Exemple #1
bool FileLoader::loadFile(HANDLE mpq, char* filename, bool log)
    HANDLE file;
    if (!SFileOpenFileEx(mpq, filename, SFILE_OPEN_PATCHED_FILE, &file))
        if (log)
            printf("No such file %s\n", filename);
        return false;

    data_size = SFileGetFileSize(file, NULL);
    data = new uint8[data_size];
    if (data)
        SFileReadFile(file, data, data_size, NULL/*bytesRead*/, NULL);
        if (prepareLoadedData())
            return true;

    printf("Error loading %s\n", filename);
    return false;
Exemple #2
MPQFile::MPQFile(const char* filename):
    for(ArchiveSet::const_iterator i=gOpenArchives.archives.begin(); i!=gOpenArchives.archives.end();++i)
        HANDLE hFile = "";
        hMPQ = i->hMPQ;
        BOOL succ = SFileOpenFileEx(hMPQ,filename,0, &hFile);
        if (succ)
            DWORD s = SFileGetFileSize(hFile, 0);
            if (!s)
                eof = true;
                buffer = 0;
            size = (size_t)s;
            buffer = new char[s];
            SFileReadFile(hFile, buffer, s, 0, 0);

            eof = false;

    eof = true;
    buffer = 0;
Exemple #3
int getFileType(const char *szFileName)
  if ( !szFileName )
    return 0;

  int rVal = 0;
  HANDLE hFile;
  // Open archive for map checking
  if ( SFileOpenArchive(szFileName, 0, 0, &hMPQ) && hMPQ )
    // Open scenario.chk file
    if ( SFileOpenFileEx(hMPQ, "staredit\\scenario.chk", SFILE_FROM_MPQ, &hFile) && hFile )
      rVal = 1;
    // Close archive
  else if ( SFileOpenFileEx(NULL, szFileName, SFILE_FROM_ABSOLUTE, &hFile) && hFile )
    DWORD dwRead = 0;
    char tbuff[16];
    DWORD dwSize = SFileGetFileSize(hFile, 0);
    // Read file data to check if it's a replay
    if ( dwSize > 16 && SFileReadFile(hFile, &tbuff, 16, &dwRead, 0) && dwRead == 16 && *(DWORD*)&tbuff[12] == 'SRer' )
      rVal = 2;
    // Close file
  return rVal;
static bool IsMatchingPatchFile(
    TMPQArchive * ha,
    const char * szFileName,
    LPBYTE pbFileMd5)
    MPQ_PATCH_HEADER PatchHeader = {0};
    HANDLE hFile = NULL;
    DWORD dwTransferred = 0;
    bool bResult = false;

    // Open the file and load the patch header
    if(SFileOpenFileEx((HANDLE)ha, szFileName, SFILE_OPEN_BASE_FILE, &hFile))
        // Load the patch header
        SFileReadFile(hFile, &PatchHeader, sizeof(MPQ_PATCH_HEADER), &dwTransferred, NULL);
        BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(pPatchHeader, sizeof(DWORD) * 6);

        // If the file contains an incremental patch,
        // compare the "MD5 before patching" with the base file MD5
        if(dwTransferred == sizeof(MPQ_PATCH_HEADER) && PatchHeader.dwSignature == PATCH_SIGNATURE_HEADER)
            bResult = (!memcmp(PatchHeader.md5_before_patch, pbFileMd5, MD5_DIGEST_SIZE));

        // Close the file

    return bResult;
Exemple #5
bool FileToBuffer(MPQHANDLE &hMpq, const std::string &fileName, buffer &buf)
    if ( hMpq == nullptr )
        CHKD_ERR("NULL MPQ file specified for opening %s", fileName.c_str());
        u32 bytesRead = 0;
        HANDLE openFile = NULL;
        if ( SFileGetFileInfo(hMpq, SFILE_INFO_NUM_FILES) != 0xFFFFFFFF )
            if ( SFileOpenFileEx(hMpq, fileName.c_str(), SFILE_SEARCH_CURRENT_ONLY, &openFile) )
                u32 fileSize = (u32)SFileGetFileSize(openFile, NULL);
                if ( buf.setSize(fileSize) )
                    buf.sizeUsed = fileSize;
                    SFileReadFile(openFile, (LPVOID)buf.data, buf.sizeUsed, (LPDWORD)(&bytesRead), NULL);

                    if ( buf.sizeUsed == bytesRead )
                        return true;
                CHKD_ERR("Failed to get %s from MPQ file", fileName.c_str());
            CHKD_ERR("File is already open", fileName.c_str());
    return false;
static int IsMatchingPatchFile(
    TMPQArchive * ha,
    const char * szFileName,
    unsigned char * pbFileMd5)
    MPQ_PATCH_HEADER PatchHeader = {0};
    void * hFile = NULL;
    size_t dwTransferred = 0;
    int bResult = 0;

    /* Open the file and load the patch header */
    if(SFileOpenFileEx((void *)ha, szFileName, SFILE_OPEN_BASE_FILE, &hFile))
        /* Load the patch header */
        SFileReadFile(hFile, &PatchHeader, sizeof(MPQ_PATCH_HEADER), &dwTransferred);
        BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(pPatchHeader, sizeof(uint32_t) * 6);

        /* If the file contains an incremental patch, */
        /* compare the "MD5 before patching" with the base file MD5 */
        if(dwTransferred == sizeof(MPQ_PATCH_HEADER) && PatchHeader.dwSignature == PATCH_SIGNATURE_HEADER)
            bResult = (!memcmp(PatchHeader.md5_before_patch, pbFileMd5, MD5_DIGEST_SIZE));

        /* Close the file */

    return bResult;
Exemple #7
    size_t FAfread(void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FAFile* stream)
            case FAFile::PlainFile:
                return fread(ptr, size, count, stream->data.plainFile.file);

            case FAFile::MPQFile:
                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);

                DWORD dwBytes = 1;
                if(!SFileReadFile(*((HANDLE*)stream->data.mpqFile), ptr, size*count, &dwBytes, NULL))
                    int errorCode = GetLastError();

                    // if the error code is ERROR_HANDLE_EOF, it's not really an error,
                    // we just requested a read that goes over the end of the file.
                    // The normal fread behaviour in this case is to truncate the read to fit within
                    // the file, and return the actual number of bytes read, which we do,
                    // so there is no need to print an error message.
                    if(errorCode != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
                        std::cout << "Error reading from file, error code: " << errorCode << std::endl;

                return dwBytes;
        return 0;
static int LoadMpqPatch_COPY(TMPQFile * hf, TPatchHeader * pPatchHeader)
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Allocate space for patch header and compressed data
    hf->pPatchHeader = (TPatchHeader *)ALLOCMEM(BYTE, pPatchHeader->dwSizeOfPatchData);
    if(hf->pPatchHeader == NULL)

    // Load the patch data and decide if they are compressed or not
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        LPBYTE pbPatchFile = (LPBYTE)hf->pPatchHeader;

        // Copy the patch header itself
        memcpy(pbPatchFile, pPatchHeader, sizeof(TPatchHeader));
        pbPatchFile += sizeof(TPatchHeader);

        // Load the rest of the patch
        if(!SFileReadFile((HANDLE)hf, pbPatchFile, pPatchHeader->dwSizeOfPatchData - sizeof(TPatchHeader)))
            nError = GetLastError();

    return nError;
Exemple #9
BOOL WINAPI SFileVerifyFile(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szFileName, DWORD dwFlags)
    crc32_context crc32_ctx;
    md5_context md5_ctx;
    TMPQFile * hf;
    TMPQCRC32 Crc32;
    TMPQMD5 Md5;
    BYTE Buffer[0x1000];
    HANDLE hFile = NULL;
    DWORD dwBytesRead;
    BOOL bResult = TRUE;

    // Attempt to open the file
    if(SFileOpenFileEx(hMpq, szFileName, 0, &hFile))
        // Initialize the CRC32 and MD5 counters
        hf = (TMPQFile *)hFile;

        // Go through entire file and update both CRC32 and MD5
            // Read data from file
            SFileReadFile(hFile, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), &dwBytesRead, NULL);
            if(dwBytesRead == 0)

            // Update CRC32 value
            if(dwFlags & MPQ_ATTRIBUTE_CRC32)
                CRC32_Update(&crc32_ctx, Buffer, (int)dwBytesRead);
            // Update MD5 value
            if(dwFlags & MPQ_ATTRIBUTE_MD5)
                MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, Buffer, (int)dwBytesRead);

        // Check if the CRC32 matches
        if((dwFlags & MPQ_ATTRIBUTE_CRC32) && hf->pCrc32 != NULL)
            CRC32_Finish(&crc32_ctx, (unsigned long *)&Crc32.dwValue);
            if(Crc32.dwValue != hf->pCrc32->dwValue)
                bResult = FALSE;

        // Check if MD5 matches
        if((dwFlags & MPQ_ATTRIBUTE_MD5) && hf->pMd5 != NULL)
            MD5_Finish(&md5_ctx, Md5.Value);
            if(memcmp(Md5.Value, hf->pMd5->Value, sizeof(TMPQMD5)))
                bResult = FALSE;


    return bResult;
Exemple #10
BOOL WINAPI SFileExtractFile(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szToExtract, const char * szExtracted)
    HANDLE hMpqFile = NULL;
    DWORD dwSearchScope = 0;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Open the MPQ file
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if((DWORD_PTR)szToExtract <= 0x10000)
            dwSearchScope = SFILE_OPEN_BY_INDEX;
        if(!SFileOpenFileEx(hMpq, szToExtract, dwSearchScope, &hMpqFile))
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Create the local file
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        hLocalFile = CreateFile(szExtracted, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
        if(hLocalFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Copy the file's content
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        char  szBuffer[0x1000];
        DWORD dwTransferred;

            // dwTransferred is only set to nonzero if something has been read.
            // nError can be ERROR_SUCCESS or ERROR_HANDLE_EOF
            if(!SFileReadFile(hMpqFile, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), &dwTransferred, NULL))
                nError = GetLastError();
            if(nError == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
                nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
            if(dwTransferred == 0)

            // If something has been actually read, write it
            WriteFile(hLocalFile, szBuffer, dwTransferred, &dwTransferred, NULL);
            if(dwTransferred == 0)
                nError = ERROR_DISK_FULL;

    // Close the files
    if(hMpqFile != NULL)
    if(hLocalFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    return (BOOL)(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS);
static int LoadMpqPatch_BSD0(TMPQFile * hf, TPatchHeader * pPatchHeader)
    LPBYTE pbDecompressed = NULL;
    LPBYTE pbCompressed = NULL;
    DWORD cbDecompressed = 0;
    DWORD cbCompressed = 0;
    DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Allocate space for compressed data
    cbCompressed = pPatchHeader->dwXfrmBlockSize - SIZE_OF_XFRM_HEADER;
    pbCompressed = ALLOCMEM(BYTE, cbCompressed);
    if(pbCompressed == NULL)
        nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Read the compressed patch data
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Load the rest of the header
        SFileReadFile((HANDLE)hf, pbCompressed, cbCompressed, &dwBytesRead);
        if(dwBytesRead != cbCompressed)
            nError = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

    // Get the uncompressed size of the patch
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        cbDecompressed = pPatchHeader->dwSizeOfPatchData - sizeof(TPatchHeader);
        hf->pPatchHeader = (TPatchHeader *)ALLOCMEM(BYTE, pPatchHeader->dwSizeOfPatchData);
        if(hf->pPatchHeader == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Now decompress the patch data
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Copy the patch header
        memcpy(hf->pPatchHeader, pPatchHeader, sizeof(TPatchHeader));
        pbDecompressed = (LPBYTE)hf->pPatchHeader + sizeof(TPatchHeader);

        // Uncompress or copy the patch data
        if(cbCompressed < cbDecompressed)
            Decompress_RLE(pbDecompressed, cbDecompressed, pbCompressed, cbCompressed);
            assert(cbCompressed == cbDecompressed);
            memcpy(pbDecompressed, pbCompressed, cbCompressed);

    // Free buffers and exit
    if(pbCompressed != NULL)
    return nError;
static int LoadFilePatch_COPY(TMPQFile * hf, PMPQ_PATCH_HEADER pFullPatch)
    DWORD cbBytesToRead = pFullPatch->dwSizeOfPatchData - sizeof(MPQ_PATCH_HEADER);
    DWORD cbBytesRead = 0;

    // Simply load the rest of the patch
    SFileReadFile((HANDLE)hf, (pFullPatch + 1), cbBytesToRead, &cbBytesRead, NULL);
    return (cbBytesRead == cbBytesToRead) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;
BOOL WINAPI SFileReadFile_stub(MPQHANDLE hFile,LPVOID lpBuffer,DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead,LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead,LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)
	if (hSFMpq) {
		*(FARPROC *)&SFileReadFile = GetProcAddress(hSFMpq,"SFileReadFile");
		if (SFileReadFile) return SFileReadFile(hFile,lpBuffer,nNumberOfBytesToRead,lpNumberOfBytesRead,lpOverlapped);
	return FALSE;
static int LoadFilePatch_COPY(TMPQFile * hf, PMPQ_PATCH_HEADER pFullPatch)
    size_t cbBytesToRead = pFullPatch->dwSizeOfPatchData - sizeof(MPQ_PATCH_HEADER);
    size_t cbBytesRead = 0;

    /* Simply load the rest of the patch */
    SFileReadFile((void *)hf, (pFullPatch + 1), cbBytesToRead, &cbBytesRead);
    return (cbBytesRead == cbBytesToRead) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;
static int LoadFilePatch_BSD0(TMPQFile * hf, PMPQ_PATCH_HEADER pFullPatch)
    unsigned char * pbDecompressed = (unsigned char *)(pFullPatch + 1);
    unsigned char * pbCompressed = NULL;
    size_t cbDecompressed = 0;
    size_t cbCompressed = 0;
    size_t dwBytesRead = 0;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    /* Calculate the size of compressed data */
    cbDecompressed = pFullPatch->dwSizeOfPatchData - sizeof(MPQ_PATCH_HEADER);
    cbCompressed = pFullPatch->dwXfrmBlockSize - SIZE_OF_XFRM_HEADER;

    /* Is that file compressed? */
    if(cbCompressed < cbDecompressed)
        pbCompressed = STORM_ALLOC(uint8_t, cbCompressed);
        if(pbCompressed == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

        /* Read the compressed patch data */
        if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
            SFileReadFile((void *)hf, pbCompressed, cbCompressed, &dwBytesRead);
            if(dwBytesRead != cbCompressed)
                nError = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

        /* Decompress the data */
        if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
            Decompress_RLE(pbDecompressed, cbDecompressed, pbCompressed, cbCompressed);

        if(pbCompressed != NULL)
        SFileReadFile((void *)hf, pbDecompressed, cbDecompressed, &dwBytesRead);
        if(dwBytesRead != cbDecompressed)
            nError = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

    return nError;
static int LoadFilePatch_BSD0(TMPQFile * hf, PMPQ_PATCH_HEADER pFullPatch)
    LPBYTE pbDecompressed = (LPBYTE)(pFullPatch + 1);
    LPBYTE pbCompressed = NULL;
    DWORD cbDecompressed = 0;
    DWORD cbCompressed = 0;
    DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Calculate the size of compressed data
    cbDecompressed = pFullPatch->dwSizeOfPatchData - sizeof(MPQ_PATCH_HEADER);
    cbCompressed = pFullPatch->dwXfrmBlockSize - SIZE_OF_XFRM_HEADER;

    // Is that file compressed?
    if(cbCompressed < cbDecompressed)
        pbCompressed = STORM_ALLOC(BYTE, cbCompressed);
        if(pbCompressed == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

        // Read the compressed patch data
        if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
            SFileReadFile((HANDLE)hf, pbCompressed, cbCompressed, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
            if(dwBytesRead != cbCompressed)
                nError = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

        // Decompress the data
        if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
            Decompress_RLE(pbDecompressed, cbDecompressed, pbCompressed, cbCompressed);

        if(pbCompressed != NULL)
        SFileReadFile((HANDLE)hf, pbDecompressed, cbDecompressed, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
        if(dwBytesRead != cbDecompressed)
            nError = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

    return nError;
Exemple #17
    int MPQStream::Read(void* buffer, int size)
        if (handle == nullptr || size <= 0)
            return 0;

        DWORD readBytes = 0;
        SFileReadFile(handle, buffer, size, &readBytes, nullptr);

        return static_cast<int>(readBytes);
Exemple #18
// Used in SFileGetFileInfo
bool QueryMpqSignatureInfo(
    TMPQArchive * ha,
    ULONGLONG ExtraBytes;
    TMPQFile * hf;
    HANDLE hFile;
    DWORD dwFileSize;

    // Make sure it's all zeroed
    memset(pSI, 0, sizeof(MPQ_SIGNATURE_INFO));

    // Calculate the range of the MPQ
    CalculateArchiveRange(ha, pSI);

    // If there is "(signature)" file in the MPQ, it has a weak signature
        // Get the content of the signature
        SFileReadFile(hFile, pSI->Signature, sizeof(pSI->Signature), &pSI->cbSignatureSize, NULL);

        // Verify the size of the signature
        hf = (TMPQFile *)hFile;

        // We have to exclude the signature file from the digest
        pSI->BeginExclude = ha->MpqPos + hf->pFileEntry->ByteOffset;
        pSI->EndExclude = pSI->BeginExclude + hf->pFileEntry->dwCmpSize;
        dwFileSize = hf->dwDataSize;

        // Close the file
        pSI->SignatureTypes |= SIGNATURE_TYPE_WEAK;
        return (dwFileSize == (MPQ_WEAK_SIGNATURE_SIZE + 8)) ? true : false;

    // If there is extra bytes beyond the end of the archive,
    // it's the strong signature
    ExtraBytes = pSI->EndOfFile - pSI->EndMpqData;
    if(ExtraBytes >= (MPQ_STRONG_SIGNATURE_SIZE + 4))
        // Read the strong signature
        if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, &pSI->EndMpqData, pSI->Signature, (MPQ_STRONG_SIGNATURE_SIZE + 4)))
            return false;

        // Check the signature header "NGIS"
        if(pSI->Signature[0] != 'N' || pSI->Signature[1] != 'G' || pSI->Signature[2] != 'I' || pSI->Signature[3] != 'S')
            return false;

        pSI->SignatureTypes |= SIGNATURE_TYPE_STRONG;
        return true;

    // Succeeded, but no known signature found
    return true;
bool WINAPI SFileExtractFile(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szToExtract, const char * szExtracted, DWORD dwSearchScope)
    TFileStream * pLocalFile = NULL;
    HANDLE hMpqFile = NULL;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Open the MPQ file
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if(!SFileOpenFileEx(hMpq, szToExtract, dwSearchScope, &hMpqFile))
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Create the local file
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        pLocalFile = FileStream_CreateFile(szExtracted);
        if(pLocalFile == NULL)
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Copy the file's content
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        char  szBuffer[0x1000];
        DWORD dwTransferred;

        for (;;)
            // dwTransferred is only set to nonzero if something has been read.
            // nError can be ERROR_SUCCESS or ERROR_HANDLE_EOF
            if (!SFileReadFile(hMpqFile, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), &dwTransferred, NULL))
                nError = GetLastError();
            if (nError == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
                nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
            if (dwTransferred == 0)

            // If something has been actually read, write it
            if (!FileStream_Write(pLocalFile, NULL, szBuffer, dwTransferred))
                nError = GetLastError();

    // Close the files
    if (hMpqFile != NULL)
    if (pLocalFile != NULL)
    if (nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS);
Exemple #20
uint32 ReadBuild(int locale)
    // include build info file also
    std::string filename  = std::string("component.wow-")+langs[locale]+".txt";
    //printf("Read %s file... ", filename.c_str());

    HANDLE fileHandle;

    if (!OpenNewestFile(filename.c_str(), &fileHandle))
        printf("Fatal error: Not found %s file!\n", filename.c_str());

    unsigned int data_size = SFileGetFileSize(fileHandle);

    std::string text;

    if (!SFileReadFile(fileHandle, &text[0], data_size))
        printf("Fatal error: Can't read %s file!\n", filename.c_str());


    size_t pos = text.find("version=\"");
    size_t pos1 = pos + strlen("version=\"");
    size_t pos2 = text.find("\"",pos1);
    if (pos == text.npos || pos2 == text.npos || pos1 >= pos2)
        printf("Fatal error: Invalid  %s file format!\n", filename.c_str());

    std::string build_str = text.substr(pos1,pos2-pos1);

    int build = atoi(build_str.c_str());
    if (build <= 0)
        printf("Fatal error: Invalid  %s file format!\n", filename.c_str());

    if (build < MIN_SUPPORTED_BUILD)
        printf("Fatal error: tool can correctly extract data only for build %u or later (detected: %u)!\n", MIN_SUPPORTED_BUILD, build);

    return build;
Exemple #21
static TListFileCache * CreateListFileCache(HANDLE hListFile, const char * szMask)
    TListFileCache * pCache = NULL;
    size_t nMaskLength = 0;
    DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
    DWORD dwFileSize;

    // Get the amount of bytes that need to be allocated
    dwFileSize = SFileGetFileSize(hListFile, NULL);
    if(dwFileSize == 0)
        return NULL;

    // Append buffer for name mask, if any
    if(szMask != NULL)
        nMaskLength = strlen(szMask) + 1;

    // Allocate cache for one file block
    pCache = (TListFileCache *)STORM_ALLOC(BYTE, sizeof(TListFileCache));
    if(pCache != NULL)
        // Clear the entire structure
        memset(pCache, 0, sizeof(TListFileCache) + nMaskLength);

        // Shall we copy the mask?
        if(szMask != NULL)
            pCache->szMask = (char *)(pCache + 1);
            memcpy(pCache->szMask, szMask, nMaskLength);

        // Load the file cache from the file
        SFileReadFile(hListFile, pCache->Buffer, CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
        if(dwBytesRead != 0)
            // Allocate pointers
            pCache->pBegin = pCache->pPos = &pCache->Buffer[0];
            pCache->pEnd   = pCache->pBegin + dwBytesRead;
            pCache->dwFileSize = dwFileSize;
            pCache->hFile  = hListFile;
            pCache = NULL;

    // Return the cache
    return pCache;
ULONG64 CMPQFileAccessor::Read(LPVOID pBuff,ULONG64 Size)
		DWORD ReadSize;
			return ReadSize;
	else if(m_pRealFSFile)
		return m_pRealFSFile->Read(pBuff,Size);
	return 0;
Exemple #23
    size_t FAfread(void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FAFile* stream)
            case FAFile::PlainFile:
                return fread(ptr, size, count, stream->data.plainFile.file);
            case FAFile::MPQFile:
                DWORD dwBytes = 1;
                SFileReadFile(*((HANDLE*)stream->data.mpqFile), ptr, size*count, &dwBytes, NULL);

                return dwBytes;
        return 0;
Exemple #24
int SC2Map::readArchiveFile( const HANDLE archive,
                             const char*  strFilename,
                             int*         bufferOutSize,
                             u8**         bufferOut )
  HANDLE hFile;

  if( !SFileOpenFileEx( archive, strFilename, 0, &hFile ) )
    //printWarning( "Could not open %s for reading.\n", strFilename );
    return -1;

  DWORD fileSizeBytes = SFileGetFileSize( hFile, NULL );
  if( fileSizeBytes == SFILE_INVALID_SIZE ||
      fileSizeBytes <= 0 )
    printWarning( "%s is empty or invalid.\n", strFilename );
    return -1;

  u8*   buffer = new u8[fileSizeBytes];
  DWORD numBytesRead;

  // initialize buffer to easily recognized values,
  // after a successful read all of them are overwritten
  memset( buffer, 'q', fileSizeBytes );

  if( !SFileReadFile( hFile, (void*)buffer, fileSizeBytes, &numBytesRead, NULL ) )
    delete buffer;
    printWarning( "Could not read %s from archive.\n", strFilename );
    return -1;

  if( numBytesRead != fileSizeBytes )
    delete buffer;
    printWarning( "Could not read %s from archive. [NOT EXPECTING TO SEE THIS WARNING!]\n", strFilename );
    return -1;

  *bufferOutSize = fileSizeBytes;
  *bufferOut     = buffer;

  SFileCloseFile( hFile );
  return 0;
Exemple #25
int ExtractFileToHardDrive(HANDLE &MPQ_handle, const char * szArchivedFile, const char * szFileName)
    HANDLE hFile  = NULL;          // Archived file handle
    TFileStream* handle = NULL;    // Disk file handle
    int    nError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Result value
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)            
        if (!SFileOpenFileEx(MPQ_handle, szArchivedFile, SFILE_OPEN_PATCHED_FILE, &hFile))
            nError = GetLastError();
    // Create the target file
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        handle = FileStream_CreateFile(szFileName);
        if (handle == NULL)
            nError = GetLastError();
    // Read the file from the archive
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Get the size of the full patched file
        DWORD dwFileSize = SFileGetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
        if (dwFileSize != 0)
            // Allocate space for the full file
            BYTE * pbFullFile = new BYTE[dwFileSize];
            if (!SFileReadFile(hFile, pbFullFile, dwFileSize))
                nError = GetLastError();
                printf("Failed to read full patched file data \"%s\"\n", szFileName);
            FileStream_Write(handle, NULL, pbFullFile, dwFileSize);
            delete [] pbFullFile;
    // Cleanup and exit
    if (handle != NULL)
    if (hFile != NULL)
    return nError;
Exemple #26
    size_t FAfread(void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FAFile* stream)
            case FAFile::PlainFile:
                return fread(ptr, size, count, stream->data.plainFile.file);
            case FAFile::MPQFile:
                DWORD dwBytes = 1;
                if(!SFileReadFile(*((HANDLE*)stream->data.mpqFile), ptr, size*count, &dwBytes, NULL))
                    std::cout << "Error reading from file" << std::endl;

                return dwBytes;
        return 0;
Exemple #27
bool DBCFile::open()
    if (!SFileOpenFileEx(_mpq, _filename, SFILE_OPEN_PATCHED_FILE, &_file))
        return false;

    char header[4];
    unsigned int na, nb, es, ss;

    DWORD readBytes = 0;
    SFileReadFile(_file, header, 4, &readBytes, NULL);
    if (readBytes != 4)                                         // Number of records
        return false;

    if (header[0] != 'W' || header[1] != 'D' || header[2] != 'B' || header[3] != 'C')
        return false;

    readBytes = 0;
    SFileReadFile(_file, &na, 4, &readBytes, NULL);
    if (readBytes != 4)                                         // Number of records
        return false;

    readBytes = 0;
    SFileReadFile(_file, &nb, 4, &readBytes, NULL);
    if (readBytes != 4)                                         // Number of fields
        return false;

    readBytes = 0;
    SFileReadFile(_file, &es, 4, &readBytes, NULL);
    if (readBytes != 4)                                         // Size of a record
        return false;

    readBytes = 0;
    SFileReadFile(_file, &ss, 4, &readBytes, NULL);
    if (readBytes != 4)                                         // String size
        return false;

    _recordSize = es;
    _recordCount = na;
    _fieldCount = nb;
    _stringSize = ss;
    if (_fieldCount * 4 != _recordSize)
        return false;

    _data = new unsigned char[_recordSize * _recordCount + _stringSize];
    _stringTable = _data + _recordSize*_recordCount;

    size_t data_size = _recordSize * _recordCount + _stringSize;
    readBytes = 0;
    SFileReadFile(_file, _data, data_size, &readBytes, NULL);
    if (readBytes != data_size)
        return false;

    return true;
Exemple #28
MPQFile::MPQFile(HANDLE mpq, const char* filename, bool warnNoExist /*= true*/) :
    HANDLE file;
    if (!SFileOpenFileEx(mpq, filename, SFILE_OPEN_PATCHED_FILE, &file))
        if (warnNoExist || GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
            fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s, err=%u!\n", filename, GetLastError());
        eof = true;

    DWORD hi = 0;
    size = SFileGetFileSize(file, &hi);

    if (hi)
        fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s, size[hi] = %u!\n", filename, uint32(hi));
        eof = true;

    if (size <= 1)
        fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s, size = %u!\n", filename, uint32(size));
        eof = true;

    DWORD read = 0;
    buffer = new char[size];
    if (!SFileReadFile(file, buffer, size, &read) || size != read)
        fprintf(stderr, "Can't read %s, size=%u read=%u!\n", filename, uint32(size), uint32(read));
        eof = true;

Exemple #29
static PHYSFS_sint64 MPQ_read(PHYSFS_Io *io, void *buf, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
    MPQFileHandle *handle = (MPQFileHandle*)io->opaque;
    DWORD dwBytesRead;
    DWORD dwBytesToRead;

    if (len < (PHYSFS_uint64)handle->size)
        dwBytesToRead = (DWORD)len;
        dwBytesToRead = (DWORD)handle->size;

    SFileReadFile(handle->fileHandle, buf, dwBytesToRead, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
    if (dwBytesRead != dwBytesToRead)
        return -1L;

    return (PHYSFS_sint64)dwBytesRead;
Exemple #30
uint32 ReadBuild(int locale)
    // include build info file also
    std::string filename  = std::string("component.wow-") + Locales[locale] + ".txt";
    //printf("Read %s file... ", filename.c_str());

    HANDLE dbcFile;
    if (!SFileOpenFileEx(LocaleMpq, filename.c_str(), SFILE_OPEN_PATCHED_FILE, &dbcFile))
        printf("Fatal error: Not found %s file!\n", filename.c_str());

    char buff[512];
    DWORD readBytes = 0;
    SFileReadFile(dbcFile, buff, 512, &readBytes, NULL);
    if (!readBytes)
        printf("Fatal error: Not found %s file!\n", filename.c_str());

    std::string text = buff;

    size_t pos = text.find("version=\"");
    size_t pos1 = pos + strlen("version=\"");
    size_t pos2 = text.find("\"", pos1);
    if (pos == text.npos || pos2 == text.npos || pos1 >= pos2)
        printf("Fatal error: Invalid  %s file format!\n", filename.c_str());

    std::string build_str = text.substr(pos1,pos2-pos1);

    int build = atoi(build_str.c_str());
    if (build <= 0)
        printf("Fatal error: Invalid  %s file format!\n", filename.c_str());

    return build;