Exemple #1
 *    读数据函数
 *    输入参数:  无
 *    输出参数:  无
 *    返回参数:  读取的数据
unsigned char DS18B20_Read(void)
    unsigned char rdData;     //读出的数据
    unsigned char i, dat;     //临时变量
    rdData = 0;               //读出的数据初始化为0     
    /* 每次读一位,读8次 */
    for(i=0; i<8; i++)
        CL_DQ();            //IO拉低
        SET_DQ();           //IO拉高
        SET_IN();           //设置IO方向为输入 DS18B20->CC2540
        dat = DQ;           //读数据,从低位开始
          rdData |= (1<<i); //如果读出的数据位为正
          rdData &= ~(1<<i);//如果读出的数据位为负
        delay_nus(70);      //保持60~120us
        SET_OUT();          //设置IO方向为输出 CC2540->DS18B20

    return (rdData);        //返回读出的数据
Exemple #2
uint16_t control_bits(Stretch_st *sst, Stretch_Rights rights, bool_t valid)
    uint16_t ctl     = 0;

    ctl  = PTE_M_KWE | PTE_M_KRE;
    if(valid) ctl |= PTE_M_VALID;

    if(SET_IN(rights, Stretch_Right_Read))
	ctl |= PTE_M_URE;
    if(SET_IN(rights, Stretch_Right_Write))
	ctl |= PTE_M_UWE;
    if(!SET_IN(rights, Stretch_Right_Execute))
	ctl |= PTE_M_FOE;
    if(SET_IN(rights, Stretch_Right_Global))
	ctl |= PTE_M_ASM;

    sst->global = rights; 
    return ctl;
Exemple #3
static INLINE bool_t subsetof(Stretch_Rights sub, Stretch_Rights super)
	return False;
	return False;
	return False;
    return True;
Exemple #4
 *    DS18B20初始化/复位函数
 *    输入参数:  无
 *    输出参数:  无
 *    返回参数:  无
void DS18B20_Init(void)
    SET_DQ();         //IO口拉高
    CL_DQ();          //IO口拉低
    delay_nus(550);   //IO拉低后保持一段时间 480-960us
    SET_DQ();         //释放
    SET_IN();         //IO方向为输入 DS18B20->CC2540
    delay_nus(40);    //释放总线后等待15-60us
    /* 等待DQ变低 */
    delay_nus(240);   //检测到DQ 变低后,延时60-240us
    SET_OUT();        //设置IO方向为输出 CC2540->DS18B20
    SET_DQ();         //IO拉高
Exemple #5
static IDCOffer_clp Mount_m(MountLocal_cl     *self, 
			    IDCOffer_clp       drive,
			    uint32_t           partition,
			    MountLocal_Options options, 
			    Context_clp        settings)
    IDCOffer_clp  res;
    ext2fs_st	 *st;
    Type_Any      any;
    Heap_clp      heap;
    struct inode *root            = NULL;
    uint32_t      blockcache_size = 1024*128; /* Size of blockcache in bytes */
    CSClientStubMod_cl *stubmod_clp; 

    TRC(printf("ext2fs: mount %d from %p\n", partition, drive));
    /* It's probably a good idea to have a separate heap for the filesystem.
       For now let's just use Pvs(heap), but eventually create a stretch
       of our own. */

    heap = Pvs(heap);

    if(!(st = Heap$Malloc(heap, sizeof(*st)))) {
	fprintf(stderr, "ext2fs: cannot allocate state.\n");

    /* Where is this declared? */
    bzero(st, sizeof(*st));

    /* Fill in the fields that we can initialise without accessing the
       filesystem */
    st->heap = heap;

    st->entrymod     = NAME_FIND("modules>EntryMod", EntryMod_clp);
    st->shmtransport = NAME_FIND("modules>ShmTransport", IDCTransport_clp);
    st->csidc        = NAME_FIND("modules>CSIDCTransport", CSIDCTransport_clp);

    st->client.entry = Pvs(entry);
    /* It's not clearn how many entries we are going to require yet
       We probably want separate ones for the USDCallback and the
       FSClient offers. We need to arrange that the entry threads die
       properly when the FS is unmounted. */

    /* Interpret mount flags */
    st->fs.readonly = SET_IN(options,MountLocal_Option_ReadOnly);
    st->fs.debug    = SET_IN(options,MountLocal_Option_Debug);

    /* Place the drive in the state. */
    st->disk.partition     = partition;
    st->disk.drive_offer   = drive;
    st->disk.drive_binding = IDCOffer$Bind(drive, Pvs(gkpr), &any);
    st->disk.usddrive      = NARROW(&any, USDDrive_clp);

    TRC(printf("ext2fs: state at [%p, %p]\n",st, (void *)st + sizeof(*st)));
    DBO(printf("ext2fs: debugging output is switched on\n"));

    /* Connect to the disk */

    /* We need a stretch shared between us and the USD to allow us to read
       and write metadata. We'll use this stretch as a cache of blocks read
       from the disk. Because we won't know the blocksize until we have
       managed to read the superblock, we'd better make this buffer a
       multiple of 8k long (8k is currently the maximum blocksize). */

    st->cache.str = Gatekeeper$GetStretch(Pvs(gkpr), IDCOffer$PDID(drive), 
					  SET_ELEM(Stretch_Right_Read) |
    st->cache.buf = STR_RANGE(st->cache.str, &st->cache.size);

    TRC(printf("ext2fs: buf is %d bytes at %p\n", st->cache.size,
    if (st->cache.size < blockcache_size) {
	printf("ext2fs: warning: couldn't allocate a large blockcache\n");

    /* Now we can get at the disk. Read the superblock, and calculate
       constants from it. */
    if (!read_superblock(st)) {
	printf("ext2fs: couldn't read superblock\n");

    /* XXX should sanity check filesystem size with partition size */
    TRC(printf("ext2fs: filesystem size %d blocks (%d phys)\n"
	   "	    partition size %d blocks (%d phys)\n",
	   PHYS_BLKS(st, st->superblock->s_blocks_count),
	   LOGICAL_BLKS(st, st->disk.partition_size),
    if (st->disk.partition_size < 
	PHYS_BLKS(st, st->superblock->s_blocks_count)) {
	printf("WARNING - filesystem is larger than partition **********\n");
	/* XXX should probably give up now */

    /* Now that we know the logical block size we can initialise the block
       cache */

    /* From this point on, all access to the filesystem should be done
       through the block cache. DON'T call logical_read, call bread
       instead. Remember to free blocks once you're finished with them. */


    if(!init_inodes(st)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "ext2fs: failed to initialise inode cache.\n");

    /* Checking this probably isn't a bad idea, but let's wait until later */

    /* Ok, now we are capable of reading the root inode (I hope!) */
    TRC(printf("ext2fs: checking root inode.\n"));
    root = get_inode(st, EXT2_ROOT_INO);
    if(!root) {
	fprintf(stderr, "ext2fs: failed to read root inode.\n");
    if(!S_ISDIR(root->i_mode)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "ext2fs: urk!\n"
		"	 inode %d does not refer to a directory\n", 

    release_inode(st, root);

    /* *thinks* should probably do something about deallocating state
       if we fail, too. */

    /* Initialise the list of clients */
    /* We create a server for the local domain; it lives in the head
       of the list of clients. The call to CSIDCTransport$Offer() will
       set up client-side stubs for this domain and put them in the
       object table. */
    create_client(st, &st->client.clients, NULL);

    /* Now we do all the export stuff */
    CL_INIT(st->client.callback, &client_callback_ms, st);
    ANY_INIT(&any, Ext2_clp, &st->client.clients.cl);
    stubmod_clp = Heap$Malloc(st->heap, sizeof(*stubmod_clp)); 
    CLP_INIT(stubmod_clp, &stubmod_ms, NULL);
    res = CSIDCTransport$Offer (
	st->csidc, &any, FSClient_clp__code, stubmod_clp,
	&st->client.callback, /* XXX produces a warning */
	st->heap, Pvs(gkpr), st->client.entry, &st->client.service);

    TRC(printf("ext2fs: offer at %p\n",res));

    return res;
Exemple #6
/* This version is the traditional level-synchronized BFS using two queues.  A
 * bitmap is used to indicate which vertices have been visited.  Messages are
 * sent and processed asynchronously throughout the code to hopefully overlap
 * communication with computation. */
void run_bfs(int64_t root, int64_t* pred) {
  const ptrdiff_t nlocalverts = g.nlocalverts;
  const size_t* const restrict rowstarts = g.rowstarts;
  const int64_t* const restrict column = g.column;
  int64_t maxlocalverts = g.max_nlocalverts;

  /* Set up the visited bitmap. */
  const int ulong_bits = sizeof(unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT;
  const int ulong_bits_squared = ulong_bits * ulong_bits;
  int64_t local_queue_summary_size = (maxlocalverts + ulong_bits_squared - 1) / ulong_bits_squared;
  int64_t local_queue_size = local_queue_summary_size * ulong_bits;
  int lg_local_queue_size = lg_int64_t(local_queue_size);
  int64_t global_queue_summary_size = MUL_SIZE(local_queue_summary_size);
  int64_t global_queue_size = MUL_SIZE(local_queue_size);

#define SWIZZLE_VERTEX(c) ((VERTEX_OWNER(c) << lg_local_queue_size) * ulong_bits | VERTEX_LOCAL(c))
#if 0
  int64_t* restrict column_swizzled = (int64_t*)xmalloc(nlocaledges * sizeof(int64_t));
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < nlocaledges; ++i) {
      int64_t c = column[i];
      column_swizzled[i] = SWIZZLE_VERTEX(c);

  unsigned long* restrict in_queue = g_in_queue;
  memset(in_queue, 0, global_queue_size * sizeof(unsigned long));
  unsigned long* restrict in_queue_summary = g_in_queue_summary;
  memset(in_queue_summary, 0, global_queue_summary_size * sizeof(unsigned long));
  unsigned long* restrict out_queue = g_out_queue;
  unsigned long* restrict out_queue_summary = g_out_queue_summary;
  unsigned long* restrict visited = g_visited;
  memset(visited, 0, local_queue_size * sizeof(unsigned long));

#define SET_IN(v) do {int64_t vs = SWIZZLE_VERTEX(v); size_t word_idx = vs / ulong_bits; int bit_idx = vs % ulong_bits; unsigned long mask = (1UL << bit_idx); in_queue_summary[word_idx / ulong_bits] |= (1UL << (word_idx % ulong_bits)); in_queue[word_idx] |= mask;} while (0)
#define TEST_IN(vs) (((in_queue_summary[vs / ulong_bits / ulong_bits] & (1UL << ((vs / ulong_bits) % ulong_bits))) != 0) && ((in_queue[vs / ulong_bits] & (1UL << (vs % ulong_bits))) != 0))
#define TEST_VISITED_LOCAL(v) ((visited[(v) / ulong_bits] & (1UL << ((v) % ulong_bits))) != 0)
// #define SET_VISITED_LOCAL(v) do {size_t word_idx = (v) / ulong_bits; int bit_idx = (v) % ulong_bits; unsigned long mask = (1UL << bit_idx); __sync_fetch_and_or(&visited[word_idx], mask); __sync_fetch_and_or(&out_queue[word_idx], mask);} while (0)
#define SET_VISITED_LOCAL(v) do {size_t word_idx = (v) / ulong_bits; int bit_idx = (v) % ulong_bits; unsigned long mask = (1UL << bit_idx); visited[word_idx] |= mask; out_queue[word_idx] |= mask;} while (0)

  {ptrdiff_t i; _Pragma("omp parallel for schedule(static)") for (i = 0; i < nlocalverts; ++i) pred[i] = -1;}
  if (VERTEX_OWNER(root) == rank) {
    pred[VERTEX_LOCAL(root)] = root;
  uint16_t cur_level = 0;
  while (1) {
#if 0
    if (rank == 0) fprintf(stderr, "BFS level %" PRIu16 "\n", cur_level);
    memset(out_queue, 0, local_queue_size * sizeof(unsigned long));
    // memset(out_queue_summary, 0, local_queue_summary_size * sizeof(unsigned long));
    ptrdiff_t i, ii;
#if 0
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
    for (i = 0; i < global_queue_summary_size; ++i) {
      unsigned long val = 0UL;
      int j;
      unsigned long mask = 1UL;
      for (j = 0; j < ulong_bits; ++j, mask <<= 1) {
        if (in_queue[i * ulong_bits + j]) val |= mask;
      in_queue_summary[i] = val;
    unsigned long not_done = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) reduction(|:not_done)
    for (ii = 0; ii < nlocalverts; ii += ulong_bits) {
      size_t i, i_end = ii + ulong_bits;
      if (i_end > nlocalverts) i_end = nlocalverts;
      for (i = ii; i < i_end; ++i) {
        if (!TEST_VISITED_LOCAL(i)) {
          size_t j, j_end = rowstarts[i + 1];
          for (j = rowstarts[i]; j < j_end; ++j) {
            int64_t v1 = column[j];
            int64_t v1_swizzled = SWIZZLE_VERTEX(v1);
            if (TEST_IN(v1_swizzled)) {
              pred[i] = (v1 & INT64_C(0xFFFFFFFFFFFF)) | ((int64_t)cur_level << 48);
              not_done |= 1;
#if 1
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
    for (i = 0; i < local_queue_summary_size; ++i) {
      unsigned long val = 0UL;
      int j;
      unsigned long mask = 1UL;
      for (j = 0; j < ulong_bits; ++j, mask <<= 1) {
        unsigned long full_val = out_queue[i * ulong_bits + j];
        visited[i * ulong_bits + j] |= full_val;
        if (full_val) val |= mask;
      out_queue_summary[i] = val;
      // not_done |= val;
    if (not_done == 0) break;
    MPI_Allgather(out_queue, local_queue_size, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, in_queue, local_queue_size, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Allgather(out_queue_summary, local_queue_summary_size, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, in_queue_summary, local_queue_summary_size, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);