Exemple #1
bool GetSDSDimInfo(int32 sds_id, Myhdf_dim_t *dim, int irank)

!Description: 'GetSDSDimInfo' reads information for a specific SDS dimension.
!Input Parameters:
 sds_id         SDS id

!Output Parameters:
 dim            Dimension data structure; the following fields are updated:
                   id, nval, type, nattr, name
 (returns)      Status:
                  'true' = okay
		  'false' = error reading the dimension information

!Team Unique Header:

 ! Design Notes:
   1. The HDF file is assumed to be open for SD (Science Data) access.
   2. An dimension name of less than 'DIM_MAX_NCHAR' is expected.
   3. Error messages are handled with the 'RETURN_ERROR' macro.

  char dim_name[DIM_MAX_NCHAR];

  dim->id = SDgetdimid(sds_id, irank);
  if (dim->id == HDF_ERROR) 
    RETURN_ERROR("getting dimension id", "GetSDSDimInfo", false);

  if (SDdiminfo(dim->id, dim_name,
                &dim->nval, &dim->type, 
	        &dim->nattr) == HDF_ERROR)
      RETURN_ERROR("getting dimension information", "GetSDSDimInfo", false);

  dim->name = DupString(dim_name);
  if (dim->name == (char *)NULL)
    RETURN_ERROR("copying dimension name", "GetSDSDimInfo", false);

  return true;
Exemple #2
bool PutSDSDimInfo(int32 sds_id, Myhdf_dim_t *dim, int irank)

!Description: 'PutSDSDimInfo' writes information for a SDS dimension.
!Input Parameters:
 sds_id         SDS id
 dim            Dimension data structure; the following field is used:
 irank          Dimension rank

!Output Parameters:
 dim            Dimension data structure; the following field is updated:
 (returns)      Status:
                  'true' = okay
		  'false' = error writing the dimension information

!Team Unique Header:

 ! Design Notes:
   1. The HDF file is assumed to be open for SD (Science Data) access.
   2. Error messages are handled with the 'RETURN_ERROR' macro.
   3. Setting the type of the dimension is not currently implemented.


  dim->id = SDgetdimid(sds_id, irank);
  if (dim->id == HDF_ERROR) 
    RETURN_ERROR("getting dimension id", "PutSDSDimInfo", false);

  if (SDsetdimname(dim->id, dim->name) == HDF_ERROR)
    RETURN_ERROR("setting dimension name", "PutSDSDimInfo", false);

  /* Set dimension type */

    /* !! do it !! */
  return true;
Exemple #3
/* Given the file ID, variable ID, and name of the dimension, return
 * the dimension ID.
int cudimid_hdf(CuFile* file, int varid, const char* name){
	int32   sds_idx, sds_id;

	/* Search for the index of the named array data set. */
	if ((sds_idx=SDnametoindex(file->internid1, name)) == -1) {
	   CuError(CU_DRIVER,"Obtaining dataset in file %s",file->controlpath);
           return -1;

	/* Select the data set corresponding to the returned index. */
        if ((sds_id=SDselect(file->internid1, sds_idx)) == -1) {
	   CuError(CU_DRIVER,"Obtaining dataset in file %s",file->controlpath);
           return -1;

	/* Return dimension ID or failure ( -1 ). */
        return (SDgetdimid(sds_id, 0) - file->internid2); /* pass back the dimension id */
Exemple #4
/* Get information about the variable. Return success (0) if the
 * variable information was obtained sucessfully, otherwise this
 * function returns the failure status (-1).
int cuvarinq_hdf(CuFile* file, int varid, char* name, CuType* datatype, int* ndims, int dimids[], int* natts){
	int err, i;
	hdf_type dtype;
	char t_name[H4_MAX_NC_NAME+1];
	int t_ndims, t_natts, numdims;
	int t_dimids[H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
	int32 sds_id, index;
	int32 dim_sizes[H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS];

	/* Select the data set corresponding to the returned index. */
	sds_id = SDselect(file->internid1, varid);

	/* Get the variable information. */
	if ((err=SDgetinfo(sds_id, 
                           (name ? name : t_name), 
                           (ndims ? ndims : &t_ndims),
                           (natts ? natts : &t_natts))) != -1) {
		if(datatype) {
			if (*datatype==CuInvalidType)
				return -1;
         	/* Retrieve dimension IDs. */
		if (dimids) {
		   numdims = (ndims ? *ndims : t_ndims);
		   for (i=0; i < numdims; ++i) /* reverse the order */
		       dimids[i] = SDgetdimid (sds_id, i) - file->internid2;

	/* Return variable ID, or failure ( -1 ). */
	return (err==-1 ? -1 : CU_SUCCESS);
Exemple #5
int do_lone(char* file_name, int do_diffs)
    char    sds_name[]  = "lone";
    int32   rank        = 1;
    int32   dim_sds[1]  = {5};             /* dimension of the data set */
    int32   data[5]     = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    int32   start[1];                      /* start position to write for each dimension */
    int32   edges[1];                      /* number of elements to be written along each dimension */
    int32   sds_id;
    int32   dim_id;
    int32   sd_id;

    if ( do_diffs )
        data[1] = data[2] = 0;
    sd_id  = SDstart(file_name, DFACC_CREATE);
    /* create the SDS */
    if ((sds_id = SDcreate (sd_id, sds_name, DFNT_INT32, rank, dim_sds))<0)
        printf( "Could not create SDS <%s>\n",sds_name);
        goto fail;
    dim_id = SDgetdimid(sds_id, 0);
    SDsetdimname(dim_id, sds_name);

    /* define the location and size of the data to be written to the data set */
    start[0] = 0;
    edges[0] = 5;
    /* write the stored data to the data set */
    if (SDwritedata (sds_id, start, NULL, edges, (VOIDP)data)==FAIL)
        printf( "Failed to set write for SDS <%s>\n", sds_name);
        goto fail;

    /* create the SDS */
    if ((sds_id = SDcreate (sd_id, "sds", DFNT_INT32, rank, dim_sds))<0)
        printf( "Could not create SDS <%s>\n");
        goto fail;

    if (SDwritedata (sds_id, start, NULL, edges, (VOIDP)data)==FAIL)
        printf( "Failed to set write for SDS <%s>\n");
        goto fail;



        int32 file1_id;      /*  HDF file identifier */ 
        int32 an_id;        /* AN interface identifier */
        int32 file_label_id;  /* file label identifier */
        /* open file */
        if ((file1_id = Hopen (file_name, DFACC_WRITE, (int16)0))<0)
            printf("Error: Could not open file <%s>\n",file_name);
            return FAIL;
        /* Initialize the AN interface */
        an_id = ANstart (file1_id);
        /* Create the file label */
        file_label_id = ANcreatef (an_id, AN_FILE_LABEL);
        /* Write the annotations to the file label */
        if (ANwriteann (file_label_id,FILE_LABEL_TXT,strlen (FILE_LABEL_TXT))==FAIL)
            printf( "Could not write AN\n");
            return FAIL;

        /* Terminate access to annotation */
        if (ANendaccess (file_label_id)==FAIL)
            printf( "Could not end AN\n");
            return FAIL;
        /* Terminate access to the AN interface */
        if (ANend (an_id)==FAIL)
            printf( "Could not end AN\n");
            return FAIL;

        /* close the HDF file */
        if (Hclose (file1_id)==FAIL)
            printf( "Could not close file\n");
            return FAIL;
    return SUCCEED;

    return FAIL;
Exemple #6
int init_output_sds(int32 sd_id, unsigned char *process, SDS outsds[Nbands], SDS sds[Nitems],
	int gzip, int verbose)
	int ib;
	int32 dim_id;
	char *dimname1, *dimname2;

	HDF_CHUNK_DEF chunk_def;

	/* same fill value will be used for all output SDSs */
	static int16 fillvalue = FILL_INT16;

	/* band naming convention will be "CorrRefl_XX"
	(11 characters + terminating null) */
	char name[16];

	/* write SDS-specific attributes and dimension names */
	for (ib = 0; ib < Nbands; ib++) {
		if (!process[ib]) continue;

		outsds[ib].num_type = DFNT_INT16;
		outsds[ib].factor = 0.0001;
		outsds[ib].offset = 0;
		outsds[ib].rank = 2;

		sprintf(name, "CorrRefl_%2.2d", ib + 1);
		if ( !(outsds[ib].name = strdup(name)) ) return 1;

		outsds[ib].Nl = outsds[ib].dim_sizes[0] = sds[ib].Nl;
		outsds[ib].Np = outsds[ib].dim_sizes[1] = sds[ib].Np;
		outsds[ib].rowsperscan = sds[ib].rowsperscan;
		if (verbose)
			printf("Creating SDS %s: %dx%d\n", outsds[ib].name,
				outsds[ib].Np, outsds[ib].Nl);
		if ((outsds[ib].id = SDcreate(sd_id, outsds[ib].name, outsds[ib].num_type, outsds[ib].rank,
				outsds[ib].dim_sizes)) == -1) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create SDS %s\n", outsds[ib].name);
			return 1;

		outsds[ib].fillvalue = &fillvalue;
		if ( SDsetfillvalue(outsds[ib].id, outsds[ib].fillvalue) ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot write fill value of SDS %s\n", outsds[ib].name);
			return 1;
		if ( SDsetattr(outsds[ib].id, "scale_factor", DFNT_FLOAT64, 1, &outsds[ib].factor) == -1  ||
			SDsetattr(outsds[ib].id, "add_offset",   DFNT_FLOAT64, 1, &outsds[ib].offset) == -1 ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot write scale factor and offset of SDS \"%s\"\n",  outsds[ib].name);
			return 1;
		if ( SDsetattr(outsds[ib].id, "units", DFNT_CHAR8, 4, "none") == -1 ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot write units attribute of SDS \"%s\"\n",  outsds[ib].name);
			return 1;

		/* set dimensions */
		outsds[ib].start[1] = 0;
		outsds[ib].edges[0] = outsds[ib].rowsperscan;
		outsds[ib].edges[1] = outsds[ib].Np;

		/* allocate memory for band output data */
		outsds[ib].data = malloc(outsds[ib].rowsperscan * outsds[ib].Np * DFKNTsize(outsds[ib].num_type));
		if (!outsds[ib].data) {
			fputs("Error allocating memory.\n", stderr);
			return 1;

		/* set optional compression */
		if (gzip) {
			chunk_def.chunk_lengths[0] = chunk_def.comp.chunk_lengths[0] = outsds[ib].edges[0];
			chunk_def.chunk_lengths[1] = chunk_def.comp.chunk_lengths[1] = outsds[ib].edges[1];
			chunk_def.comp.comp_type = COMP_CODE_DEFLATE;
			chunk_def.comp.cinfo.deflate.level = 4;
			if (SDsetchunk(outsds[ib].id, chunk_def, HDF_CHUNK | HDF_COMP) == FAIL) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set chunks for SDS %s\n", outsds[ib].name);
				return 1;

		set_dimnames(outsds[ib].Np, &dimname1, &dimname2);

if (verbose) printf("(%s x %s)\n", dimname1, dimname2);

		/* dimension names */
		if ((dim_id = SDgetdimid(outsds[ib].id, 0)) == -1) {
			fputs("Error getting dimension ID1.\n", stderr);
			return 1;
		if (SDsetdimname(dim_id, dimname1) == -1) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set first dimension name for SDS %s\n", outsds[ib].name);
			return 1;
		if ((dim_id = SDgetdimid(outsds[ib].id, 1)) == -1) {
			fputs("Error getting dimension ID2.\n", stderr);
			return 1;
		if (SDsetdimname(dim_id, dimname2) == -1) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set second dimension name for SDS %s\n", outsds[ib].name);
			return 1;

	return 0;
Exemple #7
/* Open and read the HDF file. Return the file ID if successful, or
 * report error and send back failure status (-1).
int cuopenread_hdf(const char* controlpath, const char* datapath){
	CuFile* file;
	int32 cdfid;
	int nvars=0, natts=0;
	int varid, ndims, dimidx, maxdim, mindim;
	int32 dimid, sds_id;
	CuDim *dim;

        /* Open the HDF file. DFACC_RDONLY is defined in hdf.h. */
        if ((cdfid=SDstart(controlpath, DFACC_RDONLY))==-1) {
		CuError(CU_EOPEN,"Opening HDF file %s",controlpath);
		return -1;
					     /* Make sure there is a scientific dataset */
	SDfileinfo(cdfid, &nvars, &natts);
	if (nvars==0 && natts==0){
		CuError(CU_EOPEN,"HDF file %s does not contain any scientific datasets",controlpath);
		return -1;

	if((file = CuCreateFile(CuHdf))==(CuFile*)0){
		return -1;

	/* Set the file path and file ID */
	file->internid1 = cdfid;

					     /* Set up a mapping of cdunif dimid to HDF dimid: */
					     /* Go through all the dimensions, find min and max HDF_dimid. */
					     /* Store base dimid in file->internid2. */
					     /* The mapping is 0 --> mindim, 1 --> mindim+1, etc. */

	mindim = maxdim = -1;
	for (varid=0; varid<nvars; varid++){
		if (cuvarinq_hdf(file, varid, NULL, NULL, &ndims, NULL, NULL))
			return -1;
		if ((sds_id=SDselect(file->internid1, varid)) == -1) {
			return -1;
	        for (dimidx=0; dimidx<ndims; dimidx++){
			if((dimid=SDgetdimid(sds_id, dimidx))==-1){
				return -1;
			if (maxdim==-1){
				mindim = maxdim = dimid;
				mindim = MIN(mindim, dimid);
				maxdim = MAX(maxdim, dimid);

	file->internid2 = mindim;
	file->ndims = maxdim-mindim+1;

	/* Return file ID */
	return file->id;
Exemple #8
/* Get dimension coordinates values. Return success (0) if the
 * dimension values were obtained sucessfully, otherwise this
 * function returns the failure status (-1).
int cudimget_hdf(CuFile* file, int dimidx, void* values){
	char dimname[H4_MAX_NC_NAME+1];
	float *fp;
	int cdfid;
	int get_dimid;
	int dimvarid;
	int found;
	int ndims;
	int saveopts;
	long i;
	long length;
	long start;
	char varname[H4_MAX_NC_NAME+1];
	hdf_type hdftype;
	int natts;
	int32 dimid;

        int32 sds_id, datatype, nattrs, attr_index, num_type, count;
        int32 dim_sizes[H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
	char attr_name[H4_MAX_NC_NAME];

	cdfid = file->internid1;
	if((dimid = cudimid2hdf(file, dimidx))==-1)
		return -1;

	/* Get information about the selected dimension. */
        if(SDdiminfo(dimid, attr_name, &length, &datatype, &nattrs)==-1){
		return -1;

  	/* Inquire a variable with */
     	/* - the same name as dimname, */
     	/* - a single dimension, and */
     	/* - a (single) dimension id which equals dimid */
        if((dimvarid = SDnametoindex(cdfid, attr_name)) != -1){
                sds_id = SDselect(cdfid, dimvarid);
                if (SDgetinfo(sds_id, varname, &ndims, dim_sizes,
                                   &hdftype, &natts) == -1){
			return -1;

                /* pass back the dimension id */
                if ((get_dimid = SDgetdimid(sds_id, 0)) == -1){
                        return -1;

		found = (ndims == 1 && get_dimid == dimid);
		found = 0;

        /* If the dimension variable was found, read it */
		start = 0;
		if(values && SDgetdimscale(dimid, (VOIDP) values)==-1)
			return -1;
		/* Otherwise assign the default dimension */
			for(i=0, fp=(float*)values; i<length; i++){
				*fp++ = (float)i;

	/* Return success ( 0 ). */
	return CU_SUCCESS;
Exemple #9
/* Get information about the dimension. Return success (0) if the 
 * dimension information  was obtained sucessfully, otherwise this 
 * function returns the failure status (-1).
int cudiminq_hdf(CuFile* file, int dimidx, char* dimname, char* dimunits, CuType* dataType, CuDimType* dimtype, int* varid, long* length){
	char dname[H4_MAX_NC_NAME+1];
	int cdfid;
	int dimvarid; /* HDF ID of variable associated with this dimension. */
	int found;   /* True iff a dimension variable was found. */
	int ndims;
	int get_dimid;
	int saveopts;
	long len;
	hdf_type hdftype, hdfunitstype;
	int natts;
	char varname[H4_MAX_NC_NAME+1];
	int attlen;

	int32 sds_id, attr_index, datatype, nattrs;
	int32 dim_sizes[H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
	char attr_name[H4_MAX_NC_NAME];
	int32 dimid;

	cdfid = file->internid1;
	if((dimid = cudimid2hdf(file, dimidx))==-1)
		return -1;

	/* Get information about the selected dimension. */
	if(SDdiminfo(dimid, dname, &len, &datatype, &nattrs)==-1){
                return -1;

	if(dimname) strncpy(dimname,dname,CU_MAX_NAME);
	if(length) *length = len;

        /* HDF dimensions are always global */
	if(varid) *varid = CU_GLOBAL;
	if(dimtype) *dimtype = CuGlobalDim;

        /* Inquire a variable with */
        /* - the same name as dimname, */
        /* - a single dimension, and */
        /* - a dimension name which equals the variable name. */
	if((dimvarid = SDnametoindex(cdfid, dname)) != -1){
                sds_id = SDselect(cdfid, dimvarid);
                if (SDgetinfo(sds_id, varname, &ndims, dim_sizes,
                                   &hdftype, &natts) == -1){
			return -1;

                /* pass back the dimension id */
                if ((get_dimid = SDgetdimid(sds_id, 0)) == -1){
                        return -1;

		found = (ndims == 1 && get_dimid == dimid);
		found = 0;

	/* If dimension variable was found, */
	/* inquire the units attribute (if any) */
                sds_id = SDselect(cdfid, dimvarid);

		/* Set the length of an unlimited dimension. */
		if (len==0 && length) *length = dim_sizes[0];

        	/* Find the data set attribute name index. */
        	attr_index = SDfindattr(sds_id, "units");

        	/* Get information about the data set attribute. */
        	if(SDattrinfo(sds_id, attr_index, attr_name, &hdfunitstype, 
                    &attlen) != -1 && hdfunitstype == DFNT_CHAR) {
			if(dimunits && SDreadattr(sds_id, attr_index, dimunits)==-1)
				return -1;
	    /* Dimension variable was found, but no character units string */
			if(dimunits) strcpy(dimunits,"");
		if(dataType) {
			cumapdatatype_hdf(hdftype, dataType);
			if (*dataType==CuInvalidType)
				return -1;
		/* The dimension variable was not found: */
		/* return default units and datatype */
		if(dimunits) strcpy(dimunits,"");
		if(dataType) *dataType = CuFloat;

	/* Return success ( 0 ). */
	return CU_SUCCESS;
Exemple #10
static intn test_dim1_SDS1(void)
    char  sds_name[20];
    float32 sds1_data[] = {0.1, 2.3, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9};
    float32 out_data[5];
    int32 dimsize[1];
    int32 sds_id, file_id, dim_id, index;
    int32 start=0, stride=1;
    int32 scale1 [5] = {101,102,103,104,105}, scale1_out[5];
    int32 num_type, array_rank, count;
    int32 n_datasets, n_file_attrs, n_local_attrs, n_vars = 0;
    intn  datanum, ranknum, status =0, i, idx, idx1, idx2;
    hdf_varlist_t* var_list;
    intn  is_coord = FALSE;
    char  attr_name[H4_MAX_NC_NAME], attr_values[80];
    intn  num_errs = 0;         /* number of errors so far */

    file_id = SDstart(FILE1, DFACC_CREATE);
    CHECK(file_id, FAIL, "SDstart");

    /* Create a one-dim dataset named VAR1_NAME, of type DFNT_FLOAT32. */
    dimsize[0] = 5;
    sds_id = SDcreate(file_id, VAR1_NAME, DFNT_FLOAT32, 1, dimsize);
    CHECK(sds_id, FAIL, "SDcreate");

    /* Set the dimension name to be the same as its dataset. */
    dim_id = SDgetdimid(sds_id, 0);
    CHECK(dim_id, FAIL, "SDgetdimid");
    status = SDsetdimname(dim_id, VAR1_NAME);
     /* status = SDsetdimname(dim_id, VAR1_NAME);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDsetdimname");

    /* Get file info and verify that there is 1 dataset in the file. */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 1, "SDfileinfo");

    /* Set an attribute to dimension VAR1_NAME. */
    status = SDsetattr(dim_id, ATTR1_NAME, DFNT_CHAR8, ATTR1_LEN, ATTR1_VAL);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDsetattr");

    /* Set an attribute to dataset VAR1_NAME. */
    status = SDsetattr(sds_id, ATTR2_NAME, DFNT_CHAR8, ATTR2_LEN, ATTR2_VAL);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDsetattr");

    /* Get file info and verify that there are 2 datasets in the file:
       1 SDS and 1 coordinate variable (because of SDsetattr dim) */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 2, "SDfileinfo");

    /* Write data to the SDS */
    status = SDwritedata(sds_id, &start, &stride, dimsize, (VOIDP)sds1_data);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDwritedata");

    /* Close dataset and file. */
    status = SDendaccess(sds_id);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDendaccess");
    status = SDend(file_id); 
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDend");

    /* Open the file again to check its data */
    file_id = SDstart(FILE1, DFACC_RDWR);
    CHECK(file_id, FAIL, "SDstart");

    /* Check variable type and attributes of each element in the file */

    /* Get the number of variables of name VAR1_NAME */
    status = SDgetnumvars_byname(file_id, VAR1_NAME, &n_vars);

    if (n_vars == 1)
	/* Get index of dataset VAR1_NAME */
	index = SDnametoindex(file_id, VAR1_NAME);
	CHECK(index, FAIL, "SDnametoindex");
	/* Get the list of all variables of named VAR1_NAME */
	var_list = (hdf_varlist_t *)HDmalloc(n_vars * sizeof(hdf_varlist_t));
	status = SDnametoindices(file_id, VAR1_NAME, var_list);

	/* In this case, the first variable is a dataset */
	for (idx = 0; idx < n_vars; idx++)
	    if (var_list[idx].var_type == IS_SDSVAR)
		index = var_list[idx].var_index;
		VERIFY(index, 0, "SDnametoindices");

    sds_id = SDselect(file_id, index);
    CHECK(sds_id, FAIL, "SDselect");

    /* Verify that this variable is a dataset. */
    is_coord = SDiscoordvar(sds_id);
    VERIFY(is_coord, FALSE, "SDiscoordvar");

    /* Read and verify the information of the SDS' first attribute. */
    status = SDattrinfo(sds_id, 0, attr_name, &num_type, &count);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDattrinfo");
    VERIFY(count, ATTR2_LEN, "SDattrinfo");
    VERIFY(HDstrncmp(attr_name, ATTR2_NAME, 14), 0, "SDattrinfo");

    /* Read and verify the values of the SDS' first attribute. */
    status = SDreadattr(sds_id, 0, attr_values);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDreadattr");

    if (HDstrncmp(attr_values, ATTR2_VAL, ATTR2_LEN) != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Unmatched attribute values for SDS %s: is <%s>, should be <%s>\n", VAR1_NAME, attr_values, ATTR2_VAL);

    /* Get access to the SDS' first dimension. */
    dim_id = SDgetdimid(sds_id, 0);
    CHECK(dim_id, FAIL, "SDgetdimid");

    /* Read and verify the information of the dimension's first attribute. */
    status = SDattrinfo(dim_id, 0, attr_name, &num_type, &count);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDattrinfo");
    VERIFY(count, 19, "SDattrinfo");
    VERIFY(HDstrncmp(attr_name, ATTR1_NAME, 21), 0, "SDattrinfo");

    /* Read and verify the values of the dimension's first attribute. */
    status = SDreadattr(dim_id, 0, attr_values);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDreadattr");

    if (HDstrncmp(attr_values, ATTR1_VAL, ATTR1_LEN) != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Unmatched attribute values for dimension %s: is <%s>, should be <%s>\n", VAR1_NAME, attr_values, ATTR1_VAL);

    /* Verify again that the number of datasets in the file is 2, 1 SDS and
       1 coordinate variable */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 2, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_file_attrs, 0, "SDfileinfo");

    /* Read and verify the dataset's data */
    status = SDreaddata (sds_id, &start, NULL, dimsize, &out_data);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDreaddata");

    for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < dimsize[0]; idx1++)
        if (out_data[idx1] != sds1_data[idx1])
	    fprintf(stderr, "Read value (%f) differs from written (%f) at [%d]\n", out_data[idx1], sds1_data[idx1], idx1);

    /* Close dataset and file. */
    status = SDendaccess(sds_id);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDendaccess");

    status = SDend(file_id); 
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDend");

    /* Return the number of errors that's been kept track of so far */
    return num_errs;
}   /* test_dim1_SDS1 */
Exemple #11
static intn test_named_vars(void)
    char  sds_name[20];
    float32 sds1_data[] = {0.1, 2.3, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9};
    float32 sds2_data[2][3] = {{0.1, 2.3, 4.5}, {4.5, 6.7, 8.9}};
    int32 dimsize[1], dimsize2[2];
    int32 sds_id, sds1_id, sds2_id, sds3_id, sds4_id, sds5_id;
    int32 file_id, dim_id, index;
    int32 start=0, stride=1, stat;
    int32 start2[2]={0,0}, stride2[2]={1,1};
    int32 scale1 [5] = {101,102,103,104,105}, scale1_out[5];
    int32 array_rank;
    int32 n_datasets, n_file_attrs, n_local_attrs, n_vars=0;
    float32 out_data2[2][3];
    intn  datanum, ranknum, status =0, idx, idx1, idx2;
    intn  is_coordvar=FALSE;
    hdf_varlist_t *allvars, *varlistp;
    intn  num_errs = 0;         /* number of errors so far */
    char  line[40];
    char  contents[7][40]={
          "#0 SDS        2-dim 'Common Name'",
          "#1 SDS        2-dim 'Common Name'",
          "#2 SDS        1-dim 'One Dimension'",
          "#3 Coordinate 1-dim 'Common Name'",
          "#4 SDS        1-dim 'One Dimension'",
          "#5 SDS        1-dim 'Another Name'",
          "#6 Coordinate 1-dim 'Another Name'"};

    file_id = SDstart(FILE3, DFACC_CREATE);
    CHECK(file_id, FAIL, "SDstart");

    dimsize2[0] = 2;
    dimsize2[1] = 3;

    /* Create first COMMON_NAME data set. */
    sds1_id = SDcreate(file_id, COMMON_NAME, DFNT_FLOAT32, 2, dimsize2);
    CHECK(sds1_id, FAIL, "SDcreate");
    status = SDendaccess(sds1_id);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDendaccess");

    /* Create second COMMON_NAME data set. */
    sds2_id = SDcreate(file_id, COMMON_NAME, DFNT_FLOAT32, 2, dimsize2);
    CHECK(sds2_id, FAIL, "SDcreate");
    status = SDendaccess(sds2_id);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDendaccess");

    dimsize[0] = 5;
    sds3_id = SDcreate(file_id, ONEDIM_NAME, DFNT_FLOAT32, 1, dimsize);
    CHECK(sds3_id, FAIL, "SDcreate");

    /* Set the dimension name to be the same as the previous 2 datasets */
    dim_id = SDgetdimid(sds3_id, 0);
    CHECK(dim_id, FAIL, "SDgetdimid");
    status = SDsetdimname(dim_id, COMMON_NAME);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDsetdimname");

    /* Get file info and verify that there are 3 datasets in the file */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 3, "SDfileinfo");

    /* Write values to the dimension COMMON_NAME (same name as first 2 datasets) */
    status = SDsetdimscale (dim_id, dimsize[0], DFNT_INT32, scale1);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDsetdimscale");

    /* Get file info and verify that there are 4 datasets in the file */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 4, "SDfileinfo");

    dimsize[0] = 8;
    sds4_id = SDcreate(file_id, ONEDIM_NAME, DFNT_FLOAT32, 1, dimsize);
    CHECK(sds4_id, FAIL, "SDcreate");

    /* Set the dimension name to be the same as the previous 2 datasets */
    dim_id = SDgetdimid(sds4_id, 0);
    CHECK(dim_id, FAIL, "SDgetdimid");
    status = SDsetdimname(dim_id, ANOTHER_NAME);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDsetdimname");

    sds5_id = SDcreate(file_id, ANOTHER_NAME, DFNT_FLOAT32, 1, dimsize);
    CHECK(sds5_id, FAIL, "SDcreate");

    /* Get file info and verify that there are 6 datasets in the file */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 6, "SDfileinfo");

    status = SDsetattr(dim_id, ATTR1_NAME, DFNT_CHAR8, ATTR1_LEN, ATTR1_VAL);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDsetattr");

    /* Get file info and verify that there are 7 datasets in the file */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 7, "SDfileinfo");

    /* Verify again that the number of datasets in the file is 7 */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 7, "SDfileinfo");

    /* There are 3 variables of name COMMON_NAME */
    status = SDgetnumvars_byname(file_id, COMMON_NAME, &n_vars);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_vars, 3, "SDfileinfo");

    allvars = (hdf_varlist_t *)HDmalloc(n_vars * sizeof(hdf_varlist_t));
    status = SDnametoindices(file_id, COMMON_NAME, allvars);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");

    /* Compare file contents with predefined text to verify */
    for (idx = 0; idx < n_datasets; idx++)

	sds_id = SDselect(file_id, idx);
	CHECK(sds_id, FAIL, "SDselect");
	status = SDgetinfo(sds_id, sds_name, &array_rank, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDgetinfo");
	is_coordvar = SDiscoordvar(sds_id);
	if (is_coordvar)
	    sprintf(line,"#%d Coordinate %d-dim '%s'\n", idx, array_rank, 
	    sprintf(line,"#%d SDS        %d-dim '%s'\n", idx, array_rank, 

	if (strncmp(contents[idx], line, strlen(contents[idx])) != 0)
	    fprintf(stderr, "File contents are incorrect in testing variable types at variable of index %d\n", idx);

    status = SDend(file_id); 
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDend");

    /* Return the number of errors that's been kept track of so far */
    return num_errs;
}   /* test_named_vars */
Exemple #12
static intn test_dim1_SDS2(void)
    char  sds_name[20];
    float32 sds1_data[] = {0.1, 2.3, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9};
    float32 sds2_data[2][3] = {{0.1, 2.3, 4.5}, {4.5, 6.7, 8.9}};
    int32 dimsize[1], dimsize2[2];
    int32 sds1_id, sds2_id, file_id, dim_id, index;
    int32 start=0, stride=1, stat;
    int32 start2[2]={0,0}, stride2[2]={1,1};
    int32 scale1 [5] = {101,102,103,104,105}, scale1_out[5];
    int32 num_type, array_rank, attributes;
    int32 n_datasets, n_file_attrs, n_local_attrs;
    float32 out_data2[2][3];
    intn  datanum, ranknum, status =0, i, idx, idx1, idx2;
    intn  num_errs = 0;         /* number of errors so far */

    file_id = SDstart(FILE2, DFACC_CREATE);
    CHECK(file_id, FAIL, "SDstart");

    dimsize[0] = 5;
    dimsize2[0] = 2;
    dimsize2[1] = 3;
    sds1_id = SDcreate(file_id, VAR1_NAME, DFNT_FLOAT32, 1, dimsize);
    CHECK(sds1_id, FAIL, "SDcreate");

    /* Set the dimension name to be the same as the next dataset (not 
       created yet) */
    dim_id = SDgetdimid(sds1_id, 0);
    CHECK(dim_id, FAIL, "SDgetdimid");

    status = SDsetdimname(dim_id, VAR2_NAME);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDsetdimname");

    /* Get file info and verify that there is 1 dataset in the file */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 1, "SDfileinfo");

    /* Create and write data to the second dataset VAR2_NAME */
    sds2_id = SDcreate(file_id, VAR2_NAME, DFNT_FLOAT32, 2, dimsize2);
    CHECK(sds2_id, FAIL, "SDcreate");

    stat = SDwritedata(sds2_id, start2, stride2, dimsize2, sds2_data);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDwritedata");

    status = SDendaccess(sds2_id);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDendaccess");

    /* Get file info and verify that there are 2 datasets in the file. */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 2, "SDfileinfo");

    /* Write values to the dimension VAR2_NAME (same name as VAR2_NAME) */
    status = SDsetdimscale (dim_id, dimsize[0], DFNT_INT32, scale1);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDsetdimscale");

    /* Get file info and verify that there are 3 datasets in the file:
       2 SDS and 1 coordinate variable */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 3, "SDfileinfo");

    /* Close dataset and file */
    status = SDendaccess(sds1_id);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDendaccess");
    status = SDend(file_id); 
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDend");

    /* Open the file again to check its data */
    file_id = SDstart(FILE2, DFACC_RDWR);
    CHECK(file_id, FAIL, "SDstart");

    /* Verify dimension scale of the first dimension of SDS VAR1_NAME */

    /* Get access to dataset VAR1_NAME */
    index = SDnametoindex(file_id, VAR1_NAME);
    CHECK(index, FAIL, "SDnametoindex");

    sds1_id = SDselect(file_id, index);
    CHECK(sds1_id, FAIL, "SDselect");

    /* Get access to its first dimension */
    dim_id = SDgetdimid(sds1_id, 0);
    CHECK(dim_id, FAIL, "SDgetdimid");

    /* Get dimension scale and verify the values */
    status = SDgetdimscale (dim_id, scale1_out);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDgetdimscale");

    for (idx = 0; idx < dimsize[0]; idx++)
        if (scale1_out[idx] != scale1[idx])
	    fprintf(stderr, "Read value (%d) differs from written (%d) at [%d]\n", scale1_out[idx], scale1[idx], idx);
    /* End verifying dimension scale */

    /* Verify dimension scale of the first dimension of SDS VAR1_NAME */

    /* Get access to dataset VAR2_NAME */
    index = SDnametoindex(file_id, VAR2_NAME);
    CHECK(index, FAIL, "SDnametoindex");

    sds2_id = SDselect(file_id, index);
    CHECK(sds2_id, FAIL, "SDselect");

    /* Get dataset's info and verify them */
    status = SDgetinfo(sds2_id, sds_name, &array_rank, dimsize2,
                                        &num_type, &n_local_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDgetinfo");
    VERIFY(array_rank, 2, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(num_type, DFNT_FLOAT32, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_local_attrs, 0, "SDfileinfo");

    /* Read and verify the dataset's data */
    status = SDreaddata (sds2_id, start2, NULL, dimsize2, &out_data2);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDreaddata");

    for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < dimsize2[0]; idx1++)
	for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < dimsize2[1]; idx2++)
            if (out_data2[idx1][idx2] != sds2_data[idx1][idx2])
		fprintf(stderr, "Read value (%f) differs from written (%f) at [%d][%d]\n", out_data2[idx1][idx2], sds2_data[idx1][idx2], idx1, idx2);

    /* Verify again that the number of datasets in the file is 3, 2 SDSs and
       1 coordinate variable */
    status = SDfileinfo(file_id, &n_datasets, &n_file_attrs);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDfileinfo");
    VERIFY(n_datasets, 3, "SDfileinfo");

    status = SDendaccess(sds1_id);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDendaccess");
    status = SDendaccess(sds2_id);
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDendaccess");

    status = SDend(file_id); 
    CHECK(status, FAIL, "SDend");

    /* Return the number of errors that's been kept track of so far */
    return num_errs;
}   /* test_dim1_SDS2 */
Exemple #13
int main(int argc,char **argv) {
  int32 sdsout_id;
  int32 dimout_id;
  int32 sdout_id;
  int32 index,count,start[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
  int32 edge[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
  int32 rank,data_type;
  int32 dim_sizes[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
  char name[MAX_NC_NAME];
  char names[2][MAX_NC_NAME];
  int write_metadata;
  float32 scalef=1.0;
  float32 addoff=0.0;
  char* oz_units= "Dobson";
  int16 doy;

  int idoy,year,nlats,nlons;
  float minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon, latsteps,lonsteps;
  short int* data;
  int16 base_date[3];
  float lat_array[1024], lon_array[1024];
  char* platform= argc>3 ? argv[3] : (char*) "Earthprobe";

	if (argc<3) {
		fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s <input> <output> <platform>\n",argv[0]);
	open input
/* determine NLINE by sensor - Feng */
	if(strstr(argv[1], "omi")) {
	  NLINE = 15;
	  longline = 25;
	  shortline = 10;
	else {
	  NLINE =12;
	  longline =25; 
	  shortline = 13;
	printf("%d %d %d\n", NLINE, longline, shortline);
  read_ozone(argv[1], &data, &idoy, &year, &nlats,&nlons, &minlat, &minlon, &maxlat,
                      &maxlon, &latsteps, &lonsteps, lat_array, lon_array);

  if ( nlats!=180 || fabs(minlat+ 89.500)>0.0001 || fabs(maxlat- 89.500)>0.0001 || 
       nlons!=288 || fabs(minlon+179.375)>0.0001 || fabs(maxlon-179.375)>0.0001 ||
       fabs(latsteps-1.0)>0.0001 || fabs(lonsteps-1.25)>0.0001 )printf(
   "*** unexpected values ***\n nlats=%d nlons=%d minlat=%f maxlat=%f minlon=%f maxlon=%f\n"

	check and open output
	if ((sdout_id=SDstart(argv[2], DFACC_RDONLY))<0) {
		if ((sdout_id=SDstart(argv[2], DFACC_CREATE))<0) {
   		fprintf(stderr,"can't create output %s\n",argv[2]);
	} else {
		if ((sdout_id=SDstart(argv[2], DFACC_WRITE))<0) {
   		fprintf(stderr,"can't open output %s\n",argv[2]);
	Determine the contents of the file
 	if (write_metadata) {
		Copy global attributes to output if creating a new file
		Write Day Of Year to output
                base_date[0]= year; base_date[1]=1; base_date[2]=1;
		SDsetattr(sdout_id, "base_date", DFNT_INT16,3,base_date);
		SDsetattr(sdout_id, "Day Of Year", DFNT_INT16,1,&doy);
		printf("*** platform=(%s) len=%d ***\n",platform,count);
		Copy lat/lon SDS

/**** Latitude (lat) ****/

	dim_sizes[0]= nlats;
	if ((sdsout_id=SDcreate(sdout_id,name,DFNT_FLOAT32,rank,&dim_sizes[0]))<0) 
		return -1;

	if (SDwritedata(sdsout_id,start,NULL,edge,lat_array)<0)
		return -1;

        dimout_id=SDgetdimid(sdsout_id, 0);
	SDsetdimname(dimout_id, name); 

/**** Longitude (lon) ****/

	dim_sizes[0]= nlons;
	if ((sdsout_id=SDcreate(sdout_id,name,DFNT_FLOAT32,rank,&dim_sizes[0]))<0) 
		return -1;

	if (SDwritedata(sdsout_id,start,NULL,edge,lon_array)<0)
		return -1;

        dimout_id=SDgetdimid(sdsout_id, 0);
	SDsetdimname(dimout_id, name); 

/**** Ozone (ozone)  ****/

	dim_sizes[0]= nlats;
	dim_sizes[1]= nlons;
	if ((sdsout_id=SDcreate(sdout_id,name,DFNT_INT16,rank,&dim_sizes[0]))<0) 
		return -1;

	if (SDwritedata(sdsout_id,start,NULL,edge,data)<0)
		return -1;

	for (index=0;index<rank;index++) {
          dimout_id=SDgetdimid(sdsout_id, index);
          SDsetdimname(dimout_id, names[index]); 

        data_type= DFNT_FLOAT32;
        SDsetattr(sdsout_id, name, data_type, count, (void*)&scalef);

        data_type= DFNT_FLOAT32;
        SDsetattr(sdsout_id, name, data_type, count, (void*)&addoff);

        data_type= DFNT_CHAR8;
        SDsetattr(sdsout_id, name, data_type, count, (void*)oz_units);


		Close input & output
	return 0;
main(int argc, char **argv)
   printf("\n*** Testing HDF4/NetCDF-4 interoperability...\n");
   printf("*** testing that netCDF can read a HDF4 file with some ints...");
#define PRES_NAME "pres"
#define LAT_LEN 3
#define LON_LEN 2
#define DIMS_2 2

      int32 sd_id, sds_id;
      int32 dim_size[DIMS_2] = {LAT_LEN, LON_LEN};
      int32 start[DIMS_2] = {0, 0}, edge[DIMS_2] = {LAT_LEN, LON_LEN};
      int ncid, nvars_in, ndims_in, natts_in, unlimdim_in;
      size_t len_in;
      int data_out[LAT_LEN][LON_LEN], data_in[LAT_LEN][LON_LEN];
      size_t nstart[DIMS_2] = {0, 0}, ncount[DIMS_2] = {LAT_LEN, LON_LEN};
      size_t nindex[DIMS_2] = {0, 0};
      int scalar_data_in = 0;
      int i, j;

      /* Create some data. */
      for (i = 0; i < LAT_LEN; i++)
	 for (j = 0; j < LON_LEN; j++)
	    data_out[i][j] = j;

      /* Create a file with one SDS, containing our phony data. */
      sd_id = SDstart(FILE_NAME, DFACC_CREATE);
      sds_id = SDcreate(sd_id, PRES_NAME, DFNT_INT32, DIMS_2, dim_size);
      if (SDwritedata(sds_id, start, NULL, edge, (void *)data_out)) ERR;
      if (SDendaccess(sds_id)) ERR;
      if (SDend(sd_id)) ERR;

      /* Now open with netCDF and check the contents. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR; 
      if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims_in, &nvars_in, &natts_in, &unlimdim_in)) ERR; 
      if (ndims_in != 2 || nvars_in != 1 || natts_in != 0 || unlimdim_in != -1) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_dim(ncid, 0, NULL, &len_in)) ERR;
      if (len_in != LAT_LEN) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_dim(ncid, 1, NULL, &len_in)) ERR;
      if (len_in != LON_LEN) ERR;
      /* Read the data through a vara function from the netCDF API. */
      if (nc_get_vara(ncid, 0, nstart, ncount, data_in)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < LAT_LEN; i++)
	 for (j = 0; j < LON_LEN; j++)
	    if (data_in[i][j] != data_out[i][j]) ERR;

      /* Reset for next test. */
      for (i = 0; i < LAT_LEN; i++)
	 for (j = 0; j < LON_LEN; j++)
	    data_in[i][j] = -88;

      /* Read the data through a vara_int function from the netCDF API. */
      if (nc_get_vara_int(ncid, 0, nstart, ncount, data_in)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < LAT_LEN; i++)
	 for (j = 0; j < LON_LEN; j++)
	    if (data_in[i][j] != data_out[i][j]) ERR;

      /* Reset for next test. */
      for (i = 0; i < LAT_LEN; i++)
	 for (j = 0; j < LON_LEN; j++)
	    data_in[i][j] = -88;

      /* Read the data through a var_int function from the netCDF API. */
      if (nc_get_var_int(ncid, 0, data_in)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < LAT_LEN; i++)
	 for (j = 0; j < LON_LEN; j++)
	    if (data_in[i][j] != data_out[i][j]) ERR;

      /* Read the data through a var1 function from the netCDF API. */
      for (i = 0; i < LAT_LEN; i++)
	 for (j = 0; j < LON_LEN; j++)
	    nindex[0] = i;
	    nindex[1] = j;
	    if (nc_get_var1(ncid, 0, nindex, &scalar_data_in)) ERR;
	    if (scalar_data_in != data_out[i][j]) ERR;
	    scalar_data_in = -88; /* reset */
	    if (nc_get_var1_int(ncid, 0, nindex, &scalar_data_in)) ERR;
	    if (scalar_data_in != data_out[i][j]) ERR;

      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; 
   printf("*** testing with a more complex HDF4 file...");
#define Z_LEN 3
#define Y_LEN 2
#define X_LEN 5
#define DIMS_3 3
#define NUM_TYPES 8

      int32 sd_id, sds_id;
      int32 dim_size[DIMS_3] = {Z_LEN, Y_LEN, X_LEN};
      int dimids_in[DIMS_3];
      int ncid, nvars_in, ndims_in, natts_in, unlimdim_in;
      size_t len_in;
      nc_type type_in;
      int hdf4_type[NUM_TYPES] = {DFNT_FLOAT32, DFNT_FLOAT64, 
      int netcdf_type[NUM_TYPES] = {NC_FLOAT, NC_DOUBLE, 
      char tmp_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1], name_in[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      char dim_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1][DIMS_3] = {"z", "y", "x"};
      int d, t;

      /* Create a HDF4 SD file. */
      sd_id = SDstart (FILE_NAME, DFACC_CREATE);

      /* Create some HDF4 datasets. */
      for (t = 0; t < NUM_TYPES; t++)
	 sprintf(tmp_name, "hdf4_dataset_type_%d", t);
	 if ((sds_id = SDcreate(sd_id, tmp_name, hdf4_type[t], 
				DIMS_3, dim_size)) == FAIL) ERR;	    
	 /* Set up dimensions. By giving them the same names for each
	  * dataset, I am specifying that they are shared
	  * dimensions. */
	 for (d = 0; d < DIMS_3; d++)
	    int32 dimid;
	    if ((dimid = SDgetdimid(sds_id, d)) == FAIL) ERR;
	    if (SDsetdimname(dimid, dim_name[d])) ERR;
	 if (SDendaccess(sds_id)) ERR;
      if (SDend(sd_id)) ERR;

      /* Open the file with netCDF and check it out. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims_in, &nvars_in, &natts_in, &unlimdim_in)) ERR;
      if (ndims_in != DIMS_3 || nvars_in != NUM_TYPES || natts_in != 0 || unlimdim_in != -1) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_dim(ncid, 0, NULL, &len_in)) ERR;
      if (len_in != Z_LEN) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_dim(ncid, 1, NULL, &len_in)) ERR;
      if (len_in != Y_LEN) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_dim(ncid, 2, NULL, &len_in)) ERR;
      if (len_in != X_LEN) ERR;
      for (t = 0; t < NUM_TYPES; t++)
	 if (nc_inq_var(ncid, t, name_in, &type_in, &ndims_in, 
			dimids_in, &natts_in)) ERR;
	 if (type_in != netcdf_type[t] || ndims_in != DIMS_3 ||
	     dimids_in[0] != 0 || dimids_in[2] != 2 || dimids_in[2] != 2 || 
	     natts_in != 0) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;