void BasePlatformInterface::ResizeToWindow() { // Only resize based on our XUL element if we're not in fullscreen mode. if (!mFullscreen) { LOG(("Resizing video to fit window in non-fullscreen mode")); PRInt32 x, y, width, height; if (mVideoBox) { mVideoBox->GetX(&x); mVideoBox->GetY(&y); mVideoBox->GetWidth(&width); mVideoBox->GetHeight(&height); SetDisplayArea(x, y, width, height); ResizeVideo(); } else { LOG(("Not resizing video: no video box")); } } else { LOG(("Not resizing video: in fullscreen mode")); } }
void BasePlatformInterface::SetDisplayAspectRatio(int aNumerator, int aDenominator) { mDARNum = aNumerator; mDARDenom = aDenominator; ResizeVideo(); }
void MagicView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); window_style = GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE); if (nType == SIZE_MINIMIZED) { is_minimized = true; is_maximized = false; } else if (nType == SIZE_MAXIMIZED) { is_minimized = false; is_maximized = true; ResizeVideo(); } else if (nType == SIZE_RESTORED) { if (is_maximized) { is_maximized = false; ResizeVideo(); } else if (is_minimized) { is_minimized = false; ResizeVideo(); } else if (!is_sizing) { // if this is not a resize due to dragging... ResizeVideo(); } else { // If we're neither maximized nor minimized, the window size // is changing by the user dragging the window edges. In this // case, we don't reset the device yet -- we wait until the // user stops dragging, and a WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message comes. } } }
void BasePlatformInterface::SetFullscreen(bool aFullscreen) { if (aFullscreen && !mFullscreen) { mFullscreen = true; FullScreen(); } else if (!aFullscreen && mFullscreen) { mFullscreen = false; UnFullScreen(); // Make sure we're in the right place and the right size ResizeToWindow(); ResizeVideo(); } // Otherwise, we're already in the right mode, so don't do anything. }
void MagicView::OnExitSizeMove() { is_sizing = false; ResizeVideo(); }