Exemple #1
  Set up the Simple Network Protocol fields, the Simple Network Mode fields,
  and the Exit Boot Services Event of the virtio-net driver instance.

  This function may only be called by VirtioNetDriverBindingStart().

  @param[in,out] Dev  The VNET_DEV driver instance being created for the
                      virtio-net device.

  @return              Status codes from the CreateEvent() boot service or the
                       VirtioNetGetFeatures() function.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS  Configuration successful.
VirtioNetSnpPopulate (
  EFI_STATUS Status;

  // We set up a function here that is asynchronously callable by an
  // external application to check if there are any packets available for
  // reception. The least urgent task priority level we can specify for such a
  // "software interrupt" is TPL_CALLBACK.
  // TPL_CALLBACK is also the maximum TPL an SNP implementation is allowed to
  // run at (see 6.1 Event, Timer, and Task Priority Services in the UEFI
  // Specification 2.3.1+errC).
  // Since we raise our TPL to TPL_CALLBACK in every single function that
  // accesses the device, and the external application also queues its interest
  // for received packets at the same TPL_CALLBACK, in effect the
  // VirtioNetIsPacketAvailable() function will never interrupt any
  // device-accessing driver function, it will be scheduled in isolation.
  // TPL_CALLBACK (which basically this entire driver runs at) is allowed
  // for "[l]ong term operations (such as file system operations and disk
  // I/O)". Because none of our functions block, we'd satisfy an even stronger
  // requirement.
  Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_NOTIFY_WAIT, TPL_CALLBACK,
                  &VirtioNetIsPacketAvailable, Dev, &Dev->Snp.WaitForPacket);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  Dev->Snp.Start          = &VirtioNetStart;
  Dev->Snp.Stop           = &VirtioNetStop;
  Dev->Snp.Initialize     = &VirtioNetInitialize;
  Dev->Snp.Reset          = &VirtioNetReset;
  Dev->Snp.Shutdown       = &VirtioNetShutdown;
  Dev->Snp.ReceiveFilters = &VirtioNetReceiveFilters;
  Dev->Snp.StationAddress = &VirtioNetStationAddress;
  Dev->Snp.Statistics     = &VirtioNetStatistics;
  Dev->Snp.MCastIpToMac   = &VirtioNetMcastIpToMac;
  Dev->Snp.NvData         = &VirtioNetNvData;
  Dev->Snp.GetStatus      = &VirtioNetGetStatus;
  Dev->Snp.Transmit       = &VirtioNetTransmit;
  Dev->Snp.Receive        = &VirtioNetReceive;
  Dev->Snp.Mode           = &Dev->Snm;

  Dev->Snm.State                 = EfiSimpleNetworkStopped;
  Dev->Snm.HwAddressSize         = SIZE_OF_VNET (Mac);
  Dev->Snm.MediaHeaderSize       = SIZE_OF_VNET (Mac) + // dst MAC
                                   SIZE_OF_VNET (Mac) + // src MAC
                                   2;                       // Ethertype
  Dev->Snm.MaxPacketSize         = 1500;
  Dev->Snm.NvRamSize             = 0;
  Dev->Snm.NvRamAccessSize       = 0;
  Dev->Snm.ReceiveFilterMask     = RECEIVE_FILTERS_NO_MCAST;
  Dev->Snm.ReceiveFilterSetting  = RECEIVE_FILTERS_NO_MCAST;
  Dev->Snm.MaxMCastFilterCount   = 0;
  Dev->Snm.MCastFilterCount      = 0;
  Dev->Snm.IfType                = 1; // ethernet
  Dev->Snm.MacAddressChangeable  = FALSE;
  Dev->Snm.MultipleTxSupported   = TRUE;


  Status = VirtioNetGetFeatures (Dev, &Dev->Snm.CurrentAddress,
             &Dev->Snm.MediaPresentSupported, &Dev->Snm.MediaPresent);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto CloseWaitForPacket;
  CopyMem (&Dev->Snm.PermanentAddress, &Dev->Snm.CurrentAddress,
    SIZE_OF_VNET (Mac));
  SetMem (&Dev->Snm.BroadcastAddress, SIZE_OF_VNET (Mac), 0xFF);

  // VirtioNetExitBoot() is queued by ExitBootServices(); its purpose is to
  // cancel any pending virtio requests. The TPL_CALLBACK reasoning is
  // identical to the one above. There's one difference: this kind of
  // event is "globally visible", which means it can be signalled as soon as
  // we create it. We haven't raised our TPL here, hence VirtioNetExitBoot()
  // could be entered immediately. VirtioNetExitBoot() checks Dev->Snm.State,
  // so we're safe.
                  &VirtioNetExitBoot, Dev, &Dev->ExitBoot);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto CloseWaitForPacket;

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

  gBS->CloseEvent (Dev->Snp.WaitForPacket);
  return Status;
Exemple #2
  Temporarily enable then reset the virtio-net device in order to retrieve
  configuration values needed by Simple Network Protocol and Simple Network
  Mode fields.

  Only VirtioNetSnpPopulate() may call this function.

  If the function fails for any reason, the virtio-net device is moved to
  VSTAT_FAILED instead of being reset. This serves only informative purposes
  for the host side.

  param[in,out] Dev                 The VNET_DEV structure being created for
                                    the virtio-net device.
  param[out] MacAddress             MAC address configured by the host.
  param[out] MediaPresentSupported  Link status is made available by the host.
  param[out] MediaPresent           If link status is made available by the
                                    host, the current link status is stored in
                                    *MediaPresent. Otherwise MediaPresent is

  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED           The host doesn't supply a MAC address.
  @return                           Status codes from VirtIo protocol members.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               Configuration values retrieved.
VirtioNetGetFeatures (
  IN OUT  VNET_DEV        *Dev,
  OUT     EFI_MAC_ADDRESS *MacAddress,
  OUT     BOOLEAN         *MediaPresentSupported,
  OUT     BOOLEAN         *MediaPresent
  EFI_STATUS Status;
  UINT8      NextDevStat;
  UINT32     Features;
  UINTN      MacIdx;
  UINT16     LinkStatus;

  // Interrogate the device for features (virtio-0.9.5, 2.2.1 Device
  // Initialization Sequence), but don't complete setting it up.
  NextDevStat = 0;             // step 1 -- reset device
  Status = Dev->VirtIo->SetDeviceStatus (Dev->VirtIo, NextDevStat);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  NextDevStat |= VSTAT_ACK;    // step 2 -- acknowledge device presence
  Status = Dev->VirtIo->SetDeviceStatus (Dev->VirtIo, NextDevStat);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto YieldDevice;

  NextDevStat |= VSTAT_DRIVER; // step 3 -- we know how to drive it
  Status = Dev->VirtIo->SetDeviceStatus (Dev->VirtIo, NextDevStat);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto YieldDevice;

  // step 4a -- retrieve and validate features
  Status = Dev->VirtIo->GetDeviceFeatures (Dev->VirtIo, &Features);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto YieldDevice;

  // get MAC address byte-wise
  if ((Features & VIRTIO_NET_F_MAC) == 0) {
    goto YieldDevice;
  for (MacIdx = 0; MacIdx < SIZE_OF_VNET (Mac); ++MacIdx) {
    Status = Dev->VirtIo->ReadDevice (Dev->VirtIo,
                            OFFSET_OF_VNET (Mac) + MacIdx, // Offset
                            1,                             // FieldSize
                            1,                             // BufferSize
                            &MacAddress->Addr[MacIdx]      // Buffer
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto YieldDevice;

  // check if link status is reported, and if so, what the link status is
  if ((Features & VIRTIO_NET_F_STATUS) == 0) {
    *MediaPresentSupported = FALSE;
  else {
    *MediaPresentSupported = TRUE;
    Status = VIRTIO_CFG_READ (Dev, LinkStatus, &LinkStatus);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto YieldDevice;
    *MediaPresent = !!(LinkStatus & VIRTIO_NET_S_LINK_UP);

  Dev->VirtIo->SetDeviceStatus (Dev->VirtIo,
    EFI_ERROR (Status) ? VSTAT_FAILED : 0);

  return Status;
Exemple #3
  Temporarily enable then reset the virtio-net device in order to retrieve
  configuration values needed by Simple Network Protocol and Simple Network
  Mode fields.

  Only VirtioNetSnpPopulate() may call this function.

  If the function fails for any reason, the virtio-net device is moved to
  VSTAT_FAILED instead of being reset. This serves only informative purposes
  for the host side.

  param[in,out] Dev                 The VNET_DEV structure being created for
                                    the virtio-net device.
  param[out] MacAddress             MAC address configured by the host.
  param[out] MediaPresentSupported  Link status is made available by the host.
  param[out] MediaPresent           If link status is made available by the
                                    host, the current link status is stored in
                                    *MediaPresent. Otherwise MediaPresent is

  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED           The host doesn't supply a MAC address.
  @return                           Status codes from Dev->PciIo->Io.Read(),
                                    VIRTIO_CFG_READ() and VIRTIO_CFG_WRITE().
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               Configuration values retrieved.
VirtioNetGetFeatures (
  IN OUT  VNET_DEV        *Dev,
  OUT     EFI_MAC_ADDRESS *MacAddress,
  OUT     BOOLEAN         *MediaPresentSupported,
  OUT     BOOLEAN         *MediaPresent
  EFI_STATUS Status;
  UINT8      NextDevStat;
  UINT32     Features;
  UINT16     LinkStatus;

  // Interrogate the device for features (virtio-0.9.5, 2.2.1 Device
  // Initialization Sequence), but don't complete setting it up.
  NextDevStat = 0;             // step 1 -- reset device
  Status = VIRTIO_CFG_WRITE (Dev, Generic.VhdrDeviceStatus, NextDevStat);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  NextDevStat |= VSTAT_ACK;    // step 2 -- acknowledge device presence
  Status = VIRTIO_CFG_WRITE (Dev, Generic.VhdrDeviceStatus, NextDevStat);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto YieldDevice;

  NextDevStat |= VSTAT_DRIVER; // step 3 -- we know how to drive it
  Status = VIRTIO_CFG_WRITE (Dev, Generic.VhdrDeviceStatus, NextDevStat);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto YieldDevice;

  // step 4a -- retrieve and validate features
  Status = VIRTIO_CFG_READ (Dev, Generic.VhdrDeviceFeatureBits, &Features);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto YieldDevice;

  // get MAC address byte-wise
  if ((Features & VIRTIO_NET_F_MAC) == 0) {
    goto YieldDevice;
  Status = Dev->PciIo->Io.Read (Dev->PciIo,           // PciIo
                            EfiPciIoWidthUint8,       // Width
                            PCI_BAR_IDX0,             // BarIndex
                            OFFSET_OF_VNET (VhdrMac), // Offset
                            SIZE_OF_VNET (VhdrMac),   // Count
                            MacAddress                // Buffer

  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto YieldDevice;

  // check if link status is reported, and if so, what the link status is
  if ((Features & VIRTIO_NET_F_STATUS) == 0) {
    *MediaPresentSupported = FALSE;
  else {
    *MediaPresentSupported = TRUE;
    Status = VIRTIO_CFG_READ (Dev, VhdrLinkStatus, &LinkStatus);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto YieldDevice;
    *MediaPresent = !!(LinkStatus & VIRTIO_NET_S_LINK_UP);

  VIRTIO_CFG_WRITE (Dev, Generic.VhdrDeviceStatus,
    EFI_ERROR (Status) ? VSTAT_FAILED : 0);

  return Status;