Exemple #1
float modeling()
   /* declaration of variables */
   FILE *fp;                       /* to report results */
   int iF, iF1, iR, offset, iT1, iT2, iS, iProc, i, k;
                                   /* counters */
   int wL;                         /* window length */
   int die;                        /* die processor flag */
   int FReceived;                  /* number of frequencies processed */
   int apl_pid;                    /* PVM process id control */
   int pid;                        /* process id */
   int processControl;             /* monitoring PVM start */
   int FInfo[2];                   /* frequency delimiters */
   float wallcpu;                  /* wall clock time */
   float oF;                       /* value of the objective function */
   float residue;                  /* data residue */
   float wdw;                      /* windowing purposes */
   float *buffer, *bufferRCD;      /* auxiliary buffers */
                                   /* upgoing waves */
   complex **dataS;                /* synthethics in the frequency domain */
   complex *bufferC;               /* auxiliary buffer */
   complex **freqPart;             /* frequency arrays sent by the slaves */
   /* Clean up log files */

   /* Reseting synchronization flags */
   for (i = 0; i < nFreqPart; i++)
      statusFreq[i][2] = 0;
   /* allocating some memory */
   dataS = alloc2complex(info->nF, info->nR);
   buffer = alloc1float(info->nSamples);
   bufferRCD = alloc1float(info->nSamples);
   bufferC = alloc1complex(info->nSamples / 2 + 1);
   freqPart = alloc2complex(info->nFreqProc, info->nR);

   /* reseting */
   for (iF = 0; iF < info->nSamples / 2 + 1; iF++)
      bufferC[iF] = zeroC;
   for (iS = 0; iS < info->nSamples; iS++)
      buffer[iS] = 0; bufferRCD[iS] = 0;

   /* DD 
   fprintf(stderr, "nF -> %d\n", info->nF);*/
   fprintf(stderr, "Starting communication with PVM for modeling\n");

   /* starting communication with PVM */
   if ((apl_pid = pvm_mytid()) < 0) 
      pvm_perror("Error enrolling master process");
   processControl = CreateSlaves(processes, PROCESS_MODELING, nProc);
   if (processControl != nProc)
      fprintf(stderr,"Problem starting PVM daemons\n");

   /* converting to velocities */
      for (i = 0; i < info->nL + 1; i++)
         alpha[i] /= rho[i];
         beta[i] /= rho[i];
   /* Broadcasting all processes common information */
   BroadINFO(info, 1, processes, nProc, GENERAL_INFORMATION);
   /* sending all profiles */
   BroadFloat(thick, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, THICKNESS);
   BroadFloat(rho, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, DENSITY);
   BroadFloat(alpha, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, ALPHAS);
   BroadFloat(qP, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, QALPHA);
   BroadFloat(beta, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, BETAS);
   BroadFloat(qS, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, QBETA);
   /* sending frequency partitions for each process */
   for (iProc = 0; iProc < nProc; iProc++)
      FInfo[0] = statusFreq[iProc][0];
      FInfo[1] = statusFreq[iProc][1];

      if (info->verbose)
		 "Master sending frequencies [%d, %d] out of %d to slave Modeling %d [id:%d]\n", FInfo[0], FInfo[1], info->nF, iProc, processes[iProc]);
      procInfo[iProc][0] = FInfo[0];
      procInfo[iProc][1] = FInfo[1];
      SendInt(FInfo, 2, processes[iProc], FREQUENCY_LIMITS);
      statusFreq[iProc][2] = 1;

   /* waiting modelled frequencies */
   /* master process will send more frequencies if there's more work to do */
   /* measuring elapsed time */
   wallcpu = walltime();

   /* reseting frequency counter */
   FReceived = 0;

   while (FOREVER)
      pid = RecvCplx(freqPart[0], info->nR * info->nFreqProc, -1, 

      /* finding the frequency limits of this process */
      /* DD 
      fprintf(stderr, "Master finding the frequency limits of this process\n");

      iProc = 0;
      while (pid != processes[iProc])

      /* DD 
      fprintf(stderr, "iProc %d pid %d\n", iProc, pid);*/

      /* copying into proper place of the total frequency array */
      for (iR = 0; iR < info->nR; iR++)
	 for (k = 0, i = procInfo[iProc][0]; i <= procInfo[iProc][1]; i++, k++)
	    dataS[iR][i - initF] = freqPart[iR][k];
      /* summing frequencies that are done */
      FReceived += procInfo[iProc][1] - procInfo[iProc][0] + 1;

      if (info->verbose)
	 fprintf(stderr, "Master received %d frequencies, remaining %d\n", 
		 FReceived, info->nF - FReceived);

      /* defining new frequency limits */
      i = 0;
      while (i < nFreqPart && statusFreq[i][2])

      /* DD 
      fprintf(stderr, "i %d nFreqPart %d\n", i, nFreqPart);*/
      if (i < nFreqPart)
	 /* there is still more work to be done */
	 /* tell this process to not die */
	 die = 0;
	 SendInt(&die, 1, processes[iProc], DIE);
	 FInfo[0] = statusFreq[i][0];
	 FInfo[1] = statusFreq[i][1];

	 if (info->verbose)
	    fprintf(stderr, "Master sending frequencies [%d, %d] to slave %d\n", FInfo[0], FInfo[1], processes[iProc]);

	 procInfo[iProc][0] = FInfo[0];
	 procInfo[iProc][1] = FInfo[1];
	 SendInt(FInfo, 2, processes[iProc], FREQUENCY_LIMITS);
	 statusFreq[i][2] = 1;
	 /* tell this process to die since there is no more work to do */
	 if (info->verbose)
	    fprintf(stderr, "Master ''killing'' slave %d\n", processes[iProc]);
	 die = 1;
	 SendInt(&die, 1, processes[iProc], DIE);

      /* a check to get out the loop */
      if (FReceived >= info->nF) break;
   /* quitting PVM */
   /* getting elapsed time */
   wallcpu = walltime() - wallcpu;
   fprintf(stderr, "Modeling wall clock time = %f seconds\n", 
   /* back to impedances*/
      for (i = 0; i < info->nL + 1; i++)
         alpha[i] *= rho[i];
         beta[i] *= rho[i];

   /* computing the objective function for the time window */
   for (oF = 0, residue = 0, iR = 0; iR < info->nR; iR++)
      /* windowing as it was done to the input data */
      iT1 = NINT(info->f1 / info->dF);
      iT2 = NINT(info->f2 / info->dF);
      wL = info->nF * PERC_WINDOW / 2;
      wL = 2 * wL + 1;
      for (iS = 0, iF = 0; iF < info->nSamples / 2 + 1; iF++)
	 if (iF < iT1 || iF >= iT2)
            bufferC[iF] = cmplx(0, 0);
         else if (iF - iT1 < (wL - 1) / 2)
            wdw = .42 - .5 * cos(2 * PI * (float) iS / ((float) (wL - 1))) +
                  .08 * cos(4 * PI * (float) iS / ((float) (wL - 1)));
	    bufferC[iF].r = dataS[iR][iF - iT1].r * wdw;
	    bufferC[iF].i = dataS[iR][iF - iT1].i * wdw;
         else if (iF - iT1 >= info->nF - (wL - 1) / 2)
            wdw = .42 - .5 * cos(2 * PI * (float) iS / ((float) (wL - 1))) +
                  .08 * cos(4 * PI * (float) iS / ((float) (wL - 1)));
	    bufferC[iF].r = dataS[iR][iF - iT1].r * wdw;
	    bufferC[iF].i = dataS[iR][iF - iT1].i * wdw;
	    bufferC[iF] = dataS[iR][iF - iT1];
      /* going to time domain */
      /* DD 
      fprintf(stderr, "going to time domain \n");*/

      pfacr(1, info->nSamples, bufferC, buffer);

      /* muting ? */
      if (MUTE)
         for (iS = 0; iS <= NINT(t1Mute[iR] / dt); iS++)
	    buffer[iS] = 0;

      /* and computing data misfit and likelihood function */
      iS = NINT(t1 / dt);
      for (iT1 = 0; iT1 < nDM; iT1++)
	 bufferRCD[iT1 + iS] = 0;

	 for (offset = iT1, iT2 = 0; iT2 < nDM; iT2++)
	    bufferRCD[iT1 + iS] +=  
	                   (buffer[iT2 + iS] - dataObs[iR][iT2]) * CD[offset];
	    offset += MAX(SGN0(iT1 - iT2) * (nDM - 1 - iT2), 1);
	 oF += (buffer[iT1 + iS] - dataObs[iR][iT1]) * bufferRCD[iT1 + iS];

	 residue += (buffer[iT1 + iS] - dataObs[iR][iT1]) * 
                    (buffer[iT1 + iS] - dataObs[iR][iT1]);

	 /* DD 
	 fprintf(stdout, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %d %f %f\n", 
		 nTotalSamples, oF, dt, auxm1, 
		 info->tau, residue, iT1, buffer[iT1], 
		 dataObs[iR][iT1 - NINT(t1 / dt)]); */

      /* windowing bufferRCD */
      iT1 = NINT(t1 / dt);
      iT2 = NINT(t2 / dt);
      wL = nDM * PERC_WINDOW / 2;
      wL = 2 * wL + 1;
      for (iS = 0, iF = 0; iF < info->nSamples; iF++)
         if (iF < iT1 || iF >= iT2)
            bufferRCD[iF] = 0;
	 else if (iF - iT1 < (wL - 1) / 2)
            wdw =
               .42 - .5 * cos(2 * PI * (float) iS / ((float) (wL - 1))) +
                  .08 * cos(4 * PI * (float) iS / ((float) (wL - 1)));
            bufferRCD[iF] *= wdw;
         else if (iF - iT1 >= nDM - (wL - 1) / 2)
            wdw =
               .42 - .5 * cos(2 * PI * (float) iS / ((float) (wL - 1))) +
                  .08 * cos(4 * PI * (float) iS / ((float) (wL - 1)));
            bufferRCD[iF] *= wdw;
      /* going back to Fourier domain */
      pfarc(-1, info->nSamples, bufferRCD, bufferC);          
      for (iF1 = 0, iF = NINT(info->f1 / info->dF); 
	   iF <= NINT(info->f2 / info->dF); iF++, iF1++)
	 resCD[iR][iF1] = bufferC[iF];

   /* considering the .5 factor of the exponent of the Gaussian */
   /* and normalizing the likelihood by the number of samples */
   oF /= (2 * nTotalSamples);

   /* freeing some memory */
   /* allocating some memory */

   /* considering the regularizaton or model covariance term */
   if (PRIOR)
      auxm1 = 1. / (float) (numberPar * limRange);     /* normalization */
      for (auxm2 = 0, iF = 0; iF < limRange; iF++)
	 for (offset = iF, iF1 = 0; iF1 < limRange; iF1++)
	    if (vpFrechet)
	       auxm2 += (alpha[iF + lim[0]] - alphaMean[iF + lim[0]]) * 
		         CMvP[offset] * auxm1 * 
		        (alpha[iF1 + lim[0]] - alphaMean[iF1 + lim[0]]);
	    if (vsFrechet)
	       auxm2 += (beta[iF + lim[0]] - betaMean[iF + lim[0]]) * 
	                 CMvS[offset] * auxm1 *
		        (beta[iF1 + lim[0]] - betaMean[iF1 + lim[0]]);
	    if (rhoFrechet)
	       auxm2 += (rho[iF + lim[0]] - rhoMean[iF + lim[0]]) * 
		         CMrho[offset] * auxm1 *
		        (rho[iF1 + lim[0]] - rhoMean[iF1 + lim[0]]);
	    offset += MAX(SGN0(iF - iF1) * (limRange - 1 - iF1), 1);
   /* getting normalization factor */
   fp = fopen("report", "a");

   if (modCount == 0) 
      oFNorm = oF;
      fprintf(fp,">> Normalization constant for objective function: %f <<\n",
   /* normalizing residue */
   residue /= (nTotalSamples);

   if (!DATACOV && noiseVar == 0) noiseVar = residue / 10.;
   if (PRIOR)
      "residue at iteration [%d] : Data residue variance %f , Noise variance %f , Likelihood %f , Prior %f\n", 
      modCount, residue, noiseVar, oF / oFNorm, auxm2 / oFNorm);
      fprintf(fp,"residue at iteration [%d] : Data residue variance %f , Noise variance %f , Likelihood %f , No Prior\n", modCount, residue, noiseVar, oF / oFNorm);

   /* checking if we reached noise variance with the data residue */
   if (residue / noiseVar <= 1)
      /* DATA IS FIT, stop the procedure */
      fprintf(fp, "[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]\n");
      fprintf(fp, "DATA WAS FIT UP TO 1 VARIANCE!\n");
      fprintf(fp, "[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]\n");
   /* adding Likelihood and Prior */
   if (PRIOR) oF += auxm2 / 2;
   fprintf(fp,"TOTAL residue at iteration [%d] : %f\n", 
	   modCount, oF / oFNorm);


   /* returning objective function value */
   return(oF / oFNorm);
Exemple #2
void gradient(float *grad)
   /* declaration of variables */
   int i, iF, iR, iProc, iDer, iL, iU, offset; 
                                   /* counters */
   int FReceived;                  /* number of frequencies processed */
   int die;                        /* die processor flag */ 
   int apl_pid;                    /* PVM process id control */
   int pid;                        /* process id */
   int masterId;                   /* master id */
   int processControl;             /* monitoring PVM start */
   int FInfo[2];                   /* frequency delimiters */
   float wallcpu;                   /* wall clock time */     
   float *gradPart;                 /* partition of gradients */
   complex **resCDPart;             /* partition of resCD */
   /* Clean up log files */
   /* Reseting synchronization flags */
   for (i = 0; i < nFreqPart; i++)
      statusFreq[i][2] = 0;
   /* allocating some memory */
   gradPart = alloc1float(numberPar * limRange);
   for (i = 0; i < numberPar * limRange; i++)
      grad[i] = 0;
   fprintf(stderr, "Starting communication with PVM for derivatives\n");
   /* starting communication with PVM */
   if ((apl_pid = pvm_mytid()) < 0)
      pvm_perror("Error enrolling master process");
   processControl = CreateSlaves(processes, PROCESS_FRECHET, nProc);
   if (processControl != nProc)
      fprintf(stderr,"Problem starting PVM daemons\n");
   /* converting to velocities */
      for (i = 0; i < info->nL + 1; i++)
         alpha[i] /= rho[i];
         beta[i] /= rho[i];

   /* Broadcasting all processes common information */
   BroadINFO(info, 1, processes, nProc, GENERAL_INFORMATION);
   /* sending all profiles */
   BroadFloat(thick, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, THICKNESS);
   BroadFloat(rho, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, DENSITY);
   BroadFloat(alpha, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, ALPHAS);
   BroadFloat(qP, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, QALPHA);
   BroadFloat(beta, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, BETAS);
   BroadFloat(qS, info->nL + 1, processes, nProc, QBETA);

   /* sending frequency partitions for each process */
   for (iProc = 0; iProc < nProc; iProc++)
      FInfo[0] = statusFreq[iProc][0];
      FInfo[1] = statusFreq[iProc][1];
      if (info->verbose)
	 "Master sending frequencies [%d, %d] out of %d to slave Frechet %d [id:%d]\n", FInfo[0], FInfo[1], info->nF, iProc, processes[iProc]);

      procInfo[iProc][0] = FInfo[0];
      procInfo[iProc][1] = FInfo[1];
      SendInt(FInfo, 2, processes[iProc], FREQUENCY_LIMITS);
      statusFreq[iProc][2] = 1;
      /* and sending the appropriate correlation chunk */
      /* allocating some memory */
      resCDPart = alloc2complex(FInfo[1] - FInfo[0] + 1, info->nR);

      for (iR = 0; iR < info->nR; iR++)
	 for (i = 0, iF = FInfo[0]; iF <= FInfo[1]; iF++, i++)
	    resCDPart[iR][i] = resCD[iR][iF - initF];
/*	    fprintf(stderr, "iR %d iF %d [%f %f]\n",
		    iR, iF, resCDPart[iR][i].r, resCDPart[iR][i].i);*/
      /* sending frequency partition to the slave process */
      SendCplx(resCDPart[0], (FInfo[1] - FInfo[0] + 1) * info->nR, 
	       processes[iProc], COVARIANCE_PARTITION);
   /* waiting modelled frequencies */
   /* master process will send more frequencies if there's more work to do */
   /* measuring elapsed time */
   wallcpu = walltime();

   /* reseting frequency counter */
   FReceived = 0;
   while (FOREVER)
      pid = RecvFloat(gradPart, info->numberPar * info->limRange, -1,

      /* finding the frequency limits of this process */
      /* DD 
 fprintf(stderr, "Master finding the frequency limits of this process\n");

      iProc = 0;
      while (pid != processes[iProc])
      /* stacking gradient */
      for (i = 0; i < info->numberPar * info->limRange; i++)
	 grad[i] += gradPart[i];
	 /* DD
	 fprintf(stderr, "i %d grad %f gradPart %f\n", i, grad[i], gradPart[i]);*/
      /* summing frequencies that are done */
      FReceived += procInfo[iProc][1] - procInfo[iProc][0] + 1;
      if (info->verbose)
	 fprintf(stderr, "Master received %d frequencies, remaining %d\n",
		 FReceived, info->nF - FReceived);
      /* defining new frequency limits */
      i = 0;
      while (i < nFreqPart && statusFreq[i][2])

      /* DD 
      fprintf(stderr, "i %d nFreqPart %d\n", i, nFreqPart);*/
      if (i < nFreqPart)
	 /* there is still more work to be done */
	 /* tell this process to not die */
	 die = 0;
	 SendInt(&die, 1, processes[iProc], DIE);
	 FInfo[0] = statusFreq[i][0];
	 FInfo[1] = statusFreq[i][1];
	 if (info->verbose)
		    "Master sending frequencies [%d, %d] to slave %d\n",
		    FInfo[0], FInfo[1], processes[iProc]);

	 procInfo[iProc][0] = FInfo[0];
	 procInfo[iProc][1] = FInfo[1];
	 SendInt(FInfo, 2, processes[iProc], FREQUENCY_LIMITS);
	 statusFreq[i][2] = 1;

	 /* sending covariance partition */
	 /* allocating some memory */
	 resCDPart = alloc2complex(FInfo[1] - FInfo[0] + 1, info->nR);

	 for (iR = 0; iR < info->nR; iR++)
	    for (i = 0, iF = FInfo[0]; iF <= FInfo[1]; iF++, i++)
	       resCDPart[iR][i] = resCD[iR][iF - initF];
	 /* sending frequency partition to the slave process */
	 SendCplx(resCDPart[0], (FInfo[1] - FInfo[0] + 1) * info->nR, 
		  processes[iProc], COVARIANCE_PARTITION);
	 /* tell this process to die since there is no more work to do */
	 if (info->verbose)
	    fprintf(stderr, "Master ''killing'' slave %d\n", processes[iProc]);
	 die = 1;
	 SendInt(&die, 1, processes[iProc], DIE);
      /* a check to get out the loop */
      if (FReceived >= info->nF) break;

   /* getting elapsed time */
   wallcpu = walltime() - wallcpu;
   fprintf(stderr, "Frechet derivative wall clock time = %f seconds\n\n", 
   /* back to impedances*/
      for (i = 0; i < info->nL + 1; i++)
         alpha[i] *= rho[i];
         beta[i] *= rho[i];

   /* finally the gradient, the 2 is due Parseval */
   for (iDer = 0; iDer < numberPar * limRange; iDer++)
      grad[iDer] *= 2 / (float) (nTotalSamples * oFNorm);

   /* getting gradient in impedance domain */
      offset = 0;
      for (i = lim[0], iL = 0; iL < limRange; iL++, i++)
         if (vpFrechet) 
            grad[iL] /= rho[i];
            offset = limRange;
         if (vsFrechet) 
            grad[iL + offset] /= rho[i];
            offset += limRange;
         if (rhoFrechet)
            grad[iL + offset] = - alpha[i] * grad[iL] -
	      beta[i] * grad[iL + limRange] + grad[iL + 2 * limRange];

   if (PRIOR)
      auxm1 = 1. / (float) (numberPar * limRange);     /* normalization */
      /* considering the regularization or model covariance term */
      for (i = 0; i < limRange; i++)
	 for (offset = i, iL = 0; iL < limRange; iL++)
	    iU = 0;
	    if (vpFrechet)
	       grad[iL] += (alpha[i + lim[0]] - alphaMean[i + lim[0]]) * 
		            CMvP[offset] * auxm1;
	       iU = limRange; /* used as offset in gradient vector */
	    if (vsFrechet)
	       grad[iL + iU] += (beta[i + lim[0]] - betaMean[i + lim[0]]) * 
	 	                 CMvS[offset] * auxm1;
	       iU += limRange;

	    if (rhoFrechet)
	       grad[iL + iU] += (rho[i + lim[0]] - rhoMean[i + lim[0]]) * 
		                 CMrho[offset] * auxm1;

	    offset += MAX(SGN0(i - iL) * (limRange - 1 - iL), 1);

   /* normalizing gradient 
   normalize(grad, numberPar * limRange);*/
   /* freeing memory */
Exemple #3
/************************ end self doc ***********************************/ 
  void main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* declaration of variables */
   FILE *fp, *gp;                /* file pointers */
   char *orientation = " ";      /* orientation of recordings */
   char *recFile = " ";          /* receiver location file */  
   char *postFile = " ";         /* posteriori file */
   char *modelFile = " ";        /* elastic model file */
   char *corrDataFile = " ";     /* data covariance file */
   char *corrModelFile[3];       /* model covariance file */
   char *frechetFile = " ";      /* frechet derivative file */
   int verbose;                  /* verbose flag */
   int noFrechet;                /* if 1 don't store Frechet derivatives */
   int i, j, k, iU, iParam, offset, iR, shift;
                                 /* counters */
   int wL;                       /* taper length */
   int nParam;                   /* number of parameters altogether */
   int numberParImp;             /* number of distinct parameters in */
                                 /* impedance inversion */
   float dZ;                     /* layer thickness within target zone */
   float F1, F2, F3;             /* source components */
   float depth;                  /* current depth used in defining limits */
                                 /* for Frechet derivatives */
   float fR;                     /* reference frequency */
   float percU;                  /* amount of slowness windowing */
   float percW;                  /* amount of frequency windowing */
   float limZ[2];                /* target interval (Km) */
   float tMod;                   /* maximum modeling time */
   float phi;                    /* azimuth angle */
   float *buffer1, *buffer2;     /* auxiliary buffers */
   float **CmPost;               /* posteriori model covariance */
   float **CmPostInv;            /* posteriori model covariance - inverse */

   /* allocing for orientation */
   orientation = malloc(1);
   /* complex Zero */
   zeroC = cmplx(0, 0);

   /* getting input parameters */
   initargs(argc, argv);

   /* seismic data and model parameters */
   if (!getparstring("model", &modelFile)) modelFile = "model";
   if (!getparstring("postfile", &postFile)) postFile = "posteriori";
   if (!getparstring("corrData", &corrDataFile)) corrDataFile = "corrdata";
   if (!getparint("impedance", &IMPEDANCE)) IMPEDANCE = 0;
   if (!getparstring("frechetfile", &frechetFile)) noFrechet = 0;
   else noFrechet = 1;
   if (!getparint("prior", &PRIOR)) PRIOR = 1;
     if (!getparint("p", &ipFrechet)) vpFrechet = 1;
     if (!getparint("s", &isFrechet)) vsFrechet = 1;
     if (!getparint("r", &rhoFrechet)) rhoFrechet = 1;
     if (!getparint("p", &vpFrechet)) vpFrechet = 1;
     if (!getparint("s", &vsFrechet)) vsFrechet = 1;
     if (!getparint("rho", &rhoFrechet)) rhoFrechet = 1;
   /* a couple of things to use later in chain rule */
   if (!IMPEDANCE)
      ipFrechet = 0;      isFrechet = 0;
      if (ipFrechet && !isFrechet)
	 vpFrechet = 1;	  vsFrechet = 0;
      if (!ipFrechet && isFrechet)
	 vpFrechet = 0;	  vsFrechet = 1;
      if (!ipFrechet && !isFrechet)
	 vpFrechet = 0;	  vsFrechet = 0;
      if (ipFrechet && isFrechet)
	 vpFrechet = 1;	  vsFrechet = 1;
      if (rhoFrechet)
	 vpFrechet = 1;	  vsFrechet = 1;   rhoFrechet = 1;
   if (!ipFrechet && ! isFrechet && !rhoFrechet && !vpFrechet && !vsFrechet)
      err("No inverse unknowns to work with!\n");

   numberPar = vpFrechet + vsFrechet + rhoFrechet;
   numberParImp = ipFrechet + isFrechet + rhoFrechet;

   if (PRIOR)
      if (vpFrechet || ipFrechet)
	 if (!getparstring("corrP", &corrModelFile[0])) 
	    corrModelFile[0] = "covP";
      if (vsFrechet || isFrechet) 
	 if (!getparstring("corrS", &corrModelFile[1])) 
	    corrModelFile[1] = "covS";
      if (rhoFrechet) 
	 if (!getparstring("corrR", &corrModelFile[2])) 
	    corrModelFile[2] = "covR";
   if (!getparstring("orientation", &orientation)) orientation[0] = 'Z';
   if (orientation[0] == 'z' || orientation[0] == 'Z')
      VERTICAL = 1; RADIAL = 0;
      VERTICAL = 0; RADIAL = 1;
   if (!getparfloat("dz", &dZ)) dZ = .5;
   if (!getparfloat("targetbeg", &limZ[0])) limZ[0] = 0.5; 
   if (!getparfloat("targetend", &limZ[1])) limZ[1] = 1.0;

   /* geometry */
   if (!getparfloat("r1", &r1)) r1 = 0.25;
   if (!getparint("nr", &nR)) nR = 48;
   if (!getparfloat("dr", &dR)) dR = .025;
   if (!getparfloat("zs", &zs)) zs = .001;
   if (!getparfloat("F1", &F1)) F1 = 0;
   if (!getparfloat("F2", &F2)) F2 = 0;
   if (!getparfloat("F3", &F3)) F3 = 1;

   /* modeling */
   if (!getparstring("receiverfile", &recFile)) recFile = " ";
   if (!getparfloat("u1", &u1)) u1 = 0.0;
   if (!getparfloat("u2", &u2)) u2 = 1.;
   if (!getparint("directwave", &directWave)) directWave = 1;
   if (!getparfloat("tau", &tau)) err("Specify tau!\n");
   if (!getparint("nu", &nU)) nU = 1000;
   if (!getparfloat("f1", &f1)) f1 = 2;
   if (!getparfloat("f2", &f2)) f2 = 50;
   if (!getparfloat("dt", &dt)) dt = 0.004;
   if (!getparfloat("tmod", &tMod)) tMod = 8;
   if (!getparfloat("t1", &t1)) t1 = 0;
   if (!getparfloat("t2", &t2)) t2 = tMod;
   if (!getparint("hanning", &hanningFlag)) hanningFlag = 1;
   if (!getparfloat("wu", &percU)) percU = 10; percU /= 100;
   if (!getparfloat("ww", &percW)) percW = 25; percW /= 100;

   /* dialogue */
   if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;

   /* checking number of receivers */
   fp = fopen(recFile, "r");
   if (fp != NULL)
      nR = 0;
      while (fscanf(fp, "%f\n", &auxm1) != EOF) nR++;

   /* some hard-coded parameters */
   fR = 1; wR = 2 * PI * fR;         /* reference frequency */
   /* how many layers */
   fp = fopen(modelFile,"r");
   if (fp == NULL)
      err("No model file!\n");
   nL = 0;
   depth = 0;
   while (fscanf(fp, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", 
		 &aux, &aux, &aux, &aux, &aux, &aux) != EOF)

   /* considering the unknown layers */
   limRange = NINT((limZ[1] - limZ[0]) / dZ);

   if (verbose)
      fprintf(stderr,"Number of layers: %d\n", nL + 1);
      fprintf(stderr,"Number of layers in target zone: %d\n", limRange);

      nParam = numberParImp * limRange;
      nParam = numberPar * limRange;

   /* basic time-frequency stuff */
   nSamples = NINT(tMod / dt) + 1;
   nSamples = npfar(nSamples);

   /* length of time misfit */
   nDM = NINT((t2 - t1) / dt) + 1;

   /* maximum time for modeling */
   tMod = dt * (nSamples - 1);
   dF = 1. / (tMod);

   /* adjusting f1 and f2 */
   aux = dF;
   while (aux < f1)
      aux += dF;
   f1 = aux;
   while (aux < f2)
      aux += dF;
   f2 = aux;
   nF = NINT((f2 - f1) / dF); 
   if (nF%2 == 0) 
      f2 += dF;

   /* memory allocation */
   alpha = alloc1float(nL + 1);
   beta = alloc1float(nL + 1);
   rho = alloc1float(nL + 1);
   qP = alloc1float(nL + 1);
   qS = alloc1float(nL + 1);
   thick = alloc1float(nL + 1);
   recArray = alloc1float(nR);

   PSlowness = alloc2complex(2, nL + 1);
   SSlowness = alloc2complex(2, nL + 1);
   S2Velocity = alloc2complex(2, nL + 1);

   CD = alloc1float(nDM * (nDM + 1) / 2);
   if (PRIOR)
      if(vpFrechet || ipFrechet)
	 CMP = alloc1float(limRange * (limRange + 1) / 2);
      if(vsFrechet || isFrechet)
	 CMS = alloc1float(limRange * (limRange + 1) / 2);
	 CMrho = alloc1float(limRange * (limRange + 1) / 2);
   /* FRECHET derivative operator F */
   F = alloc2float(nR * nDM, numberPar * limRange);

      CmPostInv = 
	 alloc2float(numberParImp * limRange, numberParImp * limRange);
      CmPostInv = alloc2float(numberPar * limRange, numberPar * limRange);

   v1 = alloc2complex(2, numberPar * limRange + 1);
   v2 = alloc2complex(2, numberPar * limRange + 1);
   DmB = alloc3complex(4, numberPar * (limRange + 2), nL);
   derFactor = alloc2complex(2, nL + 1);
   aux11 = alloc2complex(nR, numberPar * limRange);
   aux12 = alloc2complex(nR, numberPar * limRange);
   aux21 = alloc2complex(nR, numberPar * limRange);
   aux22 = alloc2complex(nR, numberPar * limRange);
   aux11Old = alloc2complex(nR, numberPar * limRange);
   aux12Old = alloc2complex(nR, numberPar * limRange);
   aux21Old = alloc2complex(nR, numberPar * limRange);
   aux22Old = alloc2complex(nR, numberPar * limRange);

   /* reading receiver configuration */
   fp = fopen(recFile, "r");
   if (fp == NULL)
      /* standard end-on */
      if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "No receiver file available\n");
      for (i = 0; i < nR; i++)
         recArray[i] = r1 + i * dR;
      if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Reading receiver file %s\n", recFile);
      for (i = 0; i < nR; i++)
         fscanf(fp, "%f\n", &recArray[i]);
   /* reading the model file */
   fp = fopen(modelFile,"r");
   if (verbose)      
     fprintf(stderr,"  Thickness     rho     vP     qP    vS     qS\n");
   for (k = 0; k < nL + 1; k++)
      fscanf(fp, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", &thick[k], &rho[k], &alpha[k], 
	     &qP[k], &beta[k], &qS[k]);
      if (verbose)
	fprintf(stderr,"   %7.4f      %4.3f   %3.2f  %5.1f  %3.2f  %5.1f\n",
		thick[k], rho[k], alpha[k], qP[k], beta[k], qS[k]);

   /* setting lim[0] and lim[1] */
   for (depth = thick[0], i = 1; i <= nL; depth += thick[i], i++)
      if (NINT(depth / dZ) <= NINT(limZ[0] / dZ)) lim[0] = i;
      if (NINT(depth / dZ) < NINT(limZ[1] / dZ)) lim[1] = i;

   /* some modeling parameters */
   /* slowness increment */
   dU = (u2 - u1) / (float) nU;

   /* computing the window length for the slowness domain */
   epslon1 = (u2 - u1) * percU;
   wL = NINT(epslon1 / dU);
   wL = 2 * wL + 1;
   u2 += epslon1;
   nU = NINT((u2 - u1) / dU);    /* new nU to preserve last slowness */
                                 /* w/o being windowed */
   taper = alloc1float(nU);

   /* building window for slowness integration */
   for (i = (wL - 1) / 2, iU = 0; iU < nU; iU++)
      taper[iU] = 1;
      if (iU >= nU - (wL - 1) / 2)
	 taper[iU] =
	    .42 - .5 * cos(2 * PI * (float) i / ((float) (wL - 1))) +
            .08 * cos(4 * PI * (float) i / ((float) (wL - 1)));

   /* filtering in frequency domain */
   /* building frequency filtering */
   /* I will assume that the receivers are in line (at z = 0) so phi = 0 */
   phi = 0;
   epslon1 = F3;
   epslon2 = F1 * cos(phi) + F2 * sin(phi);

   /* correction for the 1st layer */
   thick[0] -= zs;

   /* imaginary part of frequency for damping wrap-around */
   tau = log(tau) / tMod;
   if (tau > TAUMAX)
      tau = TAUMAX;

   /* normalization for the complex slowness */
   if (f1 > 7.5)
      wRef = f1 * 2 * PI;
      wRef = 7.5 * 2 * PI;

   /* reading data and model covariance matrixes */
   inputCovar(corrDataFile, corrModelFile);
   /* starting inverse procedure */
   /* FRECHET derivative matrix  */
   if (!noFrechet)
      fp = fopen(frechetFile, "w");
      for (i = 0; i < numberPar * limRange; i++)
	 fwrite(&F[i][0], sizeof(float), nR * nDM, fp);

   /* building a-posteriori model covariance matrix */
   /* prior information is used */
   buffer1 = alloc1float(nDM);
   buffer2 = alloc1float(nDM * nR);

   if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Building posteriori covariance...\n");

   for (iParam = 0; iParam < nParam; iParam++)
      for (i = 0; i < nDM; i++)
	 for (offset = i, k = 0; k < nDM; k++)
	    buffer1[k] = CD[offset];
	    offset += MAX(SGN0(i - k) * (nDM - 1 - k), 1);

	 /* doing the product CD F */
  	 for (iR = 0; iR < nR; iR++)
	    buffer2[iR * nDM + i] = 0;
	    for (k = 0; k < nDM; k++)  
	       buffer2[iR * nDM + i] += buffer1[k] * 
		                        F[iParam][iR * nDM + k];
      for (j = 0; j < nParam; j++)
	 CmPostInv[j][iParam] = 0;
	 for (k = 0; k < nDM * nR; k++)
	    CmPostInv[j][iParam] += buffer2[k] * F[j][k];

   if (verbose) 
     fprintf(stderr, "Posteriori covariance built. Including prior...\n");

   buffer1 = alloc1float(nParam);
   /* including prior covariance matrix */
   if (PRIOR)
       shift = 0;
      if (IMPEDANCE)
	 if (ipFrechet)
	    for (iParam = 0; iParam < limRange; iParam++)
	       for (offset = iParam, k = 0; k < limRange; k++)
		  buffer1[k] = CMP[offset];
		  offset += MAX(SGN0(iParam - k) * (limRange - 1 - k), 1);
	       for (k = 0; k < limRange; k++) 
		  CmPostInv[iParam][k] += buffer1[k];
            shift += limRange;
	 if (vpFrechet)
	    for (iParam = 0; iParam < limRange; iParam++)
	       for (offset = iParam, k = 0; k < limRange; k++)
		  buffer1[k] = CMP[offset];
		  offset += MAX(SGN0(iParam - k) * (limRange - 1 - k), 1);
	       for (k = 0; k < limRange; k++) 
		  CmPostInv[iParam][k] += buffer1[k];
            shift += limRange;

      if (IMPEDANCE)
	 if (isFrechet)
	    for (iParam = 0; iParam < limRange; iParam++)
	       for (offset = iParam, k = 0; k < limRange; k++)
		  buffer1[k] = CMS[offset];
		  offset += MAX(SGN0(iParam - k) * (limRange - 1 - k), 1);
	       for (k = 0; k < limRange; k++)
		  CmPostInv[iParam + shift][k + shift] += buffer1[k];
            shift += limRange;
	 if (vsFrechet)
	    for (iParam = 0; iParam < limRange; iParam++)
	       for (offset = iParam, k = 0; k < limRange; k++)
		  buffer1[k] = CMS[offset];
		  offset += MAX(SGN0(iParam - k) * (limRange - 1 - k), 1);
	       for (k = 0; k < limRange; k++)
		  CmPostInv[iParam + shift][k + shift] += buffer1[k];
            shift += limRange;

      if (rhoFrechet)
	 for (iParam = 0; iParam < limRange; iParam++)
	    for (offset = iParam, k = 0; k < limRange; k++)
	       buffer1[k] = CMrho[offset];
	       offset += MAX(SGN0(iParam - k) * (limRange - 1 - k), 1);
	    for (k = 0; k < limRange; k++) 
	       CmPostInv[iParam + shift][k + shift] += buffer1[k];

   if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Prior included. Inverting matrix...\n");

   /* freeing memory */

   /* inverting the matrix */
   CmPost = alloc2float(nParam, nParam);
   for (i = 0; i < nParam; i++) for (j = 0; j < nParam; j++)
      CmPostInv[i][j] = CmPost[i][j];
   inverse_matrix(nParam, CmPostInv);

   if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Done with inverse matrix routine.\n");
   buffer1 = alloc1float(nParam);
   gp = fopen(postFile, "w");
   for (i = 0; i < nParam; i++)
      fwrite(CmPostInv[i], sizeof(float), nParam, gp);