Exemple #1
RSS14Reader::decodeRow(int rowNumber, const BitArray& row_, std::unique_ptr<DecodingState>& state) const
	RSS14DecodingState* prevState = nullptr;
	if (state == nullptr) {
		state.reset(prevState = new RSS14DecodingState);
	else {
#if !defined(ZX_HAVE_CONFIG)
		#error "You need to include ZXConfig.h"
#elif !defined(ZX_NO_RTTI)
		prevState = dynamic_cast<RSS14DecodingState*>(state.get());
		prevState = static_cast<RSS14DecodingState*>(state.get());

	if (prevState == nullptr) {
		throw std::runtime_error("Invalid state");

	BitArray row = row_.copy();
	AddOrTally(prevState->possibleLeftPairs, DecodePair(row, false, rowNumber));
	AddOrTally(prevState->possibleRightPairs, DecodePair(row, true, rowNumber));
//	row.reverse();

	for (const auto& left : prevState->possibleLeftPairs) {
		if (left.count() > 1) {
			for (const auto& right : prevState->possibleRightPairs) {
				if (right.count() > 1) {
					if (CheckChecksum(left, right)) {
						return ConstructResult(left, right);
	return Result(DecodeStatus::NotFound);
Exemple #2
void cSlotAreaCrafting::ShiftClickedResult(cPlayer & a_Player)
	cItem Result(*GetSlot(0, a_Player));
	if (Result.IsEmpty())
	cItem * PlayerSlots = GetPlayerSlots(a_Player) + 1;
	for (;;)
		// Try distributing the result. If it fails, bail out:
		cItem ResultCopy(Result);
		m_ParentWindow.DistributeStack(ResultCopy, a_Player, this, false);
		if (!ResultCopy.IsEmpty())
			// Couldn't distribute all of it. Bail out
		// Distribute the result, this time for real:
		ResultCopy = Result;
		m_ParentWindow.DistributeStack(ResultCopy, a_Player, this, true);

		// Remove the ingredients from the crafting grid and update the recipe:
		cCraftingRecipe & Recipe = GetRecipeForPlayer(a_Player);
		cCraftingGrid Grid(PlayerSlots, m_GridSize, m_GridSize);

		// Broadcast the window, we sometimes move items to different locations than Vanilla, causing needless desyncs:
		// If the recipe has changed, bail out:
		if (!Recipe.GetResult().IsEqual(Result))
Exemple #3
void CBaseDialog::OnComputeStoreHash()

	CEditor MyStoreEID(

	MyStoreEID.InitPane(0, CreateSingleLinePane(IDS_STOREEID, NULL, false));
	MyStoreEID.InitPane(1, CreateCheckPane(IDS_EIDBASE64ENCODED, false, false));
	MyStoreEID.InitPane(2, CreateSingleLinePane(IDS_FILENAME, NULL, false));
	MyStoreEID.InitPane(3, CreateCheckPane(IDS_PUBLICFOLDERSTORE, false, false));

	if (S_OK != hRes) return;

	// Get the entry ID as a binary
	size_t cbBin = NULL;
	EC_H(MyStoreEID.GetEntryID(0, MyStoreEID.GetCheck(1), &cbBin, &lpEntryID));

	DWORD dwHash = ComputeStoreHash((ULONG)cbBin, (LPBYTE)lpEntryID, NULL, MyStoreEID.GetStringW(2), MyStoreEID.GetCheck(3));

	CString szHash;
	szHash.FormatMessage(IDS_STOREHASHVAL, dwHash);

	CEditor Result(

	delete[] lpEntryID;
} // CBaseDialog::OnComputeStoreHash
Recordinfo API::createIndex(sqlcommand& sql, bool flag){
	std::string tablename=sql.createIndexInfo[1];
    std::string indexname=sql.createIndexInfo[0];
    std::string attrname=sql.createIndexInfo[2];
//    if(catalogmanager->attrname)
    // 保证index一定会在unique上面创建,primary key
    if(!catalogmanager->isUnique(tablename, attrname) && !catalogmanager->isPK(tablename, attrname) ){
        Recordinfo result=Recordinfo(false, "You can only create an index on unique/primary attribute!", Result(), 0);
        return result;
    int attrtype=catalogmanager->getAttrType(tablename, sql.createIndexInfo[2]);
    int valuecharlen=0;
        valuecharlen=catalogmanager->getCharLength(tablename, sql.createIndexInfo[2]);
    indexmanager->CreateIndex(indexname, attrtype, std::vector<Value>(), std::vector<slot>(), valuecharlen);
    // insert all records to index
    sqlcommand tempsql=sqlcommand();
    tempsql.conditions=std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >();
    Table temptable=catalogmanager->getTable(tablename);
    std::vector<slot> tempslot=std::vector<slot>();
    Recordinfo result=recordmanager->Select_Record(tempsql, temptable, 0, tempslot);
    for(int i=0;i<tempslot.size();i++){
        Value v;
            case 0:v=Value(attrtype, std::stoi(result.res.rows[i+1].cols[0]));break;
            case 1:v=Value(attrtype, result.res.rows[i+1].cols[0]);break;
            case -1:v=Value(attrtype, std::stof(result.res.rows[i+1].cols[0]));break;
        indexmanager->_insert(indexname, v, tempslot[i]);
    return Recordinfo(1, "", Result(), 0); // further improve
void ObjectMgr::LoadItemTemplates()
    QueryResult Result(sDatabase.Query("SELECT * FROM `item_template`"));

    ItemTemplate* pTemplate;

    while (Result->next())
        pTemplate = new ItemTemplate;

        pTemplate->ItemID         = Result->getUInt64 (1);
        pTemplate->Class          = Result->getUInt   (2);
        pTemplate->SubClass       = Result->getUInt   (3);
        pTemplate->Name           = Result->getString (4);
        pTemplate->DisplayInfoID  = Result->getUInt   (5);
        pTemplate->InventoryType  = Result->getUInt   (6);
        pTemplate->ContainerSlots = Result->getUInt   (7);
        pTemplate->Description    = Result->getString (8);

        ItemTemplates[pTemplate->ItemID] = pTemplate;
void ObjectMgr::LoadSpellTemplates()
    QueryResult Result(WorldDB->Query("SELECT * FROM `spell_template`"));

    SpellTemplate* pTemplate;

    while (Result->next())
        pTemplate = new SpellTemplate;

        pTemplate->Entry     = Result->getUInt   (1);
        pTemplate->Name      = Result->getString (2);
        pTemplate->Tileset   = Result->getString (3);
        pTemplate->TextureX  = Result->getUInt   (4);
        pTemplate->TextureY  = Result->getUInt   (5);
        pTemplate->Flag      = Result->getUInt   (6);
        pTemplate->BaseValue = Result->getUInt   (7);
        pTemplate->BaseCost  = Result->getUInt   (8);

        SpellTemplates[pTemplate->Entry] = pTemplate;
Exemple #7
	fThreadCompleted = create_sem(0, "print_server_messenger_sem");
	if (fThreadCompleted < B_OK)
		return B_ERROR;

	thread_id id = spawn_thread(MessengerThread, "async_request",
	if (id <= 0 || resume_thread(id) != B_OK)
		return B_ERROR;

	// Get the originating window, if it exists
	BWindow* window = dynamic_cast<BWindow*>(
	if (window != NULL) {
		status_t err;
		while (true) {
			do {
				err = acquire_sem_etc(fThreadCompleted, 1, B_RELATIVE_TIMEOUT,
			// We've (probably) had our time slice taken away from us
			} while (err == B_INTERRUPTED);

			// Semaphore was finally nuked in SetResult(BMessage *)
			if (err == B_BAD_SEM_ID)
	} else {
		// No window to update, so just hang out until we're done.
		while (acquire_sem(fThreadCompleted) == B_INTERRUPTED);

	status_t status;
	wait_for_thread(id, &status);

	return Result() != NULL ? B_OK : B_ERROR;
Exemple #8
static Result
ConstructResult(const RSS::Pair& leftPair, const RSS::Pair& rightPair)
	int64_t symbolValue = 4537077 * static_cast<int64_t>(leftPair.value()) + rightPair.value();
	std::wstringstream buffer;
	buffer << std::setw(13) << std::setfill(L'0') << symbolValue;

	int checkDigit = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
		int digit = buffer.get() - '0';
		checkDigit += (i & 0x01) == 0 ? 3 * digit : digit;
	checkDigit = 10 - (checkDigit % 10);
	if (checkDigit == 10) {
		checkDigit = 0;
	buffer.put((wchar_t)(checkDigit + '0'));

	auto& leftPoints = leftPair.finderPattern().points();
	auto& rightPoints = rightPair.finderPattern().points();
	return Result(buffer.str(), ByteArray(), { leftPoints[0], leftPoints[1], rightPoints[0], rightPoints[1] }, BarcodeFormat::RSS_14);
Exemple #9
FunctionAnalysisManagerCGSCCProxy::run(LazyCallGraph::SCC &C,
                                       CGSCCAnalysisManager &AM,
                                       LazyCallGraph &CG) {
  // Collect the FunctionAnalysisManager from the Module layer and use that to
  // build the proxy result.
  // This allows us to rely on the FunctionAnalysisMangaerModuleProxy to
  // invalidate the function analyses.
  auto &MAM = AM.getResult<ModuleAnalysisManagerCGSCCProxy>(C, CG).getManager();
  Module &M = *C.begin()->getFunction().getParent();
  auto *FAMProxy = MAM.getCachedResult<FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy>(M);
  assert(FAMProxy && "The CGSCC pass manager requires that the FAM module "
                     "proxy is run on the module prior to entering the CGSCC "

  // Note that we special-case invalidation handling of this proxy in the CGSCC
  // analysis manager's Module proxy. This avoids the need to do anything
  // special here to recompute all of this if ever the FAM's module proxy goes
  // away.
  return Result(FAMProxy->getManager());
Exemple #10
glm::mat4 Camera::GetViewMatrix(glm::vec3 _eye, glm::vec3 _center, glm::vec3 up ){

	centre = eye + direction;

	glm::vec3 dir = glm::normalize(_center - eye);
	glm::vec3 tup = glm::normalize(up);
	glm::vec3 s = glm::normalize(glm::cross(dir, tup));
	tup = glm::cross(s, dir);

	glm::mat4x4 Result(1);
        Result[0][0] = s.x;
        Result[1][0] = s.y;
        Result[2][0] = s.z;
        Result[0][1] = tup.x;
        Result[1][1] = tup.y;
        Result[2][1] = tup.z;
        Result[0][2] =-dir.x;
        Result[1][2] =-dir.y;
        Result[2][2] =-dir.z;

		return glm::translate(Result, -eye);
Exemple #11
UnicodeString FmtLoadStr(intptr_t Id, ...)
  UnicodeString Result(64, 0);
  wchar_t Format[1024];
  HINSTANCE hInstance = GetGlobalFunctions()->GetInstanceHandle();
  intptr_t Length = ::LoadString(hInstance, static_cast<UINT>(Id),
    Format, static_cast<int>(sizeof(Format)));
  if (!Length)
    DEBUG_PRINTF(L"Unknown resource string id: %d\n", Id);
    va_list Args;
    va_start(Args, Id);
    intptr_t Len = _vscwprintf(Format, Args);
    Result.SetLength(Len + sizeof(wchar_t));
    vswprintf_s(&Result[1], Result.Length(), Format, Args);
  return Result;
Exemple #12
int main()
	uint64_t EndTarget = 24;

	std::vector<uint64_t> Result(EndTarget);

	Result[0] = 1;

	for (uint64_t i = 0; i < EndTarget - 1; i++)
		uint64_t Summation = 0;

		for (uint64_t j = 0; j <= i; j++) Summation += Result[j] * NChooseK(i, j);

		Result[i + 1] = Result[i] + Summation;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < EndTarget; i++)
		std::cout << Result[i] << std::endl;

	std::cout << std::endl;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < EndTarget; i++)
		std::bitset<64> x(Result[i]);

		std::cout << x << std::endl;

	std::cout << std::endl;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < EndTarget; i++)
		std::cout << float(Result[i]) << std::endl;

void tStreamReceiveFile::ProcessError(QDataStream &)

    int num_error=1;
    QString error="Error in command 1";
    QString detail="File name: "+file_name+"\nFile size: "+QString::number(file_size);

    QString client_detail="Ошибка на стороне клиента \n"+error_reason;

    QByteArray block;
    QDataStream in(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);

    in << tr("Error");
    in << num_error;
    in << error;
    in << detail;
    in << client_detail;

    emit Result(block);
    emit EndCommand();

FBox FKSphylElem::CalcAABB(const FTransform& BoneTM, float Scale) const
	FTransform ElemTM = GetTransform();
	ElemTM.ScaleTranslation( FVector(Scale) );
	ElemTM *= BoneTM;

	const FVector SphylCenter = ElemTM.GetLocation();

	// Get sphyl axis direction
	const FVector Axis = ElemTM.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Z );
	// Get abs of that vector
	const FVector AbsAxis(FMath::Abs(Axis.X), FMath::Abs(Axis.Y), FMath::Abs(Axis.Z));
	// Scale by length of sphyl
	const FVector AbsDist = (Scale * 0.5f * Length) * AbsAxis;

	const FVector MaxPos = SphylCenter + AbsDist;
	const FVector MinPos = SphylCenter - AbsDist;
	const FVector Extent(Scale * Radius);

	FBox Result(MinPos - Extent, MaxPos + Extent);

	return Result;
void ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureTemplates()
    QueryResult Result(WorldDB->Query("SELECT * FROM `creature_template`"));

    CreatureTemplate* pTemplate;

        pTemplate = new CreatureTemplate;

        pTemplate->Entry      = Result->getUInt   (1);
        pTemplate->Name       = Result->getString (2);
        pTemplate->Tileset    = Result->getString (3);
        pTemplate->TextureX   = Result->getUInt   (4);
        pTemplate->TextureY   = Result->getUInt   (5);
        pTemplate->Flag       = Result->getUInt   (6);
        pTemplate->MaxHealth  = Result->getUInt   (7);
        pTemplate->MaxPower   = Result->getUInt   (8);
        pTemplate->ScriptName = Result->getString (9);

        CreatureTemplates[pTemplate->Entry] = pTemplate;
void ObjectMgr::LoadItemTemplates()
    QueryResult Result(WorldDB->Query("SELECT * FROM `item_template`"));

    ItemTemplate* pTemplate;

    while (Result->next())
        pTemplate = new ItemTemplate;

        pTemplate->Entry          = Result->getUInt   (1);
        pTemplate->Name           = Result->getString (2);
        pTemplate->Class          = Result->getUInt   (3);
        pTemplate->Tileset        = Result->getString (4);
        pTemplate->TextureX       = Result->getUInt   (5);
        pTemplate->TextureY       = Result->getUInt   (6);
        pTemplate->InventoryType  = Result->getUInt   (7);
        pTemplate->ContainerSlots = Result->getUInt   (8);
        pTemplate->Description    = Result->getString (9);

        ItemTemplates[pTemplate->Entry] = pTemplate;
Exemple #17
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {

    MPI::Init(argc, argv);

    const int rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
    const int SLAVE_COUNT = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();

    //unit::Matrix<double> A, B, C;

    unit::Matrix<double> A(), B();
    unit::Matrix<double> Result();

    //std::printf("Hello world!\n");


    if(rank == 0) {


    return 0;
Exemple #18
WorkCoord DocCoord::ToLogical(Spread* pSpread, View *pView)
	// Check that we have not been fed garbage
	ENSURE( pSpread!=NULL, "DocCoord::ToLogical was passed a NULL spread" );

	// Find the chapter
	Chapter* pChapter = (Chapter*) pSpread->FindParent();
	ENSURE( pChapter!=NULL, "DocCoord::ToLogical. Spread did not have a parent chapter" );
	ENSURE( pChapter->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(Chapter)), "DocCoord::ToLogical. Chapter is not a chapter" );

	// Find out about the chapter
	DocRect ChapterRect = pChapter->GetPasteboardRect(TRUE, pView);
	XLONG   ChapterDepth = pChapter->GetChapterDepth();

	// Build the logical coord from the doccoord
	WorkCoord Result( MakeXLong(x), MakeXLong(y) );
	Result.x = Result.x - ChapterRect.lo.x;
	Result.y = Result.y - ChapterRect.hi.y;
	Result.y = Result.y - ChapterDepth;

	// return the coord
	return Result;
Exemple #19
TCString VariablesEscape(TCString Str)
	if (!Str.GetLen()) {
		return _T("");
	enum eState
	eState State = ST_QUOTE;
	TCString Result(_T("`"));
	const TCHAR *p = Str;
	while (*p) {
		if (*p == '`') {
			if (State == ST_TEXT) {
				Result += _T("````");
				State = ST_QUOTE;
			else {
				Result += _T("``");
		else {
			Result += *p;
			State = ST_TEXT;
	if (State == ST_QUOTE) {
		Result.GetBuffer()[Result.GetLen() - 1] = '\0';
	else {
		Result += '`';
	return Result;
std::vector< Result > ElementPresentValidator::VerifyElementPresent( 
    const QName &element_qname, 
    const std::vector< QName > &possible_parents,
    const xc::DOMDocument &document )
    xc::DOMNodeList *matching_elements = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(
        toX( element_qname.namespace_name ),  toX( element_qname.local_name ) );

    std::vector< Result > results;

    if ( matching_elements->getLength() < 1 )
        xc::DOMNode* parent = xe::GetFirstAvailableElement( possible_parents, document );

        Result result = parent != NULL                                                   ?
                        ResultWithNodeLocation( ERROR_XML_ELEMENT_NOT_PRESENT, *parent ) :
                        Result( ERROR_XML_ELEMENT_NOT_PRESENT );
        result.AddMessageArgument( element_qname.local_name );
        results.push_back( result );

    return results;
Result Context::createErrorResultv(const char *fmt, va_list args)
    if (fmt == NULL)
        return Result::out_of_memory;

    char *s = PR_vsmprintf(fmt, args);
    if (s == NULL)
        return Result::out_of_memory;

    int len = strlen(s);

    char *p = (char *) pool_malloc(pool, len + 1);
    if (p == NULL) {
        return Result::out_of_memory;

    memcpy(p, s, len);
    p[len] = '\0';


    return Result(RESULT_ERROR, PR_FALSE, -1, pool, p, len);
Exemple #22
CString CMail::MPAddressSpec(const CString& iStr, int& curPos){
    addr-spec   =  local-part "@" domain        ; global address

#ifdef M_DEBUG
  cout << "MPAddressSpec() - " << curPos << endl;

  if (curPos < iStr.StrLength()) {    
    FUser = MPLocalPart(iStr, curPos);    
    if (!FUser.StrLength()) return "";
    if (iStr[curPos] == '@') {
      int workingPos = curPos+1;
      FDomain = MPDomain(iStr, workingPos);      
      if (!FDomain.StrLength()) return "";
      CString Result(FUser);
      curPos = workingPos;      
      return Result;
    } else return "";
  } else return "";
Exemple #23
void cSlotAreaCrafting::ShiftClickedResult(cPlayer & a_Player)
	cItem Result(*GetSlot(0, a_Player));
	if (Result.IsEmpty())
	cItem * PlayerSlots = GetPlayerSlots(a_Player) + 1;
		// Try distributing the result. If it fails, bail out:
		cItem ResultCopy(Result);
		m_ParentWindow.DistributeStack(ResultCopy, a_Player, this, false);
		if (!ResultCopy.IsEmpty())
			// Couldn't distribute all of it. Bail out
		// Distribute the result, this time for real:
		ResultCopy = Result;
		m_ParentWindow.DistributeStack(ResultCopy, a_Player, this, true);
		// Remove the ingredients from the crafting grid and update the recipe:
		cCraftingRecipe & Recipe = GetRecipeForPlayer(a_Player);
		cCraftingGrid Grid(PlayerSlots, m_GridSize, m_GridSize);
		if (!Recipe.GetResult().IsEqual(Result))
			// The recipe has changed, bail out
	} while (true);
Exemple #24
BucketHandler::performSetCurrentState(BucketId bucketId,
                                      storage::spi::BucketInfo::ActiveState newState,
                                      IGenericResultHandler *resultHandler)
    if (!_nodeUp) {
        Result result(Result::TRANSIENT_ERROR,
                      "Cannot set bucket active state when node is down");
    bool active = (newState == storage::spi::BucketInfo::ACTIVE);
    LOG(debug, "performSetCurrentState(%s, %s)",
        bucketId.toString().c_str(), (active ? "ACTIVE" : "NOT_ACTIVE"));
    _ready->setBucketState(bucketId, active);
    if (!_changedHandlers.empty()) {
        typedef std::vector<IBucketStateChangedHandler *> Chv;
        Chv &chs(_changedHandlers);
        for (Chv::const_iterator itr = chs.begin(); itr != chs.end(); ++itr) {
            (*itr)->notifyBucketStateChanged(bucketId, newState);
Exemple #25
    Result doOr(Result arg1, Result arg2, Result_Type ResultT)
		  case s8:
		  case u8:
				return Result(u8, arg1.convert<Result_type2type<u8>::type >() | arg2.convert<
				  Result_type2type<u8>::type >());
		  case s16:
		  case u16:
				return Result(u16, arg1.convert<Result_type2type<u16>::type >() | arg2.convert<
				  Result_type2type<u16>::type >());
		  case s32:
		  case u32:
				return Result(u32, arg1.convert<Result_type2type<u32>::type >() | arg2.convert<
				  Result_type2type<u32>::type >());
		  case s48:
		  case u48:
				return Result(u48, arg1.convert<Result_type2type<u48>::type >() | arg2.convert<
				  Result_type2type<u48>::type >());
		  case s64:
		  case u64:
				return Result(u64, arg1.convert<Result_type2type<u64>::type >() | arg2.convert<
				  Result_type2type<u64>::type >());
		  /*case sp_float:
				return Result(ResultT, arg1.convert<Result_type2type<sp_float>::type >() + arg2.convert<
				  Result_type2type<sp_float>::type >());
		  case dp_float:
				return Result(ResultT, arg1.convert<Result_type2type<dp_float>::type >() + arg2.convert<
				  Result_type2type<dp_float>::type >());*/
		  case bit_flag:
				return Result(ResultT, arg1.convert<Result_type2type<bit_flag>::type >() | arg2.convert<
				  Result_type2type<bit_flag>::type >());
		// m512 and dbl128 not implemented yet...
				return Result(ResultT);
TSharedPtr<FExtender> STileMapEditorViewport::GetExtenders() const
	TSharedPtr<FExtender> Result(MakeShareable(new FExtender));
	return Result;
PointTD* ProjectionComplexDD::Rotate3D(PointTD pPointTD) {
	PointTD Result(pPointTD.fX, pPointTD.fY, 0, pPointTD.iAction,
		pPointTD.iType, pPointTD.sText);
	return new PointTD(Result);
std::string createSHLVertexProg(void)
	std::string Result("");

	return Result;
Exemple #29
Status createCollectionForApplyOps(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                   const std::string& dbName,
                                   const BSONElement& ui,
                                   const BSONObj& cmdObj,
                                   const BSONObj& idIndex) {
    invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isDbLockedForMode(dbName, MODE_X));
    auto db = dbHolder().get(opCtx, dbName);
    const NamespaceString newCollName(Command::parseNsCollectionRequired(dbName, cmdObj));
    auto newCmd = cmdObj;

    // If a UUID is given, see if we need to rename a collection out of the way, and whether the
    // collection already exists under a different name. If so, rename it into place. As this is
    // done during replay of the oplog, the operations do not need to be atomic, just idempotent.
    // We need to do the renaming part in a separate transaction, as we cannot transactionally
    // create a database on MMAPv1, which could result in createCollection failing if the database
    // does not yet exist.
    if (ui.ok()) {
        // Return an optional, indicating whether we need to early return (if the collection already
        // exists, or in case of an error).
        using Result = boost::optional<Status>;
        auto result =
            writeConflictRetry(opCtx, "createCollectionForApplyOps", newCollName.ns(), [&] {
                WriteUnitOfWork wunit(opCtx);
                // Options need the field to be named "uuid", so parse/recreate.
                auto uuid = uassertStatusOK(UUID::parse(ui));
                        "Invalid UUID in applyOps create command: " + uuid.toString(),

                auto& catalog = UUIDCatalog::get(opCtx);
                auto currentName = catalog.lookupNSSByUUID(uuid);
                OpObserver* opObserver = getGlobalServiceContext()->getOpObserver();
                if (currentName == newCollName)
                    return Result(Status::OK());

                // In the case of oplog replay, a future command may have created or renamed a
                // collection with that same name. In that case, renaming this future collection to
                // a random temporary name is correct: once all entries are replayed no temporary
                // names will remain.  On MMAPv1 the rename can result in index names that are too
                // long. However this should only happen for initial sync and "resync collection"
                // for rollback, so we can let the error propagate resulting in an abort and restart
                // of the initial sync or result in rollback to fassert, requiring a resync of that
                // node.
                const bool stayTemp = true;
                if (auto futureColl = db ? db->getCollection(opCtx, newCollName) : nullptr) {
                    auto tmpNameResult = db->makeUniqueCollectionNamespace(opCtx, "tmp%%%%%");
                    if (!tmpNameResult.isOK()) {
                        return Result(Status(tmpNameResult.getStatus().code(),
                                             str::stream() << "Cannot generate temporary "
                                                              "collection namespace for applyOps "
                                                              "create command: collection: "
                                                           << newCollName.ns()
                                                           << ". error: "
                                                           << tmpNameResult.getStatus().reason()));
                    const auto& tmpName = tmpNameResult.getValue();
                    Status status =
                        db->renameCollection(opCtx, newCollName.ns(), tmpName.ns(), stayTemp);
                    if (!status.isOK())
                        return Result(status);
                                                   /*dropTarget*/ false,
                                                   /*dropTargetUUID*/ {},

                // If the collection with the requested UUID already exists, but with a different
                // name, just rename it to 'newCollName'.
                if (catalog.lookupCollectionByUUID(uuid)) {
                    Status status =
                        db->renameCollection(opCtx, currentName.ns(), newCollName.ns(), stayTemp);
                    if (!status.isOK())
                        return Result(status);
                                                   /*dropTarget*/ false,
                                                   /*dropTargetUUID*/ {},

                    return Result(Status::OK());

                // A new collection with the specific UUID must be created, so add the UUID to the
                // creation options. Regular user collection creation commands cannot do this.
                auto uuidObj = uuid.toBSON();
                newCmd = cmdObj.addField(uuidObj.firstElement());

                return Result(boost::none);

        if (result) {
            return *result;

    return createCollection(
        opCtx, newCollName, newCmd, idIndex, CollectionOptions::parseForStorage);
Exemple #30
    PlanStage::StageState S2NearStage::addResultToQueue(WorkingSetID* out) {
        PlanStage::StageState state = _child->work(out);

        // All done reading from _child.
        if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == state) {

            // Adjust the annulus size depending on how many results we got.
            if (_results.empty()) {
                _radiusIncrement *= 2;
            } else if (_results.size() < 300) {
                _radiusIncrement *= 2;
            } else if (_results.size() > 600) {
                _radiusIncrement /= 2;

            // Make a new ixscan next time.
            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;

        // Nothing to do unless we advance.
        if (PlanStage::ADVANCED != state) { return state; }

        WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(*out);
        // Must have an object in order to get geometry out of it.

        // The scans we use don't dedup so we must dedup them ourselves.  We only put locs into here
        // if we know for sure whether or not we'll return them in this annulus.
        if (member->hasLoc()) {
            if (_seenInScan.end() != _seenInScan.find(member->loc)) {
                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;

        // Get all the fields with that name from the document.
        BSONElementSet geom;
        member->obj.getFieldsDotted(_params.nearQuery.field, geom, false);
        if (geom.empty()) {
            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;

        // Some value that any distance we can calculate will be less than.
        double minDistance = numeric_limits<double>::max();
        BSONObj minDistanceObj;
        for (BSONElementSet::iterator git = geom.begin(); git != geom.end(); ++git) {
            if (!git->isABSONObj()) {
                mongoutils::str::stream ss;
                ss << "s2near stage read invalid geometry element " << *git << " from child";
                Status status(ErrorCodes::InternalError, ss);
                *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember( _ws, status);
                return PlanStage::FAILURE;
            BSONObj obj = git->Obj();

            double distToObj;
            if (S2SearchUtil::distanceBetween(_params.nearQuery.centroid.point, obj, &distToObj)) {
                if (distToObj < minDistance) {
                    minDistance = distToObj;
                    minDistanceObj = obj;
            else {
                warning() << "unknown geometry: " << obj.toString();

        // If we're here we'll either include the doc in this annulus or reject it.  It's safe to
        // ignore it if it pops up again in this annulus.
        if (member->hasLoc()) {

        // If the distance to the doc satisfies our distance criteria, add it to our buffered
        // results.
        if (minDistance >= _innerRadius &&
            (_outerRadiusInclusive ? minDistance <= _outerRadius : minDistance < _outerRadius)) {
            _results.push(Result(*out, minDistance));
            if (_params.addDistMeta) {
                // FLAT implies the output distances are in radians.  Convert to meters.
                if (FLAT == _params.nearQuery.centroid.crs) {
                    member->addComputed(new GeoDistanceComputedData(minDistance
                                                                    / kRadiusOfEarthInMeters));
                else {
                    member->addComputed(new GeoDistanceComputedData(minDistance));
            if (_params.addPointMeta) {
                member->addComputed(new GeoNearPointComputedData(minDistanceObj));
            if (member->hasLoc()) {
                _invalidationMap[member->loc] = *out;

        return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;