Exemple #1
/* Symbol printer.
   NB: Uninterned symbols are treated as sharable objects (can be written
   with #n= syntax).  It is handled by upper layer (write.c) so we don't
   worry about it in this routine.
static void symbol_print(ScmObj obj, ScmPort *port, ScmWriteContext *ctx)
    if (Scm_WriteContextMode(ctx) == SCM_WRITE_DISPLAY) {
        SCM_PUTS(SCM_SYMBOL_NAME(obj), port);
    } else {
        if (SCM_KEYWORDP(obj)) {
            SCM_PUTC(':', port);
            /* We basically print keyword names in the same way as symbols
               (i.e. using |-escape if necessary).  However, as a convention,
               two things are different from the default symbol writer.
               (1) We don't check the noninitials; :1 is unambiguously a
               keyword, so we don't need to print :|1|.
               (2) A keyword with an empty name can be printed just as :,
               instead of :||.
               These conventions are useful if we pass the S-expression with
               these keywords to other Scheme implementations that don't support
               CL-style keywords; they would just read those ones as symbols.
            Scm_WriteSymbolName(SCM_KEYWORD(obj)->name, port, ctx,
        if (!SCM_SYMBOL_INTERNED(obj)) SCM_PUTZ("#:", -1, port);
        Scm_WriteSymbolName(SCM_SYMBOL_NAME(obj), port, ctx, 0);
Exemple #2
/* Symbol printer.
   NB: Uninterned symbols are treated as sharable objects (can be written
   with #n= syntax).  It is handled by upper layer (write.c) so we don't
   worry about it in this routine.
static void symbol_print(ScmObj obj, ScmPort *port, ScmWriteContext *ctx)
    if (Scm_WriteContextMode(ctx) == SCM_WRITE_DISPLAY) {
        SCM_PUTS(SCM_SYMBOL_NAME(obj), port);
    } else {
        if (!SCM_SYMBOL_INTERNED(obj)) SCM_PUTZ("#:", -1, port);
        Scm_WriteSymbolName(SCM_SYMBOL_NAME(obj), port, ctx, 0);
Exemple #3
 * Scm_WriteLimited - Write to limited length.
 *  Characters exceeding WIDTH are truncated.
 *  If the output fits within WIDTH, # of characters actually written
 *  is returned.  Othewise, -1 is returned.
 *  Currently this API is only used from Scm_Printf, for 'format' has been
 *  moved to libfmt.scm.  I don't like the way this is implemented and would
 *  like to share this with libfmt.scm eventually.
int Scm_WriteLimited(ScmObj obj, ScmObj p, int mode, int width)
    if (!SCM_OPORTP(p)) {
        Scm_Error("output port required, but got %S", p);

    ScmPort *port = SCM_PORT(p);

    /* The walk pass does not produce any output, so we don't bother to
       create an intermediate string port. */
    if (PORT_LOCK_OWNER_P(port, Scm_VM()) && PORT_WALKER_P(port)) {
        write_walk(obj, port);
        return 0;               /* doesn't really matter */

    ScmObj out = Scm_MakeOutputStringPort(TRUE);
    SCM_PORT(out)->writeState = SCM_PORT(port)->writeState;
    ScmWriteContext ctx;
    write_context_init(&ctx, mode, 0, width);

    /* We don't need to lock 'out', nor clean it up, for it is private. */
    /* This part is a bit confusing - we only need to call write_ss
       if we're at the toplevel call.  */
    if (PORT_RECURSIVE_P(SCM_PORT(port))) {
        write_rec(obj, SCM_PORT(out), &ctx);
    } else if (WRITER_NEED_2PASS(&ctx)) {
        write_ss(obj, SCM_PORT(out), &ctx);
    } else {
        write_rec(obj, SCM_PORT(out), &ctx);
    ScmString *str = SCM_STRING(Scm_GetOutputString(SCM_PORT(out), 0));
    if (nc > width) {
        ScmObj sub = Scm_Substring(str, 0, width, FALSE);
        SCM_PUTS(sub, port);    /* this locks port */
        return -1;
    } else {
        SCM_PUTS(str, port);    /* this locks port */
        return nc;
Exemple #4
/* internal function to write symbol name, with proper escaping */
void Scm_WriteSymbolName(ScmString *snam, ScmPort *port, ScmWriteContext *ctx,
                         u_int flags)
    /* See if we have special characters, and use |-escape if necessary. */
    /* TODO: For now, we regard chars over 0x80 is all "printable".
       Need a more consistent mechanism. */
    const ScmStringBody *b = SCM_STRING_BODY(snam);
    const char *p = SCM_STRING_BODY_START(b);
    int siz = SCM_STRING_BODY_SIZE(b);
    int escape = FALSE;
    int spmask = (Scm_WriteContextCase(ctx) == SCM_WRITE_CASE_FOLD)? 0x12 : 0x02;

    if (siz == 0) {         /* special case */
        if (!(flags & SCM_SYMBOL_WRITER_NOESCAPE_EMPTY)) {
            SCM_PUTZ("||", -1, port);
    if (siz == 1 && (*p == '+' || *p == '-')) {
        SCM_PUTC((unsigned)*p, port);
    if ((unsigned int)*p < 128
        && (special[(unsigned int)*p]&1)
        && (*p != ':')
        && (!(flags & SCM_SYMBOL_WRITER_NOESCAPE_INITIAL))) {
        escape = TRUE;
    } else {
        const char *q = p;
        for (int i=0; i<siz; i++, q++) {
            if ((unsigned int)*q < 128
                && (special[(unsigned int)*q]&spmask)) {
                escape = TRUE;
    if (escape) {
        SCM_PUTC('|', port);
        for (const char *q=p; q<p+siz; ) {
            unsigned int ch;
            SCM_CHAR_GET(q, ch);
            q += SCM_CHAR_NBYTES(ch);
            if (ch < 128) {
                if (special[ch] & 8) {
                    SCM_PUTC('\\', port);
                    SCM_PUTC(ch, port);
                } else if (special[ch] & 4) {
                    Scm_Printf(port, "\\x%02x;", ch);
                } else {
                    SCM_PUTC(ch, port);
            } else {
                SCM_PUTC(ch, port);
        SCM_PUTC('|', port);
    } else {
        SCM_PUTS(snam, port);