Exemple #1
 * Pop one frame pushed on by JNI PushLocalFrame.
 * If we've gone too far, the previous frame is either a break frame or
 * an interpreted frame.  Either way, the method pointer won't match.
bool dvmPopLocalFrame(Thread* self)
    StackSaveArea* saveBlock = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->interpSave.curFrame);

    if (saveBlock->method != SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(saveBlock->prevFrame)->method) {
         * The previous frame doesn't have the same method pointer -- we've
         * been asked to pop too much.
        assert(dvmIsBreakFrame((u4*)saveBlock->prevFrame) ||
        return false;

    LOGVV("POP JNI local frame: removing %s, now %s",
    dvmPopJniLocals(self, saveBlock);
    self->interpSave.curFrame = saveBlock->prevFrame;

    return true;
Exemple #2
 * Get the calling frame.  Pass in the current fp.
 * Skip "break" frames and reflection invoke frames.
void* dvmGetCallerFP(const void* curFrame)
    void* caller = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(curFrame)->prevFrame;
    StackSaveArea* saveArea;

    if (dvmIsBreakFrame((u4*)caller)) {
        /* pop up one more */
        caller = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(caller)->prevFrame;
        if (caller == NULL)
            return NULL;        /* hit the top */

         * If we got here by java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(), we don't
         * want to return Method's class loader.  Shift up one and try
         * again.
        saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(caller);
        if (dvmIsReflectionMethod(saveArea->method)) {
            caller = saveArea->prevFrame;
            assert(caller != NULL);
            goto retry;

    return caller;
Exemple #3
 * Fill a flat array of methods that comprise the current interpreter
 * stack trace.  Pass in the current frame ptr.  Break frames are
 * skipped, but reflection invocations are not.
 * The current frame will be in element 0.
void dvmFillStackTraceArray(const void* fp, const Method** array, size_t length)
    assert(fp != NULL);
    assert(array != NULL);
    size_t i = 0;
    while (fp != NULL) {
        if (!dvmIsBreakFrame((u4*)fp)) {
            assert(i < length);
            array[i++] = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp)->method;
        fp = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp)->prevFrame;
Exemple #4
 * Get the caller's caller's class.  Pass in the current fp.
 * This is used by e.g. java.lang.Class, which wants to know about the
 * class loader of the method that called it.
ClassObject* dvmGetCaller2Class(const void* curFrame)
    void* caller = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(curFrame)->prevFrame;
    void* callerCaller;

    /* at the top? */
    if (dvmIsBreakFrame(caller) && SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(caller)->prevFrame == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* go one more */
    callerCaller = dvmGetCallerFP(caller);
    if (callerCaller == NULL)
        return NULL;

    return SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(callerCaller)->method->clazz;
Exemple #5
 * Pop a frame we added.  There should be one method frame and one break
 * frame.
 * If JNI Push/PopLocalFrame calls were mismatched, we might end up
 * popping multiple method frames before we find the break.
 * Returns "false" if there was no frame to pop.
static bool dvmPopFrame(Thread* self)
    StackSaveArea* saveBlock;

    if (self->interpSave.curFrame == NULL)
        return false;

    saveBlock = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->interpSave.curFrame);

     * Remove everything up to the break frame.  If this was a call into
     * native code, pop the JNI local references table.
    while (saveBlock->prevFrame != NULL && saveBlock->method != NULL) {
        /* probably a native->native JNI call */

        if (dvmIsNativeMethod(saveBlock->method)) {
            LOGVV("Popping JNI stack frame for %s.%s%s",
                (SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(saveBlock->prevFrame)->method == NULL) ?
                "" : " (JNI local)");
            dvmPopJniLocals(self, saveBlock);

        saveBlock = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(saveBlock->prevFrame);
    if (saveBlock->method != NULL) {
        ALOGE("PopFrame missed the break");
        dvmAbort();     // stack trashed -- nowhere to go in this thread

    LOGVV("POP frame: cur=%p new=%p",
        self->interpSave.curFrame, saveBlock->prevFrame);

    self->interpSave.curFrame = saveBlock->prevFrame;

    return true;
Exemple #6
 * Get the caller's caller's caller's class.  Pass in the current fp.
 * This is used by e.g. java.lang.Class, which wants to know about the
 * class loader of the method that called it.
ClassObject* dvmGetCaller3Class(const void* curFrame)
    void* caller = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(curFrame)->prevFrame;
    int i;

    /* at the top? */
    if (dvmIsBreakFrame(caller) && SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(caller)->prevFrame == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* Walk up two frames if possible. */
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        caller = dvmGetCallerFP(caller);
        if (caller == NULL)
            return NULL;
    return SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(caller)->method->clazz;
Exemple #7
 * Pop a frame we added.  There should be one method frame and one break
 * frame.
 * If JNI Push/PopLocalFrame calls were mismatched, we might end up
 * popping multiple method frames before we find the break.
 * Returns "false" if there was no frame to pop.
static bool dvmPopFrame(Thread* self)
    StackSaveArea* saveBlock;

    if (self->curFrame == NULL)
        return false;

    saveBlock = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->curFrame);

     * Remove everything up to the break frame.  If this was a call into
     * native code, pop the JNI local references table.
    while (saveBlock->prevFrame != NULL && saveBlock->method != NULL) {
        /* probably a native->native JNI call */

        if (dvmIsNativeMethod(saveBlock->method)) {
            LOGVV("Popping JNI stack frame for %s.%s%s\n",
                (SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(saveBlock->prevFrame)->method == NULL) ?
                "" : " (JNI local)");
            assert(saveBlock->xtra.localRefCookie != 0);
            //assert(saveBlock->xtra.localRefCookie >= self->jniLocalRefTable.table &&
            //    saveBlock->xtra.localRefCookie <=self->jniLocalRefTable.nextEntry);

            dvmPopJniLocals(self, saveBlock);

        saveBlock = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(saveBlock->prevFrame);
    if (saveBlock->method != NULL) {
        LOGE("PopFrame missed the break\n");
        dvmAbort();     // stack trashed -- nowhere to go in this thread

    LOGVV("POP frame: cur=%p new=%p\n",
        self->curFrame, saveBlock->prevFrame);

    self->curFrame = saveBlock->prevFrame;
    return true;
Exemple #8
 * This is used by the JNI PushLocalFrame call.  We push a new frame onto
 * the stack that has no ins, outs, or locals, and no break frame above it.
 * It's strictly used for tracking JNI local refs, and will be popped off
 * by dvmPopFrame if it's not removed explicitly.
bool dvmPushLocalFrame(Thread* self, const Method* method)
    StackSaveArea* saveBlock;
    int stackReq;
    u1* stackPtr;


    stackReq = sizeof(StackSaveArea);       // regular frame

    assert(self->curFrame != NULL);
    stackPtr = (u1*) SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->curFrame);

    if (stackPtr - stackReq < self->interpStackEnd) {
        /* not enough space; let JNI throw the exception */
        LOGW("Stack overflow on PushLocal "
             "(req=%d top=%p cur=%p size=%d '%s')\n",
            stackReq, self->interpStackStart, self->curFrame,
            self->interpStackSize, method->name);
        dvmHandleStackOverflow(self, method);
        return false;

     * Shift the stack pointer down, leaving space for just the stack save
     * area for the break frame, then shift down farther for the full frame.
    stackPtr -= sizeof(StackSaveArea);
    saveBlock = (StackSaveArea*) stackPtr;

#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(PAD_SAVE_AREA)
    /* debug -- memset the new stack */
    memset(stackPtr, 0xaf, stackReq);
#ifdef EASY_GDB
    saveBlock->prevSave = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(self->curFrame);

    saveBlock->prevFrame = self->curFrame;
    saveBlock->savedPc = NULL;                  // not required
    saveBlock->xtra.localRefCookie = self->jniLocalRefTable.segmentState.all;
    saveBlock->xtra.localRefCookie = self->jniLocalRefTable.nextEntry;
    saveBlock->method = method;

    LOGVV("PUSH JNI local frame: old=%p new=%p (size=%d)\n",
        self->curFrame, FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock),
        (u1*)self->curFrame - (u1*)FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock));

    self->curFrame = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock);

    return true;
Exemple #9
 * Main interpreter loop.
 * This was written with an ARM implementation in mind.
void dvmInterpretPortable(Thread* self)
#if defined(EASY_GDB)
    StackSaveArea* debugSaveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->interpSave.curFrame);
    DvmDex* methodClassDex;     // curMethod->clazz->pDvmDex
    JValue retval;

    /* core state */
    const Method* curMethod;    // method we're interpreting
    const u2* pc;               // program counter
    u4* fp;                     // frame pointer
    u2 inst;                    // current instruction
    /* instruction decoding */
    u4 ref;                     // 16 or 32-bit quantity fetched directly
    u2 vsrc1, vsrc2, vdst;      // usually used for register indexes
    /* method call setup */
    const Method* methodToCall;
    bool methodCallRange;

    /* static computed goto table */

    /* copy state in */
    curMethod = self->interpSave.method;
    pc = self->interpSave.pc;
    fp = self->interpSave.curFrame;
    retval = self->interpSave.retval;   /* only need for kInterpEntryReturn? */

    methodClassDex = curMethod->clazz->pDvmDex;

    LOGVV("threadid=%d: %s.%s pc=%#x fp=%p",
        self->threadId, curMethod->clazz->descriptor, curMethod->name,
        pc - curMethod->insns, fp);

     * Handle any ongoing profiling and prep for debugging.
    if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode != 0) {
        TRACE_METHOD_ENTER(self, curMethod);
        self->debugIsMethodEntry = true;   // Always true on startup
     * DEBUG: scramble this to ensure we're not relying on it.
    methodToCall = (const Method*) -1;

#if 0
    if (self->debugIsMethodEntry) {
        ILOGD("|-- Now interpreting %s.%s", curMethod->clazz->descriptor,
        DUMP_REGS(curMethod, self->interpSave.curFrame, false);

    FINISH(0);                  /* fetch and execute first instruction */
Exemple #10
 * Get the caller's class.  Pass in the current fp.
 * This is used by e.g. java.lang.Class.
ClassObject* dvmGetCallerClass(const void* curFrame)
    void* caller;

    caller = dvmGetCallerFP(curFrame);
    if (caller == NULL)
        return NULL;

    return SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(caller)->method->clazz;
Exemple #11
 * Compute the frame depth.
 * Excludes "break" frames.
int dvmComputeExactFrameDepth(const void* fp)
    int count = 0;

    for ( ; fp != NULL; fp = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp)->prevFrame) {
        if (!dvmIsBreakFrame((u4*)fp))

    return count;
Exemple #12
 * Create a flat array of methods that comprise the current interpreter
 * stack trace.  Pass in the current frame ptr.
 * Allocates a new array and fills it with method pointers.  Break frames
 * are skipped, but reflection invocations are not.  The caller must free
 * "*pArray".
 * The current frame will be in element 0.
 * Returns "true" on success, "false" on failure (e.g. malloc failed).
bool dvmCreateStackTraceArray(const void* fp, const Method*** pArray,
    int* pLength)
    const Method** array;
    int idx, depth;

    depth = dvmComputeExactFrameDepth(fp);
    array = (const Method**) malloc(depth * sizeof(Method*));
    if (array == NULL)
        return false;

    for (idx = 0; fp != NULL; fp = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp)->prevFrame) {
        if (!dvmIsBreakFrame(fp))
            array[idx++] = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp)->method;
    assert(idx == depth);

    *pArray = array;
    *pLength = depth;
    return true;
Exemple #13
 * Dump the StackSaveArea for the specified frame pointer.
void dvmDumpFp(void* fp, StackSaveArea* otherSaveArea)
    StackSaveArea* saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp);
    printf("StackSaveArea for fp %p [%p/%p]:\n", fp, saveArea, otherSaveArea);
#ifdef EASY_GDB
    printf("  prevSave=%p, prevFrame=%p savedPc=%p meth=%p curPc=%p\n",
        saveArea->prevSave, saveArea->prevFrame, saveArea->savedPc,
        saveArea->method, saveArea->xtra.currentPc);
    printf("  prevFrame=%p savedPc=%p meth=%p curPc=%p fp[0]=0x%08x\n",
        saveArea->prevFrame, saveArea->savedPc,
        saveArea->method, saveArea->xtra.currentPc,
static void crawlDalvikStack(Thread *thread, bool print)
    void *fp = thread->interpSave.curFrame;
    StackSaveArea* saveArea = NULL;
    int stackLevel = 0;

    /* Crawl the Dalvik stack frames to clear the returnAddr field */
    while (fp != NULL) {
        saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp);
        saveArea->returnAddr = NULL;
        assert(fp != saveArea->prevFrame);
        fp = saveArea->prevFrame;
    /* Make sure the stack is fully unwound to the bottom */
    assert(saveArea == NULL ||
           (u1 *) (saveArea+1) == thread->interpStackStart);
Exemple #15
 * Open up the reserved area and throw an exception.  The reserved area
 * should only be needed to create and initialize the exception itself.
 * If we already opened it and we're continuing to overflow, abort the VM.
 * We have to leave the "reserved" area open until the "catch" handler has
 * finished doing its processing.  This is because the catch handler may
 * need to resolve classes, which requires calling into the class loader if
 * the classes aren't already in the "initiating loader" list.
void dvmHandleStackOverflow(Thread* self, const Method* method)
     * Can we make the reserved area available?
    if (self->stackOverflowed) {
         * Already did, nothing to do but bail.
        LOGE("DalvikVM: double-overflow of stack in threadid=%d; aborting\n",
        dvmDumpThread(self, false);

    /* open it up to the full range */
    LOGI("threadid=%d: stack overflow on call to %s.%s:%s\n",
        method->clazz->descriptor, method->name, method->shorty);
    StackSaveArea* saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->curFrame);
    LOGI("  method requires %d+%d+%d=%d bytes, fp is %p (%d left)\n",
        method->registersSize * 4, sizeof(StackSaveArea), method->outsSize * 4,
        (method->registersSize + method->outsSize) * 4 + sizeof(StackSaveArea),
        saveArea, (u1*) saveArea - self->interpStackEnd);
    LOGI("  expanding stack end (%p to %p)\n", self->interpStackEnd,
        self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize);
    //dvmDumpThread(self, false);
    self->interpStackEnd = self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize;
    self->stackOverflowed = true;

     * If we were trying to throw an exception when the stack overflowed,
     * we will blow up when doing the class lookup on StackOverflowError
     * because of the pending exception.  So, we clear it and make it
     * the cause of the SOE.
    Object* excep = dvmGetException(self);
    if (excep != NULL) {
        LOGW("Stack overflow while throwing exception\n");
        NULL, excep);
Exemple #16
 * @brief 遍历dalvik栈
 * @param thread 线程结构指针
 * @param print 是否打印
static void crawlDalvikStack(Thread *thread, bool print)
    void *fp = thread->interpSave.curFrame;			/* 获取栈指针 */
    StackSaveArea* saveArea = NULL;
    int stackLevel = 0;

    if (print) {
        ALOGD("Crawling tid %d (%s / %p %s)", thread->systemTid,
             thread->inJitCodeCache ? "jit" : "interp");
    /* Crawl the Dalvik stack frames to clear the returnAddr field */
	/* 遍历清除返回地址字段 */
    while (fp != NULL) {
        saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp);	/* 取出一个单元 */

        if (print) {
            if (dvmIsBreakFrame((u4*)fp)) {
                ALOGD("  #%d: break frame (%p)",
                     stackLevel, saveArea->returnAddr);
            else {
                ALOGD("  #%d: %s.%s%s (%p)",
                     dvmIsNativeMethod(saveArea->method) ?
                         " (native)" : "",
        saveArea->returnAddr = NULL;			/* 设置返回值为NULL */
        assert(fp != saveArea->prevFrame);
        fp = saveArea->prevFrame;
    /* Make sure the stack is fully unwound to the bottom */
    assert(saveArea == NULL ||
           (u1 *) (saveArea+1) == thread->interpStackStart);
Exemple #17
// work-around to get a reference wrapper to an object so that it can be used
// for certain calls to the JNI environment. almost verbatim copy from Jni.cpp
static jobject dexspyAddLocalReference(::Thread* self, Object* obj) {
    if (obj == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    IndirectRefTable* pRefTable = &self->jniLocalRefTable;
    void* curFrame = self->interpSave.curFrame;
    u4 cookie = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(curFrame)->xtra.localRefCookie;
    jobject jobj = (jobject) pRefTable->add(cookie, obj);
    if (UNLIKELY(jobj == NULL)) {
        pRefTable->dump("JNI local");
        ALOGE("Failed adding to JNI local ref table (has %zd entries)", pRefTable->capacity());
        dvmDumpThread(self, false);
        dvmAbort();     // spec says call FatalError; this is equivalent
    if (UNLIKELY(gDvmJni.workAroundAppJniBugs)) {
        // Hand out direct pointers to support broken old apps.
        return reinterpret_cast<jobject>(obj);
    return jobj;
Exemple #18
 * Dump stack frames, starting from the specified frame and moving down.
 * Each frame holds a pointer to the currently executing method, and the
 * saved program counter from the caller ("previous" frame).  This means
 * we don't have the PC for the current method on the stack, which is
 * pretty reasonable since it's in the "PC register" for the VM.  Because
 * exceptions need to show the correct line number we actually *do* have
 * an updated version in the fame's "xtra.currentPc", but it's unreliable.
 * Note "framePtr" could be NULL in rare circumstances.
static void dumpFrames(const DebugOutputTarget* target, void* framePtr,
    Thread* thread)
    const StackSaveArea* saveArea;
    const Method* method;
    int checkCount = 0;
    const u2* currentPc = NULL;
    bool first = true;

     * The "currentPc" is updated whenever we execute an instruction that
     * might throw an exception.  Show it here.
    if (framePtr != NULL && !dvmIsBreakFrame(framePtr)) {
        saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(framePtr);

        if (saveArea->xtra.currentPc != NULL)
            currentPc = saveArea->xtra.currentPc;

    while (framePtr != NULL) {
        saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(framePtr);
        method = saveArea->method;

        if (dvmIsBreakFrame(framePtr)) {
            //dvmPrintDebugMessage(target, "  (break frame)\n");
        } else {
            int relPc;

            if (currentPc != NULL)
                relPc = currentPc - saveArea->method->insns;
                relPc = -1;

            char* className = dvmDescriptorToDot(method->clazz->descriptor);
            if (dvmIsNativeMethod(method))
                    "  at %s.%s(Native Method)\n", className, method->name);
            else {
                    "  at %s.%s(%s:%s%d)\n",
                    className, method->name, dvmGetMethodSourceFile(method),
                    (relPc >= 0 && first) ? "~" : "",
                    relPc < 0 ? -1 : dvmLineNumFromPC(method, relPc));

            if (first) {
                 * Decorate WAIT and MONITOR threads with some detail on
                 * the first frame.
                 * warning: wait status not stable, even in suspend
                if (thread->status == THREAD_WAIT ||
                    thread->status == THREAD_TIMED_WAIT)
                    Monitor* mon = thread->waitMonitor;
                    Object* obj = dvmGetMonitorObject(mon);
                    if (obj != NULL) {
                        className = dvmDescriptorToDot(obj->clazz->descriptor);
                            "  - waiting on <%p> (a %s)\n", obj, className);
                } else if (thread->status == THREAD_MONITOR) {
                    Object* obj;
                    Thread* owner;
                    if (extractMonitorEnterObject(thread, &obj, &owner)) {
                        className = dvmDescriptorToDot(obj->clazz->descriptor);
                        if (owner != NULL) {
                            char* threadName = dvmGetThreadName(owner);
                                "  - waiting to lock <%p> (a %s) held by threadid=%d (%s)\n",
                                obj, className, owner->threadId, threadName);
                        } else {
                                "  - waiting to lock <%p> (a %s) held by ???\n",
                                obj, className);

         * Get saved PC for previous frame.  There's no savedPc in a "break"
         * frame, because that represents native or interpreted code
         * invoked by the VM.  The saved PC is sitting in the "PC register",
         * a local variable on the native stack.
        currentPc = saveArea->savedPc;

        first = false;

        if (saveArea->prevFrame != NULL && saveArea->prevFrame <= framePtr) {
            LOGW("Warning: loop in stack trace at frame %d (%p -> %p)\n",
                checkCount, framePtr, saveArea->prevFrame);
        framePtr = saveArea->prevFrame;

        if (checkCount > 300) {
                "  ***** printed %d frames, not showing any more\n",
    dvmPrintDebugMessage(target, "\n");
Exemple #19
 * Lock a monitor.
static void lockMonitor(Thread* self, Monitor* mon)
    ThreadStatus oldStatus;
    u4 waitThreshold, samplePercent;
    u8 waitStart, waitEnd, waitMs;

    if (mon->owner == self) {
    if (dvmTryLockMutex(&mon->lock) != 0) {
        oldStatus = dvmChangeStatus(self, THREAD_MONITOR);
        waitThreshold = gDvm.lockProfThreshold;
        if (waitThreshold) {
            waitStart = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();

        const Method* currentOwnerMethod = mon->ownerMethod;
        u4 currentOwnerPc = mon->ownerPc;

        if (waitThreshold) {
            waitEnd = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
        dvmChangeStatus(self, oldStatus);
        if (waitThreshold) {
            waitMs = (waitEnd - waitStart) / 1000;
            if (waitMs >= waitThreshold) {
                samplePercent = 100;
            } else {
                samplePercent = 100 * waitMs / waitThreshold;
            if (samplePercent != 0 && ((u4)rand() % 100 < samplePercent)) {
                const char* currentOwnerFileName = "no_method";
                u4 currentOwnerLineNumber = 0;
                if (currentOwnerMethod != NULL) {
                    currentOwnerFileName = dvmGetMethodSourceFile(currentOwnerMethod);
                    if (currentOwnerFileName == NULL) {
                        currentOwnerFileName = "no_method_file";
                    currentOwnerLineNumber = dvmLineNumFromPC(currentOwnerMethod, currentOwnerPc);
                logContentionEvent(self, waitMs, samplePercent,
                                   currentOwnerFileName, currentOwnerLineNumber);
    mon->owner = self;
    assert(mon->lockCount == 0);

    // When debugging, save the current monitor holder for future
    // acquisition failures to use in sampled logging.
    if (gDvm.lockProfThreshold > 0) {
        mon->ownerMethod = NULL;
        mon->ownerPc = 0;
        if (self->interpSave.curFrame == NULL) {
        const StackSaveArea* saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->interpSave.curFrame);
        if (saveArea == NULL) {
        mon->ownerMethod = saveArea->method;
        mon->ownerPc = (saveArea->xtra.currentPc - saveArea->method->insns);
Exemple #20
static void logContentionEvent(Thread *self, u4 waitMs, u4 samplePercent,
                               const char *ownerFileName, u4 ownerLineNumber)
    const StackSaveArea *saveArea;
    const Method *meth;
    u4 relativePc;
    char eventBuffer[174];
    const char *fileName;
    char procName[33];
    char *cp;
    size_t len;
    int fd;

    /* When a thread is being destroyed it is normal that the frame depth is zero */
    if (self->interpSave.curFrame == NULL) {

    saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->interpSave.curFrame);
    meth = saveArea->method;
    cp = eventBuffer;

    /* Emit the event list length, 1 byte. */
    *cp++ = 9;

    /* Emit the process name, <= 37 bytes. */
    fd = open("/proc/self/cmdline", O_RDONLY);
    memset(procName, 0, sizeof(procName));
    read(fd, procName, sizeof(procName) - 1);
    len = strlen(procName);
    cp = logWriteString(cp, procName, len);

    /* Emit the sensitive thread ("main thread") status, 5 bytes. */
    bool isSensitive = false;
    if (gDvm.isSensitiveThreadHook != NULL) {
        isSensitive = gDvm.isSensitiveThreadHook();
    cp = logWriteInt(cp, isSensitive);

    /* Emit self thread name string, <= 37 bytes. */
    std::string selfName = dvmGetThreadName(self);
    cp = logWriteString(cp, selfName.c_str(), selfName.size());

    /* Emit the wait time, 5 bytes. */
    cp = logWriteInt(cp, waitMs);

    /* Emit the source code file name, <= 37 bytes. */
    fileName = dvmGetMethodSourceFile(meth);
    if (fileName == NULL) fileName = "";
    cp = logWriteString(cp, fileName, strlen(fileName));

    /* Emit the source code line number, 5 bytes. */
    relativePc = saveArea->xtra.currentPc - saveArea->method->insns;
    cp = logWriteInt(cp, dvmLineNumFromPC(meth, relativePc));

    /* Emit the lock owner source code file name, <= 37 bytes. */
    if (ownerFileName == NULL) {
        ownerFileName = "";
    } else if (strcmp(fileName, ownerFileName) == 0) {
        /* Common case, so save on log space. */
        ownerFileName = "-";
    cp = logWriteString(cp, ownerFileName, strlen(ownerFileName));

    /* Emit the source code line number, 5 bytes. */
    cp = logWriteInt(cp, ownerLineNumber);

    /* Emit the sample percentage, 5 bytes. */
    cp = logWriteInt(cp, samplePercent);

    assert((size_t)(cp - eventBuffer) <= sizeof(eventBuffer));
                       (size_t)(cp - eventBuffer));
Exemple #21
 * Visits all stack slots except those belonging to native method
 * arguments.
static void visitThreadStack(RootVisitor *visitor, Thread *thread, void *arg)
    assert(visitor != NULL);
    assert(thread != NULL);
    u4 threadId = thread->threadId;
    const StackSaveArea *saveArea;
    for (u4 *fp = (u4 *)thread->interpSave.curFrame;
         fp != NULL;
         fp = (u4 *)saveArea->prevFrame) {
        Method *method;
        saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp);
        method = (Method *)saveArea->method;
        if (method != NULL && !dvmIsNativeMethod(method)) {
#ifdef FASTIVA
			// @zee do not call any malloc in gc task.
			// cf) dvmGetExpandedRegisterMap() 
            const RegisterMap* pMap = NULL;
            const RegisterMap* pMap = dvmGetExpandedRegisterMap(method);
            const u1* regVector = NULL;
#ifndef FASTIVA
            if (pMap != NULL) {
                /* found map, get registers for this address */
                int addr = saveArea->xtra.currentPc - method->insns;
                regVector = dvmRegisterMapGetLine(pMap, addr);
            if (regVector == NULL) {
                 * Either there was no register map or there is no
                 * info for the current PC.  Perform a conservative
                 * scan.
                for (size_t i = 0; i < method->registersSize; ++i) {
                    if (dvmIsValidObject((Object *)fp[i])) {
                        (*visitor)(&fp[i], threadId, ROOT_JAVA_FRAME, arg);
            } else {
                 * Precise scan.  v0 is at the lowest address on the
                 * interpreted stack, and is the first bit in the
                 * register vector, so we can walk through the
                 * register map and memory in the same direction.
                 * A '1' bit indicates a live reference.
                u2 bits = 1 << 1;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < method->registersSize; ++i) {
                    bits >>= 1;
                    if (bits == 1) {
                        /* set bit 9 so we can tell when we're empty */
                        bits = *regVector++ | 0x0100;
                    if ((bits & 0x1) != 0) {
                         * Register is marked as live, it's a valid root.
                        if (fp[i] != 0 && !dvmIsValidObject((Object *)fp[i])) {
                            /* this is very bad */
                            ALOGE("PGC: invalid ref in reg %d: %#x",
                                 method->registersSize - 1 - i, fp[i]);
                            ALOGE("PGC: %s.%s addr %#x",
                                 method->clazz->descriptor, method->name,
                                 saveArea->xtra.currentPc - method->insns);
                        (*visitor)(&fp[i], threadId, ROOT_JAVA_FRAME, arg);
                dvmReleaseRegisterMapLine(pMap, regVector);
         * Don't fall into an infinite loop if things get corrupted.
        assert((uintptr_t)saveArea->prevFrame > (uintptr_t)fp ||
               saveArea->prevFrame == NULL);

#ifdef FASTIVA
	int* stack_bottom = (int*)thread->m_pNativeStackBottom;
	int* stack_top    = (int*)thread->m_pNativeStackPointer;
	const bool DUMP_STACK = 0;
	if (DUMP_STACK) {
		ALOGE("##### scan_stack %i %p~%p", thread->systemTid, stack_top, stack_bottom);
	assert(thread->status != THREAD_RUNNING || thread == dvmThreadSelf());
		while (stack_top < stack_bottom) {
            if (dvmIsValidObject((Object*)stack_top[0])) {
                (*visitor)(stack_top, threadId, ROOT_JAVA_FRAME, arg);
			stack_top ++;
Exemple #22
 * We're calling an interpreted method from an internal VM function or
 * via reflection.
 * Push a frame for an interpreted method onto the stack.  This is only
 * used when calling into interpreted code from native code.  (The
 * interpreter does its own stack frame manipulation for interp-->interp
 * calls.)
 * The size we need to reserve is the sum of parameters, local variables,
 * saved goodies, and outbound parameters.
 * We start by inserting a "break" frame, which ensures that the interpreter
 * hands control back to us after the function we call returns or an
 * uncaught exception is thrown.
static bool dvmPushInterpFrame(Thread* self, const Method* method)
    StackSaveArea* saveBlock;
    StackSaveArea* breakSaveBlock;
    int stackReq;
    u1* stackPtr;


    stackReq = method->registersSize * 4        // params + locals
                + sizeof(StackSaveArea) * 2     // break frame + regular frame
                + method->outsSize * 4;         // args to other methods

    if (self->interpSave.curFrame != NULL)
        stackPtr = (u1*) SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->interpSave.curFrame);
        stackPtr = self->interpStackStart;

    if (stackPtr - stackReq < self->interpStackEnd) {
        /* not enough space */
        ALOGW("Stack overflow on call to interp "
             "(req=%d top=%p cur=%p size=%d %s.%s)",
            stackReq, self->interpStackStart, self->interpSave.curFrame,
            self->interpStackSize, method->clazz->descriptor, method->name);
        dvmHandleStackOverflow(self, method);
        return false;

     * Shift the stack pointer down, leaving space for the function's
     * args/registers and save area.
    stackPtr -= sizeof(StackSaveArea);
    breakSaveBlock = (StackSaveArea*)stackPtr;
    stackPtr -= method->registersSize * 4 + sizeof(StackSaveArea);
    saveBlock = (StackSaveArea*) stackPtr;

#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(PAD_SAVE_AREA)
    /* debug -- memset the new stack, unless we want valgrind's help */
    memset(stackPtr - (method->outsSize*4), 0xaf, stackReq);
#ifdef EASY_GDB
    breakSaveBlock->prevSave =
    saveBlock->prevSave = breakSaveBlock;

    breakSaveBlock->prevFrame = self->interpSave.curFrame;
    breakSaveBlock->savedPc = NULL;             // not required
    breakSaveBlock->xtra.localRefCookie = 0;    // not required
    breakSaveBlock->method = NULL;
    saveBlock->prevFrame = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(breakSaveBlock);
    saveBlock->savedPc = NULL;                  // not required
    saveBlock->xtra.currentPc = NULL;           // not required?
    saveBlock->method = method;

    LOGVV("PUSH frame: old=%p new=%p (size=%d)",
        self->interpSave.curFrame, FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock),
        (u1*)self->interpSave.curFrame - (u1*)FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock));

    self->interpSave.curFrame = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock);

    return true;
Exemple #23
 * Visits all stack slots. TODO: visit native methods.
static void visitThreadStack(Visitor *visitor, Thread *thread, void *arg)
    const StackSaveArea *saveArea;
    u4 *framePtr;

    assert(visitor != NULL);
    assert(thread != NULL);
    framePtr = (u4 *)thread->curFrame;
    for (; framePtr != NULL; framePtr = saveArea->prevFrame) {
        Method *method;
        saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(framePtr);
        method = (Method *)saveArea->method;
        if (method != NULL && !dvmIsNativeMethod(method)) {
            const RegisterMap* pMap = dvmGetExpandedRegisterMap(method);
            const u1* regVector = NULL;
            size_t i;

            if (pMap != NULL) {
                /* found map, get registers for this address */
                int addr = saveArea->xtra.currentPc - method->insns;
                regVector = dvmRegisterMapGetLine(pMap, addr);
            if (regVector == NULL) {
                 * Either there was no register map or there is no
                 * info for the current PC.  Perform a conservative
                 * scan.
                for (i = 0; i < method->registersSize; ++i) {
                    if (dvmIsValidObject((Object *)framePtr[i])) {
                        (*visitor)(&framePtr[i], arg);
            } else {
                 * Precise scan.  v0 is at the lowest address on the
                 * interpreted stack, and is the first bit in the
                 * register vector, so we can walk through the
                 * register map and memory in the same direction.
                 * A '1' bit indicates a live reference.
                u2 bits = 1 << 1;
                for (i = 0; i < method->registersSize; ++i) {
                    bits >>= 1;
                    if (bits == 1) {
                        /* set bit 9 so we can tell when we're empty */
                        bits = *regVector++ | 0x0100;
                    if ((bits & 0x1) != 0) {
                         * Register is marked as live, it's a valid root.
                        (*visitor)(&framePtr[i], arg);
                dvmReleaseRegisterMapLine(pMap, regVector);
         * Don't fall into an infinite loop if things get corrupted.
        assert((uintptr_t)saveArea->prevFrame > (uintptr_t)framePtr ||
               saveArea->prevFrame == NULL);
Exemple #24
 * Dump the stack for the specified thread, which is still running.
 * This is very dangerous, because stack frames are being pushed on and
 * popped off, and if the thread exits we'll be looking at freed memory.
 * The plan here is to take a snapshot of the stack and then dump that
 * to try to minimize the chances of catching it mid-update.  This should
 * work reasonably well on a single-CPU system.
 * There is a small chance that calling here will crash the VM.
void dvmDumpRunningThreadStack(const DebugOutputTarget* target, Thread* thread)
    StackSaveArea* saveArea;
    const u1* origStack;
    u1* stackCopy = NULL;
    int origSize, fpOffset;
    void* fp;
    int depthLimit = 200;

    if (thread == NULL || thread->interpSave.curFrame == NULL) {
            "DumpRunning: Thread at %p has no curFrame (threadid=%d)\n",
            thread, (thread != NULL) ? thread->threadId : 0);

    /* wait for a full quantum */

    /* copy the info we need, then the stack itself */
    origSize = thread->interpStackSize;
    origStack = (const u1*) thread->interpStackStart - origSize;
    stackCopy = (u1*) malloc(origSize);
    fpOffset = (u1*) thread->interpSave.curFrame - origStack;
    memcpy(stackCopy, origStack, origSize);

     * Run through the stack and rewrite the "prev" pointers.
    //ALOGI("DR: fpOff=%d (from %p %p)",fpOffset, origStack,
    //     thread->interpSave.curFrame);
    fp = stackCopy + fpOffset;
    while (true) {
        int prevOffset;

        if (depthLimit-- < 0) {
            /* we're probably screwed */
            dvmPrintDebugMessage(target, "DumpRunning: depth limit hit\n");
        saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp);
        if (saveArea->prevFrame == NULL)

        prevOffset = (u1*) saveArea->prevFrame - origStack;
        if (prevOffset < 0 || prevOffset > origSize) {
                "DumpRunning: bad offset found: %d (from %p %p)\n",
                prevOffset, origStack, saveArea->prevFrame);
            saveArea->prevFrame = NULL;

        saveArea->prevFrame = (u4*)(stackCopy + prevOffset);
        fp = saveArea->prevFrame;

     * We still need to pass the Thread for some monitor wait stuff.
    dumpFrames(target, stackCopy + fpOffset, thread);
Exemple #25
 * We're calling a JNI native method from an internal VM fuction or
 * via reflection.  This is also used to create the "fake" native-method
 * frames at the top of the interpreted stack.
 * This actually pushes two frames; the first is a "break" frame.
 * The top frame has additional space for JNI local reference tracking.
bool dvmPushJNIFrame(Thread* self, const Method* method)
    StackSaveArea* saveBlock;
    StackSaveArea* breakSaveBlock;
    int stackReq;
    u1* stackPtr;


    stackReq = method->registersSize * 4        // params only
                + sizeof(StackSaveArea) * 2;    // break frame + regular frame

    if (self->interpSave.curFrame != NULL)
        stackPtr = (u1*) SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->interpSave.curFrame);
        stackPtr = self->interpStackStart;

    if (stackPtr - stackReq < self->interpStackEnd) {
        /* not enough space */
        ALOGW("Stack overflow on call to native "
             "(req=%d top=%p cur=%p size=%d '%s')",
            stackReq, self->interpStackStart, self->interpSave.curFrame,
            self->interpStackSize, method->name);
        dvmHandleStackOverflow(self, method);
        return false;

     * Shift the stack pointer down, leaving space for just the stack save
     * area for the break frame, then shift down farther for the full frame.
     * We leave space for the method args, which are copied in later.
    stackPtr -= sizeof(StackSaveArea);
    breakSaveBlock = (StackSaveArea*)stackPtr;
    stackPtr -= method->registersSize * 4 + sizeof(StackSaveArea);
    saveBlock = (StackSaveArea*) stackPtr;

#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(PAD_SAVE_AREA)
    /* debug -- memset the new stack */
    memset(stackPtr, 0xaf, stackReq);
#ifdef EASY_GDB
    if (self->interpSave.curFrame == NULL)
        breakSaveBlock->prevSave = NULL;
    else {
        void* fp = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(self->interpSave.curFrame);
        breakSaveBlock->prevSave = (StackSaveArea*)fp;
    saveBlock->prevSave = breakSaveBlock;

    breakSaveBlock->prevFrame = self->interpSave.curFrame;
    breakSaveBlock->savedPc = NULL;             // not required
    breakSaveBlock->xtra.localRefCookie = 0;    // not required
    breakSaveBlock->method = NULL;
    saveBlock->prevFrame = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(breakSaveBlock);
    saveBlock->savedPc = NULL;                  // not required
    saveBlock->xtra.localRefCookie = self->jniLocalRefTable.segmentState.all;
    saveBlock->method = method;

    LOGVV("PUSH JNI frame: old=%p new=%p (size=%d)",
        self->interpSave.curFrame, FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock),
        (u1*)self->interpSave.curFrame - (u1*)FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock));

    self->interpSave.curFrame = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock);

    return true;
Exemple #26
 * Dump stack frames, starting from the specified frame and moving down.
 * Each frame holds a pointer to the currently executing method, and the
 * saved program counter from the caller ("previous" frame).  This means
 * we don't have the PC for the current method on the stack, which is
 * pretty reasonable since it's in the "PC register" for the VM.  Because
 * exceptions need to show the correct line number we actually *do* have
 * an updated version in the fame's "xtra.currentPc", but it's unreliable.
 * Note "framePtr" could be NULL in rare circumstances.
static void dumpFrames(const DebugOutputTarget* target, void* framePtr,
    Thread* thread)
    const StackSaveArea* saveArea;
    const Method* method;
    int checkCount = 0;
    const u2* currentPc = NULL;
    bool first = true;

     * We call functions that require us to be holding the thread list lock.
     * It's probable that the caller has already done so, but it's not
     * guaranteed.  If it's not locked, lock it now.
    bool needThreadUnlock = dvmTryLockThreadList();

     * The "currentPc" is updated whenever we execute an instruction that
     * might throw an exception.  Show it here.
    if (framePtr != NULL && !dvmIsBreakFrame((u4*)framePtr)) {
        saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(framePtr);

        if (saveArea->xtra.currentPc != NULL)
            currentPc = saveArea->xtra.currentPc;

    while (framePtr != NULL) {
        saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(framePtr);
        method = saveArea->method;

        if (dvmIsBreakFrame((u4*)framePtr)) {
            //dvmPrintDebugMessage(target, "  (break frame)\n");
        } else {
            int relPc;

            if (currentPc != NULL)
                relPc = currentPc - saveArea->method->insns;
                relPc = -1;

            std::string methodName(dvmHumanReadableMethod(method, false));
            if (dvmIsNativeMethod(method)) {
                dvmPrintDebugMessage(target, "  at %s(Native Method)\n",
            } else {
                dvmPrintDebugMessage(target, "  at %s(%s:%s%d)\n",
                        methodName.c_str(), dvmGetMethodSourceFile(method),
                        (relPc >= 0 && first) ? "~" : "",
                        relPc < 0 ? -1 : dvmLineNumFromPC(method, relPc));

            if (first) {
                 * Decorate WAIT and MONITOR threads with some detail on
                 * the first frame.
                 * warning: wait status not stable, even in suspend
                if (thread->status == THREAD_WAIT ||
                    thread->status == THREAD_TIMED_WAIT)
                    Monitor* mon = thread->waitMonitor;
                    Object* obj = dvmGetMonitorObject(mon);
                    if (obj != NULL) {
                        Thread* joinThread = NULL;
                        if (obj->clazz == gDvm.classJavaLangVMThread) {
                            joinThread = dvmGetThreadFromThreadObject(obj);
                        if (joinThread == NULL) {
                            joinThread = dvmGetObjectLockHolder(obj);
                        printWaitMessage(target, "on", obj, joinThread);
                } else if (thread->status == THREAD_MONITOR) {
                    Object* obj;
                    Thread* owner;
                    if (extractMonitorEnterObject(thread, &obj, &owner)) {
                        printWaitMessage(target, "to lock", obj, owner);

         * Get saved PC for previous frame.  There's no savedPc in a "break"
         * frame, because that represents native or interpreted code
         * invoked by the VM.  The saved PC is sitting in the "PC register",
         * a local variable on the native stack.
        currentPc = saveArea->savedPc;

        first = false;

        if (saveArea->prevFrame != NULL && saveArea->prevFrame <= framePtr) {
            ALOGW("Warning: loop in stack trace at frame %d (%p -> %p)",
                checkCount, framePtr, saveArea->prevFrame);
        framePtr = saveArea->prevFrame;

        if (checkCount > 300) {
                "  ***** printed %d frames, not showing any more\n",

    if (needThreadUnlock) {
Exemple #27
 * Extract the object that is the target of a monitor-enter instruction
 * in the top stack frame of "thread".
 * The other thread might be alive, so this has to work carefully.
 * The thread list lock must be held.
 * Returns "true" if we successfully recover the object.  "*pOwner" will
 * be NULL if we can't determine the owner for some reason (e.g. race
 * condition on ownership transfer).
static bool extractMonitorEnterObject(Thread* thread, Object** pLockObj,
    Thread** pOwner)
    void* framePtr = thread->interpSave.curFrame;

    if (framePtr == NULL || dvmIsBreakFrame((u4*)framePtr))
        return false;

    const StackSaveArea* saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(framePtr);
    const Method* method = saveArea->method;
    const u2* currentPc = saveArea->xtra.currentPc;

    /* check Method* */
    if (!dvmLinearAllocContains(method, sizeof(Method))) {
        ALOGD("ExtrMon: method %p not valid", method);
        return false;

    /* check currentPc */
    u4 insnsSize = dvmGetMethodInsnsSize(method);
    if (currentPc < method->insns ||
        currentPc >= method->insns + insnsSize)
        ALOGD("ExtrMon: insns %p not valid (%p - %p)",
            currentPc, method->insns, method->insns + insnsSize);
        return false;

    /* check the instruction */
    if ((*currentPc & 0xff) != OP_MONITOR_ENTER) {
        ALOGD("ExtrMon: insn at %p is not monitor-enter (0x%02x)",
            currentPc, *currentPc & 0xff);
        return false;

    /* get and check the register index */
    unsigned int reg = *currentPc >> 8;
    if (reg >= method->registersSize) {
        ALOGD("ExtrMon: invalid register %d (max %d)",
            reg, method->registersSize);
        return false;

    /* get and check the object in that register */
    u4* fp = (u4*) framePtr;
    Object* obj = (Object*) fp[reg];
    if (obj != NULL && !dvmIsHeapAddress(obj)) {
        ALOGD("ExtrMon: invalid object %p at %p[%d]", obj, fp, reg);
        return false;
    *pLockObj = obj;

     * Try to determine the object's lock holder; it's okay if this fails.
     * We're assuming the thread list lock is already held by this thread.
     * If it's not, we may be living dangerously if we have to scan through
     * the thread list to find a match.  (The VM will generally be in a
     * suspended state when executing here, so this is a minor concern
     * unless we're dumping while threads are running, in which case there's
     * a good chance of stuff blowing up anyway.)
    *pOwner = dvmGetObjectLockHolder(obj);

    return true;
hprofFillInStackTrace(void *objectPtr)

    DvmHeapChunk *chunk;
    StackTraceEntry stackTraceEntry;
    Thread* self;
    void* fp;
    int i;
    if (objectPtr == NULL) {
    self = dvmThreadSelf();
    if (self == NULL) {
    fp = self->curFrame;

    /* Serial number to be filled in later. */
    stackTraceEntry.trace.serialNumber = -1;

     * TODO - The HAT tool doesn't care about thread data, so we can defer
     * actually emitting thread records and assigning thread serial numbers.
    stackTraceEntry.trace.threadSerialNumber = (int) self;

    memset(&stackTraceEntry.trace.frameIds, 0,

    i = 0;
    while ((fp != NULL) && (i < STACK_DEPTH)) {
        const StackSaveArea* saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp);
        const Method* method = saveArea->method;
        StackFrameEntry frame;

        if (!dvmIsBreakFrame(fp)) {
            frame.frame.method = method;
            if (dvmIsNativeMethod(method)) {
                frame.frame.pc = 0; /* no saved PC for native methods */
            } else {
                assert(saveArea->xtra.currentPc >= method->insns &&
                        saveArea->xtra.currentPc <
                        method->insns + dvmGetMethodInsnsSize(method));
                frame.frame.pc = (int) (saveArea->xtra.currentPc -

            // Canonicalize the frame and cache it in the hprof context
            stackTraceEntry.trace.frameIds[i++] =

        assert(fp != saveArea->prevFrame);
        fp = saveArea->prevFrame;

    /* Store the stack trace serial number in the object header */
    chunk = ptr2chunk(objectPtr);
    chunk->stackTraceSerialNumber =
Exemple #29
 * Main interpreter loop.
 * This was written with an ARM implementation in mind.
bool INTERP_FUNC_NAME(Thread* self, InterpState* interpState)
#if defined(EASY_GDB)
    StackSaveArea* debugSaveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->curFrame);
    bool debugIsMethodEntry = interpState->debugIsMethodEntry;
    int debugTrackedRefStart = interpState->debugTrackedRefStart;
    DvmDex* methodClassDex;     // curMethod->clazz->pDvmDex
    JValue retval;

    /* core state */
    const Method* curMethod;    // method we're interpreting
    const u2* pc;               // program counter
    u4* fp;                     // frame pointer
    u2 inst;                    // current instruction
    /* instruction decoding */
    u2 ref;                     // 16-bit quantity fetched directly
    u2 vsrc1, vsrc2, vdst;      // usually used for register indexes
    /* method call setup */
    const Method* methodToCall;
    bool methodCallRange;

#if defined(THREADED_INTERP)
    /* static computed goto table */

#if defined(WITH_JIT)
#if 0
    LOGD("*DebugInterp - entrypoint is %d, tgt is 0x%x, %s\n",
    /* Check to see if we've got a trace selection request. */
    if (
          * Only perform dvmJitCheckTraceRequest if the entry point is
          * EntryInstr and the jit state is either kJitTSelectRequest or
          * kJitTSelectRequestHot. If debugger/profiler happens to be attached,
          * dvmJitCheckTraceRequest will change the jitState to kJitDone but
          * but stay in the dbg interpreter.
         (interpState->entryPoint == kInterpEntryInstr) &&
         (interpState->jitState == kJitTSelectRequest ||
          interpState->jitState == kJitTSelectRequestHot) &&
         dvmJitCheckTraceRequest(self, interpState)) {
        interpState->nextMode = INTERP_STD;
        //LOGD("Invalid trace request, exiting\n");
        return true;
#endif /* INTERP_TYPE == INTERP_DBG */
#endif /* WITH_JIT */

    /* copy state in */
    curMethod = interpState->method;
    pc = interpState->pc;
    fp = interpState->fp;
    retval = interpState->retval;   /* only need for kInterpEntryReturn? */

    methodClassDex = curMethod->clazz->pDvmDex;

    LOGVV("threadid=%d: entry(%s) %s.%s pc=0x%x fp=%p ep=%d\n",
        self->threadId, (interpState->nextMode == INTERP_STD) ? "STD" : "DBG",
        curMethod->clazz->descriptor, curMethod->name, pc - curMethod->insns,
        fp, interpState->entryPoint);

     * DEBUG: scramble this to ensure we're not relying on it.
    methodToCall = (const Method*) -1;

    if (debugIsMethodEntry) {
        ILOGD("|-- Now interpreting %s.%s", curMethod->clazz->descriptor,
        DUMP_REGS(curMethod, interpState->fp, false);

    switch (interpState->entryPoint) {
    case kInterpEntryInstr:
        /* just fall through to instruction loop or threaded kickstart */
    case kInterpEntryReturn:
        goto returnFromMethod;
    case kInterpEntryThrow:
        goto exceptionThrown;

    FINISH(0);                  /* fetch and execute first instruction */
    while (1) {
        CHECK_DEBUG_AND_PROF(); /* service debugger and profiling */
        CHECK_TRACKED_REFS();   /* check local reference tracking */

        /* fetch the next 16 bits from the instruction stream */
        inst = FETCH(0);

        switch (INST_INST(inst)) {
Exemple #30
 * Main interpreter loop.
 * This was written with an ARM implementation in mind.
 * portable���͵Ľ������Ľ���ѭ�����
void dvmInterpretPortable(Thread* self)
#if defined(EASY_GDB)
    // ��������Ƿ�����ԣ�������ջ֡�ĵ�ַ
    StackSaveArea* debugSaveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->interpSave.curFrame);
    DvmDex* methodClassDex;     // curMethod->clazz->pDvmDex
    JValue retval;

    /* core state */
    const Method* curMethod;    // method we're interpreting ��ǰ����Ҫ���͵ķ���
    const u2* pc;               // program counter ���������
    u4* fp;                     // frame pointer ָ֡��
    u2 inst;                    // current instruction ��ǰָ��

    /* instruction decoding */
    u4 ref;                     // 16 or 32-bit quantity fetched directly
    u2 vsrc1, vsrc2, vdst;      // usually used for register indexes
    /* method call setup */
    const Method* methodToCall;
    bool methodCallRange;

    * static computed goto table
    * ��̬����õ���ת��
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    * �þ�̬��ת����libdex��dexopcode.h�ж���
    * [��Ҫע����壺�ñ�ֻ�ṩ����cʵ�ֵĽ�������ʹ��]
    * �⿪�����������
    *  static const void* handlerTable[0x100] = {                      \
    *    H(OP_NOP),                                                            \
    *    H(OP_MOVE),                                                           \
    *    ....
    *  }
    * ���������opcode-gen������߶�̬���ɵģ�����˵�����������ʲô�����ɵģ���Ҫ�ο��ù��ߵ�ʵ��
    * # define H(_op)             &&op_##_op
    * ʵ�����������������&&op_OP_NOP �����ĵ�ַ

    /* copy state in 
    * ��ʼ��һЩ״ֵ̬
    curMethod = self->interpSave.method;
    pc = self->interpSave.pc;
    fp = self->interpSave.curFrame;
    retval = self->interpSave.retval;   /* only need for kInterpEntryReturn? */

    methodClassDex = curMethod->clazz->pDvmDex; //��ȡdex��ص�����(������Ҫ�ο�vm\DvmDex.cpp��������ʵ��)

    LOGVV("threadid=%d: %s.%s pc=%#x fp=%p",
        self->threadId, curMethod->clazz->descriptor, curMethod->name,
        pc - curMethod->insns, fp);

     * Handle any ongoing profiling and prep for debugging.
     * ������Ҫ�Ƿ�����ԣ�����������һ�����巽���Ľ���
    if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode != 0) {
        TRACE_METHOD_ENTER(self, curMethod);
        self->debugIsMethodEntry = true;   // Always true on startup
     * DEBUG: scramble this to ensure we're not relying on it.
    methodToCall = (const Method*) -1;

#if 0
    if (self->debugIsMethodEntry) {
        ILOGD("|-- Now interpreting %s.%s", curMethod->clazz->descriptor,
        DUMP_REGS(curMethod, self->interpSave.curFrame, false);

    // ������ʵ���Ͻ�����һ��do - while��ѭ����ֱ��ִ����Ϸ���
    FINISH(0);                  /* fetch and execute first instruction */