Exemple #1
	uint32_t TCPPeekSMGR(TCPSOCKET * pSocket, HSMGR pSMGR, uint8_t * pbRead, uint16_t cbRead, IPSTATUS * pStatus)

        Reads bytes out of the receive buffer but does not move the unread pointer,
        peek or receive will return the same data.

	pSocket:        The socket to read the bytes from
        pSMGR:          pointer to an open stream
        pbRead:         A buffer to receive the data
        cbRead:         Max size of the buffer to receive the data
        pStatus:        A pointer to a status variable to recieve the state of the socket as a status

        Number of bytes read

static uint32_t TCPPeekSMGR(TCPSOCKET * pSocket, HSMGR pSMGR, uint16_t index, uint8_t * pbRead, uint16_t cbRead, IPSTATUS * pStatus)
    int32_t    cb = 0;
    IPSTATUS status = ipsSuccess;

    if(pSocket == NULL)
        status = ipsSocketNULL;
    else if(pbRead == NULL || cbRead == 0)
        status =  ipsBufferNotDefined;
    else if(pSocket->s.portRemote == portListen || pSocket->s.portRemote == portInvalid)
        status =  ipsSocketNotResolved;
    else if(pSMGR == NULL)
        status = ipsNoSMGRGiven;
        cb = SMGRRead((HSMGR) pSMGR, index, pbRead, min((SMGRcbStream(pSMGR) - index), cbRead));

    AssignStatusSafely(pStatus, status);
Exemple #2
void UDPDiscard(HSOCKET hSocket)
    UDPSOCKET *     pSocket     = (UDPSOCKET *) hSocket;

    if(pSocket != NULL)
        SMGR *  pSMGR = alloca(pSocket->cbRxSMGR);

        if(pSMGR != NULL && (SMGRRead((HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxBuff, 0, pSMGR, pSocket->cbRxSMGR) == pSocket->cbRxSMGR))
            uint32_t iEnd = SMGRcbStream(pSMGR);

            SMGRMoveEnd((HSMGR) pSMGR, iEnd, SMGRAtBegining);

            // save away the table that is stored on the stack
            // this should not fail! It is a fixed size and already allocated
            SMGRWrite((HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxBuff, 0, pSMGR, pSocket->cbRxSMGR);
Exemple #3
	uint32_t TCPSend(SOCKET *  pSocket, const void * pv, uint32_t cb, IPSTATUS * pStatus)

         Stuff data into the socket to be sent on the next regularly scheduled send. Because of congestion
         control, this may take up to a fraction of a second to send. If you want it to go out immediately
         then call TCPFlush on the socket immediately after this call.

	pSocket:        The socket to send the data on

        pv:             a pointer to a buffer of data to send

        cbReq:          The number of bytes to send.

        pStatus:        A pointer to a status variable to recieve the state of the send

        Number of bytes actually sent, could be less than requested if the socket is full.

uint32_t TCPWrite(HSOCKET hSocket, const void * pv, uint32_t cbReq, IPSTATUS * pStatus)
    TCPSOCKET * pSocket = (TCPSOCKET *) hSocket;
    uint32_t    cb      = 0;

    if(pSocket == NULL)
        AssignStatusSafely(pStatus, ipsSocketNULL);

    // we can only write data if we are in the established state
    if(TCPIsEstablished(pSocket, pStatus))
        SMGR *  pSMGR = (SMGR*)alloca(pSocket->cbTxSMGR);

        if(cbReq > 0 && pSMGR != NULL && (SMGRRead((HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxTxBuff, pSocket->cbRxSMGR, pSMGR, pSocket->cbTxSMGR) == pSocket->cbTxSMGR))

            // This may seem like an odd place to do this, but I will update the sndUNA pointers here
            // I do this here instead of in the ACK processing because I do not want to take the time to open up the
            // stream in the ACK process, I just want to update the sndUNA pointer and move on. The downside of this is that
            // we may hold some pages longer than we need, but before I take MORE memory in the write, I will free those pages
            // which is why I will do that here before we WRITE our data below.
            TCPScaleSndIndexes(pSocket, pSMGR);

            // after we have scaled our pointers and potentially released some memory, we can
            // write as much data as we can to the stream
            cb  = SMGRWrite((HSMGR) pSMGR, SMGRcbStream(pSMGR), pv, cbReq);
            pSocket->sndEND += cb;

            // save away the table that is stored on the stack
            // this should not fail! It is a fixed size and already allocated
            SMGRWrite((HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxTxBuff, pSocket->cbRxSMGR, pSMGR, pSocket->cbTxSMGR);

Exemple #4
uint32_t TCPAddRxDataToSocket(TCPSOCKET * pSocket, uint32_t seqNbr, uint8_t * pb, uint32_t cb)
    SMGR *      pSMGR = (SMGR*)alloca(pSocket->cbRxSMGR);
    uint32_t    rcvNXT = pSocket->rcvNXT + SEQBOUNDARY;

    // seqNbr is tricky, it has been normalized to rcvIRS
    // and may be very close to rcvUNR which is typically 0
    // so if seqNbr is < rcvNXT it could be less than rcvUNR, or an unsigned less than 0
    // or for an unsigned, very large; which would give us a false large seqNbr.
    // the MAX segment we can get is 64K, so as long as we scale this down so at least seqNbr + 64K < 2^^32, we can do a compare
    // and see if seqNbr < rcvNXT reliably. SEQBOUNDARY is 0x80000000 which is half way into the linear uint32_t range
    // scale seqNbr and rcvNXT and we can do a reliable < check.
    // Rip off data we have already received
    seqNbr += SEQBOUNDARY;
    if(seqNbr < rcvNXT)
        pb += (rcvNXT - seqNbr);
        cb -= (rcvNXT - seqNbr);

    // get our stream pointer
    if(cb > 0 && pSMGR != NULL && (SMGRRead((HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxTxBuff, 0, pSMGR, pSocket->cbRxSMGR) == pSocket->cbRxSMGR))
        // write as much data as we can to the stream
        cb  = SMGRWrite((HSMGR) pSMGR, SMGRcbStream(pSMGR), pb, cb);

        // add the bytes written to our rcvNXT pointer
        pSocket->rcvNXT += cb;

        // save away the table that is stored on the stack
        // this should not fail! It is a fixed size and already allocated
        SMGRWrite((HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxTxBuff, 0, pSMGR, pSocket->cbRxSMGR);


Exemple #5
	void TCPDiscard(SOCKET *  pSocket)

        Discards all unread bytes in the sockets receive buffer.

	hSocket:        The socket to clear the receive buffer from


void TCPDiscard(HSOCKET hSocket)
    TCPSOCKET *     pSocket     = (TCPSOCKET *) hSocket;

    if(pSocket != NULL && pSocket->cbRxSMGR > 0)
        SMGR *  pSMGR = (SMGR*)alloca(pSocket->cbRxSMGR);

        if(SMGRRead((HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxTxBuff, 0, pSMGR, pSocket->cbRxSMGR) == pSocket->cbRxSMGR)
            uint32_t iEnd = SMGRcbStream(pSMGR);

            // clear the stream by moving to the end
            SMGRMoveEnd((HSMGR) pSMGR, iEnd, SMGRAtBegining);

            // pretend like we read it
            // apply the read bytes to our base
            pSocket->rcvIRS += pSocket->rcvNXT;

            // and now fix up to the base
            pSocket->rcvNXT = 0;
            pSocket->rcvUP  = 0;
//            if(pSocket->rcvSeqAhead >= pSocket->rcvNXT)
//            {
//                pSocket->rcvSeqAhead -= pSocket->rcvNXT;
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                pSocket->rcvSeqAhead = 0;
//            }

            // save away the table that is stored on the stack
            // this should not fail! It is a fixed size and already allocated
            SMGRWrite((HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxTxBuff, 0, pSMGR, pSocket->cbRxSMGR);
Exemple #6
static uint32_t UDPProcessRx(IPSTACK * pIpStack, UDPSOCKET * pSocket)
    SMGR *      pSMGR = alloca(pSocket->cbRxSMGR);
    uint32_t    cbRet = 0;

    if(pIpStack->cbPayload > 0 && pSMGR != NULL && (SMGRRead((HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxBuff, 0, pSMGR, pSocket->cbRxSMGR) == pSocket->cbRxSMGR))
        uint32_t iEnd = SMGRcbStream(pSMGR);

        // put in the size prefex
        uint32_t cbWritten = SMGRWrite((HSMGR) pSMGR, iEnd, &pIpStack->cbPayload, sizeof(uint16_t));

        // put in the data
        cbWritten += SMGRWrite((HSMGR) pSMGR, iEnd + cbWritten, pIpStack->pPayload, pIpStack->cbPayload);

        // check to see that we wrote everything.
        if(cbWritten == (pIpStack->cbPayload + sizeof(uint16_t)))
            if(pSocket->cbNextDataGram == 0)
                pSocket->cbNextDataGram = pIpStack->cbPayload;
            cbRet = pIpStack->cbPayload;

        // we failed to save, so discard the datagram and put the stream back to where it was
            SMGRMoveEnd((HSMGR) pSMGR, iEnd, SMGRAtEnding);

        // save away the table that is stored on the stack
        // this should not fail! It is a fixed size and already allocated
        SMGRWrite((HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxBuff, 0, pSMGR, pSocket->cbRxSMGR);
