Exemple #1
void NRF24L01_ReadRegisterMulti(uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data, uint8_t count) {
	SPI_ReadMulti(NRF24L01_SPI, data, NRF24L01_NOP_MASK, count);
Exemple #2
 * Name : 	   
 * Input:
 * Output:  
 * Description : 
 *	Comments :
void  L9952_RefreshWDC(void){
	L9952_cr0.bit.trig ^= 0x01;  
	SPI_Send(L9952_cr0.byte, L9952_sr0.byte);  		

* Function Name: LCD_SPI_Open
* Description : Overwrites the default LCD_SPI_DataSend in the RL78 Glyph 
* Library. This routine sends a data byte to the LCD along with toggling the LCD
*   Chip Select Pin.
void LCD_SPI_DataSend(int8_t aData)
    SPI_Send(SPI_LCD, (uint8_t *)&aData, 1);
Exemple #4
 * Name : 	   
 * Input:
 * Output:  
 * Description : 
 *	Comments :
void L9952_SwitchToVbatSleep(void){
   L9952_cr0.bit.goVbat = 1;
 	SPI_Send(L9952_cr0.byte ,L9952_sr0.byte);
Exemple #5
LBT_Status TDMA_Send(uint8_t dest_address, uint8_t source_address, uint8_t *message, uint8_t length)
	uint8_t status;
	uint8_t state;
	uint8_t FIFO_Space;
	uint8_t Old_GDO;
	uint8_t Old_MSP_RX_Port_IES;
	uint8_t Old_MSP_RX_Port_IE;
	uint8_t Old_MSP_RX_Port_Out;
	LBT_Status return_status;

	// Configure machine state
	SPI_Read(GDO_RX, &Old_GDO);			// Capture and save the old setting for the GDO pin
	Old_MSP_RX_Port_IES = MSP_RX_Port_IES;	// Save the old interrupt edge select value
	Old_MSP_RX_Port_IE = MSP_RX_Port_IE;	// Save the old interrupt enable value
	Old_MSP_RX_Port_Out = MSP_RX_Port_OUT;	// Save the old value of the GDO pin port

	MSP_RX_Port_OUT &= ~MSP_RX_Pin;

	status = SPI_Send(GDO_RX, 0x06);	// Set the GDO to assert on preamble start and TX complete
	state = status & State_Bits;		// Mask off the state bits from the status byte

	if(state != SB_Idle) // If a TX was already in progress.
		return_status = Radio_Busy;
		goto Cleanup;		// Yes. A Goddamn goto.

	// Load the TX fifo
	SPI_Send(TXFIFO, length + 2);
	SPI_Send(TXFIFO, dest_address);
	SPI_Send(TXFIFO, source_address);
	status = SPI_Send_Burst(TXFIFO, message, length);	// Load the TX fifo
	FIFO_Space = status & FIFO_Bytes;		// Get the space left in the FIFO

	if(FIFO_Space == 0)	// FIFO space remaining of 0 means overflow
		return_status = TX_Buffer_Overflow;
		goto Cleanup;

	// Enable interrupt on falling edge
	MSP_RX_Port_IES |= MSP_RX_Pin;
	MSP_RX_Port_IE |= MSP_RX_Pin;

	SPI_Strobe(STX, Get_TX_FIFO); // Tell radio to transmit
	LPM3; // Sleep until TX is done, interrupt will wake up the

	return_status = Transmit_Success;

	// Clear the interrupt and set the GDO pin back to its old function here. n

	MSP_RX_Port_IFG &= ~MSP_RX_Pin;			// Clear interrupt flags before exit
	MSP_RX_Port_IES = Old_MSP_RX_Port_IES;	// Restore the old interrupt edge select value
	MSP_RX_Port_IE = Old_MSP_RX_Port_IE;	// Restore the old interrupt enable value
	MSP_RX_Port_OUT = Old_MSP_RX_Port_Out;	// Restore the old port setting
	SPI_Send(GDO_RX, Old_GDO);				// Set the GDO pin back to its old function

	return return_status;
Exemple #6
struct Listen_Struct LBT_Listen(uint16_t timeoutPeriod)
	uint8_t Old_GDO;
	uint8_t Old_MSP_RX_Port_IES;
	uint8_t Old_MSP_RX_Port_IE;
	uint8_t Old_MSP_RX_Port_Out;
	uint8_t status;
	uint8_t state;
	uint8_t buffer[64];
	LBT_Status return_status;
	struct Listen_Struct retVal;

	// Flush the RX FIFO
	SPI_Strobe(SFRX, Get_RX_FIFO);

	// Configure machine state
	SPI_Read(GDO_RX, &Old_GDO);			// Capture and save the old setting for the GDO pin
	Old_MSP_RX_Port_IES = MSP_RX_Port_IES;	// Save the old interrupt edge select value
	Old_MSP_RX_Port_IE = MSP_RX_Port_IE;	// Save the old interrupt enable value
	Old_MSP_RX_Port_Out = MSP_RX_Port_OUT;

	status = SPI_Send(GDO_RX, 0x07);	// Set the GDO to assert on pkt recieve with crc OK
	state = status & State_Bits;		// Mask off the state bits from the status byte

	if(state != SB_Idle) // If a radio is already busy
		return_status = Radio_Busy;
		goto Cleanup;		// Yes. A Goddamn goto.

	// Set GDO pin to trigger on rising edge for PKT RX
	MSP_RX_Port_IES &= ~MSP_RX_Port_IE;
	MSP_RX_Port_IE |= MSP_RX_Port_IE;
	SPI_Strobe(SRX, Get_RX_FIFO); // Set radio to listen

	Sleep_Timer(0, timeoutPeriod);

	SPI_Read_Status(RXBYTES, &status);	// Get packet status

	if(status & OverFlow) // If the buffer is overflowed dump it and don't read the values
		return_status = RX_Buffer_Overflow;
		SPI_Strobe(SFRX, Get_RX_FIFO);
		goto Cleanup;

	// Read the FIFO buffer into the out variable. IF there is no overflow then contents of the RXBYTES register is just the
	// number of bytes in the RX FIFO.
	SPI_Read_Burst(RXFIFO, buffer, status);
	return_status = Message_Recieved;

	retVal.length = buffer[0] - 5;
	retVal.address = buffer[1];
	retVal.signal = buffer[status - 2];
	retVal.Status = return_status;

	uint8_t i;
	for(i = 0; i < status - 5; i++)
		retVal.payload[i] = buffer[i + 3];

	// Restore old machine state
	MSP_RX_Port_IE = Old_MSP_RX_Port_IE;	// Restore the old interrupt enable value
	MSP_RX_Port_IFG &= ~MSP_RX_Pin;			// Clear interrupt flags before exit
	MSP_RX_Port_IES = Old_MSP_RX_Port_IES;	// Restore the old interrupt edge select value
	MSP_RX_Port_OUT = Old_MSP_RX_Port_Out;	// Restore the old port setting
	SPI_Send(GDO_RX, Old_GDO);				// Set the GDO pin back to its old function

	return retVal;
Exemple #7
 * Initialises the MMC into SPI mode and sets block size(512), returns  
 * 0 on success  
int mmc_init() 
  DWORD i; 
  /* Generate a data pattern for write block */ 
    MMCWRData[i] = i; 
  MMCStatus = 0; 
  IOSET0 = SPI_SEL; /* set SPI SSEL */ 
  /* initialise the MMC card into SPI mode by sending 80 clks on */ 
  /* Use MMCRDData as a temporary buffer for SPI_Send() */  
  for(i=0; i<10; i++)  
    MMCRDData[i] = 0xFF; 
  SPI_Send( MMCRDData, 10 ); 
  IOCLR0 = SPI_SEL; /* clear SPI SSEL */ 
  /* send CMD0(RESET or GO_IDLE_STATE) command, all the arguments  
  are 0x00 for the reset command, precalculated checksum */ 
  MMCCmd[0] = 0x40; 
  MMCCmd[1] = 0x00; 
  MMCCmd[2] = 0x00; 
  MMCCmd[3] = 0x00; 
  MMCCmd[4] = 0x00; 
  MMCCmd[5] = 0x95; 
  SPI_Send( MMCCmd, MMC_CMD_SIZE ); 
  /* if = 1 then there was a timeout waiting for 0x01 from the MMC */ 
  if( mmc_response(0x01) == 1 ) 
    IOSET0 = SPI_SEL; /* set SPI SSEL */ 
      return MMCStatus; 
  /* Send some dummy clocks after GO_IDLE_STATE */ 
  IOSET0 = SPI_SEL; /* set SPI SSEL */ 
  IOCLR0 = SPI_SEL; /* clear SPI SSEL */ 
  /* must keep sending command until zero response ia back. */ 
    /* send mmc CMD1(SEND_OP_COND) to bring out of idle state */ 
    /* all the arguments are 0x00 for command one */ 
    MMCCmd[0] = 0x41; 
    MMCCmd[1] = 0x00; 
    MMCCmd[2] = 0x00; 
    MMCCmd[3] = 0x00; 
    MMCCmd[4] = 0x00; 
    /* checksum is no longer required but we always send 0xFF */ 
    MMCCmd[5] = 0xFF; 
    SPI_Send( MMCCmd, MMC_CMD_SIZE ); 
  } while ( (mmc_response(0x00) != 0) && (i>0) ); 
  /* timeout waiting for 0x00 from the MMC */ 
  if ( i == 0 ) 
    IOSET0 = SPI_SEL; /* set SPI SSEL */ 
   return MMCStatus; 
  /* Send some dummy clocks after SEND_OP_COND */ 
  IOSET0 = SPI_SEL; /* set SPI SSEL */ 
  IOCLR0 = SPI_SEL; /* clear SPI SSEL */ 
  /* send MMC CMD16(SET_BLOCKLEN) to set the block length */ 
  MMCCmd[0] = 0x50; 
  MMCCmd[1] = 0x00;      /* 4 bytes from here is the block length */ 
                /* LSB is first */      
                /* 00 00 00 10 set to 16 bytes */ 
                /* 00 00 02 00 set to 512 bytes */ 
  MMCCmd[2] = 0x00; 
  /* high block length bits - 512 bytes */ 
  MMCCmd[3] = 0x02; 
  /* low block length bits */ 
  MMCCmd[4] = 0x00; 
  /* checksum is no longer required but we always send 0xFF */ 
  MMCCmd[5] = 0xFF; 
  SPI_Send( MMCCmd, MMC_CMD_SIZE ); 
  if( (mmc_response(0x00))==1 ) 
    IOSET0 = SPI_SEL;  /* set SPI SSEL */ 
	   return MMCStatus; 
  IOSET0 = SPI_SEL;    /* set SPI SSEL */ 
  return 0; 
Exemple #8
/* write a block of data based on the length that has been set 
 * in the SET_BLOCKLEN command. 
 * Send the WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK command out first, check the  
 * R1 response, then send the data start token(bit 0 to 0) followed by  
 * the block of data. The test program sets the block length to 512  
 * bytes. When the data write finishs, the response should come back  
 * as 0xX5 bit 3 to 0 as 0101B, then another non-zero value indicating  
 * that MMC card is in idle state again. 
int mmc_write_block(WORD block_number) 
  WORD varl, varh; 
  BYTE Status; 
  IOCLR0 = SPI_SEL; /* clear SPI SSEL */ 
  /* block size has been set in mmc_init() */ 
  /* send mmc CMD24(WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK) to write the data to MMC card */ 
  MMCCmd[0] = 0x58; 
  /* high block address bits, varh HIGH and LOW */ 
  MMCCmd[1] = varh >> 0x08; 
  MMCCmd[2] = varh & 0xFF; 
  /* low block address bits, varl HIGH and LOW */ 
  MMCCmd[3] = varl >> 0x08; 
  MMCCmd[4] = varl & 0xFF; 
  /* checksum is no longer required but we always send 0xFF */ 
  MMCCmd[5] = 0xFF; 
  /* if mmc_response returns 1 then we failed to get a 0x00 response */ 
    IOSET0 = SPI_SEL;    /* set SPI SSEL */ 
   return MMCStatus; 
  /* Set bit 0 to 0 which indicates the beginning of the data block */ 
  MMCCmd[0] = 0xFE; 
  SPI_Send( MMCCmd, 1 ); 
  /* send data, pattern as 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05 ...*/ 
  /* Send dummy checksum */ 
  /* when the last check sum is sent, the response should come back 
  immediately. So, check the SPI FIFO MISO and make sure the status 
  return 0xX5, the bit 3 through 0 should be 0x05 */  
  MMCCmd[0] = 0xFF; 
  MMCCmd[1] = 0xFF; 
    SPI_Send( MMCCmd, 2 ); 
  Status = SSP_SendRecvByteByte(); 
  if ( (Status & 0x0F) != 0x05 ) 
    IOSET0 = SPI_SEL;    /* set SPI SSEL */ 
   return MMCStatus; 
  /* if the status is already zero, the write hasn't finished 
  yet and card is busy */  
    IOSET0 = SPI_SEL;    /* set SPI SSEL */ 
   return MMCStatus; 
  IOSET0 = SPI_SEL;      /* set SPI SSEL */ 
  return 0; 