/****************************************** * 函数名称:SPI1 DMA方式初始化函数 * 功能描述: * 入口参数: * 出口参数: * 返 回 值: * 全局变量: * 调用函数: * 描述 : *******************************************/ static void SPI1_Init(void) { /*SPI1 setting config*/ SPI1_Config(); /*SPI1 DMA setting config*/ SPI1_DMA_Config(); /*Enable SPI1*/ SPI_Cmd(SPI1,ENABLE); }
int main(void) { int i; unsigned char add[5]={110,110,8,110,110}; /*!< At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured to 120 MHz, this is done through SystemInit() function which is called from startup file (startup_stm32f2xx.s) before to branch to application main. To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to system_stm32f2xx.c file */ #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG DebugComPort_Init(); #endif initLED(); init_Timer(); //while(1); /*Initialize LCD and Leds */ //LCD_LED_Init(); delay_ms(500); for(i=0;i<100;i++) { setNumber(i); delay_ms(10); } beep(40); offSegment(3); delay_ms(100); setNumber(0); delay_ms(100); beep(40); offSegment(3); delay_ms(100); setNumber(0); delay_ms(100); beep(40); //USART2_Init(); //USART3_Init(); init_NRF1_IO(); init_NRF2_IO(); SPI1_Config(); SPI3_Config(); SPI_Cmd(SPI1, ENABLE); SPI_Cmd(SPI3, ENABLE); nrf24l01_initialize_debug(false, TX_PAYLOAD_SIZE, false); nrf24l01_clear_flush(); add[2]=8; nrf24l01_set_tx_addr(add , 5); add[2]=30; nrf24l01_set_rx_addr(add,5,0); nrf24l01_set_rf_ch(tx_channel); nrf24l02_initialize_debug(false, RX_PAYLOAD_SIZE, false); nrf24l02_clear_flush(); add[2]=8; nrf24l02_set_tx_addr(add , 5); add[2]=30; nrf24l02_set_rx_addr(add,5,0); nrf24l02_set_rf_ch(rx_channel); nrf24l02_set_as_rx(true); /* configure ethernet */ ETH_BSP_Config(); /* Initilaize the LwIP stack */ LwIP_Init(); /* UDP echoserver */ udp_echoserver_init(); /* Infinite loop */ while (1) { /* check if any packet received */ if (ETH_CheckFrameReceived()) { /* process received ethernet packet */ LwIP_Pkt_Handle(); } /* handle periodic timers for LwIP */ LwIP_Periodic_Handle(LocalTime); process_incoming_rf(); if(firstPacketRecieved==0) { demo(); setNumber(22); } } }