/* Prints summary of all suites/tests contained in the given reference */
void SDLTest_LogTestSuiteSummary(SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *testSuites)
    int suiteCounter;
    int testCounter;
    SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *testSuite;
    SDLTest_TestCaseReference *testCase;

    /* Loop over all suites */
    suiteCounter = 0;
    while(&testSuites[suiteCounter]) {
        SDLTest_Log("Test Suite %i - %s\n", suiteCounter,
            (testSuite->name) ? testSuite->name : SDLTest_InvalidNameFormat);

        /* Loop over all test cases */
        testCounter = 0;
            testCase=(SDLTest_TestCaseReference *)testSuite->testCases[testCounter];
            SDLTest_Log("  Test Case %i - %s: %s", testCounter,
                (testCase->name) ? testCase->name : SDLTest_InvalidNameFormat,
                (testCase->description) ? testCase->description : SDLTest_InvalidNameFormat);
Exemple #2
static void SDLTest_LogTestSuiteSummary(SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *testSuites)
    int suiteCounter;
    int testCounter;
    SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *testSuite;
    SDLTest_TestCaseReference *testCase;

    /* Loop over all suites */
    suiteCounter = 0;
    while(&testSuites[suiteCounter]) {
        SDLTest_Log("Test Suite %i - %s\n", suiteCounter,
            (testSuite->name) ? testSuite->name : SDLTEST_INVALID_NAME_FORMAT);

        /* Loop over all test cases */
        testCounter = 0;
            testCase=(SDLTest_TestCaseReference *)testSuite->testCases[testCounter];
            SDLTest_Log("  Test Case %i - %s: %s", testCounter,
                (testCase->name) ? testCase->name : SDLTEST_INVALID_NAME_FORMAT,
                (testCase->description) ? testCase->description : SDLTEST_INVALID_NAME_FORMAT);
 * \brief Locks and unlocks open audio device.
 * \sa https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_LockAudioDevice
 * \sa https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_UnlockAudioDevice
int audio_lockUnlockOpenAudioDevice()
   int i;
   int count;
   char *device;
   SDL_AudioDeviceID id;
   SDL_AudioSpec desired, obtained;

   /* Get number of devices. */
   count = SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(0);
   SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(0)");
   if (count > 0) {
     for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
       /* Get device name */
       device = (char *)SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(i, 0);
       SDLTest_AssertPass("SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(%i,0)", i);
       SDLTest_AssertCheck(device != NULL, "Validate device name is not NULL; got: %s", (device != NULL) ? device : "NULL");
       if (device == NULL) return TEST_ABORTED;

       /* Set standard desired spec */

       /* Open device */
       id = SDL_OpenAudioDevice((const char *)device, 0, &desired, &obtained, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_ANY_CHANGE);
       SDLTest_AssertPass("SDL_OpenAudioDevice('%s',...)", device);
       SDLTest_AssertCheck(id > 1, "Validate device ID; expected: >=2, got: %i", id);
       if (id > 1) {
         /* Lock to protect callback */
         SDLTest_AssertPass("SDL_LockAudioDevice(%i)", id);

         /* Simulate callback processing */
         SDLTest_Log("Simulate callback processing - delay");

         /* Unlock again */
         SDLTest_AssertPass("SDL_UnlockAudioDevice(%i)", id);

         /* Close device again */
         SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_CloseAudioDevice()");
   } else {
     SDLTest_Log("No devices to test with");

 * @brief Call to SDL_GetWindowWMInfo
syswm_getWindowWMInfo(void *arg)
  SDL_bool result;
  SDL_Window *window; 
  SDL_SysWMinfo info;
  window = SDL_CreateWindow("", 0, 0, 0, 0, SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_CreateWindow()");
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(window != NULL, "Check that value returned from SDL_CreateWindow is not NULL");
  if (window == NULL) {
     return TEST_ABORTED;
  /* Initialize info structure with SDL version info */
  /* Make call */
  result = SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(window, &info);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetWindowWMInfo");
  SDLTest_Log((result == SDL_TRUE) ? "Got window information" : "Couldn't get window information");
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_DestroyWindow()");
Exemple #5
 * Assert that logs but does not break execution flow on failures (i.e. for test cases).
int SDLTest_AssertCheck(int assertCondition, const char *assertDescription, ...)
    va_list list;

    /* Print assert description into a buffer */
    SDL_memset(logMessage, 0, SDLTEST_MAX_LOGMESSAGE_LENGTH);
    va_start(list, assertDescription);
    SDL_vsnprintf(logMessage, SDLTEST_MAX_LOGMESSAGE_LENGTH - 1, assertDescription, list);

    /* Log pass or fail message */
    if (assertCondition == ASSERT_FAIL)
        SDLTest_LogError(SDLTest_AssertCheckFormat, logMessage, "Failed");
        SDLTest_Log(SDLTest_AssertCheckFormat, logMessage, "Passed");

    return assertCondition;
 * \brief Opens, checks current connected status, and closes a device.
 * \sa https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_AudioDeviceConnected
int audio_openCloseAudioDeviceConnected()
   int result = -1;
   int i;
   int count;
   char *device;
   SDL_AudioDeviceID id;
   SDL_AudioSpec desired, obtained;

   /* Get number of devices. */
   count = SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(0);
   SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(0)");
   if (count > 0) {
     for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
       /* Get device name */
       device = (char *)SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(i, 0);
       SDLTest_AssertPass("SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(%i,0)", i);
       SDLTest_AssertCheck(device != NULL, "Validate device name is not NULL; got: %s", (device != NULL) ? device : "NULL");
       if (device == NULL) return TEST_ABORTED;

       /* Set standard desired spec */

       /* Open device */
       id = SDL_OpenAudioDevice((const char *)device, 0, &desired, &obtained, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_ANY_CHANGE);
       SDLTest_AssertPass("SDL_OpenAudioDevice('%s',...)", device);
       SDLTest_AssertCheck(id > 1, "Validate device ID; expected: >1, got: %i", id);
       if (id > 1) {

/* TODO: enable test code when function is available in SDL2 */

         /* Get connected status */
         result = SDL_AudioDeviceConnected(id);
         SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_AudioDeviceConnected()");
         SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == 1, "Verify returned value; expected: 1; got: %i", result);

         /* Close device again */
         SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_CloseAudioDevice()");
   } else {
     SDLTest_Log("No devices to test with");

Exemple #7
 * Logs summary of all assertions (total, pass, fail) since last reset
 * as INFO (failed==0) or ERROR (failed > 0).
void SDLTest_LogAssertSummary()
    Uint32 totalAsserts = SDLTest_AssertsPassed + SDLTest_AssertsFailed;
    if (SDLTest_AssertsFailed == 0)
        SDLTest_Log(SDLTEST_ASSERT_SUMMARY_FORMAT, totalAsserts, SDLTest_AssertsPassed, SDLTest_AssertsFailed);
        SDLTest_LogError(SDLTEST_ASSERT_SUMMARY_FORMAT, totalAsserts, SDLTest_AssertsPassed, SDLTest_AssertsFailed);
Exemple #8
 * Logs summary of all assertions (total, pass, fail) since last reset
 * as INFO (failed==0) or ERROR (failed > 0).
void SDLTest_LogAssertSummary()
    Uint32 totalAsserts = SDLTest_AssertsPassed + SDLTest_AssertsFailed;
    if (SDLTest_AssertsFailed == 0)
        SDLTest_Log(SDLTest_AssertSummaryFormat, totalAsserts, SDLTest_AssertsPassed, SDLTest_AssertsFailed);
        SDLTest_LogError(SDLTest_AssertSummaryFormat, totalAsserts, SDLTest_AssertsPassed, SDLTest_AssertsFailed);
 * \brief Opens, checks current audio status, and closes a device.
 * \sa https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GetAudioStatus
int audio_openCloseAndGetAudioStatus()
   SDL_AudioStatus result;
   int i;
   int count;
   char *device;
   SDL_AudioDeviceID id;
   SDL_AudioSpec desired, obtained;

   /* Get number of devices. */
   count = SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(0);
   SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(0)");
   if (count > 0) {
     for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
       /* Get device name */
       device = (char *)SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(i, 0);
       SDLTest_AssertPass("SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(%i,0)", i);
       SDLTest_AssertCheck(device != NULL, "Validate device name is not NULL; got: %s", (device != NULL) ? device : "NULL");
       if (device == NULL) return TEST_ABORTED;

       /* Set standard desired spec */

       /* Open device */
       id = SDL_OpenAudioDevice((const char *)device, 0, &desired, &obtained, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_ANY_CHANGE);
       SDLTest_AssertPass("SDL_OpenAudioDevice('%s',...)", device);
       SDLTest_AssertCheck(id > 1, "Validate device ID; expected: >=2, got: %i", id);
       if (id > 1) {

         /* Check device audio status */
         result = SDL_GetAudioDeviceStatus(id);
         SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetAudioDeviceStatus()");
         SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == SDL_AUDIO_STOPPED || result == SDL_AUDIO_PLAYING || result == SDL_AUDIO_PAUSED,
            "Verify returned value; expected: STOPPED (%i) | PLAYING (%i) | PAUSED (%i), got: %i",

         /* Close device again */
         SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_CloseAudioDevice()");
   } else {
     SDLTest_Log("No devices to test with");

 * \brief Enumerate and name available audio devices (output and capture).
 * \sa https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GetNumAudioDevices
 * \sa https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GetAudioDeviceName
int audio_enumerateAndNameAudioDevices()
   int t, tt;
   int i, n, nn;
   const char *name, *nameAgain;

   /* Iterate over types: t=0 output device, t=1 input/capture device */
   for (t=0; t<2; t++) {

      /* Get number of devices. */
      n = SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(t);
      SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(%i)", t);
      SDLTest_Log("Number of %s devices < 0, reported as %i", (t) ? "capture" : "output", n);
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(n >= 0, "Validate result is >= 0, got: %i", n);

      /* Variation of non-zero type */
      if (t==1) {
         tt = t + SDLTest_RandomIntegerInRange(1,10);
         nn = SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(tt);
         SDLTest_AssertCheck(n==nn, "Verify result from SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(%i), expected same number of audio devices %i, got %i", tt, n, nn);
         nn = SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(-tt);
         SDLTest_AssertCheck(n==nn, "Verify result from SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(%i), expected same number of audio devices %i, got %i", -tt, n, nn);

      /* List devices. */
      if (n>0) {
         for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
            name = SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(i, t);
            SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(%i, %i)", i, t);
            SDLTest_AssertCheck(name != NULL, "Verify result from SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(%i, %i) is not NULL", i, t);
            if (name != NULL) {
              SDLTest_AssertCheck(name[0] != '\0', "verify result from SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(%i, %i) is not empty, got: '%s'", i, t, name);
              if (t==1) {
                  /* Also try non-zero type */
                  tt = t + SDLTest_RandomIntegerInRange(1,10);
                  nameAgain = SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(i, tt);
                  SDLTest_AssertCheck(nameAgain != NULL, "Verify result from SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(%i, %i) is not NULL", i, tt);
                  if (nameAgain != NULL) {
                    SDLTest_AssertCheck(nameAgain[0] != '\0', "Verify result from SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(%i, %i) is not empty, got: '%s'", i, tt, nameAgain);
                    SDLTest_AssertCheck(SDL_strcmp(name, nameAgain)==0,
                      "Verify SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(%i, %i) and SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(%i %i) return the same string",
                      i, t, i, tt);

Exemple #11
 * Explicitly passing Assert that logs (i.e. for test cases).
void SDLTest_AssertPass(const char *assertDescription, ...)
    va_list list;

    /* Print assert description into a buffer */
    SDL_memset(logMessage, 0, SDLTEST_MAX_LOGMESSAGE_LENGTH);
    va_start(list, assertDescription);
    SDL_vsnprintf(logMessage, SDLTEST_MAX_LOGMESSAGE_LENGTH - 1, assertDescription, list);

        /* Log pass message */
    SDLTest_Log(SDLTest_AssertCheckFormat, logMessage, "Pass");
* \brief Execute a test using the given execution key.
* \param testSuite Suite containing the test case.
* \param testCase Case to execute.
* \param execKey Execution key for the fuzzer.
* \returns Test case result.
SDLTest_RunTest(SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *testSuite, SDLTest_TestCaseReference *testCase, Uint64 execKey)
    SDL_TimerID timer = 0;
    int testCaseResult = 0;
    int testResult = 0;
    int fuzzerCount;

    if (testSuite==NULL || testCase==NULL || testSuite->name==NULL || testCase->name==NULL)
        SDLTest_LogError("Setup failure: testSuite or testCase references NULL");

    if (!testCase->enabled)
        SDLTest_Log((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat, "Test", testCase->name, "Skipped (Disabled)");
        return TEST_RESULT_SKIPPED;

    /* Initialize fuzzer */

    /* Reset assert tracker */

    /* Set timeout timer */
    timer = SDLTest_SetTestTimeout(SDLTest_TestCaseTimeout, SDLTest_BailOut);

    /* Maybe run suite initalizer function */
    if (testSuite->testSetUp) {
        if (SDLTest_AssertSummaryToTestResult() == TEST_RESULT_FAILED) {
            SDLTest_LogError((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat, "Suite Setup", testSuite->name, "Failed");
            return TEST_RESULT_SETUP_FAILURE;

    /* Run test case function */
    testCaseResult = testCase->testCase(0x0);

    /* Convert test execution result into harness result */
    if (testCaseResult == TEST_SKIPPED) {
        /* Test was programatically skipped */
        testResult = TEST_RESULT_SKIPPED;
    } else if (testCaseResult == TEST_STARTED) {
        /* Test did not return a TEST_COMPLETED value; assume it failed */
        testResult = TEST_RESULT_FAILED;
    } else if (testCaseResult == TEST_ABORTED) {
        /* Test was aborted early; assume it failed */
        testResult = TEST_RESULT_FAILED;
    } else {
        /* Perform failure analysis based on asserts */
        testResult = SDLTest_AssertSummaryToTestResult();

    /* Maybe run suite cleanup function (ignore failed asserts) */
    if (testSuite->testTearDown) {

    /* Cancel timeout timer */
    if (timer) {

    /* Report on asserts and fuzzer usage */
    fuzzerCount = SDLTest_GetFuzzerInvocationCount();
    if (fuzzerCount > 0) {
        SDLTest_Log("Fuzzer invocations: %d", fuzzerCount);

    /* Final log based on test execution result */
    if (testCaseResult == TEST_SKIPPED) {
        /* Test was programatically skipped */
        SDLTest_Log((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat, "Test", testCase->name, "Skipped (Programmatically)");
    } else if (testCaseResult == TEST_STARTED) {
        /* Test did not return a TEST_COMPLETED value; assume it failed */
        SDLTest_LogError((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat, "Test", testCase->name, "Failed (test started, but did not return TEST_COMPLETED)");
    } else if (testCaseResult == TEST_ABORTED) {
        /* Test was aborted early; assume it failed */
        SDLTest_LogError((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat, "Test", testCase->name, "Failed (Aborted)");
    } else {

    return testResult;
Exemple #13
* \brief Execute a test suite using the given run seed and execution key.
* The filter string is matched to the suite name (full comparison) to select a single suite,
* or if no suite matches, it is matched to the test names (full comparison) to select a single test.
* \param testSuites Suites containing the test case.
* \param userRunSeed Custom run seed provided by user, or NULL to autogenerate one.
* \param userExecKey Custom execution key provided by user, or 0 to autogenerate one.
* \param filter Filter specification. NULL disables. Case sensitive.
* \param testIterations Number of iterations to run each test case.
* \returns Test run result; 0 when all tests passed, 1 if any tests failed.
int SDLTest_RunSuites(SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *testSuites[], const char *userRunSeed, Uint64 userExecKey, const char *filter, int testIterations)
    int totalNumberOfTests = 0;
    int failedNumberOfTests = 0;
    int suiteCounter;
    int testCounter;
    int iterationCounter;
    SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *testSuite;
    const SDLTest_TestCaseReference *testCase;
    const char *runSeed = NULL;
    char *currentSuiteName;
    char *currentTestName;
    Uint64 execKey;
    float runStartSeconds;
    float suiteStartSeconds;
    float testStartSeconds;
    float runEndSeconds;
    float suiteEndSeconds;
    float testEndSeconds;
    float runtime;
    int suiteFilter = 0;
    char *suiteFilterName = NULL;
    int testFilter = 0;
    char *testFilterName = NULL;
	SDL_bool forceTestRun = SDL_FALSE;
    int testResult = 0;
    int runResult = 0;
    Uint32 totalTestFailedCount = 0;
    Uint32 totalTestPassedCount = 0;
    Uint32 totalTestSkippedCount = 0;
    Uint32 testFailedCount = 0;
    Uint32 testPassedCount = 0;
    Uint32 testSkippedCount = 0;
    Uint32 countSum = 0;
    const SDLTest_TestCaseReference **failedTests;

    /* Sanitize test iterations */
    if (testIterations < 1) {
        testIterations = 1;

    /* Generate run see if we don't have one already */
    if (userRunSeed == NULL || userRunSeed[0] == '\0') {
        runSeed = SDLTest_GenerateRunSeed(16);
        if (runSeed == NULL) {
            SDLTest_LogError("Generating a random seed failed");
            return 2;
    } else {
        runSeed = userRunSeed;

    /* Reset per-run counters */
    totalTestFailedCount = 0;
    totalTestPassedCount = 0;
    totalTestSkippedCount = 0;

    /* Take time - run start */
    runStartSeconds = GetClock();

    /* Log run with fuzzer parameters */
    SDLTest_Log("::::: Test Run /w seed '%s' started\n", runSeed);

	/* Count the total number of tests */
    suiteCounter = 0;
    while (testSuites[suiteCounter]) {
        testSuite=(SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *)testSuites[suiteCounter];
        testCounter = 0;
        while (testSuite->testCases[testCounter])

	/* Pre-allocate an array for tracking failed tests (potentially all test cases) */
	failedTests = (const SDLTest_TestCaseReference **)SDL_malloc(totalNumberOfTests * sizeof(SDLTest_TestCaseReference *));
	if (failedTests == NULL) {	
	   SDLTest_LogError("Unable to allocate cache for failed tests");
           return -1;

    /* Initialize filtering */
    if (filter != NULL && filter[0] != '\0') {
        /* Loop over all suites to check if we have a filter match */
        suiteCounter = 0;
        while (testSuites[suiteCounter] && suiteFilter == 0) {
            testSuite=(SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *)testSuites[suiteCounter];
            if (testSuite->name != NULL && SDL_strcmp(filter, testSuite->name) == 0) {
                /* Matched a suite name */
                suiteFilter = 1;
                suiteFilterName = testSuite->name;
                SDLTest_Log("Filtering: running only suite '%s'", suiteFilterName);

            /* Within each suite, loop over all test cases to check if we have a filter match */
            testCounter = 0;
            while (testSuite->testCases[testCounter] && testFilter == 0)
                testCase = testSuite->testCases[testCounter];
                if (testCase->name != NULL && SDL_strcmp(filter, testCase->name) == 0) {
                    /* Matched a test name */
                    suiteFilter = 1;
                    suiteFilterName = testSuite->name;
                    testFilter = 1;
                    testFilterName = testCase->name;
                    SDLTest_Log("Filtering: running only test '%s' in suite '%s'", testFilterName, suiteFilterName);

        if (suiteFilter == 0 && testFilter == 0) {
            SDLTest_LogError("Filter '%s' did not match any test suite/case.", filter);
            SDLTest_Log("Exit code: 2");
            SDL_free((void *) failedTests);
            return 2;

    /* Loop over all suites */
    suiteCounter = 0;
    while(testSuites[suiteCounter]) {
        testSuite=(SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *)testSuites[suiteCounter];
        currentSuiteName = (char *)((testSuite->name) ? testSuite->name : SDLTEST_INVALID_NAME_FORMAT);

        /* Filter suite if flag set and we have a name */
        if (suiteFilter == 1 && suiteFilterName != NULL && testSuite->name != NULL &&
            SDL_strcmp(suiteFilterName, testSuite->name) != 0) {
                /* Skip suite */
                SDLTest_Log("===== Test Suite %i: '%s' skipped\n",
        } else {

            /* Reset per-suite counters */
            testFailedCount = 0;
            testPassedCount = 0;
            testSkippedCount = 0;

            /* Take time - suite start */
            suiteStartSeconds = GetClock();

            /* Log suite started */
            SDLTest_Log("===== Test Suite %i: '%s' started\n",

            /* Loop over all test cases */
            testCounter = 0;
                testCase = testSuite->testCases[testCounter];
                currentTestName = (char *)((testCase->name) ? testCase->name : SDLTEST_INVALID_NAME_FORMAT);

                /* Filter tests if flag set and we have a name */
                if (testFilter == 1 && testFilterName != NULL && testCase->name != NULL &&
                    SDL_strcmp(testFilterName, testCase->name) != 0) {
                        /* Skip test */
                        SDLTest_Log("===== Test Case %i.%i: '%s' skipped\n",
                } else {
                    /* Override 'disabled' flag if we specified a test filter (i.e. force run for debugging) */
                    if (testFilter == 1 && !testCase->enabled) {
                        SDLTest_Log("Force run of disabled test since test filter was set");
						forceTestRun = SDL_TRUE;

                    /* Take time - test start */
                    testStartSeconds = GetClock();

                    /* Log test started */
                    SDLTest_Log("----- Test Case %i.%i: '%s' started",
                    if (testCase->description != NULL && testCase->description[0] != '\0') {
                        SDLTest_Log("Test Description: '%s'",
                            (testCase->description) ? testCase->description : SDLTEST_INVALID_NAME_FORMAT);

                    /* Loop over all iterations */
                    iterationCounter = 0;
                    while(iterationCounter < testIterations)

                        if (userExecKey != 0) {
                            execKey = userExecKey;
                        } else {
                            execKey = SDLTest_GenerateExecKey(runSeed, testSuite->name, testCase->name, iterationCounter);

                        SDLTest_Log("Test Iteration %i: execKey %" SDL_PRIu64, iterationCounter, execKey);
						testResult = SDLTest_RunTest(testSuite, testCase, execKey, forceTestRun);

                        if (testResult == TEST_RESULT_PASSED) {
                        } else if (testResult == TEST_RESULT_SKIPPED) {
                        } else {

                    /* Take time - test end */
                    testEndSeconds = GetClock();
                    runtime = testEndSeconds - testStartSeconds;
                    if (runtime < 0.0f) runtime = 0.0f;

                    if (testIterations > 1) {
                        /* Log test runtime */
                        SDLTest_Log("Runtime of %i iterations: %.1f sec", testIterations, runtime);
                        SDLTest_Log("Average Test runtime: %.5f sec", runtime / (float)testIterations);
                    } else {
                        /* Log test runtime */
                        SDLTest_Log("Total Test runtime: %.1f sec", runtime);

                    /* Log final test result */
                    switch (testResult) {
                    case TEST_RESULT_PASSED:
                        SDLTest_Log(SDLTEST_FINAL_RESULT_FORMAT, "Test", currentTestName, "Passed");
                    case TEST_RESULT_FAILED:
                        SDLTest_LogError(SDLTEST_FINAL_RESULT_FORMAT, "Test", currentTestName, "Failed");
                    case TEST_RESULT_NO_ASSERT:
                        SDLTest_LogError(SDLTEST_FINAL_RESULT_FORMAT,"Test", currentTestName, "No Asserts");

                    /* Collect failed test case references for repro-step display */
                    if (testResult == TEST_RESULT_FAILED) {
                        failedTests[failedNumberOfTests] = testCase;

            /* Take time - suite end */
            suiteEndSeconds = GetClock();
            runtime = suiteEndSeconds - suiteStartSeconds;
            if (runtime < 0.0f) runtime = 0.0f;

            /* Log suite runtime */
            SDLTest_Log("Total Suite runtime: %.1f sec", runtime);

            /* Log summary and final Suite result */
            countSum = testPassedCount + testFailedCount + testSkippedCount;
            if (testFailedCount == 0)
                SDLTest_Log(SDLTEST_LOG_SUMMARY_FORMAT, "Suite", countSum, testPassedCount, testFailedCount, testSkippedCount);
                SDLTest_Log(SDLTEST_FINAL_RESULT_FORMAT, "Suite", currentSuiteName, "Passed");
                SDLTest_LogError(SDLTEST_LOG_SUMMARY_FORMAT, "Suite", countSum, testPassedCount, testFailedCount, testSkippedCount);
                SDLTest_LogError(SDLTEST_FINAL_RESULT_FORMAT, "Suite", currentSuiteName, "Failed");


    /* Take time - run end */
    runEndSeconds = GetClock();
    runtime = runEndSeconds - runStartSeconds;
    if (runtime < 0.0f) runtime = 0.0f;

    /* Log total runtime */
    SDLTest_Log("Total Run runtime: %.1f sec", runtime);

    /* Log summary and final run result */
    countSum = totalTestPassedCount + totalTestFailedCount + totalTestSkippedCount;
    if (totalTestFailedCount == 0)
        runResult = 0;
        SDLTest_Log(SDLTEST_LOG_SUMMARY_FORMAT, "Run", countSum, totalTestPassedCount, totalTestFailedCount, totalTestSkippedCount);
        SDLTest_Log(SDLTEST_FINAL_RESULT_FORMAT, "Run /w seed", runSeed, "Passed");
        runResult = 1;
        SDLTest_LogError(SDLTEST_LOG_SUMMARY_FORMAT, "Run", countSum, totalTestPassedCount, totalTestFailedCount, totalTestSkippedCount);
        SDLTest_LogError(SDLTEST_FINAL_RESULT_FORMAT, "Run /w seed", runSeed, "Failed");

    /* Print repro steps for failed tests */
    if (failedNumberOfTests > 0) {
        SDLTest_Log("Harness input to repro failures:");
        for (testCounter = 0; testCounter < failedNumberOfTests; testCounter++) {
          SDLTest_Log(" --seed %s --filter %s", runSeed, failedTests[testCounter]->name);
    SDL_free((void *) failedTests);

    SDLTest_Log("Exit code: %d", runResult);
    return runResult;
 * \brief Pause and unpause audio
 * \sa https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_PauseAudio
int audio_pauseUnpauseAudio()
    int result;
    int i, iMax, j, k, l;
    int totalDelay;
    int pause_on;
    int originalCounter;
    const char* audioDriver;
    SDL_AudioSpec desired;

    /* Stop SDL audio subsystem */
    SDL_QuitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_AUDIO );
        SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO)");

        /* Loop over all available audio drivers */
        iMax = SDL_GetNumAudioDrivers();
        SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetNumAudioDrivers()");
        SDLTest_AssertCheck(iMax > 0, "Validate number of audio drivers; expected: >0 got: %d", iMax);
        for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
            audioDriver = SDL_GetAudioDriver(i);
            SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetAudioDriver(%d)", i);
            SDLTest_AssertCheck(audioDriver != NULL, "Audio driver name is not NULL");
            SDLTest_AssertCheck(audioDriver[0] != '\0', "Audio driver name is not empty; got: %s", audioDriver);

            /* Change specs */
            for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {

                /* Call Init */
                result = SDL_AudioInit(audioDriver);
                SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_AudioInit('%s')", audioDriver);
                SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == 0, "Validate result value; expected: 0 got: %d", result);

                /* Set spec */
                SDL_memset(&desired, 0, sizeof(desired));
                switch (j) {
                    case 0:
                    /* Set standard desired spec */
                    desired.freq = 22050;
                    desired.format = AUDIO_S16SYS;
                    desired.channels = 2;
                    desired.samples = 4096;
                    desired.callback = _audio_testCallback;
                    desired.userdata = NULL;

                    case 1:
                    /* Set custom desired spec */
                    desired.freq = 48000;
                    desired.format = AUDIO_F32SYS;
                    desired.channels = 2;
                    desired.samples = 2048;
                    desired.callback = _audio_testCallback;
                    desired.userdata = NULL;

            /* Call Open */
            result = SDL_OpenAudio(&desired, NULL);
            SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_OpenAudio(desired_spec_%d, NULL)", j);
            SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == 0, "Verify return value; expected: 0 got: %d", result);

            /* Start and stop audio multiple times */
            for (l=0; l<3; l++) {
                SDLTest_Log("Pause/Unpause iteration: %d", l+1);
                /* Reset callback counters */
                _audio_testCallbackCounter = 0;
                _audio_testCallbackLength = 0;

                /* Un-pause audio to start playing (maybe multiple times) */
                pause_on = 0;
                for (k=0; k <= j; k++) {
                    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_PauseAudio(%d), call %d", pause_on, k+1);
                /* Wait for callback */
                totalDelay = 0;
                do {
                    totalDelay += 10;
                while (_audio_testCallbackCounter == 0 && totalDelay < 1000);
                SDLTest_AssertCheck(_audio_testCallbackCounter > 0, "Verify callback counter; expected: >0 got: %d", _audio_testCallbackCounter);
                SDLTest_AssertCheck(_audio_testCallbackLength > 0, "Verify callback length; expected: >0 got: %d", _audio_testCallbackLength);

                /* Pause audio to stop playing (maybe multiple times) */
                for (k=0; k <= j; k++) {
                    pause_on = (k==0) ? 1 : SDLTest_RandomIntegerInRange(99, 9999);
                    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_PauseAudio(%d), call %d", pause_on, k+1);
                /* Ensure callback is not called again */
                originalCounter = _audio_testCallbackCounter;
                SDL_Delay(totalDelay + 10);
                SDLTest_AssertCheck(originalCounter == _audio_testCallbackCounter, "Verify callback counter; expected: %d, got: %d", originalCounter, _audio_testCallbackCounter);

            /* Call Close */
            SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_CloseAudio()");

            /* Call Quit */
            SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_AudioQuit()");

        } /* spec loop */
    } /* driver loop */

    /* Restart audio again */

    return TEST_COMPLETED;
 * @brief Call to SDL_GetPixelFormatName
 * @sa http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.fcg/SDL_GetPixelFormatName
pixels_getPixelFormatName(void *arg)
  const char *unknownFormat = "SDL_PIXELFORMAT_UNKNOWN";
  const char *error;
  int i;
  Uint32 format;
  char* result;

  /* Blank/undefined format */
  format = 0;
  SDLTest_Log("RGB Format: %s (%u)", unknownFormat, format);

  /* Get name of format */
  result = (char *)SDL_GetPixelFormatName(format);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetPixelFormatName()");
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(result != NULL, "Verify result is not NULL");
  if (result != NULL) {
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(result[0] != '\0', "Verify result is non-empty");
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(SDL_strcmp(result, unknownFormat) == 0,
        "Verify result text; expected: %s, got %s", unknownFormat, result);

  /* RGB formats */
  for (i = 0; i < _numRGBPixelFormats; i++) {
    format = _RGBPixelFormats[i];
    SDLTest_Log("RGB Format: %s (%u)", _RGBPixelFormatsVerbose[i], format);

    /* Get name of format */
    result = (char *)SDL_GetPixelFormatName(format);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetPixelFormatName()");
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result != NULL, "Verify result is not NULL");
    if (result != NULL) {
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(result[0] != '\0', "Verify result is non-empty");
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(SDL_strcmp(result, _RGBPixelFormatsVerbose[i]) == 0,
        "Verify result text; expected: %s, got %s", _RGBPixelFormatsVerbose[i], result);

  /* Non-RGB formats */
  for (i = 0; i < _numNonRGBPixelFormats; i++) {
    format = _nonRGBPixelFormats[i];
    SDLTest_Log("non-RGB Format: %s (%u)", _nonRGBPixelFormatsVerbose[i], format);

    /* Get name of format */
    result = (char *)SDL_GetPixelFormatName(format);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetPixelFormatName()");
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result != NULL, "Verify result is not NULL");
    if (result != NULL) {
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(result[0] != '\0', "Verify result is non-empty");
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(SDL_strcmp(result, _nonRGBPixelFormatsVerbose[i]) == 0,
        "Verify result text; expected: %s, got %s", _nonRGBPixelFormatsVerbose[i], result);

  /* Negative cases */

  /* Invalid Formats */
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ClearError()");
  for (i = 0; i < _numInvalidPixelFormats; i++) {
    format = _invalidPixelFormats[i];
    result = (char *)SDL_GetPixelFormatName(format);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetPixelFormatName(%u)", format);
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result != NULL, "Verify result is not NULL");
    if (result != NULL) {
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(result[0] != '\0',
        "Verify result is non-empty; got: %s", result);
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(SDL_strcmp(result, _invalidPixelFormatsVerbose[i]) == 0,
        "Validate name is UNKNOWN, expected: '%s', got: '%s'", _invalidPixelFormatsVerbose[i], result);
    error = SDL_GetError();
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetError()");
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(error != NULL && error[0] != '\0', "Validate that error message is empty");

 * \brief Checkes calls with invalid input to SDL_BuildAudioCVT
 * \sa https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_BuildAudioCVT
int audio_buildAudioCVTNegative()
  const char *expectedError = "Parameter 'cvt' is invalid";
  const char *error;
  int result;
  SDL_AudioCVT  cvt;
  SDL_AudioSpec spec1;
  SDL_AudioSpec spec2;
  int i;
  char message[256];

  /* Valid format */
  spec1.format = AUDIO_S8;
  spec1.channels = 1;
  spec1.freq = 22050;
  spec2.format = AUDIO_S16LSB;
  spec2.channels = 2;
  spec2.freq = 44100;

  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ClearError()");

  /* NULL input for CVT buffer */
  result = SDL_BuildAudioCVT((SDL_AudioCVT *)NULL, spec1.format, spec1.channels, spec1.freq,
                                                   spec2.format, spec2.channels, spec2.freq);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_BuildAudioCVT(NULL,...)");
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == -1, "Verify result value; expected: -1, got: %i", result);
  error = SDL_GetError();
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetError()");
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(error != NULL, "Validate that error message was not NULL");
  if (error != NULL) {
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(SDL_strcmp(error, expectedError) == 0,
          "Validate error message, expected: '%s', got: '%s'", expectedError, error);

  /* Invalid conversions */
  for (i = 1; i < 64; i++) {
    /* Valid format to start with */
    spec1.format = AUDIO_S8;
    spec1.channels = 1;
    spec1.freq = 22050;
    spec2.format = AUDIO_S16LSB;
    spec2.channels = 2;
    spec2.freq = 44100;

    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ClearError()");

    /* Set various invalid format inputs */
    SDL_strlcpy(message, "Invalid: ", 256);
    if (i & 1) {
        SDL_strlcat(message, " spec1.format", 256);
        spec1.format = 0;
    if (i & 2) {
        SDL_strlcat(message, " spec1.channels", 256);
        spec1.channels = 0;
    if (i & 4) {
        SDL_strlcat(message, " spec1.freq", 256);
        spec1.freq = 0;
    if (i & 8) {
        SDL_strlcat(message, " spec2.format", 256);
        spec2.format = 0;
    if (i & 16) {
        SDL_strlcat(message, " spec2.channels", 256);
        spec2.channels = 0;
    if (i & 32) {
        SDL_strlcat(message, " spec2.freq", 256);
        spec2.freq = 0;
    SDLTest_Log("%s", message);
    result = SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&cvt, spec1.format, spec1.channels, spec1.freq,
                                   spec2.format, spec2.channels, spec2.freq);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_BuildAudioCVT(spec1 ==> spec2)");
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == -1, "Verify result value; expected: -1, got: %i", result);
    error = SDL_GetError();
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetError()");
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(error != NULL && error[0] != '\0', "Validate that error message was not NULL or empty");

  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ClearError()");

 * \brief Convert audio using various conversion structures
 * \sa https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_BuildAudioCVT
 * \sa https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_ConvertAudio
int audio_convertAudio()
  int result;
  SDL_AudioCVT  cvt;
  SDL_AudioSpec spec1;
  SDL_AudioSpec spec2;
  int c;
  char message[128];
  int i, ii, j, jj, k, kk, l, ll;

  /* Iterate over bitmask that determines which parameters are modified in the conversion */
  for (c = 1; c < 8; c++) {
    SDL_strlcpy(message, "Changing:", 128);
    if (c & 1) {
      SDL_strlcat(message, " Format", 128);
    if (c & 2) {
      SDL_strlcat(message, " Channels", 128);
    if (c & 4) {
      SDL_strlcat(message, " Frequencies", 128);
    SDLTest_Log("%s", message);
    /* All source conversions with random conversion targets */
    for (i = 0; i < _numAudioFormats; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < _numAudioChannels; j++) {
        for (k = 0; k < _numAudioFrequencies; k++) {
          spec1.format = _audioFormats[i];
          spec1.channels = _audioChannels[j];
          spec1.freq = _audioFrequencies[k];

          /* Ensure we have a different target format */
          do {
            if (c & 1) {
              ii = SDLTest_RandomIntegerInRange(0, _numAudioFormats - 1);
            } else {
              ii = 1;
            if (c & 2) {
              jj = SDLTest_RandomIntegerInRange(0, _numAudioChannels - 1);
            } else {
              jj= j;
            if (c & 4) {
              kk = SDLTest_RandomIntegerInRange(0, _numAudioFrequencies - 1);
            } else {
              kk = k;
          } while ((i == ii) && (j == jj) && (k == kk));
          spec2.format = _audioFormats[ii];
          spec2.channels = _audioChannels[jj];
          spec2.freq = _audioFrequencies[kk];

          result = SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&cvt, spec1.format, spec1.channels, spec1.freq,
                                           spec2.format, spec2.channels, spec2.freq);
          SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_BuildAudioCVT(format[%i]=%s(%i),channels[%i]=%i,freq[%i]=%i ==> format[%i]=%s(%i),channels[%i]=%i,freq[%i]=%i)",
            i, _audioFormatsVerbose[i], spec1.format, j, spec1.channels, k, spec1.freq, ii, _audioFormatsVerbose[ii], spec2.format, jj, spec2.channels, kk, spec2.freq);
          SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == 1, "Verify result value; expected: 1, got: %i", result);
          if (result != 1) {
            SDLTest_LogError("%s", SDL_GetError());
          } else {
            SDLTest_AssertCheck(cvt.len_mult > 0, "Verify that cvt.len_mult value; expected: >0, got: %i", cvt.len_mult);
            if (cvt.len_mult < 1) return TEST_ABORTED;

            /* Create some random data to convert */
            l = 64;
            ll = l * cvt.len_mult;
            SDLTest_Log("Creating dummy sample buffer of %i length (%i bytes)", l, ll);
            cvt.len = l;
            cvt.buf = (Uint8 *)SDL_malloc(ll);
            SDLTest_AssertCheck(cvt.buf != NULL, "Check data buffer to convert is not NULL");
            if (cvt.buf == NULL) return TEST_ABORTED;

            /* Convert the data */
            result = SDL_ConvertAudio(&cvt);
            SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ConvertAudio()");
            SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == 0, "Verify result value; expected: 0; got: %i", result);
            SDLTest_AssertCheck(cvt.buf != NULL, "Verify conversion buffer is not NULL");
            SDLTest_AssertCheck(cvt.len_ratio > 0.0, "Verify conversion length ratio; expected: >0; got: %f", cvt.len_ratio);

            /* Free converted buffer */
            cvt.buf = NULL;

* \brief Execute a test suite using the given run seend and execution key.
* The filter string is matched to the suite name (full comparison) to select a single suite,
* or if no suite matches, it is matched to the test names (full comparison) to select a single test.
* \param testSuites Suites containing the test case.
* \param userRunSeed Custom run seed provided by user, or NULL to autogenerate one.
* \param userExecKey Custom execution key provided by user, or 0 to autogenerate one.
* \param filter Filter specification. NULL disables. Case sensitive.
* \param testIterations Number of iterations to run each test case.
* \returns Test run result; 0 when all tests passed, 1 if any tests failed.
int SDLTest_RunSuites(SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *testSuites[], const char *userRunSeed, Uint64 userExecKey, const char *filter, int testIterations)
    int suiteCounter;
    int testCounter;
    int iterationCounter;
    SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *testSuite;
    SDLTest_TestCaseReference *testCase;
    const char *runSeed = NULL;
    char *currentSuiteName;
    char *currentTestName;
    Uint64 execKey;
    float runStartSeconds;
    float suiteStartSeconds;
    float testStartSeconds;
    float runEndSeconds;
    float suiteEndSeconds;
    float testEndSeconds;
    float runtime;
    int suiteFilter = 0;
    char *suiteFilterName = NULL;
    int testFilter = 0;
    char *testFilterName = NULL;
    int testResult = 0;
    int runResult = 0;
    Uint32 totalTestFailedCount = 0;
    Uint32 totalTestPassedCount = 0;
    Uint32 totalTestSkippedCount = 0;
    Uint32 testFailedCount = 0;
    Uint32 testPassedCount = 0;
    Uint32 testSkippedCount = 0;
    Uint32 countSum = 0;
    char *logFormat = (char *)SDLTest_LogSummaryFormat;

    /* Sanitize test iterations */
    if (testIterations < 1) {
        testIterations = 1;

    /* Generate run see if we don't have one already */
    if (userRunSeed == NULL || userRunSeed[0] == '\0') {
        runSeed = SDLTest_GenerateRunSeed(16);
        if (runSeed == NULL) {
            SDLTest_LogError("Generating a random seed failed");
            return 2;
    } else {
        runSeed = userRunSeed;

    /* Reset per-run counters */
    totalTestFailedCount = 0;
    totalTestPassedCount = 0;
    totalTestSkippedCount = 0;

    /* Take time - run start */
    runStartSeconds = GetClock();

    /* Log run with fuzzer parameters */
    SDLTest_Log("::::: Test Run /w seed '%s' started\n", runSeed);

    /* Initialize filtering */
    if (filter != NULL && filter[0] != '\0') {
        /* Loop over all suites to check if we have a filter match */
        suiteCounter = 0;
        while (testSuites[suiteCounter] && suiteFilter == 0) {
            testSuite=(SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *)testSuites[suiteCounter];
            if (testSuite->name != NULL && SDL_strcmp(filter, testSuite->name) == 0) {
                /* Matched a suite name */
                suiteFilter = 1;
                suiteFilterName = testSuite->name;
                SDLTest_Log("Filtering: running only suite '%s'", suiteFilterName);

            /* Within each suite, loop over all test cases to check if we have a filter match */
            testCounter = 0;
            while (testSuite->testCases[testCounter] && testFilter == 0)
                testCase=(SDLTest_TestCaseReference *)testSuite->testCases[testCounter];
                if (testCase->name != NULL && SDL_strcmp(filter, testCase->name) == 0) {
                    /* Matched a test name */
                    suiteFilter = 1;
                    suiteFilterName = testSuite->name;
                    testFilter = 1;
                    testFilterName = testCase->name;
                    SDLTest_Log("Filtering: running only test '%s' in suite '%s'", testFilterName, suiteFilterName);

        if (suiteFilter == 0 && testFilter == 0) {
            SDLTest_LogError("Filter '%s' did not match any test suite/case.", filter);
            SDLTest_Log("Exit code: 2");
            return 2;

    /* Loop over all suites */
    suiteCounter = 0;
    while(testSuites[suiteCounter]) {
        testSuite=(SDLTest_TestSuiteReference *)testSuites[suiteCounter];
        currentSuiteName = (char *)((testSuite->name) ? testSuite->name : SDLTest_InvalidNameFormat);

        /* Filter suite if flag set and we have a name */
        if (suiteFilter == 1 && suiteFilterName != NULL && testSuite->name != NULL &&
            SDL_strcmp(suiteFilterName, testSuite->name) != 0) {
                /* Skip suite */
                SDLTest_Log("===== Test Suite %i: '%s' skipped\n",
        } else {

            /* Reset per-suite counters */
            testFailedCount = 0;
            testPassedCount = 0;
            testSkippedCount = 0;

            /* Take time - suite start */
            suiteStartSeconds = GetClock();

            /* Log suite started */
            SDLTest_Log("===== Test Suite %i: '%s' started\n",

            /* Loop over all test cases */
            testCounter = 0;
                testCase=(SDLTest_TestCaseReference *)testSuite->testCases[testCounter];
                currentTestName = (char *)((testCase->name) ? testCase->name : SDLTest_InvalidNameFormat);

                /* Filter tests if flag set and we have a name */
                if (testFilter == 1 && testFilterName != NULL && testCase->name != NULL &&
                    SDL_strcmp(testFilterName, testCase->name) != 0) {
                        /* Skip test */
                        SDLTest_Log("===== Test Case %i.%i: '%s' skipped\n",
                } else {
                    /* Override 'disabled' flag if we specified a test filter (i.e. force run for debugging) */
                    if (testFilter == 1 && !testCase->enabled) {
                        SDLTest_Log("Force run of disabled test since test filter was set");
                        testCase->enabled = 1;

                    /* Take time - test start */
                    testStartSeconds = GetClock();

                    /* Log test started */
                    SDLTest_Log("----- Test Case %i.%i: '%s' started",
                    if (testCase->description != NULL && testCase->description[0] != '\0') {
                        SDLTest_Log("Test Description: '%s'",
                            (testCase->description) ? testCase->description : SDLTest_InvalidNameFormat);

                    /* Loop over all iterations */
                    iterationCounter = 0;
                    while(iterationCounter < testIterations)

                        if (userExecKey != 0) {
                            execKey = userExecKey;
                        } else {
                            execKey = SDLTest_GenerateExecKey((char *)runSeed, testSuite->name, testCase->name, iterationCounter);

                        SDLTest_Log("Test Iteration %i: execKey %llu", iterationCounter, execKey);
                        testResult = SDLTest_RunTest(testSuite, testCase, execKey);

                        if (testResult == TEST_RESULT_PASSED) {
                        } else if (testResult == TEST_RESULT_SKIPPED) {
                        } else {

                    /* Take time - test end */
                    testEndSeconds = GetClock();
                    runtime = testEndSeconds - testStartSeconds;
                    if (runtime < 0.0f) runtime = 0.0f;

                    if (testIterations > 1) {
                        /* Log test runtime */
                        SDLTest_Log("Runtime of %i iterations: %.1f sec", testIterations, runtime);
                        SDLTest_Log("Average Test runtime: %.5f sec", runtime / (float)testIterations);
                    } else {
                        /* Log test runtime */
                        SDLTest_Log("Total Test runtime: %.1f sec", runtime);

                    /* Log final test result */
                    switch (testResult) {
                    case TEST_RESULT_PASSED:
                        SDLTest_Log((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat, "Test", currentTestName, "Passed");
                    case TEST_RESULT_FAILED:
                        SDLTest_LogError((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat, "Test", currentTestName, "Failed");
                    case TEST_RESULT_NO_ASSERT:
                        SDLTest_LogError((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat,"Test", currentTestName, "No Asserts");


            /* Take time - suite end */
            suiteEndSeconds = GetClock();
            runtime = suiteEndSeconds - suiteStartSeconds;
            if (runtime < 0.0f) runtime = 0.0f;

            /* Log suite runtime */
            SDLTest_Log("Total Suite runtime: %.1f sec", runtime);

            /* Log summary and final Suite result */
            countSum = testPassedCount + testFailedCount + testSkippedCount;
            if (testFailedCount == 0)
                SDLTest_Log(logFormat, "Suite", countSum, testPassedCount, testFailedCount, testSkippedCount);
                SDLTest_Log((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat, "Suite", currentSuiteName, "Passed");
                SDLTest_LogError(logFormat, "Suite", countSum, testPassedCount, testFailedCount, testSkippedCount);
                SDLTest_LogError((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat, "Suite", currentSuiteName, "Failed");


    /* Take time - run end */
    runEndSeconds = GetClock();
    runtime = runEndSeconds - runStartSeconds;
    if (runtime < 0.0f) runtime = 0.0f;

    /* Log total runtime */
    SDLTest_Log("Total Run runtime: %.1f sec", runtime);

    /* Log summary and final run result */
    countSum = totalTestPassedCount + totalTestFailedCount + totalTestSkippedCount;
    if (totalTestFailedCount == 0)
        runResult = 0;
        SDLTest_Log(logFormat, "Run", countSum, totalTestPassedCount, totalTestFailedCount, totalTestSkippedCount);
        SDLTest_Log((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat, "Run /w seed", runSeed, "Passed");
        runResult = 1;
        SDLTest_LogError(logFormat, "Run", countSum, totalTestPassedCount, totalTestFailedCount, totalTestSkippedCount);
        SDLTest_LogError((char *)SDLTest_FinalResultFormat, "Run /w seed", runSeed, "Failed");

    SDLTest_Log("Exit code: %d", runResult);
    return runResult;
 * @brief Call to SDL_getenv and SDL_setenv
stdlib_getsetenv(void *arg)
  const int nameLen = 16;
  char name[17];
  int counter;
  int result;
  char * value1;
  char * value2;
  char * expected;
  int overwrite;
  char * text;

  /* Create a random name. This tests SDL_getenv, since we need to */
  /* make sure the variable is not set yet (it shouldn't). */
  do {
    for(counter = 0; counter < nameLen; counter++) {
      name[counter] = (char)SDLTest_RandomIntegerInRange(65, 90);
    name[nameLen] = '\0';
    text = SDL_getenv(name);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_getenv('%s')", name);
    if (text != NULL) {
      SDLTest_Log("Expected: NULL, Got: '%s' (%i)", text, (int) SDL_strlen(text));
  } while (text != NULL);
  /* Create random values to set */                    
  value1 = SDLTest_RandomAsciiStringOfSize(10);
  value2 = SDLTest_RandomAsciiStringOfSize(10);

  /* Set value 1 without overwrite */
  overwrite = 0;
  expected = value1;
  result = SDL_setenv(name, value1, overwrite);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_setenv('%s','%s', %i)", name, value1, overwrite);
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == 0, "Check result, expected: 0, got: %i", result);

  /* Check value */
  text = SDL_getenv(name);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_getenv('%s')", name);
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(text != NULL, "Verify returned text is not NULL");
  if (text != NULL) {
      SDL_strcmp(text, expected) == 0, 
      "Verify returned text, expected: %s, got: %s",
  /* Set value 2 with overwrite */
  overwrite = 1;
  expected = value2;    
  result = SDL_setenv(name, value2, overwrite);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_setenv('%s','%s', %i)", name, value2, overwrite);
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == 0, "Check result, expected: 0, got: %i", result);

  /* Check value */
  text = SDL_getenv(name);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_getenv('%s')", name);
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(text != NULL, "Verify returned text is not NULL");
  if (text != NULL) {
      SDL_strcmp(text, expected) == 0, 
      "Verify returned text, expected: %s, got: %s",

  /* Set value 1 without overwrite */
  overwrite = 0;
  expected = value2;    
  result = SDL_setenv(name, value1, overwrite);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_setenv('%s','%s', %i)", name, value1, overwrite);
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == 0, "Check result, expected: 0, got: %i", result);

  /* Check value */
  text = SDL_getenv(name);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_getenv('%s')", name);
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(text != NULL, "Verify returned text is not NULL");
  if (text != NULL) {
      SDL_strcmp(text, expected) == 0, 
      "Verify returned text, expected: %s, got: %s",
  /* Set value 1 without overwrite */
  overwrite = 1;
  expected = value1;
  result = SDL_setenv(name, value1, overwrite);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_setenv('%s','%s', %i)", name, value1, overwrite);
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == 0, "Check result, expected: 0, got: %i", result);

  /* Check value */
  text = SDL_getenv(name);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_getenv('%s')", name);
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(text != NULL, "Verify returned text is not NULL");
  if (text != NULL) {
      SDL_strcmp(text, expected) == 0, 
      "Verify returned text, expected: %s, got: %s",

  /* Negative cases */
  for (overwrite=0; overwrite <= 1; overwrite++) { 
    result = SDL_setenv(NULL, value1, overwrite);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_setenv(NULL,'%s', %i)", value1, overwrite);
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == -1, "Check result, expected: -1, got: %i", result);
    result = SDL_setenv("", value1, overwrite);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_setenv('','%s', %i)", value1, overwrite);
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == -1, "Check result, expected: -1, got: %i", result);
    result = SDL_setenv("=", value1, overwrite);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_setenv('=','%s', %i)", value1, overwrite);
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == -1, "Check result, expected: -1, got: %i", result);
    result = SDL_setenv(name, NULL, overwrite);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_setenv('%s', NULL, %i)", name, overwrite);
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == -1, "Check result, expected: -1, got: %i", result);

  /* Clean up */
SDLVisualTest_ParseHarnessArgs(char** argv, SDLVisualTest_HarnessState* state)
    int i;

    SDLTest_Log("Parsing commandline arguments..");

        SDLTest_LogError("argv is NULL");
        return 0;
        SDLTest_LogError("state is NULL");
        return 0;

    /* initialize the state object */
    state->sutargs[0] = '\0';
    state->sutapp[0] = '\0';
    state->output_dir[0] = '\0';
    state->verify_dir[0] = '\0';
    state->timeout = DEFAULT_SUT_TIMEOUT;
    SDL_memset(&state->sut_config, 0, sizeof(SDLVisualTest_SUTConfig));
    SDL_memset(&state->action_queue, 0, sizeof(SDLVisualTest_ActionQueue));
    state->variator_type = SDL_VARIATOR_RANDOM;
    state->num_variations = -1;
    state->no_launch = SDL_FALSE;

    /* parse config file if passed */
    for(i = 0; argv[i]; i++)
        if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("config", argv[i]) == 0)
            if(!argv[i + 1])
                SDLTest_Log("Arguments parsing error: invalid argument for config.");
                return 0;
            if(!ParseConfig(argv[i + 1], state))
                SDLTest_LogError("ParseConfig() failed");
                return 0;

    /* parse the arguments */
    for(i = 0; argv[i];)
        int consumed = ParseArg(argv, i, state);
        if(consumed == -1 || consumed == 0)
            SDLTest_LogError("ParseArg() failed");
            return 0;
        i += consumed;

    if(state->variator_type == SDL_VARIATOR_RANDOM && state->num_variations == -1)
        state->num_variations = 1;

    /* check to see if required options have been passed */
        SDLTest_LogError("sutapp must be passed.");
        return 0;
    if(!state->sutargs[0] && !state->sut_config.options)
        SDLTest_LogError("Either sutargs or parameter-config must be passed.");
        return 0;
        SDL_strlcpy(state->output_dir, "./output", MAX_PATH_LEN);
        SDL_strlcpy(state->verify_dir, "./verify", MAX_PATH_LEN);

    return 1;
/* parser an argument, updates the state object and returns the number of
   arguments processed; returns -1 on failure */
static int
ParseArg(char** argv, int index, SDLVisualTest_HarnessState* state)
    if(!argv || !argv[index] || !state)
        return 0;

    if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("sutapp", argv[index]) == 0)
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for sutapp.");
            return -1;
        SDL_strlcpy(state->sutapp, argv[index], MAX_PATH_LEN);
        SDLTest_Log("SUT Application: %s", state->sutapp);
        return 2;
    else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("output-dir", argv[index]) == 0)
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for output-dir.");
            return -1;
        SDL_strlcpy(state->output_dir, argv[index], MAX_PATH_LEN);
        SDLTest_Log("Screenshot Output Directory: %s", state->output_dir);
        return 2;
    else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("verify-dir", argv[index]) == 0)
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for verify-dir.");
            return -1;
        SDL_strlcpy(state->verify_dir, argv[index], MAX_PATH_LEN);
        SDLTest_Log("Screenshot Verification Directory: %s", state->verify_dir);
        return 2;
    else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("sutargs", argv[index]) == 0)
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for sutargs.");
            return -1;
        SDL_strlcpy(state->sutargs, argv[index], MAX_SUT_ARGS_LEN);
        SDLTest_Log("SUT Arguments: %s", state->sutargs);
        return 2;
    else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("timeout", argv[index]) == 0)
        int hr, min, sec;
        if(!argv[index] || SDL_sscanf(argv[index], "%d:%d:%d", &hr, &min, &sec) != 3)
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for timeout.");
            return -1;
        state->timeout = (((hr * 60) + min) * 60 + sec) * 1000;
        SDLTest_Log("Maximum Timeout for each SUT run: %d milliseconds",
        return 2;
    else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("parameter-config", argv[index]) == 0)
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for parameter-config.");
            return -1;
        SDLTest_Log("SUT Parameters file: %s", argv[index]);
        if(!SDLVisualTest_ParseSUTConfig(argv[index], &state->sut_config))
            SDLTest_LogError("Failed to parse SUT parameters file");
            return -1;
        return 2;
    else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("variator", argv[index]) == 0)
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for variator.");
            return -1;
        SDLTest_Log("Variator: %s", argv[index]);
        if(SDL_strcasecmp("exhaustive", argv[index]) == 0)
            state->variator_type = SDL_VARIATOR_EXHAUSTIVE;
        else if(SDL_strcasecmp("random", argv[index]) == 0)
            state->variator_type = SDL_VARIATOR_RANDOM;
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid variator name.");
            return -1;
        return 2;
    else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("num-variations", argv[index]) == 0)
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for num-variations.");
            return -1;
        state->num_variations = SDL_atoi(argv[index]);
        SDLTest_Log("Number of variations to run: %d", state->num_variations);
        if(state->num_variations <= 0)
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: num-variations must be positive.");
            return -1;
        return 2;
    else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("no-launch", argv[index]) == 0)
        state->no_launch = SDL_TRUE;
        SDLTest_Log("SUT will not be launched.");
        return 1;
    else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("action-config", argv[index]) == 0)
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: invalid argument for action-config");
            return -1;
        SDLTest_Log("Action Config file: %s", argv[index]);
        if(!SDLVisualTest_ParseActionConfig(argv[index], &state->action_queue))
            SDLTest_LogError("SDLVisualTest_ParseActionConfig() failed");
            return -1;
        return 2;
    else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("config", argv[index]) == 0)
            SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: invalid argument for config");
            return -1;

        /* do nothing, this option has already been handled */
        return 2;
    return 0;
 * @brief Tests writing and reading from file using endian aware functions.
 * \sa
 * http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.cgi/SDL_RWFromFile
 * http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.cgi/SDL_RWClose
 * http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.cgi/SDL_ReadBE16
 * http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.cgi/SDL_WriteBE16
   SDL_RWops *rw;
   Sint64 result;
   int mode;
   size_t objectsWritten;
   Uint16 BE16value;
   Uint32 BE32value;
   Uint64 BE64value;
   Uint16 LE16value;
   Uint32 LE32value;
   Uint64 LE64value;
   Uint16 BE16test;
   Uint32 BE32test;
   Uint64 BE64test;
   Uint16 LE16test;
   Uint32 LE32test;
   Uint64 LE64test;
   int cresult;

   for (mode = 0; mode < 3; mode++) {

     /* Create test data */
     switch (mode) {
       case 0:
        SDLTest_Log("All 0 values");
        BE16value = 0;
        BE32value = 0;
        BE64value = 0;
        LE16value = 0;
        LE32value = 0;
        LE64value = 0;
       case 1:
        SDLTest_Log("All 1 values");
        BE16value = 1;
        BE32value = 1;
        BE64value = 1;
        LE16value = 1;
        LE32value = 1;
        LE64value = 1;
       case 2:
        SDLTest_Log("Random values");
        BE16value = SDLTest_RandomUint16();
        BE32value = SDLTest_RandomUint32();
        BE64value = SDLTest_RandomUint64();
        LE16value = SDLTest_RandomUint16();
        LE32value = SDLTest_RandomUint32();
        LE64value = SDLTest_RandomUint64();

     /* Write test. */
     rw = SDL_RWFromFile(RWopsWriteTestFilename, "w+");
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_RWFromFile(..,\"w+\")");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(rw != NULL, "Verify opening file with SDL_RWFromFile in write mode does not return NULL");

     /* Bail out if NULL */
     if (rw == NULL) return TEST_ABORTED;

     /* Write test data */
     objectsWritten = SDL_WriteBE16(rw, BE16value);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_WriteBE16");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(objectsWritten == 1, "Validate number of objects written, expected: 1, got: %i", objectsWritten);
     objectsWritten = SDL_WriteBE32(rw, BE32value);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_WriteBE32");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(objectsWritten == 1, "Validate number of objects written, expected: 1, got: %i", objectsWritten);
     objectsWritten = SDL_WriteBE64(rw, BE64value);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_WriteBE64");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(objectsWritten == 1, "Validate number of objects written, expected: 1, got: %i", objectsWritten);
     objectsWritten = SDL_WriteLE16(rw, LE16value);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_WriteLE16");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(objectsWritten == 1, "Validate number of objects written, expected: 1, got: %i", objectsWritten);
     objectsWritten = SDL_WriteLE32(rw, LE32value);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_WriteLE32");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(objectsWritten == 1, "Validate number of objects written, expected: 1, got: %i", objectsWritten);
     objectsWritten = SDL_WriteLE64(rw, LE64value);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_WriteLE64");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(objectsWritten == 1, "Validate number of objects written, expected: 1, got: %i", objectsWritten);

     /* Test seek to start */
     result = SDL_RWseek( rw, 0, RW_SEEK_SET );
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_RWseek succeeded");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == 0, "Verify result from position 0 with SDL_RWseek, expected 0, got %i", result);

     /* Read test data */
     BE16test = SDL_ReadBE16(rw);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ReadBE16");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(BE16test == BE16value, "Validate return value from SDL_ReadBE16, expected: %hu, got: %hu", BE16value, BE16test);
     BE32test = SDL_ReadBE32(rw);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ReadBE32");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(BE32test == BE32value, "Validate return value from SDL_ReadBE32, expected: %u, got: %u", BE32value, BE32test);
     BE64test = SDL_ReadBE64(rw);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ReadBE64");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(BE64test == BE64value, "Validate return value from SDL_ReadBE64, expected: %llu, got: %llu", BE64value, BE64test);
     LE16test = SDL_ReadLE16(rw);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ReadLE16");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(LE16test == LE16value, "Validate return value from SDL_ReadLE16, expected: %hu, got: %hu", LE16value, LE16test);
     LE32test = SDL_ReadLE32(rw);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ReadLE32");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(LE32test == LE32value, "Validate return value from SDL_ReadLE32, expected: %u, got: %u", LE32value, LE32test);
     LE64test = SDL_ReadLE64(rw);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ReadLE64");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(LE64test == LE64value, "Validate return value from SDL_ReadLE64, expected: %llu, got: %llu", LE64value, LE64test);

     /* Close handle */
     cresult = SDL_RWclose(rw);
     SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_RWclose() succeeded");
     SDLTest_AssertCheck(cresult == 0, "Verify result value is 0; got: %d", cresult);

 * @brief Call to SDL_AllocFormat and SDL_FreeFormat
 * @sa http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.fcg/SDL_AllocFormat
 * @sa http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.fcg/SDL_FreeFormat
pixels_allocFreeFormat(void *arg)
  const char *unknownFormat = "SDL_PIXELFORMAT_UNKNOWN";
  const char *expectedError = "Parameter 'format' is invalid";
  const char *error;
  int i;
  Uint32 format;
  Uint32 masks;
  SDL_PixelFormat* result;

  /* Blank/unknown format */
  format = 0;
  SDLTest_Log("RGB Format: %s (%u)", unknownFormat, format);

  /* Allocate format */
  result = SDL_AllocFormat(format);
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_AllocFormat()");
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(result != NULL, "Verify result is not NULL");
  if (result != NULL) {
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result->format == format, "Verify value of result.format; expected: %u, got %u", format, result->format);
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result->BitsPerPixel == 0, "Verify value of result.BitsPerPixel; expected: 0, got %u", result->BitsPerPixel);
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result->BytesPerPixel == 0, "Verify value of result.BytesPerPixel; expected: 0, got %u", result->BytesPerPixel);
    masks = result->Rmask | result->Gmask | result->Bmask | result->Amask;
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(masks == 0, "Verify value of result.[RGBA]mask combined; expected: 0, got %u", masks);

    /* Deallocate again */
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_FreeFormat()");

  /* RGB formats */
  for (i = 0; i < _numRGBPixelFormats; i++) {
    format = _RGBPixelFormats[i];
    SDLTest_Log("RGB Format: %s (%u)", _RGBPixelFormatsVerbose[i], format);

    /* Allocate format */
    result = SDL_AllocFormat(format);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_AllocFormat()");
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result != NULL, "Verify result is not NULL");
    if (result != NULL) {
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(result->format == format, "Verify value of result.format; expected: %u, got %u", format, result->format);
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(result->BitsPerPixel > 0, "Verify value of result.BitsPerPixel; expected: >0, got %u", result->BitsPerPixel);
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(result->BytesPerPixel > 0, "Verify value of result.BytesPerPixel; expected: >0, got %u", result->BytesPerPixel);
      if (result->palette != NULL) {
         masks = result->Rmask | result->Gmask | result->Bmask | result->Amask;
         SDLTest_AssertCheck(masks > 0, "Verify value of result.[RGBA]mask combined; expected: >0, got %u", masks);

      /* Deallocate again */
      SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_FreeFormat()");

  /* Non-RGB formats */
  for (i = 0; i < _numNonRGBPixelFormats; i++) {
    format = _nonRGBPixelFormats[i];
    SDLTest_Log("non-RGB Format: %s (%u)", _nonRGBPixelFormatsVerbose[i], format);

    /* Try to allocate format */
    result = SDL_AllocFormat(format);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_AllocFormat()");
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == NULL, "Verify result is NULL");

  /* Negative cases */

  /* Invalid Formats */
  for (i = 0; i < _numInvalidPixelFormats; i++) {
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ClearError()");
    format = _invalidPixelFormats[i];
    result = SDL_AllocFormat(format);
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_AllocFormat(%u)", format);
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(result == NULL, "Verify result is NULL");
    error = SDL_GetError();
    SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetError()");
    SDLTest_AssertCheck(error != NULL, "Validate that error message was not NULL");
    if (error != NULL) {
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(SDL_strcmp(error, expectedError) == 0,
          "Validate error message, expected: '%s', got: '%s'", expectedError, error);

  /* Invalid free pointer */
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ClearError()");
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_FreeFormat(NULL)");
  error = SDL_GetError();
  SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_GetError()");
  SDLTest_AssertCheck(error != NULL, "Validate that error message was not NULL");
  if (error != NULL) {
      SDLTest_AssertCheck(SDL_strcmp(error, expectedError) == 0,
          "Validate error message, expected: '%s', got: '%s'", expectedError, error);
