Exemple #1
static int      _s52_setupVRMEBL(s52droid_state_t *state)
    //char *attVal   = NULL;      // ordinary cursor
    char  attVal[] = "cursty:2,_cursor_label:0.0N 0.0W";  // open cursor
    double xyz[3] = {state->cLon, state->cLat, 0.0};
    int S52_VRMEBL_vrm = TRUE;
    int S52_VRMEBL_ebl = TRUE;
    int S52_VRMEBL_sty = TRUE;  // normalLineStyle
    int S52_VRMEBL_ori = TRUE;  // (user) setOrigin

    _cursor2 = S52_newMarObj("cursor", S52_POINT, 1, xyz, attVal);
    //int ret = S52_toggleObjClassOFF("cursor");
    //g_print("_s52_setupVRMEBL(): S52_toggleObjClassOFF('cursor'); ret=%i\n", ret);
    //int ret = S52_toggleObjClassON("cursor");
    //g_print("_s52_setupVRMEBL(): S52_toggleObjClassON('cursor'); ret=%i\n", ret);

    _vrmeblA = S52_newVRMEBL(S52_VRMEBL_vrm, S52_VRMEBL_ebl, S52_VRMEBL_sty, S52_VRMEBL_ori);
    //_vrmeblA = S52_newVRMEBL(S52_VRMEBL_vrm, !S52_VRMEBL_ebl, S52_VRMEBL_sty, !S52_VRMEBL_ori);
    //_vrmeblA = S52_newVRMEBL(S52_VRMEBL_vrm, !S52_VRMEBL_ebl, S52_VRMEBL_sty,  S52_VRMEBL_ori);

    S52_toggleObjClassON("cursor");  // suppression ON

    return TRUE;
Exemple #2
static int      _s52_setupPRDARE(s52droid_state_t *state)
// test - centroid (PRDARE: wind farm)
    // AREA (CW: to center the text)
    double xyzArea[6*3]  = {
        state->cLon + 0.000, state->cLat + 0.000, 0.0,
        state->cLon - 0.005, state->cLat + 0.004, 0.0,
        state->cLon - 0.010, state->cLat + 0.000, 0.0,
        state->cLon - 0.010, state->cLat + 0.005, 0.0,
        state->cLon + 0.000, state->cLat + 0.005, 0.0,
        state->cLon + 0.000, state->cLat + 0.000, 0.0,

    char attVal[] = "CATPRA:9";
    _prdare = S52_newMarObj("PRDARE", S52_AREAS, 6, xyzArea,  attVal);

    return TRUE;
Exemple #3
static int      _s52_setupVESSEL(s52droid_state_t *state)
    // ARPA
    //_vessel_arpa = S52_newVESSEL(1, dummy, "ARPA label");
    //_vessel_arpa = S52_newVESSEL(1, "ARPA label");
    //S52_pushPosition(_vessel_arpa, _engine.state.cLat + 0.01, _engine.state.cLon - 0.02, 045.0);
    //S52_setVector(_vessel_arpa, 2, 060.0, 3.0);   // water

    // AIS active
    _vessel_ais = S52_newVESSEL(2, NULL);
    S52_setDimension(_vessel_ais, 100.0, 100.0, 15.0, 15.0);
    //S52_pushPosition(_vessel_ais, _engine.state.cLat - 0.02, _engine.state.cLon + 0.02, 045.0);
    //S52_pushPosition(_vessel_ais, state->cLat - 0.04, state->cLon + 0.04, 045.0);
    S52_pushPosition(_vessel_ais, state->cLat - 0.01, state->cLon + 0.01, 045.0);
    S52_setVector(_vessel_ais, 1, 060.0, 16.0);   // ground

    // (re) set label
    S52_setVESSELlabel(_vessel_ais, VESSELLABEL);
    int vesselSelect = 0;  // OFF
    int vestat       = 1;
    int vesselTurn   = VESSELTURN_UNDEFINED;
    S52_setVESSELstate(_vessel_ais, vesselSelect, vestat, vesselTurn);

    // AIS sleeping
    //_vessel_ais = S52_newVESSEL(2, 2, "MV Non Such - sleeping"););
    //S52_pushPosition(_vessel_ais, _engine.state.cLat - 0.02, _engine.state.cLon + 0.02, 045.0);

    // VTS (this will not draw anything!)
    //_vessel_vts = S52_newVESSEL(3, dummy);

#ifdef S52_USE_AFGLOW
    // afterglow
    _vessel_ais_afglow = S52_newMarObj("afgves", S52_LINES, MAX_AFGLOW_PT, NULL, NULL);

    return TRUE;
Exemple #4
static int      _s52_setupLEGLIN(void)


SRCN04 CWIS 122100
Bulletin des glaces pour le fleuve et le golfe Saint-Laurent de Les Escoumins aux détroits de
Cabot et de Belle-Isle émis à 2100TUC dimanche 12 février 2012 par le Centre des glaces de
Québec de la Garde côtière canadienne.

Route recommandée no 01
De la station de pilotage de Les Escoumins au
point de changement ALFA:    4820N 06920W au
point de changement BRAVO:   4847N 06830W puis
point de changement CHARLIE: 4900N 06800W puis
point de changement DELTA:   4930N 06630W puis
point de changement ECHO:    4930N 06425W puis
point de changement FOXTROT: 4745N 06000W puis
route normale de navigation.

Route recommandée no 05
Émise à 1431UTC le 17 FEVRIER 2012
par le Centre des Glaces de Québec de la Garde côtière canadienne.

De la station de pilotage de Les Escoumins au
point de changement ALFA:    4820N 06920W au
point de changement BRAVO:   4930N 06630W puis
point de changement CHARLIE: 4945N 06450W puis
point de changement DELTA:   4730N 06000W puis
route normale de navigation.
    typedef struct WPxyz_t {
        double x,y,z;
    } WPxyz_t;

    WPxyz_t WPxyz[4] = {
        {-69.33333, 48.33333, 0.0},  // WP1 - ALPHA
        {-68.5,     48.78333, 0.0},  // WP2 - BRAVO
        {-68.0,     49.00,    0.0},  // WP3 - CHARLIE
        {-66.5,     49.5,     0.0}   // WP4 - DELTA
    WPxyz_t WPxyz[4] = {
        {-69.33333, 48.33333, 0.0},  // WP1 - ALPHA
        {-66.5,     49.5,     0.0}   // WP2 - BRAVO
    char attVal1[] = "select:2,OBJNAM:ALPHA";    // waypoint on alternate planned route
    char attVal2[] = "select:2,OBJNAM:BRAVO";    // waypoint on alternate planned route
    char attVal3[] = "select:2,OBJNAM:CHARLIE";  // waypoint on alternate planned route
    char attVal4[] = "select:2,OBJNAM:DELTA";    // waypoint on alternate planned route

    _waypnt1 = S52_newMarObj("waypnt", S52_POINT, 1, (double*)&WPxyz[0], attVal1);
    _waypnt2 = S52_newMarObj("waypnt", S52_POINT, 1, (double*)&WPxyz[1], attVal2);
    _waypnt3 = S52_newMarObj("waypnt", S52_POINT, 1, (double*)&WPxyz[2], attVal3);
    _waypnt4 = S52_newMarObj("waypnt", S52_POINT, 1, (double*)&WPxyz[3], attVal4);

#define ALT_RTE 2
    // select: alternate (2) legline for Ice Route 2012-02-12T21:00:00Z
    _leglin1 = S52_newLEGLIN(ALT_RTE, 0.0, 0.0, WPxyz[0].y, WPxyz[0].x, WPxyz[1].y, WPxyz[1].x, NULL);
    _leglin2 = S52_newLEGLIN(ALT_RTE, 0.0, 0.0, WPxyz[1].y, WPxyz[1].x, WPxyz[2].y, WPxyz[2].x, _leglin1);
    _leglin3 = S52_newLEGLIN(ALT_RTE, 0.0, 0.0, WPxyz[2].y, WPxyz[2].x, WPxyz[3].y, WPxyz[3].x, _leglin2);
    //_leglin4  = S52_newLEGLIN(1, 0.0, 0.0, WPxyz[3].y, WPxyz[3].x, WPxyz[4].y, WPxyz[4].x, _leglin3);

    //_route[0] = _leglin1;
    //_route[1] = _leglin2;
    //_route[2] = _leglin3;
    //_route[3] = _leglin3;
    //S52_setRoute(4, _route);

    {// test wholin
        char attVal[] = "loctim:1100,usrmrk:test_wholin";
        double xyz[6] = {_engine.state.cLon, _engine.state.cLat, 0.0,  _engine.state.cLon + 0.01, _engine.state.cLat - 0.01, 0.0};
        _wholin = S52_newMarObj("wholin", S52_LINES, 2, xyz, attVal);

    return TRUE;
Exemple #5
static _ais_t       *_getAIS    (unsigned int mmsi)
    // return this
    _ais_t *ais = NULL;

    // check that gps_done() haven't flush this
    if (NULL == _ais_list) {
        g_print("s52ais:_getAIS() no AIS list\n");
        return NULL;

    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (i=0; i<_ais_list->len; ++i) {
        ais = &g_array_index(_ais_list, _ais_t, i);
        if (mmsi == ais->mmsi) {
            return ais;

    {   // NEW AIS (not found hence new)
        _ais_t newais;
        __builtin_bzero(&newais, sizeof(_ais_t));
        newais.mmsi     = mmsi;
        newais.status   = -1;     // 0 indicate that status form report is needed
        //newais.name[AIS_SHIPNAME_MAXLEN + 1] = '\0';
        newais.name[0]  = '\0';
        newais.course   = -1.0;
        newais.speed    =  0.0;

        // create an active symbol, put mmsi since status is not known yet
        g_sprintf(newais.name, "%i", mmsi);

#ifdef S52_USE_SOCK
        // debug: make ferry acte as ownshp
        if (OWNSHIP == mmsi) {
            gchar *resp = _encodeNsend("S52_newOWNSHP", "\"%s\"", newais.name);
            if (NULL != resp) {
                sscanf(resp, "[ %lu", (long unsigned int *) &newais.vesselH);
            g_print("s52ais:_getAIS(): new ownshpH:%lu\n", (long unsigned int) newais.vesselH);
        } else {
            gchar *resp = _encodeNsend("S52_newVESSEL", "%i,\"%s\"", 2, newais.name);
            if (NULL != resp) {
                sscanf(resp, "[ %lu", (long unsigned int *) &newais.vesselH);
            g_print("s52ais:_getAIS(): new vesselH:%lu\n", (long unsigned int) newais.vesselH);

#else   // S52_USE_SOCK

        // debug: make ferry acte as ownshp
        if (OWNSHIP == mmsi) {
            newais.vesselH = S52_newOWNSHP(newais.name);
        } else {
            //int vesrce = 1;  // ARPA
            int vesrce = 2;  // AIS
            //int vesrce = 3;  // VTS
            newais.vesselH = S52_newVESSEL(vesrce, newais.name);

#endif  // S52_USE_SOCK

        // new AIS failed
        if (NULL == newais.vesselH) {
            g_print("s52ais:_getAIS(): new vesselH fail\n");
            return NULL;

#ifdef S52_USE_AFGLOW
#ifdef S52_USE_SOCK
        // debug: make ferry acte as ownshp
        if (OWNSHIP == mmsi) {
            gchar *resp = _encodeNsend("S52_newMarObj", "\"%s\",%i,%i", "afgshp", S52_LINES, MAX_AFGLOW_PT);
            if (NULL != resp) {
                sscanf(resp, "[ %lu", (long unsigned int *) &newais.afglowH);
            g_print("s52ais:_getAIS(): new afglowH:%lu\n", (long unsigned int) newais.afglowH);

        } else {
            gchar *resp = _encodeNsend("S52_newMarObj", "\"%s\",%i,%i", "afgves", S52_LINES, MAX_AFGLOW_PT);
            if (NULL != resp) {
                sscanf(resp, "[ %lu", (long unsigned int *) &newais.afglowH);
            g_print("s52ais:_getAIS(): new afglowH:%lu\n", (long unsigned int) newais.afglowH);


#else   // S52_USE_SOCK

        // debug: make ferry acte as ownshp
        if (OWNSHIP == mmsi)
            newais.afglowH = S52_newMarObj("afgshp", S52_LINES, MAX_AFGLOW_PT, NULL, NULL);
            newais.afglowH = S52_newMarObj("afgves", S52_LINES, MAX_AFGLOW_PT, NULL, NULL);

#endif  // S52_USE_SOCK

        if (NULL == newais.afglowH) {
            g_print("s52ais:_getAIS(): new afglowH fail\n");
            return NULL;

        // save S52obj handle after registered in libS52
        g_array_append_val(_ais_list, newais);
        ais = &g_array_index(_ais_list, _ais_t, _ais_list->len - 1);

#ifdef S52_USE_DBUS
        _signal_newVESSEL(_dbus, newais.vesselH, newais.name);


    return ais;