/** returns a variable, that pushes activity of the row in the given direction with minimal negative impact on other rows;
 *  if variables have equal impact, chooses the one with best objective value improvement in corresponding direction;
 *  rounding in a direction is forbidden, if this forces the objective value over the upper bound
SCIP_RETCODE selectRounding(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< primal solution */
   SCIP_Real             minobj,             /**< minimal objective value possible after rounding remaining fractional vars */
   SCIP_ROW*             row,                /**< LP row */
   int                   direction,          /**< should the activity be increased (+1) or decreased (-1)? */
   SCIP_VAR**            roundvar,           /**< pointer to store the rounding variable, returns NULL if impossible */
   SCIP_Real*            oldsolval,          /**< pointer to store old (fractional) solution value of rounding variable */
   SCIP_Real*            newsolval           /**< pointer to store new (rounded) solution value of rounding variable */
   SCIP_COL* col;
   SCIP_VAR* var;
   SCIP_Real val;
   SCIP_COL** rowcols;
   SCIP_Real* rowvals;
   SCIP_Real solval;
   SCIP_Real roundval;
   SCIP_Real obj;
   SCIP_Real deltaobj;
   SCIP_Real bestdeltaobj;
   SCIP_VARTYPE vartype;
   int nrowcols;
   int nlocks;
   int minnlocks;
   int c;

   assert(direction == +1 || direction == -1);
   assert(roundvar != NULL);
   assert(oldsolval != NULL);
   assert(newsolval != NULL);

   /* get row entries */
   rowcols = SCIProwGetCols(row);
   rowvals = SCIProwGetVals(row);
   nrowcols = SCIProwGetNLPNonz(row);

   /* select rounding variable */
   minnlocks = INT_MAX;
   bestdeltaobj = SCIPinfinity(scip);
   *roundvar = NULL;
   for( c = 0; c < nrowcols; ++c )
      col = rowcols[c];
      var = SCIPcolGetVar(col);

      vartype = SCIPvarGetType(var);
      if( vartype == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY || vartype == SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER )
         solval = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, var);

         if( !SCIPisFeasIntegral(scip, solval) )
            val = rowvals[c];
            obj = SCIPvarGetObj(var);

            if( direction * val < 0.0 )
               /* rounding down */
               nlocks = SCIPvarGetNLocksDown(var);
               if( nlocks <= minnlocks )
                  roundval = SCIPfeasFloor(scip, solval);
                  deltaobj = obj * (roundval - solval);
                  if( (nlocks < minnlocks || deltaobj < bestdeltaobj) && minobj - obj < SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip) )
                     minnlocks = nlocks;
                     bestdeltaobj = deltaobj;
                     *roundvar = var;
                     *oldsolval = solval;
                     *newsolval = roundval;
               /* rounding up */
               assert(direction * val > 0.0);
               nlocks = SCIPvarGetNLocksUp(var);
               if( nlocks <= minnlocks )
                  roundval = SCIPfeasCeil(scip, solval);
                  deltaobj = obj * (roundval - solval);
                  if( (nlocks < minnlocks || deltaobj < bestdeltaobj) && minobj + obj < SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip) )
                     minnlocks = nlocks;
                     bestdeltaobj = deltaobj;
                     *roundvar = var;
                     *oldsolval = solval;
                     *newsolval = roundval;

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemple #2
/** returns a variable, that pushes activity of the row in the given direction with minimal negative impact on other rows;
 *  if variables have equal impact, chooses the one with best objective value improvement in corresponding direction;
 *  prefer fractional integers over other variables in order to become integral during the process;
 *  shifting in a direction is forbidden, if this forces the objective value over the upper bound, or if the variable
 *  was already shifted in the opposite direction
SCIP_RETCODE selectShifting(
    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
    SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< primal solution */
    SCIP_ROW*             row,                /**< LP row */
    SCIP_Real             rowactivity,        /**< activity of LP row */
    int                   direction,          /**< should the activity be increased (+1) or decreased (-1)? */
    SCIP_Real*            nincreases,         /**< array with weighted number of increasings per variables */
    SCIP_Real*            ndecreases,         /**< array with weighted number of decreasings per variables */
    SCIP_Real             increaseweight,     /**< current weight of increase/decrease updates */
    SCIP_VAR**            shiftvar,           /**< pointer to store the shifting variable, returns NULL if impossible */
    SCIP_Real*            oldsolval,          /**< pointer to store old solution value of shifting variable */
    SCIP_Real*            newsolval           /**< pointer to store new (shifted) solution value of shifting variable */
    SCIP_COL** rowcols;
    SCIP_Real* rowvals;
    int nrowcols;
    SCIP_Real activitydelta;
    SCIP_Real bestshiftscore;
    SCIP_Real bestdeltaobj;
    int c;

    assert(direction == +1 || direction == -1);
    assert(nincreases != NULL);
    assert(ndecreases != NULL);
    assert(shiftvar != NULL);
    assert(oldsolval != NULL);
    assert(newsolval != NULL);

    /* get row entries */
    rowcols = SCIProwGetCols(row);
    rowvals = SCIProwGetVals(row);
    nrowcols = SCIProwGetNLPNonz(row);

    /* calculate how much the activity must be shifted in order to become feasible */
    activitydelta = (direction == +1 ? SCIProwGetLhs(row) - rowactivity : SCIProwGetRhs(row) - rowactivity);
    assert((direction == +1 && SCIPisPositive(scip, activitydelta))
           || (direction == -1 && SCIPisNegative(scip, activitydelta)));

    /* select shifting variable */
    bestshiftscore = SCIP_REAL_MAX;
    bestdeltaobj = SCIPinfinity(scip);
    *shiftvar = NULL;
    *newsolval = 0.0;
    *oldsolval = 0.0;
    for( c = 0; c < nrowcols; ++c )
        SCIP_COL* col;
        SCIP_VAR* var;
        SCIP_Real val;
        SCIP_Real solval;
        SCIP_Real shiftval;
        SCIP_Real shiftscore;
        SCIP_Bool isinteger;
        SCIP_Bool isfrac;
        SCIP_Bool increase;

        col = rowcols[c];
        var = SCIPcolGetVar(col);
        val = rowvals[c];
        assert(!SCIPisZero(scip, val));
        solval = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, var);

        isinteger = (SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY || SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER);
        isfrac = isinteger && !SCIPisFeasIntegral(scip, solval);
        increase = (direction * val > 0.0);

        /* calculate the score of the shifting (prefer smaller values) */
        if( isfrac )
            shiftscore = increase ? -1.0 / (SCIPvarGetNLocksUp(var) + 1.0) :
                         -1.0 / (SCIPvarGetNLocksDown(var) + 1.0);
            int probindex;
            probindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(var);

            if( increase )
                shiftscore = ndecreases[probindex]/increaseweight;
                shiftscore = nincreases[probindex]/increaseweight;
            if( isinteger )
                shiftscore += 1.0;

        if( shiftscore <= bestshiftscore )
            SCIP_Real deltaobj;

            if( !increase )
                /* shifting down */
                assert(direction * val < 0.0);
                if( isfrac )
                    shiftval = SCIPfeasFloor(scip, solval);
                    SCIP_Real lb;

                    assert(activitydelta/val < 0.0);
                    shiftval = solval + activitydelta/val;
                    assert(shiftval <= solval); /* may be equal due to numerical digit erasement in the subtraction */
                    if( SCIPvarIsIntegral(var) )
                        shiftval = SCIPfeasFloor(scip, shiftval);
                    lb = SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var);
                    shiftval = MAX(shiftval, lb);
                /* shifting up */
                assert(direction * val > 0.0);
                if( isfrac )
                    shiftval = SCIPfeasCeil(scip, solval);
                    SCIP_Real ub;

                    assert(activitydelta/val > 0.0);
                    shiftval = solval + activitydelta/val;
                    assert(shiftval >= solval); /* may be equal due to numerical digit erasement in the subtraction */
                    if( SCIPvarIsIntegral(var) )
                        shiftval = SCIPfeasCeil(scip, shiftval);
                    ub = SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var);
                    shiftval = MIN(shiftval, ub);

            if( SCIPisEQ(scip, shiftval, solval) )

            deltaobj = SCIPvarGetObj(var) * (shiftval - solval);
            if( shiftscore < bestshiftscore || deltaobj < bestdeltaobj )
                bestshiftscore = shiftscore;
                bestdeltaobj = deltaobj;
                *shiftvar = var;
                *oldsolval = solval;
                *newsolval = shiftval;

    return SCIP_OKAY;