetWindows(); }
void CUser::ZoneChange(int zone, float x, float z) { m_bZoneChangeFlag = true; C3DMap* pMap = nullptr; _ZONE_SERVERINFO *pInfo = nullptr; pMap = g_pMain->GetZoneByID(zone); if (!pMap) return; if( pMap->m_bType == 2 ) { // If Target zone is frontier zone. if( GetLevel() < 20 && g_pMain->m_byBattleOpen != SNOW_BATTLE) return; } if( g_pMain->m_byBattleOpen == NATION_BATTLE ) { // Battle zone open if( m_bZone == BATTLE_ZONE ) { if( pMap->m_bType == 1 && m_bNation != zone && (zone < 10 || zone > 21)) { // ???? ?????? ???? ????.. if( m_bNation == KARUS && !g_pMain->m_byElmoradOpenFlag ) { TRACE("#### ZoneChange Fail ,,, id=%s, nation=%d, flag=%d\n", GetName().c_str(), m_bNation, g_pMain->m_byElmoradOpenFlag); return; } else if( m_bNation == ELMORAD && !g_pMain->m_byKarusOpenFlag ) { TRACE("#### ZoneChange Fail ,,, id=%s, nation=%d, flag=%d\n", GetName().c_str(), m_bNation, g_pMain->m_byKarusOpenFlag); return; } } } else if( pMap->m_bType == 1 && m_bNation != zone && (zone < 10 || zone > 21)) { // ???? ?????? ???? ????.. return; } // else if( pMap->m_bType == 2 && zone == ZONE_RONARK_LAND ) { // You can't go to frontier zone when Battlezone is open. Packet result(WIZ_WARP_LIST, uint8(2)); result << uint8(0); Send(&result); return; } // } else if( g_pMain->m_byBattleOpen == SNOW_BATTLE ) { // Snow Battle zone open if( pMap->m_bType == 1 && m_bNation != zone ) { // ???? ?????? ???? ????.. return; } else if( pMap->m_bType == 2 && (zone == ZONE_RONARK_LAND || zone == ZONE_BATTLE ) ) { // You can't go to frontier zone when Battlezone is open. return; } } else { // Battle zone close if( pMap->m_bType == 1 && m_bNation != zone && (zone < 10 || zone > 21)) return; } m_bWarp = 0x01; UserInOut(INOUT_OUT); if( m_bZone == ZONE_SNOW_BATTLE ) { //TRACE("ZoneChange - name=%s\n", m_id); SetMaxHp( 1 ); } bool bSameZone = (GetZoneID() == zone); m_bZone = zone; m_curx = x; m_curz = z; if (!bSameZone) { SetZoneAbilityChange(); // Reset the user's anger gauge when leaving the zone // Unknown if this is official behaviour, but it's logical. if (GetAngerGauge() > 0) UpdateAngerGauge(0); /* Here we also send a clan packet with subopcode 0x16 (with a byte flag of 2) if war zone/Moradon or subopcode 0x17 (with nWarEnemyID) for all else */ #if 0 if (isInClan()) { CKnights * pKnights = g_pMain->GetClanPtr(GetClanID()); if (pKnights != nullptr && pKnights->bKnightsWarStarted) { Packet clanPacket(WIZ_KNIGHTS_PROCESS); if ((GetZoneID() / 100) == 1 || GetZoneID() == 21) clanPacket << uint8(0x17) << uint8(2); else clanPacket << uint16(0x16) << uint16(0 /*nWarEnemyID*/); Send(&clanPacket); } } #endif if (GetZoneID() == ZONE_SNOW_BATTLE) { SetMaxHp(); } if (isInParty()) PartyRemove(GetSocketID()); ResetWindows(); } m_pMap = pMap; if( g_pMain->m_nServerNo != pMap->m_nServerNo ) { pInfo = g_pMain->m_ServerArray.GetData( pMap->m_nServerNo ); if( !pInfo ) return; UserDataSaveToAgent(); m_bLogout = 2; // server change flag SendServerChange(pInfo->strServerIP, 2); return; } SetRegion(GetNewRegionX(), GetNewRegionZ()); Packet result(WIZ_ZONE_CHANGE, uint8(3)); // magic numbers, sigh. result << uint16(GetZoneID()) << GetSPosX() << GetSPosZ() << GetSPosY() << g_pMain->m_byOldVictory; Send(&result); if (!m_bZoneChangeSameZone) { m_sWhoKilledMe = -1; m_iLostExp = 0; m_bRegeneType = 0; m_tLastRegeneTime = 0; m_sBind = -1; InitType3(); InitType4(); CMagicProcess::CheckExpiredType9Skills(this, true); SetUserAbility(); } result.Initialize(AG_ZONE_CHANGE); result << GetSocketID() << GetZoneID(); Send_AIServer(&result); m_bZoneChangeSameZone = false; m_bZoneChangeFlag = false; }
void CUser::ZoneChange(uint16 sNewZone, float x, float z) { C3DMap * pMap = g_pMain->GetZoneByID(sNewZone); if (pMap == nullptr) return; ZoneChangeError errorReason; if (!CanChangeZone(pMap, errorReason)) { Packet result; switch (errorReason) { case ZoneChangeErrorWrongLevel: /* this will depend on the zone */ break; case ZoneChangeErrorWarActive: result.Initialize(WIZ_WARP_LIST); result << uint8(2) << uint8(4); Send(&result); break; case ZoneChangeErrorNeedLoyalty: /* does this have an error? */ break; } return; } m_bWarp = true; m_bZoneChangeFlag = true; UserInOut(INOUT_OUT); if (sNewZone == ZONE_SNOW_BATTLE) SetMaxHp(1); if (GetZoneID() != sNewZone) { SetZoneAbilityChange(); // Reset the user's anger gauge when leaving the zone // Unknown if this is official behaviour, but it's logical. if (GetAngerGauge() > 0) UpdateAngerGauge(0); /* Here we also send a clan packet with subopcode 0x16 (with a byte flag of 2) if war zone/Moradon or subopcode 0x17 (with nWarEnemyID) for all else */ #if 0 if (isInClan()) { CKnights * pKnights = g_pMain->GetClanPtr(GetClanID()); if (pKnights != nullptr && pKnights->bKnightsWarStarted) { Packet clanPacket(WIZ_KNIGHTS_PROCESS); if (pMap->isWarZone() || byNewZone == ZONE_MORADON) clanPacket << uint8(0x17) << uint8(2); else clanPacket << uint16(0x16) << uint16(0 /*nWarEnemyID*/); Send(&clanPacket); } } #endif if (sNewZone == ZONE_SNOW_BATTLE) SetMaxHp(); if (isInParty()) PartyRemove(GetSocketID()); ResetWindows(); } m_bZone = (uint8) sNewZone; // this is 2 bytes to support the warp data loaded from SMDs. It should not go above a byte, however. SetPosition(x, 0.0f, z); m_pMap = pMap; if (g_pMain->m_nServerNo != pMap->m_nServerNo) { _ZONE_SERVERINFO *pInfo = g_pMain->m_ServerArray.GetData(pMap->m_nServerNo); if (pInfo == nullptr) return; UserDataSaveToAgent(); m_bLogout = 2; // server change flag SendServerChange(pInfo->strServerIP, 2); return; } SetRegion(GetNewRegionX(), GetNewRegionZ()); Packet result(WIZ_ZONE_CHANGE, uint8(ZoneChangeTeleport)); result << uint16(GetZoneID()) << GetSPosX() << GetSPosZ() << GetSPosY() << g_pMain->m_byOldVictory; Send(&result); if (!m_bZoneChangeSameZone) { m_sWhoKilledMe = -1; m_iLostExp = 0; m_bRegeneType = 0; m_tLastRegeneTime = 0; m_sBind = -1; InitType3(); InitType4(); CMagicProcess::CheckExpiredType9Skills(this, true); SetUserAbility(); } result.Initialize(AG_ZONE_CHANGE); result << GetSocketID() << GetZoneID(); Send_AIServer(&result); m_bZoneChangeSameZone = false; m_bZoneChangeFlag = false; }