AS3_Val setup_callback(lua_State * L, int index) { LCALL(L, stack); SPAM(("setup_callback() : begin")); AS3_Val as3Function; int ref = 0; LuaFunctionCallbackData ** pUserdata = NULL; /* NOTE: Can't do lua_newuserdata() immediately since it would be deleted by Lua on lua_close() */ /* TODO: Free this somewhere! When freeing, remove pData->ref from the state */ LuaFunctionCallbackData * pData = malloc(sizeof(LuaFunctionCallbackData)); index = LABSIDX(L, stack, index); /* Normalize index */ /* TODO: Cache that with lua_ref, it is faster */ lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, AS3LUA_CALLBACKS); /* TODO: Assert this is a table */ lua_newtable(L); LCHECK(L, stack, 2); lua_pushvalue(L, index); /* Store function */ lua_rawseti(L, -2, AS3LUA_CBFNINDEX); LCHECK(L, stack, 2); pUserdata = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(LuaFunctionCallbackData *)); *pUserdata = pData; luaL_getmetatable(L, AS3LUA_CALLBACKMT); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); lua_rawseti(L, -2, AS3LUA_CBSDATAINDEX); LCHECK(L, stack, 2); ref = luaL_ref(L, -2); LCHECK(L, stack, 1); lua_pop(L, 1); /* Pop AS3LUA_CALLBACKS */ as3Function = AS3_Function(pData, as3_lua_callback); pData->ref = ref; pData->L = L; pData->as3Function = as3Function; LCHECK(L, stack, 0); SPAM(("setup_callback() : end")); return as3Function; }
/* * Create an ActionScript value from the lua stack starting * at index start and ending at index end. If collapse_array == 1, * an empty return will be transformed into AS3_Undefined() and a * return of length 1 will just return the specific value. * Otherwise an array is returned. */ AS3_Val create_as3_value_from_lua_stack( lua_State * L, int start, int end, BOOL collapse_array ) { /* WARNING: Panic alert! Use L*_FN checkers here! */ LCALL(L, stack); AS3_Val ret; SPAM(("create_as3_value_from_lua_stack(): begin")); if (collapse_array == TRUE && start > end) { ret = AS3_Null(); } else if (collapse_array == TRUE && start == end) { ret = get_as3_value_from_lua_stack(L, start); } else { int i; ret = AS3_Array(""); for (i = start; i <= end; ++i) { AS3_Val value; AS3_Val r; /*SPAM(("create_as3_value_from_lua_stack() + 1 begin"));*/ value = get_as3_value_from_lua_stack(L, i); r = AS3_CallTS("push", ret, "AS3ValType", value); SAFE_RELEASE(r); /* Ignoring result */ SAFE_RELEASE(value); /*SPAM(("create_as3_value_from_lua_stack() + 1 end"));*/ } } #ifdef DO_SPAM SPAM(("create_as3_value_from_lua_stack(): end")); AS3_Trace( AS3_Call( getQualifiedClassName_method, NULL, AS3_Array("AS3ValType", ret) ) ); #endif /* DO_SPAM */ LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 0, fatal_error); return ret; }
int do_pcall_with_traceback( lua_State * L, int narg, int nresults, BOOL is_async /* Hackish. This may be too specific to lua-alchemy. */ ) { /* WARNING: Panic alert! Use L*_FN checkers here! */ SPAM(( "do_pcall_with_traceback(): begin (%s)", (is_async) ? "async" : "sync" )); LCALL_ARGS(L, stack, 1 + narg); /* The function itself with arguments */ int status = 0; BOOL old_async = set_async_state(L, is_async); lua_pushcfunction(L, db_errorfb); /* push traceback function */ lua_insert(L, LBASE(L, stack)); /* put it under chunk and args */ LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 1 + narg + 1, fatal_error); SPAM(("do_pcall_with_traceback(): before call")); status = lua_pcall(L, narg, nresults, LBASE(L, stack)); lua_remove(L, LBASE(L, stack)); /* remove traceback function */ set_async_state(L, old_async); if (status != 0) { SPAM(("do_pcall_with_traceback(): after call ERROR")); /* force a complete garbage collection in case of errors */ lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0); LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 1, fatal_error); } else { SPAM(("do_pcall_with_traceback(): after call OK")); if (nresults != LUA_MULTRET) { LCHECK_FN(L, stack, nresults, fatal_error); } } SPAM(("do_pcall_with_traceback(): end")); return status; }
/* * Given an ActionScript object, push it onto the Lua stack as a Lua native * type if a primitive class (String, Number, Boolean, int, null). * If object is not convertible to native Lua value, do not push anything * (and return 0). * * WARNING: It important that this function does not touch * non-primitive values (like Arrays). If this will be changed, * optional primitive autoconversion logic will break. */ int push_as3_to_lua_stack_if_convertible(lua_State * L, AS3_Val val) { LCALL(L, stack); #ifdef DO_SPAM SPAM(("push_as3_to_lua_stack_if_convertible(): begin: value, type")); AS3_Trace(val); AS3_Trace( AS3_Call( getQualifiedClassName_method, NULL, AS3_Array("AS3ValType", val) ) ); #endif /* DO_SPAM */ if (AS3_InstanceOf(val, Number_class)) { lua_pushnumber(L, AS3_NumberValue(val)); } else if (AS3_InstanceOf(val, int_class)) { lua_pushinteger(L, AS3_IntValue(val)); } else if (AS3_InstanceOf(val, String_class)) { size_t length = 0; AS3_Malloced_Str str = get_string_bytes(val, &length); lua_pushlstring(L, str, length); free(str); } else if (AS3_InstanceOf(val, Boolean_class)) { lua_pushboolean(L, AS3_IntValue(val)); } else if (val == AS3_Undefined()) { lua_pushnil(L); } else if (is_null(val)) { lua_pushnil(L); } else { SPAM(("push_as3_to_lua_stack_if_convertible(): not convertible")); LRETURN(L, stack, 0); } SPAM(("push_as3_to_lua_stack_if_convertible(): end")); LRETURN(L, stack, 1); }
void for_chapter( void* udata, identifier chapter, git_time_t chapter_timestamp) { GDERP; SPAM("chapter %.*s %lu timestamp %d", g->location.l,g->location.s, chapter,chapter_timestamp - g->timestamp); g->any_chapter = true; //SPAM("chap %d:%d\n",chapter,chapter_timestamp); if(chapter_timestamp > g->max_timestamp) g->max_timestamp = chapter_timestamp; // this should be moved later... char srcname[0x100]; struct stat srcinfo; int src; bool setupsrc(void) { snprintf(srcname,0x100,"chapter%ld.hish",chapter); src = openat(g->srcloc, srcname, O_RDONLY, 0755); ensure_ge(src,0); // for adjusting dest timestamp ensure0(fstatat(g->srcloc,srcname,&srcinfo,0)); if(srcinfo.st_mtime > chapter_timestamp) { // git ruins file modification times... we probably cloned this, and lost // all timestamps. Just set the source file to have changed with the commit then. srcinfo.st_mtime = chapter_timestamp; return true; } return false; }
/* * Given an ActionScript object, push it onto the Lua stack as a Lua native * type if a primitive class (String, Number, Boolean, int, null) * or push as userdata */ int push_as3_to_lua_stack(lua_State * L, AS3_Val val) { LCALL(L, stack); if (push_as3_to_lua_stack_if_convertible(L, val) == 0) { SPAM(("push_as3_to_lua_stack(): defaulting to userdata")); push_as3_lua_userdata(L, val); } LRETURN(L, stack, 1); }
static int lbsLS_readbytes( lbs_LoadState * ls, unsigned char * buf, size_t len ) { const unsigned char * pos = lbsLS_eat(ls, len); if (pos != NULL) { memcpy(buf, pos, len); return LUABINS_ESUCCESS; } SPAM(("load: Failed to read %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long)len)); return LUABINS_EBADDATA; }
int release_callback(lua_State * L) { SPAM(("release_callback() : begin")); LuaFunctionCallbackData ** pUserdata = (LuaFunctionCallbackData **)luaL_checkudata( L, 1, AS3LUA_CALLBACKMT ); if (pUserdata == NULL) { SPAM(("release_callback() : bad userdata")); return 0; } LuaFunctionCallbackData * pCallback = *pUserdata; if (pCallback == NULL) { SPAM(("release_callback() : bad callback")); return 0; } if (pCallback->L != NULL) { if (pCallback->as3Function != AS3_Undefined()) { SPAM(("release_callback() : before release")); SAFE_RELEASE(pCallback->as3Function); SPAM(("release_callback() : after release")); pCallback->as3Function = AS3_Undefined(); } pCallback->L = NULL; } *pUserdata = NULL; SPAM(("release_callback() : end")); return 0; }
//////////////////// main//////////////////////////////////////////////////// int getseqblock(char * argv[],int nproc,int iproc) { clock_t start = clock(); //printf("let's begin\n"); //printf("sizeof(long unsinged int)=%ld,sizeof(int)=%ld\n",sizeof(long unsigned int),sizeof(int)); char FileName[400];//name of output swig file strcpy(FileName, argv[1]); if (BlockSize >=8 && BlockSize <=32){ SPAM(("BlockSize=%d\n",BlockSize)); } else{ printf("Wrong range of block size or search size! Should be from 8 to 32!\n"); exit(1); } //for parallel int First; //first chrm to read int Last; int pflag; //indicate whether should start read if (nproc<=0){ First = 0; Last = 32;//assume no more than 32 chrm pflag=1; } else{ First = (24/nproc)*iproc; if (iproc < nproc-1) Last = (24/nproc)*(iproc+1); else Last = 32; pflag=0; } //int N = 16; int Nd = 18; //int SetMaxLength = exp2(Nd-1); //set max contig length int SetMaxDiff = exp2(Nd); //set max value difference int SetBlockSize = exp2(BlockSize); //number of diff that are encoded together //int SearchInd[(int)(1)<<IndexSize]; //auxilary table indicating how many times a code block is used for search, assume average contig length is 2^4, has the same number of elements as OffSet //memset(SearchInd, 0, ((int)(1)<<IndexSize)*sizeof(int)); char ChrmNames[8*32]; //every chrm has a name less than 8 characters, assume no more than 32 chrm memset(ChrmNames,0,8*32*sizeof(char)); char *tmpChrmName; unsigned int DiffCount[SetMaxDiff]; //frequncy of each difference value of contigs memset(DiffCount,0,SetMaxDiff*sizeof(unsigned int)); unsigned int LenDiffCount[SetMaxDiff]; //frequncy of each difference length of contigs memset(LenDiffCount,0,SetMaxDiff*sizeof(unsigned int)); double DiffTable[SetMaxDiff]; //difference alphabet table memset(DiffTable,0,SetMaxDiff*sizeof(double)); double LenDiffTable[SetMaxDiff]; //len diff alphabet table memset(LenDiffTable,0,SetMaxDiff*sizeof(double)); int DiffSize=2, LenDiffSize=2; //Diff and LenDiff alphabet sizes, Talbe[0]=end_marker, Table[1]=exceed_marker DiffTable[0] = -(1<<30); //end marker LenDiffTable[0] = -(1<<30); DiffTable[1] = -(1<<29);//exceed marker LenDiffTable[1] = -(1<<29); double PreValue=-1; double Value=0; double Diff=1;//difference of values of contigs //int PreDiff=1; double NextDiff=1; double PreLocation=-1; double Location=-1; long unsigned int MaxLocation =10000;//the largest location. Not necessarily the last one, because the chromozones are not in order double Contig = 1; //length of current contig double PreContig = 1; //length of previous contig double LenDiff=1; //length difference of two consecutive contigs //long int PreLenDiff=1; //length diff of previous two contigs int bcount=0; //counter inside each block int BlockCount=0; //counter for number of blocks long unsigned int BlockStart; //starting chrm location of a encode block long unsigned int NextBlockStart; // previous BlockStart int SearchInd; //number of search blocks in each code block //long unsigned int ChrmStart[100]; //assume at most 100 chromosomes, ChrmStart[i] stores the starting location of chrm i int ChrmCount=-1; //temp chrm count //int ChrmNum=0; //number of chrms char tmp; char str[1000]; //annotation line char Prestr[1000]; //previous annotation line char tmpFileName[400]; fpos_t position; int i,j=0; int k=0; int tmpcount=0; int tmpint=0; int tmpflag=0; double tmpdouble=0; int warnflag=0; //if warning of float size has been printed //statistics of each block double min=1<<30, max=-(1<<30), mean=0; double coverage=0, totalloc=0; //min and max value, sum of non-NaN basis, number of covered base pairs, number of total base pairs double std=0; //sum of squre of non-NaN basis double smry[32*6];//stats of every chrm for (i=0; i<32*6; i++) smry[i] = 0; //all set of 0 for (i=0; i<32; i++){ smry[6*i] = 1<<30; //min is a large number smry[6*i+1]= -(1<<30); //max is set to be small } //printf("let's begin\n"); //printf("test Count[0~4] %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu", Count[0],Count[1],Count[2],Count[3],Count[4]); //printf("sizeof Location= %lu\n", sizeof(Location)); //input strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); FILE *fp; fp = fopen(tmpFileName, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open input file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } //output diffseq strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"DiffSeq"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpDiffSeq = fopen(tmpFileName, "w+"); if (fpDiffSeq == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } //output lendiffseq strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"LenDiffSeq"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpLenDiffSeq = fopen(tmpFileName, "w+"); if (fpLenDiffSeq == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } //output start, for preloc, strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"Start"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpStart = fopen(tmpFileName, "wb"); if (fpStart == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } //output prevalue, (Pre)contig strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"Pre"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpPre = fopen(tmpFileName, "wb"); if (fpPre == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } //output summary info: min, max, mean, std, coverage, totalloc strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"Smry"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpSmry = fopen(tmpFileName, "wb"); if (fpSmry == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } //output blockaux strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"BlockAux"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpBlockAux = fopen(tmpFileName, "w"); if (fpBlockAux == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } //put a dummy 0 at the beginning fprintf(fpBlockAux,"0 "); //output result FILE *fpResult=fopen("result","a"); if (fpResult == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output result file!\n"); exit(1); } SPAMR((fpResult,"\n//combine/getseqblock.c\n//%s\n",FileName)); SPAM(("===============================\ngetseqblock.c\n")); //start processing input file strcpy(Prestr, "empty"); while (!feof(fp)){ tmp = fgetc(fp); if (tmp >= '0' && tmp <= '9'){ if (!pflag) fgets(str,sizeof(str),fp); else{ ungetc(tmp,fp); fgetpos (fp, &position); fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf\n", &Location,&Value); //Value = (round)(tmpdouble*SetFloatSize); //in case Value is stored in a floating point manner /*if (Value - tmpdouble*SetFloatSize > (double)1/SetfloatSize){ if (warnflag == 0){ fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: THE FILE CONTAINS VALUE=%g WITH PRECISION HIGHER THAN FLOATSIZE=%d! INCREASE FLOATSIZE! diff=%g\n",tmpdouble,(int)(log10(SetFloatSize)),Value - tmpdouble*SetFloatSize); warnflag=1; } }*/ if (Location > MaxLocation) MaxLocation = Location; if (Location != PreLocation+1){//for contig before 0s Value = 0; } if (Value != PreValue){ //stats if (PreValue != 0 && PreLocation > 0){ if (PreValue < min) min = PreValue; if (PreValue > max) max = PreValue; mean += PreValue*Contig; std += (double)PreValue*PreValue*Contig; coverage += Contig; } totalloc += Contig; /*if (k<5){ printf("line %d: Value %d, PreLocation %d, Location %d, Contig %d min1 %d, max1 %d, mean1 %d, std1 %ld, coverage1 %d, totoalloc1 %d\n", k, Value, PreLocation, Location, Contig, min,max,mean,std,coverage,totalloc); } k++;*/ //record record(Value, PreValue, PreLocation, Location, SetMaxDiff, SetBlockSize, &Diff, &NextDiff, &Contig, &PreContig, &LenDiff, &bcount, &BlockCount, DiffCount, LenDiffCount, DiffTable, LenDiffTable, &DiffSize, &LenDiffSize, fpLenDiffSeq, fpDiffSeq, fpStart, fpPre, fpSmry, &BlockStart, &NextBlockStart, &min, &max, &mean, &std, &coverage, &totalloc, smry, ChrmCount); } else{//Diff == 0 Contig++; } if (Location != PreLocation+1){ //record skipped 0s, push back the line fsetpos (fp, &position); PreValue = 0; if (Location<PreLocation){ printf("Location %lg < PreLocation %lg!\n",Location, PreLocation); exit(1); } Contig = Location - PreLocation-1; PreLocation = Location-1; } else{ PreValue = Value; PreLocation = Location; } } } else{ //get a line of annotations ungetc(tmp,fp); fgets(str,sizeof(str),fp); if (strcmp(str, Prestr)){ //different chrm //old chrm if (ChrmCount>=0 && pflag){ //insert a virtual data point and then record PreValue = Value; Value++; PreLocation = Location; Location++; record(Value, PreValue, PreLocation, Location, SetMaxDiff, SetBlockSize, &Diff, &NextDiff, &Contig, &PreContig, &LenDiff, &bcount, &BlockCount, DiffCount, LenDiffCount, DiffTable, LenDiffTable, &DiffSize, &LenDiffSize, fpLenDiffSeq, fpDiffSeq, fpStart, fpPre, fpSmry, &BlockStart, &NextBlockStart, &min, &max, &mean, &std, &coverage, &totalloc, smry, ChrmCount); //end marker of a chrom //fprintf(fpLenDiffSeq,"%d ", -(1<<30)); //fprintf(fpDiffSeq,"%d ",-(1<<30)); tmpdouble = -(1<<30); fwrite(&tmpdouble,sizeof(double),1,fpLenDiffSeq); fwrite(&tmpdouble,sizeof(double),1,fpDiffSeq); bcount++; if (bcount==1){//beginning of a block BlockCount++; } //pad 0s to fill a code block tmpint=(SetBlockSize-bcount)%SetBlockSize; //number of padded 0s for (j=0; j<tmpint; j++){ //fprintf(fpDiffSeq,"1 "); //fprintf(fpLenDiffSeq,"0 "); tmpdouble=0; fwrite(&tmpdouble,sizeof(double),1,fpLenDiffSeq); tmpdouble = 1; fwrite(&tmpdouble,sizeof(double),1,fpDiffSeq); } DiffCount[mydiff(1)]+=tmpint; LenDiffCount[mydiff(0)]+=tmpint; if(tmpint){//search index of the last block BlockStart=NextBlockStart; NextBlockStart=Location; } //number of blocks so far fprintf(fpBlockAux,"%d ",BlockCount); //stats of the last block of the chrm summary(&min,&max,&mean,&std,&coverage,&totalloc,smry, ChrmCount, fpSmry); } //new chrm //printf("chrm %d, %s", ChrmCount, str); strcpy(Prestr, str); ChrmCount++; if (ChrmCount>=32){ printf("Too many chromosomes!\n"); exit(1); } if (ChrmCount == Last) break; if (ChrmCount == First) pflag = 1; if (pflag){ tmpChrmName = strstr(str, "chrom="); if (tmpChrmName == NULL){ printf("Wrong annotation line: %s, must contain chromosome name!\n", str); exit(1); } j=6; while (tmpChrmName[j]!=' ' && j<14){ ChrmNames[8*ChrmCount+j-6]=tmpChrmName[j]; j++; } //first (PreValue,PreContig,PreLocation) for each chrm tmpdouble=-2;//prevalue fwrite(&tmpdouble, sizeof(double),1,fpPre); tmpdouble=1;//precontig fwrite(&tmpdouble, sizeof(double),1,fpPre); tmpdouble=-1;//prelocation fwrite(&tmpdouble, sizeof(double),1,fpStart); //printf("fpstart first elt %d\n",tmpstart); //starting index //reset parameters PreValue=-1; Value=0; Diff=1; NextDiff=1; PreLocation=-1; Location=-1; Contig = 1; PreContig = 1; LenDiff=1; bcount=0; BlockStart=0; NextBlockStart=0; } } } } //ending part of last chrm, only process it if nonparelle, or if it is the last processor if (Location>=0 && (nproc<=0 || (nproc>0 && iproc==nproc-1))){ //printf("ending of chrm %d\n",ChrmCount); //insert a virtual data point and then record PreValue = Value; Value++; PreLocation = Location; Location++; record(Value, PreValue, PreLocation, Location, SetMaxDiff, SetBlockSize, &Diff, &NextDiff, &Contig, &PreContig, &LenDiff, &bcount, &BlockCount, DiffCount, LenDiffCount, DiffTable, LenDiffTable, &DiffSize, &LenDiffSize, fpLenDiffSeq, fpDiffSeq, fpStart, fpPre, fpSmry, &BlockStart, &NextBlockStart, &min, &max, &mean, &std, &coverage, &totalloc, smry, ChrmCount); //end marker of a chrom, Table[0]=marker=-(1<<30); //fprintf(fpLenDiffSeq,"%d ", -(1<<30)); //fprintf(fpDiffSeq,"%d ",-(1<<30)); tmpdouble = -(1<<30); fwrite(&tmpdouble,sizeof(double),1,fpLenDiffSeq); fwrite(&tmpdouble,sizeof(double),1,fpDiffSeq); bcount++; if (bcount==1){//beginning of a block BlockCount++; } //pad 0s to fill a code block tmpint=(SetBlockSize-bcount)%SetBlockSize; //number of padded 0s for (j=0; j<tmpint; j++){ //fprintf(fpDiffSeq,"1 "); //fprintf(fpLenDiffSeq,"0 "); tmpdouble=0; fwrite(&tmpdouble,sizeof(double),1,fpLenDiffSeq); tmpdouble = 1; fwrite(&tmpdouble,sizeof(double),1,fpDiffSeq); } DiffCount[mydiff(1)]+=tmpint; LenDiffCount[mydiff(0)]+=tmpint; if(tmpint){//search index of the last block BlockStart=NextBlockStart; NextBlockStart=Location; } //number of blocks so far fprintf(fpBlockAux,"%d ",BlockCount); //stats of the last block of the chrm summary(&min,&max,&mean,&std,&coverage,&totalloc,smry, ChrmCount, fpSmry); } ChrmCount++; if (Last>ChrmCount) Last = ChrmCount; //open output files 1 strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"Diff"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpDiff = fopen(tmpFileName,"w"); if (fpDiff == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output Count file!\n"); exit(1); } strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"LenDiff"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpLenDiff = fopen(tmpFileName,"w"); if (fpLenDiff == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output Count file!\n"); exit(1); } //write to output files 1 if (nproc<0 || iproc==0){//if non parallel or if first processor DiffCount[1] = 1;//exceed marker LenDiffCount[1] = 1; DiffCount[0] = 1;//end marker of a chrm LenDiffCount[0] = 1; } else{ DiffCount[1] = 0;//exceed marker LenDiffCount[1] = 0; DiffCount[0] = 0;//end marker of a chrm LenDiffCount[0] = 0; } fprintf(fpDiff,"#Difference\tCount\n"); fprintf(fpLenDiff,"#Difference of Length\tCount\n"); for (i=0; i<DiffSize; i++){ //fprintf(fpDiff,"%d\t%u\n", DiffTable[i],DiffCount[i]); fwrite(&DiffTable[i],sizeof(double),1,fpDiff); fwrite(&DiffCount[i],sizeof(int),1,fpDiff); } for (i=0; i<LenDiffSize; i++){ //fprintf(fpLenDiff,"%d\t%u\n", LenDiffTable[i],LenDiffCount[i]); fwrite(&LenDiffTable[i],sizeof(double),1,fpLenDiff); fwrite(&LenDiffCount[i],sizeof(int),1,fpLenDiff); } //output file chrmname strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"ChrmName"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpName = fopen(tmpFileName,"w"); if (fpName == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } //for (i=0; i<ChrmCount; i++){ for (i=First; i<Last; i++){ fprintf(fpName,"%s ",&ChrmNames[8*i]); } fclose(fpName); //output file SmryAll strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"SmryAll"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpSmryAll = fopen(tmpFileName,"wb"); if (fpSmryAll == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } fwrite(&smry[First*6],sizeof(double), (Last-First)*6,fpSmryAll); fclose(fpSmryAll); clock_t end = clock(); SPAMR((fpResult,"Time for processing file in seconds\n%2.3f\nProcess index iproc=%d, nproc=%d\n", (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,iproc,nproc)); //printf("Time for processing file %2.3f sec.\n", (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); //fprintf(fpResult,"NoExceedValue=%d, NoExceededLength=%d\n",ExceededValue,ExceededLength); //fprintf(fpResult,"BlockSize=%d, SearchSize=%d\n",BlockSize, SearchSize); fclose(fp); fclose(fpDiffSeq); fclose(fpLenDiffSeq); fclose(fpDiff); fclose(fpLenDiff); fclose(fpResult); fclose(fpBlockAux); fclose(fpStart); fclose(fpSmry); fclose(fpPre); return 0; }
int fremove(int opt, char * argv[], int nproc) { char FileName[1000];//name of processed Wig file char tmpchar[1000], str[2]; clock_t start = clock(); SPAM(("=================\nfremove start! opt=%d\n",opt)); strcpy(FileName, argv[1]); char Type[20][40]; char c[20][10000]; int i,j; for (i=0; i<20 && list[opt][i][0]; i++){ for (j=0; j<40; j++){ Type[i][j] = list[opt][i][j]; } } int N=i; //extra files to delete char dlist[2][40]={"DiffSeqMatlabDecode","LenDiffSeqMatlabDecode"}; for (i=0; i<2; i++){ for (j=0; j<40; j++){ Type[i+N][j] = dlist[i][j]; } //printf("type %d is %s\n",i+N,Type[i+N]); } i=1; while (i<20 && Type[i][0]){ strcpy(c[i],FileName); strcat(c[i],Type[i]); if (opt==3 && i>=N){ for (j=0;j<nproc;j++){ strcpy(tmpchar,c[i]); sprintf(str,"%02d",j); strcat(tmpchar,str); remove(tmpchar); } } else remove(c[i]); //printf("remove file %s\n",Type[i]); i++; } i=0; if (opt==3){ //mergesub of the output wig file strcpy(c[i],argv[2]); fmergesub(nproc,c[i]); } clock_t end = clock(); SPAM(("fremove takes %2.3f sec.\n", (double)(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); return 1; }
int luabins_load( lua_State * L, const unsigned char * data, size_t len, int * count ) { lbs_LoadState ls; int result = LUABINS_ESUCCESS; unsigned char num_items = 0; int base = 0; int i = 0; base = lua_gettop(L); lbsLS_init(&ls, data, len); num_items = lbsLS_readbyte(&ls); if (!lbsLS_good(&ls)) { SPAM(("load: failed to read num_items byte\n")); result = LUABINS_EBADDATA; } else if (num_items > LUABINS_MAXTUPLE) { SPAM(("load: tuple too large: %d\n", (int)num_items)); result = LUABINS_EBADSIZE; } else { XSPAM(("* load: tuple size %d\n", (int)num_items)); for ( i = 0; i < num_items && result == LUABINS_ESUCCESS; ++i ) { XSPAM(("* load: loading tuple item %d\n", i)); result = load_value(L, &ls); } } if (result == LUABINS_ESUCCESS && lbsLS_unread(&ls) > 0) { SPAM(("load: %lu chars left at tail\n", lbsLS_unread(&ls))); result = LUABINS_ETAILEFT; } if (result == LUABINS_ESUCCESS) { *count = num_items; } else { lua_settop(L, base); /* Discard intermediate results */ switch (result) { case LUABINS_EBADDATA: lua_pushliteral(L, "can't load: corrupt data"); break; case LUABINS_EBADSIZE: lua_pushliteral(L, "can't load: corrupt data, bad size"); break; case LUABINS_ETAILEFT: lua_pushliteral(L, "can't load: extra data at end"); break; default: /* Should not happen */ lua_pushliteral(L, "load failed"); break; } } return result; }
static int load_value(lua_State * L, lbs_LoadState * ls) { int result = LUABINS_ESUCCESS; unsigned char type = lbsLS_readbyte(ls); if (!lbsLS_good(ls)) { SPAM(("load: Failed to read value type byte\n")); return LUABINS_EBADDATA; } XSPAM(("* load: begin load_value\n")); luaL_checkstack(L, 1, "load_value"); switch (type) { case LUABINS_CNIL: XSPAM(("* load: nil\n")); lua_pushnil(L); break; case LUABINS_CFALSE: XSPAM(("* load: false\n")); lua_pushboolean(L, 0); break; case LUABINS_CTRUE: XSPAM(("* load: true\n")); lua_pushboolean(L, 1); break; case LUABINS_CNUMBER: { lua_Number value; XSPAM(("* load: number\n")); result = lbsLS_readbytes(ls, (unsigned char *)&value, LUABINS_LNUMBER); if (result == LUABINS_ESUCCESS) { lua_pushnumber(L, value); } } break; case LUABINS_CSTRING: { size_t len = 0; XSPAM(("* load: string\n")); result = lbsLS_readbytes(ls, (unsigned char *)&len, LUABINS_LSIZET); if (result == LUABINS_ESUCCESS) { const unsigned char * pos = lbsLS_eat(ls, len); XSPAM(("* load: string size %u\n", (int)len)); if (pos != NULL) { lua_pushlstring(L, (const char *)pos, len); } else { result = LUABINS_EBADSIZE; } } } break; case LUABINS_CTABLE: XSPAM(("* load: table\n")); result = load_table(L, ls); break; default: SPAM(("load: Unknown type char 0x%02X found\n", type)); result = LUABINS_EBADDATA; break; } XSPAM(("* load: end load_value\n")); return result; }
static int load_table(lua_State * L, lbs_LoadState * ls) { int array_size = 0; int hash_size = 0; unsigned int total_size = 0; int result = lbsLS_readbytes(ls, (unsigned char *)&array_size, LUABINS_LINT); if (result == LUABINS_ESUCCESS) { result = lbsLS_readbytes(ls, (unsigned char *)&hash_size, LUABINS_LINT); } if (result == LUABINS_ESUCCESS) { total_size = array_size + hash_size; /* SPAM(( "LT SIZE CHECK\n" "* array_size %d limit 0 .. %d\n" "* hash_size %d limit >0\n" "* hash_size bytes %d, limit %d\n" "* unread %u limit >min_size %u (total_size %u)\n", array_size, MAXASIZE, hash_size, ceillog2((unsigned int)hash_size), MAXBITS, (unsigned int)lbsLS_unread(ls), (unsigned int)luabins_min_table_data_size(total_size), (unsigned int)total_size )); */ if ( array_size < 0 || array_size > MAXASIZE || hash_size < 0 || (hash_size > 0 && ceillog2((unsigned int)hash_size) > MAXBITS) || lbsLS_unread(ls) < luabins_min_table_data_size(total_size) ) { result = LUABINS_EBADSIZE; } } if (result == LUABINS_ESUCCESS) { unsigned int i = 0; XSPAM(( "* load: creating table a:%d + h:%d = %d\n", array_size, hash_size, total_size )); lua_createtable(L, array_size, hash_size); for (i = 0; i < total_size; ++i) { int key_type = LUA_TNONE; result = load_value(L, ls); /* Load key. */ if (result != LUABINS_ESUCCESS) { break; } /* Table key can't be nil or NaN */ key_type = lua_type(L, -1); if (key_type == LUA_TNIL) { /* Corrupt data? */ SPAM(("load: nil as key detected\n")); result = LUABINS_EBADDATA; break; } if (key_type == LUA_TNUMBER) { lua_Number key = lua_tonumber(L, -1); if (luai_numisnan(key)) { /* Corrupt data? */ SPAM(("load: NaN as key detected\n")); result = LUABINS_EBADDATA; break; } } result = load_value(L, ls); /* Load value. */ if (result != LUABINS_ESUCCESS) { break; } lua_rawset(L, -3); } } return result; }
/* * Take the Lua stack item at index i and convert it into an * ActionScript value. */ AS3_Val get_as3_value_from_lua_stack_type(lua_State * L, int i, int type) { /* WARNING: Panic alert! Use L*_FN checkers here! */ LCALL(L, stack); AS3_Val value; switch (type) { case LUA_TSTRING: /* strings */ { size_t length = 0; const char * str = lua_tolstring(L, i, &length); if (str == NULL) /* NOTE: This is unreachable. Assert instead */ { length = 6; str = "(null)"; } /* NOTE: Alchemy .5a truncates embedded zeroes in string * regardless to the passed length */ value = AS3_StringN(str, length); } break; case LUA_TBOOLEAN: /* booleans */ value = lua_toboolean(L, i) ? AS3_True() : AS3_False(); break; case LUA_TNUMBER: /* numbers */ value = AS3_Number(lua_tonumber(L, i)); break; case LUA_TNONE: /* fall through */ case LUA_TNIL: /* nil */ value = AS3_Null(); break; case LUA_TUSERDATA: /* userdata */ { void * userdata = lua_touserdata(L, i); lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, AS3LUA_METATABLE); if (userdata == NULL || !lua_getmetatable(L, i)) { lua_pop(L, 1); /* Pop AS3LUA_METATABLE */ value = as3_value_from_foreign_userdata(L, i); } else if (!lua_rawequal(L, -2, -1)) { lua_pop(L, 2); /* Pop AS3LUA_METATABLE and userdata metatable */ value = as3_value_from_foreign_userdata(L, i); } else { lua_pop(L, 2); /* Pop AS3LUA_METATABLE and userdata metatable */ AS3LuaUserData * userdata = (AS3LuaUserData *)lua_touserdata(L, i); value = userdata->value; /* * We just created one more reference to the AS3 value, * as it still lives inside Lua. * (And will probably be collected by GC.) */ AS3_Acquire(value); } } break; case LUA_TFUNCTION: /* function */ value = setup_callback(L, i); break; case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA: /* TODO: blackbox this type */ case LUA_TTABLE: /* TODO: deal with this type */ case LUA_TTHREAD: /* TODO: blackbox this type */ value = AS3_String(lua_typename(L, type)); break; default: /* unreachable */ fatal_error("unknown Lua type"); break; } #ifdef DO_SPAM SPAM(("get_as3_value_from_lua_stack(): end")); AS3_Trace( AS3_Call( getQualifiedClassName_method, NULL, AS3_Array("AS3ValType", value) ) ); #endif /* DO_SPAM */ LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 0, fatal_error); return value; }
bool parseSocket(_CLIENT* client, sqlite3* db, int announceInterval){ char buf[1024]; char* buffer=buf; int size,c; bool handled=false; ANNOUNCE_REQUEST ar; socklen_t socklen; struct sockaddr_storage conn; size=recv(client->socket,buf,sizeof(buf)-1,MSG_PEEK); if(size==0||size==sizeof(buf)-1){ ERROR(printf("Erroneous link\n")); handled=true; } else{ buf[size]=0; SPAM(printf("%d bytes of data received\n",size)); if(!strncmp(buffer,"GET /",5)){ buffer+=5; //http client if(!strncmp(buffer,"announce",8)){ buffer+=8; //announce request, parse memset(&ar,0,sizeof(ANNOUNCE_REQUEST)); socklen=sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); if(getpeername(client->socket,(struct sockaddr*)&conn,&socklen)!=-1){ //check mandatory arguments c=charIndex((unsigned char*)buffer,' '); if(c!=-1){ buffer[c]=0;//terminate buffer after request string char* hash=textAfter(buffer,"info_hash="); char* peerid=textAfter(buffer,"peer_id="); char* port=textAfter(buffer,"port="); char* event=textAfter(buffer,"event="); char* numwant=textAfter(buffer,"numwant="); char* left=textAfter(buffer,"left="); if(hash&&peerid&&port){ //get compact flag ar.compact=false; if(strstr(buffer,"compact=1")){ ar.compact=true; } //get no_peer_id flag ar.no_peer_id=false; if(strstr(buffer,"no_peer_id=1")){ ar.no_peer_id=true; } //get event data ar.event=NONE; if(event&&(!strncmp(event,"st",2)||!strncmp(event,"co",2))){ switch(event[2]){ case 'a': ar.event=STARTED; break; case 'o': ar.event=STOPPED; break; case 'm': ar.event=COMPLETED; break; } } //calculate parameter lengths int hash_len=httpParamLength(hash); int peerid_len=httpParamLength(peerid); if(decodedStrlen(hash,hash_len)==MAX_HASH_LEN&&decodedStrlen(peerid,peerid_len)==MAX_HASH_LEN){ strncpy(ar.info_hash,hash,hash_len);//FIXME TODO ensure string termination strncpy(ar.peer_id,peerid,peerid_len); ar.port=strtoul(port,NULL,10); if(numwant){ ar.numwant=strtoul(numwant,NULL,10); } if(ar.numwant>MAXPEERS_SENT||ar.numwant<=0){//there are clients that actually send 0 here? ar.numwant=MAXPEERS_SENT; } ar.left=0; if(left){ ar.left=strtoul(left,NULL,10); } if(conn.ss_family==AF_INET6){ inet_ntop(conn.ss_family,&(((struct sockaddr_in6*)&conn)->sin6_addr),ar.ip,INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); ar.protover=6; } else{ inet_ntop(conn.ss_family,&(((struct sockaddr_in*)&conn)->sin_addr),ar.ip,INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); ar.protover=4; } //DEBUG(printf("info_hash: %s, peer_id: %s, addr %s, port %d\n",ar.info_hash,ar.peer_id,ar.ip,ar.port)); track(client->socket, db, &ar, announceInterval); handled=true; } else{ //vital parameters out of bounds if(client->recv_iter>=MAX_RECV_ITER){ sendHttpHeaders(client->socket,"400 Bad Syntax","X-Failure-Reason: Failed Parameter Validation\r\n"); } } } else{ //request is missing vital data if(client->recv_iter>=MAX_RECV_ITER){ sendHttpHeaders(client->socket,"408 Timed out","X-Failure-Reason: Missing parameters\r\n"); } } } else{ //request was not properly terminated if(client->recv_iter>=MAX_RECV_ITER){ sendHttpHeaders(client->socket,"400 Bad Syntax","X-Failure-Reason: Thats just plain wrong\r\n"); } } } else{ ERROR(printf("Call to getpeername failed\n")); handled=true; } } else if(!strncmp(buffer, "scrape", 6)){ buffer+=6; //scrape request c=charIndex((unsigned char*)buffer, ' '); if(c!=-1){ buffer[c]=0; char* hash=textAfter(buffer,"info_hash="); if(!hash){ scrape(client->socket, db, NULL); handled=true; } else{ //get hash int hash_len=httpParamLength(hash); if(decodedStrlen(hash,hash_len)==MAX_HASH_LEN){ unsigned char hashbuf[MAX_URLENC_HASH_LEN+1]; memcpy(hashbuf,hash,hash_len); hashbuf[hash_len]=0; destructiveURLDecode(hashbuf); hashEncodeHex(hashbuf,(sizeof(hashbuf)/sizeof(unsigned char))-1); scrape(client->socket, db, hashbuf); handled=true; } } } else{ //request was not properly terminated if(client->recv_iter>=MAX_RECV_ITER){ sendHttpHeaders(client->socket,"400 Bad Syntax","X-Failure-Reason: Thats just plain wrong\r\n"); } } } else{ //some other http sendHttpHeaders(client->socket,"200 OK",STANDARD_HEADER); for(c=0;c<10;c++){ sendString(client->socket,"Making Milhouse cry is not a science project\r\n"); } handled=true; } } else{ //non-http client or wrong operation sendHttpHeaders(client->socket,"405 Not supported",STANDARD_HEADER); handled=true; } } if(handled||client->recv_iter>=MAX_RECV_ITER){ handled=true; //flush kernel buffers recv(client->socket,buf,sizeof(buf)-1,0); } return handled; }
/* * Function used as a callback for all Lua functions passed through * get_as3_value_from_lua_stack() */ AS3_Val as3_lua_callback(void * data, AS3_Val args) { /* WARNING: Panic alert! Use L*_FN checkers here! */ SPAM(("as3_lua_callback(): begin")); AS3_Val res; LuaFunctionCallbackData * func_data = (LuaFunctionCallbackData *) data; int nargs = 0; int status = 0; int results_base = 0; lua_State * L = func_data->L; if (L == NULL) { /* TODO: Should we crash here? fatal_error("state expired"); / * Does not return * / */ sztrace("as3_lua_callback: state expired"); return AS3_Undefined(); } { /* A new scope for LCALL to work (C89 conformance) */ LCALL(L, stack); /* TODO: Cache that with lua_ref, it is faster */ lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, AS3LUA_CALLBACKS); /* TODO: Assert we have a table here */ lua_rawgeti(L, -1, func_data->ref); /* push stored function */ if (lua_istable(L, -1) == 0) /* Probably nil */ { lua_pop(L, 1); /* Pop bad callback table */ LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 0, fatal_error); fatal_error("function callback not found"); /* Does not return */ } lua_rawgeti(L, -1, AS3LUA_CBFNINDEX); /* push stored callback function */ #ifdef DO_SPAM { SPAM(("as3_lua_callback(): AS3 arguments")); AS3_Val a = AS3_CallS("join", args, AS3_Undefined()); AS3_Trace(a); SAFE_RELEASE(a); } #endif /* DO_SPAM */ /* TODO: Assert we have Lua function (or other callable object) on the top of the stack */ LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2 + 1, fatal_error); nargs = push_as3_array_to_lua_stack(L, args); /* push arguments */ #ifdef DO_SPAM /* TODO: Remove */ lua_pushcfunction(L, as3_trace); dump_lua_stack(L, LBASE(L, stack) + 2 + 1); lua_pushliteral(L, "ARGUMENTS"); lua_pushnumber(L, nargs); lua_call(L, 3, 0); #endif /* DO_SPAM */ LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2 + 1 + nargs, fatal_error); results_base = LBASE(L, stack) + 2; status = do_pcall_with_traceback(L, nargs, LUA_MULTRET); if (status != 0) { const char * msg = NULL; LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2 + 1, fatal_error); /* Tables and error message */ lua_remove(L, -2); /* Remove AS3LUA_CALLBACKS table */ lua_remove(L, -2); /* Remove holder table */ LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 1, fatal_error); /* Only error message */ /* Error message is on stack */ /* NOTE: It is not necessary string! If we want to preserve its type, see lua_DoString. */ if (lua_tostring(L, -1) == NULL) { lua_pop(L, 1); lua_pushliteral(L, "(non-string)"); } LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 1, fatal_error); lua_pushliteral(L, "Error in Lua callback:\n"); lua_insert(L, -2); LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2, fatal_error); lua_concat(L, 2); LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 1, fatal_error); sztrace((char *)lua_tostring(L, -1)); /* TODO: ?! */ /* lua_error(L); */ msg = lua_tostring(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); /* fatal_error(msg); / * Does not return * / */ } /* Process results */ #ifdef DO_SPAM /* TODO: Remove */ /* lua_pushcfunction(L, as3_trace); lua_pushliteral(L, "STACK"); dump_lua_stack(L, results_base); lua_call(L, 2, 0); */ #endif /* DO_SPAM */ res = create_as3_value_from_lua_stack(L, results_base + 1, LTOP(L, stack), TRUE); #ifdef DO_SPAM SPAM(("as3_lua_callback() result type")); AS3_Trace(AS3_Call(getQualifiedClassName_method, NULL, AS3_Array("AS3ValType", res))); #endif /* DO_SPAM */ lua_settop(L, LBASE(L, stack)); /* Cleanup results and two holder tables */ SPAM(("as3_lua_callback(): end")); return res; } /* Unreachable */ }
int to_wig_by_blocks(char * argv[], int nproc, int iproc){ clock_t start = clock(); SPAM(("================\nto_wig_by_blocks.c start!\n")); char FileName[400];//name of processed Wig file strcpy(FileName, argv[1]); //for parallel int First; //first chrm to read //int Last; //int pflag; //indicate whether should start read if (nproc<=0){ First = 0; //Last = 32;//assume no more than 32 chrm //pflag=1; } else{ First = (24/nproc)*iproc; /*if (iproc < nproc-1) Last = (24/nproc)*(iproc+1); else Last = 32;*/ //pflag=0; } int Nd = 18; int SetMaxDiff = exp2(Nd); //set max alphabet size double Map[SetMaxDiff]; //maps each consecutive integer to the actual alphabet memset(Map,0,SetMaxDiff*sizeof(double)); double LenMap[SetMaxDiff]; memset(LenMap,0,SetMaxDiff*sizeof(double)); char ChrmNames[8*32]; //every chrm has a name less than 8 characters, assume no more than 32 chrm memset(ChrmNames,0,8*32*sizeof(char)); int ChrmCount=0; //int type; //char Type[40]; double PreValue=-2; double Value=0; double Diff;//difference of values of contigs //int NextDiff=1; double PreLocation=-1; double Location=-1; double Contig = 1; //length of current contig double PreContig = 1; //length of previous contig double LenDiff; //length difference of two consecutive contigs char str[200]; char tmpFileName[400]; int i,j; int tmpint,tmp; int pcount=0; long long lcount=0; //count number of lines in wig file //for blocks use int SetBlockSize = exp2(BlockSize); //number of diff that are encoded together int IndexAux[32]; //(the last location of a chrm)>>SearchBlock, assume no more than 32 chrm memset(IndexAux,0,32*sizeof(unsigned int)); int bcount=0; //counter inside each block //int BlockCount=0; //counter for number of blocks //read from count files strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"Diff"); FILE *fpDiff = fopen(tmpFileName,"r"); if (fpDiff == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output Count file!\n"); exit(1); } strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"LenDiff"); FILE *fpLenDiff = fopen(tmpFileName,"r"); if (fpLenDiff == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output LenDiff file!\n"); exit(1); } //skip annotation fgets(str,sizeof(str),fpDiff); fgets(str,sizeof(str),fpLenDiff); //change consecutive alphabet to the actual alphabet i=0; while (fread(&Map[i],sizeof(double),1,fpDiff)==1){ //fscanf(fpDiff,"%d\t%*u\n", &Map[i]); fread(&tmpint,sizeof(int),1,fpDiff); i ++; } i=0; while (fread(&LenMap[i],sizeof(double),1,fpLenDiff)==1){ //fscanf(fpLenDiff,"%d\t%*u\n", &LenMap[i]); fread(&tmpint,sizeof(int),1,fpLenDiff); i ++; } fclose(fpDiff); fclose(fpLenDiff); /*printf("map done!\n"); for (j=0; j<80; j++) printf("j=%d, %d %d\n",j, Map[j],LenMap[j]);*/ ///////////////matlab seq to seq //open matlab seq strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"DiffSeqMatlabDecode"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpDiffSeqMatlab = fopen(tmpFileName, "r"); if (fpDiffSeqMatlab == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } //open matlab len seq strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"LenDiffSeqMatlabDecode"); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fpLenDiffSeqMatlab = fopen(tmpFileName, "r"); if (fpLenDiffSeqMatlab == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } //output wig strcpy(tmpFileName,argv[2]); if (nproc>0){ tmpint = sprintf(str,"%02d",iproc); strcat(tmpFileName,str); } FILE *fp; fp = fopen(tmpFileName, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open output file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } //chrm names strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"ChrmName"); FILE *fpName = fopen(tmpFileName, "r"); if (fpName == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open input file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } while(!feof(fpName)){ fscanf(fpName,"%8s",&ChrmNames[8*ChrmCount]); ChrmCount++; } int StartBlockIndex=0; //int EndBlockIndex=0; //fpBlockAux strcpy(tmpFileName,FileName); strcat(tmpFileName,"BlockAux"); FILE *fpBlockAux = fopen(tmpFileName, "r"); if (fpBlockAux == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s!\n",tmpFileName); exit(1); } for(i=0; i<First+1 && !feof(fpBlockAux); i++) fscanf(fpBlockAux,"%d ",&tmp); StartBlockIndex = tmp ; /*for (i; i<Last+1 && !feof(fpBlockAux); i++) fscanf(fpBlockAux,"%d ",&tmp); EndBlockIndex = tmp + 1;*/ fclose(fpBlockAux); j=0; i = First; //Chrm count pcount = 1024; //count to print annotation bcount = 0; Diff=1; LenDiff=1; while(!feof(fpDiffSeqMatlab) && !feof(fpLenDiffSeqMatlab)){ /*if (Location==3839085){ //(j<100){ printf("PreLocation=%lu Location=%lu Contig=%ld LenDiff=%ld Value=%d Diff=%d\n", PreLocation,Location, Contig, LenDiff,Value,Diff); printf("bcount=%d\n",bcount); }*/ if (bcount==SetBlockSize) bcount = 0; bcount++; if (pcount==1024){ fprintf(fp,"variableStep chrom=%s span=1\n", &ChrmNames[i*8]); pcount = 0; lcount++; } fscanf(fpDiffSeqMatlab,"%d ",&tmpint); Diff = Map[tmpint]; fscanf(fpLenDiffSeqMatlab,"%d ",&tmpint); LenDiff = LenMap[tmpint]; if (Diff == -(1<<30)){//end of a chrm i++; pcount = 1024; PreValue = -2; PreContig = 1; PreLocation = -1; //printf("chrm %d finished\n",i); //remove padded 0s tmpint=(SetBlockSize-bcount)%SetBlockSize; //number of padded 0s for (j=0; j<tmpint; j++){ fscanf(fpDiffSeqMatlab,"%d ",&tmp); fscanf(fpLenDiffSeqMatlab,"%d ",&tmp); } bcount=0; continue; } //write to wig Value = PreValue + Diff; Contig = PreContig + LenDiff; if (Contig < 0){ printf("Contig=%lg out of range! Check input file please!\n", Contig); printf("Location=%lg PreLocation=%lg Value=%lg PreValue=%lg ChrmName=%s\n",Location,PreLocation,Value,PreValue,&ChrmNames[i*8]); printf("Line # in wig is %lld\n",lcount); exit(1); } if ((Value>1e-8 || Value<-1e-8) && PreLocation!=-1){ for (Location=PreLocation; Location < PreLocation + Contig; Location++ ){ //fprintf(fp,"%ld\t%lg\n", Location,(double)(Value)/SetFloatSize); fprintf(fp,"%ld\t%lg\n", (long int)Location,Value); lcount ++; pcount ++; } } else Location = PreLocation + Contig; //reset PreValue = Value; PreContig = Contig; PreLocation = Location; //Diff = NextDiff; } clock_t end = clock(); FILE *fpResult = fopen("result","a"); if (fpResult == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output Count file!\n"); exit(1); } SPAMR((fpResult,"//%s to_wig\n",FileName)); SPAMR((fpResult,"Time for processing file in decode %2.3f sec.\n", (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); if (!feof(fpDiffSeqMatlab) || !feof(fpLenDiffSeqMatlab)){ printf("two matlab seq files not same sizes!\n"); exit(1); } fclose(fp); fclose(fpDiffSeqMatlab); fclose(fpLenDiffSeqMatlab); fclose(fpName); fclose(fpResult); return 1; }
void introduce_user(const char *user) { #ifdef IRC_UNDERNET_P10 char *modos=NULL; #endif /* Watch out for infinite loops... */ #define LTSIZE 20 static int lasttimes[LTSIZE]; if (lasttimes[0] >= time(NULL)-3) fatal("introduce_user() loop detected"); memmove(lasttimes, lasttimes+1, sizeof(lasttimes)-sizeof(int)); lasttimes[LTSIZE-1] = time(NULL); #undef LTSIZE #ifdef IRC_UNDERNET_P10 if (!user || stricmp(user, s_NickServ) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_NickServP10) == 0) { s_NickServP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_NickServP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_NickServP10, "AA"); modos="+okdrh"; NICK(s_NickServ, modos, s_NickServP10, desc_NickServ); send_cmd(s_NickServ, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_NickServP10); send_cmd(s_NickServ, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_NickServP10); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_ChanServ) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_ChanServP10) == 0) { s_ChanServP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_ChanServP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_ChanServP10, "AB"); modos="+Bkrhd"; NICK(s_ChanServ, modos, s_ChanServP10, desc_ChanServ); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_ChanServP10); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_ChanServP10); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_MemoServ) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_MemoServP10) == 0) { s_MemoServP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_MemoServP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_MemoServP10, "AE"); modos="+krhd"; NICK(s_MemoServ, modos, s_MemoServP10, desc_MemoServ); send_cmd(s_MemoServ, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_MemoServP10); send_cmd(s_MemoServ, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_MemoServP10); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_OperServ) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_OperServP10) == 0) { s_OperServP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_OperServP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_OperServP10, "AF"); modos="+Bkorhdi"; NICK(s_OperServ, modos, s_OperServP10, desc_OperServ); send_cmd(s_OperServ, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_OperServP10); send_cmd(s_OperServ, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_OperServP10); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_NewsServ) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_NewsServP10) == 0) { s_NewsServP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_NewsServP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_NewsServP10, "AG"); modos="+krd"; NICK(s_NewsServ, modos, s_NewsServP10, desc_NewsServ); send_cmd(s_NewsServ, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_NewsServP10); send_cmd(s_NewsServ, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_NewsServP10); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_SpamServ) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_SpamServP10) == 0) { s_SpamServP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_SpamServP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_SpamServP10, "AH"); modos="+kro"; NICK(s_SpamServ, modos, s_SpamServP10, desc_SpamServ); send_cmd(s_SpamServ, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_SpamServP10); send_cmd(s_SpamServ, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_SpamServP10); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_GlobalNoticer) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_GlobalNoticerP10) == 0) { s_GlobalNoticerP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_GlobalNoticerP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_GlobalNoticerP10, "AI"); modos="+krhod"; NICK(s_GlobalNoticer, modos, s_GlobalNoticerP10, desc_GlobalNoticer); send_cmd(s_GlobalNoticer, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_GlobalNoticerP10); send_cmd(s_GlobalNoticer, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_GlobalNoticerP10); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_HelpServ) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_HelpServP10) == 0) { s_HelpServP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_HelpServP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_HelpServP10, "AJ"); modos="+krd"; NICK(s_HelpServ, modos, s_HelpServP10, desc_HelpServ); send_cmd(s_HelpServ, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_HelpServP10); send_cmd(s_HelpServ, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_HelpServP10); } if (s_IrcIIHelp && (!user || stricmp(user, s_IrcIIHelp) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_IrcIIHelpP10) == 0)) { s_IrcIIHelpP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_IrcIIHelpP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_IrcIIHelpP10, "AK"); modos="+krd"; NICK(s_IrcIIHelp, modos, s_IrcIIHelpP10, desc_IrcIIHelp); send_cmd(s_IrcIIHelp, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_IrcIIHelpP10); send_cmd(s_IrcIIHelp, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_IrcIIHelpP10); } if (s_mIRCHelp && (!user || stricmp(user, s_mIRCHelp) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_mIRCHelpP10) == 0)) { s_IrcIIHelpP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_IrcIIHelpP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_IrcIIHelpP10, "AK"); modos="+krd"; NICK(s_mIRCHelp, modos, s_mIRCHelpP10, desc_mIRCHelp); send_cmd(s_IrcIIHelp, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_mIRCHelpP10); send_cmd(s_mIRCHelp, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_mIRCHelpP10); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_EuskalIRCServ) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_EuskalIRCServP10) == 0) { s_EuskalIRCServP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_EuskalIRCServP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_EuskalIRCServP10, "AH"); modos="+kro"; NICK(s_EuskalIRCServ, modos, s_EuskalIRCServP10, desc_EuskalIRCServ); send_cmd(s_EuskalIRCServ, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_EuskalIRCServP10); send_cmd(s_EuskalIRCServ, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_EuskalIRCServP10); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_CregServ) == 0 || stricmp(user, s_CregServP10) == 0) { s_CregServP10[0]=convert2y[ServerNumerico]; s_CregServP10[1]='\0'; strcat(s_CregServP10, "AJ"); modos="+krd"; NICK(s_CregServ, modos, s_CregServP10, desc_CregServ); send_cmd(s_CregServ, "J #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_CregServP10); send_cmd(s_CregServ, "J #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(ServerName, "M #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_CregServP10); } #else if (!user || stricmp(user, s_ChanServ) == 0) { NICK(s_ChanServ, desc_ChanServ); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE %s +Bbikdor", s_ChanServ); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_ChanServ); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_ChanServ); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +ntsil 1", CanalOpers); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_NickServ) == 0) { NICK(s_NickServ, desc_NickServ); send_cmd(s_NickServ, "MODE %s +kdbBr", s_NickServ); send_cmd(s_NickServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(s_NickServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_NickServ); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_NickServ); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_HelpServ) == 0) { NICK(s_HelpServ, desc_HelpServ); send_cmd(s_HelpServ, "MODE %s +dbBrk", s_HelpServ); send_cmd(s_HelpServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_HelpServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAyuda); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAyuda, s_HelpServ); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_HelpServ); } if (s_IrcIIHelp && (!user || stricmp(user, s_IrcIIHelp) == 0)) { NICK(s_IrcIIHelp, desc_IrcIIHelp); send_cmd(s_IrcIIHelp, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_IrcIIHelp, "JOIN #%s", CanalAyuda); send_cmd(s_IrcIIHelp, "MODE %s +dbBrk", s_IrcIIHelp); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_IrcIIHelp); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAyuda, s_IrcIIHelp); } if (s_mIRCHelp && (!user || stricmp(user, s_mIRCHelp) == 0)) { NICK(s_mIRCHelp, desc_mIRCHelp); send_cmd(s_mIRCHelp, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_mIRCHelp, "JOIN #%s", CanalAyuda); send_cmd(s_mIRCHelp, "MODE %s +dbBrk", s_mIRCHelp); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_mIRCHelp); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAyuda, s_mIRCHelp); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_MemoServ) == 0) { NICK(s_MemoServ, desc_MemoServ); send_cmd(s_MemoServ, "MODE %s +krbdB", s_MemoServ); send_cmd(s_MemoServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_MemoServ); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_OperServ) == 0) { NICK(s_OperServ, desc_OperServ); send_cmd(s_OperServ, "MODE %s +Bbikdor", s_OperServ); send_cmd(s_OperServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_OperServ); send_cmd(s_OperServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalOpers); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalOpers, s_OperServ); send_cmd(s_OperServ, "MODE #%s +ntsil 1", CanalAdmins); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_CregServ) == 0) { NICK(s_CregServ, desc_CregServ); send_cmd(s_CregServ, "MODE %s +Bbikdor", s_CregServ); send_cmd(s_CregServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_CregServ); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_EuskalIRCServ) == 0) { euskalirc(s_EuskalIRCServ, desc_EuskalIRCServ); send_cmd(s_EuskalIRCServ, "MODE %s +Bbikor", s_EuskalIRCServ); send_cmd(s_EuskalIRCServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_EuskalIRCServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAyuda); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAyuda, s_EuskalIRCServ); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_EuskalIRCServ); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_BddServ) == 0) { CNICK(s_BddServ, desc_BddServ, "-", ""); send_cmd(s_BddServ, "MODE %s +iXkoBrd", s_BddServ); send_cmd(s_BddServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_BddServ); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_GlobalNoticer) == 0) { NICK(s_GlobalNoticer, desc_GlobalNoticer); send_cmd(s_GlobalNoticer, "MODE %s +ikorBd", s_GlobalNoticer); send_cmd(s_GlobalNoticer, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_GlobalNoticer); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_ShadowServ) == 0) { CNICK(s_ShadowServ, desc_ShadowServ, "-", "-"); send_cmd(s_ShadowServ, "MODE %s +rokbXBd", s_ShadowServ); send_cmd(s_ShadowServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_ShadowServ); } /* Esto, algún día funcionará... o eso espero ;) */ if (!user || stricmp(user, s_IpVirtual) == 0) { CNICK(s_IpVirtual, desc_IpVirtual, "ipvirtual", ServerName); send_cmd(s_IpVirtual, "MODE %s +rokhBX", s_IpVirtual); send_cmd(s_IpVirtual, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_IpVirtual, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_IpVirtual); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_NewsServ) == 0) { NICK(s_NewsServ, desc_NewsServ); send_cmd(s_NewsServ, "MODE %s +kBbord", s_NewsServ); send_cmd(s_NewsServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_NewsServ); } if (!user || stricmp(user, s_SpamServ) == 0) { SPAM(s_SpamServ, desc_SpamServ); send_cmd( s_SpamServ, "MODE %s +kBbor", s_SpamServ); send_cmd( s_SpamServ, "JOIN #%s", CanalAdmins); send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE #%s +o %s", CanalAdmins, s_SpamServ); send_cmd(NULL, "STATS b"); } #endif }