CSDLMixerProjectLoader::CSDLMixerProjectLoader(const string& sAssetsPath, IAudioSystemEditor* pAudioSystemImpl)
		: m_pAudioSystemImpl(pAudioSystemImpl)
		_finddata_t fd;
		ICryPak* pCryPak = gEnv->pCryPak;
		intptr_t handle = pCryPak->FindFirst(sAssetsPath + "/*.*", &fd);
		if (handle != -1)
				const string name = fd.name;
				if (name != "." && name != ".." && !name.empty())
					if (name.find(".wav") != string::npos || name.find(".ogg") != string::npos /*|| name.find(".mp3") != string::npos*/)
						// Create the event with the same name as the file
						m_pAudioSystemImpl->CreateControl(SControlDef(name, eSDLMT_EVENT));
			while (pCryPak->FindNext(handle, &fd) >= 0);
TConnectionPtr CAudioSystemEditor_wwise::CreateConnectionFromXMLNode(XmlNodeRef pNode, EACEControlType eATLControlType)
    if (pNode)
        const string sTag = pNode->getTag();
        TImplControlType type = TagToType(sTag);
        if (type != AUDIO_IMPL_INVALID_TYPE)
            string sName = pNode->getAttr("wwise_name");
            string sLocalised = pNode->getAttr("wwise_localised");
            bool bLocalised = (sLocalised.compareNoCase("true") == 0);

            // If control not found, create a placeholder.
            // We want to keep that connection even if it's not in the middleware.
            // The user could be using the engine without the wwise project
            IAudioSystemControl* pControl = GetControlByName(sName, bLocalised);
            if (pControl == nullptr)
                pControl = CreateControl(SControlDef(sName, type));
                if (pControl)

            // If it's a switch we actually connect to one of the states within the switch
            if (type == eWCT_WWISE_SWITCH_GROUP || type == eWCT_WWISE_GAME_STATE_GROUP)
                if (pNode->getChildCount() == 1)
                    pNode = pNode->getChild(0);
                    if (pNode)
                        string sChildName = pNode->getAttr("wwise_name");

                        IAudioSystemControl* pChildControl = GetControlByName(sChildName, false, pControl);
                        if (pChildControl == nullptr)
                            pChildControl = CreateControl(SControlDef(sChildName, type == eWCT_WWISE_SWITCH_GROUP ? eWCT_WWISE_SWITCH : eWCT_WWISE_GAME_STATE, false, pControl));
                        pControl = pChildControl;
                    CryWarning(VALIDATOR_MODULE_EDITOR, VALIDATOR_ERROR, "Audio Controls Editor (Wwise): Error reading connection to Wwise control %s", sName);

            if (pControl)

                if (type == eWCT_WWISE_RTPC)
                    switch (eATLControlType)
                    case EACEControlType::eACET_RTPC:
                        TRtpcConnectionPtr pConnection = std::make_shared<CRtpcConnection>(pControl->GetId());

                        float mult = 1.0f;
                        float shift = 0.0f;
                        if (pNode->haveAttr("atl_mult"))
                            const string sProperty = pNode->getAttr("atl_mult");
                            mult = (float)std::atof(sProperty.c_str());
                        if (pNode->haveAttr("atl_shift"))
                            const string sProperty = pNode->getAttr("atl_shift");
                            shift = (float)std::atof(sProperty.c_str());
                        pConnection->fMult = mult;
                        pConnection->fShift = shift;
                        return pConnection;
                    case EACEControlType::eACET_SWITCH_STATE:
                        TStateConnectionPtr pConnection = std::make_shared<CStateToRtpcConnection>(pControl->GetId());

                        float value = 0.0f;
                        if (pNode->haveAttr("atl_mult"))
                            const string sProperty = pNode->getAttr("wwise_value");
                            value = (float)std::atof(sProperty.c_str());
                        pConnection->fValue = value;
                        return pConnection;
                    return std::make_shared<IAudioConnection>(pControl->GetId());
    return nullptr;