bool WINAPI SFileAddFileEx(
    HANDLE hMpq,
    const char * szFileName,
    const char * szArchivedName,
    DWORD dwFlags,
    DWORD dwCompression,            // Compression of the first sector
    DWORD dwCompressionNext)        // Compression of next sectors
    LARGE_INTEGER FileSize = {0};
    TMPQFileTime ft = {0, 0};
    TFileStream * pStream = NULL;
    HANDLE hMpqFile = NULL;
    LPBYTE pbFileData = NULL;
    DWORD dwBytesRemaining = 0;
    DWORD dwBytesToRead;
    DWORD dwSectorSize = 0x1000;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Check parameters
    if(szFileName == NULL || *szFileName == 0)

    // Open added file
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        pStream = FileStream_OpenFile(szFileName, false);
        if(pStream == NULL)
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Get the file size and file time
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        FileStream_GetLastWriteTime(pStream, &ft);
        FileStream_GetSize(pStream, &FileSize);
        if(FileSize.HighPart != 0)
            nError = ERROR_DISK_FULL;

    // Allocate data buffer for reading from the source file
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        dwBytesRemaining = FileSize.LowPart;
        pbFileData = ALLOCMEM(BYTE, dwSectorSize);
        if(pbFileData == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Deal with various combination of compressions
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // When the compression for next blocks is set to default,
        // we will copy the compression for the first sector
        if(dwCompressionNext == 0xFFFFFFFF)
            dwCompressionNext = dwCompression;
        // If the caller wants ADPCM compression, we make sure that the first sector is not
        // compressed with lossy compression
            // The first compression must not be WAVE
                dwCompression = MPQ_COMPRESSION_PKWARE;

        // Initiate adding file to the MPQ
        if(!SFileCreateFile(hMpq, szArchivedName, &ft, FileSize.LowPart, lcFileLocale, dwFlags, &hMpqFile))
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Write the file data to the MPQ
    while(dwBytesRemaining != 0 && nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Get the number of bytes remaining in the source file
        dwBytesToRead = dwBytesRemaining;
        if(dwBytesToRead > dwSectorSize)
            dwBytesToRead = dwSectorSize;

        // Read data from the local file
        if(!FileStream_Read(pStream, NULL, pbFileData, dwBytesToRead))
            nError = GetLastError();

        // Add the file sectors to the MPQ
        if(!SFileWriteFile(hMpqFile, pbFileData, dwBytesToRead, dwCompression))
            nError = GetLastError();

        // Set the next data compression
        dwBytesRemaining -= dwBytesToRead;
        dwCompression = dwCompressionNext;

    // Finish the file writing
    if(hMpqFile != NULL)
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Cleanup and exit
    if(pbFileData != NULL)
    if(pStream != NULL)
    if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS);
bool WINAPI SFileAddFileEx(
    HANDLE hMpq,
    const TCHAR * szFileName,
    const char * szArchivedName,
    DWORD dwFlags,
    DWORD dwCompression,            // Compression of the first sector
    DWORD dwCompressionNext)        // Compression of next sectors
    ULONGLONG FileSize = 0;
    ULONGLONG FileTime = 0;
    TFileStream * pStream = NULL;
    HANDLE hMpqFile = NULL;
    LPBYTE pbFileData = NULL;
    DWORD dwBytesRemaining = 0;
    DWORD dwBytesToRead;
    DWORD dwSectorSize = 0x1000;
    DWORD dwChannels = 0;
    bool bIsAdpcmCompression = false;
    bool bIsFirstSector = true;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Check parameters
    if(hMpq == NULL || szFileName == NULL || *szFileName == 0)
        return false;

    // Open added file
    if(pStream == NULL)
        return false;

    // Files bigger than 4GB cannot be added to MPQ
    FileStream_GetTime(pStream, &FileTime);
    FileStream_GetSize(pStream, &FileSize);
    if(FileSize >> 32)
        nError = ERROR_DISK_FULL;

    // Allocate data buffer for reading from the source file
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        dwBytesRemaining = (DWORD)FileSize;
        pbFileData = STORM_ALLOC(BYTE, dwSectorSize);
        if(pbFileData == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Deal with various combination of compressions
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // When the compression for next blocks is set to default,
        // we will copy the compression for the first sector
        if(dwCompressionNext == MPQ_COMPRESSION_NEXT_SAME)
            dwCompressionNext = dwCompression;
        // If the caller wants ADPCM compression, we make sure
        // that the first sector is not compressed with lossy compression
            // The compression of the first file sector must not be ADPCM
            // in order not to corrupt the headers
                dwCompression = MPQ_COMPRESSION_PKWARE;
            // Remove both flag mono and stereo flags.
            // They will be re-added according to WAVE type
            bIsAdpcmCompression = true;

        // Initiate adding file to the MPQ
        if(!SFileCreateFile(hMpq, szArchivedName, FileTime, (DWORD)FileSize, lcFileLocale, dwFlags, &hMpqFile))
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Write the file data to the MPQ
    while(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwBytesRemaining != 0)
        // Get the number of bytes remaining in the source file
        dwBytesToRead = dwBytesRemaining;
        if(dwBytesToRead > dwSectorSize)
            dwBytesToRead = dwSectorSize;

        // Read data from the local file
        if(!FileStream_Read(pStream, NULL, pbFileData, dwBytesToRead))
            nError = GetLastError();

        // If the file being added is a WAVE file, we check number of channels
        if(bIsFirstSector && bIsAdpcmCompression)
            // The file must really be a WAVE file with at least 16 bits per sample,
            // otherwise the ADPCM compression will corrupt it
            if(IsWaveFile_16BitsPerAdpcmSample(pbFileData, dwBytesToRead, &dwChannels))
                // Setup the compression of next sectors according to number of channels
                dwCompressionNext |= (dwChannels == 1) ? MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_MONO : MPQ_COMPRESSION_ADPCM_STEREO;
                // Setup the compression of next sectors to a lossless compression
                dwCompressionNext = (dwCompression & MPQ_LOSSY_COMPRESSION_MASK) ? MPQ_COMPRESSION_PKWARE : dwCompression;

            bIsFirstSector = false;

        // Add the file sectors to the MPQ
        if(!SFileWriteFile(hMpqFile, pbFileData, dwBytesToRead, dwCompression))
            nError = GetLastError();

        // Set the next data compression
        dwBytesRemaining -= dwBytesToRead;
        dwCompression = dwCompressionNext;

    // Finish the file writing
    if(hMpqFile != NULL)
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Cleanup and exit
    if(pbFileData != NULL)
    if(pStream != NULL)
    if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS);