Exemple #1
const char* csConditionEvaluator::ResolveOperand (csExpression* expression, 
  CondOperand& operand)
  const char* err;

  if (expression->type == csExpression::Value)
    err = ResolveExpValue (expression->valueValue, operand);
    if (err)
      return SetLastError ("Can't resolve value %s: %s",
	CS::Quote::Single (csExpressionToken::Extractor (expression->valueValue).Get ()),
    return 0;

  const csExpressionToken& t = expression->expressionValue.op;
  if (TokenEquals (t.tokenStart, t.tokenLen, "."))
    CS_ASSERT (expression->expressionValue.left->type 
      == csExpression::Value);
    const csExpressionToken& left = 
    if (TokenEquals (left.tokenStart, left.tokenLen, "vars"))
      err = ResolveSVIdentifier (expression->expressionValue.right,
      if (err)
	return err;
      return 0;
    else if (TokenEquals (left.tokenStart, left.tokenLen, "consts"))
      err = ResolveConst (expression->expressionValue.right,
      if (err)
	return err;
      return 0;
      return SetLastError ("Unknown identifier %s",
	CS::Quote::Single (csExpressionToken::Extractor (left).Get ()));
    operand.type = operandOperation;
    err = ProcessExpressionInternal (expression, operand.operation);
    if (err)
      return err;
    return 0;
  CS_ASSERT (false);
  return 0;
Exemple #2
const char* csConditionEvaluator::ProcessExpressionInternal (csExpression* expression, 
  CondOperation& operation)
  const char* err;
  CondOperation newOp;

  if (expression->type == csExpression::Value)
    newOp.operation = opEqual;
    err = ResolveExpValue (expression->valueValue, newOp.left);
    if (err)
      return SetLastError ("Can't resolve value '%s': %s",
	csExpressionToken::Extractor (expression->valueValue).Get (), err);
    newOp.right.type = operandBoolean;
    newOp.right.boolVal = true;
    if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.left.type, newOp.right.type))
      return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	csExpressionToken::Extractor (expression->valueValue).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.left.type),
	OperandTypeDescription (newOp.right.type));
    const csExpressionToken& t = expression->expressionValue.op;
    if (TokenEquals (t.tokenStart, t.tokenLen, "."))
      newOp.operation = opEqual;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression, newOp.left);
      if (err != 0) return err;
      newOp.right.type = operandBoolean;
      newOp.right.boolVal = true;
    else if (TokenEquals (t.tokenStart, t.tokenLen, "!"))
      newOp.operation = opEqual;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.right, newOp.left);
      if (err)
	return err;
      if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.left.type, operandBoolean))
	return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	  csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.left.type),
	  OperandTypeDescription (operandBoolean));
      newOp.right.type = operandBoolean;
      newOp.right.boolVal = false;
    else if (TokenEquals (t.tokenStart, t.tokenLen, "=="))
      newOp.operation = opEqual;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.left, newOp.left);
      if (err)
	return err;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.right, newOp.right);
      if (err)
	return err;
      if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.left.type, newOp.right.type))
	return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	  csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.left.type),
	  OperandTypeDescription (newOp.right.type));
    else if (TokenEquals (t.tokenStart, t.tokenLen, "!="))
      newOp.operation = opNEqual;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.left, newOp.left);
      if (err)
	return err;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.right, newOp.right);
      if (err)
	return err;
      if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.left.type, newOp.right.type))
	return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	  csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.left.type),
	  OperandTypeDescription (newOp.right.type));
    else if (TokenEquals (t.tokenStart, t.tokenLen, "<"))
      newOp.operation = opLesser;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.left, newOp.left);
      if (err)
	return err;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.right, newOp.right);
      if (err)
	return err;
      if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.left.type, newOp.right.type))
	return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	  csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.left.type),
	  OperandTypeDescription (newOp.right.type));
    else if (TokenEquals (t.tokenStart, t.tokenLen, "<="))
      newOp.operation = opLesserEq;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.left, newOp.left);
      if (err)
	return err;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.right, newOp.right);
      if (err)
	return err;
      if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.left.type, newOp.right.type))
	return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	  csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.left.type),
	  OperandTypeDescription (newOp.right.type));
    else if (TokenEquals (t.tokenStart, t.tokenLen, ">="))
      newOp.operation = opLesserEq;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.left, newOp.right);
      if (err)
	return err;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.right, newOp.left);
      if (err)
	return err;
      if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.left.type, newOp.right.type))
	return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	  csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.left.type),
	  OperandTypeDescription (newOp.right.type));
    else if (TokenEquals (t.tokenStart, t.tokenLen, ">"))
      newOp.operation = opLesser;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.left, newOp.right);
      if (err)
	return err;
      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.right, newOp.left);
      if (err)
	return err;
      if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.left.type, newOp.right.type))
	return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	  csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.left.type),
	  OperandTypeDescription (newOp.right.type));
    else if (TokenEquals (t.tokenStart, t.tokenLen, "&&"))
      newOp.operation = opAnd;

      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.left, newOp.left);
      if (err)
	return err;
      if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.left.type, operandBoolean))
	return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	  csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.left.type),
	  OperandTypeDescription (operandBoolean));
      if (newOp.left.type != operandOperation)
        /* Convert to "(left eq true) and (right eq true)" to make the possible 
         * value determination simpler. */
        CondOperation newOpL;
        newOpL.operation = opEqual;
        newOpL.left = newOp.left;
        newOpL.right.type = operandBoolean;
        newOpL.right.boolVal = true;

        newOp.left.type = operandOperation;
        newOp.left.operation = FindOptimizedConditionInternal (newOpL);

      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.right, newOp.right);
      if (err)
	return err;
      if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.right.type, operandBoolean))
	return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	  csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.right.type),
	  OperandTypeDescription (operandBoolean));
      if (newOp.right.type != operandOperation)
        /* Convert to "(left eq true) and (right eq true)" to make the possible 
         * value determination simpler. */
        CondOperation newOpR;
        newOpR.operation = opEqual;
        newOpR.left = newOp.right;
        newOpR.right.type = operandBoolean;
        newOpR.right.boolVal = true;

        newOp.right.type = operandOperation;
        newOp.right.operation = FindOptimizedConditionInternal (newOpR);
    else if (TokenEquals (t.tokenStart, t.tokenLen, "||"))
      newOp.operation = opOr;

      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.left, newOp.left);
      if (err)
	return err;
      if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.left.type, operandBoolean))
	return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	  csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.left.type),
	  OperandTypeDescription (operandBoolean));
      if (newOp.left.type != operandOperation)
        /* Convert to "(left eq true) or (right eq true)" to make the possible 
         * value determination simpler. */
        CondOperation newOpL;
        newOpL.operation = opEqual;
        newOpL.left = newOp.left;
        newOpL.right.type = operandBoolean;
        newOpL.right.boolVal = true;

        newOp.left.type = operandOperation;
        newOp.left.operation = FindOptimizedConditionInternal (newOpL);

      err = ResolveOperand (expression->expressionValue.right, newOp.right);
      if (err)
	return err;
      if (!OpTypesCompatible (newOp.right.type, operandBoolean))
	return SetLastError ("Type of '%s' is '%s', not compatible to '%s'",
	  csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get (), OperandTypeDescription (newOp.right.type),
	  OperandTypeDescription (operandBoolean));
      if (newOp.right.type != operandOperation)
        /* Convert to "(left eq true) or (right eq true)" to make the possible 
         * value determination simpler. */
        CondOperation newOpR;
        newOpR.operation = opEqual;
        newOpR.left = newOp.right;
        newOpR.right.type = operandBoolean;
        newOpR.right.boolVal = true;

        newOp.right.type = operandOperation;
        newOp.right.operation = FindOptimizedConditionInternal (newOpR);
      return SetLastError ("Unknown operator '%s'", 
	csExpressionToken::Extractor (t).Get ());

  operation = newOp;
  return 0;